Thesis of Jhowee
Thesis of Jhowee
Thesis of Jhowee
Submitted by:
Phelps Jhowee L. Ocaya
Chapter 1
resources are less and less, and most of the energy is accompanied by pollution. With
the deterioration of the living environment and the growing of the demand of the
energy, humans must find and use some new energy, such like wind, tidal, solar and
so on. And the most popular new energy is solar power. [1]
Adventist Church can be located. The following establishment can be found inside the
Headquarter Office
Fitness Center
Guest House
Food Court
Basketball Court
Tennis Court
The SPUC Compound envisioned for a greener environment and renewable energy
where they can save a lot energy consume from electric utility and from it, they will
Meter Meter
3 2
Solar energy is one of the renewable energy which can be the ultimate or
utilized by Cagayan Electric Power And Light Company (CEPALCO) as one of the
system in Cagayan de Oro City that supplies power to the city. Due to a lot of
different establishment inside the compound, the SPUC is currently suffering from a
high cost of electricity bill, specially that the said compound has a Hope Channel
Station South Philippines which is one of the biggest contributor of the high cost of
electricity bill because of the 24/7 production. As for the case of the SPUC
Compound, they also belong to the most energy consumers who wanted to reduced
SPUC Meter LMS Meter Church School
Dec-16 253805.33 36,827.71 10,085.26
Dec-17 320,430.14 65,555.58 31823.77
Dec-18 369,137.33 56,450.46 31933.61
Total 943372.80 158,833.75 73,842.64
Table 1.1 Electricity Bill of the Month of December From Year 2016 to Year 2018
1.4 Objectives of the Study
and to determine the viability of installing solar photovoltaic of the building of SPUC
compound. In order to attain this goal, the following objectives must be obtain
The study will be conducted inside the SPUC Compound and the respondents
of the components and the ways of the connection that are between equipments and
the other power sources and electrical loads, the solar PV system can be divided into
or power conditioning unit (PCU). The DC power produced by the PV array can be
transformed into AC power by the PCU, the voltage and power quality are in the light
of the requirements of the utility grid, and can stop supplying power to the grid
Fig. 3. Diagram of grid-connected photovoltaic system
The essence of this study is to determine the total consumption of energy of SPUC
Compound and to compare with the total cost of installment of the photovoltaic in SPUC
compound. With this comparison, may be it can find out whether it will invest or not.
The study covers within the South Philippine Union Conference (SPUC) Compound
located in Upper Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City. The study focused in the financial
calculation and evaluation in placing solar PV system of the existing building of SPUC
2.1 Introduction
In this chapter the basic information of the solar photovoltaic system and
Economic components such as Net Present Value (NPV), Payback Period (PBP),
Equivalent Cash Flows, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and other economic parameters
as Hydro or fossil fuels, it involves using photovoltaic to capture energy from the sun
and convert it to electricity. There are generally two types of solar paneling,
crystalline and amorphous (MrSolar, 2002). Efficiency in this case refers to the
amount of sunlight that reaches the panel’s surface and that is ultimately converted to
features, and is intercepted at the earth’s surface as direct, diffuse, and reflected
components. Direct radiation is intercepted unimpeded, in a direct line from the sun.
Reflected radiation is reflected from surface features. The sum of the direct, diffuse,
As the solar radiation reaches the atmosphere of the earth, the Earth’s
atmosphere absorbs the ultraviolet (UV) and infrared radiation and allows only
radiation having wavelength ranging between 0.29 um and 2.3 um, known as short
Industrial grade devices for measuring solar radiation are delicate and
expensive. The “Pyrometer” is basically a flat plate (covered with a transparent dome)
sensor used to measure the broadband solar radiation flux density froma field of view
of 180 degrees. As the sun strikes it, the surfaces gets hot. The temperature of the
surface is measured with a thermopile, giving a output voltage related to the amount
Figure 5. Pyrometer
a particular location at a given time. The two common methods which characterize
solar radiation are the solar radiance (or radiation) and solar insolation. The solar
varies throughout the day from 0 kW/m^2 at night to a maximum of about 1 kW/m^2.
The solar radiance is strongly dependent on location and location and local weather.
taken periodically throughtout the day. The measurements are taken using either a
radiation). [a]
2.4 Types Photovoltaic Cell
Mono-crystalline silicon Poly-crystalline Flexible amorphous thin film CIGS thin film
sunlight into electricity, a solar inverter to convert the output from direct to alternating
current, as well as mounting, cabling, and other electrical accessories to set up a
working system.
connected to the utility grid using a high quality inverter, which converts DC power
from the solar array into AC power that conforms to the grid’s electrical requirements.
During the day, the solar electricity generated by the system is either used
immediately or sold off to electricity supply companies. In the evening, when the
system is unable to supply immediate power, electricity can be bought back from the
utility. [b]
11 Two Types of Grid Connected Photovoltaic System
Grid connected PV system with a battery backup have an array and a grid tied
inverter, but included with this is an addition of a battery bank and a charge
controller. Grid connected PV system with Battery backup can provide provide power
Grid connected system without battery is system in which when a utility fails
to supply power then there has no way of providing power as the inverter will
2.6 Financial Analysis
are used, and others. In which the researcher will gather data regarding of components
calculating the present values of the future cash flows generated by this investment,
summing them up and finally subtracting this sum of from the initial outlay for the
investment. As previously explained in the text, future cash flows are discounted
using a discount rate considering time and risk. If the calculated NPV is positive, the
accepted. When comparing several exclusive investment projects, the projects with
If Meaning then
accepted or reject.
Present value is the total sum of annual cost taken as a present worth for
cost here are not reflecting the cost of fuel consumption or replacing major equipment
items. Estimations of personnel costs over the project lifetime, particularly in labor-
Maintenance is assumed to be constant in this study on the lifespan of the module. [d]
The entire system of a project does not have the same expectancy of life, at
some point, repair and replacement will occur when the normal duty life of any
system components is shorter than the life expectancy of the entire system. Through
research, the PV array is guaranteed to last for 25 years or more. Also, inverters are
project to equal the initial investment outlay with the expected future cash flows. The
shorter the payback period of an investment project the better for the project to be
accepted. Firms may specify payback requirements as accept-reject decision rules for
benefits and drawbacks (costs) associated with any particular project. Cost Benefit
predicting the cash flows of the project. It is the ratio of the total present value of
benefit of the project to the present value of the cost. A project is accepted for
investment if CBA ratio is greater than or equal to 1, and if not, the investment should
be rejected.
Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction
This chapter states how the researcher gathers all the necessary data with
methods and formulas to be used on this study. These methods are mainly for
financial evaluation.
The researcher will conduct the study at South Philippines Union Conference
The said compound is compose of different facilities that are mention in Chapter 1.
PV system at SPUC compound. The gathered data includes the system sizing, PV
module specifications. Inverter used, cable sizing and the energy calculation.
LCC is the sum of all the cost associated with an energy delivery system over
its entire useful life or over a specific period for analysis, taking into account the time
value of money. This concept is slightly modified to consider the revenues generated
by the system as well as the cost, interest rate and inflation, and termed as life cyle
savings or Net Present Value (NPV). Life-Cycle cost analysis is the process of
calculating whether a particular investment, will generate a positive return on
investment (ROI) over the life of the technology. LCC analysis also considers
inflation. The summary of this analysis is life cycle cost must be equal to the total
energy output.[a]
LCC = C + R + OM
System Design
The cost of a PV module dpends upon the brand, nominal power, efficiency
power increases the more the module gets expensive. In this study the comparison of
four different brands of PV module will be considered. Two brands for mono-
The cost of an inverter is based on its brand and specifications. The more the
rating and specifications are in good quality, the higher the price.
These cost may include regular inspections, cleaning and other occurring
expenses with regards of OM, and this may be done until to its lifespan of the system.
These cost include the repair and replacement of some components of PV with
respect of maintenance. Like inverters, because its only expected to last for 10 years.
3.4.5 Discount Rate
Discount rate describes the changes of value of money over time. The
researcher assumes an annual discount rate of 10%, 8% and 6% for this study and it is
calculating the present values of the future cash flows generated by this investment,
summing them up and finally subtracting this sum of from the initial outlay for the
investment. As previously explained in the text, future cash flows are discounted
using a discount rate considering time and risk. If the calculated NPV is positive, the
accepted. When comparing several exclusive investment projects, the projects with
benefits and drawbacks (costs) associated with any particular project. Cost Benefit
predicting the cash flows of the project. It is the ratio of the total present value of
benefit of the project to the present value of the cost. A project is accepted for
investment if CBA ratio is greater than or equal to 1, and if not, the investment should
be rejected
Figure 2.5.6 Cost Benefit Analysis Formula
It is the length to recover the cost of an investment. The earlier the payback of
The IRR determines the discount rate for an investment where the sum of the
present values of the expected future cash flows and the initial investment outlay
equals zero. It basically means that the IRR is the discount rate that equates an
investment project’s NPV to zero (Shapiro, 2005). Brealey, 2006, p93 states “The
internal rate of return rule is to accept an investment project if the opportunity cost of
capital is less than the internal rate of return.” The rational behind this statement is
that an investment project yielding more than its opportunity cost of capital has a
positive NPV, thus it is worthwhile investing. The IRR has some shortcomings that
everyone using it has to be aware of. Multiple rates of return may occur if the sign of
the projected future cash flows change (that is cash inflows and cash outlays) during
the investment project’s lifetime. There may also be instances where NPV and IRR
projects. Reasons for these differences may lie in the different timing of the project’s
cash flows (that is when project future cash flows are expected) as well as in the scale
of the investment projects (that is the amount of the initial investment outlay). Just as
it is the case with the NPV, another disadvantage of the IRR is the fact that the model
gives a false sense of accuracy, since the computed present value is based on
3.5 Flow Chart
Data Gathering
a. albina
a. Jasvir Singh (July 2010) “Study and design of grid connected solar
b. Arth bayhon
d. albina
[1] Chen Wang, “SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC”. 2016