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Refresher Course Module 2021-2022: English

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Government of Tamil Nadu




Department of School Education



Fundamental Language Skills 1-15

Refresher Course Module
1 Tongue Twisters and Riddles 16
2 Responding to Instructions 20
3 Collective and Abstract Nouns 23
4 Singular and Plural Nouns 26
5 Young Ones 30
6 Reading Comprehension 33
7 Pronouns 36
8 Adverbs 39
9 Speaking 41

10 Continuous Tenses 45

11 Perfect Tenses 48

12 Letter Writing (Informal) 51

13 Compound Words & Clipped Words 54
14 Synonyms And Antonyms 57
15 Suffixes 60

16 Paragraph Writing 63

17 Prepositions 66

18 Conjunctions 69

19 Reading 71

20 Creative Writing 74

Fundamental Language Skills

1 Picture Reading

Learning Outcome :
• Associating words with body parts and naming body parts seen in the pictures.
Teacher Activity:
• Teacher points out to some of the body parts.
• The teacher shows pictures of body parts to the students and names them.

- Nose - Eyes
- Ears

• Students point out to them and say the name of the body parts.
• Teacher repeats the name of the body parts.
• Students repeat after him/her.
(Note to the Teacher: Teacher can focus on the names of class room things too.)
Student Activity: Find and label it!
Teacher provides a set of flash cards of body parts to students and asks them to
label them.

Observe the pictures and name them

_______________ _______________ _______________

2 Write Simple Words

Learning outcome:
• Writing simple words like fan, hen, etc.
Teacher activity:
• Teacher creates the missing letter picture cards.
• As the cards are shown, students name the pictures.
• Students write the missing letters.


Student activity:
• Teacher prepares word cards and picture cards.
• Students are divided into two groups.
• One group has the pictures and another group has the words.
• Teacher says a word aloud.
• Students who have the picture and word will come in front of the class.
• Students write down the words in their notebooks.
Observe the pictures and write their names.

-------------- -------------- --------------

3 Self Introduction

Learning Outcomes:
• Talking about self/situations/pictures in English.
Teacher activity:
• Teacher introduces himself/herself.
I am Arun.
My father’s name is Ravi.
My mother’s name is Rani.
My brother’s name is Hari.
My sister’s name is Pavi.
• Students are encouraged to introduce themselves in the same manner.
Students activity:
• The teacher places some masks of birds and animals on a tray.
• The teacher divides the classroom into two groups.
• The teacher asks one group to take a mask and wear it.
• Now the other group describes the bird or animal.
• Each student says one line about the bird or animal.
I am an elephant.
I am black in colour.
I have four legs.
I have a long trunk.
Look at the picture and answer the questions .
1. Who is Arun’s father? Rani
Ravi Arun
2. Who is Hari and Arun’s sister?
3. What is the name of Arun’s brother?

Hari Pavi

4 Comprehension

Learning Outcomes :
• Responding to comprehension questions related to stories and poems, in home
language or English or sign language, orally and in writing (phrases/ short sentences)
Teacher Activity:
• The teacher reads out a short passage/story aloud twice.
• The students listen to the teacher.
• The teacher asks a few questions based on the passage /story and checks the
comprehension of the students.
Example: Kavya has a new bicycle. It is bright red and shiny. It was a gift from
her uncle. He hid it behind a bush to surprise her. When Kavya looked behind the
bush and saw the bicycle, she jumped in joy. It was just what she wanted. She gave her
uncle a big hug. She loves her new bicycle, and she loves her uncle.
1. What color is the bicycle?
2. Who gifted her the bicycle?
3. Where was it hidden?
Student Activity:
• Students are paired into two.
• One student introduces about himself/herself in a few sentences.
• The other students listens with attention.
• After introducing, the student who introduced asks questions.
• The student who listened will answer the questions.
• Similarly, students say about their hobbies or daily routine and ask questions related
to it. This way the comprehension of the students is checked.
Read the passage and answer the questions.
My kite
My name is Daisy. I have 10 colorful kites. I am flying red kite. My kite is flying
higher than my brother’s kite. My father is teaching me how to fly a kite.
1. How many kites does Daisy have? ___________
2. Which colour kite is Daisy flying? ___________
3. Who is flying kites with Daisy? ___________

5 Expressing Opinions and Asking

Learning outcomes:
• Expressing verbally her or his opinion and asks questions about the characters,
storyline, etc., in English or home language.
Teacher Activity:
• The teacher narrates a few moral stories and the students listen.
• For example, ‘The hare and the tortoise’, ‘The thirsty crow’, ‘The lion and the mouse’
and ‘The dove and the ant’.
• Teacher helps the children to identify the characters and sequence of the events in a
story by asking simple questions.
• The teacher also asks the opinion of the students about the characters in the story.
• For example, “Which character do you like the most? Why?”, “What is your opinion
about the ‘hare/tortoise/ant/ dove/lion/mouse etc.,.
Student Activity:
• The teacher narrates / reads out a story and the students listen.
• The students are divided into two groups.
• Students of group 1 ask questions based on the story and students of group 2 answer
and vice-versa.
Observe the picture story and answer.

1. Who took a nap?

2. Who won the race?

3. Which animal should win the race in your opinion?

6 Naming words (Nouns), Pronouns,
Describing words- (Adjectives)

Learning outcome:
• Using nouns such as ‘boy’, ‘sun’ and prepositions like ‘in’, ‘on’, ‘under’, etc. Teacher
Activity 1:
• Using pronouns related to gender like ‘his/her/, he/she, it’ and other pronouns like
‘this/that’, ‘here/there’ ‘these/those’ etc.
• Using simple adjectives related to size, shape, colour, weight, texture such as ‘big’,
‘small’, ‘round’, ‘pink’, ‘red’, ‘heavy’, ‘light’, ‘soft’ etc.
Teacher Activity -1

• The teacher uses the classroom objects to help students name them, and make them
understand what their name is .

• The teacher asks the students to look around the classroom and name the objects.

• Then explains - “ Noun is the naming word , which we use to name the people,
place, birds, animals and things.

Teacher Activity-2:

▶▶ Teacher describes that ‘Pronoun’ is a word that substitutes for a noun or a noun

▶▶ Teacher shows a chart of pronouns which illustrates different pronouns.

▶▶ Teacher differentiates between Nouns and their Pronouns.

Teacher Activity: 3
• The teacher shows some pictures to the students.

• The students have to name the pictures.

• Then, the teacher asks them some questions based on the pictures
Example: Is the elephant big or small?
Is the fruit bag heavy or light?
• Different questions are asked using the pictures.
• The teacher highlights the ‘describing words’ such as ‘heavy’, ‘red’, ‘tall’, ‘short’, ‘light’,
‘round’ and explains about ‘Adjectives’.
Student Activity -1:

• Play the alphabet game using nouns.

• Teacher writes the letters in pieces of paper and puts them in a box.

• Ask the students to take one paper at a time.

• For example, if the letter ‘D’ is picked, the student says the nouns starting with the
letter ‘D’.

Student activity : 2 Circle game

• Students have to bring objects that they have with them or from the classroom.

• They stand in a circle.
• They have to describe about the object they have using any adjective, such as tall,
short, big, small, thick, round, sharp, red, thin, blue and so on.
1. Circle the noun.
a) the small lion it of

b) where pineapple
what are this

c) was were Mumbai long out

d) vaigai where an there this

2. Fill in the blanks.

i) She is a girl. _______(His/Her) name is Vimala.

ii) Raju is a boy. ________ (He /She)is my neighbour.

iii) He is a boy. ________ (His/Her) name is Kavin.

iv) Mala is a girl. ------------------ (His/Her)is my relative.

v) She is Mala. ________ (He/She) friend is Kamala.

3. Complete the sentences using suitable adjectives.

The is ....................

The is ...................

The is .....................

7 Action words and Tenses

Learning Outcome:
• Identifying kinds of nouns, adverbs; differentiating between simple past and
simple present verbs.
• Using meaningful grammatically correct sentences to describe and narrate
incidents; and for framing questions.

Teacher Activity:
The teacher explains the forms of verbs.
Present Past Past participle Present participle
Go/ goes Went Gone going
The teacher explains Past, Present and Future continuous tenses adopting
situational approach and gives examples.
Past continuous tense Present continuous tense Future continuous tense
I was writing a letter at I am writing a letter now. I will be writing a letter by
5 o’clock yesterday. this time tomorrow.

Student Activity:
The class is divided into three teams. A student from the first team has to say
a sentence in past continuous tense. A student from the second team has to retell
the sentence in present continuous tense. A student from the third team has to say
the same sentence in future continuous tense.

Pick out the correct answer from the options provided.
1. Koushik __________________ a bicycle yesterday. (was riding / were riding)
2. I __________________ in a bus by this time tomorrow.(will be travelling /
am travelling)
3. I __________________ in the ground now.(am playing /was playing)

8 Vocabulary Development

Learning outcomes:
• Using vocabulary related to subjects like Mathematics, EVS, relevant to class III.
• Writing dictation of words/phrases/sentences

Activity- 1:
The teacher shows the chart which contains Kitchen related words with
pictures. Then he/she explains the meaning of the word with proper pronunciation
and asks the students to say the names of objects they have seen in their kitchen.

Activity- 2:
Students are divided into 2groups.Teacher encourages the students to make a
list of words for the given topics. Example: (i) School (ii) Family . The group which
completes the task with more words is rewarded.

1. Identify and circle the correct word for the given picture.

i) ii)

Ladle / strainer Ladle / strainer

2. If someone steals a valuable thing from you, where will you go and complain?

Hospital Police station Post office Library

3. Write any five words related to your school.

9 Simple Conversation

Learning Outcome:
• Responding appropriately to oral messages / telephonic communication.

Teacher Activity:
The teacher interacts with the students with simple day-to-day questions and
conversation.Then the teacher asks different questions seeking answers.
Eg. Good morning students !, What did you have for breakfast? / How many
idlis did you eat?
What is your favourite colour? / Who is your favourite actor? and so on.

Student Activity:
The teacher gives simple situations to students for telephonic conversation.
The students are given structures for simple conversation. They take turns and
practice telephonic conversation using the given structures.

1. Frame questions in the correct order.
i) a May tell I story?
ii) I song sing a can?
2.Write any five ‘Wh’ questions on your own.
3.Complete the telephonic conversation using the clue box.
Thankyou Bye Where How Hello Okay

David : _! This is David here.
Shiva : Hey David!_ are you?
David : I’m fine,.
Shiva : ___________________ are you going this weekend?
David : I’m going to visit the museum.
Shiva : Let’s go together.
David : See you.

10 Responding to Instructions

Learning Outcome:
• Acting according to the instructions given in English.

Teacher Activity:
• The teacher gives some instructions to the students. The students act according
to the instructions. Example: All of you sit down,Write fast, Come to the black
board., Clap your hands and Form a queue.
• Then the teacher writes some everyday instructions on a piece of paper and rolls
it. All the lots are put into a box and kept on the teacher table. Now the class is
divided into two groups namely ‘A’ and ‘B’. Every student from each group has
to take a lot, after seeing the lot he/she has to act as per the instruction, and the
opposite team has to identify and say the instruction.
Example: Keep quiet, Maintaine slience, Draw a circle, Put this piece of paper
in the dustbin, Go out and Raise your hands.

Student Activity
The class is divided into small groups. Each Group is given a Topic for writing
instructions.They discuss in their groups and write instructions related to the topic.
1. Class room instructions
2. Covid – 19 safety measures
3. Personal Hygiene

1. Draw a flower with seven petals. Write the day of the week on each petal.
Colour each petal differently.
2. Write any two instructions for personal hygiene.
3. Write any two instructions for road safety.

11 Framing Sentences

Learning Outcomes:
• Using meaningful grammatically correct sentences to describe and narrate
incidents; and for framing questions.
• Using nouns, verbs, adjectives and prepositions in speech and writing.
Teacher Activity: 1
The teacher shows a picture and writes a few sentences She encourages the
students to say a few sentences describing the picture.

Teacher Activity: 2
• The teacher displays a few pictures of action words like ‘dance’, ‘read’, ‘write’, ‘jump’,
sing’, swim’, etc
• Picks one picture (dance) and says, “I can dance.”
• Then points to a girl and says, “She can dance”; points to a boy and says, “He can
dance”. Then, the teacher asks a student, “What can you do?”
• That student picks a picture card and says a sentence in the similar pattern, “I
can________”. She/ he /you/we/they can_____”
• All students repeat this sentence pattern and frame simple sentences.

Student Activity: 1
• The teacher displays pictures of various occupations like carpenter, farmer, policeman,
teacher and so on.
• The teacher picks one picture and gives a sample demonstration. For example, the
teacher says “I am Rani. My father is a farmer.”
• The teacher then questions a student from group A, “Who are you? What does your
father do?”
• That student answers “I am Sheela. My father is a driver” and questions another
student in group B.
• This goes on until all students are able to frame simple sentences.
The boys are playing.
A girl rides a bicycle.
Student Activity: 2
The teacher gives a few word strips to the children. They are asked to frame
simple sentences using word strips.
A am I doctor. – I am a doctor.
1.Circle the Action verb in the given sentences.
1. Sharks swim in the ocean.
2.Complete the given sentences.
My name is ______________.I am Studying in ____________.
3. Frame any 3 simple sentences from the table.


i) __________________ ii) __________________ iii) ________________

4.Write two sentences about your school.

Refresher Course Module

1 Tongue Twisters and Riddles

Learning Outcome:
• Reciting and sharing English songs, poems, games, riddles, stories, tongue twisters
etc, reciting and sharing with peers and family members.
Teacher Activity- 1
• The teacher writes the tongue twister given below on the black board and recites it
with proper stress, pause and intonation.

• The students practise the tongue twister in groups and make presentations.
• The group which performs better is appreciated.
Teacher Activity- 2
• The teacher divides the class into two teams namely A & B.
• The teacher says some riddles.
• A student from each team has to answer.
• Equal opportunity is given to both the teams for answering.
• The team which solves more riddles is the winner.
1. What goes up and down but does not move? – Stairs.

2. What can you catch but never throw? – Cold.
3. What has hands but cannot clap? – clock.
4. What goes up and doesn’t come down? – Your age.
5. What belongs to you but is used more by others? – Your name.
Student Activity - 1
• The teacher divides the class into small groups.
• Each group is given a tongue twister strip.
• The students are encouraged to read and recite the Tongue Twisters.
1. I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen.
2. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.
3. Red lorry, yellow lorry.
4. Blue Blood, Black Blood.
5. Four furious friends fought for phone.
6. Chicks and clocks, bricks and blogs!
7. I can can a can, but you cannot can a can as I can can a can.
Student Activity- 2
• Teacher divides the class into small groups. Each group is given a work sheet with
the riddles. They have to solve the riddles.
• The first group which submits the worksheet to the teacher with all the correct
answers wins.
1. I’m hot and I live in the sky. I’m bright; don’t look directly at me. I will disappear at
night. What am I? -The Sun
2. I can fly without wings and cry without eyes. What am I? - Cloud
3. I’m usually green and brown. With rain, I can live for a long time. I’m a house for
birds and kids love to climb me. What am I? – Tree
4. I have four legs but no tail. Usually, I’m heard only at night. What am I? – Frog

Assessment- Worksheet
1. Match the tongue twister with the picture:

a. Tricky frisky snake sixty super scaly stripes.

b. I scream, You scream, we all scream for ice cream!

c. Popcorn popped with a loud pop.

d. Zero Zebras zigzagged into the Zoo.

e. Red Lorry,Yellow Lorry.

II. Create tongue twisters related to the pictures.

a. b. c.

d. e.

III. Solve the riddle.
a. What is always coming but never arrives? What am I? ______________________
b. Say my name and I disappear. What am I? ___________________________
IV. Answer the following riddles using the clues in the picture:
a. I have a face and two hands but no arms and legs. Who am I?
b. I can come in many different colours. I can become blunt but not a knife. I contain
lead but I am not metallic. People use me to write but I am not a pen. What am I?
c. I am found on people’s faces. I have lenses but I am not a camera. I always come as
pair. Who am I?
d. I am a common household item. I dispel darkness. I am bright even though I don’t
have any brains.

V. Match the tongue twisters and say aloud:

a. Unique New York - sheep sleep
b. A proper - lower roller
c. She sells - copper coffee pot
d. Six sad - New York’s unique
e. Upper roller - sea shells on the sea shore

2 Responding to Instructions

Learning Outcome:
• Acting according to the instructions given in English.
Teacher Activity- 1
• The teacher gives some instructions to the students.
• The students act according to the instructions. Example
1. All of you sit down.
2. Write fast.
3. Come to the black board.
4. Clap your hands.
5. Form a queue.
6. Close the window.
Teacher Activity- 2
• The teacher writes some of the everyday instructions on a piece of paper and rolls it.
All the lots are put into a box and kept on the teacher table.
• Now the class is divided into two groups namely ‘A’ and ‘B’.
• Every student from each group has to take a lot, after seeing the lot he/she has to act
as per the instruction, and the opposite team has to identify and say the instruction.
1. Keep Quiet.
2. Draw a circle.
3. Put this piece of paper in the dust bin.
4. Go out.
5. Raise your hands.
Student Activity 1
• The class is divided into small groups.
• Each Group is given a Topic for writing instructions.

• They discuss in groups and write instructions related to the topic.
1. Class room instructions
2. Conservation of forest
3. Covid – 19 safety measures
4. Personal Hygiene
Student Activity- 2
• The students are divided into groups.
• Each group is given a chart with the pictures associated with Road safety.
• The students discuss in groups and write the instructions.




Assessment- Worksheet
1. Connect the picture with the instruction:
Make a circle.

Sit down.

Draw a picture.

Work in pairs.

Listen to the teacher.

Open the book.

Stick it.

Close your book.

II. Look at the pictures and write the instructions.

a. ________________________________________

b. ________________________________________

c. ________________________________________

III. Rearrange the jumbled instructions. (to use computer)

a. Go to the start button and click it.

b. Wait while the computer boots.
c. Switch on the main power supply.
d. Switch on the CPU.
e. Switch on the monitor.
IV. Listen to the instructions and follow:
a. Take a sheet of paper.
b. Draw a star and write your name next to the star on the top left corner of the sheet.
c. Draw a road on the middle.
d. Draw a sun on the top centre.
e. Draw two clouds on the top right corner.
f. Draw a bush on the bottom right corner.
g. Colour the picture.
h. Write a sentence about the picture.
V. Write instructions for personal Hygiene (Minimum 5).

3 Collective and Abstract Nouns

Learning Outcome:
• Identifying kinds of nouns, adverbs; differentiating between simple past and simple
present verbs.
Teacher Activity- 1
• The teacher shows some picture cards like ‘a bunch of keys’, ’a strip of tablets’, ‘a heap
of coins’, ‘a bouquet of flowers’, ‘a pack of cards’, etc., to introduce the concept of
“Collective Nouns”. By showing these picture cards, the teacher makes the students
understand that, “A collective Noun is the word used to denote a group of people,
animals, birds or things”.

A bunch of keys

A heap of coins

A pack of cards

A bouquet of flowers

A strip of tablets

Teacher Activity- 2
• The teacher uses visuals to teach abstract nouns.

• The teacher describes the meaning of abstract nouns in simple words by using the
word cards, as shown below:
brave- quality of being fearless and courageous
Clever-quality of extreme sharpness and quickness of mind.
Loyal-quality of being faithful.
Student Activity 1
• The teacher divides the class into two groups.
• The teacher asks the students to draw some pictures for collective nouns and write
the names of the collective nouns.
• The teacher asks the groups to collect and compile the drawings.
• The team leaders come and do the presentations.
Student Activity 2
• Several word cards are prepared in which collective nouns, proper nouns and
common nouns are written.
• Metal clip is attached to each word card and kept in a tray.
• A small magnet is taken and tied with a rope. Students are asked to come one by one
and ‘fish’ the collective nouns.

• Using the magnet tied to a rope, students are asked to fish only the collective nouns
amongst the other nouns.
Assessment- Worksheet
I. Underline the collective nouns in the following sentences:
a. The school staff will meet on Friday.
b. There was a crowd at the shop.
c. The police arrested the thief.
d. A group of students played hockey yesterday.
e. The cricket team reached the stadium.
2. Write the appropriate word for the given poster.
(bouquet, family, choir, litter, crowd)
a. My ________ and I go on holiday together every summer.
b. The school _______ sang beautifully in the concert.
c. She gave him a _________of flowers on his birthday.
d. The small child got lost in the ___________.
e. Our dog had a __________of puppies.
III. Circle the abstract nouns in the following sentences:
a. I love my nation.
b. In her anger, she threw her mobile.
c. They got enough courage to face the problem.
d. Honesty is the best policy.
e. She jumped in joy.
IV. Fill in the blanks with suitable abstract nouns:
(success, truth, pain, clever, happy)
a. As she is a ___________ girl, she can understand things easily.
b. ____________alone triumphs.
c. ____________is the result of hard work.
d. Don’t live in _________; Be___________ always.
V. Classify the given nouns under the heads “Abstract nouns” and “Collective nouns”:
beauty, love, team, group, crowd, happiness, sad, troop
Abstract nouns Collective nouns

4 Singular and Plural Nouns

Learning Outcome:
• Identifying kinds of nouns, adverbs; differentiating between simple past and simple
present verbs.
Teacher Activity- 1
• The teacher explains the singular nouns and plural nouns by showing the classroom
objects as examples.
a. The teacher writes some sentences on the blackboard and asks them to underline
the singular nouns and write their plural forms.
• He has eaten an apple and an orange.
• She drinks a glass of milk.
• There is a box under the table.
b. The teacher asks the students to stand in a circle. She/he plays the music and
asks the students to start passing the ball. When the music stops, the teacher says
a word, and the student holding the ball has to spell its plural. The game is
continues till everyone gets a chance.
Teacher Activity- 2
a. The teacher writes some sentences on the blackboard and asks them to rewrite
the given sentences with the correct form of noun.
1.Three child play in the playground.
2. My friends gifted some toy on my birthday.
3. The wooden furnitures are looking beautifully.
4. Ice cream are in many flavours.
5. My bookshelf has many book.
b. The teacher divides the students into two groups. And gives flash cards with
singular nouns to the first group and flash cards with plural nouns to the second
group. Then the teacher asks the students to match the singular and plural nouns.

Mala holds a flashcard of ‘ox’ and Deepa holds a flashcard of ‘oxen’ and both of them
stand together and read the singular and plural nouns.
Student Activity 1
• The teacher writes some sentences on the blackboard and calls the students one by
one to identify the plural nouns.
Cups Chair Furniture
Table Fans Door
Oxen Pot Rats
Student Activity 2 - Pair- learning Activity
• The teacher makes the students find out the appropriate word from the word puzzle
and fill in the blanks.

1. I like to read story _____________.

2.____________ live in the forest.
3. I play cricket with my _____________.
4. Tea ___________ are in the tray.
5. Kids like ___________.
Assessment- Worksheet
I. Complete the sentences with the plural nouns:
a. Many ______(mango) are hanging from the tree.
b. My mother made two _______(cake).
c. ________ (cow) eat grass.
d. The dentist cleaned my ______________ (tooth) yesterday.
e. Robin has many _______ (pen)
II. Write the plural nouns for the following pictures.

III. Look at the picture and write any four singular nouns and plural nouns.


Plural Noun

IV. Write the plural nouns of any 10 objects used in day to day life.
Example brushes

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

V. Find out the plural noun for the following and solve the puzzle:

2 Tooth 1 Man
7 Wife 3 Hammer
8 Snake 4 Bush
10 Party 5 Foot
12 Leaf 6 Bench
13 Box 9 Girl
16 House 11 Story
17 Finger 14 Shoe
19 Knife 15 Sock
20 Basket 18 Goose

5 Young Ones

Learning Outcome:
• Identifying kinds of nouns, adverbs; differentiating between simple past and simple
present verbs.
• Using the dictionary for reference.
Teacher Activity- 1
• The teacher shows some picture cards of the animals to the students and asks them
to name their young ones.
Example: Dog – puppy , Hen -- chick
• The teacher introduces some more young ones using picture cards.
Teacher Activity- 2
• The teacher divides the class into two groups.
• The teacher gives the pictures of animals to the first group and the pictures of young
ones to the second group.
• The teacher asks the groups to match the animals with their young ones.

Cat Kitten

Rabbit Bunny

Pig piglet

Student Activity 1 - Individual Activity

a. The teacher makes the students pick out a card from the box one by one and say the
young ones. Example
Dog Cow Tiger Hen Butterfly
Donkey Bear Deer Elephant Rabbit
b. In continuation of the above activity, the teacher asks the students to frame sentences
using the young ones.

Example puppy , kitten , caterpillar, calf….
1. I like my puppy very much.
2. There is a kitten in my house.
3. I have seen a caterpillar in the tree near my house.
Student Activity 2
• The teacher makes the students form pairs.
• The teacher shows some picture cards of animals to the students.
• One student selects a picture card of animals and shows it to his / her pair.
• He/she says their young one.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Assessment- Worksheet

I. Find out the correct answer by rearranging the jumbled letters in brackets:
a. The young one of fish is ____________ (r,f,y)
b. The young one of hen is __________(h,i,c,k,c)
c. The young one of the goat is ________(i,k,d)
d. The young one of the horse is ____________(o,l,f,a)
e. The young one of the lion is _____________(b,c,u)
II. Fill in the blanks:
a. The young one of a tiger is ________.
b. The young one of a deer is ________.
c. The young one of an elphant is _________.
d. The young one of a sheep is ________.
e. The young one of a kangaroo is _________.
III. Match the following
a. Fox - snakelet
b. Duck - baby
c. Ape - cub
d. Cow - duckling
e. Snake - calf

IV. Look at the picture and write the young ones.

V. Choose the best answer:

a. The young one of a camel is ____________________________
i. Calf
ii. Cub
iii. Puppy
iv. Lamb
b. _____________________ is the baby of monkey
i. Fawn
ii. Kit
iii. Infant
iv. Foal
c. The young one of a mouse is ___________________________
i. Pup
ii. Chick
iii. Kid
iv. Piglet
d. The young one of a donkey is ___________________________
i. Foal
ii. Kid
iii. Fawn
iv. Lamb

6 Reading Comprehension

Learning Outcome:
• Reading independently in English storybooks, news items/ headlines, advertisements
etc ; talking about it, and composing short paragraphs.
• Connecting ideas that he/she has inferred, through reading and interaction, with
his/her personal experiences.
• Using meaningful grammatically correct sentences to describe and narrate incidents;
and for framing questions.
Teacher Activity- 1
• The teacher reads a story. Then he / she asks a few questions and elicits responses
from the students.
The Cows and the Lion
Four cows lived in a forest near a meadow. They were good friends and did
everything together. They grazed together and stayed together, because of which no
tigers or lions were able to kill them for food. But one day, the friends fought with each
other and went to graze in a different direction separately. A lion saw this and decided
that it was the perfect opportunity to kill the cows. The lion hid in the bushes and
surprised the cows and killed them all, one by one.
1. Who were good friends?
2. Why did the cows go to graze separately?
3. What have you learnt from this story?
Teacher Activity- 2
• The teacher displays a poster on ‘Saving Water’ on the class room wall. She reads
the phrases written on it.
• After a brain storming session, the students are asked to share their views.
• Then the teacher consolidates all the points shared by the students and writes on
the black board.

Water is essential for all the living beings on the earth. We should avoid
wasting water. We should not pollute water. Water is one of the precious resources of our
mother earth. We must be aware of the importance of saving water.
Student Activity 1
• An advertisement / poster is displayed on the wall.
Ex. Poster on Environmental Protection
• Students are instructed to look at the picture and answer the questions in 2 or 3 lines.

1. What do you infer from this poster?
2. Why do we celebrate World Environment Day?
3. What must do we do to protect our environment?

Student Activity 2
• The class is divided into small groups.
• Each group is given a story chart.
• The members of the group read the story individually and then discuss with their
• Then each one of them writes a paragraph about the story by choosing any one of
the given questions.
Sample Stories : The Hare and the Tortoise, The Monkey and the Crocodile, The Golden
Goose, The Ant and the Grasshopper and The three little Pigs.
Questions for writing a paragraph:
1. Write a few lines about the character which you like the most in the story.
2. What have you learnt from the story?
3. Write a paragraph about the story.
Assessment- Worksheet
Read the story and answer the following questions:
One day, a fox became very hungry and went in search for some food. He searched
everywhere, but couldn’t find anything that he could eat. Finally, he went in a vine
yard. He saw some bunches of grapes hanging from the vines. He tried to reach them
but they were too high. To reach the grapes, the fox had to jump high in the air. As he
jumped, he opened his mouth to catch the grapes, but he missed. The fox tried again
but missed yet again. He tried a few more times but kept failing. Finally, the fox decided
it was time to give up and go home. While he walked away, he muttered, “I’m sure the
grapes were sour anyway.”
1. Give a suitable title for the story.
2. Did the fox eat the grapes?
3. Why did the fox give up eating the grapes?
4. What did the fox say to himself ?
5. What do you think about the fox?
7 Pronouns

Learning Outcome:
• Identifying kinds of nouns, adverbs; differentiating between simple past and simple
present verbs.
• Using the dictionary for reference.
Teacher Activity- 1
• The teacher explains pronouns with examples.
• The teacher writes a story on a sheet of paper and gives it to the students.
• The teacher asks the students to underline the subject pronoun and object pronoun.
• Each student reads the story and underlines the subject pronoun, object pronoun
and writes them separately below the story.
One day, a selfish fox invited a stork for dinner. The stork was very happy with the
invitation. She reached the fox’s home on time and knocked at the door with her long
beak. The fox took her to the dinner table and served some soup in shallow bowls for
both of them. As the bowl was too shallow for the stork, she couldn’t have soup at all.
But, the fox licked up his soup quickly.
The stork was angry and upset, but she didn’t show her anger and behaved politely. To
teach a lesson to the fox, she then invited him for dinner the next day. She too served
soup, but this time the soup was served in two tall narrow vases. The stork devoured the
soup from her vase, but the fox couldn’t drink any of it because of his narrow neck. The
fox realized his mistake and went home famished.
Teacher Activity- 2
• The teacher writes some sentences on the black board.
• He/She asks the students to supply suitable possessive pronoun for the given
• The teacher initiates the activity with one example and asks the students to
complete the exercise.
I entered __________classroom.
I entered my classroom
1. This is____________ pen.
2. She is playing with ____________ friends.
3. Is this____________ book?
4. He is driving____________ own car.
5. We are sitting in ____________classroom.
Student Activity 1
• The teacher draws a substitution table.
• The Students are instructed to make sentences using the pronouns given.
I myself
You finished the work yourself
He himself
She herself
It itself
Student Activity 2
• The teacher puts word cards of Subject Pronouns, Object Pronouns, Possessive
Pronouns and Reflexive Pronouns in a box.
• Each student takes a card and reads it aloud and writes the pronoun in the appropriate
place on the black board.
him, we, me, their, myself, his, himself, its, it, us, ourselves, you, my, yourself, them, I

Subject Pronoun Object Pronoun Possessive Pronoun Reflexive Pronoun

Assessment- Worksheet
I. Circle the subject pronoun in the following sentences:
a. I have two books.
b. She is my friend.
c. You are a good boy.
d. We are Indians.
e. He is a doctor.
II. Choose the correct object pronoun:
a. She likes __________. ( me / I)
b. I love to play cricket with __________.( your / you)
c. He is sitting with __________.( she / her)
d. They are reading books with __________.( we / us)
e. Collect the notebooks from __________.( her / she)
III. Complete the following sentences with correct reflexive pronoun:
a. She cut down her hair ____________
b. They arrange the entire facilities.___________
c. The cat crosses the road ____________
d. Ravi is going to drive this car ____________
e. You are so young to do it ____________
IV. Underline the possessive pronouns in the following sentences:
a. Your dress is different from mine.
b. My hair is longer than hers.
c. He borrowed a book from his brother.
d. Our school is more famous than theirs.
e. The peacock eats its food with its beak.
V. Write 3 sentences using pronouns.

8 Adverbs

Learning Outcome:
• Identifying kinds of nouns, adverbs; differentiating between simple past and simple
present verbs.
Teacher Activity- 1
• The teacher shows flash cards/picture cards and explains that an adverb is a word
that describes a verb, adjective or another adverb. An adverb tells how, how often,
when, where, an action takes place.
Teacher Activity- 2
• The teacher gives examples from classroom activities and daily routines to explain
1. Preethi writes fast on the board.
2. He walks slowly.
3. She plays well
Student Activity 1
• The teacher prepares a chart of adverbs.
carefully carelessly slowly yesterday today tomorrow
everyday twice thrice fast sadly joyfully
angrily silently rarely loudly harshly cheerfully
• Then the teacher gives model sentences using the above adverbs.
• The teacher asks the students to make sentences on their own using the adverbs.
• The teacher facilitates the students to make sentences.
Student Activity 2 - Group Activity
• The teacher asks a student to do a few activities such as rubbing board, walking,
running…etc. and other students need to tell what was done by the student. Teacher
offers guidance to the students to frame sentences using adverbs.

1. He wipes the board cleanly.
2. Geetha speaks loudly
Assessment- Worksheet
I. Tick the adverbs:
a. i. wood ii. cat iii. slowly iv. run
b. i. car ii. go iii. walk iv. fast
c. i. beautiful ii. ugly iii. tall iv. yesterday
d. i. boy ii. girl iii. man iv. happily
e. i. tree ii. fruit iii. bird iv. silently
II. Choose the correct adverb:
( loudly, beautifully, brilliantly, bravely ,recently )
a. The dog barks ____________
b. Rani won the game _____________
c. He coloured the picture _____________
d. The lion fought _______________
e. A jackal cheated the crow __________
III. Match the following:
a. The snail moves - gently
b. The horse runs - brightly
c. The sun shines - slowly
d. The breeze blows - fast
IV. Underline the adverbs:
a. Raja walks slowly.
b. Ramya sings nicely.
c. Yesterday, I went to my uncle’s house.
d. Robin always get first mark.
V. Write sentences on your own using the given adverbs.
a. twice b. rarely c. often d. happily e. joyfully

9 Speaking

Learning Outcome:
• Answering coherently in written or oral form to questions in English based on day-
to-day life experiences, unfamiliar story, poem heard or read.
• Using meaningful grammatically correct sentences to describe and narrate incidents;
and for framing questions.
• Appreciating either verbally/in writing the variety in food, dress, customs and
festivals as read/heard in his/her day-today life, in story books/heard in narratives/
seen in videos, films etc.
• Reading independently English story books, news items/headlines, advertisements
etc. talking about it, and composing short paragraphs.
Teacher Activity- 1
• The teacher says a story to the students.
• The teacher asks them some questions to check the understanding level of the
• The students answer the questions orally.
A wealthy businessman was worried about his son’s bad habits. He sought counsel
from a wise, old man. At first, the old man showed the boy a small sapling and asked
him to pull it out. The boy did so with ease, and they walked on. The old man asked
the boy to pull out the bush and he did. The next was a small tree which the boy had to
struggle a lot to pull out. Finally, the old man showed him a bigger tree and asked the
boy to pull it out. The boy failed to pull it out even after trying several times, in different
ways. The old man looked at the boy, smiled and said, “So is the case with habits, good
or bad if it grows bigger it’s hard to pull it out”.
1. What did the wise old man ask the boy to do first?
2. What is the moral of the story?
Teacher Activity- 2
• The teacher writes a poem on the blackboard.

• He/She asks the students to read the poem aloud.
• After reading many times the teacher asks some questions.
• The students answer the questions in oral form.
The Forest
The forest is the town of trees
Where they live quite at their ease,
With their neighbors at their side
Just as we in cities wide.
- Annette Wynne
1. Which is the town of trees?
2. Write the rhyming words in this poem.
3. Who are compared to the trees?
Student Activity 1 - Group Activity
• The teacher creates a situation and asks the students to develop a dialogue.
• Seeking help or asking for direction etc.
• The teacher also gives some structures for practice.
How can I help you?
Could you please tell me the way to _____?
How to go to ____?
How do I get _____?
Where is the address?
It will take you 10 minutes to walk there. It is far.
You better take auto/bus. Can I drop you there? I am going that way.
Sorry I don’t know, please ask someone else. Turn right/left.
• The students practice the structures and develop some conversation of their own.
• The teacher helps the students during their conversation.
Ram and Ravi are dancing.
• Students from other group read out the corresponding Pronouns.

• The students reframe sentences using the given Pronouns.
Student Activity 2 - Individual Activity
• The teacher shows the pictures of a story and asks the students to narrate the story.
• The teacher gives some hints to the students.
• All the students narrate the story on their own.
Example :

Assessment- Worksheet
I. Speak about your favourite festival. (Minimum 5 sentences)
II. Look at the picture and say a story using the hints given:
A dog found a piece of bone. Crossed a stream. Saw his own reflection. Greedy dog
wanted that bone too. Opened its mouth lost the bone.

III. Form pairs. Frame dialogues and enact the roles in the class :
Raju : Excuse me sir, May I come in?
Librarian : _____________________
Raju : Sir, can i get Abdul Kalam’s Wings of fire?
Librarian : Yes, definitely.
Raju : __________________________
Librarian : It’s on the 3rd shelf.
Raju : __________________________
Librarian : You should return it within 15 days.
Raju : __________________________
Librarian : Thank you.

10 Action Words and Tenses

Learning Outcome:
• Identifying kinds of nouns, adverbs; differentiating between simple past and simple
present verbs.
• Using meaningful grammatically correct sentences to describe and narrate incidents;
and for framing questions.
Teacher Activity- 1
• The teacher asks the students about any incident of the previous day.
• He/ She asks the students about the various incidents that were going on at a certain
time in the past.
• The teacher explains when to use past continuous tense.
• At some point in the past
• Parallel action
• Uninterrupted action in the past
• The teacher explains the forms of verbs.
Present Past Past participle Present participle
Go/ goes Went Gone Is going
Teacher Activity- 2
• The teacher distributes various action word cards to the students.
Example: was singing, were jumping, was playing, were listening etc.
• The teacher gives instruction to use was + verb + ing for singular nouns and were +
verb + ing for plural nouns.
1. He was writing.
2. They were writing.
• In the same manner the teacher explains the form of present and future
continuous tenses.
• Present Continuous Tense: am/is + verb + ing for singular nouns and are + verb
+ ing for plural nouns.
• Future Continuous Tense: will be/shall be + verb + ing
• The teacher gives examples for Past, Present and Future continuous tenses
Past continuous tense Present continuous tense Future continuous tense
I was writing a letter at 5 I am writing a letter now. I will be writing a letter by
o’clock yesterday . this time tomorrow.
Student Activity 1
• The teacher shows a picture and asks the students to consider the picture as an
event of the past and frame five sentences using past continuous tense.

1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________
Student Activity 2
• The class is divided into three teams.
• A member from the first team has to say a sentence in past continuous tense.
• A member from the second team has to retell the sentence in present continuous
• A member from the third team has to say the same sentence in future continuous
Past continuous tense Present continuous tense Future continuous tense
I was reading an I am reading an interesting I will be reading an
interesting story book story book now. interesting story book by
yesterday. this time tomorrow.

Assessment- Worksheet
I. Fill in the blanks with was or were:
a. The teacher ___________ instructing the students.
b. I ____________ playing music that time.
c. We ______________ attending dance classes.
d. They ____________ talking about the issue.
e. He _____________ answering all the questions boldly.
II. Pick out the correct answer from the options provided:
a. Koushik _____________ bicycle yesterday. (was riding / were riding)
b. My friends _________ now. (are eating / were eating )
c. I _____________ in a bus by this time tomorrow. (will be travelling/ am travelling )
d. Naveen and myself __________ the yard. (was cleaning / were cleaning)
e. I _____________ in the ground now. (am playing / was playing )
III. Underline the verb in the present continuous tense in the following sentences:
a. The little bird is flying.
b. The teacher is calling the students.
c. The children are learning English.
d. I am planning to go home.
e. He is drawing beautifully.
IV. Change the sentences from past continuous to future continuous:
a. Malini was waiting for bus. ________________________________
b. My friends were going to Chennai. ________________________________
c. Bala was dancing. ________________________________
d. Rafiq was playing Cricket. ________________________________
e. My mother was cooking food. ________________________________
V. Change the sentences from future continuous to past continuous:
a. I will be playing with my friends. ________________________________
b. Mary will be painting a picture. __________________________________
c. The train will be arriving.__________________________________
d. I will be watering the plants. __________________________________
e. They will be travelling by flight.__________________________________

11 Perfect Tenses

Learning Outcome:
• Identifying kinds of nouns, adverbs; differentiating between simple past and simple
present verbs.
• Using meaningful grammatically correct sentences to describe and narrate incidents;
and for framing questions.
Teacher Activity- 1
• The teacher explains that Perfect tense is a category of tense used to describe
completed actions. It covers the past perfect tense, the present perfect tense and the
future perfect tense.
• The teacher explains that Present Perfect Tense is used to show an event that has
happened in the past and has present consequences.
Example: We have played cricket.
• The teacher further explains that Present Perfect Tense is used to denote the action
that was completed recently.
Example: Stop! The train has gone.
• The teacher makes the children understand that Past Perfect Tense is used to show
that something happened before another action in the past. It can also be used to
show that something happened before a specific time in the past.
Example: 1. When I reached home, my mom had finished preparing dinner.
2. They had started the work.
• The teacher explains that Future Perfect Tense is used for actions that will be
completed before some other point in the future.
Example I will have written the letter by this time tomorrow.
• Adopting the situational approach, the teacher gives more examples.
Teacher Activity- 2
• The teacher encourages the students to frame sentences for Present Perfect Tense,
Past Perfect Tense and Future Perfect Tense using the given table.

Tense Subject Helping Verb Main Verb (Past
We Have
Present perfect They
He Has
I started
You finished
We cooked
Past Perfect Tense They played
She gone
He written
Future Perfect They Will have
Tense She
Student Activity 1
Each student is given a word card of a verb. They are instructed to write the past
participle of the verb. Every student has to come to the front of the class and read the
verb and its past participle.
1. write - written
2. eat – eaten
3. walk – walked
4. finish – finished
Student Activity 2 - Individual activity
• The class is divided into three teams.
• The teacher writes a verb on the black board. A member from the team -A should
say a sentence using the Present Perfect Tense.
• Teams B and C should say sentences for Past Perfect Tense and Future Perfect Tense
Example :
Verb - Read
Team – A : I have read a story book.
Team – B : I had read a story book.
Team – C : I will have read a story book.
Assessment- Worksheet
I. Fill in the blanks with has/have:
a. Raju ______come home on time.
b. They _______just sent the parcel.
c. My mother_____ written a novel.
d. The doctor ______saved the patient.
e. We ________reached the place.
II. Fill in the blanks by writing the past participle form of the given verbs:
a. The team has ______ (win) the match.
b. Renu has just ______ (leave) the classroom.
c. I have not _________ (eat) anything since morning.
d. Have you ever ______ (write) a story?
e. The students have _____(submit)the project.
III. Mark (√ ) for Past perfect tense or (x) for Present perfect tense:
a. I had gone to my grandma’s home.
b. The boy has grown up like a man.
c. She has made the cake just now.
d. They had cooked the vegetables.
IV. Fill in the blanks using future perfect tense.
a. We ______________ the painting by tomorrow. (complete)
b. You ______________ the match by this time tomorrow. (win)
c. They ______________ everyone to the marriage by next week. (invite)
d. He ______________ all the money within an hour. (spend)
e. She ______________ job in America by next year. (get)
f. The child ______________ all the candies. (eat)
V. Change the sentence into past perfect tense and future perfect tense:
Present Perfect: I have posted the letter.
Past Perfect: ____________________________________________
Future Perfect: __________________________________________

12 Letter Writing

Learning Outcome:
• Writing informal letters, messages and e-mails.
Teacher Activity- 1
• The teacher explains the two types of letters, namely “formal” and “informal” letters.
• The teacher explains the differences between “formal” and “informal” letters and the
purpose of writing informal letters with the help of a chart.
Types of Letters

Formal Letter Informal Letter

relatives and


Casual style / Informal Language To share personal matters

Teacher Activity- 2
• The teacher explains the format of the informal letter.
Informal Letter format
1. Heading ( Address and Date )
2. Salutation
3. Body of the letter
4. Closing
5. Subscription ( Signature)
• The teacher shows an informal letter to the students.
• The teacher asks the students to identify the parts in the informal letter.
Student Activity 1
The teacher writes the parts of the informal letter on sticky cards. The students
are asked to fix the suitable part in its place on the blackboard.





Student Activity 2
• The students are divided into two groups.
• Each group is given a topic for writing an informal letter.
• They write an informal letter and read it to the class.
• The teacher guides them to complete the task.
Assessment- Worksheet
I. a. Say ‘true’ or ‘false’:
i. Informal letter is written to superiors.
ii. Formal letters are written to friends.
iii. The tone and language can be casual in informal letters.
b. Circle the greetings used in informal letters:
Dear mam, Respected sir, Hi! Arun, Dear sissy, My dear dad, My dear grandpa,
Respected madam
c. Choose the correct answer:
i. Which is the subscription of an informal letter ?
A. Yours faithfully
B. Yours obediently
C. Yours lovingly
D. Yours sincerel
ii. Where will you write your address and date in an informal letter?
A. at the bottom of the letter
B. at the top of right side of the letter
C. in the middle of the letter
D. above the subscription
II. Write a letter to your uncle thanking him for the wonderful book he has presented
on your birthday. Complete the letter using the word bank.
thank, coming, birthday, celebration, friends, gift, book, like, useful
27. Big Street,
Trichy - 13
Dear Friend,









Yours lovingly,

13 Compound Words and Clipped Words

Learning Outcome:
• Identifying kinds of nouns, adverbs; differentiating between simple past and simple
present verbs.
• Using the dictionary for reference.
Teacher Activity- 1
• The teacher explains the compound words as, “Two or more words joined together
to create a new word that has an entirely new meaning.

Jelly + fish = jellyfish
• The teacher places some picture cards on the table.
• He/She calls the students one by one and asks them to take the right pair of cards to
make a compound word.
basket fish table dragon tennis
cream Ice ball fry fly
Teacher Activity- 2
• The teacher explains that Clipped words are words shortened by common use.
Example Advertisement – Ad, Examination - Exam
• The teacher writes the main words and their clipped words on pieces of papers and
puts them in separate boxes.
• He/She divides the class into two groups.
• He/She calls a student from each group and asks them to take a piece of paper
from the main word box and to find out its clipped word from the other box.
• Limited time is given. All the students from both the groups are given chances.
• The group which finds out more words is announced as the winner.
Student Activity 1

• The teacher asks the students to sit in two groups.
• The teacher shows the following word chart and asks them to write 10 compound
• The group which finishes first and also correctly is the winner.

Race Tooth sun Fly Ball

Brush Butter car Room Stick
Glass Class basket Drum Cock
Pea Board wall clock Black
Student Activity 2
• The teacher writes some words on the black board. For Example, Gymnasium,
Spectacles, Microphone, etc.
• Flash cards of the Clipped words are kept in a box.
• Each student has to take a clipped word from the box and paste it near the relevant
word on the blackboard.
Assessment- Worksheet
I. Match the following words, make new Compound words and write in the box

a Ear hill a
b Foot maker b
c Head ring c
d Shoe proof d
e Water light e

II. Write the Compound words from the pictures:

a. + = ________________

b. + = ________________

c. + = ________________

d. + = ________________

III. Match the following main words with its clipped words:
a. Refrigerator - memo
b. Photograph - rhino
c. Memorandum - van
d. Rhinoceros - fridge
e. Caravan - photo
IV. Fill in the blanks with correct clipped words:
a. My school has a big ________ (laboratory)
b. He has a ________ (motorbike)
c. I had my _______________ (luncheon)
d. When I was practising dance, the __________ (telephone) rang.
e. Ravi likes to watch ________ in TV. (advertisement)
V. Look at the pictures and write the clipped words:




14 Synonyms and Antonyms

Learning Outcome:
• Using synonyms such as ‘big/large’, ‘shut/ close’, and antonyms like inside/outside,
light/dark from clues in context.
• Using the dictionary for reference
Teacher Activity- 1
• The Teacher explains that Synonyms are words that have the same, or almost the
same meaning as another word. Antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning
of another word.
• Using the objects, picture cards and the puzzle cards the teacher makes the students
understand the synonyms and antonyms.
• Example:
1. big – large 2. cap – hat
3. big ball × small ball 4. tall boy × short boy
Teacher Activity- 2
• The teacher tells a short story.
Radha is an intelligent girl. She is studying in fifth standard. She loves to read books.
She is always busy. One day on her way to school, she saw an old woman struggling to
cross the road. She helped her to cross the road safely through the zebra crossing. The
old woman thanked her.
• The teacher displays the story chart and asks the students to tell the meaning of the
words which are in bold.
• Then they are asked to tell the opposites of the underlined words.
Student Activity 1
• Students are divided into two groups A and B.
• Word cards of 10 synonyms and 10 antonyms are kept in separate boxes.
• Group A is given 10 synonyms and Group B is given 10 antonyms.
• Group A has to identify the synonyms and match them.

• Group B has to identify the antonyms and match them.
• The group which completes the task first is the winner.
Synonyms Antonyms
angry – furious full x empty
happy - joy tall x short
cut – chop happy x sad
slim – thin dark x light
big – huge reject x accept
ridicule – tease beginning x end
fortune – luck started x finished
refreshing- renewing fast x slow
denied- refused after x before
feeble – weak fat x thin
Student Activity 2
• The class is divided into small groups.
• Each group is given a list of 5 words and a dictionary.
• They refer to the dictionary and find out the synonyms.
Assessment- Worksheet
I. Choose the correct meaning of the given word:
a. Old –
i. new ii. ancient iii. bold
b. Peaceful –
i. quiet ii. quite iii. noisy
c. Reject –
i. deny ii. accept iii. reflect
d. Begin –
i. stop ii. full iii. start
e. Depart –
i. leave ii. apart iii. arrive
II. Match the picture with its opposite picture by drawing lines:

III. Find out the opposite of the underlined words.
a. The tea is hot but the water is ______________.
b. The rock is hard but the cotton is ___________________.
c. When my friend came, I was happy. When he left, I was ________________.
d. Latha’s room is tidy but her sister’s room is ______________.
e. I like to play cricket but I_____________ to play football.
IV. Write the synonym of the given words using dictionary:
a. Trip b. Furious c. Exit d. Idle e. Admirable
V. Write two synonyms for the given words using dictionary:
Ex : sad – unhappy, sorrow
a. scared -
b. quite -
c. sincere -
d. want -
e. wrong -
15 Suffixes

Learning Outcome:
• Using a dictionary for reference.
• Using suffixes appropriately in sentences.
Teacher Activity- 1
• The teacher explains that suffix is a letter or group of letters placed at the end of the
word. Example act - action
• The teacher further explains that suffix sometimes changes the meaning of the root
word. Example Care – careless
• The teacher places the spin wheel and the root word on the board.
• The teacher asks the students to make words by adding suitable suffixes.
Thank, Hand, Limit, Sad, Base, Child, Kind, Punish, Expand, refresh


Teacher Activity- 2
• The teacher reads a passage to the students.
• The students listen to the passage and note down the words with suffixes.
• The teacher asks the students to say the words with suffixes.
• The student who says more number of words with suffixes is the winner.
There was a builder who could build houses very slowly because of his workers. But
he treated his workers kindly, fairly and friendly. He liked building small and large
houses. He needed to learn how to build houses more quickly so he wouldn’t get into
Student Activity 1 - Individual Activity
• The teacher shows the chart to the students.

• The teacher asks the students to come one by one and form new words.

Student Activity 2 - Group Activity

• The teacher divides the class into two groups.
• The teacher says the following suffixes ‘–ment, -less, -ful, -able’
• The teacher asks the students to form words as many as they can.
• The group which says more number of words using all the suffixes is the winner.
Assessment- Worksheet
I. Match the following root words with suffixes:
Sl. No Root words Suffixes
a. Care ment
b. Regular Less
c. Port ous
d. Arrange ly
e. Danger able
f. Dispose age
g. Drain al
II. Form new words by adding suitable suffix to the root word:
a. Honest
i. ly ii. ed iii. tion iv. ish
b. Differ
i. ly ii. sion iii. ence iv. ful
c. Approve
i. el ii. ly iii. al iv. ty
d. Place
i. ment ii. er iii. ly iv. tion
e. Peace
i.ment ii. able iii. sion iv. ful
III. Pick out suitable suffixes from the given box and complete the following words:
ty, or, ful, ly, able, ship, dom, tion, ism, ous
Comfort_________ 2. King______
Honest_______ 4. Harm______
Construct_________ 6. Regular_________
Scholar________ 8. Humour_______
Direct_______ 10. Magnet_______
IV. Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate words from the box:
a. Full of help -
Without home -
c. Someone who teaches -
Without power -
e. Full of green -
V. Fill in the blanks by adding suitable suffix with the root words.
ROOT WORDS teach, child, beauty, tooth, Inform, cloud, wise, treat,
confident, auto
SUFFIXES ful, less, ly, hood, ation, y, er, dom, ment, graph
a. This doll is very ___________
b. I met a __________old man.
c. She is my class ________
d. ________ memories are unforgettable.
e. They get the _______ from their superior.
f. The sky is ________
g. God gives us _________
h. The doctor gives __________
i. He attended the interview _________
j. They are eager to get _______ from the cricket player.

16 Paragraph Writing

Learning Outcome:
• Writing paragraphs in English from verbal, visual clues with appropriate punctuation
marks and linkers.
• Using meaningful grammatically correct sentences to describe and narrate incidents;
and for framing questions.
Teacher Activity- 1
• The teacher shows the picture.
• The teacher asks the students to write three sentences based on the picture.

Teacher Activity- 2
• The teacher splits the class into four groups and chooses a topic for paragraph
• The first group is asked to come up with the first sentence and write on the black
• A student from the second group is asked to add a supporting detail.
• Then it is passed to the student of the third group who adds more details.
• Finally the student from the fourth group will say the closing sentence and
conclude the paragraph.

Examples :
Reading Books
First Group : Books are the best friends that we can have.
Second Group : Group Reading gives us pleasure. It develops our imagination.
Third Group : Good books help us in building our character. Our knowledge
is enriched by reading books. The biographies of noble persons
inspire us.
Fourth Group : We can buy books or go to libraries. We should cultivate the habit
of reading books.
Student Activity 1 - Individual Activity
• The teacher asks the students to write at least 5 sentences about their family.
• Each student has to come in front of the class and read the paragraph written by
Student Activity 2 - Group Activity
• The teacher asks the students to look at the picture and write a paragraph. (Minimum
5 sentences)

Assessment- Worksheet
I. Rearrange the following words into meaningful sentences:
a. old man/told /the /a story
b. gives /the cow /us /milk
c. presented /he/a good/me /watch
d. bought/my mother/me/some mangoes
e. will/tell/me /you/the secret?
II. Match the statements in list A with list B and make complete sentences:
List - A List - B
a .We keep the windows open - because they have wings with feathers
b .We carry umbrellas - because it is safe for drinking
c. We boil the drinking water - because they keep off the rain and sun
d. Water can’t pass through rubber - because it allows fresh air to come in
e. Birds can fly - because rubber is water-proof
III. Rewrite the following sentences in the sequential order:
a. She agreed to do so.
b. I met Sumi on the way.
c. One evening I was going to the river.
d. I requested her to accompany me.
e. She was going to a nearby hill.
f. So we went together to the river.
IV. Write five sentences about your friends.
V. Develop the following hints into a meaningful story:
Lion-sleeping in a forest-mouse-playing on it-angry lion-threatened to kill the
mouse—mouse asked to forgive-promised to save him one day-lion laughed-let him
off- another day- lion caught by hunter-in net-mouse heard the lion roar-mouse cut the
net with his teeth-lion escaped-thanked the mouse.

17 Prepositions

Learning Outcome:
• Using meaningful, grammatically correct sentences to describe and narrate incidents;
and for framing questions.
Teacher Activity- 1
The teacher points out a few things in the classrooms and asks,
• What is it?
• Where is it?
• The teacher helps the students to answer in complete sentences with appropriate
• The students respond to the questions asked and the teacher writes the answers on
the board.
• The teacher underlines the prepositions and explains its usage.
• The teacher makes the students understand that Prepositions are words that help us
know the position of things in a sentence.
What is it? - It is a pen. Where is it? - It is on the table.
What is it? - It is a book. Where is it? - It is in the cupboard.
What is it? - It is a tap. Where is it? - It is at wash room.
• The teacher provides them with a few more examples to reinforce the concept.
Teacher Activity- 2
• The teacher explains that the prepositions also help us know the nature of time.
On Used for days of week On Monday
Used for date On 25th June

In Used for months In June
Used for seasons In winter
Used for years In 2021
Used for parts of the day In the morning
At Used for clock times At 12’o clock
Used for night At night
Used for meal time At lunch
• The teacher explains the usage of prepositions with more examples.
1. The class starts at 9.30 am.
2. My birth day is in July.
3. We will meet on Monday.
4. I go to my native place in summer.
5. I play with my friends in the evening.
6. I read stories at night.
Student Activity 1 - Individual Activity
• The teacher places a ball at different places and asks the students to spot the various
positions of the ball.
• The students from each group write the answers on the black board in turns.
Student Activity 2
• The teacher draws three circles named as in, on, at.
• The students are given flash cards.(Friday, 8’o clock, lunch, 5th January, Summer,
morning, 2020, August, Night)
• The students place the flash cards in the appropriate circles.
Assessment- Worksheet
I. Choose the correct answer. (in, on, at)
a. The moon is ________ the sky.
b. We eat idly ________ night.
c. India got independence ______ 1947.
d. We play ______ the park.
e. My birthday is ______ 1st January.

II. Match the following:
a. in - Monday
b. on - night
c. at - April
III. Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions : (in,on,at)
a. My mother’s birthday is ____ April.
b. I wake up ____ 7 o’ clock.
c. He was born ____ July.
d. The shop closes ___ 10’o clock.
e. Come to school ___ Monday.
IV. Complete the chart below.
the morning, noon, my birthday, Sunday, February , 2021, bed time,
June, spring, Monday
at In on

V. a. Circle the prepositions:

Rahim was born at 10.30 in the morning, on Friday, on 6th of July ,in 2017.
b. Frame sentences using the following prepositions:
i. in - ___________________________________________________________
ii. at - ___________________________________________________________
iii. on - ___________________________________________________________

18 Conjunctions

Learning Outcome:
• Using meaningful grammatically correct sentences to describe and narrate incidents;
and for framing questions.
Teacher Activity- 1
• The teacher explains that a conjunction is a word that joins two words or sentences.
By creating situations the usage of conjunction is explained.
1. The teacher takes a pen and a pencil and says – I have a pen and a pencil.

2. Teacher shows the picture cards and asks, Do you want apple or Ice
• The teacher explains that the most common conjunctions are for, and, not, but, or,
because, yet, so etc.
Teacher Activity- 2
• The teacher prepares Conjunction Word cards. The teacher shows a word card and
says a sentence using the conjunction.
• Following the model sentence each student has to say a sentence using the same
1. I like mangoes and bananas.
2. I have a pen but not a pencil.
3. Take this rose or that.
4. I go to library because I love reading books.
5. He came late so he missed the bus.
Student Activity 1 - Individual Activity
• The teacher asks each student to come forward and say a thing which they like and
a thing they do not like.
• The teacher facilitates the students to say a sentence using the conjunction.
Example: I like fruits but I don’t like junk food.
Student Activity 2
• The teacher divides the students into three groups A, B and C. She gives the sentence
strips without conjunctions to group A.
• The teacher gives conjunction cards to group B.
• Sentences in the strips are read by the students of group A . The students of Group
B has to read aloud the appropriate conjunctions. The students of group C combine
the sentences using the conjunction and write on the board.
Group : A Group: B Group : C
1. He likes to read books Conjunction : and He likes to read books and
2. He likes to write stories. write stories.
Assessment- Worksheet
I. Identify the conjunctions in the following sentences:
a. I like bread and butter.
b. He can drink coffee or tea.
c. He is poor but generous.
d. I go outside because I need fresh air.
e. He got up late so he missed the bus.
II. Join the following sentences using the conjunctions given in the box:
So, and, but, or, because
a. The stick was thin. It was strong.
b. This team practiced well. They won the match.
c. Rekha was absent. She was sick.
d. I like chocolates. I like biscuits.
e. You have to work hard. You will get poor marks.
III. Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate conjunctions given.
a. She missed her jewel _______ (and/ so,) she was sad.
b. Tell the truth _______ ( or/but) you will be punished.
c. Raju went to buy a watch ______ ( or/but ) the shop was closed.
d. I carry an umbrella _______ (so/because) it is raining outside.
e. She had no money _________ (so/because) she did not buy the book.
IV. Rewrite the sentence using the appropriate conjunction:
The rat ran fast so the cat caught it. ____________________________
V. Frame sentences using the given conjunctions.
a. but b. or c. and

19 Reading

Learning Outcome:
• Reading text with comprehension, locating details and sequence of events.
• Reading independently English story books, news items/headlines, advertisements
etc. talking about it, and composing short paragraphs.
• Reading print in the surroundings (advertisements, directions, names of place etc.),
understanding and answering queries.
Teacher Activity- 1
• The teacher removes the headlines from a number of news items.
• The teacher displays the headline-less news items on the black board.
• The teacher gives headlines to the students.
• The students have to match the headlines with the news items.
Teacher Activity- 2
• The teacher displays a story on the black board.
• All the students read the story.
• After a few minutes, the teacher removes the story from the black board.
• Then the teacher writes five true statements and five false statements about the
• The students have to identify the true statements and say it in the class.
Student Activity 1
• The teacher writes the following passage on the black board.
Today is a very cold day. It is too cold to go outside and play. Ranjith curls up
on his favourite chair with a blanket and a cup of hot tea. He reads a new book about a
magical black dragon. He enjoys the day very much.
• The teacher asks the students to fill the following in the circle.

Objects used in Title for the mentioned
the passage passage indirectly in
the passage

Student Activity 2
• The teacher shows the following advertisement to the students.
• The teacher asks questions from the advertisement.
Example: What are the activities provided in the summer camp?

Assessment- Worksheet
I. Read the following carefully, identify the sentences related to motorcycle and car
and write them in the respective columns:
• Normally two people can ride on it.
• It has four wheels.
• It is lighter than car.
• Motorbike is a cheap mode of transport.
• It has windscreen, AC and comfortable seats.
• It has two wheels like a bicycle.
• Generally, it has four to five seats to sit in.
• It can be used at anytime, in winter, summer, rain, day or light.
• It does not protect riders against wind and rain.


II. The life cycle of the butterfly is given in the following picture. Frame sentences
and write the life cycle of the butterfly in sequential order:

III. Identify the suitable sentences for any ten pictures and write the corresponding
numbers on the pictures:
1. She is painting.
2. They are playing soccer.
3. He is listening to music.
4. She is eating ice cream.
5. They are painting.
6. He is sleeping.
7. The are playing a board game.
8. They are running.
9. They are having a lunch.
10. He is riding a scooter.
11. They are watching a movie.
12. He is drinking milk.
13. They are reading a book.
14. She is blowing bubbles.
15. She is reading a book.

20 Creative Writing

Learning Outcome:
• Attempting to write creatively (stories, poems posters, etc.)
• Using meaningful grammatically correct sentences to describe and narrate incidents;
and for framing questions.
Teacher Activity- 1
• The teacher narrates a part of a story without any conclusion.
• The teacher asks the students to complete the story on their own.
Once upon a time there lived a king. He wished to choose the wisest man in his
kingdom as his minister. Many competitions were conducted to choose the right
person. Finally five were chosen.
The final competition was.....(the teacher stops the narration)
• The teacher helps the students to complete on their own.
Teacher Activity- 2
• The teacher shows the picture of a dog.
• The teacher writes five sentences about it on the black board.

This is Jimmy.
This is my pet animal.
It eats biscuits every day.
It guards our house.
I love Jimmy very much.
• The teacher shows the picture of a cat.

• The teacher asks the students to write parallel sentences on cat.
Student Activity 1
• The teacher encourages the students to imagine themselves as a noble person/
river/ sea/bird etc according to their wish.
• Each one of them has to write a paragraph.
Student Activity 2
• The students are divided into small groups.
• Each group has to prepare a poster on ‘The evils of plastic usage’.
Assessment- Worksheet
I. Look at the picture and write a story on your own:

II. Prepare a poster on ‘The conservation of forest’.

III. Write a poem on your mother.
IV. Imagine you are in the park and watching the activities going on. Describe the
Activities on your own: (Minimum 5 sentences)



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