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Malla Reddy Engineering College (Autonomous)

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B.Tech IV, Sem-I (MR18)

I Mid Examination Subjective Question Bank

Subject: EIA & LCA Branch /Specialization: MECH

Name of the faculty: Mr A Ramu

1. All the questions carry equal marks
2. Solve all the questions

Q.No. Question Taxonomy CO

Module I
1. Explain the factors affecting EIA? Understanding 1
2. Classify the Environmental parameters required for EIA. Understanding 1

3. Explain in detail the elements of EIA? Analysing 1


4. Discuss about the three developmental projects that strongly need EIA Analysing 1

5. Explain the methodology of EIA with a flow chart? Understanding 1

6. Write short notes on Adhoc methods and Matrix methods Understanding 1

7. Briefly describe the Environmental Media Quality Index method. Analysing 1

8. Discuss in brief the Network and Overlay methods. Analysing 1
Module II

1. Describe in detail the steps involved in the study of impact assessment Analysing 2
on soil and groundwater.

2. Determine the steps involved in the study of impact assessment on Analysing 2

surface water.
3. Explain the Project activities that have an impact on the ground water? Understanding 2
4. Briefly describe the reasons for Soil degradation with reference to two Understanding 2
project activities?

5. Explain the environmental effects on surface water? Analysing 2

6. Briefly describe mitigation measures for surface water impacts? Analysing 2

Discuss the Water logging and Salinity problem of soil due to Analysing &
7. 2
developmental projects. Applying

Explain the conservation and mitigation measures of soil and ground Analysing &
8 2
water? Applying
Module III
1 Explain the steps involved in the study of impact assessment on Air Understanding 3

2. Determine the steps involved in the study of impact assessment on Understanding 3


3. Discuss the appropriate mitigation or remediation plans for reducing Applying 3

the adverse air impacts.

4. Explain in detail, the methods of control of Noise? Applying 3

Signature of the Faculty Signature of the HoD

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