EN 933 PT 1-12
EN 933 PT 1-12
EN 933 PT 1-12
Licensed copy: Standard Requests, Exova (UK) Ltd, Version correct as of 02/03/2012 13:35, (c) The British Standards Institution 2012
National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 933-1:2012.
It supersedes BS EN 933-1:1997, which is withdrawn.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to
Licensed copy: Standard Requests, Exova (UK) Ltd, Version correct as of 02/03/2012 13:35, (c) The British Standards Institution 2012
English Version
Essais pour déterminer les caractéristiques géométriques Prüfverfahren für geometrische Eigenschaften von
des granulats - Partie 1: Détermination de la granularité - Gesteinskörnungen - Teil 1: Bestimmung der
Analyse granulométrique par tamisage Korngrößenverteilung - Siebverfahren
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same
status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.
© 2012 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 933-1:2012: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
BS EN 933-1:2012
EN 933-1:2012 (E)
Licensed copy: Standard Requests, Exova (UK) Ltd, Version correct as of 02/03/2012 13:35, (c) The British Standards Institution 2012
Contents Page
Foreword . ............................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Scope. ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2 Normative references . ............................................................................................................. 4
3 Terms and definitions . ............................................................................................................. 4
4 Principle . ................................................................................................................................... 5
5 Apparatus . ................................................................................................................................ 5
6 Preparation of test portions . ................................................................................................... 5
7 Procedure . ................................................................................................................................ 6
7.1 Washing . ................................................................................................................................... 6
7.2 Sieving. ...................................................................................................................................... 7
7.3 Weighing . .................................................................................................................................. 8
8 Calculation and expression of results .................................................................................... 8
8.1 Calculations . ............................................................................................................................. 8
8.2 Validating the results . .............................................................................................................. 8
8.3 Precision . .................................................................................................................................. 9
9 Test report . ............................................................................................................................... 9
9.1 Required data . .......................................................................................................................... 9
9.2 Optional data . ........................................................................................................................... 9
Annex A (normative) Alternative test method for all-in aggregate with D ≥ 31,5 mm ................... 11
A.1 Principle . ................................................................................................................................. 11
A.2 Apparatus . .............................................................................................................................. 11
A.3 Procedure . .............................................................................................................................. 11
A.3.1 Preparation of the initial test portion . .................................................................................. 11
A.3.2 First washing stage – particles retained on the 16 mm size test sieve . ........................... 12
A.3.3 First dry sieving stage – particles retained on the 16 mm size test sieve . ...................... 12
A.3.4 Preparation stage – dry subsample passing the 16 mm size test sieve . ......................... 12
A.3.5 Second washing stage – reduced subsample passing the 16 mm size test sieve . ........... 12
A.3.6 Second dry sieving stage – reduced subsample passing the 16 mm size test sieve . .... 12
A.4 Calculation and expression of results .................................................................................. 13
A.4.1 Original dry mass . .................................................................................................................. 13
A.4.2 Mass retained on the sieves at the first dry sieving stage ................................................. 13
A.4.3 Mass retained on the sieves at the second dry sieving stage ........................................... 13
A.4.4 Mass of fines passing the 0,063 mm sieve ........................................................................... 13
A.4.5 Particle size distribution. ....................................................................................................... 14
A.4.6 Validating the results . ............................................................................................................ 14
Annex B (normative) Test method for aggregates unsuitable for oven-drying . ........................... 15
Annex C (informative) Example of test data sheet . .......................................................................... 16
Annex D (informative) Graphical presentation of results . ............................................................... 17
Bibliography . ....................................................................................................................................... 18
BS EN 933-1:2012
EN 933-1:2012 (E)
Licensed copy: Standard Requests, Exova (UK) Ltd, Version correct as of 02/03/2012 13:35, (c) The British Standards Institution 2012
This document (EN 933-1:2012) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 154
“Aggregates”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by July 2012, and conflicting national standards shall be
withdrawn at the latest by July 2012.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such
patent rights.
EN 933 — Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates, consists of the following parts:
Part 2: Determination of particle size distribution — Test sieves, nominal size of apertures;
Part 10: Assessment of fines — Grading of filler aggregates (air jet sieving);
Part 11: Classification test for the constituents of coarse recycled aggregate.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
BS EN 933-1:2012
EN 933-1:2012 (E)
1 Scope
This European Standard describes the reference washing and dry sieving method used for type
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testing and in case of dispute, for determination of the particle size distribution of aggregates. For
other purposes, in particular factory production control, other methods may be used, provided that an
appropriate working relationship with the reference method has been established. It applies to all
aggregates, including lightweight aggregates, up to 90 mm nominal size, but excluding filler.
NOTE 1 The determination of the grading of fillers is specified in EN 933-10 Assessment of fines — Grading
of filler aggregates (air jet sieving).
NOTE 2 Dry sieving without washing may be used for aggregates free from particles which cause
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 932-2, Tests for general properties of aggregates — Part 2: Methods for reducing laboratory samples
EN 932-5, Tests for general properties of aggregates — Part 5: Common equipment and calibration
EN 933-2, Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates — Part 2: Determination of particle size
distribution — Test sieves, nominal size of apertures
ISO 3310-1, Test sieves — Technical requirements and testing — Part 1: Test sieves of metal wire
ISO 3310-2, Test sieves — Technical requirements and testing — Part 2: Test sieves of perforated
metal plate
granular material used in construction which may be natural, manufactured or recycled
test portion
sample used as a whole in a single test
constant mass
mass determined by successive weighings performed at least 1 h apart and not differing by more than 0,1 %
NOTE In many cases constant mass can be achieved after a test portion has been dried for a pre-
determined period in a specified oven (see 5.3) at (110 ± 5) ºC. Test laboratories may determine the time
required to achieve constant mass for specific types and sizes of sample dependent upon the drying capacity of
the oven used.
BS EN 933-1:2012
EN 933-1:2012 (E)
4 Principle
The test consists of dividing and separating a material into several particle size classifications of
decreasing sizes by means of a series of sieves,. The aperture sizes and the number of sieves are
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selected in accordance with the nature of the sample and the accuracy required.
The method adopted is washing and dry sieving. When washing can alter the physical properties of a
lightweight aggregate, dry sieving shall be used and the procedure specified in 7.1 shall not be applied.
The mass of the particles retained on the various sieves is related to the initial mass of the material. The
cumulative percentages passing each sieve are reported in numerical form and, when required, in
graphical form (see Annex D).
5 Apparatus
Unless otherwise stated, all apparatus shall conform to the general requirements of EN 932-5.
5.1 Test sieves, with apertures as specified in EN 933-2 and conforming to the requirements of
ISO 3310-1 and ISO 3310-2.
5.3 Ventilated oven, thermostatically controlled to maintain a temperature of (110 ± 5) ºC, or other
suitable equipment for drying the aggregates, if it does not cause any particle size breakdown.
Samples shall be reduced in accordance with EN 932-2 to produce the required number of test portions.
NOTE It may be necessary to moisten samples containing substantial amounts of fines before reduction to
minimise segregation and loss of dust.
BS EN 933-1:2012
EN 933-1:2012 (E)
(maximum) mm kg
90 80 -
32 10 2,1
16 2,6 1,7
8 0,6 0,8
≤4 0,2 0,3
NOTE 1 For aggregates of other sizes below 90 mm, the minimum test portion mass may be interpolated
from the masses given in Table 1 using the following formulae: M = (D/10)
where M = minimum mass of test portion in kg
D = aggregate size in mm
NOTE 2 The precision of the test method may be reduced if the test portion size is less than the value in
Table 1. In such a case, the test portion size should be stated in the test report (9.2).
NOTE 3 For aggregates of particle density higher than 3,00 Mg/m (see EN 1097-6), an appropriate
correction should be applied to the test portion masses given in Table 1 based on the density ratio, in
order to produce a test portion of approximately the same volume as those for aggregates of normal
NOTE 4 For lightweight aggregates complying with EN 13055, use the volume column to choose the
appropriate minimum size of test portions. The volumes for other aggregate sizes may be interpolated.
Sample reduction shall yield a test portion of size larger than the minimum but not of an exact
predetermined value.
Dry the test portion by heating at a temperature of (110 ± 5) ºC to constant mass. Allow to cool, weigh
and record the mass as M1.
For some types of aggregate, drying at 110 ºC binds particles together sufficiently strongly to prevent
separation of single particles during subsequent washing and/or sieving procedures. For such
aggregates the procedure given in Annex B shall be adopted.
For all-in aggregates with D equal to 31,5 mm or larger, the procedure described in Annex A may be
7 Procedure
7.1 Washing
Place the test portion in a container and add sufficient water to cover the test portion.
NOTE 1 A storage period of 24 h under water is helpful in breaking down lumps. A dispersion agent may be
Agitate the sample with sufficient vigour to result in complete separation and suspension of the fines.
Wet both sides of a 0,063 mm sieve reserved for use in this test only, and fit a guard sieve (e.g. 1 mm or
2 mm) on top. Mount the sieves in such a way that the suspension passing the test sieve can be run to
BS EN 933-1:2012
EN 933-1:2012 (E)
waste or, when required, collected in a suitable vessel. Pour the contents of the container on to the top
sieve. Continue washing until the water passing the 0,063 mm test sieve is clear.
NOTE 2 Care should be taken to prevent overloading, overflowing or damaging the 0,063 mm test sieve or
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the guard sieve. For some aggregates, it will be necessary to pour only the suspended fines from the container
onto the 0,063 mm guarded test sieve, continuing to wash the coarse residue in the container and decanting the
suspended fines onto the guard sieve until the water passing the 0,063 mm test sieve is clear.
Dry the residue retained on the 0,063 mm sieve at (110 ± 5) ºC to constant mass. Allow to cool, weigh
and record as M2.
7.2 Sieving
Pour the washed and dried material (or directly the dry sample) into the sieving column. The column
comprises a number of sieves fitted together and arranged, from top to bottom, in order of decreasing
aperture sizes with the pan and lid.
NOTE 1 Experience has shown that washing does not necessarily remove all the fines. It is therefore
necessary to incorporate a 0,063 mm test sieve in the series.
Shake the column, manually or mechanically. Then remove the sieves one by one, commencing with
the largest aperture size opening. Shake each sieve manually ensuring no material is lost by using a
pan and lid for example.
NOTE 2 The effectiveness of mechanical sieving is influenced by the aggregate type, the sieving time, the
loading on the sieve and the parameters of the shaking movement such as amplitude and frequency. The
mechanical sieving time should hence be carefully chosen.
Transfer all the material which passes each sieve onto the next sieve in the column before continuing
the operation with that sieve. Sieve overloading shall be avoided.
NOTE 3 To avoid overloading of sieves, the fraction of normal weight aggregates retained at the end of the
sieving operation on each sieve (expressed in grams) should not exceed:
A× d
a) divide the fraction into smaller portions and sieve these one after the other.
b) divide the portion of the sample passing the next largest sieve with the aid of a sample divider or
by quartering, and continue the sieve analysis on the reduced test portion, making due allowance
in subsequent calculations for the reductions.
BS EN 933-1:2012
EN 933-1:2012 (E)
The sieving process shall be considered as finished when additional sieving does not lead to a change
of mass of the retained material on any sieve by more than 1,0 % by mass.
NOTE 4 Depending on the aggregate characteristics, the sieving process may be considered completed when
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the retained material does not change more than 1,0 % during 1 min.
NOTE 5 For lightweight aggregates, no more than one layer of particles should be retained on each sieve at
the end of the sieving operation.
7.3 Weighing
Weigh the retained material for the sieve with the largest aperture size and record its mass as R1.
Carry out the same operation for the sieve immediately below and record the mass retained as R2.
Continue with the same operation for all the sieves in the column, in order to obtain the masses of the
various lots of retained materials and record these masses as R3, R4, Ri, Rn.
Weigh the screened material, if any, remaining in the pan and record its mass as P.
8.1 Calculations
Record the various masses on a test data sheet, an example of which is given in Annex C.
Calculate the mass retained on each sieve as a percentage of the original dry mass M1.
Calculate the cumulative percentage of the original dry mass passing each sieve down to the
0,063 mm sieve exclusive.
Calculate the percentage of fines f passing the 0,063 mm sieve in accordance with the following
(M1 − M 2 ) + P
f = × 100
M2 is the dried mass of the residue retained on the 0,063 mm sieve, in kilograms;
100 P
For dry sieving f =
If the sum of the masses Ri and P differs by more than 1 % from the mass M2, the test shall be
BS EN 933-1:2012
EN 933-1:2012 (E)
8.3 Precision
The following precision values have been issued from the document “The proposed CEN method for
the determination of the particle size distribution of aggregates. Sieve test on sand. Results of the
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The repeatability r1 and reproducibility R1 values have been determined on the basis of two repetitions
of tests carried out on each of the three fine aggregate fractions, a 0/0,4 and two 0/2 mm fractions, in
17 laboratories from nine European countries. Each laboratory has prepared (using a riffle box) and
successively tested two different masses of samples, 200 g and 30 g.
For any sieve size of the basic set comprised between 0,063 and 4 mm, the precision values can be
stated as follows:
X represents the average of the cumulative percent passing the actual sieve size.
It is highlighted that precision is highly dependent on the loading of individual sieves, overloaded
sieves leading to degraded precision data and lightly loaded sieves leading to better precision data.
9 Test report
f) cumulative percentage of the mass of the test portion passing each of the sieves to the nearest
single decimal place for the 0,063 mm sieve and to the nearest whole number for other sieves.
d) sampling certificate;
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BS EN 933-1:2012
EN 933-1:2012 (E)
date of test.
e) size of test portion;
BS EN 933-1:2012
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Annex A
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A.1 Principle
This alternative test method uses washing and dry sieving in the same way as the procedure
described in Clause 7, but an alternative procedure is used to prepare the test portion.
The test portion is first divided using a 16 mm size test sieve before it is dried. The dry subsample
retained on the 16 mm size test sieve is then washed on the 0,063 mm size and the 16 mm size test
sieves, then dried and sieved again.
The subsample passing the 16 mm size test sieve is also dried and any particles in the 0,063/16 mm
size fraction from the first subsample are added to it. The amount of dry particles passing the 16 mm
size test sieve is then reduced in size. This reduced subsample is then washed on the 0,063 mm size
test sieve, dried and sieved again.
NOTE 1 This alternative method introduces additional steps to the main method, but reduces the amount of
smaller size material that has to be washed, dried and sieved.
NOTE 2 This method should not be used as an alternative to the ‘dry sieving without washing’ method.
A.2 Apparatus
The apparatus shall be as specified in Clause 5, with the following addition:
A.2.1 Perforated plate test sieve, 16 mm size, used to divide the initial test portion before drying.
A.3 Procedure
Reduce the size of the laboratory sample using the procedures in Clause 6 to prepare an initial test
portion with a size as specified in Table 1.
Separate the initial test portion using the 16 mm size test sieve. If necessary, wash the sieve to
ensure that particles are not lost at this stage.
NOTE The separation stage should be carried out with the aggregate in the ‘as received’ condition.
However, it may be appropriate to allow some drying of the laboratory sample to remove excess water.
Dry the particles retained on the 16 mm size test sieve (MC) to constant mass, as specified in
Clause 6. Allow to cool, weigh and record the mass as MC1.
Dry the particles passing the 16 mm size test sieve (MF) to constant mass, as specified in Clause 6.
Allow to cool, weigh and record the mass as MF1.
BS EN 933-1:2012
EN 933-1:2012 (E)
A.3.2 First washing stage – particles retained on the 16 mm size test sieve
Wash the dried particles retained on the 16 mm size test sieve (MC) using the 16 mm size test sieve,
a 0,063 mm size test sieve and the procedures specified in 7.1.
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Dry the washed particles retained on the 16 mm size test sieve to constant mass, as specified in 7.1.
Allow to cool, weigh and record the mass as MC2.
Dry the washed particles passing the 16 mm size test sieve and retained on the 0,063 mm size test
sieve to constant mass, as specified in 7.1. Allow to cool, weigh and record the mass as MC3.
A.3.3 First dry sieving stage – particles retained on the 16 mm size test sieve
Dry sieve the dried particles retained on the 16 mm size test sieve (with mass MC2) using the
procedures in 7.2. Use the 16 mm size test sieve; the appropriate test sieves larger than 16 mm size;
and a pan.
Record the mass of material retained on the 16 mm size test sieve and the larger test sieves, as
specified in 7.3.
Retain any particles that pass the 16 mm size test sieve and record their mass as MC4.
A.3.4 Preparation stage – dry subsample passing the 16 mm size test sieve
Add the particles in the 0,063/16 mm size fraction from the particles initially retained on the 16 mm
size test sieve (with mass MC3 and mass MC4) to the particles from the initial test portion that passed
the 16 mm size test sieve (MF). Mix, weigh and record the total mass as MF2.
NOTE Mass MF2 should not be more than 10 g different from mass (MF1 + MC3 + MC4).
Reduce the combined dry subsample to at least the size specified in Table 1 for aggregate size D
equals 16 mm. Record the mass of the reduced subsample as MF3.
A.3.5 Second washing stage – reduced subsample passing the 16 mm size test sieve
Wash the dried particles passing the 16 mm size test sieve (with dry mass MF3) using a 0,063 mm
size test sieve and the procedures specified in 7.1.
Dry the washed particles retained on the 0,063 mm size test sieve to constant mass, as specified in
7.1. Allow to cool, weigh and record the mass as MF4.
A.3.6 Second dry sieving stage – reduced subsample passing the 16 mm size test
Dry sieve the dried particles in the 0,063/16 mm size fraction (with dry mass MF4) using the
procedures in 7.2.
Record the mass of material retained on each test sieve as specified in 7.3, using the notation RF3,
RF4, RFn,; and the mass passing the 0,063 mm test sieve as PF.
BS EN 933-1:2012
EN 933-1:2012 (E)
Use the values recorded in A.3.1 to calculate the initial dry mass M1 using the following equation:
MC1 is the dried mass of the initial test portion retained on the 16 mm size test sieve;
MF1 is the dried mass of the initial test portion passing the 16 mm size test sieve.
A.4.2 Mass retained on the sieves at the first dry sieving stage
Use the values recorded in A.3.3 to calculate the mass retained on each sieve Rn as a percentage of
the initial dry mass M1.
A.4.3 Mass retained on the sieves at the second dry sieving stage
Use the values recorded in A.3.6 to calculate the equivalent masses in the initial dried test portion
using the following equations:
P = PF × MF2/MF3 (2)
MF2 is the dried mass of the initial test portion passing the 16 mm size test sieve;
MF3 is the dried mass of the reduced subsample passing the 16 mm size test sieve;
Use the values recorded in A.3.1 and A.3.2 to calculate the mass of fines from the particles initially
retained on the 16 mm size test sieve FC1 using the following equation:
FC1 is the mass of fines from the particles initially retained on the 16 mm size test sieve;
BS EN 933-1:2012
EN 933-1:2012 (E)
MC1 is the dried mass of the initial test portion retained on the 16 mm size test sieve;
MC2 is the dried mass of the particles retained on the 16 mm size test sieve after the first washing
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MC3 is the dried mass of the particles passing the 16 mm size test sieve after the first washing
Use the values recorded in A.3.4 and A.3.5 to calculate the equivalent mass of fines from the
particles initially passing the 16 mm size test sieve FF1 using the following equation:
FF1 is the mass of fines from the particles initially retained on the 16 mm size
MF2 is the dried mass of the initial test portion passing the 16 mm size test sieve;
MF3 is the dried mass of the reduced subsample passing the 16 mm size test sieve;
MF4 is the dried mass of the particles after the second washing stage.
Calculate the total equivalent mass of fines f using the following equation:
Use the values of mass and equivalent mass retained on each sieve from A.4.2 and A.4.3 to calculate
the cumulative percentage of the initial dry mass (M1) passing each sieve.
Use the value of the total equivalent mass of fines from A.4.4 to calculate the percentage of fines as a
percentage of the initial dry mass M1.
If the sum of the masses Rn and f differs by more than 1 % from the initial dry mass M1 the test shall
be repeated.
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Annex B
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For aggregates unsuited to oven drying at 110 ºC the required number of test portions shall be
obtained in duplicate and their masses recorded. The moisture content of one of each duplicate pair
of test portions shall be determined by oven drying at (110 ± 5) ºC.
The other test portion shall be tested by the washing and sieving method without pre-drying. The
initial dry mass of this second test portion shall be calculated on the assumption that the duplicate test
portions have identical moisture contents and recorded as M1´.
BS EN 933-1:2012
EN 933-1:2012 (E)
Annex C
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(M1 − M 2 ) + P
Percentage fines passing the 0,063 mm sieve, f = × 100
100 P
For dry sieving, f = (to the nearest single decimal)
ΣRi + P = Remarks :
M 2 − (∑ R i + P )
× 100 = <1%
The dry mass of the test portion should be recorded as M1 when determined directly or as M1´ when
calculated from a duplicate test portion.
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Annex D
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y Cumulative % passing
x Sieves of square aperture (mm)
z Cumulative % retained
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EN 1097-6, Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates — Part 6: Determination of
particle density and water absorption
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