Form LCM - Labuan Company Managementv2 - 04032021
Form LCM - Labuan Company Managementv2 - 04032021
Form LCM - Labuan Company Managementv2 - 04032021
1. The completed application form and supporting documents should be submitted to:
2. Applicant may also submit a soft copy of the completed application form and supporting
documents via email to for preliminary review by the officer.
3. Submission of application which does not comply with Labuan FSA’s requirement or
which are unsatisfactory may be returned.
4. The form and supporting documents serves as general requirement of the application,
Labuan FSA reserves the right to request for additional information and/or documents to
support the application.
5. Any information supplied pursuant to this form will be dealt with in confidence in
accordance with Section 178 of the Labuan Financial Services and Securities Act
2010/Section 139 of the Labuan Islamic Financial Services and Securities Act 2010.
6. Documents may be certified by any authorised person including, but not limited to,
commissioner for oaths, notary public, certified public accountants, advocates or
solicitors, company secretaries and Malaysian/foreign embassies. Copy of bank
statements must be certified by the bank. Where documents are not in the national
language of Malaysia or in English, please provide English-translated version of the
documents, duly certified/notarized.
7. This document belongs to Labuan FSA, no modification or tampering with the format or
its contents is permitted.
8. Labuan FSA has a whistle blowing policy in place where suppliers, consultants or even
members of the public can report to the Designated Officers in writing as per the Whistle
Blowing Disclosure Form if there is any element of wrongdoings by any staff of Labuan
FSA or its subsidiaries in relation to the application or licence being awarded.
11. Terms and conditions of fast track application:
(i) Labuan FSA reserved the right to accept or decline any fast track application
(ii) The fast track processing timeline will only commence upon compliance with the
(a) Submission of complete documentation;
(b) Payment of fast track processing fee; and
(c) Acceptance of fast track application by Labuan FSA.
(iii) The fast track processing fee will be forfeited should the applicant decided to
withdraw after the fast track application has been accepted by Labuan FSA.
(iv) Labuan FSA reserved the right to change the status of the application from fast track
to normal processing. The applicant will be notified and the fast track processing fee
paid will be refunded accordingly.
Important: All fields are mandatory and should not be left blank
(please specify)
Website Newspaper/Media
(please specify)
Yes No
1 With the exception of the applicant’s shareholder/head office, party responsible for submission of application is
required to submit the duly completed Statutory Declaration as attached in Appendix VI.
2 Labuan IBFC Inc. Sdn. Bhd. was incorporated in July 2008 as the sole official Malaysian agency authorised to
promote, market and develop the benefits of Labuan IBFC as the premier international business and financial centre
in Asia Pacific.
Name of Applicant
a. (refers to the proposed
Labuan company)
Type of Licence Applied
b. (Please tick ( √) the Conventional Islamic
appropriate box)
Marketing Office to be
d. Established Yes No
(Please tick (√) the
appropriate box)
Proposed Paid-up
e. Capital/Working Fund
(please specify currency
Country of Percentage of
Proposed Name of Shareholder(s)
Origin Shareholding(s)
f. (each of shareholder is
required to complete Part II
and/or Part III)
Name of Company/
Head Office
b. Company Address
Financial Performance Year Total Assets Total Liabilities
Before Tax
(please specify currency
i. and amount for the latest
three (3) years)
Country of Percentage of
Name of Shareholder(s)
Origin Shareholding(s)
j. Shareholder(s)
Nature of
Name of Director(s) Nationality Appointment
(executive or non-
k. Board of Director(s)
a. Salutation
(as per NRIC/passport) Please tick (√) if the individual is a PEP
e. Nationality
Old IC No.:
NRIC Details
(for Malaysian) NRIC No.:
Passport No.:
Expiry Date:
Country of Issue:
Issuing Authority:
Passport Details
g. Length of residence in Malaysia:
(for Non-Malaysian)
No Yes
(please provide certified true
copy of the work permit)
Total Assets
Total Liabilities
Financial Net worth b) Bank Statement/Online Bank Statement Certified by the Bank
(latest three months Currency
bank statement duly Type of
Name of Bank Statement Date and
certified by the Bank or Account
h. Amount
net worth statement
prepared and certified by
Qualified Accountant)
Date of Nature of
Name of Corporation Place of Incorporation Appointment Appointment
(executive or non-
a. Position to be Held
b. Salutation
c. (as per NRIC/passport)
Please tick (√) if the individual is a PEP
f. Nationality
Old IC No.:
NRIC Details
(for Malaysian)
Passport No.:
Expiry Date:
Country of Issue:
Issuing Authority:
No Yes
(please provide
certified true
copy of the work
If the position applied for requires approval from relevant authority, please give detail of the approving authority
(applicable to current employment only).
a. Objective of Establishment
b. Type of Products/Services
Territorial Scope %
Territorial Scope
d. (to specify the country and
Treasury Processing
Managerial Services
g. Marketing Strategy
Non- Expected
Category Malaysian Total
Malaysian Remuneration
(a) Managerial &
(b) Technical &
(c) Production /
h. Manpower Planning Workers
- Skilled
- Unskilled
(d) Clerical &
Functional Structure of
Management Office in Labuan
Functional Structure of
j. Marketing Office
(if any)
Operating Expenses
Operating Profit/(Loss)
Other Income
Non-current assets
Current assets
Total Assets
Total Liabilities
Other reserves
Total Shareholders’ Funds / Head
Office Account
1. Please ensure the three years projection is realistic and reasonable.
2. Please provide basis of assumption in deriving to the projected figure.
3. The above information is a guidance for the applicant to complete the financial projection.
Appendix I
Dear Sir,
We, being the shareholder, do hereby irrevocably and unconditionally guarantee and undertake
in respect of [name of applicant]’s Labuan [type of licence] business, that during validity of [name
of applicant]’s license and its operation in Labuan IBFC, it shall comply with the following:
a. The financial obligations and requirements imposed under the Act on it and shall meet it’s
liabilities in respect of its Labuan [type of licence] business.
b. The requirement to obtain a prior written approval from Labuan FSA for:
i. any change of [name of applicant]’s shareholder who holds ten per centum or more
of its paid-up capital.
ii. any appointment of [name of applicant]’s director and Principal Officer, whom shall
be of a fit and proper person.
iii. any amendment or alteration to any of [name of applicant]’s constituent
c. The requirement to immediately notify Labuan FSA of any amendment or alteration to any
information which had been furnished to Labuan FSA in connection with the application
for the Labuan [type of licence] business.
We shall when so demanded in writing by Labuan FSA, on first demand, make good, meet and
honour the above requirements including, but not limited to, paying such sum of money in
satisfaction of such financial obligations, requirements and liabilities to the extent they are
properly due in such currency as may be specified by Labuan FSA, and on the basis such
payments extinguish such financial obligations, requirements and liabilities of [name of applicant]
and the Company.
Yours faithfully,
Appendix II
Dear Sir,
The application by [name of applicant], a branch of [name of head office], to Labuan FSA dated
[date] for a licence to carry on Labuan [type of licence] business under the provisions of the
Labuan Financial Services and Securities Act 2010/Labuan Islamic Financial Services and
Securities Act 2010 [delete whichever not applicable] (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”) refers.
We, being the head office, do hereby irrevocably and unconditionally undertake in respect of
[name of applicant]’s Labuan [type of licence] business, that during validity of [name of applicant]’s
licence and its operation in Labuan IBFC, it shall comply with the following:
a. The financial obligations and requirements imposed under the Act on it and shall meet it’s
liabilities in respect of its Labuan [type of licence] business.
b. Requirement to notify Labuan FSA in writing within three months from the date of:
i. any change of [name of applicant]’s shareholder who holds ten per centum or more
of its paid-up capital.
ii. any appointment of [name of applicant]’s director and Principal Officer, whom shall
be of a fit and proper person.
ii. any amendment or alteration to any of its constituent documents.
c. The requirement to immediately notify Labuan FSA of any amendment or alteration to any
information which had been furnished to Labuan FSA in connection with the application
for the Labuan [type of licence] business.
We shall when so demanded in writing by Labuan FSA, on first demand, make good, meet and
honour the above requirements including, but not limited to, paying such sum of money in
satisfaction of such financial obligations, requirements and liabilities to the extent they are
properly due in such currency as may be specified by Labuan FSA, and on the basis such
payments extinguish such financial obligations, requirements and liabilities of [name of applicant]
and the head office.
Yours faithfully,
Appendix III
Dear Sir,
The application by [name of applicant], to Labuan FSA dated [date] for a licence to carry on
Labuan [type of licence] business under the provisions of the Labuan Financial Services and
Securities Act 2010/Labuan Islamic Financial Services and Securities Act 2010 [delete whichever
not applicable] (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”) refers.
a. The financial obligations and requirements imposed under the Act on it and shall meet it’s
liabilities in respect of its Labuan [type of licence] business.
b. The requirement to obtain a prior written approval from Labuan FSA for:
i. any change of the [name of applicant]’s shareholder who holds ten per centum or
more of its paid-up capital.
ii. any appointment of [name of applicant]’s director and Principal Officer, whom shall
be of a fit and proper person.
c. The requirement to immediately notify Labuan FSA of any amendment or alteration to any
information which had been furnished to Labuan FSA in connection with the application
for the Labuan [type of licence] business.
I shall when so demanded in writing by Labuan FSA, on first demand, make good, meet and
honour the above requirements including, but not limited to, paying such sum of money in
satisfaction of such financial obligations, requirements and liabilities to the extent they are
properly due in such currency as may be specified by Labuan FSA, and on the basis such
payments extinguish such financial obligations, requirements and liabilities of [name of applicant].
Yours faithfully,
[Name of shareholder]
[NRIC or Passport No.]
Appendix IV
I, ……………………………………………..NRIC/Passport No:……………………………….., a
shareholder/proposed director/principal officer of…………………………………………………..(name
of the Labuan company), do hereby solemnly and sincerely declare that:
1. I have read Section 4 of the Labuan Financial Services and Securities Act 2010
(LFSSA)/Section 4 of the Labuan Islamic Financial Services and Securities Act 2010
(LIFSSA) and the Guidelines on Fit and Proper Person Requirements issued on 11
February 2014 (the Guidelines).
2. to the best of my knowledge and belief in making this declaration and/or submitting the
attached documents in relation to this declaration, that I am a fit and proper person
based on the criteria stated under the said Section 4 of LFSSA/Section 4 of LIFSSA and
the Guidelines.
3. the information given in this declaration and in the attached documents (if any) are
accurate, true and complete.
4. I understand that if it is found that I have made false declaration herein and/or in the
attached document (if any), Labuan FSA is entitled to take any legal action including
disqualifying myself from acting in the capacity expressly mentioned herein.
And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the
provisions of the Statutory Declaration Act 1960 / ……………………………………………...(please
state any other relevant provisions).
Before me,
(Commissioner for Oaths/Notary Public)
Appendix V
I……………………………………………………..NRIC/Passport No:…………….......................................
the …………..…………………….………(position in the applicant’s shareholder/head office)
of……………………….......................................................................................(name of the applicant’s
shareholder/head office), do hereby solemnly and sincerely declare that:
1. all information submitted in this application including all attachments, forms, documents and
forwarding letters are accurate, true and correct and that all estimations provided are fair and
2. I am aware that if I make any misrepresentation herein this application, it is an offence punishable
pursuant to Section 192 of the LFSSA.
3. a printed signed copy of this application which reflects the same information provided in this
application is being kept at the office of my principal or our appointed Labuan trust company being
the agent approved by Labuan FSA.
And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the
provisions of the Statutory Declaration Act 1960 / ……………………………………………...(please state
any other relevant provisions).
Before me,
(Commissioner for Oaths/Notary Public)
Appendix VI
5. I have conducted due diligence process on…………………………. (name of applicant) and on its
director(s) and shareholder(s) and other persons or companies that involved and related to the
application and satisfied with the result thereof.
6. I am satisfied that the requirements of all legislations and applicable guidelines including but not
limited to Guidelines on Fit and Proper Person Requirements and Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-
Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001 in respect of the above
application have been complied with.
And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the
provisions of the Statutory Declaration Act 1960 / ……………………………………………...(please state
any other relevant provisions).
Before me,
(Commissioner for Oaths/Notary Public)