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Sign Convertion
It is vital to understand the STAAD . this is needed to ensure that the input
data is ac intended and for the interpretation of the analysis results .
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Co-ordinate system
Since start uses the matrix displacement method of structural analysis, there are 2
Cartesian co-ordinate system, the local and the global. The geometry of the
structure as the whole is defined by the nodes at the various structural members
and each node has a unique member. Each member also has a unique number
and the topology of the member is defined relative the node number at its ends.
The establisher the “MEMBER INCIDENCES” table the location of each nodes is
defined relative to a global co-ordinate system by default ,the origin of the global
co- ordinate system is at node member .the location of points or sections within
each structural member is defined relative to the local co-ordinate system with
the origin at the left and node of the member viewed horizontally .each members
has its own local co-ordinate system.
Perpendicular construction lines which can be used as an aid to modelling
the structure is called Grid or Grid lines. Grid lines are usually set up to a difficult
value by the programme where it starts but of coves we can change the density of
grid lines in the snap /grid setting window .it is recommended draw only the
required grid lines to draw or structure to accurately .model the structure without
only confusion we can change the no of grid lines in X Y Z directions and spacing
in each axes ,we have multiple grid system in different names also.
It got a reversible graphical user interface (GUI).integrated into the program for
the easy modeling .post analysis, and print options the interface is fully developed
and well documented .various editing commands are available with in this GUI.
Some of these features are commonly used editing commands are discovered .
Insert Node : you can add nodes to the structure using this method .
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Structure Wizard
Templates of same structure are come packed with STAAD Pro are can use there
templates by using structure wizard. We can select a template and give the
necessary details to model the structure easily one equal become are to be
drawn, select the STAAD interface. You have to specify the co-ordinates which
structure is to be placed then.
3D Rendering
You can view a 3D rendering of the structure for better visualize
what you modeled .loading arrangements can be also seen and better understand
to pull out error it any .3D rendering assignment method .
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After analysis STAAD gives 3 options for the user
Stay in modeling mode : user can continue the modeling of structure
Go to the post processing mode : view the analysis result in graphical forms
View output file : view the results of analysis in written format
Post processing mode: this mode helps the used to visualize the bending
force, bending moment and other stress resultant.
Developed at the members, i.e. we can see the SFD BMD elastic curve etc.
of the whole structure or of individual members.
Output files : each analysis carried out in STAAD will produce a tent
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containing all the outputs and inputs and other information that uses the
selected when modeling the structure .this is stored in a file named “file name
an “.
Design in STAAD supports more than 10 Indian standard codes (concrete and
steel)are also supported ,limit state method is used for design .
STAAD Editor
We can model define attribution and assign it to the model using
STAAD GUI . but there is built in command the interface to these things it is
known as STAAD EDITOR . STAAD EDITOR is the command line interface for
developing the models and all the other STAAD input by typing some commands
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collectively called STAAD Language . the STAAD editor will produce a standard file
which is recognized by the STAAD engine and it will be create the model from
that file .
Although the STAAD input can be create through the modelling mode is
important to understand the command language . with the knowledge of the
language it is easy in understand the problem and add or command data and
necessary . the general sequence in which the commands should appear in the
input file ideally follow the same sequence in which they are presented in this
section . the commands are executed in the sequences entered STAAD .
commands have a particular system in which the STAAD engine can understand
and failing to follow will give system error .
Various operations of STAAD pro were studied .
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Start the application
Open the STAAD Pro by double clicking “STAAD”
Set the workspace
New project
▪ Space
▪ File name
▪ Length unit - meter
▪ Force unit -kilo newton
▪ Next
▪ Add beam finish
Specification of the beam
Click snap node draw the span (4m) click snap node
Commands member property prismatic rectangle
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YD = 0.4m
ZD = 0.23m
add close
click assign to view assign close.
Commands support specification fixed add select support2 use cursor
to assign assign click on one end assigning.
Commands loading primary load title (dead) ok
Self weight select Y-direction factor(-1) OK
Member load concentrated force P (-20) d1 = 1m , d2 =0m,direction GY
add use cursor to assign assign
Member load uniform force W 1 (-10) d1=2m, d2=4m, d3=0m,direction
GY add use cursor to assign assign close
View structural diagrams labels load values apply OK
View structural diagrams scales point force (50) distance force (25)
apply OK
Tools dimension beams dimension to view display
Command pre- analysis print member information to view OK
Command analysis perform analysis all OK
Command post analysis analysis result Yes
view structural diagram loads &results apply OK
analysis run analysis view output files and result OK
mode post processing result view options apply OK
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The given cantilever beam was analyzed and the corresponding bending moment
and shear force values are formed out.
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To draw the bending moment diagram and shear force diagram of a rectangular
cantilever beam with 1 point load and 2 Udl acting on it, using STAAD Pro.
Start the application
Open the STAAD Pro by double clicking “STAAD”
Set the workspace
New project
▪ Space
▪ File name
▪ Length unit - meter
▪ Force unit -kilo newton
▪ Next
▪ Add beam finish
Specification of the beam
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Click snap node draw the span (8m) click snap node
Commands member property prismatic rectangle
YD = 0.4m
ZD = 0.23m
add close
click assign to view assign close.
Commands support specification fixed add select support2 use cursor
to assign assign click on one end assigning.
Commands loading primary load title (dead) ok
Self weight select Y-direction factor(-1) OK
Member load concentrated force P (-100) d1 = 4m , d2 =0m,direction GY
add use cursor to assign assign
Member load uniform force W 1 (-50) d1=0m, d2=3m, d3=0m,direction
GY add use cursor to assign assign close
View structural diagrams labels load values apply OK
View structural diagrams scales point force (50) distance force (25)
apply OK
Tools dimension beams dimension to view display
Command pre- analysis print member information to view OK
Command analysis perform analysis all OK
Command post analysis analysis result Yes
view structural diagram loads &results apply OK
analysis run analysis view output files and result OK
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mode post processing result view options apply OK
click Mz for BMD and Fy for SFD
The fixed beam was analyzed and the corresponding bending moment and shear
force values are formed out.
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Start the application
Open the STAAD Pro by double clicking “STAAD”
Set the workspace
New project
▪ Space
▪ File name
▪ Length unit - meter
▪ Force unit -kilo newton
▪ Next
▪ Add beam finish
Specification of the beam
Click snap node draw the span
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5m upwards
4m towards right
5m downwards
Click snap node.
Commands member property prismatic rectangle
YD = 0.3m
ZD = 0.3m
add close
click assign to view assign close.
Commands support specification fixed add select support2 use cursor
to assign assign click on one end assigning.
Commands loading primary load title (dead) ok
Self weight select Y-direction factor(-1) OK
Member load concentrated force P (-200) d1 = 2m , d2 =0m,direction GY
add use cursor to assign assign
Member load uniform force W 1 (12) d1=0m, d2=5m, d3=0m,direction
GX add use cursor to assign assign (left column close
View structural diagrams labels load values apply OK
View structural diagrams scales point force (50) distance force (25)
apply OK
Tools dimension beams dimension to view display
Command pre- analysis print member information to view OK
Command analysis perform analysis all OK
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The given frame was analyzed and the corresponding bending moment and shear
force values were formed out.
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A project management is the application of knowledge, skill and techniques to a
project, activities to meet project requirements. Project management is
accomplished through the application and integration of the project management
Project management aims at helping you to plan and control a project
employee in a dynamic schedule .a schedule that provide a realistic model of a
project anticipated behaviors, then changes to match the projects.
It serves as a foundation for several related functions . these functions include
designing ,estimating scheduling and project content .scheduling in comparison is
the determination of the timing and then assembly to give the overall completion
project. The purpose of scheduling may moves flews in the plan ,leading to
revisions .fundamental to the planning process is a chain of operations involving .
Information, searches and the analysis
Development of alternatives
Analysis and evaluation of alternatives
Expt No : 1
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Selection of alternatives
Execution and feed backs
Planning is the performed at various levels and various times during execution of
It involves identifying and documenting the specific activities that must be
performed in order to produce .the deliverable and sob deliverable identified in
the work .break down structure implicit is this process is the need to define the
activities such that the project objectives will be met.
Construct the network diagram for execution of tower .
Computer with MS project software
Open the MS office from start menu
Start all programs MS office MS project
Enter the data as given on the left side of the page
To create alternate diagram.
Click format and select Gantt chart wizard and select critical path, then click next
and select format it and exit the wizard.
For showing the network diagram
Select view and select view bar then select network diagram
Network diagram is obtained.
Expt No : 1
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Expt No : 1
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Construct the network diagram for placing diesel pump by a new electric pump.
Computer with MS project software
Open the MS office from start menu
Start all programs MS office MS project
Enter the data as given on the left side of the page
To create alternate diagram.
Click format and select Gantt chart wizard and select critical path, then click next
and select format it and exit the wizard.
For showing the network diagram
Select view and select view bar then select network diagram
Network diagram is obtained.
Expt No : 1
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Decision making Remove old set Install a new Put power line
Give power
Dispose old set
Purchase a Wiring
new pump