Refresher Course Module 2021-2022: English
Refresher Course Module 2021-2022: English
Refresher Course Module 2021-2022: English
8 Travel vocabulary 35
9 Homophones and Homonyms 38
10 Syllabification 41
11 Degrees of comparison – I 43
12 Degrees of comparison - II 46
16 Anagrams 59
17 Semantic mapping 62
18 Punctuation 65
19 Reading Comprehension 69
20 Writing 73
Fundamental Language Skills
Picture Reading
Learning Outcome :
• Associating words with body parts and naming body parts seen in the pictures.
Teacher Activity:
• Teacher points out to some of the body parts.
• The teacher shows pictures of body parts to the students and names them.
- Nose - Eyes
- Ears
• Students point out to them and say the name of the body parts.
• Teacher repeats the name of the body parts.
• Students repeat after him/her.
(Note to the Teacher: Teacher can focus on the names of class room things too.)
Student Activity: Find and label it!
Teacher provides a set of flash cards of body parts to students and asks them to
label them.
Observe the pictures and name them
Write Simple Words
Learning outcome:
• Writing simple words like fan, hen, etc.
Teacher activity:
• Teacher creates the missing letter picture cards.
• As the cards are shown, students name the pictures.
• Students write the missing letters.
Student activity:
• Teacher prepares word cards and picture cards.
• Students are divided into two groups.
• One group has the pictures and another group has the words.
• Teacher says a word aloud.
• The students who have the picture and word will come to front of the class.
• Students write down the words in their notebooks.
Observe the pictures and write their names.
Learning Outcomes:
• Talking about self/situations/pictures in English.
Teacher activity:
• Teacher introduces himself/herself.
I am Arun.
My father’s name is Ravi.
My mother’s name is Rani.
My brother’s name is Hari.
My sister’s name is Pavi.
• Students are encouraged to introduce themselves in the same manner.
Students activity:
• The teacher places some masks of birds and animals on a tray.
• The teacher divides the classroom into two groups.
• The teacher asks one group to take a mask and wear it.
• Now the other group describes the bird or animal.
• Each student says one line about the bird or animal.
I am an elephant.
I am black in colour.
I have four legs.
I have a long trunk.
Look at the picture and answer the questions .
1. Who is Arun’s father? Rani
Ravi Arun
2. Who is Hari and Arun’s sister?
3. What is the name of Arun’s brother?
Hari Pavi
Learning Outcomes :
• Responding to comprehension questions related to stories and poems, in home
language or English or sign language, orally and in writing (phrases/ short sentences)
Teacher Activity:
• The teacher reads out a short passage/story aloud twice.
• The students listen to the teacher.
• The teacher asks a few questions based on the passage /story and checks the
comprehension of the students.
Example: Kavya has a new bicycle. It is bright red and shiny. It was a gift from
her uncle. He hid it behind a bush to surprise her. When Kavya looked behind the
bush and saw the bicycle, she jumped in joy. It was just what she wanted. She gave her
uncle a big hug. She loves her new bicycle, and she loves her uncle.
1. What color is the bicycle?
2. Who gifted her the bicycle?
3. Where was it hidden?
Student Activity:
• Students are paired into two.
• One student introduces about himself/herself in a few sentences.
• The other students listens with attention.
• After introducing, the student who introduced asks questions.
• The student who listened will answer the questions.
• Similarly, students say about their hobbies or daily routine and ask questions related
on it. This way the comprehension of the students is checked.
Read the passage and answer the questions.
My kite
My name is Daisy. I have 10 colorful kites. I am flying red kite. My kite is flying
higher than my brother’s kite. My father is teaching me how to fly a kite.
1. How many kites does Daisy have? ___________
2. Which colour kite is Daisy flying? ___________
3. Who is flying kites with Daisy? ___________
5 Expressing Opinions and Asking Questions
Learning outcomes:
• Expressing verbally her or his opinion and asks questions about the characters,
storyline, etc., in English or home language.
Teacher Activity:
• The teacher narrates a few moral stories and the students listen.
• For example, ‘The hare and the tortoise’, ‘The thirsty crow’, ‘The lion and the mouse’
and ‘The dove and the ant’.
• Teacher helps the children to identify the characters and sequence of the events in a
story by asking simple questions.
• The teacher also asks the opinion of the students about the characters in the story.
• For example, “Which character do you like the most? Why?”, “What is your opinion
about the ‘hare/tortoise/ant/ dove/lion/mouse etc.,.
Student Activity:
• The teacher narrates / reads out a story and the students listen.
• The students are divided into two groups.
• Students of group 1 ask questions based on the story and students of group 2 answer
and vice-versa.
Observe the picture story and answer.
6 Naming words (Nouns), Pronouns,
Describing words- (Adjectives)
Learning outcome:
• Using nouns such as ‘boy’, ‘sun’ and prepositions like ‘in’, ‘on’, ‘under’, etc. Teacher
Activity 1:
• Using pronouns related to gender like ‘his/her/, he/she, it’ and other pronouns like
‘this/that’, ‘here/there’ ‘these/those’ etc.
• Using simple adjectives related to size, shape, colour, weight, texture such as ‘big’,
‘small’, ‘round’, ‘pink’, ‘red’, ‘heavy’, ‘light’, ‘soft’ etc.
Teacher Activity -1
• The teacher uses the classroom objects to help students name them, and make them
understand what a name is .
• The teacher asks the students to look around the classroom and name the objects.
• Then explains - “ Noun is the naming word , which we use to name the people,
place, birds, animals and things.
Teacher Activity-2:
¾¾ Teacher describes that pronoun is a word that substitutes for a noun or a noun phrase.
¾¾ Teacher shows a chart of pronouns which illustrates different pronouns.
• Teacher writes the letters in pieces of paper and puts them in a box.
• For example, if the letter ‘D’ is picked, the student says the nouns starting with the
letter ‘D’.
• They stand in a circle.
• They are to describe about the object they have using any adjective, such as tall,
short, big, small, thick, round, sharp, red, thin, blue and so on.
1. Circle the noun.
a) the small lion it of
b) where pineapple
what are this
The is ....................
The is ...................
The is .....................
7 Action words and Tenses
Learning Outcome:
• Identifying kinds of nouns, adverbs; differentiating between simple past and
simple present verbs.
• Using meaningful grammatically correct sentences to describe and narrate
incidents; and for framing questions.
Teacher Activity:
The teacher explains the forms of verbs.
Present Past Past Present
participle participle
Go/ goes Went Gone Is going
The teacher explains Past, Present and Future continuous tenses adopting
situational approach and gives examples.
Past continuous tense Present continuous tense Future continuous tense
I was writing a letter at I am writing a letter now. I will be writing a letter by
5 o’clock yesterday. this time tomorrow.
Student Activity:
The class is divided into three teams. A member from the first team has to say
a sentence in past continuous tense. A member from the second team has to retell
the sentence in present continuous tense. A member from the third team has to say
the same sentence in future continuous tense.
Pick out the correct answer from the options provided.
1. Koushik __________________ bicycle yesterday. (was riding / were riding)
2. I __________________ in a bus by this time tomorrow.(will be travelling /a
m travelling)
3. I __________________ in the ground now.(am playing /was playing)
8 Vocabulary Development
Learning outcomes:
• Using vocabulary related to subjects like Mathematics, EVS, relevant to class III.
• Writing dictation of words/phrases/sentences
Activity- 1:
The teacher shows the chart which contains Kitchen related words with
pictures. Then he/she explains the meaning of the word with proper pronunciation
and asks the students to say the names of objects they have seen in their kitchen.
Activity- 2:
Students are divided into 2groups.Teacher encourages the students to make a
list of words for the given topics. Example: (i) School (ii) Family . The group which
completes the task with more words is rewarded.
1. Identify and circle the correct word for the given picture.
i) ii)
2. If someone steals a valuable thing from you, where will you go and complain?
9 Simple Conversation
Learning Outcome:
• Responding appropriately to oral messages / telephonic communication.
Teacher Activity:
The teacher interacts with the students with simple day-to-day questions and
conversation.Then the teacher asks different questions seeking answers.
Eg. Good morning students !, What did you have for breakfast? / How many
idlis did you eat?
What is your favourite colour? / Who is your favourite actor? and so on.
Student Activity:
The teacher gives simple situations to students for telephonic conversation.
The students are given structures for simple conversation. They take turns and
practice telephonic conversation using the given structures.
1. Frame questions in the correct order.
i) a May tell I story?
ii) I song sing a can?
2.Write any five ‘Wh’ questions on your own.
3.Complete the telephonic conversation using the clue box.
Thankyou Bye Where How Hello Okay
David : _! This is David here.
Shiva : Hey David!_ are you?
David : I’m fine,.
Shiva : ___________________ are you going this weekend?
David : I’m going to visit the museum.
Shiva : Let’s go to gether.
David : See you.
10 Responding to Instructions
Learning Outcome:
• Acting according to the instructions given in English.
Teacher Activity:
• The teacher gives some instructions to the students. The students act according
to the instructions. Example: All of you sit down,Write fast, Come to the black
board., Clap your hands and Form a queue.
• Then the teacher writes some of the everyday instructions on a piece of paper
and rolls it. All the lots are put into a box and kept on the teacher table. Now the
class is divided into two groups namely ‘A’ and ‘B’. Every student from each group
has to take a lot, after seeing the lot he/she has to act as per the instruction, and
the opposite team has to identify and say the instruction.
Example: Keep Silence, Draw a circle, Put this piece of paper in the dust bin,
Go out, and Raise your hands.
Student Activity
The class is divided into small groups. Each Group is given a Topic for writing
instructions.They discuss in groups and write instructions related to the topic.
1. Class room instructions
2. Covid – 19 safety measures
3. Personal Hygiene
1. Draw a flower with seven petals. Write a day of the week on each petal.
Colour each petal differently.
2. Write any two instructions for personal hygiene.
3. Write any two instructions for road safety.
11 Framing Sentences
Learning Outcomes:
• Using meaningful grammatically correct sentences to describe and narrate
incidents; and for framing questions.
• Using nouns, verbs, adjectives and prepositions in speech and writing.
Teacher Activity: 1
The teacher shows a picture and writes a few sentences She encourages the
students to say a few sentences describing the picture.
Teacher Activity: 2
• The teacher displays a few pictures of action words like ‘dance’, ‘read’, ‘write’, ‘jump’,
sing’, swim’, etc
• Picks one picture (dance) and says, “I can dance.”
• Then points to a girl and says, “She can dance”; points to a boy and says, “He can
dance”. Then, the teacher asks a student, “What can you do?”
• That student picks a picture card and says a sentence in the similar pattern, “I
can________”. She/ he /you/we/they can_____”
• All students repeat this sentence pattern and frame simple sentences.
Student Activity: 1
• The teacher displays pictures of various professionals like carpenter, farmer,
policeman, teacher and so on.
• The teacher picks one picture and gives a sample demonstration. For example, the
teacher says “I am Rani. My father is a farmer.”
• The teacher then questions a student from group A, “Who are you? What does your
father do?”
• That student answers “I am Sheela. My father is a driver” and questions another
student in group B.
• This goes on until all students are able to frame simple sentences.
The boys are playing.
A girl rides a bicycle.
Student Activity: 2
The teacher gives a few word strips to the children. They are asked to frame
simple sentences using word strips.
A am I doctor. – I am a doctor.
1.Circle the Action verb in the given sentences.
1. The sharks swim in the ocean.
2.Complete the given sentences.
My name is ______________.I am Studying in ____________.
3. Compose any 3 simple sentences from the table.
Refresher Course Module
Prefixes and Suffixes
Learning Outcome:
¾¾ Referring dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia to find meanings/ spellings of words while
reading and writing.
Teacher activity :1
The teacher asks the students the meaning and usage of prefixes. She/He then explains that ‘fix’
means ‘add’ to a root word and ‘pre’ means ‘before’.
The teacher gives some examples for prefix.
i) The word ‘multi’ is a prefix which means ‘many’. It is derived from the Latin language
1. multi colour - having many colours
2. multiplex - a complex that has many shops or malls. (including theatres)
ii) “The word ‘poly’ also means ‘many’ but is derived from the Greek language.”
1. polyclinic - a clinic (hospital) that has departments for various diseases.
2. polysyllabic word - a word that consists of more than four syllables.
i) ‘bi’ means ‘two’ which comes from the Latin language.
1. bicycle – vehicle with two wheels (operated manually)
ii) ‘di’ also means ‘two’ but is derived from the Greek language.
1. dioxide – two oxygen molecules
The teacher gives some more examples for prefixes.
Teacher activity :2
The teacher asks the students about suffixes. She/He then briefly explains about suffixes. ‘suf ’
means ‘after’; ‘fix’ means add. That is, suffix is a word added after a root word.
‘hood’ – childhood, ‘able’ - payable
The teacher, then explains the change, when ‘-ness’ and ‘-ity’ are added. She/He asks a student
the part of speech of ‘good’ - the teacher may help the student. She/ He then makes clear that
if ‘ness’ is added to good, it becomes goodness - noun form.
Like that, if ‘-ity’ is added to ‘national’, (adjective form), it becomes nationality (noun form).
The teacher gives some more examples for suffixes.
Student activity :1
The teacher makes the students form a circle. Each of them tells a word using suitable prefix.
They should tell a new word in their next round. The one who comes up to the last round is the
winner .
Student activity :2
The Students go through the dictionary and find out more examples for the suffixes ‘-ness’ and
‘-ity’ (at least two for each word) and write in their note books.
Assessment :
I. Fill in the blanks :
1. The meaning of ‘pre’ is ______________ (before/after)
2. Suitable prefix for ‘appear’ is ______________ (un/dis)
3. Suitable prefix for ‘legible’ is ______________ ( il/in)
4. The meaning of ‘bi’ is ______________ (six / two)
5. Suitable suffix for ‘care’ is ______________ ( less/ly)
II. Add suitable prefixes :
( un-, dis-, il-, poly-, bi- )
1. ____legible , 2. ____polar, 3. ____able, 4. ____agree, 5. ____clinic
III. Circle the odd one :
1. rearrange, unimportant, inability, ilmoral
2. disappoint, misbehave, irable, uncertain
3. reunion, incover, bicycle, polymer
4. multiable, irrelevant, inconvenience, disyllabic
5. input, encourage, empower, mislighten
IV. Match the words with suitable suffixes :
1. joy - ness
2. boy - ly
3. sad - able
4. perfect - hood
5. read - ful
V) Add suitable suffixes to the root words :
1. His child ______________ (ful / hood) was a happy one.
2. Be care ______________ (less / ful).
3. Don’t be care ______________ (less / ness).
4. My national ______________ (ness / ity) is Indian.
5. I support universal brother ______________ (hood / ful).
2 Determiners (Quantifiers)
Learning outcome :
¾¾ Using appropriate grammatical forms in communication.
Teacher activity :1
The teacher explains that determiners are words placed in front of a noun to specify quantity or
to clarify what the noun refers to. He/ She further explains that quantifier is a word or phrase
which is used before a noun to indicate the amount or quantity. We use quantifiers to give
some more information about the number of something: how much or how many.
The teacher recalls countable and uncountable nouns. Prepares slips of paper that have one
noun written on each slip. Includes both countable and uncountable nouns. Real life objects
like sugar, milk, rice etc. can also be used. The teacher divides the class into two groups. Draws
two circles, names the first circle as countable noun and next one as uncountable noun. Gives
every student a slip. The students read the noun and stand in the respective circle. The group
which completes first is the winner. Then she or he pastes the slips with the words on the chart
dividing them into countable noun and uncountable noun along with the quantifiers which
can be used with it.
Teacher activity: 2
The teacher provides picture cards to the students. Then asks them to find out the students with
the following picture card.
¾¾ Who has a lot of pens in their box?
¾¾ Who doesn’t have any cash in their wallet?
¾¾ Who has some snacks in their backpack.?
¾¾ Who doesn’t have any water in their bottle?
¾¾ Who has got many books in their bag?
Student activity: 1
The teacher prepares noun cards. Then asks the students to pick up the cards and elicit
responses “I have some…..” and “I don’t have any…..” accordingly . This helps them understand
the usage of “some” and ‘any’.
For example; I have some apples… I don’t have any apples….
Student activity : 2
The teacher divides the class into groups of four or five members. Asks the students to imagine
that they are left out in an island. Each group must decide on what items they would need to
survive on the island. The teacher asks the students to write the items along with quantity.
Then asks them to read it before the class. Then the teacher makes them classify the items into
countable and uncountable nouns along with their quantifiers.
I. Write ‘C’ for countable and ‘U’ for uncountable in the given column.
Rice Sugar
Cherries Juice
Milk Box
Cookies Chocolate
Honey Guava
3 Present Perfect Tense
Learning outcomes:
¾¾ Using appropriate grammatical forms in communication.
Teacher activity : 1
The teacher explains that Present perfect tense is used to express a past event that has present
consequences. We can use present perfect tense with unspecific time. The present perfect
tense is also used to express an action that completed in the very recent past. The structure of
the present perfect tense is: has/ have + participle.
Then the teacher writes the following sentences on the black board and asks the students to
underline the verbs.
1. I have eaten some cakes.
2. She has written a beautiful poem.
3. He has read the novel.
Teacher activity : 2
The teacher divides the class into two groups. He/she writes a list of words on the board and
asks them to frame sentences using those words.
( already, never, ever, yet, for, since, recently, just )
1. I have already studied English.
2. He has never helped me.
He/she assigns one point for each grammatically correct and logical sentence.
Student activity :1
The students frame questions using the pictures given. The question must begin with “Have
you ever”.
Have you ever visited the Taj Mahal?
Student activity : 2
The teacher divides the class into two groups A and B. Students from A group ask a question
to B group using “How long have you…?”
How long have you played tennis?
Students from B group answer.
I have played tennis for two hours. ( or)
I have played tennis since 7 o’clock.
Then B group asks question to A group. This continues with as many questions as possible.
I. Fill in the blanks with present perfect tense:
1. I ________ (see) that movie already.
2. He _________ (buy) a new car.
3. ________ you ___________ ( finish) your assignment?
4. Where ________ they _____ (put) the keys?
5. I ________ (eat) two cakes.
II. Fill in the blanks using ‘already, for, never, yet, since:
1. I have _____ paid my fees.
2. Mr. Kannan has worked here _________ 2010.
3. She has lived here ___________ ten years.
4. He has ___________ cheated anyone in his life.
5. The student has not met the head master _________.
III. Fill in the blanks correctly with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets:
1. The cricket team _________already_____________ (arrive).
2. My mother ___________ already ________ (prepare) lunch.
3. He ___________ just _________ (come) home.
4. ________ you ever _______ (see) dinosaurs?.
5. I __________ (meet) my friend just now.
IV. Find out which statement is in present perfect tense. Put a tick mark against the
correct statement:
1. a) They have just gone to the town.
b) They went to the town.
2. a) I have not visited my uncle yet.
b) I did not visit my uncle last week.
3. a) He never did this mistake.
b) He has never done this mistake.
4. a) She has completed her homework.
b) She completed her homework.
5. a) They have written two letters already.
b) They wrote two letters.
V. Frame sentences in present perfect tense using the given verbs:
Draw- I have drawn a beautiful picture
1. Eat : _____________________________________________________
2. Bring : _____________________________________________________
3. Play : _____________________________________________________
4. Teach : _____________________________________________________
5. Give : _____________________________________________________
4 Past Perfect Tense
Learning outcomes:
¾¾ Using appropriate grammatical forms in communication.
Teacher activity : 1
The teacher explains that past perfect tense is used to show that something happened before
another action in the past. It can also be used to show that something happened before a specific
time in the past. The structure of past perfect tense is Had + past participle. Then the teacher
asks the students to……
Teacher activity 2:
The teacher divides the class into two groups. One group is the question group. The other group
is the answer group. Question group is given a strip of paper with the picture and the clue. They
have to frame question using “had you”. Using the picture strip, the question group frames
questions and the other group answers. The answer group answers question in a positive way if
there is a tick mark and in negative form if there is a strike mark
Swam on Sunday.
Question Group: Had you swum on Sunday?
Answer Group: Yes, I had swum on Sunday.
Student activity:1
The teacher gives the sentence strips to the students and asks them to find their pairs.
I couldn’t eat the food because I had forgotten to set the alarm.
Student activity:2
The teacher asks the students to change the following sentences into the past perfect tense.
1. The girl took the money.
2. The cat killed the mouse.
3. The boy won the first prize.
I. Fill in the following blanks with the Past Perfect Tense of the verbs given in brack-
1.Mohan ______________ already ______________ his breakfast. (take)
2. If she ______________ for the examination she would not have failed. (prepare)
3. The class ______________ before I reached the school. (start)
4. The patient ______________ before the doctor arrived. (die)
5. She ____________ not ___________ the place before her husband permitted her. (leave)
II. Use the verbs given in the past perfect form to complete the sentences:
(had already broken, had washed, had finished, had listened, had sung)
1. We __________ Happy Birthday before she blew out her candle.
2. He ___________ the window when I got home.
3. I ____________ to songs before I started the work.
4. She ___________her hands before she cooked the dinner.
5. They __________eating dinner when I arrived.
III. Write the had+ past participle form of the following irregular verbs.
IV. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verb given in brackets.
1. I ___________ (study) Japanese before.
2. She ___________ (bake) a lot before she ___________ (open) her shop.
3. We ___________ (have) a lot of trouble because we ___________ (lose) our passports.
4. Brian ________(know) many people at the club because he _________(be) there many
5. They ___________ (study) English before they ___________ (move) to Canada.
V. Complete the sentences in the past perfect tense using your own ideas.
1. I failed in English exam because
2. He argued with his friend because
3. She reached the office late because
4. I didn’t eat well because
5. I didn’t wake up on time because
5 Future Perfect Tense
Learning outcomes:
¾¾ Using appropriate grammatical forms in communication.
Teacher activity: 1
The teacher explains that future perfect tense describes an event that is expected or planned to
happen before a time of reference in the future. The structure of future perfect tense is will +
have + past participle.
The teacher writes some sentences on the blackboard and explains the structure of future
perfect tense. The teacher gives some more sentences and asks the students to underline the
structure of future perfect tense.
1. I will have painted my room.
2. She will have bought a new laptop.
3. He will have completed the book.
4. He will have visited Delhi.
Teacher activity: 2
The teacher writes signal words for future perfect tense on the board and says how to use them
in sentences. Example;
( by this time tomorrow , by 2021, by next summer, by next month, in five hours, by )
¾¾ The contractor says that they will have finished the roof work by next month.
¾¾ By 2021 I will have completed my M.A degree.
¾¾ By next summer he will have bought an AC.
¾¾ By this time tomorrow you will have submitted your assignment.
Student activity: 1
The teacher asks the students to write sentences using the following table in future perfect tense
Time To do list
8.00 finish homework
9.00 clean the room
10.00 buy vegetables
12.00 watch Tv
1.00 lunch with my mother
I will have finished my homework by 8’0 clock.
Student activity: 2
Teacher asks the students to write about their future plans. Then each student comes to the
front and reads out his / her future plans.
Student A: I will have become a teacher in 10 years.
Student B: I will have written a poem in English by next month.
I. Underline the future perfect tense form of the verb:
1.I will have got my degree by 2022.
2.The plane will have taken off by 8p.m today.
3.She will have fallen asleep by the time we get home.
4.Sophia will have gone on a holiday by this time next year.
5.By next summer,they will have built the house.
II. Combine the following pairs by changing them into the future perfect tense.
1.The children will eat all the cakes. Before their mother comes.
2. The fire will destroy the whole building. Before the fire man arrives.
3. We will finish the homework. Before the teacher enters the class.
4.They will return home. By the time their father returns from work.
5.The students will memorize the poem. Before the next class.
III. Fill in the blanks with the future perfect tense form of the verbs given in the
1. He _________ (read) the book before the lunch break.
2. When __________ (you / complete) the work?
3. They ________ (arrive) by dinner time.
4. You __________ ( finish) the report by the dead line.
5. We _____________ (submit ) the project by the week end
IV. Frame sentences in future perfect tense using the following verbs:
Example ;
Make - Jaanu will have made pancake by afternoon.
2. Leave
3. Write
4. Draw
5. Meet
V. Choose the correct tense form from the options given below:
1. Ram ______________________ ( won/ will have won) in the marathon tournament by
this time tomorrow.
2. Shantha ______________ (will have received / receiving) his package by evening.
3. Govind ____________ (had been inspecting/ will have inspected) the Bonsai plants by the
week end..
4. She _______________ (has visited/ will have visited) Paris by the end of next year.
5. Raju _____________ (will have discussed/ has discussing) this with her mother tonight.
6 Prepositions
Learning outcome:
¾¾ Using appropriate grammatical forms in communication.
Teacher activity – 1
The teacher explains that preposition is a word or phrase that is used before a noun or pronoun
to show place, time, direction, etc. Preposition shows its relationship to another word or a part
of a sentence. Prepositions can be classified into three kinds- Time, place, position.
The teacher places a box on the table. It contains word cards including prepositions and
determiners. Students have to find out the cards with preposition and show it to the teacher.
Teacher asks the students to keep the cards with them for the next activity.
Teacher activity – 2
The teacher keeps three boxes on the table. They have the labels Time , Place and Position. The
teacher asks the students to put back the preposition cards in the correct boxes.
Example: Time box: at, in, during, Place box: inside, outside, under, at, in.
Position box: on, above, over.
Student activity : 1
The teacher asks the students to say about their daily activities.
Student 1: I get up at 5’o clock.
Student 2: I study early in the morning.
Student 3: I have my breakfast at 7:30 am.
Student 4: I go to school at
Student 5: I play in the evening.
Student activity :2
The teacher divides the class into two teams (A and B). ‘A’ team hides some objects (book, pen,
bag, duster, piece of chalk) in different places in the classroom. ‘B’ team finds out the location
and says where they are hidden. Then B team hides the objects in the classroom. ‘A’ team finds
out the location and says where they are hidden.
Example :
The book is in the drawer. The bag is behind the door. The pen is inside the book.
I. Look at the picture. Pick out the correct preposition and fill in the blanks.
1. ____________
2. ____________
3. ____________
4. ____________
in front of
7 Rhyming Words and Rhyme
Learning outcome:
¾¾ Reading aloud stories and recites poems with appropriate pause intonation and pronunciation.
Teacher activity: 1
The teacher explains that a rhyme is a repetition of similar sounds in the final stressed syllables.
The teacher shows a chart to the students and asks them to read the poem aloud. The teacher
then emphasizes the rhyming words.
The teacher explains that rhyming words are words that have the same ending sounds. For
example, cat, fat,mat and hat, fit and split. Students read the rhyme aloud stressing the rhyming
Student activity: 1
A poem is given. Students have to pick out the rhyming words from the poem.
Earth day
Example :
one – sun, ______________,______________,______________,______________,
Teacher activity : 2
The teacher writes the following poem on the board.
The teacher explains that rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhyme that comes at the end of each
line of a poem. All lines that end in the same sound or a word that rhymes with “fight” will
have an ‘ a’. Then second line ends in “light” which rhymes with “fight”. So, the same letter ‘a’ is
given. The third line ends in “plain” which does not rhyme with “fight” or “light”, so that it gets
the letter ‘b’. the fourth line ends in “rain” which rhymes with “plain”, it is given again the letter
‘ b’. So the rhyme scheme is ‘aabb’.
Student activity : 2
The teacher divides the class into groups. Provides each group with copies of poems with
different rhyme schemes. Each group reads the poem aloud and writes the rhyme scheme of
the poem.
I. Write as many rhyming words as possible for the following words.
Rain, well, bright, thing, grow.
II. Match the following with its rhyming words:
King - sent
Day - goose
Bent - say
Loose – sing
III. Circle the words in each row that have the same rhyming sound as the word in
feet meet seat heat head
8 Travel Vocabulary
(Flight Travel)
Learning outcomes:
¾¾ Referring dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia to find meanings/ spellings of words while
reading and writing.
¾¾ Inferring the meaning of unfamiliar words by reading them in context.
Teacher activity:1
The teacher explains the term “flight travel” to students as follows.
There are many different ways of visiting another country. You can travel by car, coach, train or
ferry, but the most popular and the quickest way to travel is by plane. And when you travel by
plane, you have to obviously go to the airport. And no matter where you are, English is used at
every single airport.
The teacher divides the class into two groups. Gives some picture cards related to flight travel
to one group and word cards to the other group. The picture card group flashes the cards before
the class and the students having the correct word card, runs over to match it. Similarly the
game is continued .
Baggage claim
Travel route
Metal detector
Teacher activity:2
The teacher explains about the announcements in airports and then asks them to connect the
announcement with the meaning:
Announcements Meanings
“We would now like to invite all passengers When the airplane stops in a different city
to board.” before continuing to the final destination.
“This is the final boarding call for United It’s time for passengers to enter the plane
Airlines flight 880 to Miami.”
“A stopover at Dubai for half an hour.” Everyone can enter the plane.
Student activity:1
The teacher gives some events and makes the students match it with the places corresponding
to it
Student activity:2
The teacher divides the students into groups. Each group is given a set of jumbled sentences
related to steps of flight travel. They arrange it in the order of events for an air trip.
1.Book a flight. 2.Claim the baggage 3. Check-in 4.Hand over luggage 5.Wait in lounge area
6.Take off 7. Land 8.Board the flight 9.Get the tickets 10.Get off the plane 11.Reach the boarding
gate 12.Weigh the baggage
I. Complete the paragraph using the given words.
(duty free shop, gate, boarding card ,baggage ,overhead locker, seat belt)
After leaving her ______________ at the ______________ Duniya went to security. After that,
she stopped to buy a gift in the ______________ She showed her passport and ______________
and boarded the plane. There was no space left in the ______________, but fortunately her
hand baggage was small so she put it under the seat in front of her. She sat down, fastened her
______________ and the flight departed on time. She enjoyed the flight very much.
II. Match the following words with their meanings:
Special ticket showing that passenger has checked in and may
Baggage claim
board plane.
9 Homophones and Homonyms
Learning outcomes :
¾¾ Reading aloud the stories and recites poems with appropriate pause intonation and pronun-
¾¾ Inferring the meaning of unfamiliar words by reading them in context.
¾¾ Referring dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia to find meanings/ spellings of words while
reading and writing.
Teacher activity :1
The teacher explains that homophones are the words that have same pronunciation but
different spelling or meaning. Homonyms are words that have same pronunciation or spelling
but different meanings. The word “homonym” comes from the prefix “homo-” which means
the same, and the suffix “-nym,” which means name.
The teacher sings a small homophone rhyme and asks the students to sing.
Teacher activity:2
The teacher gives a list of homonyms to the students and makes them familiar about it.
Here’s a list of some homonyms:
• Pen (place for holding animals, writing instrument)
• Die (pass away, singular of “dice”)
• Wave (at the beach, with your hand)
• Spring (the season, a coil of metal)
• Book (something you read, making a reservation)
• Stalk (part of a plant, to harass by following)
• Bear (animal, withstand difficulties)
• Rose (past tense of rise, the flower)
• Bark (the sound dogs make, a tree’s outer layer)
• Current (modern, flow of water)
Student activity : 1
Each student takes two cards randomly from the Homophone box kept by the teacher. They
have to exchange with their classmates and find a pair for any one of the words they have.
Finally each student will have a set of homophone.
Student activity :2
Fill in the blanks with the corresponding homonym:
(will, can, right, saw, well)
1. ______________ you get me a ______________?
2. Write the ______________ answers on the ______________ side.
3. The woodcutter ______________ a huge ______________ in the dream.
4. The ______________ was dug by a ______________ known king.
5. He ______________ finish the work tomorrow if he has the ______________.
I. Circle the homophones in the sentence: -
1. This year my uncle did not have any pain in his ear.
2. She read aloud that smoking was not allowed there.
3. The site was far from sight.
4. They steal steel rods from the garage.
III. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words given in the bracket: -
1. The boy does ____know how to tie the_______for his shoes.(knot/not)
2. When the_______ is high up in the sky, my _______ likes to go for a swim. (son/sun)
3. He is still __________after he fell sick last______.(week\weak)
V. Write down the meaning of the underlined words in the following sentences:
1. a) She has a rose garden
b) Sales rose by 20% last year.
2. a) A fly was buzzing against the window.
b) Let’s fly a kite.
3. a) I lived along the banks of the river.
b) The bank is closed due to lockdown.
4. a) We went for a walk in the park.
b) The tennis court is sometimes used as a car park.
5. a) Huge waves were breaking on the shore
b) The people on the bus waved their hands.
Learning Outcome:
¾¾ Referring dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia to find meanings/ spellings of words while
reading and writing.
Teacher activity :1
The teacher gives a brief introduction about syllables. Teacher explains briefly about syllable:
“A syllable is the smallest unit of a word. It consists of only one vowel sound. In other words,
there will be only one vowel sound in a syllable.”
The term ‘monosyllabic word’ is introduced by the teacher. “ A word with one syllable is called
a monosyllabic word”. (mono – one, derived from the Greek language)
Example: cup, car, sit, seat, book.
In the same manner the teacher introduces ‘di,tri,tetra and polysyllabic’ words
(di -two, tri- three, tetra-four, poly -more than four) (origin -Greek language)
Teacher activity : 2
Then the teacher introduces some rules of syllabification. The teacher displays it on chart also.
i. Every syllable has one vowel sound.
ii. The number of vowel sounds in a word is the number of syllables.
iii. One syllable word is never divided
iv. When a word ends in ‘ le’, preceded by a consonant, the word is divided before that consonant.
Example: pur-ple, un-cle, mid-dle
v. When a word or syllable ends in ‘al’ or ‘el’ , these letters usually form the last syllable.
Example : lev-el, cas-u-al
Student activity : 1
The teacher gives word cards to the students and asks them to categorise the words according
to the syllables. The teacher divides the students into four groups and
1. Asks the first group students to take cards which contain mono syllabic words.
2. Asks the second group students to take cards which contain disyllabic words.
3. Asks the third group students to take cards which contain trisyllabic words.
4. Asks the fourth group students to take cards which contain polyllabic words.
Student activity : 2
The teacher asks the students, to tell their names and number of syllables in their names, one by
one. Then asks the students to clap his/ her hands when he/ she pronounces a syllable.
Example Sel / vi – Sel clap hands , Vi clap hands
I. Answer in one word :
1. What is the meaning of ‘tetra’?
2. Is ‘father’ a monosyllabic , disyllabic or polysyllabic word?
3. Where did ‘poly’ originate from?
4. How many vowel sounds will be there in a syllable?
5. How will you syllabify the word ‘nationality’?
II. Match the following :
edition - tetra-syllabic
television – tri-syllabic
father - polysyllabic
bull - disyllabic
examination – monosyllabic
Degrees of Comparison - I
Learning Outcomes :
¾¾ Using appropriate grammatical forms in communication (eg. noun, pronoun, verb, determin-
ers, time and tense, passivisation, adjective, adverb, etc.)
Teacher activity:1
The teacher explains the rules of degrees of comparison. The positive degree is the simplest
form of adjectives that has no special ending. The comparative degree of an adjective is formed
by adding “er” to the adjective or adding “more” before the adjective. The superlative degree is
formed by adding “est” to the adjective or “ most” before the adjective..
Strong – Stronger – Strongest.
Ravanan is strong. (Positive degree)
Ravanan is stronger than Vinoth . (Comparative degree)
Ravanan is the strongest boy in the class. (Superlative degree)
The teacher shows red colour and blue colour ribbons. Then she asks the students to measure
both the ribbons. Now the teacher asks questions
Teacher activity-2
The teacher asks any two boys (Kumar and Kanna) to come to the front of the class and asks
Teacher: Who is tall, Kumar or Kanna?
Students: Kumar is taller than Kanna.
Teacher: Who is not so tall as Kumar?
Students: Kanna is not so tall as Kumar.
Student activity :1
The teacher shows pictures and asks many questions , for example
1.Which is slower? (Tortoise, Snail)
The snail is slower than the tortoise.
Student activity : 2
The teacher divides the class into 2 groups and gives 20 cards of adjectives for each group. The
students from each group have to make a sentence with those adjectives.
Example: “Lucky”. The students have to frame a sentence using degrees of comparison.
I am the luckiest of all.
I am luckier than my brother.
No one is so lucky as me.
The group which makes more sentences in the given time will be the winner.
I. Match the following adjectives with their comparatives:
1. Good – more
2. Bad – less
3. Much – elder
4. Old – worse
5. Little – better
II. Choose the correct suffix to the adjectives.
1. Sweet ______________ (a) ie , (b) er, (c)eir
2. Brave ______________ (a) er, (b) ier, (c) st
3. Far ______________ (a) est (b)thest (c) er
4. Safe ______________ (a) st (b)ier (c) est.
5. broad ______________ (a)est (b) eir (c) ier.
III. Give the other forms of degrees of comparison.
Degrees of Comparison - II
Learning Outcomes:
¾¾ U
sing appropriate grammatical forms in communication (eg. noun, pronoun, verb, determin-
ers, time and tense, passivisation, adjective, adverb, etc.)
Teacher Activity :1
The teacher explains about the transformation of sentences from one degree to the other degrees
under Type 1 and Type 2 in detail through examples and activities. A sample of activities is
given below.
The teacher asks the shortest girl of the class (Vinaya) to come front and asks the following
questions to the students
Teacher: Who is the shortest girl in the class?
Students: Vinaya is the shortest girl in the class.
Teacher: Who is shorter than any other girls in the class?
Student : Vinaya is shorter than any other girls in the class.
Teacher: Is any other girl so short as Vinaya in the class?
Students: No other girl is so short as Vinaya in the class.
Teacher activity:2
The teacher shows a picture and asks questions.
Do you think all the flowers are beautiful? Yes, they are all beautiful.
1.Which one of the flowers is the most beautiful flower?
The rose is one of the most beautiful flowers.
2.Which flower is more beautiful than most/many other flowers?
The rose is more beautiful than most/many other flowers.
3.How many flowers are as beautiful as rose?
Very few flowers are as beautiful as rose.
Student activity:1
Adjectives Words
The teacher divides the blackboard into two and writes 20 adjectives on both sides. Then she
asks two students to come to the front and write the comparative and superlative forms for
those adjectives. The student who writes the words quickly is the winner.
Student Activity-2
The teacher shows a picture of a family with grand parents, parents, brothers, sisters etc.
and gives some adjectives as taller, eldest, oldest, younger, elder, funniest, tall, young ,smart,
etc. Then the teacher asks the students to think who is the eldest, tallest, funniest, smartest,
youngest, etc. Students will then work in pair or in small groups. The students will write as
many sentences as they can using any other, many/most other, very few and no other.
1.Identify the degrees of comparison. (Positive, Comparative, Superlative Degree)
1. An elephant is the biggest land animal.
2. The Pacific Ocean is bigger than any other ocean.
3.The blue cat is prettier than most/many other cats.
4. No other animal is so big as the blue whale.
5. Very few boys are as intelligent as Balu in the class.
II.Fill in the blanks with other degrees of comparision:
Positive degree Comparative degree Superlative degree
Attractive ______________ most attractive
Near nearer ______________
______________ more brilliant most brilliant
Easy ______________ Easiest
Cold colder ______________
13 Active Voice and
Passive Voive
Learning Outcome :
¾¾ Using appropriate grammatical forms in communication.
Teacher activity: 1
The teacher explains that voice is the quality of a verb that shows whether the subject is the
doer or receiver of the action.
The teacher writes a few sentences on the blackboard and asks the students to identify the
The boy kicked the ball.
The teacher explains active voice and passive voice with examples.
Active Voice:- In active voice, the subject is the doer of the action.
Shiva plays basketball.
Passive Voice :- In passive voice the subject is the receiver of the action.
Basketball is played by Shiva.
Teacher activity : 2
The teacher asks the students to create a news report (fictional or real) about an environmental
event such as a fire, earthquake, tornado, hurricane, tsunami, floods, etc.and present it to the
class, pointing out their use of the passive voice throughout.
Student activity : 1
The teacher gives a sentence strip to every student . They read it aloud and say whether it is
active or passive voice.
Student activity:2
The teacher divides the class into two teams. One member from each team goes out of the
classroom for one or two minutes. Students interchange some things inside the classroom and
then call the students back in. They have to say as many things as possible that have been
changed within the time limit , one point is given for each correct sentence.
The table has been moved.
2 Is drinking is written
5. has been/ have been + past participle
14 Reported Speech – Statement and
Learning Outcome:
¾¾ Using appropriate grammatical forms in communication
Teacher Activity:1
The teacher recalls the kinds of sentences:
1. Statement
Affirmative Negative
2. Interrogative
When changing a sentence from direct to
is, am become was
are becomes were
has, have become had
can becomes could
may becomes might
shall becomes should
will becomes would
Certain words expressing nearness of time or position are changed into words expressing
Now Then
This/these That/those
Here There
Tonight That night
Ago Before
Today That day
Tomorrow The next day/the following day
Yesterday The day before/the previous day
Teacher reads out a sentence and asks the students to rephrase it beginning with
He said …/She said…
Teacher: I don’t like coffee.
Student: He said that he didn’t like coffee.
Teacher: I like ice cream.
Student: He said that he liked ice cream.
Then the teacher further explains the remaining rules for changing a sentence from direct to
indirect form and also how to change statements and interrogatives into indirect form.
Teacher activity : 2
Teacher prepares a set of cards/slips of papers, each with a different sentence. Asks the students
to report what he / she reads in the card.
Zaph : I live in a big house.
Zaph told that he lived in a big house.
Santhiya : I’m sorry I’m late.
Sreya : These chocolates are delicious.
Rose : What time is it?
Student activity :1
The teacher asks the students to write the transformation of the given special words in indirect
1. This - _____________________
2.Yesterday - _____________________
3. Now - _____________________
4.Ago - _____________________
5.Here - _____________________
Student activity :2
The teacher asks the students to imagine himself/ herself as teacher , lawyer etc., as given in
the picture and perform a role play by asking the following questions.The teacher then asks the
other students to report the questions asked by the student playing the role.
5. He said to the boy, ‘Where are your parents?’
Assessment :
I. Change these sentences into indirect speech.
1. Balu screamed, ‘There is a snake in the garden.’
2. Father said, ‘I am going to London today.’
15 Reported Speech -Imperatives and
Learning Outcomes:
Teacher Activity : 1
The teacher explains that, there are certain rules for conversion of commands, requests and
advice into indirect speech. The reporting verb is changed to ordered, requested or advised.
The teacher then explains in detail how to convert an imperative sentence from direct to
indirect form.
Teacher activity :2
The teacher explains that, while converting exclamatory sentences into indirect speech, we
should note a few things.
The reporting verb is changed into wished, prayed, cried, exclaimed, etc. For example,
The teacher then explains in detail how to change an exclamatory sentence from direct to
indirect form.
Student Activity: 1
The teacher prepares cards by writing direct speech on one side and reported speech of the
same sentence on the other side. Students have to identify which sentence is in direct speech
and which one is in reported speech.
Student activity:2
The teacher asks the students to change the following sentences into indirect speech.
2. My father said to me, “Bravo! You have got very good marks.”
4. The players exclaimed with joy and said that they had won the match.
16 Anagrams
Learning outcomes:
¾¾ Referring dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia to find meanings/ spellings of words while
reading and writing.
¾¾ Inferring the meaning of unfamiliar words by reading them in context.
Teacher activity:1
The teacher explains that Anagram is a word or phrase spelled by rearranging the letters of
another word or phrase. e.g. bear=bare, ode=doe, dear=read, tear=rate.
An anagram of SLATE is LEAST
The teacher lists the words and their anagrams in two separate columns and in different order,
then asks students to match the anagrams by drawing a line between each pair.
1 Lemon Star
2 Rats Could
3 Cloud Iced
4 Flow Melon
5 Dice Wolf
Teacher activity:2
The teacher divides the students into two groups and gives them a treasure box with four
locks. She\he hides four keys beforehand in objects according to the clues. Each group has to
find out four keys which unlocks the box. The teacher gives them a paper with clues for objects
around the classroom .Each group unscrambles the first word and takes key 1 from the object.
The team which brings the four keys first can open the treasure and win the game.
Key 1 – ratch – the thing on which you draw
Key 2 - broad – the one on which teacher writes
Key 3: - rusted – the thing with which we rub the board
Key 4: - hectare _ a person who teach
Student activity :1
The teacher asks the students to frame new word using the clue and pictures:
1. TOOLS // a seat without a back or arms
4. DEEPS // fastness
Student activity :2
The teacher asks the students to unscramble the letters to find the words related to parts of the
1. are - ______________
2 inch - ______________
3. cafe - ______________
4. lamp - ______________
5. fringe - ______________
I . Sort out the puzzles to anagrams.
1.Change heart into a planet. - ______________
2.Change flog into a sport. - ______________
3.Change beard into something you can eat - ______________
4.Change super into something you keep money in. - ______________
II . Find the hidden word by unscrambling the letters.
Past tense of say -- ASID
Tasty treat at birthdays __ KCAE
Where you live __ EHMO
One time only __ ECON
Opposite of under __ OVRE
III . Unscramble the letters to find the words related to cooking:
Hint : Cooking related words
1. nap - ______________
2. pat - ______________
3. beak - ______________
4. iced - ______________ - ______________
6. diary - ______________
7. fired - ______________
8. heater - ______________
9. thicken - ______________
10. votes - ______________
IV. Anagram riddles
A male sheep --A part of your body
1.A short sleep during the day—Something to cook with.
2.An animal that people ride---The place where land meets sea.
3.Something you bake.—Hair on your face.
4.A place to see art –Something that makes you sneeze.
5.Another word for jump—Another word for white.
V. Match the following:
1. toga __ bread
2. thicken __ elbow
3. fringe __ kitchen
4. beard __ finger
5. below __ goat
17 Semantic Mapping
Learning outcome:
¾¾ Thinking critically, compares and contrasts characters,events ideas,themes and relates them
to life.
¾¾ Referring dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia to find meanings/ spellings of words while
reading and writing.
Teacher activity :1
The teacher explains that “Semantic mapping is a visual strategy for vocabulary expansion
and extension of knowledge by displaying in categories words related to one another”
The teacher makes the students familiarize with semantic mapping using the known vocabulary
word “transportation”. The word transportation is divided into three main types of possible
transportation. They are Air, Water and Land forms of travel. Students are divided into groups
and provided with strips containing words related to land, air and water transportation and
students fix their words in the respective place. The group which finishes first is the winner.
train bus
bicycle trolley
truck,van semi-tractor
ship sailboat
submarine canoe
water glider air helicopter
Teacher activity :2
Teacher shows some pictures related to pirates and asks the students to give related words to
create a semantic mapping.
Student activity :1
The teacher makes the students understand vocabulary in a better way by using semantic
mapping. Teacher divides the students into five groups and each group is given a word to do
semantic mapping using dictionary in the following format.
synonyms antonyms
Sentence containing
the word
Student activity:2
Teacher gives a paragraph on ‘Library’ and asks the students to make a semantic mapping.
Paragraph on ‘Library’:
A library is a place where books and sources of information are stored. Libraries are very helpful
and economical too. They include books, magazines, newspapers, journals, manuscripts and
more. The library contains story books based on facts, comedy,tragedy and moral.We can read
current news from newspapers in both Tamil and English languages. It also contains weekly
and monthly magazines.
I. Prepare a semantic map for the following words:
1. Body
2. Computer
3. Shoe
II. Write down all the words related to the words given in the box. Create a “map”
using a graphic organizer and discuss it in groups.
III. Read the given paragraph and prepare a map for the question:
Every individual irrespective of race, gender, nationality, ethnic or social origin, religion or
political preference age or disability, is entitled to an education. Education is very important
and no one should be deprived of it, Education gives us knowledge. It develops in us the right
perspective of life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life.
18 Punctuation
Learning Outcomes:
¾¾ Organising sentences coherently in English/in Braille with the help of verbal and visual clues
and with a sense of audience.
¾¾ Reading textual / non textual materials in English/Braille with comprehension.
Teacher Activity :1
The teacher explains that Punctuation marks are symbols that are used to aid the clarity and
comprehension of written language. Some common punctuation marks are the full stop,
comma, question mark, exclamation mark, apostrophe, quotation mark and hyphen.
The teacher asks the students to identify the punctuation marks shown in the flash cards.
Teacher Activity :2
The Teacher recalls the usage of punctuation marks. Each student should come forward and
imagine themselves as one of the punctuation marks and do self introduction such as :
Eg. I am Full Stop (.)and I stand at the end of the sentence to indicate the longest pause, after
¾¾ I am a good boy.
I am Comma (,) used to indicate the shortest pause and used to separate the series of words in
a list.
¾¾ The boy is clever, honest and brave.
I am Comma (,) used to set off a noun of address.
¾¾ Mother, I have finished the chores.
I am Comma (,) used to introduce a direct quote.
¾¾ She said, ‘I want to watch the film.’
I am Quotation Mark (‘...’)used to quote another person’s words exactly.
¾¾ Ravi said, ‘Iam going to play’
I am Semicolon ( ; ) used to connect independent clauses.
¾¾ John was hurt; he knew she only said it to upset him.
I am colon (:) used after a word introducing a quotation, an explanation, an example, or a
¾¾ He was planning to study four subjects: politics, philosophy, sociology, and economics.
I am dash (_) used to separate words into statements
¾¾ She gave him her answer No !
I am hyphen (-) used to join two or more words together into a compound and is not separated
by spaces.
¾¾ part–time, well-known.
We are brackets ([ ]) used for technical explanations or to clarify meaning.
¾¾ He[ Mr. Jones] was the last person seen at the house.
We are braces ({}) used to contain two or more lines of text or listed items showing that they
are considered as a unit.
¾¾ 2 { 1+[23-3]}=x
We are parentheses ( ( ) ) used to contain qualifying remarks.
I am an apostrophe (’) used to indicate the omission of a letter or letters from a word
¾¾ I’ve seen that movie several times.
I am used in the possessive case
¾¾ Sara’s dog bit the neighbor.
Students Activity: 1
The teacher hangs Punctuation Pockets on the board and places a casket/ bowl with slips of
sentences on the table.
The Students have to pick a slip, read the sentences on the slip and place it in the
appropriate /suitable punctuation pocket.
Student activity:2
The teacher asks the students to put the missing punctuation mark in the blanks
Mrs. Smith s cat is black and white
What time does school finish __
“Don t shout in the classroom” said the teacher.
I m twelve years old in March.
II .Match the contractions:
We would that’ll
we are don’t
he has we’re
do not he’s
that will we’d
19 Reading Comprehension
Learning Outcomes :
¾¾ Reading textual/non textual materials in English/ Braille with comprehension
¾¾ Reading aloud the stories and recites poems with appropriate pause, intonation and pronun-
¾¾ Identifiing details, characters, main idea and sequence of ideas and events in textual/ non tex-
tual materials.
¾¾ Reading a variety of texts for pleasure, eg. adventure stories, science fiction, fairy tales, biogra-
phy, autobiography , travelogue etc.(extensive reading)
Teacher activity:1
The teacher explains that reading comprehension is the ability to process the text, understand its
meaning, and to integrate with what the reader already knows.
The teacher makes the students sit in pairs and asks them to read the given passage.
Penguins are birds that live in the coldest parts of the world.They are
black with white stomachs and have small wings.They move across the
ice by waddling slowly on their little feet with their wings out to the side.
Surprisingly,Penguins can not fly even though they have wings.They use
their wings to balance them as they waddle across the ice.Their bodies are
also very good at keeping the penguin warm in the cold weather.Penguins
are very good at swimming and use the strength in their bodies to move
easily through the water.Penguins need to be good swimmers because they
eat mostly fish and sea animals.When they catch their food they swallow it
whole!They also need to use their strong bodies to get away from seals and
sharks because seals and sharks eat penguins.There are lots of different types
of penguins and they come in all different sizes and shapes.We all need
to make sure we take good care of our world because oil spills and global
warming can destroy the penguin’s home.
The teacher asks the students to give answers for the questions based on the passage.
1) Where do penguins live?
2) What do penguins look like?
3) Can penguins fly?
4) How do penguins move across the sea?
5) What do penguins eat?
6) What animals eat penguins?
7) Why do we need to take care of the world?
Teacher activity:2
The teacher asks the students to read and understand the passage given above . Then the
teacher asks the student to write the summary of the passage in three sentences
Student activity:1
The teacher asks the students to read the passage below and to rewrite it by replacing the
underlined words with a synonym from list
My father was so tired after work, he took a nap on the couch. While he was sleeping, I
quietly sneaked in to the kitchen and made him an ice cream. I placed it on the table next to
the couch so he would see it when he woke up. An hour later he opened his eyes and he saw
the bowl of melted ice cream on the table. Even though it was melted and no longer chill, he
wanted to have it.
Student activity:2
The teacher asks the students to read the story given below. After reading she/he asks them to
compare and contrast the two characters in the story and give the moral of the story.
There were once two brothers who lived in the edge of a forest. The elder brother was very
selfish and always treats his younger brother badly. He was very mean to his younger brother
and ate up all the food and took all his good clothes. One day the elder brother went to the
forest to find some firewood to sell in the market. He went around chopping the branches of
a tree after tree. Then he saw a magical tree there. The tree said to him not to cut the branches
and it will give golden apples instead. The elder brother agreed but was disappointed with the
number of apples the tree gave him. Greed overcame him, and he threatened to cut the entire
trunk if the tree didn’t give him more apples. The magical tree instead showered upon the
elder brother hundreds of tiny needles. The elder brother lay on the ground crying in pain.
The younger brother grew worried and went in search of his elder brother. He found him with
hundreds of needles on his skin. He rushed to his brother and removed each needle with love.
After he finished the elder brother apologised for treating him badly and promised to be better.
The tree saw the change in the elder brother’s heart and gave them all the golden apples they
could ever need.
The teacher asks the students to read the passage and answer the questions given
Sitha says that all of her friends have a cell phone. But Sitha’s mother doesn’t want to buy her one.
Sitha’s mother doesn’t want Sitha to play video games either. What is more, the internet scares
her. Sitha’s mother says, “If Sitha has a cell phone, how do we know whom she is talking to ?
Video games are bad. The internet is dangerous and uncontrolled. It’s like having a gun in the
house. We should just ban her from using the computer, and I’m not buying her a cell phone until
she is eighteen. This is the only way we can be sure that Sitha is safe” Sitha’s dad disagrees with
Sitha’s mother. Although he agrees that there are some dangers to it, he likes the internet and
finds it to be useful. He says ‘We just can’t stop Sitha from using the internet, as this would put
her at a disadvantage. What is more, I like video games. I think that, when played in moderation,
they are fun. Obviously, it is not good to play them without restraint or self – control. Finally I
think, Sitha needs a cell phone, we can’t take these things away’.
1. Which of the following statements related to Sitha’s mother and dad is true?
a. Mother wants to ban Sitha from using the computer, while dad likes to play video games.
b. Mother thinks technology is dangerous, while dad thinks it can be useful.
c. Mother cares little about Sitha’s future, while dad is very supportive.
d. Mother is very strict, while dad is open minded.
2. What do you think about Sitha’s mother and dad?
a. Mother and dad both like technology.
b. Mother and dad both think video games are bad.
c. Mother and dad think internet is dangerous.
d. Mother and dad both care about Sitha’s well being.
3. In paragraph1, Sitha’s mother says ‘ Its like having a gun in the house, she says this
in order to
a. Support the idea that internet is dangerous.
b. Reject the claim that guns can be safe if used responsibly.
c. Encourage Sitha’s dad to purchase a gun.
d. Explain why the internet is uncontrolled.
4. I n paragraph 2, Sitha’s dad says, ‘Finally I think Sitha needs a cell phone’, Given
what you know about Sitha’s mother’s concerns, what is the best reason, Sitha’s
dad can provide to convince Sitha’s mother that Sitha needs a cell phone.
a. Sitha can use her cellphone to talk to her friends, instead of borrowing one of ours.
b. Having a cell phone will teach Sitha how to use technology.
c. Because of all her friends have one, it would be unfair to disallow Sitha to have a cell phone.
d. If Sitha is in trouble, she can use her cell phone to call for help.
5. Sitha’s mother can best be described as
a. Ridiculous
b. Careful
c. Cruel
d. Rude
20 Writing
Learning Outcome:
Writing formal letters, list, e mail,etc.
Teacher activity:1
The teacher explains that a formal letter is one written in formal language for official purposes
to authorities, dignitaries, etc and not to friends or family.
The teacher explains how to write formal letter by giving the structure and example.
210, Sunrise Avenue
sender’s address
Cennai- 600 001
Date 10 April 2020
The officer-in-charge,
Name/deslgnatton Department of Water Supply and Sanitation,
SubJect SUbject:- wastage of water due to a broken pipe.
The teacher then gives the cards in which parts of the formal letter are written and asks the
students to arrange in order.
Teacher activity:2
a. Th
e teacher explains that e-mail stands for electronic mail. It is the easiest and cheapest way
of communication. It is a formal, semi-formal, as well as an informal way of expression in
writing. Then the teacher explains how to write an email by giving the following structure.
E-mail Writing Format
b. The teacher asks the students to list out the fruits they see in the picture.
Student activity:1
The teacher asks the students to write a letter to Headmaster requesting to arrange a trip using
the word bank given below.
Headmaster, permission, arrange a trip, Agra, historical value, practical exposure, Agra
fort, Mughal period, better understanding.
Student activity:2
a. The teacher asks the students to write an email to their cousin advising him how to use the
internet.The students can use the hints given below to write the email.
Permission from parents before using the internet- ask parents before filling any
forms- never give out any credit card details- Don’t open a mail from an unknown
source- Never post photo online- Keep your password a secret.
b. The teacher asks the students to sit in pairs and list out the sports things needed for playing.
I. Write a letter to a sports company ordering some sports goods.
The Manager,
Respected Sir,
Sub: _________________________________________________
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
II: Write a letter to your headmaster asking permission to open a literary club in
your school.
III.Write an e-mail to your friend telling him how to fight global warming using the
hints given below.
Replace bulbs with CFL- Choose energy efficient appliances- Plant saplings- Use public
transport- Buy fresh food- Use paper/cloth bags – Ban plastics.
IV. Write an e-mail to the editor of The Indian Express on the issue of indiscriminate
cutting of trees.
V. Imagine that you will go for shopping. Prepare a list of groceries and list of
vegetables you want to buy.