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101 - 2021 - 3 Edahod5

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EDAHOD5/101 /2021

Tutorial letter: 101/2021



Semester 1 & 2


Department of Curriculum and Instructional



This tutorial letter contains important information

about the examination and feedback on Assignments 01



1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 3
2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES .......................................................................................... 4
2.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Outcomes .......................................................................................................................... 4
3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS ...................................................................... 5
3.1 Lecturer(s) ......................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Department ....................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 University .......................................................................................................................... 6
4 RESOURCES ................................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Prescribed book(s) ............................................................................................................ 6
4.2 Recommended book(s) ..................................................................................................... 7
4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves) ....................................................................................... 7
4.4 Library services and resources ......................................................................................... 7
5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES .................................................................................... 8
6 STUDY PLAN ................................................................................................................... 8
7 PRACTICAL WORK ......................................................................................................... 8
8 ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................. 8
8.1 Assessment criteria ........................................................................................................... 8
8.2 Assessment plan ............................................................................................................... 8
8.3 Assignment numbers......................................................................................................... 8
8.3.1 General assignment numbers ........................................................................................... 9
8.3.2 Unique assignment numbers............................................................................................. 9
8.4 Assignment due dates ..................................................................................................... 10
8.5 Submission of assignments ............................................................................................. 10
8.6 The assignments ............................................................................................................. 10
8.7 Other assessment methods ............................................................................................ 12
8.8 The examination .................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


9 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS .................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

10 SOURCES CONSULTED ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
11 IN CLOSING ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
12 ADDENDUM ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Dear Student


Dear Student

The Department of Curriculum and Instructional Studies is pleased to welcome you to the module
called. The Educator as Assessor (EDAHOD5). We hope that you will find it both interesting and
rewarding. You will be well on your way to success if you start studying early in the semester and
resolve to do your assignments thoroughly and timeously. During the semester you will receive
several tutorial letters relating to EDAHOD5. I will do my best to make your study of this module
successful. A tutorial letter is my way of communicating with you about teaching, learning, and
assessment. Please join our discussions on myUnisa too to stay updated with the latest
announcements, resources, and information on this module.

This tutorial letter contains important information about the scheme of work, resources, and
assignments for this module. You are urged to read it carefully and to keep it at hand when
working through the study material, preparing the assignments, preparing for the examination, and
addressing questions to me. In this tutorial letter, you will find the assignments and assessment
criteria as well as for instructions on the preparation and submission of the assignments. It also
provides all the information you need concerning the prescribed study material and other
resources and how to obtain them. Please study this information carefully and make sure that you
obtain the prescribed material as soon as possible.

Please read Tutorial Letter 301 in combination with this tutorial letter as it gives you an idea of
generally important information when studying at a distance and within a particular college. We

have also included certain general and administrative information about this module. Please study
this section of the tutorial letter carefully. Right from the start, I would like to point out that you
must read all the tutorial letters you receive during the year immediately and carefully, as they
always contain important and, sometimes, urgent information. Some of these tutorial letters may
not be available when you register. Should a tutorial letter not be available when you register, it
will be posted to you, as soon as possible? It is, however, also available on myUnisa. I hope that
you will enjoy this module and I wish you all the best.

2.1 Purpose

The purpose of this module is to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to
assess learners. The module focuses on the role of the assessor in assessing learners. All
educators should be able to fulfill this responsibility.

The Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) covers six roles of the educator,

1. The educator as a mediator of learning

2. The educator as the developer of the learning programme

3. The educator as assessor

4. The educator as a leader, manager, and administrator

5. The educator as a researcher, scholar, and lifelong learner

6. The educator in a pastoral role

The seventh role, namely the educator as a subject specialist, is covered by the subject didactics
and learning area didactics that form part of your training.

This module is focused on your role as an assessor.

2.2 Outcomes

Students who are competent in their role as assessors can practically demonstrate the ability to
plan and prepare assessments for learners.

To be able to show that you can plan and prepare assessments for your learners, you have to
learn to do the following in this module. These are the learning outcomes (LO’s) for the module:

LO 1: Describe assessment within the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement framework.

LO 2: Demonstrate an understanding of the principles that underpin assessment.

LO 3: Design and administer assessment tasks and strategies appropriate to the learning context
and the area of specialisation.

LO 4: Assess and systematically record the progress of learners.

LO 5: Report of learner achievement effectively.

LO 6: Use assessment results to provide constructive feedback on learner progress and


LO 7: Interpret and use assessment results to inform future teaching and learning processes.


3.1 Lecturer(s)

Your lecturers for the module The Educator as Assessor is Dr. A.S. Mawela and Mr. S.B.
Mahlambi. You are welcome to discuss any problems related to the content of the module. My
contact details are as follows:

Dr. A.S. Mawela/ Mr. S.B. Mahlambi

Department of Curriculum and Instructional Studies
Radipere Building 6--35
Muckleneuk Campus
Preller Street

P O Box 392
Tel: (012) 429 4381 or (012) 429 2629

E-mail: mawelas@unisa.ac.za or emahlasb@unisa.ac.za

All academic queries that are not purely administrative but relate to the content of this module
should be directed to me. Please have your study material with you when you contact me.

Please note: Letters to lecturers may not be enclosed with or inserted into assignments.

3.2 Department

Department of Curriculum and Instructional Studies

P O Box 392

Radipere Building 6-35

Mucleneuk Campus
Preller Street
Tel: (012) 429 4381/2629

3.3 University


If you need to contact the University about administrative matters not related to the content of this
module, please consult the publication Study @ Unisa, which you received with your study
material. This brochure contains information on how to contact the University (e.g. to whom you
can write for different queries, important telephone and fax numbers, addresses and details of the
times certain facilities are open). Always have your student number at hand when you contact the
University. Please note that all administrative inquiries should be directed to the applicable section
at Unisa. The details are as follows:
E-mail: study-info@unisa.ac.za

4.1 Prescribed book(s)

The following book is integrated with the study material and is prescribed for this module: The
educator as assessor. Second edition. 2014. JM Dreyer (editor). Pretoria. Van Schaik
Publishers. ISBN 9780627031151.


Please do not use the first edition of this book as it is not relevant to assessment in terms of what
is required in the current CAPS curriculum implemented in South Africa.

4.2 Recommended book(s)

There are no recommended books for this module.

4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves)

There are no electronic reserves for this module.

4.4 Library services and resources

The Unisa Library offers a range of information services and resources:

• for detailed Library, information go to http://www.unisa.ac.za/sites/corporate/default/Library

• for research support and services (e.g. personal librarians and literature search services) go to
The Library has created numerous Library guides: http://libguides.unisa.ac.za

Recommended guides:

• Request and download recommended material:

• Postgraduate information services:
• Finding and using library resources and tools:
• Frequently asked questions about the Library:
• Services to students living with disabilities:

For information on the various student support systems and services available at Unisa (e.g.
student counseling; tutorial classes; language support), please consult the publication Study @
Unisa that you received with your study material.

Please consult Study @ Unisa for a generic study plan. Adapt this study plan to your specific
needs and context. The plan contains valuable time management and planning skills.

The practical work for this module comprises a teaching practice period of five weeks. You are
expected to be actively involved in learners’ assessments. This includes designing assessment
activities, different assessment tools, how to assess learners, how to give learners feedback, how
to record learners’ work and how feedback is given to different stakeholders. The subject teacher
at your placement school will have to assist you. Further details about teaching practice are
supplied in PTEAC2Y and TPR200F).

8.1 Assessment criteria

Assignments are seen as part of the learning material for this module. As you do the assignments,
study the reading texts, consult other resources, discuss the work with fellow students or e-tutors,
or do research, you are actively engaged in learning. Looking at the assessment criteria given for
each assignment will help you to understand what is required of you more clearly.

8.2 Assessment plan

Unisa is following a continuous assessment system. So, you will be able to accumulate marks
throughout the semester. Your promotion mark comprises a semester mark of 20% and an
examination mark of 80%.
Assignment: 01 will count -10%
Assignment: 02 will count -10%

Your semester mark will be compiled as follows:

The total will then be 20%

Examination mark 80%
Final mark 100%


Submitting a well-prepared Assignment 01 and Assignment 02 will, therefore, be to your benefit.

Please note: you need a subminimum of 40% in the examination to benefit from your semester
mark. In other words, you will have to pass the examination (which means that you have to obtain
a minimum of 50%).
You have to submit both Assignment 01 and Assignment 02 to obtain admission to the
examination. If you fail to submit any one or both of the assignments, you will not have admission
to the examination.

8.3 Assignment numbers

8.3.1 General assignment numbers

Remember that your assignment must have precisely the same number as the number indicated
in this tutorial letter. Assignments are numbered consecutively per module, starting from 01. Only
numerical numbers are used, for example, Assignment 01, 02, and so on.

Specify the module code and assignment number in all inquiries about assignments.

8.3.2 Unique assignment numbers

Semester 1

Unique number Assignment number Due Date

772235 Assignment No.01 2021/05/21

811006 Assignment No.02 2021/06/25

Semester 2

Unique number Assignment number Due Date

551049 Assignment No.01 2021/08/10

537067 Assignment No.01 2021/08/27

8.4 Assignment due dates

For Semester 1 assignment No.01, the opening date for submission is 2021-03-13 and the
submission cut-off date will be 2021-03-29. For assignment No.02, the opening date is 2019-04-08
and the cut-off date is 2021-04-24.

For Semester 2 assignment No.01, the opening date for submission is 20210802 and the
submission cut-off date will be 20210816. For assignment No.02, the opening date is 20180907
and the submission cut-off date is 20210920.

8.5 Submission of assignments

PLEASE NOTE: Enquiries about assignments (e.g. whether or not the University has received
your assignment or the date on which an assignment was returned to you) must be directed to the
Department of Student Assessment and Administration (DSAA) You might also find information on
MyUnisa. To go to the MyUnisa website, start at the main Unisa website, http://www.unisa.ac.za,
and then click on the ‘Login to MyUnisa’ link under the MyUnisa heading on the screen. This


should take you to the MyUnisa website. You can also go there directly by typing in
Assignments should be addressed to:

Department of Student Assessment and Administration

PO Box 392
You may submit written assignments and assignments done on mark-reading sheets either by
post or electronically via myUnisa. For detailed information and requirements as far as
assignments are concerned, see the brochure Study @ Unisa.
NB: Assignments may not be submitted by fax or sent to the lecturer’s e-mail address.

To submit an assignment via myUnisa:

▪ Go to myUnisa.
▪ Login in with your student number and password.
▪ Select the module.
▪ Click on Assignments in the menu on the left.
▪ Click on the number of the assignment you want to submit.
▪ Follow the instructions on the screen.

Since your examination paper at the end of the year will also be based on your
assignments, it is in your interest to complete them assignments thoroughly.

You have to use at least, the prescribed textbook, the NPA, and the CAPS as well as the
tutorial letters for this module in responding to the assignments. You are welcome to
consult other sources as well, but this is not a compulsory requirement. You have to list all
sources used in a complete list of references according to the Harvard method of

Pay particular attention to the assessment grids to be used in assessing your assignments.
These are included so that you will respond exactly as is required in the tutorial letters.

You are reminded of the seriousness of submitting work that is authentic and not
plagiarised. If you hand in assignments that are not your original work, the measures
contained in the Unisa Code of Conduct will apply. The University authorities regard
plagiarised work as serious misconduct and illegal practice and we will act upon such
misconduct in the strongest possible way.

8.6 The assignments

Please note that the word “assignment” is the only acceptable term used to refer to assignments.
Assignments 01 and Assignment 02 follow. You should be able to answer these by consulting your
textbook (The Educator as Assessor), your study guide / Tutorial Letter 501, and the internet.
NB: Important information about completing assignments

▪ Make sure that you respond to the assignments designed for the SEMESTER you are
registered for – do not submit Semester 2 assignments if you are registered for the first
semester and do not submit Semester 1 assignments if you are registered for Semester 2.
It may be a good idea to mark the assignments you have to submit clearly to avoid a
mistake in this regard.
▪ You are expected to complete both assignments and answer all questions set in the

In each assignment, make sure that you provide the following:

✓ cover page including the title or topic of your response to the assignment. ‘’Assignment 01”
is NOT an appropriate title or topic for an assignment. Demonstrate your understanding of
the module content by drafting an appropriate short title of a topic for your assignment.
✓ a declaration of authenticity, namely that it is your work that is submitted
✓ a concise table of content, containing the main headings and page numbers only – no sub-
headings should be included.
✓ a very brief introduction that introduces the title to the reader in one sentence and indicates
what is contained in the response
✓ responses to the assignment questions, each provided with an appropriate heading – these
headings should appear in the table of contents.
✓ references to sources used in the text every time such sources are used. These must be
done according to the Harvard method of referencing.


✓ a summary or conclusion of the overall answer to the assignment which briefly indicates the
meaning of the assignment.
✓ a list of sources consulted. This list must be according to the Harvard method as well.

Along with the answers to the assignment questions, also respond to the reflection questions (this
is compulsory even though marks are not allocated).

▪ You may submit assignments in typed or handwritten format.

▪ Both assignments for the semester may be submitted to the University either by snail mail
(post) or electronically via myUnisa. However, we strongly encourage you to submit your
assignments via the myUnisa platform, as this makes it easier to track your submissions,
while you will also receive feedback sooner.

▪ Plagiarism is not allowed at all. If you commit plagiarism, the University is obliged to subject
you to a disciplinary hearing. If you are found guilty, you may be suspended and excluded
from studying at all universities (including Unisa) for several years. Students are not
allowed to submit identical assignments on the basis that they worked together. That is
copying (which constitutes a form of plagiarism). NO such assignments will be marked.
Furthermore, you may be penalised or subjected to disciplinary proceedings by the

▪ Read questions more than twice to get a better understanding before attempting to answer

▪ Do not use answers to the assignment questions to study the content of the module. First
study the content (textbook, Tutorial Letter 501, the NPA, and CAPS) before attempting to
answer the questions.


NB: Please do not respond to the assignments for SEMESTER 2!

Assignment: 01 (Compulsory)

Due Date: 2021/05/21

Unique number: 772235

You should do this assignment only AFTER you have finished studying the contents of the whole
module as contained in the prescribed textbook “The Educators as Assessor”, the study guide
(Tutorial Letter 501), and the NPA and the CAPS document for the phase and/or subject you will
teach after completing the PGCE. Number the questions as they are on the assignment. NB:
Answer all questions in ENGLISH.

Question 1

1.1. Mention four types of assessment, state the purpose of each, and indicate one form of
assessment that can be used in each type. (12)

1.2. What is the purpose of using the following approaches in assessment?

1.2.1. Self-assessment (2)
1.2.2. Group assessment (2)
1.2.3. Teacher assessment (2)

1.3. List six purposes of using observation as an assessment tool. (6)

1.4. Explain the purposes of recording and reporting in assessment. (4)

1.4.1. Recording:
1.4.2. Reporting:

Question 2

2.1. Make use of CAPS topics to design two different assessment activities for your specific grade,
and subject. NB: Marks will be allocated as follows: (2x10=20)
• Describing designed activities (Each design must reflect the topic, your purpose for
assessing the learners, the activity learners must do as well as the end product to be
submitted for assessment). Designing workable assessment instruments or tools, including


an appropriate caption, assessment criteria, spaces for the learner, teacher/assessor and
moderator names, date of assessment and moderation, mark allocation, the minimum
standard required (‘’pass mark’’), and comments.

2.2. In a separate response indicate how you would apply five principles underpinning the
approach to both recording and reporting according to the Department of Basic
Education’s national policy about promotion requirements. Refer to the second
(summative) assessment activity described above in response to 2.2) in this regard. (10)

Question 3

3.1. Why is planning for assessment in any grade/phase important? (3)

3.2. Mention four documents that provide the framework for planning assessments in the
school context. (8)

3.3. With relevant examples taken from teaching and assessing practice in the phase and/or

the subject of your choice, briefly illustrate your understanding of the assessment principles

listed below. Your responses must refer to the assessment process, the assessment method, or

assessment evidence in every case:

3.3.1. Reliability- (2)

3.3.2. Fairness- (2)

3.3.3. Authenticity- (2)

3.3.4. Validity- (2)

3.3.5. Sufficiency- (2)

3.4. You should always take into consideration diversity when teaching and assessing
learners in the class. With relevant examples of assessment activities, mention and
explain three different assessment and learning styles. (9)

3.5. Can any assessment completely avoid being bias? Refer to assessor objectivity to support
your answer. Support your answer (yes or No) (4)

3.6. Indicate two ways in which integrated summative assessment tasks (ISAT) can be
done. (4)

3.7. List the three types of alternative assessments that can be used for learners with
disabilities, or for learners who experience barriers to learning. Indicate in every case
for which common or ‘’normal’’ alternative assessment is used. (6)
Total: 100 marks


Assignment: 02 (Compulsory)

Closing date: 2021/06/25

Unique number: 811006

You should do this assignment only AFTER you have finished studying the contents of the whole
module as contained in the prescribed textbook “The Educators as Assessor”, the study guide
(Tutorial Letter 501), and the NPA and the CAPS document for the phase and/or subject you will
teach after completing the PGCE. Number the questions as they are on the assignment. NB:
Answer all questions in ENGLISH.

Questions 1.

1.1. Define the following terms

a) Assessment for learning 2x1=2

b) Assessment of learning 2x1=2

c) Assessment as learning 2x1=2

d) Assessment in learning 2x1=2

1.2. Compare the following assessment terms as they apply in school context

a) Assessment vs Evaluation 2x2=4

b) Self-assessment vs Teacher assessment 2x2=4

c) Peer-assessment vs group-assessment 2x2=4


Question 2

2.1. As an assessor, you need to know how to use the National Protocol for Assessment (NPA)
and Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) document of the subject of your choice
to develop an assessment activity. Design the Diagnostic assessment activity for your learners
using the following guidelines:

2.1.1. Which subject, grade, the topic is assessed? 3x1=3

2.1.2. Indicate the purpose of the assessment activity according to the CAPS document?

2.1.3. Who is going to write the assessment? 1x1=1

2.1.4. Who is going to be the assessor? Give a reason 2x2=4

2.1.5. Which assessment instrument will be used to assess the activity? Give a reason

to justify why you opted in using the assessment instrument 2x2=4

2.1.6. Where will this assessment take place? Justify the choice of venue 2x2=4

2.1.7. How will the following principles of assessment be employed in this assessment,

fair and reliability? 2x2=4

2.1.8. State two measures that you will put in place to address barriers to

learning in your assessment? 2x2=4

2.1.9. Indicate one learning style that the assessment will focus on, and why? 2x2=4


Question 3

The CAPS document identifies four steps involved in assessment, namely: generating and
collecting evidence of achievement, evaluating this evidence, recording the findings, and
using the information.

3.1 Briefly describe the importance of the following in assessing the learners in your subject:

3.1.1. Continuous collection of learner’s evidence of achievement 2x2=4

3.1.2. Formal monitoring of learner’s performance 2x2=4

3.1.3. Informal monitoring of learner’s performance 2x2=4

3.1.4. Recording the findings of learner’s performance 2x2=4

3.1.5. Reporting the learner’ performance to the learner and the parents 2x2=4

3.1.6. Teachers’ accountability of the learner’ performance to stakeholders 2x2=4



Question 4

(NB: Read the article on Multi-grade attached on MyUnisa, announcements before

answering the below questions)

4.1. Assessment in a multi-grade (more than one grade in one class) differs from a normal
class (single grade). Design an assessment activity in which you will be assessing two
different grades that are in one class on the same subject and topic. Your assessment should
indicate the following:
4.1.1. Indicate the two grades, subject and topic 3x1=3
4.1.2. Which form of assessment are learners going to be assessed? 2x1=2
4.1.3. Indicate the purpose of assessment according to CAPS document, (even
though the topic is the same, the purpose might not be the same, considering
the different grades) 2x2=4
4.1.4. How will you ensure that the assessment is credible and fair to both grades? 2x2=4
4.1.5. Justify, how will take into account the three learning styles (haptic, visual, and
auditory) when assessing the learners? 3x2=6
4.1.6. What is the expected end product of the assessment activity? 2x1=2
4.1.7. during the assessment activity will you allow learners in upper grade to assist
those in a lower grade (E.G. grade 9 assisting grade 8 learners)?
Support your answer. 2x1=2
4.1.7. Briefly illustrate how will you give feedback to the learners, consider that
you have two grades in one class when answering this question. 3x1=3


TOTAL (100)

Please do not respond to the assignments for SEMESTER 1!

Assignment: 1(Compulsory)
Closing date: 2021/08/10
Unique Number: 551049

You should do this assignment only AFTER you have finished studying the contents of the whole
module as contained in the prescribed textbook “The Educators as Assessor”, the study guide
(Tutorial Letter 501), and the NPA and the CAPS document for the phase and/or subject you will
teach after completing the PGCE. Number the questions as they are on the assignment. NB:
Answer all questions in ENGLISH.

Question 1

1.1. Observation is a critical skill that must be developed over time, and that requires a great
deal of practice and experience. Briefly indicate five basic principles for successful
observation. 5x2=10

1.2. Indicate four ultimate purposes of assessment in the intermediate and senior phase
Refer to page 62 of ‘The Educator as Assessor’ 4x1=4

1.3. Refer to page 100 of the ‘The Educator as Assessor’ and outline four purposes of
Assessment in the Further Education and Training (FET). 4x1=4

1.4. State whether the following statements are True or False

1.4.1. Assessment is continuous, it must be planned for at all levels and steps in the teaching and
learning process. 2x1=2

1.4.2. In SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority) documentation (e.g. SAQA unit
standards), assessment criteria are defined as descriptions of the required type and quality
of evidence against which candidates are to be assessed. 2x1=2

1.4.3. An assessor does not need to know whether learners are learning, at what level they are
learning, whether they understand what they are learning, and what they still need to learn.


1.4.4. Baseline assessment takes place at the end of learning and is used to determine what
learners know and can do. 2x1=2


1.4.5. A learner’s profile is a cumulative record of the learner’s performance. It must be kept so
that, when a learner moves from grade to grade, school to school, teacher to teacher, or
province to province, there is an overall record of what the learner has achieved throughout
his or her learning path. 2x1=2

1.5. According to the Department of Basic Education, what are the two main purposes

of reporting learner’s performance? 2x1=2


Question 2

2.1. Match column A, phrases with column B statements. Write down the number in column A,
and the correct matching Alphabet in column B. E.G. 2.1. F

No Column A Column B
2.1. Diversity of A The assessment must produce the same results when
learning judged by more than one teacher or when the
evidence is judged over several occasions.
2.2. Parental B These learners learn best when they see text and
involvement pictures of what they are studying
2.3. Reliability C Teachers need to be able to assess learners
according to their learning styles and multiple
intelligences, to allow all learners equal opportunities
to achieve the desired skills.
2.4. Visual learning D Teachers should assess the learners’ progress daily
style during learning activities
2.5 Informal E Teachers need to involve parents from the start of the
assessment school year by explaining the assessment that is
going to take place during the year.


2.2. Mention and describe four methods that are used in recording evidence of learners’

performance. 4x2=8

2.3. Assessment planning.

2.3.1. Indicate the main aim of assessment planning 2x1=2

2.3.2. Mention four policy documents that are important when designing an assessment

plan? 4x2=8

2.3.3. There are three basic key questions that a teacher should be able to answer when

Designing his/her assessment plan. Mention them. 3x2=6

2.3.4. When planning your assessment, how will you make sure that your assessment

activities are:

a) Valid, 2x1=2

b) reliable, 2x1=2

c) fair, 2x1=2

d) credible, and 2x1=2

e) sufficient 2x1=2


Question 3

3.1. Bloom’s Taxonomy provides six categories that are essential in when design an
assessment activity and or any form of assessment in learning. Briefly describe each of the
category below:

3.1.1. Remembering 2x1=2

3.1.2. Understanding 2x1=2

3.1.3. Applying 2x1=2

3.1.4. Analysing 2x1=2

3.1.5. Evaluating 2x1=2

3.1.6. Creating 2x1=2



3.2. Develop Eight assessment guidelines and their descriptions for your specific subject

and grade. (8x2=16)


TOTAL (100)



a) What pedagogical knowledge and skills have you gained by doing this assignment?
b) Which Assessment values have you gained as a teacher to be?
c) Which strengths could you apply in your future as an educator in class?
d) Which shortcomings do you need to address in the future?
e) To what extent have you achieved the learning intentions/outcomes formulated
for each study unit? (Remember to specify the learning intentions/ outcomes which
you have achieved).


Please do not respond to the assignments for SEMESTER 1!

Assignment: 02 (Compulsory)
Closing date: 2021/08/27
Unique Number: 537067

You should do this assignment only AFTER you have finished studying the contents of the whole
module as contained in the prescribed textbook “The Educators as Assessor”, the study guide
(Tutorial Letter 501), and the NPA and the CAPS document for the phase and/or subject you will
teach after completing the PGCE. Number the questions as they are on the assignment. NB:
Answer all questions in ENGLISH.


Question 1

1.1. Which word or phrase best describes the following statements

1.1.1. The method of assessment is suited to the outcome being assessed. 2x1=2

1.1.2. The method of assessment does not present any barriers to the achievement

of the outcome at hand. 2x1=2

1.1.3. The methods used allow for easily arranged, cost-effective assessments that

do not unduly interfere with learning. 2x1=2

1.1.4. Evidence collection is integrated into the work or learning process where

this is appropriate and feasible. 2x1=2

1.1.5. the evidence is sufficient proof that the candidate can perform the

assessment outcomes at the assessor declare the candidate competent. 2x1=2


1.2. Differentiate the below assessment terminologies according to CAPS

1.2.1. Assessment for learning vs Assessment of learning 4)

1.2.2. Assessment as learning vs Assessment in learning 4)

1.2.3. Authentic assessment vs systematic assessment 4)

1.2.4. Play-based assessment and cognitive development assessment 4)



Question 2

2.1. learners’ portfolios are an important and useful tool for effective assessment. They serve as
documentation of assessment information. Teachers’ observation of learners in action, informal

assessments, and learners’ work products are collected, reviewed, shared with parents and other
learners, and documented in the learners’ portfolios. Give a full description of ‘what is a learner’s
portfolio’ as illustrated in ‘The Educator as Assessor on page 52’. (5x2=10)

2.2. barriers to learning should not hinder fair assessment. According to ‘White paper 6’ teachers
need to know how to handle, teach, and assess these learners.

2.2.1. Indicate four classifications of barriers that the teacher should take into consideration
when assessing learners. (4x2=8)

2.2.2. Mention and explain the three types of alternative assessments that you need to take into
account when assessing learners. (3x2=6)

2.2.3. Briefly explain how will you involve parents to participate in the assessment of a learner with
learning barriers. (3x2=6)

Question 3

3.1. The main purpose of reporting is to provide learners with regular feedback.

3.1.1. To give constructive feedback on observation as an assessment tool, the

the teacher should be familiar with the basic principles for successful observation.

State five basic principles of observation. (5x2=10)

3.1.2. What will be the role of School Based Assessment Team in providing constructive

feedback to learners? (3x2=6)

3.1.3. What should be included in a learners’ Report Card as part of feedback? (2x2=4)

3.1.4. Beside the learner, who-else is entitled to the learners’ feedback? Give reasons. (2x2=4)

3.1.5. For you to be able to give a good feedback after conducting the Oral assessment,

you should be able to know the guidelines for conducting the oral assessment.
Indicate four. (4x2=8)


Question 4

4.1 Classrooms are made of learners with different abilities and learning styles, and such
learners should be catered for when designing an assessment activity. Tabulate the differences
between the learning styles by showing the learning style, the definition and at least 2 assessment
forms that that be used for assessment. (3x3=9)

4.2 Provide three reasons why the assessment should be moderated. (3x1=3)

TOTAL (100)



a) What pedagogical knowledge and skills have you gained by doing this assignment?
b) Which Assessment values have you gained as a teacher to be?
c) Which strengths could you apply in your future as an educator in class?
d) Which shortcomings do you need to address in the future?
e) To what extent have you achieved the learning intentions/outcomes formulated
for each study unit? (Remember to specify the learning intentions/ outcomes which
you have achieved).


1. The examination

1.1. Examination admission

Examination submission is solely dependent upon submission of Assignment 01 or 02.

Assignments will count 20% towards your final mark and the examination 80%.

1.2. How will this work in practice?

As explained above you need to qualify to write the examination, as there is no automatic
admission. To qualify, you MUST submit Assignment 01 or 02 on or before the due date.

1.3. Examination period

This module is offered in a semester of fifteen weeks. This means that if you are registered for
the first semester, you will write the examination in May/June 2017 and the supplementary
examination in October/November 2017. If you are registered for the second semester you will
write the examination in October/November 2017 and the supplementary examination will be
written in May/June 2018.

During a particular semester, the Examination Section will provide you with information regarding
the examination in general, examination venues, examination dates, and examination times
about the module.

2.4. Examination paper

There is one two-hour examination paper for EDAHOD5.

1.4. Previous examination papers

Previous examination papers are available to students. We advise you, however, not to focus on
old examination papers only as of the content of modules and therefore examination papers
changes from year to year. You may, however, accept that the type of questions that will be
asked in the examination will be similar to those asked in the assignments.


NB: In terms of a decision reached by the College, lecturers may not demarcate or “scope”
specific work for examination purposes and examination questions should be based on all the
work covering the notional hours of modules. Lecturers should encourage students to learn
everything. In cases where competencies or skills are assessed differently during the tuition
period, the various methods of assessment will be spelled out clearly by the lecturer in Tutorial
Letter 201.

According to Assessment Procedure Manual 2013, paragraph 4.5.2(e), the examination

memoranda (guidelines, rubrics, and so on) shall not be made available to students.


The My Studies @ Unisa brochure contains an A-Z guide to the most relevant information.

The frequently asked questions in this module (EDAHOD5) are:

Question: I need more time to complete my assignment.

Answer: It is not possible to extend the due date by more than a week. If your circumstances
compel you to hand in one of the essay-type assignments late, you have to ask for permission to
do so before the due date. No extensions are granted for multiple-choice assignments.

Question: If I repeat the module, do I have to submit assignments again?

Answer: A repeating student has to submit all the assignments again. Students will not gain
admission to the examinations without the submission of Assignment 01.

Question: I do not have internet access.

Answer: You can access the internet at all Unisa regional offices.

Question: I have not yet received my study material. Can you send it to me?
Answer: No, unfortunately, the study material is kept in a different department. Please contact
the relevant section and ask whether the specific item has been dispatched. If it has been
dispatched and you have not received it after a reasonable period, ask for another copy to be
dispatched. You can also find your study material on MyUnisa. Refer to paragraph 1.1 on how to
access MyUnisa.

2.6. Guidelines for Examination preparation

1. Please take note that no delimitation of the content of modules may be made in guidelines for
the examination anymore. All the content in Tutorial Letter 501 and the prescribed textbook is
being examined in the examination paper.

2. The examination duration is 2 hours and the mark allocation is 100.

3. Contrary to previous years’ papers, THERE ARE NO MCQs in this semester’s paper. This
means that your knowledge and understanding of all concepts related to assessment in
education will be assessed in two ways. Directly employing short paragraph type questions
requiring you to define or describe or explain such concepts and indirectly in longer type
questions when you have to apply your understanding to assessment to your context, i.e.
assessing learners in your phase, subject, and grades you teach / would teach.

4. The paper consists of a series of paragraph-type questions of varied mark allocation.

5. Use Verbs from Blooms’ taxonomy

6. Collectively the questions in the paper are aimed at assessing your understanding as well as
your ability to apply such understanding to assessing learners in the subject you intend to teach.

7. The mark allocation to the questions in the paper varies considerably. Shorter-type questions
have mark allocations from 5, 8, and 10 up to 12 and 13 marks per question. Longer type
questions where you have to apply what you have learned in this module to your context vary
from 21 marks to as much as 31 marks per question. The questions requiring higher-order
thinking have higher mark allocations than those requiring lower-order thinking. Use the mark
allocation to manage time during the examination.

8. Some of the questions are also similar to those in the assignments you completed during this
semester. Note that the questions may be SIMILAR, but that they are not necessarily the SAME
as in Assignment 1 and/or Assignment 02. This means that you will be required to USE what
you have done in the assignments in the examination to RESPOND to similar questions.

9. We strongly advise that you do the questions that are similar to those in the assignments first
during the examination session, and the others later. This way you will ensure that the questions
which contribute most are done first, should you run out of time in the examination.

10. Take note that examination papers of previous years should be used with the utmost
discretion. Papers from 2015 onwards only included limited questions related to CAPS contexts.
It would be prudent not to use papers before 2015 in this regard.

11. It would be inappropriate and even unethical should we as lecturers provide students with
the memoranda or model answers to questions in the assignments and from previous years’
examination papers? Please do not ask for this in preparation for the examination. Work out the
answers for yourself when doing the assignments and revise your responses in terms of the
comments from the marker.

12. Good luck with your preparation for the examination!



I hope that you will enjoy this module and I wish you success with your studies

Dr. A.S. Mawela


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