ACS Unit 001
ACS Unit 001
ACS Unit 001
BECVE701T L-3+T-lCredits:4
Evaluation Scheme: 80/20 Exam Duration: 4
10mm(t> @ i L
225 c/c D
>L-\r l.lm
3* im<J>@ 150 c/c
• s
, Water Pressure Bending Moment
a Deflected Shape
12mm(t) @ 75 c/c
^^ Approximate method of design of Circular tanks with fixed at base
i l.lm
10mm(t)@ 225 c/c H2/Dt Cantilever action
/T lOmmd) @ 225 c/c >12 Bottom % of wall or 1 m (more) taken as cantilever wall
1 A / 1 6-12 Bottom 1/3 of wall or 1m (more) taken as cantilever wall
m* 1 I \O n o o o kCT K
r*i r> n fn n n
- <6 Entire height may be designed as cantilever wall fixed at base
" ^ D
lOmrrnj) @ g
12mm<t)@ 75 c/c MERIDIAN - ..
225 c/c P
Roof Dome
Meridional Force/Thrust. N<J> =
Circumferential Force. N9 = wR { — cos 0 )
V1+COS0 /
e of E n g i n e e r i n g , N a g p u r
Approximate method Try 8mm <f>, spacing = 1000 x 50 / 180 = 277
Question 2: A cylindrical water tank, resting on unyielding ground, has R Provide 8 mm fy @ 250 mm c/c # ( both ways)
a capacity of 400,000 liters. The total height of tank wall is limited to 4._Design ofRoof ring beam:
3.5m. Free board is 200 mm. The wall and the base slab are cast V Horizontal thrust from top dome = Meriodional thrust x cos <J>
integrally. Design the tank including the roof dome using M25 Grade R = 12.65 x 0,68 = 8.6 kN
concrete and Fe415 Type steel. Use approximate method for design. Hoop tension = 8.6 x 12.5 12= 53.75 kN
K Area of steel required = 53750/150= 358.3 mm2
1. Design constants: WSM Try 10 mm 4, No. of bars = 358.3/78.5 = 4.56 bars say 6 No.
P Tensile stress = 1.3 N/mm2 -> for M25
acbc = 8.5, crst= 150
280 280 r 53750
m = 3X8.5
-^- = 10.98 « 11; xc/d = 280+3X150 = 0.384 1-3=7 TT-Z ^~T; ^4 = 37,770mm2
04 + 9.98*358.3)
j =1-0.384/3 = 0.872 a Let the depth of beam = 150mm, b =37,770 / 150 = 251.8 say 300 mm
Q = 0.5 acbc (x) (j) = 0.5x8.5x0.384x0.872= 1.423 s Provide a beam of 300 x 150 mm
a Provide nominal shear reinforcement of 6 mm<f> @ 90 mmc/c [0.75x120]
2. Dimensions: 5. Cylindrical Wall:
H = 3.5-0.2 = 3.3m d 5a) Assumption: Thickness of the wall, t 30H+50 = 149 say 150mm
V = T T — X 3.3 = 400; Diameter of tank, D= 12.42m say 12.5m. H2 3.32
= 7.3
0.2m \7
Dt 12.5x0.15
3. Design of roof dome
Rise,h-» 12.5/5 = 2.5 to 12.5/4 = 3.125 Provide 2.75 m H=3.3m
o A- 12,52/4 + 2.75z
Radius ofPAdome, Rn = — ' —= „ ,o o
8.48 Say o8.5
Cos <J> = (8.5-2.75) /8.5= 0.68
H/3 = 3.3/3 = 1.1 or 1m ( higher) -*• h= 1.1 n{_
Assume thickness of dome = 75mm.
DL 0.075x1x1x25= 1.875 kN/m2 5b) Design for Hoop Tension: Max hoop tension at 2.3 m below FSL,
LL 0.75 - 3.45 (2.75 /12.5)2 = 0.583 kN / m 2 (NBC 1970GrIITab2) HT = y h ' D / 2 = 10 *2.2 * 12.5/2 -137.5 kN
Total 2.458= 2.5 k N / m 2 Area of steel, Ast= T/ast =137,500/150 = 917 mm2
Meridional Force/Thrust, NdtT = 1+cQse = -—- = 12.65 kN Check for Minimum Area of Reinforcement. Astmin ->
1 + 0.68
Meridional Stress = 12,650/(lOOOx 75) =0.168N/mm 2 «8.5N/mm 2 100mm — 0.24%
450mm — 0.16%
Circumferential Force,' NO = wR V1
( + COS0 - cos0) 150mm --- 0.24-(0.08/350)x50 = 0.229% of Ag
- 0.00229 x 1000x150 = 343.5 mm2
= 2.5 x 8.5Vl.68
(— - 0.68)/ =- 1.80 kN v (Tension)
' Spacing of 12 mm diameter bar= 1000*113/917= 123.7 mm c/c
Stress =-1.8x1000/(1000x75) = -0.024 N/mm 2 » -1.3N/mm 2 Provide #12 @ 120 c/c as hoop rings
Area of steel : Provide nominal steel = 0..24%
Stress in concrete, o~t -
A + (m-l)Ast
= 0.86 <1.3
= 0.0024(75*1000) = 180 mm2 Curtailment of hoop reinforcement
4|Page RVRK Prasad KDK. College of Engineering, Nagpur
Height Hoop Tension Ast= T/ast Reinforcement
Top 1.3m 68.75 kN 458 mm2 12<fr®225 c/c
Middle l.lm 137.5kN 124.® 120 c/c
Bottom l . l m 137.5kN 12<j)@ 120 c/c 6-
mm<j> @ 250 c/c
5c) Bending moment: yHh76 = 10x3. 3x1.176 = 6.655 kNm
Effective depth required = ^6.655 x 106/(1.423 x 1000) =68.4 <12C
d= 150 -25 -10/2 =120 mm R Stirrups @ 6mm<t> @ 90 c/c
Area of steel, Ast = M/(crstxjd) = 6.655xl0 6 /(150x0.872xl20)=424 mm2 V
Try 8 mm^ bars, spacing = 1 OOOx 50 / 424 = 1 1 7.92 say 1 1 0 mm c/c
5d) Shear force: yH2/2 = 10x3.32/2 = 54.45 kN K 150mJ?rt 12min4) @ 225 c/c
Shear stress, T = V/(bxjd)=54,450/(1000x0.872xl20) =0.52 < 1.9
6: Tank floor: r
As the slab rests on firm ground, Provide 150 mm thick & minimum
steel @ 0.229% of Ag - 343.5 mm2
Try, 8 mm diameter bars, spacing = 1000 x 50 /343.5 =145.56 «I40 s
Provide 8 mm<|) @ 140 c/c. a
d haunch
7. Haunch: 8mm<t> @ Smmrf) @ 8mmd> @
Provide a haunch of 1 50 x 1 50 mm at bottom all around the tank 140 c/c 140 c/c 140 c/c
Provde haunch reinforcement of 8mm <j> @ 140 c/c
8: Detailing of Reinforcement:
8mm<ti @
a 12mm(|)@ 120 c/c
125 c/c
N 8mm<|> @
12mm<J> @ 140 c/c
125 c/c
Question 4. Design a rectangular water tank 5m x 4m with depth of storage V Provide 1 2 mm <j>, Sp = 1 000* 11 3/11 1 0 =1 02 say 1 00 mmc/c - [b]
3m, resting on ground and whose walls are rigidly joined at vertical and Base. R Short wall (Vert) = astxjd 16'2 X10& = 890 mm2
150 x 0.87*139
Free at top. Assume M20 concrete and Fe415 grade steel. Sketch the details of Provide 12 mm (J), Sp = 1000*1 13/890 =126 say 125 mmc/c - [c]
reinforcement in the tank using IS Code method: K
1. Design constants:
Minimum steel -> 1000 x 50 /(380/2) = 263 say 250 c/c -[d]
m=280/3acbc=13.333 P 5. Horizontal reinforcement:
Design constants, x/d = 280/(280+3ost)=0.384 r Horizontal moment: They are producing unbalanced moments
Lever arm, jd = l-x/3d =l-.384/3 = 0.87 kL = 1/5; kS = % -> DF .44 & .56
Q = 0.5acbc (x/d) (l-x/3d)= 1.17 a
Moment distribution at the joint of long and short walls
2. Codal coefficients s 0.44 0.56
i)Long wall: -14.04 11.88
L/a=5/3=l.67«1.75; b/2 b/2
0.95 1.21
aty=0, x/a=l,Mx=-0.074; d
at y=b/2, x/a=l/4, My=-0.052 -13.09 13.09
Max vert, moment = Mxya3 = -19.98
Max hor. moment = My ya3 = -14.04 Tension in Walls: at H/4 or 1 m (higher) -»3/4 or 1 -> 1 m from bottom
T long = yab/2=60 kN Tension in Long wall = 2x10X4/2 = 40 kN
ii) Short wall:
K Tension in Short wall = 2x10X5/2 = 50 kN
B/a=4/3=1.33*1.5; D Net BM, M' = M - Tx ; x = d -D/2 = 139 - 85 = 54 mm
aty=0, x/a=l, Mx=-0.06; M' Long = 13.09 - 40x 0.054 = 10.93 kNm
K M' Short = 13.09 - 40x 0.054 = 10.39 kNm
at y=b/2, x/a=l/4, My=-0.044
Max vert, moment = MX ya3 = -16.2 C Ast = (T/cjst) + (MVcrst jd)
Max hor. moment = My ya3 = -11.88 E Long wall, Ast = 40,000/150 + 10.93xl06 / (150x.87xl39) = 869 mm2
T short = yaL/2=75 kN Short wall Ast =50,000/150 + 10.39 xlO 6 / (150x.87xl39) = 906 mm2
N Provide 12 mm 4>, Sp = 1000*113/906 =123 say 120 mmc/c - [a]
3. Thickness of Wall:
19.98 xlO 6 a 6. Base slab:
Depth, d = P- = = 132 mm
g The base slab is assumed to be resting on firm ground, provide a nominal
Thickness = 132 +25 +12/2 = 163 * 170 mm (d=139) thickness of 150 mm.
P Min area of steel =0.24 -0.08(50/350) =0.228
4. Vertical reinforcement: u Ast = 0.00228x1000x150 =343 mm2
Minimum Area of Reinforcement, Ast mm -> Provide 8 mm <|>, Sp = 1000*50/343 =145 say 140 mmc/c # [d]
100mm — 0.24%
450mm — 0.16% 7 Haunch:
Provide a haunch of 150 x 150 all around at the base
170 mm — 0.24 -(0.08/350)x70 = 0.224% of Ag
Provide haunch reinforcement of 8 mnnjt @ 140 c/c
= 0.00224 x 1000x170 - 380.8 mm2
\ u 4r
_ _
~ »J
o n u u u c 0
K to be 3.5 m and take free board as 0.35 m use M20 grade of concrete and Fe
C 415 type of steel. Draw reinforcement details.
c c 0 E Q(2) [14M]: Design the wall of square water tank of size 6m x6m x3m (Lx
b a ^v B x D) for a capacity of 85 m3 . The tank is fixed at base and free at top Use
3 / / /\ N M25 grade of concrete and Fe 415 grade of steel. Draw the reinforcement
M L o o n / n ^ O r f ^3C O
a Details.
0 O O 0 Q £> U Summer 17
^ — ~ —• " ^~— TV^ ™>" ^^~— ^~— ^^—
g Q(l) [ 13M] :A cylindrical water tank of capacity of 500,0000 liters resting on
Sectional Plan x/
P a firm ground and having a rigid joint at the base. The depth of water is to be
e 4 m including a free board of 200mm. Design the roof dome and circular wall
[a] - Horizontal reinforcement - 12 mm(f> @ 120 c/c u
of the tank. Use M 20 Grade Concrete and Fe 415 types Steel.
[b] - Minimum steel horizontal - 8 mm <j> @ 250 c/c r OR
[c] - Vertical] reinforcement - 12 mm<t> @ 100 c/c Q (2) [13M] : Design the rectangular water tank 6m x 5m with depth of
[d] - Vertical reinforcement - 12 mm4> @ 125 c/c • storage 3.5m, resting on firm ground whose walls are fixed at base and free at
[e] - Minimum steel, vertical - 8mm § @ 250 c/c top. 'Design the walls of water tank by using IS code method M approximate
[i] - base & haunch reinforcement - 8 mm(t> ra) 140 c/c method. Adopt M20 grade of concrete and Fe 415 type of steel
9|Page RVRK Prasad KDK. College of Eng neer ing, N a g p ur