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Southern Luzon State University: College of Engineering Mechanical Engineering Department

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College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Department

Name: Date Performed:

Day/Time/Section: Date Submitted:

Instructor: Engr. Ronelito O. San Jose Group Leader:

Exercise 4: Burglar Alarm- The NOT Function


1. To be able to realize the logic NOT function with a PLC Training aim

Technical knowledge

The NOT function

The NOT function is used to convert binary signals into opposing signals:
 If the signal is 0, it is evaluated as 1
 If the signal is 1, it is evaluated as 0

Table A4.1 illustrates an example of the behaviour of the NOT function or an input %IX1
and an output %QX2.

Table 4.1: Function table for NOT function

Table A4.2 contains the commands for the implementation of the NOT function in the
individual programming languages.

Table A4.2: The NOT function

Problem description

A thin wire has been stretched behind a display window, which breaks if a burglary is
attempted. A closed circuit is interrupted as a result of this and a buzzer is sounded.

Positional sketch

Exercise Definition

1. Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the circuit

2. Describing the control task by means of the function table and the Boolean equation
3. Declaration of PLC program variables
4. Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC programming languages
5. Testing and commissioning of the PLC program and system


4.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the circuit

 Complete the electrical circuit diagram on the worksheet.

 Assemble the required equipment on the slotted assembly board:

Components list

 Prior to wiring : Switch off power supply

 Establish the electrical connections

4.2 Describe the control task by means of the function table and the Boolean
 Describe the behaviour of the control system irrespective of technology by
means of the function table and the associated Boolean equation.

4.3 Declaration of the PLC program variables

 All variables are to be created as program-local variables.
 Specify only those parts of the declaration required for your PLC application.
These are: Designation, data type, address – only if directly addressed variables
are used – and variables comment.

4.4 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC programming languages
 Select one of the programming languages supported by your PLC system.
Suitable languages for the formulation of logic control systems are LD, FBD, IL
and ST.

4.5 Testing and commissioning of PLC program and system

 Prior to commissioning of the installation: Check the assembled circuit with
the help of the circuit diagrams!
 Commissioning of the installation: Switch on power supply using a standard
voltage of 24 V DC!
 Load the program to the PLC.
 Carry out a function check.
 Correct any errors occurring in the PLC program.
 Document your solution.


4.1 Drawing up the electrical circuit diagram and constructing the circuit

Complete the electrical circuit diagram and enter the available input and output
addresses of your PLC.

Circuit diagram, electrical

4.2 Describing the control task by means of the function table and the Boolean

Create the function table

Function table

Derive the Boolean equation from this:


4.3 Declaration of PLC program variables

Declare the variables required in the PLC program:

Declaration of variables

4.4 Formulation of the PLC program into one of the PLC programming languages

Formulate the solution of the control task in one of these languages:

 Function block diagram (FBD)

 Ladder diagram (LD)
 Instruction list (IL)
 Structured text (ST)

PLC Programs:


The output is set non-stored. What is the effect on the output signal, if the wire is broken and
has to be repaired?


Assessment Rubric

Criteria 1 2 3 Score

Laboratory Skills

Manipulative Skills Members do not demonstrate needed Members occasionally demonstrate Members always demonstrate needed

skills needed skills skills

Experimental Set-up Members are unable to set-up the Members are able to set-up the Members are able to set-up the materials

materials materials with minimum supervision

Process Skills Members do not demonstrate targeted Members occasionally demonstrate Members always demonstrate targeted

process skills targeted process skills process skills

Safety Precaution Members do not follow safety precaution Members follow safety precaution Members follow safety precaution at all


Work Habits

Time management/Conduct of Members do not finish on time with Members finish on time with Members finish ahead of time with

Experiment incomplete data incomplete data complete data and time to revise data.

Cooperative and Teamwork Members do not know their task and Members have defined responsibilities Members are on task and have

have no defined responsibilities. most of the time. Group conflicts are responsibilities at all-time. Group conflicts

Group conflicts have to be settled by the cooperatively managed most of the are cooperatively managed at all times.

teacher. time.

Neatness and Orderliness Messy workplace/paper during and after Clean and orderly workplace/papers Clean and orderly workplace/papers at all

the experiment with occasional mess during and after times during and after the experiment.

the experiment.

Ability to do Independent Work Members require supervision by the Members require occasional supervision Members do not need to be supervised by

teacher by the teacher the teacher

Worksheet Presentation

Drawing up the electrical circuit No drawing or wrong construction of Drawing and construction of circuit Complete and correct drawing and

diagram and constructing circuit circuit diagram diagram with minimal error construction of circuit diagram

Describing the control task by means No answer nor Boolean equation Incomplete answer in the table and the Complete and correct description in the

of the function table and the Boolean described Boolean equation function table and Boolean equation


Declaration of PLC Program Variables No answer nor declared variables in the With minimal error in the declaration of Declared completely the variable required

table variables in the PLC program

Formulation of the PLC program in the One or no programming languages are Two to three programming languages Four programming languages are

various PLC programming languages formulated are formulated presented correctly

Question: The output is set non- Wrong or no answer for the question Incomplete or with minimal error in the Correct and complete answer

stored. What is the effect on the answer

output signal, if the wire is broken?

Conclusions and observations No observation and Comment discussed Observation and discussions does not Observation and discussions totally answer

totally answer the objective of the the objective of the experiment


Other references: Books, Websites/ No indicated reference for the research With incomplete references indicated in With complete references in the research

Program application work the research work work

Other Comments/Observation: Total Score

Total Number of Item 45


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