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Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2019) 000–000

Procedia Manufacturing 51 (2020) 1379–1386

30th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2021)

15-18 June 2021, Athens, Greece.
Lean manufacturing analysis of a Heater industry based on value stream
mapping and computer simulation
Seyed Mojib Zahraeea,*, Ali Tolooieb, Salman Jameh Abrishamic, Nirajan Shiwakotia, Peter
School of Engineering, Department of Manufacturing, Materials and Mechatronics, RMIT University, Carlton, VIC 3053, Melbourne, Australia
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506, USA
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran
* Corresponding author. E-mail address: s_mojib_zahraee@yahoo.com, seyedmojib.zahraee@rmit.edu.au, seyed.mojib.zahraee@student.rmit.edu.au


Manufacturing companies implement lean manufacturing (LM) tools to keep their competitiveness over their competitors by improving the
manufacturing system's productivity. Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a critical tool for implementing the lean approach, and it can be used to
many sectors in industry. The paper aims to implement the VSM approach along with computer simulation for identification and elimination of
wastes in a small-scale Heater industry by using lean principles and time-frame formulation through takt time calculation. Based on the future
VSM improvements, results showed that production lead time (PLT) reduced from 17.5 days to 11 days, and the value-added time decreased
from 3412 seconds to 2415 seconds. Takt time also was decreased from 250 seconds to 192 seconds. Our results are a valuable resource for
managers and industrial engineers to improve the productivity of manufacturing in a cost-effective and timely manner.

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Keywords: Lean manufacturing; value stream mapping; computer simulation; Heater industry; Arena

1. Introduction Lean production or lean thinking is based on the concept of

achieving improvements in most economical ways with an
Due to the high competitiveness of the manufacturing emphasis on “Muda” (waste) elimination and is in line with
market in today’s world, firms have to make their utmost Ohno’s Toyota Production System [3]. Lean employs
efforts to enhance their efficiency. Competitiveness and minimum resources for maximum output, and it is based on
efficiency are key challenges motivating manufacturing five principles [3]:
companies to adopt and continuously update their • specify the value by specific product,
management strategies [1]. In such a context, manufacturers • identify the value stream for each product,
need to constantly think about the most effective ways for • make the value flow without interruptions,
delivering their products or services in the shortest time, • let the customer pull value from the producer, and
lowest cost, and most acceptable (or best) quality [2]. To • pursue perfection.
achieve these objectives, various methods are adopted by Top management should create a polyvalent company by
firms aiming to remain competitive with other manufacturers fostering teamwork and focus on lean tools and techniques
in or out of the country. Among all methods proposed in this that help to find problems and their causes, instead of
sense, ‘lean manufacturing (LM)’ is one of the most popular searching and punishing the responsible [3].
ones. Lean manufacturing plays a vital role for elimination of
waste, optimization, monitoring of processes, and
2351-9789 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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1380 Seyed Mojib Zahraee et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 51 (2020) 1379–1386
2 Author name / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2019) 000–000

involvement of people [4]. There are several tools and study is to achieve a 30% reduction (at least) in the current
approaches have been developed to facilitate lean lead time. To this end, first, the team needed to document the
implementation, such as the value stream mapping to design current state of the production process thoroughly. The
the flow of value of a product [5]. formation of an initial and final state of VSM enabled the
Value stream refers to all activities (value-added activities team to draw conclusion based on the data they had collected.
and non-value-added ones) that are essential to produce a They succeeded in accomplishing the project’s primary
certain product through the implementation of three critical objective. The second objective of the project is operational
management skills, i.e., information management, problem- enhancements in facilities provided for production processes.
solving, and physical transformation [6]. In LM, some tools
and approaches are used, including Just-In-Time (JIT), 5S, 2. Literature review
Cellular Manufacturing, and Total Productive Maintenance
(TPM) [7]. In addition, LM is a corresponding approach There are some studies that have applied VSM in different
accompanying with lean thinking that would help production manufacturing industries to deal with different waste
and industrial engineers to achieve precise, reliable, and reduction-related problems [6]. Hines and Rich [13] applied
timely information when making decisions. As a result, VSM using seven tools and concluded that this approach was
implementing and controlling the lean system is indeed an not only limited to automobile industry but can also be
innovative approach to having successful strategic applied for different industries as well. Rother and Shook [5]
management [6]. used the VSM and developed current and future state maps
For providing a visual demonstration of the exact place for a stamping factory. Seth and Gupta [14] developed VSM
waste that is created through a given process, there is a need to decrease cycle time and enhance productivity in an Indian
to build a VSM. With the use of this map, current industry. The production output per person worker was
manufacturing processes can be easily evaluated, and ideal enhanced to 17.54 frames from 13.95 frames. Lead time
future state processes can be created. With such a tremendous decreased significantly from 3.215 days to 0.54 days. Lasa et
spread of the manufacturing field across the world, firms need al. [15] highlighted the practical application of VSM by
to be well adapted to business strategies that are continually implementing it in a real manufacturing company. They
evolving in such a thrilling context [8]. decreased the lead time to 4 days using VSM process. Grewal
Another effective method used widely in this field is [16] used the VSM in Indian camshaft manufacturing
simulation modeling. The popularity of this method is because industry. They highlighted that lead time decreased from
that it is highly flexible and has a high capacity for simulation 19,660 to 19,449 minutes by adding two workers at final
and evaluation of both static and dynamic systems regarding inspection section. They also applied the lean tool 5S in every
variability and uncertainty between systems like those of section of work-in-progress (WIP).
manufacturing lines [9], ports and maritime industry [10], In another study, VSM along with computer simulation
supply chain [11], and building sectors [12]. In the computer was used to decrease shortcomings of mapping process. They
simulation combined VSM approach, both managerial and applied QUEST software to simulate the current and future
operational aspects of manufacturing processes are state models of a door and pipe production line for a period of
considered. This way, managers will be able to do something 30 days. Total lead time was decreased from 37.87 days to
more than conventional static performance analyses. VSM 12.68 days [17]. Suciu et al. [18] implemented the VSM tool
helps the managers in differentiating value-added from non- along with the help of single minute exchange of dies
value-added activities; also, it can be applied as a strategic (SMED) in a cycle manufacturing company. Change over
tool for decision making applicable to redesigning of time was improved from 60 to 9 minutes in threading
processes and improving them continuously. If the operation. Singh and Singh [19] implemented the VSM in an
comprehensive information attained from this VSM is well auto parts manufacturing company and decreasing its cycle
considered, we can check whether the increased revenues or time by almost 70%. In another paper, the pump industry
overall cost savings can be achieved through adding to capital made an action plan to reduce the wastes and minimize the
investment. root cause related to product inventories. They used the VSM
The implementation of the simulation-guided VSM is done and lean approaches such as pull system to decrease the lead
more straightforwardly, conveniently, interactively, and time from 54 days to 36 days. They improved the inventory
spontaneously in comparison with the conventional VSM that reduction from 33 days to 22 days with proper communication
was based on paper-and-pencil use. Simulations provided in flow of the system [20].
this system offer an adequate level of flexibility needed for Zahraee et al. [21] used the Taguchi method along with
VSM to effectively handle the changes in permutations and computer simulation for finding an optimum factor setting for
combinations that often take place in this manufacturing three controllable factors, which are the number of welding
process. machines, hydraulic machines, and cutting machines by
Accordingly, the present paper mainly aims to enhance, as analyzing the effect of noise factors in a heater manufacturing
a case study, the productivity of the welding section of a industry. Maximum productive desirability was achieved
heater manufacturing industry with the use of VSM and when the number of welding machines, hydraulic machines,
computer simulations. To date, this firm has not implemented and cutting machines was equal to 17, 2, and 1, respectively.
the value stream mapping as an instrument to enhance the Abrishami et al. [22] simulated a heater manufacturing
quality of its operations. The key objective of the present industry using the Arena simulation software. They evaluated
Seyed Mojib Zahraee et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 51 (2020) 1379–1386 1381
Author name / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2019) 000–000 3

three different scenarios to find a better design of production Table 2. Details of equipment and operators
line. They suggested to add two welding machines and two Row Machine Type Number of Number of
welding operators which led to a considerable reduction of the Machine Operator
line at welding station. Moreover, it was suggested for adding 1 Impact Press Machine 1 1
one compressor machine and one testing operator that led to 2 Rolling Machine 1 1
increase the production. Also, it was proposed to reduce 3 Welding Machine 15 15
existed idle times by reduce the number of coal grinding 4 Hydraulic Machine 2 2
operators (specific operators in each station) from 4 to 3 5 Test Compressor 2 2
people who help each other, and subsequently increase the 6 Cutting Machine 1 1
rate of output product. In another recent study, VSM along
with computer simulation was implemented for a plastic bag
manufacturing unit to identify the waste and bottleneck 3.2. Value stream Mapping
processes. Simulation results showed that takt time reduced
from 46 minutes to 26.6 minutes. Value added time increased Value stream mapping (VSM) refers to a lean tool that is
by 74.5% [23]. implemented to explore the firm’s current scenario and the
Table 1 presents more typical sample with real research information flow, helping in the solution of the problems that
and application of VSM in contexts that differ from the appear in the current state, which can be a big help in the
manufacture of parts. Many researchers have confirmed the future states [29]. This mapping tool encompasses the whole
effectiveness of applying VSM to different industries through process starting from customer order and manufacturing of
the identification of its high applicability by conducting product to delivering it to the consumer.
comprehensive literature reviews. Most of the case studies in One of the benefits of VSM is that everyone is capable of
the literature are implemented on large-scale industries. observing the production and information flow of the
Requirement of a generalized framework which can be manufacturing line, hence simply determining and removing
applied primarily to a small-scale industry is a research gap. the system’s bottlenecks [29]. The most beneficial point
So, this paper aims at combining the VSM lean tool and regarding the use of VSM is that it determines the prospects
computer simulation to find the waste root and increase for future improvements. It can be plotted using the following
production rate to satisfy the customer demand in a small- set of rules. The VSM needs to involve all value-added and
scale heater industry. non-value activities of a product being produced. Typically,
for drawing a current state map, pencil and paper are utilized.
Table 1. VSM application in different sectors In the following step, the map is analyzed through the
exploration of the problems and provision of relevant
Industry source solutions as well as the preparation of an effective action plan
Construction [24] to implement the solutions concerning defined deadlines,
Mining [25] targets, and responsibilities. VSMs are indeed pictures of the
Industrial product system [26] production activities and applied to the documentation of both
Color [27] the current VSM (reality) and the future VSM (the goal). The
Information stream in production [28] former refers to the firm’s current situation based on which all
improvements are measured, while the latter refers to the
3. Methodology project team vision depicting how the value stream is seen in
the future after applying the improvements [29].
3.1. Case Study
3.3. Computer simulation
As the case study for the present research, a heater factory
was chosen. The factory includes four sections, namely, In this study, Arena simulation software was used. Arena
welding, framing, painting, and assembly. According to some application focus addresses the needs of manufacturing [30],
interviews held with management and engineers, it was as well as decision support for many other areas including
decided to consider the welding unit for simulation and supply chain management [31], construction sector [32], and
evaluation of production processes. This unit is mainly transportation [33]. In this study, Arena was employed for
responsible for producing the main heater fount frames and modelling and recreating some specific parts of the
transporting them to the assembly unit. The number of manufacturing procedure [34]. For each operation, certain data
operators and equipment applied in the welding unit is like the machine parameters and cycle time need to be entered.
presented in Table 2. A total of 22 operators are working Arena-made models typically work based on modules.
throughout the group. To develop an Arena simulation model, a key step is the
collection of required data [34]. In the present study, the data
required were collected from the factory environment when
the manufacturing processes were being executed. In
gathering some data, the researchers made use of the “stop-
watch” method. When the collection of data corresponding to
duration of all processes is completed, a probability
distribution function is needed then to be fitted to every
1382 Seyed Mojib Zahraee et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 51 (2020) 1379–1386
4 Author name / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2019) 000–000

activity, which is due to the variability of the activities. All processing and set up times were based on the average
Following that, various resources that are involved in of collected data in the factory. In the case of each process, CT
manufacturing procedures together with their relationships, indicates the average CT indeed determined with the help of
tasks, and the fitted probability distribution of each data real data in the company. Figure 2 depicts the timeline, which
sample of process duration are determined. Then, this is the includes two parameters. The first one shows the production
turn for the simulation model of the investigated lead time (in days) that defines as the period of time between a
manufacturing system to be developed. As mentioned earlier, customer order being placed and an order being fulfilled and
to construct the simulation model, the authors made use of completed. It is calculated by summing the number of lead-
Arena Version 13.9. The logic view of the simulation model is time from every process. The total lead time was recorded as
summarized in Figure 1. nearly 17.5 days. Value-added or processing time is equal to
3412 seconds. It is the time spent that improves the outcome
4. Results and discussion of a process. It was calculated by adding the processing time
for every process in the production line.
4.1. Current VSM
4.2. VSM: Takt Time
In this paper, the Rother and Shook’s [5] proposed method
was used to collect the complete information regarding the The Takt time is the time between completions of each
current-state map of VSM. The current VSM designed and product of the manufacturing system. The formula presented
displayed in Figure 2, where small boxes show the below (Equation1) is generally used to compute the Takt time
manufacturing processes, and the number of the boxes [1]:
signifies the number of operators working for every machine. Takt time has significant effects in the production line.
It is noted that 15 welding machines and 2 test compressors With the use of Takt time, users can effectively estimate the
are considered in one small box separately. Moreover, a data minimum batch sizes in situations where changeovers are
box was assigned to every process, which included the: involved [11].
cycle time (CT): is the time it takes to complete the Takt time = (1)
production of one unit from start to finish, changeover time
(CO): is the time it takes to set a process up for the next Takt time = = 250 seconds
product type, machine reliability (MR): measures the failure
rate of a machine to perform its intended task.






Fig. 1. Logic view of simulation model

Seyed Mojib Zahraee et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 51 (2020) 1379–1386 1383
Author name / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2019) 000–000 5

Supplier Control
Monthly Order Monthly order Customer

Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly

planning planning planning planning planning planning

Impact Press Rolling Welding Hydraulic Test Compressor

Machine Machine Machine Press
1 week
1 1 15 1 2

CT=57 seconds CT=25 seconds CT=3500 seconds CT=45 seconds CT =85 seconds CT=400 seconds
CO=120 seconds CO=100 seconds CO=4300 seconds CO=none CO=100 seconds CO=none
Reliability=100% Reliability=100 Reliability=80 Reliability=100 Reliability=100 Reliability=100

7 days 1.2 1.2 3 days 2 days 2 1.5 Production Lead

days days days days Time=17.5 days
57 s 25 s 3500 s 45 s 85 s 400 s Value Added
Time= 3412

Fig. 2. Current VSM

two more operators and two welding machines were added to

4.3. Future VSM the production line. It causes to decrease the cycle time from
3500 seconds to 2000 seconds. Moreover, two more labors are
The future-state map is used to demonstrate the company’s also added to hydraulic and press machine to decrease the
future after the lean tools are well implemented. This map cycle time near 35%. Finally, one more test compressor with
provides tools that are essential for continuously improving one labor cause to decrease the cycle time from 400 seconds
the company’s performance. Some required in-depth to 280 seconds. The team also suggested the factory
operational analyses were done; then, some recommendations management to add one operator to the cutting machine and
were given for balancing the production lines and optimizing one to the hydraulic press machine, who can give help to each
the delivery times. In addition, several recommendations other, thereby increasing the output product rate.
regarding the 5S concepts were provided for the factory, Another important problem is discontinuous flow due to
applicable to the standardization of the work and material the high differences in cycle times. Continuous flow is used to
flow. Operational improvements were accomplished by produce required products with the use of a batch of the size
optimizing the delivery times and inventory levels and by of one. This can be recognized as a highly efficient means of
decreasing the total cycle time. production because between the process steps, no inventory is
Simulation results pointed out the high idle times for formed, and it can remove numerous types of waste.
welding machines and test compressor. The simulation Accordingly, the Kanban method was adopted to eliminate the
outcomes and the lean techniques were employed to create a waste generated from overproduction and inventory
future map as follows: procedures. It completely removes the physical inventories;
Making the line balanced: First, there is a need for value instead, it relies on signal cards to show in cases more
stream in order to realize the existence of a line. An important products are required to be ordered.
actor that causes a delay between the production activities is Note that the safety stock inventory must be computed
queuing. It accumulates the work, and this way, causes precisely in order to keep a high level of customer services.
uncontrollable bottlenecks to be created. To minimize the Numerous firms consider their demand fluctuations, then
occurrence of this problematic situation, the following assume that enough consistency does not exist for the
techniques are recommended to be adopted: prediction of future variabilities. Subsequently, these firms
Removing bottlenecks: Based on the current VSM, the fall back on trial-and-error or rule-based methods to hold both
welding machines have the highest cycle time with 3500 cycle stock and safety stock inventory; for instance, by
seconds, which makes WIP before the station. For this reason, holding a certain number of weeks of historical average
1384 Seyed Mojib Zahraee et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 51 (2020) 1379–1386
6 Author name / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2019) 000–000

demand. As a result, the safety stock inventory was performed inventory technique, the Kanban method, and continuous flow
before the test process, which helps to: led to an efficient organization of the workplace, shrinkage of
✓ Provide an effective protection against unpredicted work location, minimization of losses related to failures and
variations in supply breaks, and a significant enhancement in both work safety and
✓ Compensate for the imprecision of predictions (only in quality. Supermarkets are placed between processes for the
cases where demand exceeds the prediction) purpose of decreasing the inventory wastages of each activity
✓ Avoid disruptions that may take place in manufacturing and for converting the process from a build-to-stock process
or product deliveries to a make-to-order process. The flow of communication and
✓ Avoid stock out to keep high levels of customer service information between production lines was improved through
and customer satisfaction. using pacemakers in the production line that changed from
Equation 2 calculated the Takt time for the Future VSM as push to pull using the Kanban method.
follow: By implementing these techniques, some significant
improvements were done. The PLT decreased from 17.5 days
Takt time = (2) to 11 days, the value-added time reduced from 3412 seconds
to 2415 seconds, and the Takt time was decreased from 250
Takt time = = 192 seconds seconds to 192 seconds (Figure 4).
Note that VSM and its related lean approaches need to be
Figure 3 shows the future state of value stream map based considered with a focus at a factory level. Computer
on the improvements. simulation needs to be taken into consideration as a guided
approach that only improves but not replaces VSM. It can be
4.4. Discussion achieved through observation and quantification of long-term
impacts that cannot be simply observed on the factory floor.
It is confirmed that computer simulation could be Impacts that are accessible from conventional production
performed as an important part of VSM. Simulation of current information systems, or those that are very time consuming or
state map provided insights into root causes of the wastes. costly to be experimented on the factory floor. Essential
VSM tools were utilized to eliminate non-value adding elements of a lean system include the instillation of
activities and create future state map. Simulation can provide appropriate organizational values, holding continuous
significant information completing what attained from future- programs to improve the company’s performance, provision
state mapping. Besides, simulation make the process of effective policies for organizational learning and
visualization easier through forming a shared consensus about empowerment of employees, the establishment of reliable
the process and where improvement solutions can be organization structures, and effective systems for information
accomplished. management. To achieve all benefits of VSM, these measures
Within the future-state map, two welding machines, one mentioned above must be completely executed; otherwise, its
test compressor, and five operators were added to decrease the performance might be even poorer than the system it replaced.
non-value-added time during processes. The use of stock
Seyed Mojib Zahraee et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 51 (2020) 1379–1386 1385
Author name / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2019) 000–000 7

Supplier Control Customer
Monthly Order Monthly order

Daily Welding
Machines Daily order Daily
Changeover 5
CT=850 seconds
CO=1000 seconds
Reliability=80 Eliminate
Impact Press Rolling Welding Hydraulic
Machine Machine Machines Press Test Compressor
4 Days 1 1 6 2 2
CT=150 seconds
CT=30 seconds CT=15 seconds CT=550 seconds CT =60 seconds CO=none
CO=60 seconds CO=65 seconds CO=890 seconds CO=85 seconds Reliability=100
Reliability=80 CT=30 seconds Reliability=100
Reliability=100% Reliability=100
CO=none Test Compressor
Welding Reliability=100

6 CT=130 seconds
CT=600 seconds Reliability=100
CO=850 seconds
4 Days 1 1 1.5 1.5 1 Production Lead
day day 1 day
days days day Time=11 days
30 s 15 s 2000 s 30 s 60 s 280 s Value Added Time=
2415 seconds

Fig. 3. Future VSM

Fig. 4. Current state vs. future state

5. Conclusion the future state before implementation. Various simulation

scenarios have been analyzed by calculating the actual
In this paper, a LM framework is developed for a small- production times of each unit in the manufacturing line, and
scale heater industry unit by applying VSM combined with then describing their variation in terms of distribution
computer simulation. Computer simulation model was functions. The results show that our approach can make
developed for the aim of improving VSM (not replacing substantial improvements in production lead time, value-
VSM) through visualization of the better dynamic status of added time and Takt time. The results obtained from this
1386 Seyed Mojib Zahraee et al. / Procedia Manufacturing 51 (2020) 1379–1386
8 Author name / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2019) 000–000

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