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ACS Unit 001

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Advanced Concrete Structures

BECVE701T L-3+T-lCredits:4
Evaluation Scheme: 80/20 Exam Duration: 4

Unit -1 Water Tanks

Course Outcome: The student will be able to R
1. Understand the behavior and failure modes of different concrete V Tanks On Ground Tanks Below Ground Elevated Tanks
members R IS Code Provisions: -> IS 3370 (Part II) 1965
2. Analyze and apply the results in designing various concrete members Min Grade of Concrete M20
of structure K Permissible stresses
3. Apply the knowledge & Skills in practical problems Concrete Steel
4. Understand the relevant software used and use the same in analysis & P acbc act T Mild Tor
design of concrete members. r M20 7.0 1.2 1.7 Direct tension 115 150
M25 8.5 1.3 1.9 Bending tension - liquid faces 115 150
Unit-I a M30 10.0 1.5 2.2 Bending tension- away from liquid 115 150
Design of circular water tank with roof slab/dome resting on ground by s M35 11.5 .6 2.5 Bending tension-1 >225mm & face
approximate methods/IS code method (by working stress method) 125 150
M40 13.0 1.7 2.7 away from liquid ^^
Design of rectangular water tank with one-way roof resting on ground by a Minimum Reinforcement: In each of two mutually perpendicular directions
approximate methods/IS code method (by working stress method) d i) For thickness < 100 mm 0.3% of concrete section
ii) For thickness > 450 mm 0.2% of concrete section
Unit-II iii) For thickness between 100 to 450 mm - varies linearly from 0.3% to 0.2%
Analysis and design of columns subjected to bi-axial moments. Design of
(for HYSD bars; it may be reduced by 20% -> 0.24% - 0.16% )
long columns. Design of isolated footings, for uni-axial moment, for square,
rectangular & circular. K For thickness > 225 mm two layers of reinforcing steel shall be placed.
Min cover 25 mmAJi of bar (more), Additional 12 mm—>• presence of sea water
D Design constants for balanced section using WSM
Moment Redistribution: Analysis and design of fixed beam, propped K
cantilever, two span symmetric continuous beams. Depth of Critical Neutral axis, xc; From Stress diagram or be
C xc d~x d
E xc _ ast/m ocbc+ast/m
U n i t - I V (With LSM) acbc mxacbc 280
Design of RCC Cantilever and counter-fort retaining wall. d (rcbc+ast/m mxtrcbc+ast 280+3 ost
Unit-V a Lever arm, jd = (d - x/3 )
Analysis and design of portal frames (Single bay single storey) hinged or Compressive force, C = (b x xc) x acbc/2
fixed base. Design of stair case (Dog-legged and open well) g Tensile force, T = Ast x ast
Unit - VI P Moment of resistance;
Design of combined footing u MR = C x jd = [b x xc x acbc/2]*[ d - xc/3] = Qbd2
i) Rectangular ii) Strap beam i i i ) trapezoidal footing iv) Raft footing. Q = xc x (1 - xc/3d) x ( ocbc/2)
r OR
MR = T x jd = [Ast x ast] x [d - x/3]
l|Page RVRK Prasad KDK. College of Engineering, Nagpur
Spacing of 12 mm diameter bar -> 1000x113/1430= 79 mm c/c
Approximate method
Provide 12<|> @ 75 c/c as hoop tension steel
Design of Water Tanks R
Using IS code coefficients
V 4: Check for tensile stress in concrete, get
Abbreviation :- R Modular ratio m= 13.33
Stress in concrete ,<yct =— =
D -> Diameter of cylindrical tank K
H —> Depth of water = 1.19 < 1.2 N/mm2 Safe
P 160x1000 + 12.33x1430
R -> Radius of spherical dome
r 5: Curtailment of hoop steel:
a) Flexible Base
Max. H T Ast - T/ast Spacing
Question 1: Design a circular water tank with flexible connection at s
Top 1.1 + 0 . 2 m 71.5 kN 476 12<t>@225c/c
base for a capacity of 400,000 liters. The tank rests on a firm level a Middle l . l m 143 kN 953 I2<|>® 150c/c
ground. The total height of tank including a free board of 200 mm
should not exceed 3.5m. The tank is open at top. Use M 20 concrete d Bottom l . l m 214.5 kN 1430 1 2$ @ 75' c/c
and Fe 415 steel. Draw to a suitable scale: Max spacing -> 3T = 3 x 160 = 480 m

1: Dimension of tank 6: Vertical reinforcement:

Depth of water H - 3.5 -0.2 - 3.3 m K For temperature and shrinkage, provide distribution steel @ 0.226 %
Volume V = 400 = n— x 3.3; D ie., 361.6 mrm.
Diameter of tank, D = 12.42m, say!3m K Spacing of 10 mm<|> -> 1000x78.5 7361.6 = 217 mm c/c « 200 mm c/c

2. Assumption of Thickness of wall:

Assume the thickness of wall, t * 30H+50 » 149 160mm
E 7: Tank floor:
As the slab rests on firm ground, provide thickness of slab as 150 mm.
3: Design of Cylindrical (Vertical) wall Minimum Area of Reinforcement, -»
Max hoop tension at bottom = yH D/2 = 10x3.3x13/2 = 214.5kN 100mm — 0.24%
Area of steel = T/ast= 214500/150 = 1430 mm2 450mm — 0.16%
Check for Minimum Area of Reinforcement, Astmin -> 150mm — 0.24-(0.08/350)x50 = 0.229% of Ag
100mm — 0.24% - 0.00229 x lOOOx 150 - 343.5 mm2
450mm — 0.16% Try 10 f Spacing -> 1000x78.5 / 343.5 = 228
160mm — 0.24-(0.08/350)x60 = 0.226% of Ag
- 0.00226 x 1000x160 - 361.6 mm2 Provide 10 mm diameter bars at 225 c/c in both directions
Hence, provide hoop reinforcement of 1430 mm2
2|Page RVRK Prasad KDK. College of Engineering, Nagpur
8: Detailing of Reinforcement: b) Restrained at base

In this type the pressure is borne partially by cantilever action and

0.2m \ partially by hoop action
> V
imm<t> @ 225 c/c
1.1 m

10mm(t> @ i L

225 c/c D
>L-\r l.lm
3* im<J>@ 150 c/c
• s
, Water Pressure Bending Moment

a Deflected Shape
12mm(t) @ 75 c/c
^^ Approximate method of design of Circular tanks with fixed at base
i l.lm
10mm(t)@ 225 c/c H2/Dt Cantilever action
/T lOmmd) @ 225 c/c >12 Bottom % of wall or 1 m (more) taken as cantilever wall
1 A / 1 6-12 Bottom 1/3 of wall or 1m (more) taken as cantilever wall
m* 1 I \O n o o o kCT K
r*i r> n fn n n
- <6 Entire height may be designed as cantilever wall fixed at base
" ^ D

lOmrrnj) @ g
12mm<t)@ 75 c/c MERIDIAN - ..
225 c/c P
Roof Dome
Meridional Force/Thrust. N<J> =
Circumferential Force. N9 = wR { — cos 0 )
V1+COS0 /
e of E n g i n e e r i n g , N a g p u r
Approximate method Try 8mm <f>, spacing = 1000 x 50 / 180 = 277
Question 2: A cylindrical water tank, resting on unyielding ground, has R Provide 8 mm fy @ 250 mm c/c # ( both ways)
a capacity of 400,000 liters. The total height of tank wall is limited to 4._Design ofRoof ring beam:
3.5m. Free board is 200 mm. The wall and the base slab are cast V Horizontal thrust from top dome = Meriodional thrust x cos <J>
integrally. Design the tank including the roof dome using M25 Grade R = 12.65 x 0,68 = 8.6 kN
concrete and Fe415 Type steel. Use approximate method for design. Hoop tension = 8.6 x 12.5 12= 53.75 kN
K Area of steel required = 53750/150= 358.3 mm2
1. Design constants: WSM Try 10 mm 4, No. of bars = 358.3/78.5 = 4.56 bars say 6 No.
P Tensile stress = 1.3 N/mm2 -> for M25
acbc = 8.5, crst= 150
280 280 r 53750
m = 3X8.5
-^- = 10.98 « 11; xc/d = 280+3X150 = 0.384 1-3=7 TT-Z ^~T; ^4 = 37,770mm2
04 + 9.98*358.3)
j =1-0.384/3 = 0.872 a Let the depth of beam = 150mm, b =37,770 / 150 = 251.8 say 300 mm
Q = 0.5 acbc (x) (j) = 0.5x8.5x0.384x0.872= 1.423 s Provide a beam of 300 x 150 mm
a Provide nominal shear reinforcement of 6 mm<f> @ 90 mmc/c [0.75x120]
2. Dimensions: 5. Cylindrical Wall:
H = 3.5-0.2 = 3.3m d 5a) Assumption: Thickness of the wall, t 30H+50 = 149 say 150mm
V = T T — X 3.3 = 400; Diameter of tank, D= 12.42m say 12.5m. H2 3.32
= 7.3
0.2m \7
Dt 12.5x0.15
3. Design of roof dome
Rise,h-» 12.5/5 = 2.5 to 12.5/4 = 3.125 Provide 2.75 m H=3.3m
o A- 12,52/4 + 2.75z
Radius ofPAdome, Rn = — ' —= „ ,o o
8.48 Say o8.5
Cos <J> = (8.5-2.75) /8.5= 0.68
H/3 = 3.3/3 = 1.1 or 1m ( higher) -*• h= 1.1 n{_
Assume thickness of dome = 75mm.
DL 0.075x1x1x25= 1.875 kN/m2 5b) Design for Hoop Tension: Max hoop tension at 2.3 m below FSL,
LL 0.75 - 3.45 (2.75 /12.5)2 = 0.583 kN / m 2 (NBC 1970GrIITab2) HT = y h ' D / 2 = 10 *2.2 * 12.5/2 -137.5 kN
Total 2.458= 2.5 k N / m 2 Area of steel, Ast= T/ast =137,500/150 = 917 mm2
Meridional Force/Thrust, NdtT = 1+cQse = -—- = 12.65 kN Check for Minimum Area of Reinforcement. Astmin ->
1 + 0.68
Meridional Stress = 12,650/(lOOOx 75) =0.168N/mm 2 «8.5N/mm 2 100mm — 0.24%
450mm — 0.16%
Circumferential Force,' NO = wR V1
( + COS0 - cos0) 150mm --- 0.24-(0.08/350)x50 = 0.229% of Ag
- 0.00229 x 1000x150 = 343.5 mm2
= 2.5 x 8.5Vl.68
(— - 0.68)/ =- 1.80 kN v (Tension)
' Spacing of 12 mm diameter bar= 1000*113/917= 123.7 mm c/c
Stress =-1.8x1000/(1000x75) = -0.024 N/mm 2 » -1.3N/mm 2 Provide #12 @ 120 c/c as hoop rings
Area of steel : Provide nominal steel = 0..24%
Stress in concrete, o~t -
A + (m-l)Ast
= 0.86 <1.3
= 0.0024(75*1000) = 180 mm2 Curtailment of hoop reinforcement
4|Page RVRK Prasad KDK. College of Engineering, Nagpur
Height Hoop Tension Ast= T/ast Reinforcement
Top 1.3m 68.75 kN 458 mm2 12<fr®225 c/c
Middle l.lm 137.5kN 124.® 120 c/c
Bottom l . l m 137.5kN 12<j)@ 120 c/c 6-
mm<j> @ 250 c/c
5c) Bending moment: yHh76 = 10x3. 3x1.176 = 6.655 kNm
Effective depth required = ^6.655 x 106/(1.423 x 1000) =68.4 <12C
d= 150 -25 -10/2 =120 mm R Stirrups @ 6mm<t> @ 90 c/c
Area of steel, Ast = M/(crstxjd) = 6.655xl0 6 /(150x0.872xl20)=424 mm2 V
Try 8 mm^ bars, spacing = 1 OOOx 50 / 424 = 1 1 7.92 say 1 1 0 mm c/c
5d) Shear force: yH2/2 = 10x3.32/2 = 54.45 kN K 150mJ?rt 12min4) @ 225 c/c
Shear stress, T = V/(bxjd)=54,450/(1000x0.872xl20) =0.52 < 1.9
6: Tank floor: r
As the slab rests on firm ground, Provide 150 mm thick & minimum
steel @ 0.229% of Ag - 343.5 mm2
Try, 8 mm diameter bars, spacing = 1000 x 50 /343.5 =145.56 «I40 s
Provide 8 mm<|) @ 140 c/c. a
d haunch
7. Haunch: 8mm<t> @ Smmrf) @ 8mmd> @
Provide a haunch of 1 50 x 1 50 mm at bottom all around the tank 140 c/c 140 c/c 140 c/c
Provde haunch reinforcement of 8mm <j> @ 140 c/c
8: Detailing of Reinforcement:

8mm<ti @
a 12mm(|)@ 120 c/c
125 c/c

5 | Page RVRK Prasad KDK. C o l l e g e o f E n g i n ere r i n g ,

IS Code method: Try 8mm $, spacing = 1000 x 50 /180 = 277
Question 3: A cylindrical water tank, resting on unyielding ground, has Provide 8 mm <J> @ 250 mm c/c # ( both ways)
a capacity of 400,000 liters. The total height of tank wall is limited to 4. Design of Roof ring beam:
3.5m. Free board is 200 mm. The wall and the base slab are cast Horizontal thrust from top dome = Meriodional thrust x cos <J)
integrally. Design the tank including the roof dome using M20 Grade = 12.65 x 0.68 = 8.6 kN
concrete and Fe415 Type steel. Use IS Code method for design. Hoop tension = 8.6 x 12.512= 53.75 kN
Area of steel required = 53750/150= 358.3 mm 2
1. Design constants: WSM Try 10 mm $, No. of bars = 358.3/78.5 = 4.56 bars say 6 No.
ocbc = 8.5, ast = 150 Tensile stress = 1.3 N/mm2 -^ for M25
280 280 53750
m = f^- = 10.98 * 11 ; xc/d = 280+3X150 = 0.384 1.3=——... : A = 37,770mm2
O s/O C '
04 + 9.98* 358.3)'
j = 1-0.384/3 = 0.872 Let the depth of beam = 150mm, b =37,770 /150 251.8 say 300mm
Q = 0.5 acbc (x) (j) = 0.5x8.5x0.384x0.872= 1.423 Provide a beam of 300 x 150 mm
a Provide nominal shear reinforcement of 6 mm<|> @ 90 mmc/c [0.75x120]
2. Dimensions: 5. Cylindrical Wall:
H = 3.5-0.2 = 3.3m
5a) Assumption: Thickness of the wall, t «30H+50 = 149 say 150 mm
V = T T - x 3.3 = 400; Diameter of tank, D = 12.42 m say 12.5 m. //2_ 3.32
Dt ~ 12.5 x 0.15 ~ 7 ' 3
3. Design of roof dome 5b) Codal Coefficients
Rise,h-» 12.5/5 = 2.5 to 12.5/4 = 3.125 Provide 2.75 m Max HT@ 0.6 H = a(wHr); a-»0.514 + (0.575 - 0.514)xl.3/2 = 0.554
Radius of dome, R =
17 ^ z / 4 + 7
= 8.48 Say 8.5 m Max BM @ Base = P (wH 3 ); (5-»0.0187 - (0.0187 - 0.0146)x0.65 = 0.01604
2/1 2.75
Max SF @ Base = y (wH2) ;y-» 0.197 - (0.197 - 0.174)x0.65 = 0.182
Cos (ft = (8.5-2.75)/8.5= 0.68 5c) Design for Hoop Tension:
Max hoop tension at 0.6H =1,98 m below FSL,
Assume thickness of dome = 75mm.
DL 0.075 x Ixlx 25 = 1.875 kN/m2 HT =a(wHr) = 0.554x10x3.3x6.25 =114.263 kN
LL 0.75 - 3.45 (2.75 /12.5)2 = 0.583 kN / m2 (NBC1970GrIITab2) Area of steel, Ast= T/ast =114,263/150 = 761.75 mm2
Total 2.458 = 2.5 k N / m 2 E Check for Minimum Area of Reinforcement, Ast min ->
wR _ 2.5X8.5 100mm — 0.24%
Meridional Force/Thrust, N<|> = = 12.65kN
1+cOsB ~ 1+0.68
Meridional Stress = 12,650/(lOOOx 75) =0.168N/mm' « 8.5 N/mm^ N| 450mm — 0.16%
150mm — 0.24-(0.08/350)x50= 0.229% of Ag
Circumferential Force, N0 = wR ( — cos0J - 0.00229 x 1000x150- 343.5 mm2
Vl+cOsO Spacing of 12 mm diameter bar= 1000* 113/761.75= 149 mm c/c
= 2.5 x 8.5Vl.68
(— - Q.68\-J
1.80 kN (Tension) Provide #12 @ 140 c/c as hoop rings
Stress =-1.8x1000 /(lOOOx 75) =-0.024 N/mm 2 » - 1.3N/mm 2 T 114,263
Stress in concrete, at = = 0.73<1.3
A+(m-l)Ast 150,000+9.98x761.75
Area of steel : Provide nominal steel = 0..24% HT @ 0.3 H. a = 0.344-0.009x 1.3/2= 0.339; HT =0.339x 10x3.3x6.25
= 0.0024(75X1000) = 180 mm 2

6|Page RVRK Prasad KDK. College of Engineering, Nagpur

Curtailment of hoop reinforcement 8mm(t> @ 250 c/c
Height Hoop Tension Ast= T/ast Reinforcement
Top 0.99 40.2m 69.92 kN 466 mm2 12<t>@240c/c
Middle 0.99m 11 4.263 kN 12<(>@ 140 c/c @ 250 c/c
Bottom 1.32m 11 4.263 kN 12$ @ 140 c/c

5d) Bending moment: =p (wHJ) = 0.01604x 10x3.33J =_ 5.7643 kNm

Effective depth required = ^5.7643 x 106/(1,423 x 1000) =63.6
<I20 V
d= 150-25-10/2 =120 mm R
Area of steel, Ast = M/(astxjd) = 5.7643 x!06/( 150x0.872x120) = 367 K
Try 8 mm<j> bars, spacing = lOOOx 50 / 367 = 136 say 125 mm c/c
5e) Shear force: y (wH2) =0.182 x!0x3.32 = 19.82 kN
Shear stress, t = V/(bxjd)=19,820/( 1000x0.872x120) -0.189 < 1.9 r
6: Tank floor:
As the slab rests on firm ground, Provide 150 mm thick & minimun)]
steel @ 0.229% of Ag - 343.5 mm2
Try, 8 mm diameter bars, spacing = 1000 x 50 /343.5 =145.56 -140 8mm<j) @
Provide 8 mm<t> @ 125 c/c. 1.32m
\ 140
c/c 140 c/c
7. Haunch:
Provide a haunch of 150 x 150 mm at bottom all around the tank
K o\ o o o f> o 150mm
Provde haunch reinforcement of 8mm <J> @ 140 c/c D
8: Detailing of Reinforcement: C

N 8mm<|> @
12mm<J> @ 140 c/c
125 c/c

7|Page RVRK Prasad KDK. College of Eng eering, N a gBfetaforcement details

Rectangular water tank M 19.98 XlO 6
R Long wall (Vert) = = 1110mm2
astx}d 150 x 0.87.139

Question 4. Design a rectangular water tank 5m x 4m with depth of storage V Provide 1 2 mm <j>, Sp = 1 000* 11 3/11 1 0 =1 02 say 1 00 mmc/c - [b]
3m, resting on ground and whose walls are rigidly joined at vertical and Base. R Short wall (Vert) = astxjd 16'2 X10& = 890 mm2
150 x 0.87*139
Free at top. Assume M20 concrete and Fe415 grade steel. Sketch the details of Provide 12 mm (J), Sp = 1000*1 13/890 =126 say 125 mmc/c - [c]
reinforcement in the tank using IS Code method: K
1. Design constants:
Minimum steel -> 1000 x 50 /(380/2) = 263 say 250 c/c -[d]
m=280/3acbc=13.333 P 5. Horizontal reinforcement:
Design constants, x/d = 280/(280+3ost)=0.384 r Horizontal moment: They are producing unbalanced moments
Lever arm, jd = l-x/3d =l-.384/3 = 0.87 kL = 1/5; kS = % -> DF .44 & .56
Q = 0.5acbc (x/d) (l-x/3d)= 1.17 a
Moment distribution at the joint of long and short walls
2. Codal coefficients s 0.44 0.56
i)Long wall: -14.04 11.88
L/a=5/3=l.67«1.75; b/2 b/2
0.95 1.21
aty=0, x/a=l,Mx=-0.074; d
at y=b/2, x/a=l/4, My=-0.052 -13.09 13.09
Max vert, moment = Mxya3 = -19.98
Max hor. moment = My ya3 = -14.04 Tension in Walls: at H/4 or 1 m (higher) -»3/4 or 1 -> 1 m from bottom
T long = yab/2=60 kN Tension in Long wall = 2x10X4/2 = 40 kN
ii) Short wall:
K Tension in Short wall = 2x10X5/2 = 50 kN
B/a=4/3=1.33*1.5; D Net BM, M' = M - Tx ; x = d -D/2 = 139 - 85 = 54 mm
aty=0, x/a=l, Mx=-0.06; M' Long = 13.09 - 40x 0.054 = 10.93 kNm
K M' Short = 13.09 - 40x 0.054 = 10.39 kNm
at y=b/2, x/a=l/4, My=-0.044
Max vert, moment = MX ya3 = -16.2 C Ast = (T/cjst) + (MVcrst jd)
Max hor. moment = My ya3 = -11.88 E Long wall, Ast = 40,000/150 + 10.93xl06 / (150x.87xl39) = 869 mm2
T short = yaL/2=75 kN Short wall Ast =50,000/150 + 10.39 xlO 6 / (150x.87xl39) = 906 mm2
N Provide 12 mm 4>, Sp = 1000*113/906 =123 say 120 mmc/c - [a]
3. Thickness of Wall:
19.98 xlO 6 a 6. Base slab:
Depth, d = P- = = 132 mm
g The base slab is assumed to be resting on firm ground, provide a nominal
Thickness = 132 +25 +12/2 = 163 * 170 mm (d=139) thickness of 150 mm.
P Min area of steel =0.24 -0.08(50/350) =0.228
4. Vertical reinforcement: u Ast = 0.00228x1000x150 =343 mm2
Minimum Area of Reinforcement, Ast mm -> Provide 8 mm <|>, Sp = 1000*50/343 =145 say 140 mmc/c # [d]
100mm — 0.24%
450mm — 0.16% 7 Haunch:
Provide a haunch of 150 x 150 all around at the base
170 mm — 0.24 -(0.08/350)x70 = 0.224% of Ag
Provide haunch reinforcement of 8 mnnjt @ 140 c/c
= 0.00224 x 1000x170 - 380.8 mm2

8|Page RVRK Prasad KDK. College of Engineering, Nagpur

Questions from the previous papers:
3 ^ . R Winter 15
3 C 0(1) [14M]
-~- b ^^
V OR \
a • a\ s
k^ ^1
\t Q(2)[14M]:
0 C Summer 16
4---"d- ^ —^ fc K Q (1) [14M] : Design the cylindrical Wall of a Circular Water Tank for a
4 -— e e— capacity of 400,0000 liters. The tank is fixed at base and free at top. The
—* P depth of water is to be 4 m and take free board as 0.4m. Use M 25 Grade
3 C 3 C
L f y J
r Concrete and Fe 415 types Steel. Design for Hoop Tension, Bending
Moment, and provide requisite distribution steel. Design by using IS code
a or by approximate method. Detail the design by neat Diagram.
V /' A >D C
s*j OR
1^ O \ HJ- / OV (7 5) / O -©^ U U
Q (2) [14M] : Design the wall of a Square Water Tank for a capacity of
a 75 m3. The tank is fixed at base and free at top. The depth of water is 3m
Sectional Elevation d and the free board is 0.3 m. Use M25 Grade concrete and Fe 415 type
Steel. Design for both longitudinal and lateral bending, and provide
required distribution steel. Design by using IS Code or by approximate
^ —
U -
u o .
u .
u --
^^^_^ f^
method. Detail the design by neat diagram.
c c
x^ ^ c
° K Winter 16
>d D
D|Q (1) [14 M] : Design the cylindrical wall of circular water tank for a capacity
rc c 3,50,000 liter. The tank is fixed at base and free at top. The depth of water is

\ u 4r
_ _

~ »J

o n u u u c 0
K to be 3.5 m and take free board as 0.35 m use M20 grade of concrete and Fe
C 415 type of steel. Draw reinforcement details.

c c 0 E Q(2) [14M]: Design the wall of square water tank of size 6m x6m x3m (Lx
b a ^v B x D) for a capacity of 85 m3 . The tank is fixed at base and free at top Use
3 / / /\ N M25 grade of concrete and Fe 415 grade of steel. Draw the reinforcement
M L o o n / n ^ O r f ^3C O
a Details.
0 O O 0 Q £> U Summer 17
^ — ~ —• " ^~— TV^ ™>" ^^~— ^~— ^^—
g Q(l) [ 13M] :A cylindrical water tank of capacity of 500,0000 liters resting on
Sectional Plan x/
P a firm ground and having a rigid joint at the base. The depth of water is to be
e 4 m including a free board of 200mm. Design the roof dome and circular wall
[a] - Horizontal reinforcement - 12 mm(f> @ 120 c/c u
of the tank. Use M 20 Grade Concrete and Fe 415 types Steel.
[b] - Minimum steel horizontal - 8 mm <j> @ 250 c/c r OR
[c] - Vertical] reinforcement - 12 mm<t> @ 100 c/c Q (2) [13M] : Design the rectangular water tank 6m x 5m with depth of
[d] - Vertical reinforcement - 12 mm4> @ 125 c/c • storage 3.5m, resting on firm ground whose walls are fixed at base and free at
[e] - Minimum steel, vertical - 8mm § @ 250 c/c top. 'Design the walls of water tank by using IS code method M approximate
[i] - base & haunch reinforcement - 8 mm(t> ra) 140 c/c method. Adopt M20 grade of concrete and Fe 415 type of steel
9|Page RVRK Prasad KDK. College of Eng neer ing, N a g p ur

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