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SCPL Phe Boq

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Summary -BOQ Volume III

Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

Big Box, Haringhata

Flipkart Internet Pvt Ltd


A GENERAL BUILDERS WORK 1,493,747,704 1,428,518,627

A1 EARTH WORK 159,163,432 157,535,257
A2 CEMENT CONCRETE 17,203,389 19,690,400
A3 R.C.C.WORK 612,939,665 579,560,519
A4 MASONRY WORK 38,383,212 38,383,212
A5 FLOORING 408,897,340 376,188,573
A6 STEEL WORK 142,795,520 142,795,520
A7 ALUMINUM WORK 24,022,430 24,022,430
A8 ROOFING 9,687,452 9,687,452
A9 PLASTERING 22,258,938 22,258,938
A10 PAINTING 23,545,230 23,545,230
A11 MISCELLANEOUS 34,851,096 34,851,096

B STRUCTURAL STEEL WORK 41,650,158 41,650,158

C ROOF SHEETING WORK 1,248,292 1,248,292

D Non Tendered Items 35,078,540

E PHE 30,150,537
Total 1,536,646,154 1,536,646,154 0
Taxes (GST) & Labour Cess extra to above cost

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Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount


1 Excavate foundation in all kinds of soil M.CUBE 229 12,091 2,768,839
(Including part return and fill in foundation and
basement in layers not exceeding 15cm in depth
including watering , breaking clods and
consolidating, disposing and spreading surplus
earth within the site) upto 2.0 m depth. No extra
shall be payable for working space No extra
shall be payable for working space. Only PCC
outer to outer will be measured for payment.
Excavation cost should include all necessary
shoring, dewatering, and backfilling with
available earth. Surplus soil shall be dumped
and levelled as per the direction of Engineer

- - -
2 `-do- 2.00 m to 3.00 m M.CUBE 263 1,101 289,563
- - -
3 Supplying and filling in foundation trenches and M.CUBE 5,711 2,576 14,711,536
in basement under floors with lime sand 1:3 mix
( 1 part lime, 3 parts river sand ) including
thorough mixing ,watering and consolidating
complete . Note: Tenderer to obtain approval for
type of lime to be used from architect or client.
Lime & sand shall be mixed in the mixture
machine before laying Lime sourced shall be
approved quality and shall confirm to IS
standard.Wet lime shall not be allowed for work.

- - -

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Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

4 Supplying and filling in basement with Quarry or M.CUBE 1,878 4,283 8,043,474
Crusher dust of approved quality filling in
basement plinth or backfilling of foundation not
exceeding 15cm in depth well watered and
consolidated. Quarry dust should be measured
and paid as per the excavation measurement
after deducting the sand filling/lime sand
filling/leveling course/Footing/raft/pedestal/plinth
beams quantities. Quarry dust with mainly fine
particles will not be accepted.

- - -

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Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

5 Supplying and filling with Hill earth/Malaimann M.CUBE 487 1,488 724,656
or equivalent soil of approved non-swelling earth
quarried from tenderer's sources, spreading in
layers of 20 cm. Watering and rolling at OMC
using Vibratory power roller of 8 or 10 ton static
weight and compacting to achieve at least 98%
of modified proctor density,dry density
excedding 1.8 gm/cc, PI value less than 6 and
CBR value more than 10 including dressing up
the top surface necessary excavation,
transporting to and unloading at site,with all
leads and lifts,royalties,seigniorage charges, all
duties and levies , taxes complete (Payment on
the basis of compacted fill volume assessed
based on pre levels and post levels of ground
prior to commencement and after completion of
compacted fill as approved.). Malaimann should
have disintegrated/weathered rock of size less
than 75 - 100mm mixed with gravelly soil with
fines passing 4.75mm sieve not exceeding 50%
- 55% and PI value for fines not exceeding 6
and the CBR value should be more than 10.
"Note: 1. Tenderer to visit site and surrounding
quarries and ensure that adequate quantity of
approved quality fill material is available and
quote accordingly. Only approved fill material
will be allowed to unload at site. 2. The quoted
rate to include the cost of malaimann with all
Govt levies, duties, taxes, royalties,seigniorage
charges and all incidental charges . 3. The
quantity of fill indicated is approximate and may
vary plus or minus without any limit and the
quoted rate is applicable for entire quantity of

- - -

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Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

6 Supplying and Filling subgrade with approved M.CUBE 3,412 19,248 65,674,176
granular sub-base comprising hard granite
crushed aggregate confirming to grading 1 of
table 400- 1 of MoRTH(min CBR of 30) brought
from outside in layers not exceeding 30cm in
depth, watering rolling each layer with vibratory
roller of minimum 8 tonnes, compacting under
optimum moisture conditions to 98% of modified
proctor density including transport loading,
unloading and all leads and lifts all complete.

- - -
7 Provide and lay wet mix macadam in layers not M.CUBE 3,874 14,417 55,851,458
more than 125 mm thick of each layer using
crushed granite stone aggregate and granular
material premixed with water spreading over
prepared sub grade/ sub base to profile,
compacting with 8 to 10 t vibratory roller at
optimum moisture content complete all as laid
down in clause 406 of MORTH ( 4th Revision ).
Mixing shall be done using a pug mill or
concrete batching plant having provisions
forcontrolled addition of water and
forced/positive mixing. The grading of
aggregates shall conform to table 400-11 of
MORTH ( 4th Revision) as follows:- IS SEIVE
DESIGNATION %ge by wt passing In mm 53.00
100 45.00 95-100 26.50 -- 22.40 60-80 11.20
40-60 4.75 25-40 2.36 15-30 600 microns 8-22
75 microns 0-8

- - -

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Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

8 Providing and injecting chemical emulsion using M.SQ 109 95,518 10,411,462
Chloropyriphos mixed as a water emulsion in
ratio 1:19 or equivalent for antitermite treatment
and creating a chemical barrier all round the
column pits,wall trenches, top surface of plinth
filling,junction of wall and floor ,along the
exterior perimeter of the building,expansion
joints,surroundings of pipes and conduits etc. all
complete as per IS 6313 (part II) 1981.(Plinth
area of the building at ground floor only shall be
measured excluding yard / open areas).

- - -
9 Filling & compacting available excavated earth M.CUBE 121 - -
including watering and rolling ,at OMC using
Vibratory power roller of 8 or 10 ton static weight
and compacting to achieve at least 95% of
standard proctor density (The compacted fill
volume assessed based on prelevels and post
levels of ground prior to commencement and
after completion of compacted fill as approved.)
The rate should included removal of top loose
soil, vegitation, roots, shrubs etc including
disposal of the same away from site and
compacting the original ground at OMC to
acheive 95% of proctor compaction. Rate is
inclusive of necessary head load required to fill
around the building or other places, loading,
transporting, unloading and de watering etc., all
complete as per IS-2720 (Part VII) . The rate
shall above include cost of necessary
men/women, material, equipment, loading,
transportion and unloading and filling all
complete as directed.

- - -

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Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

10 Disposal of surplus/ excavated earth within the M.CUBE 94 7,322 688,268

site as directed by the engineer-in-charge. The
cost should also include cost of necessary lead,
lift, loading and unloading of soil all complete as
directed.Necessary permission to obtained from
local authorities/ Owners of dumping yard, no
extra shall be payable on this account.

- - -
11 Disposal of surplus/ excavated earth away from M.CUBE 337 - -
the site as directed by the engineer-in-charge.
The cost should also include cost of necessary
lead, lift, loading and unloading of soil all
complete as directed.Necessary permission to
obtained from local authorities/ Owners of
dumping yard, no extra shall be payable on this

Total - EARTH WORK - 159,163,432
- - -
12 Cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement ,5 sand , M.CUBE 5,895 1,969 11,607,255
10 hard blue granite stone metal 40mm
and down gauge) laid in layers not
exceeding 15cm each in depth and well
consolidated in foundation/levelling course
including necessary shuttering , in steps, in
floors,ramps at all levels etc., all complete as
directed. Concreting shall not be allowed if the
soil strata is wet.Rate inclusive of dewatering
the water and pumping out from the foundation.

- - -

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Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

13 Cement concrete 1:4:8 (1 cement ,4 sand , 8 M.CUBE 5,998 933 5,596,134

hard blue granite stone metal 40mm and
down gauge in layers not exceeding 15
cms in depth well consolidated in foundation
and levelling course under floors including
necessary shuttering, in steps,ramps at all
levels etc all complete as directed.

Total - CEMENT CONCRETE - 17,203,389
- - -
R.C.C.WORK - - -
14 RCC M25 (Design Mix) using hard blue - - -
granite metal 20mm and down gauge
excluding centering, shuttering, but
including curing, lifting, leading, labour etc.,
compelete but excluding cost of
reinforcement at all levels.

- - -
14.1 Providing, driving and installing driven cast-in- - - -
situ reinforced cement concrete piles of grade
M-25 with a minimum cement consumption as
per IS codes of specified diameter and length
below the pile cap, to carry safe working load
not less than specified,excluding the cost of
steel reinforcement but including the cost of
shoe and the length of pile to be embedded in
the pile cap etc. all complete.(Length of pile
payment shall be measured from top of shoe to
the bottom of pile cap)

- - -
14.1.1 450mm Dia. Pile 16.7m Long EACH - - -
- - -
14.1.2 600mm Dia. Pile 16.7m Long EACH - - -
- - -
14.1.3 800mm Dia. Pile 21.7m Long EACH - - -

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Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

- - -
14.2 The bored cast in-situ piles of specified bore dia - - -
and length designed to carry a safe working
load in compression per pile complete using
sulphide resistant cement including cost of
mobilising, rig, boring, disposal of surplus earth
work away from the site all complete as
directed. No extra shall be payable for chipping
the loose concrete on top and growing the pile
upto pile cap. The concrete will be measured
under this item. Reinforcement will be measured
and paid under relevant item of work ( Minimum
cement content should be as per IS to be
considered & the rate includes of clearing of

- - -
14.2.1 450mm Dia. Pile 16.7m Long EACH - - -
- - -
14.2.2 600mm Dia. Pile 16.7m Long EACH - - -
- - -
14.2.3 800mm Dia. Pile 21.7m Long EACH - - -
- - -
14.3 Pile and pile cap casting with cast in situ as per - - -
the design,Carrying out initial load test on
vertical RCC piles of description mentioned
above as per IS 2911 (latest revision )including
installation of loading platform and preparation
of pile head or construction of test cap and
dismantling of test cap after test,providing
required equipments /instruments for
testing,conducting the testing,submitting the test
report etc,complete as per specification and the
direction of engineer in charge.

- - -
14.3.1 450mm dia - 200 tonnes capacity EACH - - -

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Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

- - -
14.3.2 600mm dia - 350 tonnes capacity EACH - - -
- - -
14.3.3 800mm dia - 625 tonnes capacity EACH - - -
- - -
14.4 Carrying out routine vertical load test on vertical - - -
RCC piles of description mentioned above as
per IS 2911 (latest revision) including installation
of loading platform and preparation of pile head
or construction of test cap and dismantling of
test cap after test,providing required equipments
/instruments for testing,conducting the
test,submitting the test report etc,complete as
per specification and the direction of engineer in

- - -
14.4.1 450mm dia - 200 tonnes capacity EACH - - -
- - -
14.4.2 600mm dia - 350 tonnes capacity EACH - - -
- - -
14.4.3 800mm dia - 625 tonnes capacity EACH - - -
- - -
14.5 Extra over above item for length of piles - - -
more than basic length as specified.
- - -
14.5.1 450mm Dia RM - - -
- - -
14.5.2 600mm Dia RM - - -
- - -
14.5.3 800mm Dia RM - - -
- - -
14.6 Rebate over above item for length of piles - - -
shorter than basic length as specified.
- - -
14.6.1 450mm Dia RM - - -

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Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

- - -
14.6.2 600mm Dia RM - - -
- - -
14.6.3 800mm Dia RM - - -
- - -
14.7 In Pile cap & Footing M.CUBE 7,464 15,784 117,811,776
- - -
14.8 In Raft - For sump M.CUBE 7,531 141 1,061,871
- - -
14.9 In Raft Slab of required thickness, size & profile M.CUBE 7,531 88 662,728
at all levels
- -
14.10 In Pedestal in Basement M.CUBE 7,531 1,456 10,965,136
- - -
14.11 In Plinth beam of required size,profiles at all M.CUBE 7,599 865 6,573,135
- - -
14.12 In RCC wall of required thickness, shape & M.CUBE 7,666 792 6,071,472
profile at all levels
- - -
14.13 In column footings including raft slab/beam & M.CUBE 7,531 241 1,814,971
pyramidal portions.
- - -
14.14 In columns in foundation and basement of M.CUBE 7,599 149 1,132,251
required profiles,sizes
- - -
14.15 In Columns in superstructure of required profiles M.CUBE 7,666 122 935,252
, sizes, at all levels
- - -
14.16 In RCC Base Slab M.CUBE 7,531 28 210,868
- - -
14.17 In RCC kerb wall of required thickness, size & M.CUBE 7,707 13 100,191
profile at all levels
. - - -
14.18 Encasing of Structural Column (Payment will be M.CUBE 7,734 26 201,084
made only for the concrete volume laid)

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Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

- - -
14.19 In stairs to detail with treads about 25cm riser M.CUBE 7,666 39 298,974
about 15cm necessary flights of steps ,waist
slab, mid landing all complete as directed. Tread
and riser shall be of any profile as per the
- - -
14.2 In Columns in superstructure of required - - -
profiles , sizes, at all levels
- - -
14.20.1 In Ground Floor M.CUBE 7,599 291 2,211,309
- - -
14.20.2 In First Floor M.CUBE 7,632 177 1,350,864
- - -
14.20.3 In Second Floor M.CUBE 7,666 140 1,073,240
- - -
14.20.4 In Third Floor M.CUBE 7,700 48 369,600
- - -
14.20.5 In Fourth Floor M.CUBE 7,734 12 92,808
- - -
14.20.6 In Fifth Floor M.CUBE 7,767 14 108,738
- - -
14.20.6 In Sixth Floor M.CUBE 7,801 12 93,612
- - -
14.21 In sunshades/facias of 150mm thickness or - - -
required as per drawing including plastering
all exposed surfaces with CM 1:3 , 13mm
minimum thick with necessary grooves.
- - -
14.21.1 In Ground floor M.CUBE 8,475 14 118,650
- - -
14.21.2 In First floor M.CUBE 8,509 2 17,018
- - -
14.21.3 In Second Floor M.CUBE 8,543 - -
- - -
14.21.4 In Third Floor M.CUBE 8,576 - -

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Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

- - -
14.21.5 In Fourth Floor M.CUBE 8,610 - -
- - -
14.22 In beams and brackets of required profile, - - -
size & thickness at all levels
- - -
14.22.1 In Ground floor M.CUBE 7,565 374 2,829,310
- - -
14.22.2 In First floor M.CUBE 7,599 222 1,686,978
- - -
14.22.3 In Second Floor M.CUBE 7,632 179 1,366,128
- - -
14.22.4 In Third Floor M.CUBE 7,666 179 1,372,214
- - -
14.22.5 In Fourth Floor M.CUBE 7,700 14 107,800
- - -
14.22.6 In Fifth Floor/Terrace M.CUBE 7,734 19 146,946
- - -
14.22.6 In Sixth Floor/Terrace M.CUBE 7,767 14 108,738
- - -
14.23 In Suspended roof slab of required - - -
thickness, size & profile and at all levels
- - -
14.23.1 In ground floor M.CUBE 7,464 627 4,679,928
- - -
14.23.2 In First floor M.CUBE 7,498 535 4,011,430
- - -
14.23.3 In Second Floor M.CUBE 7,531 404 3,042,524
- - -
14.23.4 In Third Floor M.CUBE 7,565 268 2,027,420
- - -
14.23.5 In Fourth Floor M.CUBE 7,599 34 258,366
- - -
14.23.6 In Fifth Floor/Terrace M.CUBE 7,632 34 259,488
- - -
14.23.7 In Sixth Floor/Terrace M.CUBE 7,666 82 628,612

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Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

- -
14.23.7 - -
- - -
14.24 In RCC deck slab of required thickness size - - -
& profile and at all levels
- - -
14.24.1 In 1st Level M.CUBE 7,565 2,970 22,468,050
- - -
14.24.2 In 2nd Level M.CUBE 7,599 4,004 30,426,396
- - -
14.24.3 In 3rd Level M.CUBE 7,632 - -
- - -
14.25 In Column Capital - - -
- - -
14.25.1 In Ground Floor M.CUBE 7,531 - -
- - -
14.25.2 In First Floor M.CUBE 7,565 - -
- - -
14.25.3 In Second Floor M.CUBE 7,599 - -
- - -
14.25.4 In Third Floor M.CUBE 7,632 - -
- - -
14.25.5 In Fourth Floor M.CUBE 7,666 - -
- - -

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Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

15 Design and installation of Post Tensioning PT M.SQ - - -

slab including decoiling the strands, cutting to
the required lengths, supplying and laying of HT
strands, sheathing(GI corrugated ducts 80mm x
20 mm 0.30 mm thick) jointing with couplers,
and inserting the strands, profiling, fixing live
end anchorages including the supply of
stressing anchorages suitable for 5-5 & 5-4
Tendons, grout vents, making dead end
anchorages including flowering the strands,
fixing tendon support bars, supervising the fixing
of anti bursting reinforcement, stressing the
cables, end trimming, grouting the cables with
cement and admixtures, with required Plant &
Machineries, tools and tackles, consumables
etc., including obtaining approval from
Architect/Employer all complete as directed.
Measurements will be taken outer to outer of
post tension slab. Cutout more than 3Sq.m will
be deducted for the payment.

- - -

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Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

16 Design and installation of Post Tensioning PT RM - - -

beams including decoiling the strands, cutting to
the required lengths, supplying and laying of HT
strands, sheathing(GI corrugated ducts 80mm x
20 mm 0.30 mm thick) jointing with couplers,
and inserting the strands, profiling, fixing live
end anchorages including the supply of
stressing anchorages suitable for 5-5 & 5-4
Tendons, grout vents, making dead end
anchorages including flowering the strands,
fixing tendon support bars, supervising the fixing
of anti bursting reinforcement, stressing the
cables, end trimming, grouting the cables with
cement and admixtures, with required Plant &
Machineries, tools and tackles, consumables
etc., including obtaining approval from
Architect/Employer all complete as directed.
Measurements will be taken outer to outer of
post tension slab. Cutout more than 3Sq.m will
be deducted for the payment.

17 RCC M20 (Design Mix) using hard blue - - -

granite metal 20mm and down gauge
excluding centering, shuttering, but
including curing, lifting, leading, labour etc.,
compelete but excluding cost of
reinforcement at all levels.

- - -
17.1 In column footings including raft slab/beam & M.CUBE 7,298 505 3,685,490
pyramidal portions.
- - -
17.2 In pedestals of required size, profiles , sizes M.CUBE 7,298 165 1,204,170
- - -
17.3 In lintel of required thickness, size & profile , - - -
sizes at all levels
- - -
17.3.1 In Ground floor M.CUBE 7,601 63 478,863
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Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

- - -
17.3.2 In First floor M.CUBE 7,635 8 61,080
- - -
17.3.3 In Second Floor M.CUBE 7,669 4 30,676
- - -
17.3.4 In Third Floor M.CUBE 7,703 5 38,515
- - -
17.3.5 In Fourth Floor M.CUBE 7,736 - -
- - -
17.3.6 In Terrace floor M.CUBE 7,770 2 15,540
- - -
17.4 In RCC kerb wall of required thickness, size & M.CUBE 7,541 126 950,166
profile at all levels
- - -
17.6 In RCC wall of required thickness M.CUBE 7,500 81 607,500
- - -
17.7 In Cover slab M.CUBE 7,399 58 429,142
- - -
17.8 In cill slabs of 150mm thickness all complete - - -
as directed
- - -
17.8.1 In Ground floor M.CUBE 7,500 22 165,000
- - -
17.8.2 In First floor M.CUBE 7,534 8 60,272
- - -
17.8.3 In Second Floor M.CUBE 7,568 3 22,704
- - -
17.8.4 In Third Floor M.CUBE 7,601 5 38,005
- - -
17.8.5 In Fourth Floor M.CUBE 7,635 - -
- - -
17.8.6 In terrace floor M.CUBE 7,669 4 30,676
- - -

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Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

17.9 In RC mullions, transoms in between brickwork M.CUBE 7,534 9 67,806

of required size & profile at all level. Volume of
transom/mullions shall be deducted in the Brick
work quantity.
- - -
17.11 In RCC wall of required thickness, shape & M.CUBE 7,500 126 945,000
profile at all levels
- - -
17.12 In counter slab of 75mm thickness, size & profile M.SQ 644 22 14,168
at all levels
- - -
17.13 In Loft M.SQ 644 - -
- - -
17.14 In OHT Cover Slab M.CUBE 7,534 - -
- - -
17.15 Encasing of Structural Column(Payment will be M.CUBE 7,467 12 89,604
made only for the concrete volume laid)
- - -
18 Extra/Rebate over for different grades of KG 9 353,052 3,177,468
concrete above M25 grade including cost of all
- - -
19 RCC M35 (Design Mix) using hard blue - - -
granite metal 20mm and down gauge
excluding centering, shuttering, but
including curing, lifting, leading, labour etc.,
compelete but excluding cost of
reinforcement at all levels.

- - -
19.1 In OHT base Slab M.CUBE 8,432 - -
- - -
19.2 In OHT Walls M.CUBE 8,634 - -
- - -

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Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

20 Providing and erecting in position form work M.SQ 762 42,980 32,750,760
shuttering & boxing using steel/Marine densified
plywood shuttering materials of approved quality
for concrete elements vertical, horizontal,
inclined, circular, curved etc. in all sizes, shapes
and designs as per drawing including necessary
staging at all intermediate levels, scaffolding,
bolts/nuts, fastener nails, wires for keeping in
position till concrete is laid and members have
acquired required strength, removal thereafter,
applying shuttering oil etc. complete as directed.
Form Work in all heights above plinth level of
all structures for all concrete elements of any
shape, size & direction etc complete as directed.

- - -
21 Providing and erecting in position form work M.SQ 740 40,895 30,262,300
shuttering & boxing using steel/Marine densified
plywood shuttering materials of approved quality
for concrete elements vertical, horizontal,
inclined, circular, curved etc. in all sizes, shapes
and designs as per drawing including necessary
staging at all intermediate levels, scaffolding,
bolts/nuts, fastener nails, wires for keeping in
position till concrete is laid and members have
acquired required strength, removal thereafter,
applying shuttering oil etc. complete as directed.
Form Work in all heights below plinth level of
all structures for all concrete elements of any
shape, size & direction etc complete as directed.

- - -

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Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

22 Supply, straighten, handle, cut bend, crank, - - -

fix and tie in position in all RCC items of
work including cost of GI binding wire
18SWG double strand complete. (On actual
length measurements of fabricated steel
work , including authorised lappages only at
theoritical weight for different sections
payment will be made). & to include safety
end caps as necessary

- - -
22.1 Mild steel. M.T 66,417 - -
- - -
22.2 High Yield Strength Deformed bars in all RCC M.T 65,742 4,702 309,118,884
items & floorings General Note: Sizes of RCC
elements shown in the drawing are only
indicative and subject to change .No extra shall
be payable on this account. Any change in size
of concrete elements resulting in change of area
of shuttering due to change in quantity of
concrete shall also not be payable.

Total - R.C.C.WORK - 612,939,665
. - - -
23 Block work in foundation made out of 200mm M.CUBE 6,202 433 2,685,466
thickness with Aerocon HQ Building Blocks from
M/S Hyderabad Industries Ltd. with Cement
mortar 1:1:6(1Cement, 1 lime, 6sand) all as per
manufacturers specification all complete as
directed.Prior approval for makes to be obtained
from Architects/PMC/Client

- -

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Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

24 Brickwork of locally available best quality table M.CUBE 6,965 - -

moulded bricks of not less than 50kg/sq.cm
crushing strength in cement mortar 1:5 (1
cement,5 sand) in foundation and plinth. No
extra payment will be paid for any shape or
size,turnings, fins, etc unless otherwise
specified seperately.Prior approval for makes to
be obtained from Architects/PMC/Client

- - -
25 Providing and constructing solid concrete block M.CUBE 10,391 892 9,268,772
masonry wall 200mm thick of not less than
75kg/ sq.cm using CM 1:6 (1 cement , 6 sand)
below plinth including all necessary racking out
joints, finishing neatly including simultaneous
pointing curing etc., all complete as
directed.Prior approval for makes to be obtained
from Architects/PMC/Client

- -
25.1 Same as above but for Design, supply, M.SQ 10,721 -
installation of precast plinth retaining wall of
minimum 100mm thick (thickness shall be as
per design of 10T/Sqm floor load) with required
height as per architectural drawing
(approximately 1.0 - 1.2m height) with all
necessary joints treatment with wall/pedestal,
wall/plinth and wall/floor including grouting
etc.,all complete as required

- -

Page 21 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

26 Providing Flyash brick work in cement mortor M.CUBE 6,108 - -

1:6 (1 part cement 6 parts coarse sand)in
thickness varying from 230mm to 460mm at all
depths, places and positions below plinth &
foundation, etc all complete as directed ( Fly ash
bricks shall be of min 75 kg/sq cm of nominal
dimension as per IS - 12894) .Prior approval for
makes to be obtained from

- - -
27 Block work in superstructure made out of - - -
200mm thickness with Aerocon HQ Building
Blocks from M/S Hyderabad Industries Ltd. with
Cement mortar 1:1:6(1Cement, 1 lime, 6sand)
all as per manufacturers specification all
complete as directed.Prior approval for makes
to be obtained from Architects/PMC/Client

- - -
27.1 In Ground floor M.CUBE 6,121 1,684 10,307,764
- - -
27.2 In First floor M.CUBE 6,162 1,007 6,205,134
- - -
27.3 In Second Floor M.CUBE 6,202 751 4,657,702
- - -
27.4 In Third Floor M.CUBE 6,242 332 2,072,344
- - -
27.5 In Fourth Floor M.CUBE 6,283 66 414,678
- - -
27.6 In Fifth /Terrace floor M.CUBE 6,323 146 923,158
- - -
27.6 In Sixth /Terrace floor M.CUBE 6,364 66 420,024
- -

Page 22 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

28 Brickwork of with locally available best quality - - -

table moulded bricks of not less than
50kg/sq.cm crushing strength in cement mortar
1:5 mix (1 cement ,5 sand) in superstructure. No
extra payment will be paid for any shape or size,
turnings, fins, etc unless otherwise specified
seperately. Prior approval for makes to be
obtained from Architects/PMC/Client

- - -
28.1 In Ground floor M.CUBE 6,965 - -
- - -
28.2 In First floor M.CUBE 7,006 - -
- - -
28.3 In Second Floor M.CUBE 7,046 - -
- - -
28.4 In Third Floor M.CUBE 7,086 - -
- - -
28.5 In Fourth Floor M.CUBE 7,127 - -
- - -
28.6 In Terrace floor M.CUBE 7,167 - -
- - -
29 Providing and constructing solid concrete block - - -
masonry wall 200mm thick of not less than
75kg/ sq.cm using CM 1:6 (1 cement , 6 sand)
in superstructure including all necessary
scaffolding, racking out joints, finishing neatly
including simultaneous pointing curing etc., all
complete as directed.Prior approval for makes
to be obtained from Architects/PMC/Client

- - -
29.1 In Ground floor M.CUBE 10,391 - -
- - -
29.2 In First floor M.CUBE 10,431 - -
- - -

Page 23 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

29.3 In Second Floor M.CUBE 10,472 - -

- - -
29.4 In Third Floor M.CUBE 10,512 - -
- - -
29.5 In Fourth Floor M.CUBE 10,553 - -
- - -
29.6 In Terrace floor M.CUBE 10,593 - -
- - -
30 Providing Flyash brick work in cement mortor - - -
1:6 (1 part cement 6 parts coarse sand) in walls
etc., in thickness varying from 230mm to
460mm at all depths, places and positions in
superstructure including raking out joints, curing,
scoffoldings etc., complete excluding plastering
and painting ( Fly ash bricks shall be of min
75kg/sq cm of nominal dimension as per IS -
12894).Prior approval for makes to be obtained
from Architects/PMC/Client

- - -
30.1 In Ground floor M.CUBE 6,108 - -
- - -
30.2 In First floor M.CUBE 6,148 - -
- - -
30.3 In Second Floor M.CUBE 6,189 - -
- - -
30.4 In Third Floor M.CUBE 6,229 - -
- - -
30.5 In Fourth Floor M.CUBE 6,269 - -
- - -
30.6 In Terrace floor M.CUBE 6,310 - -
- - -

Page 24 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

31 Brickwork of locally available best quality table M.CUBE 7,649 - -

moulded bricks of not less than 50kg/sq.cm
crushing strength in cement mortar 1:5 (1
cement,5 sand) in steps. No extra payment will
be paid for any shape or size,turnings, fins, etc
unless otherwise specified seperately. Prior
approval for makes to be obtained from

- - -
32 Providing and constructing solid concrete block M.CUBE 11,466 - -
masonry wall 200mm thick of not less than
75kg/ sq.cm using CM 1:6 (1 cement , 6 sand)
in steps including all necessary scaffolding,
racking out joints, finishing neatly including
simultaneous pointing curing etc., all complete
as directed.Prior approval for makes to be
obtained from Architects/PMC/Client

- - -
33 Providing Flyash brick work in cement mortor M.CUBE 6,108 69 421,452
1:6 (1 part cement 6 parts coarse sand)in
thickness varying from 230mm to 460mm in
steps all complete as directed ( Fly ash bricks
shall be of min 75 kg/sq cm of nominal
dimension as per IS - 12894) .Prior approval for
makes to be obtained from

- - -
34 Block work made out of 100mm thickness with - - -
Aerocon HQ Building Blocks from M/S
Hyderabad Industries Ltd. with Cement mortar
1:1:6(1Cement, 1 lime, 6sand) all as per
manufacturers specification all complete as
directed.Prior approval for makes to be obtained
from Architects/PMC/Client

- - -

Page 25 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

34.1 In Ground Floor M.SQ 844 929 784,076

- - -
34.2 In First Floor M.SQ 855 118 100,890
- - -
34.3 In Second Floor M.SQ 866 124 107,384
- - -
34.4 In Third Floor M.SQ 876 - -
- - -
34.5 In Fourth Floor M.SQ 887 8 7,096
- - -
34.6 In Fifth Floor M.SQ 898 - -
- - -
34.6 In Sixth Floor M.SQ 909 8 7,272
- - -
35 Half brickwork with locally available best quality - - -
table moulded bricks of not less than
50kg/sq.cm crushing strength in CM 1:4 (1
cement 4 sand ) and reinforced with two
numbers of 6mm dia. M.S rods at every fourth
course embedded in cement mortar 1:4 for
partitions. Prior approval for makes to be
obtained from Architects/PMC/Client

- - -
35.1 In Ground Floor M.SQ 1,065 - -
- - -
35.2 In First Floor M.SQ 1,076 - -
- - -
35.3 In Second Floor M.SQ 1,087 - -
- - -
35.4 In Third Floor M.SQ 1,097 - -
- - -
35.5 In Fourth Floor M.SQ 1,108 - -
- - -

Page 26 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

36 Providing and constructing solid concrete block - - -

masonry wall 100mm thick of not less than
75kg/ sq.cm using CM 1:4 (1 cement , 4 sand)
in partitions including 75mm thick 1:2:4 concrete
band at every 1m height with 2 numbers of 6mm
dia rods all complete as directed.Prior approval
for makes to be obtained from

- - -
36.1 In Ground Floor M.SQ 1,394 - -
- - -
36.2 In First Floor M.SQ 1,405 - -
- - -
36.3 In Second Floor M.SQ 1,416 - -
- - -
36.4 In Third Floor M.SQ 1,426 - -
- - -
36.5 In Fourth Floor M.SQ 1,437 - -
- - -
37 Providing Flyash brick work in cement mortor - - -
1:4 (1 part cement 4 parts coarse sand) in
partition walls, chambers etc., in thickness 115
mm at all heights, places and positions in
superstructure including reinforcing with 2 nos of
8 mm rod at every 4th course, raking out joints,
curing, scoffoldings etc., complete excluding
plastering and painting ( Fly ash bricks shall be
of min 75 kg/sq cm of nominal dimension as per
IS - 12894. Reinforcement will be measured and
paid under relevant item of work.

- - -
37.1 In Ground Floor M.SQ 870 - -
- - -
37.2 In First Floor M.SQ 880 - -
- - -

Page 27 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

37.3 In Second Floor M.SQ 891 - -

- - -
37.4 In Third Floor M.SQ 902 - -
- - -
37.5 In Fourth Floor M.SQ 913 - -
- - -
Total - MASONRY WORK - 38,383,212
- - -

Page 28 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

38 Design, Supply and laying joint less concrete M.SQ 3,850 64,902 249,872,700
flooring of 250mm thickness and including
providing required armoured joints including
vapour barrier sheet (HDPE) of 300 micron,
steel fibre from M/s Bekaert at 30kg/cum
minimum, curing, etc as per manufacturer
recommendation and all complete as directed
by manufacturer specification. Armoured joint
shall be provided on all 4 sides except at wall-
floor joints. All armoured joints shall be designed
for the full depth/thichness of the floor and all
joints shall be of hot dip galvanised finish.
Armoured joints shall have built in plate dowels.
Armoured joints shall also have tie bars with
shear heads as standard design. Tenderer also
provide 5 years warranty backed by
performance bank guarantee for the floors
provided by them. The floor to be designed for
typical racking arrangement and loads provided
in the drawing and maximum crack width of 0.5
mm. The grade of concrete shall be of minimum
M30. Only OPC shall be used with no addition
of flyash. Surface tolerance shall be as per FM2
standards and the same shall be verified by an
independent floor level survey consultant
appointed by the tenderer. The scope of work is
including Design and Design certification by the
M/s Bekaert for this work. Note: The sub base
shall be as per the attached drawing and soil
report and the bidder should confirm the sub
bases. Necessary test to be done at site before
execution by the contractor. The rate should
include surface densification by lithium
silicate/Nano silica and the make shall be
approved by Client/PMC/Consultants.

Note: The floor slab design calculation shall be

submitted for verification. - - -

Page 29 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

38.1 Design, Supply and laying joint less concrete M.SQ 2,884 26,940 77,694,960
flooring of 175 mm thickness and including
providing required armoured joints including
vapour barrier sheet (HDPE) of 300 micron,
steel fibre from M/s Bekaert at 25kg/cum
minimum, curing, etc as per manufacturer
recommendation and all complete as directed
by manufacturer specification. Armoured joint
shall be provided on all 4 sides except at wall-
floor joints. All armoured joints shall be designed
for the full depth/thichness of the floor and all
joints shall be of hot dip galvanised finish.
Armoured joints shall have built in plate dowels.
Armoured joints shall also have tie bars with
shear heads as standard design. Tenderer also
provide 5 years warranty backed by
performance bank guarantee for the floors
provided by them. The floor to be designed for 5
T/sqm and maximum crack width of 0.5 mm.
The grade of concrete shall be of minimum M30.
Only OPC shall be used with no addition of
flyash. Surface tolerance shall be as per FM2
standards and the same shall be verified by an
independent floor level survey consultant
appointed by the tenderer. The scope of work is
including Design and Design certification by the
M/s Bekaert for this work. Note: The sub base
shall be as per the attached drawing and soil
report and the bidder should confirm the sub
bases. Necessary test to be done at site before
execution by the contractor. The rate should
include surface densification by lithium
silicate/Nano silica and the make shall be
approved by Client/PMC/Consultants.

Note: The floor slab design calculation shall be

submitted for verification.
- -

Page 30 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

39 Reinforced cement concrete flooring upto 200 M.CUBE 8,114 303 2,458,542
mm thick in panels of approved size in M20
design mix but excluding cost of reinforcement
including shuttering, compacting and finishing
the surface smooth with mechanical power
trowel all complete as directed. (Reinforcement
will be paid under relevant item.). Necessary
groove cutting shall be done as per MoRTH.
Cost of cutting and filling with necessary sealent
shall be measured under relevant item of work.
Surface tolerance shall be ± 4mm and for
overall shop will be ±10mm.

- - -
40 Dewatering of 200mm RCC flooring by using M.SQ 101 652 65,852
vacuum dewatering method.
- - -
41 Supply and laying of Vapormat 300 micron thick M.SQ 181 1,302 235,662
synthetic vapor barrier of HDPE sheet made out
of 100% virgin HDPE(necessary test certificate
to be given) or equivalent in 5to 6 m width and
30 -50 m length as per the product
specification.Vapormat Shall be spread over the
surface with an average overlap of 100mm and
the laps are welded (15mm+20mm+15mm) by
automated hot air fusion wedge welding
machine .After laying the reinforcement
,wherever damages are found ,the damaged
areas shall be repaired by patch welding using
hot air gun before laying the concrete. Before
laying the sheet the surface to be plain to avoid
any sagging of the sheet.

- - -

Page 31 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

42 Extra for adding to the concrete 100% virgin KG 413 108 44,604
polypropylene fibre mesh (stealth e3) at the rate
of 0.45 kg/cu.m during mixing process. Fibres
from synthetic industries inc. USA or equivalent
as approved by Architect/ Client to be used, all
complete as directed.

- - -
43 Extra for flaming 18mm thick machine cut M.SQ 270 - -
granite for flooring, cladding, steps, jamps, cill,
border etc as approved and all complete as
- - -
44 Providing and laying of EPDM floorig of 19- M.SQ 4,045 95 384,275
25mm thickness as per manufacturer
specification all complete as directed. The
tenderer should submit the specification and
catalogue during execution for approval.
- - -
45 Providing metallic floor hardener from approved M.SQ 511 - -
manufacturer using thedosage at the rate of
minimum 5kg/sqm for heavy duty
applications.Theapplication shall be as per the
manufacturer's specification and ensureuniform
spreading of hardener all complete. Rate shall
include cost offinishing the surface neatly using
the approved mechanical trowels along with

- - -

Page 32 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

46 Preparing the surface by scarifying the concrete - - -

surface to remove all oil, paint or any other
foreign matter and ensure complete adhesion of
the coating to the base floor using mechanical
scarifiers to the required depth along with
vaccumisers and other arrangements to prevent
air borne dust during the scarification process.
The concrete surface shall have a rough clean
surface profile before application of coatings.
Provide minimum thickness of self level epoxy
screed of aliphatic grade of approved colour
pigment after providing necessary fillers to have
uniform level over scarified area using epoxy
mortar or screed and use spiked roller to obtain
a uniform level surface and release trapped air
bubble and leave the surface for curing
including Applying a coat of PU with approved
colour pigment. PU shall be of aliphatic
polyurethane (60 microns) containing abrasion
resistant filler material. The finished surface
shall have a matt, non glossy finish as approved
by the architect. Necessary hardners, sealers,
fillers etc. shall be provided as per
manufacturers requirement. Technical details of
epoxy and polyurethane used shall be submitted
along with the offer. The rate shall include the
following: Cut-open the construction/ expansion
joints and treat them with semi rigid joint filler as
per manufacturer's specification. Painting of
borders on either side of the gangway including
direction marking to machines in a different
colour (to be painted above the finished coating)
Edge cutting and tuck in the floor coaing at all
stop edges of floor in order to prevent any oil
seepage from sides. Contractor to check the
moisture content with hydro meter and with
hydro meter and staisfy himself before taking
the work. If required the surface is to be dried - - -
46.1 accordingly.
0.5mm thick No delamination or bubbling of M.SQ 1,031 9,186 9,470,766
coating is acceptable. Contractor to visit the site - - -
46.2 and
thick himself for the floor condition and M.SQ 1,286 - -
other local conditions to satisfy himself before
offering the rate. The Principal company Page 33 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

- - -
46.3 2mm thick M.SQ 1,730 - -
- - -
47 Extra for Preparing the levelling and forming M.CUBE 337,064 - -
screed using epoxy mortar for coving all
complete as directed using silica sand and
araldite with approved proportions to get
required profile.
- - -
48 Grano flooring 50mm thick (minimum) M.SQ 643 50,969 32,773,067
composed of one part of cement, one part of
sand, 3 parts of washed graded dry granite
chipings all to pass through 6mm mesh free
from dust including finishing the surface smooth
with power trowel including necessary shuttering
or 4mm thick glass strips to form panel of
required size to be provided at no extra cost.

- - -

Page 34 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

49 Providing & laying first class full body vitrified M.SQ 2,122 50 106,100
ceramic tile of make Kajaria/ Restile/Johnson or
equivqlent of size 300mmx300mmx 8mm or
approved size of approved colour (matt finish) in
flooring using spacer of required size (2mm-
4mm) from endura or equivalent over a bed of
cement mortar 1:4 of required thickness to
match finished floor level mentioned and to
match the neighbouring floor finish and jointed
with epoxy grout of approved shade from Bal
Endura or equivalent brand all complete as
directed.(Basic cost of tile - Rs.45/sft).Any
difference in basic price and OHP at the time of
approval shall be adjusted for the laid area.No
extra shall be payable for forming any pattern in
the flooring like border, cut tiles,etc. contractor
to check the similar shade/colour of tiles before

- - -

Page 35 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

50 Providing & laying first class full body vitrified M.SQ 2,319 - -
ceramic tile of make Kajaria/ Restile/Johnson or
equivqlent of size 600mmx600mmx 9.5mm or
approved size of approved colour (matt finish) in
flooring using spacer of required size (2mm-
4mm) from endura or equivalent over a bed of
cement mortar 1:4 of required thickness to
match finished floor level mentioned and to
match the neighbouring floor finish and jointed
with epoxy grout of approved shade from Bal
Endura or equivalent brand all complete as
directed.(Basic cost of tile - Rs.85/sft).Any
difference in basic price and OHP at the time of
approval shall be adjusted for the laid area.No
extra shall be payable for forming any pattern in
the flooring like border, cut tiles,etc. contractor
to check the similar shade/colour of tiles before

- - -
50.1 In Ground Floor M.SQ 2,319 1,599 3,708,081
- - -
50.2 In First Floor M.SQ 2,330 419 976,270
- - -
50.3 In Second Floor M.SQ 2,341 550 1,287,550
- - -
50.4 In Third Floor M.SQ 2,351 184 432,584
- - -
50.5 In Fourth Floor M.SQ 2,362 170 401,540
- - -
50.6 In Fifth Floor M.SQ 2,373 - -
- - -
50.7 In Sixth Floor M.SQ 2,384 170 405,280
- - -

Page 36 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

51 Providing and laying 450X300 mm from - - -

RAK/Restile/Johnson/Kajaria glazed tiles of
plain series(satin finish) in dado set in CM 1:3
with joints so as to form a true & even surface
and joints finished neatly with white cement
mixed with matching pigments all complete as
directed.(Rate should include base plastering
with CM 1:5 of required thickness and also
spacer of required size (2mm - 4mm) from
endura or equivalent. contractor to check the
similar shade/colour of tiles before laying. The
rate shall also include cost of border tile from
kajaria (200x200mm or 400 x 150mm ,200X100
mm) or equivalent as shown in the drawing all
complete as directed.(Basic cost of tile -
Rs.65/sft).Any difference in basic price and OHP
at the time of approval shall be adjusted for the
laid area.No extra shall be payable for forming
any pattern in the flooring like border, cut

- - -
51.1 In Ground floor M.SQ 1,693 1,766 2,989,838
- - -
51.2 In First floor M.SQ 1,704 743 1,266,072
- - -
51.3 In Second Floor M.SQ 1,715 962 1,649,830
- - -
51.4 In Third Floor M.SQ 1,726 218 376,268
- - -
51.5 In Fourth Floor M.SQ 1,737 408 708,696
- - -
50.6 In Fifth Floor M.SQ 1,747 - -
- - -
50.7 In Sixth Floor M.SQ 1,758 408 717,264
- - -

Page 37 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

52 Providing and laying full body vitrified ceramic M.SQ 1,870 172 321,640
tiles of size 600mmx600mmx 9.5mm or
approved size of approved make from Kajaria/
Restile/Johnson or equivalent of approved
colour (satin finish) in recessed skirting in CM
1:3 to form a true and even surface and joints
finished neatly with white cement mixed with
matching pigments all complete as directed.The
rate should include cost of providing 6mmx6mm
groove in the plastering at top of the tile all
complete as directed.(Basic cost of tile -
Rs.85/sft).Any difference in basic price and OHP
at the time of approval shall be adjusted for the
laid area. contractor to check the similar
shade/colour of tiles before laying.

- - -
53 Providing & laying first class full body vitrified - - -
ceramic tile of make Kajaria/ Restile/Johnson or
equivqlent of size 600mmx600mmx 9.5mm or
approved size of approved colour (satin finish)
in flooring using spacer of required size (2mm-
4mm) from endura or equivalent over a bed of
cement mortar 1:4 of required thickness to
match finished floor level mentioned and to
match the neighbouring floor finish and jointed
with epoxy grout of approved shade from Bal
Endura or equivalent brand all complete as
directed.(Basic cost of tile - Rs.85/sft).Any
difference in basic price and OHP at the time of
approval shall be adjusted for the laid area.No
extra shall be payable for forming any pattern in
the flooring like border, cut tiles,etc.contractor to
check the similar shade/colour of tiles before

Page 38 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

- - -
53.1 In Ground floor M.SQ 2,319 856 1,985,064
- - -
53.2 In First floor M.SQ 2,330 2,014 4,692,620
- - -
53.3 In Second Floor M.SQ 2,341 1,746 4,087,386
- - -
53.4 In Third Floor M.SQ 2,351 1,074 2,524,974
- - -
53.5 In Fourth Floor M.SQ 2,362 - -
- - -
54 Providing and laying border granite of approved - - -
pattern as shown in the drawing along with
VCT/Ceramic tile using 10 mm thick granite all
complete as directed. (Basic cost of Granite -
Rs.85/sft).Any difference in basic price and OHP
at the time of approval shall be adjusted for laid

- - -
54.1 In Ground Floor M.SQ 2,187 415 907,605
- - -
54.2 In First Floor M.SQ 2,198 189 415,422
- - -
54.3 In Second Floor M.SQ 2,208 256 565,248
- - -
54.4 In Third Floor M.SQ 2,219 58 128,702
- - -
54.5 In Fourth Floor M.SQ 2,230 108 240,840
- - -
54.6 In Fifth Floor M.SQ 2,241 - -
- - -
54.7 In Sixth Floor M.SQ 2,252 108 243,216
- - -

Page 39 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

55 Providing and laying 18mm thick machine cut M.SQ 3,933 - -

and machine polished granite slab of approved
uniform shade,matching grains and size in white
cement slurry of approved size and colour in
flooring over a bed of minimum 20mm
(minimum) thickness in CM 1:6 including
necessary rubbing, final polishing all complete
as directed. The flooring shall be laid in pattern
as requested by Architect/Client. Tenderer to
apply a coat of epoxy or fibre glass or any other
application at the back of stone to ensure that
no dampness occurs after laying of stones.
(Basic cost of Granite - Rs.180/sft)(Excluding
GST).Any difference in basic price and OHP at
the time of approval shall be adjusted for laid
area. No extra shall be payable for laying
flooring in pattern/borders etc.

- - -
56 Providing and fixing polished 18 mm thick M.SQ 4,176 45 187,920
granite stone skirting (recessed) of approved
quality,uniform shade, matching grains and size
in white CM 1:3 to form a true and even surface
and joints finished neatly with white cement all
complete as directed.The rate should include
cost of providing 6mmx6mm groove in the
plastering at top of the stone all complete as
directed.(Basic cost of Granite - Rs.180/sft)
(Excluding GST).Any difference in basic price
and OHP at the time of approval shall be
adjusted for the laid area.

- - -

Page 40 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

57 Providing and laying 18mm thick machine cut M.SQ 4,464 179 799,056
and polished black granite slabs of approved
quality over a bed of 15mm thick White CM 1:3
over counter and preparation tables including
providing bevelling of edges of required profile,
polishing, waxing all complete as directed.(Basic
cost of Granite - Rs.180/sft)(Excluding GST)Any
difference in basic price and OHP at the time of
approval shall be adjusted for the laid area.

- - -
58 Providing and laying 18mm thick machine cut M.SQ 4,216 254 1,070,864
and polished granite slabs of approved quality
,size and shade over a bed of minimum 20mm
thick White CM 1:4 on parapet tops, cill tops,
planter boxes, door jamps etc including
polishing on all exposed sides and rounding off
all edges, icluding providing grooves to required
profile all complete as directed.(Basic cost of
Granite - Rs.180/sft).Any difference in basic
price and OHP at the time of approval shall be
adjusted for the laid area.

- - -
59 Providing and laying 18mm thick machine cut M.SQ 4,216 64 269,824
and polished granite slabs of approved quality
,size and shade over a bed of minimum 20mm
thick White CM 1:4 on parapet tops, cill tops,
planter boxes, door jamps etc including
polishing on all exposed sides and rounding off
all edges, icluding providing grooves to required
profile all complete as directed.(Basic cost of
Granite - Rs.180/sft).Any difference in basic
price and OHP at the time of approval shall be
adjusted for the laid area.

Page 41 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

- - -
60 Providing and laying 18mm thick machine cut M.SQ 5,696 241 1,372,736
and machine polished granite stone of approved
uniform shade, matching grains and size in wall
cladding work in White CM1:4 , 15mm minimum
thickness with white cement slurry and
necessary metal clamps and chamfering butting
edges of granite stone slab including rubbing
and final polishing all complete as directed and
as per architectural drawing.(Basic cost of
Granite - Rs.180/sft)(Excluding GST).Any
difference in basic price and OHP at the time of
approval shall be adjusted for laid area. No
extra shall be payable for laying in
pattern/borders etc. Rate shall be inclusive of
applying water proof epoxy coating of approved
make behind the Granite slab.

- - -

Page 42 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

61 Providing and laying 18mm thick machine cut M.SQ 4,149 - -

and polished granite stone of approved quality,
uniform shade, matching grains and size in
steps nosing in CM 1:4 of minimum thickness
20mm jointed with white cement slurry and
pointing with matching pigments including
rounding off nosing ,rubbing ,forming grooves of
required size in the plastering of sides of steps
and final polishing all complete as per detailed
architectural drawing. Tenderer to apply a coat
of epoxy or fibre glass or any other application
at the back of stone to ensure that no dampness
occurs after laying of stones.(Basic cost of
Granite - Rs.180/sft).Any difference in basic
price and OHP at the time of approval shall be
adjusted for the laid area. No extra shall be
payable for laying in pattern/borders etc..Rate
shall be inclusive of applying water proof epoxy
coating of approved make behind the Granite

- - -

Page 43 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

62 Providing and laying 25mm thick polished M.SQ 7,897 - -

granite stone (Lavender blue colour) of
approved uniform shade to matching grains of
required size in dry fixing the stone using 3mm
thick SS angle/ cleat of required size/profile or
any other supporting system as approved by
Architect including all necessary anchor
fasteners with adjustable clamps of Hilti make
HRD 10 x 80 SS 304 grade or equivalent,
holding the stones and fixing the SS angle /cleat
to walls including making 'V' grooves of required
size alround the stones all as per architectural
drawing.Tenderer to submit detailed shop
drawing showing typical details of stone
cladding along with tender.Tenderer to include
granite cladding of required size in the jambs,
cills and ceilings of openings and openings
including providing necessary clamps, drilling
and making holes of required size in the granite
slabs,chamfering of edges as approved by
Architect/Client all complete as directed. No
extra shall be payable for laying in
pattern/borders etc. Granite of thickness less
than 25mm is not acceptable.(Basic cost of
Granite - Rs.200/sft).Any difference in basic
price and OHP at the time of approval shall be
adjusted for the laid area.Rate shall be inclusive
of providing necessary Hilty bolt of approved
size to keep the stones rigid wherever required
as per the site condition.Rate shall be also
inclusive of making necessary testing of clamps
to confirm the load carrying capacity also.

- -

Page 44 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

63 Providing and fixing 18MM thick machine cut M.SQ 1,513 293 443,309
and machine polished kotah stone in Flooring of
approved shade in CM 1:4 with flush pointing of
joints and wax polishing etc. complete as
directed.The rate should include cost of
providing 6mmx6mm groove in the plastering at
top of the stone all complete as directed.

- - -
64 Providing and fixing 18MM thick machine cut M.SQ 1,567 64 100,288
and machine polished kotah stone in recessed
skirting of approved shade in CM 1:4 with flush
pointing of joints and wax polishing etc.
complete as directed.The rate should include
cost of providing 6mmx6mm groove in the
plastering at top of the stone all complete as

- - -
65 Providing and laying 18mm thick machine cut M.SQ 1,715 255 437,325
and polished Kotah stone of approved shade in
treads and risers of steps and landings in CM
1:4 of minimum thickness 20mm jointed with
white cement slurry and pointing with matching
pigments including rounding of nosing , rubbing,
forming grooves of required size in the
plastering of sides of steps and final polishing all
complete as directed.

- - -
66 Providing and laying 18mm thick machine cut M.SQ 1,550 50 77,500
and polished kotah stone of approved shade
and size over a bed of 15mm thick CM 1:3 on
parapet tops, cill tops, planter boxes, etc
including polishing on all exposed sides and
rounding off all edges to required profile all
complete as directed .

- - -

Page 45 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

67 Providing and laying machine cut and machine M.SQ 8,665 - -

polished Indo Italian marble marble slab in
flooring 20mm thick of approved slab over a bed
of CM 1:4 , 20mm thickness jointed with white
cement slurry including rubbing and wax
polishing all complete as directed.

- - -
68 Providing and laying machine cut and machine M.SQ 5,795 - -
polished artificial marble flooring from Classic
Marble floors/Qutone of 18mm thick of approved
size and shade over a bed of cement mortar
1:4, 20mm minimum thickness and neat cement
slurry and pointed with pigments to match with
the shade of flooring including polishing
complete. Basic Cost of the Marble shall be Rs.
300/sq.ft (excluding GST).

Total - FLOORING - 408,897,340
- - -

Page 46 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

69 "Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of 'Gandhi', M.SQ 4,644 1,182 5,489,208
Sakthi Hormann or equivalent make made of 18
gauge, 80mm wide rolled MS lathe interlocked
throughout their entire length and jointed
together by end locks and mounted on specially
designed pipe shaft with superior flet spring
(enclosed on suitable boxes) complete with
brackets, side guides and arrangements for
inside and outside locking with mechanical
devices for operation.The rate should include
cost of providing necessary holes in the
Masonry/RCC with pipe sleeve of suitable dia to
facilate both side operation. Rolling Shutter to
be designed to withstand a wind speed of
180KM/hr. (Only structural opening will be
measured for the purpose of payment.)"

- - -
70 Extra for providing motor driven device for M.SQ 8,625 1,248 10,764,000
operation.The motor shall be of suitable
capacity of approved manufacture like
Toshi/Kirloskar/Bonfiglioli according to the size
of the shutter and including providing necessary
cover and all as approved by Architect/Client

- - -
71 Extra for providing MS perforated grill of M.SQ 2,393 6 14,358
approved make in the existing rolling shutter .
Note:For purpose of measurement total length
of grill multiplied by height in elevation will be
- - -

Page 47 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

72 Supplying and fixing pre - painted, galvanised M.SQ 31,304 - -

steel, industrial sectional doors (roll up/ sliding)
of required size to withstand the wind speed of
180Km/hr including providing single sectional
view panel all complete as directed from an
approved manufacturer like M/s.Gandhi
Automation Pvt ltd, Sakthi Horman, or
equivalent. Tenderer to submit catalogue along
with the shop drawing showing the full details.
The size of shutter may be Sectional Door 2.500
x 3.600 m or as per architectural drawing

- - -
73 Dock leveller & Seal - - -
- - -

Page 48 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

73.1 Providing and fixing of 15T UDL ( Uniformly EACH 237,133 126 29,878,758
distributed load) dock leveler, as per EN 1398.
Dynamic load shall be 6T. Platform surface (S-
235) of the dock leveler shall be minimum 6mm
thick with 2mm additional chequered height. Lip
surface (S-355) shall be 12mm thick with 2mm
additional chequered height, anti slip steel,
orthoscopically designed of length 405 mm long,
tappered at both the ends. Open gradian self
cleaning lip hinge with 150mm long specially
arranged support. Locking position for hinged lip
in home position and maintenance strut to
support dock leveler during maintenance
checks. HLS shall have one/ two hydraulic
cylinders for balanced, reliable and safe
operation of the dock leveler. Foot protection
plates as side guards shall be provided as
standard. Steel surfaces blasted 2 coat, PU-
coated (layer of 60 - 80 micron) of Approved/as
per manufacturer specification, of antislip
moulded steel with tear drops for better traction.
In operation the dock leveler shall have gradient
slope up to 12.5% (approx. 7°) acc. to EN
1398 and BGR 233. Suited for temperature
range (under the dock leveller) of approximately
- 10ºC to + 50°C Electro-hydraulic operator
with a Motor power 0.75 kW and Connecting
voltage 3-phase 400 V, 50 Hz. Protection
category IP 54. Provide Connecting cable 7.5 m
long. The control unit shall be placed next to the
dock leveler with membrane push button
integrated in housing. Press-and-hold actuation.
Protection category IP 65. Height of dock pit
shall be 650mm from road level to suit to the
containers and mid size vehicles.
Gradient/slope: Up to 12.5% (approx. 7°) acc.
to EN 1398 and BGR 233 Suited for
temperature range (under the dock leveller) of - - -
73.2 Extra over rate-for
approximately docktoshelter,
10ºC + 50°C. wheel stopper,
Hydraulic oil EACH 112,757 126 14,207,382
be ISOtoVG
submit the list
15 grade of additional
superior level. Oil
tank capacityalong
mustwith tender
be min of 5 ltr capacity.
Standard accessories: Dock buffer pair should
be included to protect the leveller from the hit of Page 49 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

- - -
74 Providing and fixing of Hollow metal fire door as M.SQ 18,805 59 1,109,495
per NFPA from Sakthi met door or equivalent at
all levels from ISO 9001-2000 certified
Manufacturer. Fire door should be as per NFPA
80 and NFPA 252. All fire doors should be
tested at UL for maximum the rquired rating and
should pass both UL10B and UL10C. Pressed
Galvanized steel Single /Double leaf to required
sizes for approved rating and make shakti met-
dor or equivalent which consists of frame,
shutter, infill and finish as detailed below. Door
frame shall be double rebate profile of size 143
x 57 mm made out of 1.60mm thick galvanized
steel sheet (16 gauge ). Frames should be
MITERED and field assembled with self tabs.
Door frames should be prepared for suitable
hardware as scheduled and should have
necessary reinforcement to withstand regular
wear and tear. All provision should be mortised,
drilled and tapped for receiving the hardware.
Rubber door silencers should be provided on
the striking jamb. All door frames should be
provided with SOFIT bracket and anchor
fasteners for installation on a finished plastered
masonry wall opening. Once frame installed
should be grouted with cement & sand slurry
necessary for fire doors on the clear masonry
opening.Door leaf should be 46mm thick fully
flush double skin door with or without vision lite.
Door leaf shall be manufactured from 1.2mm
(18guage) thick galvanised steel sheet. The
internal construction of the door should be rigid
with steel stiffeners/ pads for receiving
appropriate hardware. In addition the door
should have infill of honeycomb core or steel
fibres as per manufacturer's specification to suit
the location of door and also for structural
rigidity. All doors shall be factory fitted with - - -
labelled type hardwares from DORMA/
INGERSOL or equivalent for fire resisting for
hinges,locks,handle,doorclosure etc., and
provided with necessary reinforcement for Page 50 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

75 "Providing and fixing in position Guardian M.SQ 17,628 249 4,389,372

general purpose door manufactured by shakti
met-Door limited or equivalent confirming to IS
3614(PART-2)1992 BS 4769(part-20&22) and
ISO 834 or latest revisions with door frames of
1.60mm thick galvanised steel sheet press
formed to rebated profile of size 100x57mm with
chamfered bottom frame filled with concrete and
fixed in position with metallic expansion shield
with counter sunk screws and door leaves made
up of 1.20 mm thick galvanised steel sheet
press formed to provide a 46 mm thick fully
flush,double skin door shell with lock seam
joints at style edges withno visible joints
,screws,welding on the face of the shutter.
Internal reinforcements provided at top,bottom
and style edges for fire rating ,double shutter
doors to be provided with a meeting styles. Door
to be provided with rectangular or circular view
panel as indicated in architectural drawings all
as per manufacturer's specification including
providing necessary hardware like stainless
steel imported steel butt hinges,mortice
lock,door closure, handles from Dorma or
equivalent all as per European standards ,door
stopper, painting with Duco spray paint finish of
approved colour and shade over approved
primer all complete.(Measurement of door for
payment will be from the outer to outer frame in
elevation only).Rate shall include cost of
grouting with concrete in the frame and also
welded in steel column/ frame. The rate should
also includes cost of necessary sealent at the
junction of Wall/frame to be done on both sides.
Provisions like holes, hardwares etc, to be
provide to receive the access control
- - -

Page 51 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

76 Extra for providing and fixing panic bar NOS 21,498 113 2,429,274
arrangements in either single leaf or double leaf
shutterof shaktimet door or equivalent including
necessary hardwares etc., complete.Each
shutter shall have one panic bar all as per
manufacturer's specification and as directed.

- - -
77 Extra for providing and fixing camlock NOS 12,717 28 356,076
arrangements in either single leaf or double leaf
shutter of Shaktimet door or equivalent including
necessary hardwares etc., complete. Each
shutter shall have one camlock assembly all as
per manufacturer's specification and as
directed.Camlock assembly components shall
have colour similar to door colour.

- - -
78 Extra for providing and fixing auto closing device NOS 4,143 - -
at bottom in either single leaf or double leaf
shutter of Shaktimet door or equivalent including
necessary hardwares etc., complete. Each
shutter shall have one camlock assembly all as
per manufacturer's specification and as directed.
Auto closing assembly components shall have
colour similar to door colour.

- - -

Page 52 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

79 Providing and fixing in position Guardian M.SQ 16,837 363 6,111,831

general purpose door manufactured by shakti
met-Door limited or equivalent confirming to IS
3614(PART-2)1992 BS 4769(part-20&22) and
ISO 834 or latest revisions with door frames of
1.20mm thick galvanised steel sheet press
formed to rebated profile of size 100x57mm with
chamfered bottom frame filled with concret and
fixed in position with metallic expansion shield
with counter sunk screws and door leaves made
up of 0.80mm thick galvanised steel sheet press
formed to provide a 46 mm thick fully
flush,double skin door shell with lock seam
joints at style edges withno visible joints
,screws,welding on the face of the
shutter.Internal reinforcements provided at
top,bottom and style edges for fire rating ,double
shutter doors to be provided with a meeting
styles.The rate is inclusive of necessary welding
with columns.Door to be provided with
rectangular/circular view panel as indicated in
architectural drawings all as per manufacturer's
specifications including providing necessary
hardware like stainless steel imported steel butt
hinges,handle ,mortice lock,door closure,handle
from Dorma or equivalent make,handles all as
per european standards, door stopper, painting
with Duco spray paint standard ,painting finish
of approved colour and shade over approved
primer all complete.(Measurement of door for
payment will be from the outer to outer frame in
elevation only).Rate shall include cost of
grouting with concrete in the frame and also
welded in steel column/ frame. The rate should
also includes cost of Silicon sealent at the
junction of Wall/frame to be done on both sides.
- - -
79.1 Same as above But for Double swing/Sliding M.SQ 21,222 46 976,212
- - -

Page 53 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

79.2 Same as above item but shutters with 4'' to 6'' M.SQ 14,607 10 146,070
height less at the bottom and including providing
and fixing locking bolt with sign
vaccant/occupied instead of regular lock without
door closer.
- - -
80 Supplying fabricating and fixing in position insert MT 90,792 12 1,044,108
plates of required size and shape in RCC
members/Masonry at all heights including
necessary straightening ,cutting, holing,
welding, lugs of required size and painting with
a shop coat of anti corrosive primer paint all
complete as directed.

- - -
81 Providing, cutting, fabricating, welding, erecting M.T 89,443 14 1,252,202
edge angles and buffer channels including
necessary lugs and fixing in concrete/Masonry
as per architectural drawings all complete
including painting a coat of approved anti-
corrosive primer all complete as directed.

- - -

Page 54 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

82 Supply, Fabrication, Erection, alignment and M.T 110,630 20 2,212,600

levels as per approved shop drawing of
structural steel work in built up sections
comprising of ISMB, ISMC, angle, plates and
round bar section etc., Necessary permanent
rivets, bolts, washers and nuts, handling,
straightening, cutting, drilling holes, welding,
shop assembly, transport to erection site,
storing, leading to erection site and apply a coat
of anti corrosive yellow primer paint of approved
make prior to erection. (payment to be made on
the basis of standard section weights for net
weight erected in position excluding permanent/
temporary bolts, rivets etc., Rate should include
the cost of permanent bolts, nuts, and washers
packing plates as required and approved. And
no seperate measurement shall be taken for
payment of permanent bolts, nuts, all types of
washers and packing plates etc.,)

- - -
83 Supplying,fixing and fabricating as per approved M.T 110,630 278 30,785,563
drawing in single/built up section comprising of
ISMC sections, M.S angles, channels, plates,
ISMC box section etc. including bolts and
nuts,straightening ,cutting,holing,welding,fixing
in position in alignment and levels and painting
with a shop coat of anticorrosive primer all
complte as directed. Rate shall be inclusive of
embedding the members in the
concrete/masonry also wherever required.

- - -
83.1 Same as above but for TATA tube/pipe section MT 124,382 68 8,457,976
- - -

Page 55 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

84 Providing and fixing gaurd rails to detail made M.T 117,911 2 235,822
Zenith/TATA box sections of 1m high from
finished floor level with verticals of
100x100x6mm at approximately 1500mm
centres and total height of 1000mm, 150mm
embedded in the floor and welded to insert
plates of 200x200x6mm with necessary lugs all
complete and two numbers of horizontals made
of 127x51x3.65mm sections including providing
two coats of enamel paint of approved shade
over a coat of anti corrosive primer.

- - -
85 Providing , fabricating and fixing in position M.S M.T 101,024 1 101,024
steel ladder fabricated with 50mmx50mmx6mm
M.S angle stringers 20mm dia M.S rod for rungs
at 200 mm c/c with necessary intermediate
supports from walls/floors complete including 2
coats of synthetic enamel paint all complete as

- - -
86 Providing and fixing MS pipe bend to shape M.T 107,861 2 226,508
with ends fixed to the wall/floor with necessary
lugs grouted with concrete of minimum size
150x150x150 using 1:2:4 concrete. Tenderer to
ensure bent should not have any dents or
reduction in dia. Special may be used at the
bends, etc to achieve this all complete as
directed. The rate shall inclusive of one coat of
enamel with necessary putty to have uniform
shade and finish etc, all complete as directed.

- - -

Page 56 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

87 Supplying and fixing of stainless steel sections M.T 633,681 1 633,681

of required finish using SS tubes, ropes, rods,
nuts & bolts of size and shape as per detailed
architectural drawing including necessary
cutting, welding, grinding, buffing and polishing
all complete upto the satisfaction of the
Architect/Client. Note: All SS pipe used shall be
of SS304 grade only.

- - -
88 Providing and fixing in position pipe railing of RM 2,966 2,450 7,266,700
height 100cm from the finished floor of tread
edge to detail with 20mm MS square bar
verticals of 2 nos @ 1400mm c/c and 1 no
40mm dia MS pipe top rail & 4 nos 16mm MS
square bars horizontal including cutting, welding
and fixing in floors / sides including providing
and fixing necessary MS insert plates of size
100x150mm & 6mm thick and necessary
grinding, polishing all as per detailed
Architectural drawings. The rate should also
include cost of applying two coats of synthetic
enamel paint over a coat of approved primer
and buffing all complete as directed.(Measured
in RM for complete work, not each pipe

- - -

Page 57 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

89 Providing and fixing in position pipe railing of RM 2,966 206 610,996

height 85cm from the finished floor of tread
edge to detail with 20mm MS square bar
verticals of 2 nos @ 1400mm c/c and 1 no
40mm dia SS pipe top rail & 4 nos 16mm MS
square bars horizontal including cutting, welding
and fixing in floors / sides including providing
and fixing necessary MS insert plates of size
100x150mm & 6mm thick and necessary
grinding, polishing all as per detailed
Architectural drawings. The rate should also
include cost of applying two coats of synthetic
enamel paint over a coat of approved primer
and buffing, polishing of all SS pipes of required
finish all complete as directed.(Measured in RM
for complete work, not each pipe separately.)
Note: All SS pipe used shall be of SS304 grade

- - -
90 Providing and fixing in position SS pipe railing RM 4,045 168 679,560
along staircase side wall with 40mm dia. SS
pipe of height 150mm from the wall face and
with perpendicular made out of 10mm dia SS
square rod, support at not more than 900mm c/c
properly embedded in C.C 1:2:4 for a depth of
150mm all complete. The rate should also
include cost of buffing, polishing the SS pipe of
approved type all complete as directed. (The SS
pipe used shall of SS 304 grade only).

- - -

Page 58 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

91 Providing and fixing in position SS pipe railing RM 4,719 82 386,958

over parapet wall with 40mm dia. SS pipe of
height 150mm from the parapet wall and with
vertical made out of 12mm dia SS rod, support
at not more than 900mm c/c properly embedded
in C.C 1:2:4 for a depth of 150mm all complete.
The rate should also include cost of buffing,
polishing the SS pipe of approved type all
complete as directed. (The SS pipe used shall
of SS 304 grade(satin finish) only).

- - -
92 Providing and fixing in position MS pipe railing RM 1,348 472 636,256
along staircase side wall with 40mm dia. MS
pipe of height 150mm from the wall face and
with perpendicular made out of 10mm dia MS
square rod, support at not more than 900mm c/c
properly embedded in C.C 1:2:4 for a depth of
150mm all complete. The rate should also
include cost of buffing, polishing the SS pipe of
approved type all complete as directed. (The SS
pipe used shall of SS 304 grade only).

- - -
93 Providing and fixing of 2 hour fire rated M.SQ 6,741 1,744 11,756,304
ceiling/Wall panels from promat or 3M or
equivalent brand using required sizes of boards
& frames of sufficient thickness, size of stud at
required intervals both fixed at horizontally and
vertically, fixing in the concrete/wall surfaces
with necessary jointing compound, tape, etc., all
complete as per manufacturer specification.
Rate shall be inclusive of providing required
thickness of sealent, infill material of rockwool
carrying required density of etc, all complete as

Page 59 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

- - -
94 Providing and fixing GI pipe railing of required M.T 134,826 2 269,652
height and shape all complete as per
Architectural drawing and as directed by
engineer in charge
- - -
95 Providing and fixing in position MS gate to M.T 121,343 - -
detail, steel work in gate alone weighing
40Kg/sq.m (approximately) including necessary
hold fasts, locking arrangements, pillar
channels, tracks, rollers CI ingot cup etc as
directed and painting two coats of synthetic
enamel paint over a coat of anti-corrosive primer
including embedding track in cement concrete
all as per detailed Architectural drawings.

- - -
96 Extra for providing motorised over the gate M.SQ 8,090 - -
- - -
97 In spiral staircase of 7 feet dia with circular MT 148,308 2 296,616
column of 9 inches dia for a floor to floor
height of 9feet all as per detailed
architectural drawings. Necessary
excavation , PCC 1:5:10 column footing
and finishing the exposed faces and
cement mortar 1:3, reinforcement shall be
measured and paid under relevant items.

- - -

Page 60 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

98 Providing and fixing chain link fencing M.SQ 736 90 66,240

comprising 50x50x6mm angle for frame work of
ISMC 100x50 for columns including
cutting,straightening and welding of all steel
work and providing and fixing chain link fencing
50mmx50mm size with 10g G.I wire .The rate
should include cost of painting two coats of
enamel paint over a coat of approved anti
corrosive primer. All steel will be measured
under relevant item excluding flat alround to
hold Chainlink.

- - -
99 Extra over above item for providing chainlink M.SQ 337 14 4,718
gate with necessary angles alround and fixing
the shutter with the frame all complete with
necessary hinges and locking arrangements as
approved by Client/Architect all complete as
directed. All steel will be measured under
relevant item of work.

Total - STEEL WORK - 142,795,520
- - -

Page 61 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

100 Providing and fixing structural glazing (hybrid- M.SQ 8,764 556 4,872,784
semi unitised system) stainless steel anodizing
of 15micron thickness semi matt finish main
frame comprising of mullions , transoms, head
and cill section,etc) of size 100x55x2mm
approximate or equivalent designed to withstand
wind pressure upto 180km/hr fixed to RCC slabs
using necessary Aluminium/GI angle cleats for
slots for adjusting plumb fixed to the RCC/steel
member with suitable fasteners, the main
frames verticals to span unsupported length of
maximum 3m to 4m.The glazed panel is to be
made using suitable subframe /glazing section
on which 6mm thick toughened hard coat
reflective glass of approved make all as per
architectural drawing is to be fixed using a
combination of double side cross linked
polythene spacer tape and structural sealent
(GE ultraglaze SSG 4000 or Dow corning
995).The glazed panels after suitable curing in
dust free environment is to be fixed on to the
main frame from the exterior (to enable
replacement of glass in future).The grooves (12
to 16mm) to be closed with weather grade
silicon sealent /EPDM gaskets .The whole
system is to be ensured that corrison resistant
hardware is used .It should be totally weather
proof and permit necessary thermal expansion
and contraction and should be able to withstand
specified wind loads.The rate should include
cost of filler between the floors to have air tight
system. Tenderer shall submit a detailled shop
drawing along with the tender indicating details
of all section weights used in their proposal
other than that specified in the tender.The
design should ensure that no Aluminium frame
is seen from outside all complete as
directed.The tenderer to submit a detailled - - -
fabrication drawing along with the tender.The
tender without the drawing will be invalid.
Tenderer to submit certification from the sealant
manufacturer for the sealant application. door
will be measured under relevant item of work. Page 62 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

101 Providing, fabricating and fixing in position M.SQ 6,472 125 809,000
colour anodized Aluminium ventilators with or
without fixed glazing panels on side or top all as
per Architect's drawings.Fabricated with
Aluminium extruded Indal sections of weight
specified in the drawing including providing and
fixing clear float glass of minimum 5mm
thickness and of approved manufacturer and
fixed with U-type glazing gasket snapon
beadings,etc. including providing necessary
hardwares, locking arrangements etc all
complete as per detailed architectural
drawing.The rate should also includes providing
PU sealent in both inside and outside

- - -
102 Providing,fabricating and fixing in position RM 472 322 151,984
natural anodised subframe made out of Indal
section and the dimensions of the subframe
shall be as per the window,ventilator and door
sizes specified in the drawings.The subframe
shall be placed in the masonry opening and
fastened to plumb and true alignment and
plastered in level with sill sloped for water to
drain off easily. After plaster all civil works
external and internal may be taken up including
a coat of paint and completed. The Aluminium
window outer frame shall be kept ready and
installed to the subframe with self taping screws
GKW make/stainless steel screws.The shutters
with glass shall be fitted within the outer frame
at the appropriate time.

- - -
103 Extra for 8mm thick bisonlam of approved M.SQ 607 37 22,459
pattern instead of glazed panel. Difference in
cost of bison lam and glass to be worked out.

Page 63 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

- - -
104 Providing, fabricating and fixing in position M.SQ 7,045 1,963 13,829,335
colour anodised Aluminium Openable/ fixed
windows with or without fixed glazing panels on
side or top or center all as per architects
drawing fabricated with Aluminium extruded
Indal sections of weight specified in drawing
including providing and fixing 6mm thick
toughened glass whatever required from
approved manufacturer and fixing U type
glazing gasket snapon beading etc including
providing providing all necessary SS friction
hinges of approved make and size,locking
arrangements etc all complete as per detailed
architectural drawing.The entire casement
measured for process of payment.

- -
104.1 Same as above but for aluminum louver M.SQ 8,764 222 1,945,608
- - -
105 Providing and fixing in position colour anodized M.SQ 8,966 10 89,660
Aluminium doors fabricated with Aluminium
extruded Indal/Jindal/Bhoruka sections of weight
specified in the drawing including necessary
holdfasts,all fixtures and fastenings of minimum
5mm thick float/frosted glass at top and 8mm
thick bison lam at bottom fixed with special
gasket felt and Aluminium beading, door closer,
door stopper all as per detailed architectural
drawing.( Measurement will be out to out of
frame.). If partition touching the steel frame, it
shall be provided with polyethylene foam of
2mm thick of required width as bimetal strip.
The rate should also includes providing PU
sealent in both inside and outside.

- - -

Page 64 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

106 Providing and fixing in position colour anodized M.SQ 5,663 - -

Aluminium Partitions fabricated with Aluminium
extruded Indal/Jindal/Bhoruka sections of weight
specified in the drawing including necessary
holdfasts,all fixtures and fastenings of minimum
5mm thick float/frosted glass at top and 8mm
thick bison lam at bottom fixed with special
gasket felt and Aluminium beading, door closer,
door stopper all as per detailed architectural
drawing.( Measurement will be out to out of
frame.). If partition touching the steel frame, it
shall be provided with polyethylene foam of
2mm thick of required width as bimetal strip.
The rate should also includes providing PU
sealent in both inside and outside.

- - -
106.1 Ground floor M.SQ 5,663 385 2,180,255
- - -
107 Supplying and fixing of main door assembly of M.SQ 24,269 5 121,345
overall size as per drawing with Dorma or
equivalent universal patch fittings using 12mm
toughened clear glass of approved make .The
double doors openable in both directions and
mounted on Dorma/equivalent floor spring,PT
10 bottom patch ,PT 20 top patch and PT 41
pivot fittings with fin supports and to support the
side and top panels.The doors will also be
provided with US 10 corner lock with three
keys.Wall connecting profile around fixed
glazing and SS approved handles shall be
provided. Tenderer to include wall connecting
profile wherever required. This is the part of the
structural glazing system.

- - -

Page 65 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

107.1 Same as above but in partition M.SQ 10,786 - -

- - -
108 Providing and fixing toilet cubicle of required EACH 42,455 - -
1500 x 1200 x 2100 mm shown in the drawing
With compressed laminate of approved colour
with necessary accessories by SS,Stainless
Steel Hardwares and SS runners all as per
manufacturer specification. The panel should
include vanitors cabinet. The toilet cubicle shall
be from stelatex or equivalent. The catalogue
has been enclosed for the reference.

- -
Total - ALUMINUM WORK - - 24,022,430
- - -
- -
109 Water proofing in sunken slab as per India M.SQ 391 103 40,273
/South India water proofing or equivalent all as
per manufacturer's specification.
- - -
109.1 In Ground Floor M.SQ 391 686 268,226
- - -
109.2 In First Floor M.SQ 404 686 277,144
- - -
109.3 In Second Floor M.SQ 418 686 286,748
- - -
109.4 In Third Floor M.SQ 431 228 98,268
- - -
109.5 In Fourth Floor M.SQ 445 228 101,460
- - -
109.6 In Sixth Floor M.SQ 445 228 101,460
- - -

Page 66 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

110 Supplying and embedding P.V.C rain water RM 527 403 212,381
pipes of approved quality embedded inside the
RC columns/masonry in position with all
necessary specials like shoes , bends or any
other specials required to suit site conditions
etc., jointed with wavin cement and lubricants
with necessary MS clamps,brackets ,bolts and
nuts all complete as directed. 160mm dia-

- - -
110.1 Same as above but for size 110mm dia RM 407 113 45,991
- - -
111 Prepare surface by removing all base plaster, M.SQ 1,530 2,304 3,525,120
dust and debris construction joints raked,
cleaned and washed and treat the surface with
'SURFACE METHOD' and finally covered with
'SEALPROOF CETPROOF' water proofing
plaster finished smooth with trowel for average
thickness of 115mm as per the specification of
should also provide 10 year performance
guarantee for the above water proofing as per
the format approved by Client/Architect.rate
should include a protective water proof coating
using mesh from Apoorva( clearsil) or Fosroc
(Brushbond with mesh) or equivalent to arrest
shrinkage cracks of the screed and protect
water penetrating the Brick Bat Coba.

- - -
111.1 LMR Terrace M.SQ 1,530 25 38,250
- - -
111.2 In Low Terrace M.SQ 1,530 602 921,060
- - -
111.3 In Terrace M.SQ 1,530 1,946 2,977,380
- - -

Page 67 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

111.4 In Head Room M.SQ 1,530 44 67,320

- - -
111.5 In Roof Terrace M.SQ 1,530 - -
- - -
111.6 In OHT & Head Room Terrace M.SQ 1,530 - -
- - -
112 Structural water proofing basement pit using M.SQ 657 1,090 716,130
penetron admix at the rate of .8%weight of
cement in the concrete includingthe coating over
the concrete surfaces (external and base)and
providing necessary construction joints seal,
water bars etcall as per the manufacturer's
specification.The Tenderer may opt for other
equivalent structural water proofing system all
complete as per the manufacturer's
specification.The Tenderer may opt for other
equivalent structural water proofing system all
complete as per the manufacturer's
specification.Tenderer to ensure very tight
control on this and ensure no water leakage or
seepage.Contractor shall note that there are
steel embeddents/inserts in the concrete and
ensure that there is no water seepage through
this.Rate should also include to protect the
coating as per Manufacturer specification.

- - -

Page 68 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

113 Supply and laying of Vapormat 500 micron thick M.SQ 166 - -
synthetic vapor barrier of HDPE sheet made out
of 100% virgin HDPE(necessary test certificate
to be given) or equivalent in 5to 6 m width and
30 -50 m length as per the product
specification.Vapormat Shall be spread over the
surface with an average overlap of 100mm and
the laps are welded (15mm+20mm+15mm) by
automated hot air fusion wedge welding
machine .After laying the reinforcement
,wherever damages are found ,the damaged
areas shall be repaired by patch welding using
hot air gun before laying the concrete.

- - -
114 Water proofing in basement both raft slab and M.SQ 209 49 10,241
RC walls as per India/South India water proofing
Co'.or equivalent .Rate should include cost of
pessure grouting at 1.5m c/c all complete as
directed.(manufacturer's specifications of water
proofing shall be enclosed along with tender).
The Tenderer should also provide 10 year
performance guarantee for the above water
proofing as per the format approved by

- -
Total - ROOFING - - 9,687,452
- - -
- -
115 Prepare surfaces and plaster with CM 1:3(1 M.SQ 305 1,640 500,200
cement, 3 sand) ,12mm minimum thick (sponge
finish) to ceiling sides and soffit of beams and
columns and other interior and exterior RCC
surfaces not contiguous to masonry.

- - -

Page 69 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

115.1 In Ground Floor M.SQ 305 4,822 1,470,710

- - -
115.2 In First floor M.SQ 318 4,443 1,412,874
- - -
115.3 In Second floor M.SQ 332 3,813 1,265,916
- - -
115.4 In Third floor M.SQ 345 3,163 1,091,235
- - -
115.5 In Fourth Floor M.SQ 359 218 78,262
- - -
115.6 In Fifth / Terrace floor M.SQ 372 283 105,276
- - -
115.6 In Sixth / Terrace floor M.SQ 372 218 81,096
- - -
116 Prepare surfaces and plaster with CM 1:5(1 M.SQ 299 - -
cement, 5 sand) ,12mm minimum thick to all
interior faces of walls (sponge finish) including
RCC surfaces not contiguous to
masonry.Necessary internal grooves of size
10mmx10mm shall be carried out as
shown/directed by engineer-in-charge.

- - -
116.1 In Ground floor M.SQ 299 18,933 5,660,967
- - -
116.2 In First floor M.SQ 306 7,209 2,205,954
- - -
116.3 In Second floor M.SQ 313 5,482 1,715,866
- - -
116.4 In Third floor M.SQ 320 1,739 556,480
- - -
116.5 In Fourth Floor M.SQ 326 286 93,236
- - -
116.6 In Fifth / Terrace floor M.SQ 333 570 189,810
- - -
116 In Sixth / Terrace floor M.SQ 333 286 95,238
- - -

Page 70 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

117 Prepare surfaces and plaster with CM 1:5(1 M.SQ 414 13,399 5,547,186
cement, 5 sand) ,(sponge finish) 12mm
minimum thick to all external faces of brick walls
including RCC surfaces not contiguous to
masonry in all levels.Necessary external
grooves of size 20mmx10mm shall be carried
out as directed/shown by engineer-in-charge.

- - -
118 Exposed aggregate plaster using 4/6/8 mm M.SQ 584 323 188,632
granite aggregate or natural stone chips over
cement paste of 4mm thickness including base
plaster of 12mm thickness minimum. with
cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement,5 sand) .The
granite aggregate should be applied to uniform
texture to the exterior faces of walls in strip
panels or bands with necessary grooves to

- -
Total - PLASTERING - - 22,258,938
- - -
- -
119 Prepare surfaces and apply three coats of white M.SQ 40 55 2,200
wash to ceiling of slabs sides and soffit of
beams etc. at all heights.No extra shall be paid
for sponge finish.
- - -
120 Prepare surfaces and paint with three coats of M.SQ 90 19,483 1,753,470
cement paint of approved colour and
manufacture to all interior and exterior faces of
walls, sunshades, facias, fins, drops etc in all
floors.No extra shall be paid for sponge finish.

- - -

Page 71 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

121 Prepare surfaces and paint two coats of plastic M.SQ 204 24,934 5,086,536
emulsion paint of approved colour over two
coats of Alltek S/R putty and primer all complete
as per manufacturers specifications to all interior
faces of walls in all floors.

- - -
122 Providing and applying Resin Bonded/Ready M.SQ 1,189 9,306 11,064,834
mixed - ready to use granular decorative
textured coating of natural stone finish from
approved manufacturer and of approved shade
and colour. Dry film of the average thickness of
2mm to 2.5mm in single coat on existing plaster
specification: to perfect line level, plumb
including finishing with sharp edge at corners,
niches, sills, turnings etc all complete as per
manufacturers recommendations and
specifications and complete as directed. The
rate should includes base plaster of 12mm
thickness minimum with cement mortar 1:5
(1cement,5 sand)

- - -
123 Prepare surfaces and paint two coats of Sandex M.SQ 113 23,554 2,661,602
matt or 'Apcolite Apex' paint or equivalent over a
coat of primer of approved colour and
manufacturer over approved primer to exterior
faces of walls sunshades,facias,fins,drops,
bands etc all as per detailed manufacturer's
specification at all heights.

- - -

Page 72 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

124 Prepare surfaces and paint with two coats of M.SQ 108 27,561 2,976,588
synthetic enamel paint of approved colour and
manufacture over a coat of approved
anticorrosive primer to iron work at all heights.

- -
Total - PAINTING - - 23,545,230
- - -
- -
125 Cement concrete plinth protection around the M.SQ 1,004 1,666 1,672,664
building formed of plain c.c 1:3:6 (using steel
shuttering moulding) precast slab of size
approximately 45x45x5cm using 12mm to
19mm gauge graded blue granite stone metal
laid over well consolidated quarry dust filling
10cm depth to required level ,grade or slope
pointing the joints neatly with CM 1:3 including
necessary sand/quarry dust filling, earth work
dressing and ramming the bed disposal of earth,
and dressing sides . etc complete as directed.

- - -
126 Providing & fixing precast plain cement concrete RM 534 1,951 1,041,834
1:3:6 kerb stone (using steel shuttering
moulding) of approximate size 45cmx 30cm ,7.5
cm thick using 12mm to 19mm gauge hard blue
granite stone metal at the outer side of plinth
protection including necessary earth
work,disposal of earth , dressing bed with 75mm
thick PCC and providing slopes packing with
cement mortar etc all complete as directed.

- - -

Page 73 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

127 Constructing brick masonry rainwater harvesting EACH 97,724 - -

pit in CM 1:5 with 1000mmx2000mm(internal
clear size), necessary excavation and PCC
1:5:10 mix 100mm thick ,230mm thick brick side
walls in CM 1:5 upto a depth of 650mm
including internal and external plastering of
cement mortor of 1:3, fixing perforated slotted
pipe of 200mm diameter and filling with Pebbles
of approved type of size 63mm to 40mm all
complete as directed all completed as per
standard design drawing/direction of architect/
engineer in charge.

- - -
128 Providing Permanent fire seal using fire - - -
barrier cement mortar in cutouts vertically or
horizontally as per the manufacturer's
specification from Promat/3M or
equivalent.For the cutouts comprises of all
utility lines of various diameters of pipes
,cable trays with cables etc,.For the purpose
of payment the cut out area will be
considered.The Rate shall include the cost of
providing necessary shuttering, insulation
materials, supports, providing and laying
reinforcement, etc and finishing the surface
both top & bottom neatly to receive the
finishing coats of paints. Rate shall include
cost of cutting the sheet or concrete and
making good the surface, all complete as

- - -
128.1 1 Hrs Fire rated M.SQ 16,179 40 647,160
- - -
128.2 2 Hrs Fire rated M.SQ 18,876 40 755,040
- - -

Page 74 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

128.3 3 Hrs Fire rated M.SQ 21,572 30 647,160

- - -
128.4 4 Hrs Fire rated M.SQ 26,965 30 808,950
- - -
129 Providing temporary fire seal using fire - - -
barrier panels in the cutouts vertically or
horizontally as per the manufacturer's
specification from Promat/3M or
equivalent.For the cutouts comprises of all
utility lines of various diameters of pipes
,cable trays with cables etc,.For the purpose
of payment the cut out area will be
considered.The Rate shall include the cost of
providing necessary shuttering, insulation
materials, supports, providing and laying
reinforcement, etc and finishing the surface
both top & bottom neatly to receive the
finishing coats of paints.Rate shall include
cost of cutting the sheet or concrete and
making good the surface, all complete as

- - -
129.1 1 Hrs Fire rated M.SQ 16,179 30 485,370
- - -
129.2 2 Hrs Fire rated M.SQ 18,876 30 566,280
- - -
129.3 3 Hrs Fire rated M.SQ 21,572 30 647,160
- - -
129.4 4 Hrs Fire rated M.SQ 26,965 30 808,950
- - -

Page 75 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

130 Constructing brick masonry manhole in CM 1:5 EACH 21,273 68 1,446,564

with 600mmx600mm(internal clear size) C.I
cover and frame 600mmx 600mm with frame
and cover weighing 50kg , necessary
excavation and foundation concrete 1:4:8 mix
150mm thick ,230mm thick brick side walls in
CM 1:5 inside plastered with cement mortar 1:3
and finished with a floating coat of neat cement
and making channels in CC 1:2:4 neatly finished
complete as per standard design upto a depth
of 2m.

- - -
130.1 Same as above but for size 600x750mm EACH 22,900 63 1,442,700
- - -
130.2 Same as above but for size 750 x 900mm EACH 26,549 43 1,141,607
- - -
130.3 Same as above but for size 900 x 900mm EACH 28,700 41 1,176,700
- - -
131 Providing and fixing 20mm thick expansion pads M.SQ 1,201 232 278,632
from supreme or equivalent between RC
columns or walls/ floors all compete as
directed.Rate shall be inclusive of scaffolding
etc., at all levels.
- - -
132 Providing and fixing 6mm thick expansion pads M.SQ 418 38 15,884
from supreme or equivalent between RC
columns or walls/ floors all compete as
directed.Rate shall be inclusive of scaffolding
etc., at all levels.
- - -

Page 76 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

133 Providing and filling PU sealent or equivalent in - - -

the construction joints in floor by cutting the floor
joint using dimond cutting machine of required
size & depth (1/3 of total thickness), cleaning
the groove completely , affixing masking tape on
both sides of the joints, applying suitable primer
on both the faces of the joint ,cutting and
placing polyethylene debonding tape ,mixing
and applying the suitable sealent to the primed
joints, tooling the sealent followed by a smooth
finish ,removing the masking tape and tooling
the edges all complete as per manufacturer's
specification and Architect's instructions /

- - -
133.1 3mm x 6mm ( expansion Joint) RM 202 - -
- - -
133.2 6mm x 6mm ( expansion Joint) R.M 202 186 37,572
- - -
133.3 20mm x 10mm ( expansion Joint) RM 809 1,152 931,968
- - -
134 Providing and laying RCC hume pipe (NP-2) - - -
with collars ,jointing in CM 1:2 with spun yarn
etc. complete.Rate inclusive of necessary
excavation aligning, curing, refilling,
consolidating etc.complete as directed.
- - -
134.1 300mm Dia. RM 1,320 599 790,680
- - -
134.2 450mm Dia. RM 2,097 360 754,920
- - -
134.3 600mm Dia. RM 2,939 360 1,058,040
- - -
134.4 900mm Dia. RM 5,393 287 1,547,791
- - -

Page 77 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

135 False Ceiling - - -

- - -
135.1 Providing and fixing suspended ceiling system M.SQ 1,944 2,109 4,099,896
using hot dipped galvanized steel section,
exposed surface chemically cleaned,capping
prefinished in backed polyester paint consisting
of Trulok suspension system of silhoutte XL
15mm designer grids of white colour with
necessary main runners, cross 'T' runners and
wall angles, accessories etc. from
Armstrong/AMF or equivalent of NRC 0.5 and
RH 99 all complete as per manufacturer's
specification.The suspension ceiling is filled up
with 15mm thick 'Dune' board/equivalent board
of size 600mmx600mm with spacer panel using
12mm thick gypboard to make up for odd sizes
along pheripery and also in grids all complete as
directed. The rate should include providing
clip/lock pin over the web, of 'T' section over the
Armstrong/equivalent board and additional
material like stiffner ply/equivalent material
required in cutouts for lighting points, AC grills
and diffusers etc to prevent from sag/warping of
tiles.Necessary extra suspenders and frame
shall be provided.The rate should include cost of
providing necessary Aluminum box sections as
approved by architect as a pelmet of shape and
profiles as required all around the perephery of
walls/ partitions all complete as directed.
Measurement will be taken from the inner
dimension of the room for payment. No separate
cost paid for Pelmet profiling.

- - -

Page 78 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

135.2 Providing and fixing in position gypboard M/F M.SQ 1,412 114 160,968
suspended ceiling system along with grid
system consisting of: GRID: (A) GI perimeter
channel fixed all round to the wall / partition by
screws at intervals not more than 600mm. (B)
Intermediary GI channels suspended from
ceiling at not more 1200mm intervals by GI
strap hangers /6mm MS rod in one direction. (C)
GI ceiling sections fixed at right angles to
Intermediary channels at interval not more than
600mm with screws at intervals 300mm
approximately." "CEILING 12.5mm gypboard of
tapered edge fixed to the underside of the
ceiling section using suitable metal screws
taped and filled to give a smooth seamless
surface of absolute level including painting the
surface with coat of gypsum primer with
necessary coat of alltek s/r putty and two coats
of plastic emulsion paint over the primer/Birla
putty or equivalent including providing cutout for
light fittings and AC diffuser etc. with addtional
supports as required, shadow runner at wall
junctions or etc including boxing for pelmets all
complete as directed. If any step up or step
down in the false ceiling, no extra shall be
payable. Integrated support to be included for
grid ceiling and plain ceiling. Rate should also
includes 6 nos of pelmets for providing projector
screen all complete as directed."

- - -

Page 79 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

138 Supplying and fixing of Aluminium composite M.SQ 4,314 1,126 4,857,564
panel of 4mm thick from Alucobond / equivalent
in cladding of approved colour with aluminium
50 x 50 x 1.5mm angles fixed on wall or
structural monitor as required to suit the
elevation with necessary anchor fasteners from
Hilti / Equivalent all complete as directed. The
panel size fabricated with suitable size
aluminium angle fixed with main angle, sealant
(GE ultraglaze SSG 4000 or Dow corning 995)
provided between the joints of the composite
panel as approved by client/architect all
complete as per detailed architectural drawings.
Tenderer to submit certification from the sealant
manufacturer for the sealant application. NOTE:
1) Exposed area of ACP only will be considered
for payment. 2) All groove shall be treated as
shown in drawing 3) Typical drawing showing
details of fixation shall be submitted along with
document 4) Aluminium composite panels shall
be of 4mm thick consiting of two aluminium
cover sheets (0.50mm thick) of peraluman alloy
- 100(AlMgl), EN AW - 5005 A according to EN
485-2 & plastic or high mineral filled core - Top
cover sheets coated with PVDf & reverse side in
mill finish. 5) ACP panel size shown in the
drawing is only indicative and subject to change
and no extra shall be payable on account of
panel size change. 6) Shop drawing shall be
approved by client / architect prior to fabrication
and erection.

- - -

Page 80 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

139 Supplying and pouring non-shrink grout M.CUBE 41,122 43 1,747,685

(Shrinkkomp 40) or equivalent in the foundation
pockets as per manufacturer's specification
including necessary shuttering ,seal
taps,cleaning the debris and mortar etc. all
complete as directed.

- - -
140 Design, Supply and installation of Space Frame M.SQ 10,786 470 5,069,420
Work using Ball and socket methodolgy
including necessary Foundation, column, frame
work , sheeting including necessary specials etc
all complete as per Architectural
drawing.Tenderer to get approval for their

- - -
141 Providing and fixing G.I.C class make Puddle Mt 171,229 1 171,229
flange of required size and all completed as
directed by Client/Architect
- - -
142 Supplying and filling blue metal 40 mm and M.CUBE 3,522 6 21,132
above for transformer foundation all complete as
directed by Client/Architects to the required line
and level.
- - -
143 Providing and fixing view panel with 6mm thick NOS 4,894 4 19,576
clear float glass of size 2215 x 1250mm and
necessary teak wood beadings of required size
including polishing the exposed teak wood
surfaces with two coats of sealer polish and a
spray coat of melamine all complete as directed
and as per detailed architectural drawings ( for
the purpose of payment clear opening size of
glass in the view panel will be measured.)

- - -

Page 81 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

144 Providing and fixing 12 mm thick "Fundermax" M.SQ 13,065 - -

of approved colour, size and pattern , with
structural Aluminium frame work anchored to
the concrete/masonry work as per the
Architectural drawing and direction of Engineer -
in - charge. Aluminium rectangle tube of size
50.8x25.4 x2.41mm (Indal.Section No.9413) as
vertical frame at not more than 1000 mm c/c
and 150 mm wide "Fundermax panel " fixed in
louver pattern with 25 mm overlap.

General Note: The rate shall above include - -

cost of necessary men/women, material,
equipment,testing, loading, transportion,
unloading, finishing as required all complete
as directed

- -
Total - MISCELLANEOUS - - 34,851,096
- -
Total - GENERAL BUILDING WORKS - 1,016,522 1,493,747,704
- -

Page 82 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

1 Supply, Fabrication, Erection, alignment and - -

levels as per approved shop drawing of
structural steel work in built up sections
comprising of ISMB, ISMC, angle, plates and
round bar section etc., Necessary permanent
rivets, bolts, washers and nuts, handling,
straightening, cutting, drilling holes, welding,
shop assembly, transport to erection site,
storing, leading to erection site and apply a coat
of anti corrosive yellow primer paint of approved
make prior to erection. (payment to be made on
the basis of standard section weights for net
weight erected in position excluding permanent/
temporary bolts, rivets etc., Rate should include
the cost of permanent bolts, nuts, and washers
packing plates as required and approved. And
no seperate measurement shall be taken for
payment of permanent bolts, nuts, all types of
washers and packing plates etc.,)

- -
1.1 In Column M.T 110,630 12 1,327,560
- - -
1.2 In lattice & Truss M.T 113,326 28 3,173,128
- - -
1.3 In Rakers M.T 113,326 2 226,652
- - -

Page 83 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

2 Supply, Fabrication, Erection, alignment and - - -

levels as per approved shop drawing of
structural steel work in single section for purlins,
tie runners with sag rods, chequred plate
supports stiffners of gantry girder, walkway,
staircase, ladder, man entry doors, lightening
supports, pipe supports, cable tray and platform,
rain water pipe protections and misc.clamps
comprising of ISMB, ISMC, angle, plates and
round bar section etc., Necessary permanent
rivets, bolts, washers and nuts, handling,
straightening, cutting, drilling holes, welding,
shop assembly, transport to erection site,
storing, leading to erection site and apply a coat
of anti corrosive yellow primer paint of approved
make prior to erection. (payment to be made on
the basis of standard section weights for net
weight erected in position excluding permanent/
temporary bolts, rivets etc., Rate should include
the cost of permanent bolts, nuts, and washers
as required and approved. No measurement
shall be taken for payment of permanent bolts,
nuts, all types of washers and packing plates

- - -
2.1 In Rain Water Supports M.T 110,630 2 221,260
- - -
2.2 In Sag rod M.T 110,630 1 110,630
- - -
2.3 In Tube /Pipe Section M.T 124,382 - -
- - -

Page 84 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

3 Supply, Fabrication, Erection, alignment and M.T 110,630 10 1,106,300

levels as per approved shop drawing of cold
rolled steel sections from approved manufacurer
of required thickness and shape, size for purlins,
cladding, tie beams of built up sections including
necessary cleats, nuts, bolts, predrilled holes
lapping all complete as per drawing. Rate
should include the cost of one shop coat of anti
corrosive yellow primer paint of approved
make.Measurement for nuts,bolts,washers will
not taken and rate for this shall be included in
this item itself.

- - -
4 Supply, Fabrication, Erection and fixing in M.SQ 6,067 64 388,288
position to detail boundry valley/wall gutter
made out of 3mm thick MS sheets bent to shape
as required , joints welded and provided with
15cm collars welded to the gutters at outlet
points to required slopes with all fixing
accessories such as MS flats , holders,bolts,
nuts,etc (painting provided separately.) The
collar area shall recessed(25mm Minimum) for a
suitable size. Minimum length of gutter to be
fabricated at ground shall be 5M and only, at
every 5M overhead welding and jointing of the
gutter is permitted.

- - -

Page 85 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

5 a) Preparing the inner gutter surfaces by M.SQ 1,618 64 103,552

sandblasting(SA21/2) . The gutter surfaces to
be applied epoxy primer coating before lining.
The lining shall be carried out as follows. b)
Filling pits, cracks holes and other irregularities
with isophthalic resin grout. c) Brush coating the
clean metal surface with recommended
isophthalic resin to provide an anchor for the
lining. d) Cut one layer of chopped strand mat of
300 gms/sq.mtr and lay over the isothphalic
resin and roll with a serrated lay-up roller until all
the air bubbles have been removed. Repeat the
second bubble-free layer of 300 gms/sq.mtr as
above. e) Before top coating inspect the lining
for defects such as voids, dry glass or exposed
fiber etc. Using the same technic apply one
layer of surface mat with isophthalic resin.
Finally , when the laminate has dried completely
apply a isophthalic resin top coat for effective
weathering and to prevent air inhabitation all
complete as directed by engineer-in-charge .
For purpose of payment total applied area's
length multiplied by width will be measured.

- - -
6 Supplying and fixing in position to alignments M.T 156,398 1 156,398
and levels foundation and anchor bolts made of
brite bar(Grade EN8) of required length with
anchor plates, nuts,washers,etc in rcc columns
and grouting with non-shrink grout (measured
under relevant item) co-ordinating with general
builders work.

- - -

Page 86 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

7 Prepare surfaces and paint with 2 or more coats M.T 4,719 44 207,636
of synthetic enamel paint of approved make and
shade over a coat of approved anticorrosive
yellow primer on structural steel work at all
heights.The finished surface should show
uniform and uneven coverage of paint shall not
be acceptable.

- - -
8 Supplying and embedding P.V.C rain water R.M 633 38 24,054
pipes of approved quality embedded inside the
RC columns/masonry in position or underside of
truss/lattice, column sides with all necessary
specials like shoes , bends or any other specials
required to suit site conditions etc., jointed with
suitable adhesive and covering the joints using
fibre glass wherever required, the steel collar
and PVC Pipes with necessary MS
clamps,brackets ,bolts and nuts and supports
from Hitech pipe supports all complete as
directed. The rate should including providing
M.S pipe sleeve necessary lugs of required dia
in concrete in the concrete. 160mm dia-

- - -
9 Supply and fixing of Continuous ridge ventilators R.M 24,269 - -
of throat width 600mm, including necessary M.S
channel/angle frames to be fixed and welded
also apply a coat of anti-corrosive yellow primer
to support wind bands, throat flashing, top plate
etc. Rate shall include cost of painting to match
the roof sheeting all complete as directed.

- - -

Page 87 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

10 Supplying,fixing and fabricating as per approved M.T 110,630 300 33,189,000

drawing in single/built up section comprising of
ISMC sections, M.S angles, channels, plates,
ISMC box section etc. including bolts and
nuts,straightening ,cutting,holing,welding,fixing
in position in alignment and levels and painting
with a shop coat of anticorrosive primer all
complte as directed. Rate shall be inclusive of
embedding the members in the
concrete/masonry also wherever required.

- - -
11 Prepare surfaces and paint with two coats of M.T 4,719 300 1,415,700
synthetic enamel paint of approved colour and
manufacture over a coat of approved
anticorrosive primer to iron work at all heights.

- - -
Total - STRUCTURAL STEEL WORK - - 41,650,158
- -
- - -

Page 88 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

1 Supply and Laying in roofing bare GALVALUME M.SQ 742 908 673,736
profiled sheet made out of 0.47mm TCT 550
Mpa cold rolled sheet with hot dip metallic
coating of aluminium zinc alloy 150gms/sqm
having 975/1000mm cover width with 26mm
high crest at 195/200mm c/c in lengths as
approved by Architect also to suit to site
requirements and fixed with necessary suitable
imported galvanized carbon steel self drilling &
self tapping screws of BUILDEX or corroshield
confirming to ASTM 3566-1990 (class- III) of
required diameter and length as approved all
complete with EPDM sealing washers, foam
fillers wherever necessary, butyl sealent at all
side laps, silicon sealent wherever necessary.
Rate should include cost of plastic caps of
approved colour of U.V resistance and button
bolts all as per manufacturer's specification all
complete as approved by the Architect.(Only
laid area without overlapping wil be measured
for payment.)

- - -
1.1 Same as above but for colour coated sheet M.SQ 930 - -
- - -

Page 89 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

2 Providing and fixing 3-4mm thick M.SQ 317 708 224,436

superpolynum(FM/UL certified fire rated) or
equivalent air bubble insulation layer with
double side aluminium foil (min.8micron thick)
confirming to fire class A and to underside of the
sheeting all as per manufacturers specification.
Tenderer to lay the insulation first over the purlin
and fix the sheet over it. The polynum sheets so
laid shall be stretched straight so that ther is no
major sagging between the purlin is noticed all
complete as directed.

- - -
3 "Providing and fixing under deck insulation M.SQ 580 - -
consisting of 50mm thick rock wool of density
48kg/m.cube thick rolls factory laminated with
required Aluminium foils on one side shall be
laid underside the first sheet to match the
existing insulation level and over the existing
weld mesh. The insulation should be so carried
out rockwool on sheet shall be properly placed.

- - -

Page 90 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

4 Supply and Laying in cladding COLOUR M.SQ 822 88 72,336

COATED sheet with guard flim made out of
0.5mm TCT 550MPa cold rolled sheet with hot
dip metallic coating of Aluminium Zinc alloy
150gms/sq.m.The colour shall have a total
coating thickness of 35 microns of an super
Polyester colorbond XRW quality paint system
or equivalent as per AS/NZS-2728:1997
(category 3), comprising of 20 microns exterior
coat on top surface and 5 micron reverse coat
on back surface over 5 micron primer coat on
both surfaces and having 975/1000mm cover
width with 26mm high crest at 195/200mm c/c in
lengths as approved by Architect also to suit to
site requirements and fixed with necessary
suitable imported galvanized carbon steel self
drilling and self tapping screws of BUILDEX or
corroshield confirming to ASTM 3566-1990
(class- III) of required diameter and length as
approved all complete with EPDM sealing
washers, foam fillers wherever necessary, butyl
sealent at all side laps, silicon sealent wherever
necessary.Rate should include cost of plastic
caps of approved colour of U.V resistance Seam
/ button bolts all as per manufacturer's
specification all complete as approved by the
Architect.(Only laid area without overlapping wil
be measured for payment.)

- - -
4.1 Same as item no. 4 but with baregalvalume M.SQ 742 - -
- - -

Page 91 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

5 Same as item no.3 above but with - - -

polycarbonate sheet of 2mm thick
(embossed) in cladding to suit the profile of
the roof sheeting.(Only laid area without
overlapping will be measured for payment.)
all as per architectural drawings.

- - -
5.1 In Roof M.SQ 1,820 85 154,700
- - -
5.2 In Cladding M.SQ 2,090 8 16,720
- - -
6 Same as item no. 4 but in specials of - - -
required size and shape including providing
necessary trimmers, cutting to profile foam
fillers, butyl sealent and silicon sealent
wherever required etc., all as approved by
the Architect.

- - -
6.1 Apron, flashing, barge etc in colour coated sheet M.SQ 553 160 88,480

- - -
6.2 same as above item but in bare galvalume M.SQ 526 34 17,884
- - -

Page 92 of 120
Part B - Civil - Schedule of Quantities

S.No Description Unit Rate Qty Amount

7 Providing , fabricating and fixing in position M.SQ 5,393 - -

colour anodised Aluminium fixed glazing made
all as per Architectural drawing.Fabricated with
Aluminium extruded Indal or Jindal sections of
weight specified in the drawing including
providing and fixing minimum 5mm thick overall
thickness clear float glass of approved
manufacturer and fixing with U type glazing
gasket snapon beading all complete as per
detailed Architectural drawings.

- - -
8 Extra over above item no.7 with sheet louver M.SQ 674 -
instead of glass all complete as per architectural

Total - ROOF SHEETING WORK 1,991 1,248,292

Page 93 of 120
Schedule of Quantities/BOQ

General 1)The scope include

a) Rates shall be on FOR Site basis, including
packing & forwarding, loading, frieght, transit
insurance (covering unloading as well) etc
b) Scope of Installation, Testing and Commissioning
shall also include Unloading, Storage & Handling,
Watch and Ward and handing over along with
necessary documentations

5)In case of any conflict between Technical

Specifications and BOQ, the later shall prevail over
the other.
6)As far as possible vendor should plan for bulk
procurement of the materials so as to place order
directly to primary manufacturers.
7)BOQ shall be followed for method of
measurement. In case BOQ is silent, technical
specification will be referred.
8)Unless otherwise specified, measurement shall be
only for actual laid/installed quantity as per the
approved drawing. Wastages/breakages (if any)
shall not be considered for measurement and
consequent payment.
9)Performance curve of all the pumps shall be
shared alongwith the bid.

1 Excavation in all types of soil for laying pipes up to 300
mm dia. including forming bottom surface to required
level, filling quarry dust/Fine Sand around the pipe in
layers 150mm thick and back filling, watering and
making compaction and disposing off the surplus soil
away from the site as directed by the site engineer
complete. Rate to also include cost of dewatering, if
Mode of Measurement- Measurement and payment
shall be done considering width of pipe/pipes, depth as
per drawing/authorized and acutal laid quantity. No
allowance shall be made for working space and side
slope stabilization.

a) Soft soil & ordinary soil- Upto 1.5 mtr Depth Cum 2500 1088.00
b) Soft soil & ordinary soil- from1.5 mtr to 3 mtr Depth Cum 681 1307.00

2 Supplying, fixing and testing unplasticized PVC SWR

pipes confirming to IS 13592 and fittings shall be as per
IS 14735, type B with rubber ring / Solvent (confirming
to IS 5382) joint inclusive of all necessary specials like
bends, tees, offsets, door bends, junctions, cowls, etc.,
laid below ground / fixed on walls, and in pipe shafts
etc., complete. The rate shall include necessary GI
supports, GI grip bolts, angle brackets, hangers,
supports as with suitable GI U-clamps, bolts, nuts and
washers etc., The clamps shall be painted with two
coats of enamel (approved) paint over a coat of primer
etc., complete. with testing of joints complete. As per
direction of Engineer in Charge.
Mode of measurement-Pipe length shall be measured
along the centre line of the pipe including all fittings
(Tees, bends etc).. Payment shall be made only for
actual laid / installed quantities.

Shaft Piping
a) 75 mm dia RM QRO 462.00
b) 110 mm dia RM QRO 620.00
c) 160 mm dia RM QRO 972.00

Underground Piping
a) 160mm dia RM 1173 1342.00
b) 200mm dia RM 1164 1977.00
c) 250mm dia RM 243 2941.00
d) 300mm dia RM 48 4351.00
3 Supplying, installing, fixing, jointing, testing and
commissioning of approved make Unplastized Polyvinyl
Chloride pipes (uPVC) schedule 40 conforming to
ASTM D 1785. Fittings in schedule 40 up to 50 dia,
fitting in schedule 80 more the 65dia confirming to ASTM
D 1785. The fittings and specials such as tees, elbows,
couplers, reducers etc. with uPVC brass threaded
combination / transition specials such as male adapters
brass threaded (MABT), female adapters brass threaded
(FABT), Brass Tee, Brass elbow etc., where connection
with metal is to be made including necessary drilling
holes, chasing walls and making the same good in
cement mortar 1:1 and restore the same in original
condition neatly as directed by the Engineer in-charge.
Joints to be made with UPVC solvent adhesive up to 2"
dia as per ASTM D-2564 and for system above 2" dia
primer as per ASTM F 656, and solvent adhesive
conforming to ASTM D 2564. The solvent used shall be
of approved make, preferably from the pipe
manufacturer. Rate shall include necessary MS
supports, clamps, hanging rods, Grip bolts t etc.,
complete in all respect. The rate shall include the cost of
galvanized U clamps, bolts & nuts,etc,complete Note:
For Sewage water Pumping.
Mode of measurement-Pipe length shall be measured
along the centre line of the pipe including all fittings
(Tees, bends etc).. Payment shall be made only for
actual laid / installed quantities.

a) 100mm dia RM 1335 1059.00

b) 65mm dia RM 18 621.00

4 Supply of materials and construction of inspection

chamber as per IS 1742 with 230 mm best quality
approved Fly-ash cement brick in CM 1:2 over a bed of
150mm thick PCC 1:4:8, The internal & External walls to
be plastered with min 15mm thick within CM 1:3 with
water proofing compound and finished with a coat of
neat cement. The benching and channeling in PCC 1:2:4
and plastered with cement mortar of 1:2, supplying and
fixing PVC rungs as per drawing for 'maintenance and
Supplying and fixing of heavy duty DI frame and cover of
weight not less than 110 Kgs of required size 600 x 600.
The quoted rate shall also include necessary excavation
and back filling, 100 mm thick RCC M25 grade pre cast
cover slab with Reinforcement as per drawing etc.,

a) 600mm x 600mm  up to 1000mm deep Nos. 57 21498.00

b) 900mm x 900mm x 1500mm deep Nos. 20 32975.00
5 Supply of materials and construction of Circular manhole
as per IS 1742 with best quality, approved Fly-ash
cement brick in CM 1:2, over a bed of 300mm thick PCC
1:4:8, both internal and external walls to be plastered
with min 15mm thick within CM 1:4 with water proofing
compound and finished with a coat of neat cement. The
benching and channeling in PCC 1:2:4 and plastered
with a coat of neat cement, supplying and fixing PVC
rungs as per drawing for 'maintenance. The manhole
shall be provided with heavy duty DI frame and cover of
weight not less than 110 Kgs. circular 600mm dia. clear
opening etc., complete. The quoted rate shall also
include necessary excavation and back filling etc.,

a) 1200mm dia upto 1.5m Depth Nos. 32 33750.00

b) 1200mm dia upto 3.0m Depth Nos. 16 56494.00
6 Laying, jointing and testing socketed and spigotted RCC
pipes (NP3 class) conforming to IS : 458 collars jointed
with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of
1:1 (1 cement : 1 fine sand) laid to correct levels below
ground in trenches up to average 2.50m depth including
excavation in all kinds of soil, dewatering, refilling,
watering, ramming and removing the surplus excavated
material and making good the same complete as
required. Cost shall be inclusive of providing protection
to pipe all round / haunches as per specification.
Mode of measurement- Only actual laid quantity as per
approved drawing shall be considered for measurement
and payment purpose

a) 300mm dia RM 219 948.00

7 Drainage pipe encasement Application: Drainage pipes, Cum 10 9122.00

Types of Encasement : PCC, Ratio of Encasement :
1:2:4 ,Thickness of the Encasement : 100mm around
the pipe, Installation: As per the specification. 50
to160mm dia

PART A - Total Carried Over to Summary


1 Supplying, installing, fixing, jointing, testing and
commissioning of approved make Chlorinated Polyvinyl
Chloride pipes (CPVC) of Schedule 80 with schedule 80
fittings as per ASTM F 439. The fittings and specials
such as tees, elbows, couplers, reducers etc. with CPVC
brass threaded combination / transition specials such as
male adapters brass threaded (MABT), female adapter
brass threaded (FABT), Brass Tee, Brass elbow etc.,
where connection with metal is to be made, including
necessary drilling holes, chasing walls and making the
same good in cement mortar 1:1 and restore the same
in original condition neatly as directed by the Engineer
in-charge. Joints to be made with two-step solvent
adhesive to be used. Primer conforming to ASTM F
656, and solvent adhesive conforming to ASTM F 493.
The solvent used shall be of approved make as
recommended by the pipe manufacturer. Rate shall
include necessary MS supports, clamps, hanging rods,
Grip bolts etc., complete in all respect. The rate shall
include the cost of galvanized U clamps, bolts &
nuts,supports etc., (For domestic water supply).
Mode of measurement-Pipe length shall be measured
along the centre line of the pipe including all fittings
(Tees, bends etc).. Payment shall be made only for
actual laid / installed quantities.

a) 20mm dia - SDR 11 RM QRO 339
b) 25 mm dia - SDR 11 RM QRO 407
c) 40 mm dia - SDR 11 RM QRO 594
d) 50mm dia - SDR 11 RM QRO 858

a) 25 mm dia - SDR 11 RM 110 361
b) 40 mm dia - SDR 11 RM 755 540
c) 50mm dia - SDR 11 RM 70 780
d) 65mm dia - SCH 80 RM QRO 1552
e) 80 mm dia - SCH 80 RM 822 1661
f) 100 mm dia - SCH 80 RM 1906 2879
g) 150mm dia -- SCH 80 RM QRO 3971

2 Providing and fixing cast iron lever operated slim seal

type PN 16 butterfly valves of CI body conforming to IS
778 with nitrile rubber seal, including bolt nuts, and
Neoprene rubber gaskets etc., Complete
a) 50mm dia Nos. QRO 1788
b) 40mm dia Nos. QRO 1513

a) 150mm dia Nos. 10 4042
b) 80mm dia Nos. 3 2406
c) 65mm dia Nos. 3 1894
d) 50mm dia Nos. 20 1626
e) 40mm dia Nos. 24 1376

3 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning

approved make GM ball valves PN 25 conforming to IS
778 : 1984 with unions etc., complete.
a) 20mm dia Nos. QRO 828
b) 25mm dia Nos. QRO 1168
c) 32mm dia Nos. QRO 1455

a) 25mm dia Nos. 4 1062

4 Supplying & fixing brass auto air vent for water supply
risers, suitable for pressure not less than 15 Kg/Sq.cm.

25 mm dia Nos. 15 1017

5 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning

approved make conventional Water Meter (Bulk Type)
conforming to IS 2373 and with necessary unions for
fixing on the inlet main as shown on the drawing, etc.,
'complete with necessary gate valve,NRV, strainers, by-
pass line with gate valves union etc., complete. (3 gate
valves, 1 strainer & 1 check valve)

a) 100 mm dia No. QRO 42821

b) 80mm dia No. QRO 34784
c) 65mm dia No. 5 24080
d) 50mm dia No. QRO 20391

Alternate option for above item

5.1 Providing, fixing , testing and commissioning of digital
water meter of IP67 protection class. The meter shall
comply to ISO 4064 standard, feasible for class B or
Class A installation, shall be compatible to modbus RTU,
Master / Slave, RS485.
a) 100 mm dia No. QRO 80644
b) 80mm dia No. QRO 75017
c) 65mm dia No. QRO 74444
d) 50mm dia No. QRO 73332
6 Supplying, installing and commissioning approved make
CI 'Y' type strainer with flanged end with necessary nuts
and bolts, neoprene rubber gaskets, flanges, etc..,
a) 150 mm dia No. 5 7828

7 Supplying, installing, fixing, jointing, testing and

commissioning of approved make Unplastized Polyvinyl
Chloride pipes (uPVC) schedule 80 conforming to
ASTM D 2467. Fittings in schedule 80 confirming to
ASTM D 2467. The fittings and specials such as tees,
elbows, couplers, reducers etc. with uPVC brass
threaded combination / transition specials such as male
adapters brass threaded (MABT), female adapters brass
threaded (FABT), Brass Tee, Brass elbow etc., where
connection with metal is to be made including necessary
drilling holes, chasing walls and making the same good
in cement mortar 1:1 and restore the same in original
condition neatly as directed by the Engineer in-charge.
Joints to be made with UPVC solvent adhesive up to 2"
dia as per ASTM D-2564 and for system above 2" dia
primer as per ASTM F 656, and solvent adhesive
conforming to ASTM D 2564. The solvent used shall be
of approved make, preferably from the pipe
manufacturer. Rate shall include necessary MS
supports, clamps, hanging rods, Grip bolts t etc.,
complete in all respect. The rate shall include the cost of
galvanized U clamps, bolts & nuts,supports etc.,. (For
flushing water supply).
Mode of measurement-Pipe length shall be measured
along the centre line of the pipe including all fittings
(Tees, bends etc).. Payment shall be made only for
actual laid / installed quantities.

a) 25 mm dia RM 110 299

b) 40 mm dia RM 755 466
c) 50 mm dia RM 70 627
d) 65 mm dia RM 52 657
e) 80 mm dia RM 1334 848
f) 100 mm dia RM 1216 1189
8 Laying, jointing and testing socketed and spigotted RCC
pipes (NP3 class) conforming to IS : 458 collars jointed
with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of
1:1 (1 cement : 1 fine sand) laid to correct levels below
ground in trenches up to 2.50m depth including
excavation in all kinds of soil, dewatering, refilling,
watering, ramming and removing the surplus excavated
material and making good the same complete as
required. Cost shall be inclusive of providing protection
to pipe all round / haunches as per specification.
Mode of measurement- Only actual laid quantity as per
approved drawings shall be considered for
measurement and payment purpose.

a) 300mm dia RM 106 948

9 Supply of materials & constructing 230mm thick Fly-ash

brick masonry chamber (for valves, Meters etc.) in CM
1:4 over a bed of 150mm thick PCC 1:4:8, The internal
& External walls to be plastered with min 15mm thick
within CM 1:3 and finished with a coat of neat cement.
The benching and channeling in PCC 1:2:4 and
plastered with cement mortar of 1:2, supplying and fixing
PVC rungs as per drawing for 'maintenance with heavy
duty DI manhole cover and frame. Including excavation,
dewatering, 100 mm htick RCC M25 grade cover slab
with Reinforcement as per drawing, refilling, watering,
ramming and removing the surplus excavated material
complete as required. (All sizes are clear internal sizes).

a) 450mm X 450mm up to 600mm depth (450 x 450mm Nos. 5 12547

Cover with Frame)
b) 600mm X 600mm up to 1000mm depth (600 x 600mm Nos. 26 21225
cover with frame)
c) 1200mm X 450mm up to 600mm depth (2 Nos of 600 x Nos. 5 24200
450mm cover with frame)

10 Supplying, installing and testing of 150 mm dia (GI B 255416

Class) tanker browser connection system near tank
location. This includes 150 dia standpost, non return
valve, Strainer, Butterfly Valve & instantaneous brass
coupler, etc., complete, the cost should include the
online booster pump of capacity 3LPS @ 20m
head(1Working + 1Standby), cabling, stater Panel
(indoor type) with push buttons, Complete
L.S 1
11 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning Nos 2 13554
approved make water level controllers for the RAW and
treated water tanks. Cost is including 1.5 sqmm X 3
core unarmoured Copper PVC FRLS cable in 20mm dia
PVC conduits (1 set =1 no. high level, 1 No middle level
& 1 no. of low level cable )

12 Supply of Effective capacity of Zincalume Tank

manufactured to International Quality Standards (AS
2304-2011 and AS/NZS 1170 - 2007) MOC shall be of
TATA BlueScope/JSW Zincalume Corrugated Wall 
Tanks with following included: -
a) Heavy duty corrugated Trapezoidal Galvalume dome
roof with HDG roof trusses and lockable access hatch,

b) Special quality Dust cum Vermin proof tape between the

roof and tank wall,
c) One 50mm scour drain assembly through floor of tank,

d) One 150mm bell mouth over flow with assembly,

e) M 12 HDG nuts and bolts covered internally with re-
inforced tape,
f) Special quality Mechanical Anchor Fasteners,
g) One common external/internal ladder - hot dipped
h) INFINITY liner manufactured , re-inforced PE liner with
METALLOCENE contact layer. ANSI/NSF - 61 certified,

i) Supply of External Float and board type Level indicator,

j) One special quality 400gsm Geosynthetic fabric on the

base of the tank below the liner,
k) All fitting and associated pipe work to be manufactured,
Flanges to be A/S 2129 Table E and terminate 200mm
from tank wall.
l) Cost to be included with one interconnection between
two tanks and 2/3 nozzles for each tank of 250mm size.

m) All related civil works for foundation shall be included in

the given offer.
n) Any other required item to complete the above given
scope for the fire water tank shall be included in the
given offer.
o) Level Indicator

p) 240 KL (Size - 2.77m dia x 4.00m Height) Nos 2 294775

PART B - Total Carried Over to Summary


1 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

submersible cutter pumps, connected to TEFC
submersible motor for 415 + 10% volts, 3 phase, 50
cycles A.C. power supply with mechanical seal, pump
connector unit with rubber diaphragm and bend, vertical
discharge pipe, in built level controller with operational
mode as one pump working at low level, both pumps at
high level with a hooter alarm and cut off at dry level as
determined. The pump shall be provided with a lifting
devise of pull chain/guide rail, 15 m cable etc. as per
requirement complete in all respects. (Pumps shall be
installed in a set of two pumps One working and One
standby, with cascade operation). The cost for electrical
panel(indoor & Outdoor as specified below) shall also be
included in the quoted price

Electrical Starter panels complete with O/L Relay with

Single phasing preventer feature, earth leakage relay,
ON-OFF and Trip Indicating lamps, interlocking, level
controller with operational mode as one pump working at
low level, both pumps at high level with a hooter alarm
and cut off at dry level, cascade operation, working /
standby selection, etc. suitable for the motor H.P. as
specified below and with provision for remote P.B. on/off
complete as required.

Set of accessories such as G.I headers for suction and

discharge, control valves, non return valves, pressure
gauge, flow meters, inter connecting power and control
cabling etc. complete shall be included in the offer

(Pumps with grinder system and suitable to handle

solids of minimum 50 mm size with C.I. Body S.S. Shaft,
CI Impeller with 15 mtr. Cable, double mechanical seal).

1.1 Flow Rate : 6.0 lps (Outdoor Panel)

Head : 25m
Location : Inside the Sewage suction well 01
Total No. of pumps : 2 (1 working + 1 standby) Set 1 521888

1.2 Flow Rate : 8.5 lps (Indoor Panel)

Head : 25m
Location : Inside the Sewage suction well 02
Total No. of pumps : 2 (1 working + 1 standby) Set 1 744289
2 Design, engineer, procure, supply, test and commission
a pre-engineered, factory fabricated, assembled &
tested, fully integrated, highly efficient pump, IE3
motors, skid mounted, complete ready-to-connect
packaged variable speed water pressure booster station.
The packaged variable speed water pressure booster
station shall be complete with vertical multi stage
centrifugal pumps connected in parallel, high efficiency
IE 3 motors, an air-cooled external dedicated variable
frequency drive for each pump, intelligent multi-pump
controller, the controller shall be mounted in a control
cabinet with an IP 41 enclosure of suitable rating; hot
Dipped Galvanized suction and delivery manifolds;
isolation ball valves on suction and discharge of each
pump; non return valve on discharge side of each pump;
hot dip galvanized common base frame;  and diaphragm
pressure vessel PN16

Pump Head - Cast Iron
Pump Base- Cast Iron
Impeller-SS 304
Chamber-SS 304
Motor stool-Cast Iron
Shaft seal Cartridge type(SiC/Carbon)
Rubber parts-EPDM

Efficiency class-IE3
Insulation class-F
Enclosure class-IP 55
Supply Frequency-50Hz
Supply voltage-3X380-415V
Built in Thermistor-PTC

Control Panel
Enclosure class-IP 41

A dedicated intelligent multi-pump logic controller for
control and monitoring of pumps shall be from the pump
manufacturer with easy interface graphical 320 X
240Pixels colour display unit with key function.
controller should able to monitor multiple operating
parameters (flow, inlet pressure, outlet pressure, instant
flow estimation, cumulative flow and speed etc.) to
calculate best operating algorithm to pump sequence
optimally. Mentioned features should be available,
automatic pump alternations for run time equalization,
Programmable number of starts/stops per hour to
prevent pump hunting, Stand by pump selection, pump
test run, Friction Loss Compensation, Redundant
primary sensor for pressure monitoring, soft pressure
built-up, log graph display for key parameters, Clock
program for multiple set point for scheduled system
operation. Multi pump controller should have on-board
Ethernet facility for BMS.

Pressure Transmitter (based on system design 0

Pressure Gauge - 0-16bar 0
Suction & Delivery Manifolds - Hot Dip Galvanized 0
Pressure tank capacity: (as per manufacturer 0
recommendation) Note: Back up calculation need to be
provided for the same. A pre-charged Carbon Steel body
diaphragm tank shall be fitted to the discharge pipe with
a compatible Butyl-rubber diaphragm. It shall supply
water a very low flows to minimize frequent pump start
and stop and water hammering. There shall be
complete separation between water and air and
there should be no contact between water and tank
compounds to avoid corrosion. Bladders shall be
suitable for sufficient elasticity to permit full
expansion inside the tank to ensure better
performance and longer working life.
Pressure tank capacity: (as per manufacturer
recommendation) Note: Back up calculation need to be
provided for the same. A pre-charged Carbon Steel body
diaphragm tank shall be fitted to the discharge pipe with
a compatible Butyl-rubber diaphragm. It shall supply
water a very low flows to minimize frequent pump start
and stop and water hammering. There shall be
complete separation between water and air and
there should be no contact between water and tank
compounds to avoid corrosion. Bladders shall be
suitable for sufficient elasticity to permit full
expansion inside the tank to ensure better
performance and longer working life.

2.1 For Domestic Water Supply System

Total system flow: 17 lps
Each main pump flow capacity: 8.5lps & Jockey Pump 2
Total Head: 45m
Total no of pump: 4 (2 Working + 1 Standby + 1 Jockey ) Set 1 1340526

2.2 For Flushing Water Supply System

Total system flow: 13 lps
Each main pump flow capacity: 6.5lps & Jockey Pump
1.5 lps
Total Head: 40m
Total no of pump: 4 (2 Working + 1 Standby + 1 Jockey ) Set 1 1141687

PART C - Total Carried Over to Summary

0.00 TDS







To check



Approved To verify








To check





255416.00 Panel,
27108.00 Pending







7-Feb 24-Dec

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