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Materiaal Metingen Testgroep NDO


Niet Destructief Onderzoek Non Destructive Examination


Title of document

Procedure number

Issued by

: Procedure for the ultrasonic examination of welds

,MM 41100 E

: MM-Testgroep

Procedure based upon

: ASME SPV Code, Section VIII Div, 1 " Edition 2007 Incl, A 08

This document consist of this front page and 16 pages


Rev. 11 Made by

G.,c, van der Stoep

Title Procedure te ician Level III

A.I, de Roode



Approved by

Accepted by client Certified to ASME V T150


Date of issue! Stamp! Signature


Procedure released

Only green stamped procedures with "Date of release" dated and signed by the manager shall be used, No part of this document may be reproduced or copied in any form without the permission of MMT. Front page of this document issued by MME has been provided with the MME-emblem in color print

Materiaal Metingen Testgmep


Proc.nr.: MM 41100 E Revision: 11

NDO - Procedure

MM 41100 E

Ultrasonic examination of welds ecc, to ASME SPV Code, Section VIII Dlv. 1





0" Contents j Used documents for this procedure

L Scope

2" Competency examiner

.3, Method of examination

4" Extent and moment of examination

5" Equipment

6" Couplant

7" Checks prior to examination

S" Calibration blocks

g" Selection of reference block

10, Instrument adjustment

11. Execution

12, Accepta nce criteria

13, Reportable indications

14 Repairs

15" Report

16" Filling

17, Attachments 1 u/i 5

Used documents for this procedure.

L 2" 3" 4,

5, 6,

7" 8" g,

ASME SPV Code, Section VIII Div. 1/2007 Incl. A 08.<'" I . ASME SPV Code, Section V 2007 Incl. A OS'>· , I MM 00001 E

K-Proc, MM 00091 E WVS: MM 00410

ISO 2400 (EN 12223) ISO 7963 (EN 27963)

ASTN Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1Aj2001j2006 EN 473

MM 41100 E


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Materiaal Metingen Testgroep

Proc.nr : MM 41100 E Revision: 11


Procedure for the ultrasonic examination of welds in ferritisch materials, in accordance with ASME SPV Code, Section VIII Div 1, minimum wall thickness is 8 mm


1.2 This procedure describes the detection, location and evaluation of ultrasonic reflectors within weld, heat affected zone and adjacent material,

2" Competency examiner

This procedure shall be used by personnel qualified according to EN 473 and/or SNT-TC-1A level UT-II and certified according to K-Proc MM 00091 E, which is in accordance with the ASNT Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A /2001 / 2006"

Ultrasonic examination may be performed by Level UT-I personnel in accordance with a detailed work

instruction prepared by a level UT-II or III examiner, i{

SKO and peN qualifications are in accordance with EN 473,

3" Method of examination

Manually, with direct contact coupling, using the pulse-echo method"

4" Extent and moment of examination

The extend moment of examination shall be indicated on the clients request (form), Client shall also mention the acceptance criteria"




krautkramer type: USM 25/35 USL 31/32, USK 7, USD 58 or USIP 11,

Sonatest Sitescan type: 110/130/140/230/240/330.

All equipment used for this procedure shall be provided with a sticker indicating the calibration date according to MM 00001 E

Equipment without a sticker or invalid dated is prohibited to use,


Search units

The nominal frequencies for probes are 2 or 4 MHz higher frequencies may be used for a better resolution,

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Materiaal Metingen Testgroep


Proc.nr.: MM 41100 E Revision: 11

5.2,1 Straight beam Search units

Select from table 5.21,

Table 5.2.1


type Crystal dimensions Frequency
MB2S - N 1jl10mm 2 MHz
B2S - N ~ 24 mm 2 MHz
MB4S - N ~ lOmm 4 MHz
B4S - N ~24 mm 4 MHz or equivalent

5.2.2 Angle beam Search Units

Select from table 5,22.,

Table 5.2.2


type Crystal dimensions Frequency Angle
WB 45 - N2 20 x 22 mm 2 MHz 45°
MWB 45 - N4 8x9mm 4 MHz 45°
WB 60 - N2 20 x 22 mm 2 MHz 600
MWB 60 - N4 8x9mm 4 MHz 60°
WB 70 - N2 20 x 22 mm 2 MHz 700
MWB 70 - N4 8x9 mm 4 MHz 700 or equivalent

53 Probe control

Check the angle probes for entry point and angle of incidence and check the resolution of the straight beam probe on the K1-block" (see attachment L Fig,. L

6, Couplant

A suitable couplant such as oil, water or water based couplant or Krautkramer ZG 5 shall be used, During examination the same couplant shall be used as during calibration,

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Materiaal Metingen Testgroep

Proc.nr: MM 41100 E Revision: 11

7.. Checks prior to examination

7.1 Identification

The NDE-examiner compares the identification data on the request (form) with those on the part to be examined.

If the data is identical the examination will be carried out in accordance with this procedure, if not, corrective action shall be taken by the client prior to examination.

7..2 Surface condition

7 . .2..1 Contact surface

The contact surface on each side of the weld shall be free of weld spatter, surface irregularities or foreign matter that might interfere with the examination. Surface temperature shall be below 40°C

7 . .2.,2 Weld surface

Where the weld surface interferes with the examination, the weld surface shall be prepared as needed to avoid misinterpretation, this after consultation with the client,

8. Calibration blocks

8,,1 Standard calibration blocks

For adjusting the sweep range and for the simulator check, the standard calibration blocks K1 and K2 shall be used according to ISO 2400 (EN 12223) /ISO 7963 (27963)',

8.2 ASME Reference blocks

Blocks with side drilled holes essential parallel to the examination surface shall be used for reference" These reflectors shall be used to establish a distance amplitude correction (DAC) as reference level,

8..3 Material reference blocks

The material of the reference blocks shall have a similar metallurgical structure and the same or equivalent P-number as the material to be examined.

For the purposes of this procedure the P-number 1, 3, 4 and 5 are considered equivalent. (ASME SPV Code Section V art, T 434 . .1.2)

Reference block shall be tested and checked according to WVS MM : 00410"

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Materiaal Metingen Testgroep


Proc.nr.: MM 41100 E Revision: 11

84 Dimensions and shape reference blocks

The dimensions of the reference blocks diameters, location and depth of the drilled calibration holes are described in WVS MM 00410, and in attachment 2" Fig" 2"

9., Selection of reference blocks

9,,1 General

The surface condition of the reference block shall have a similar condition as the scanning surface of the object to be examined,

If these surfaces are not similar, the object surface within the scanning area may be dressed or the transfer correction shall be determined in accordance with art. lOS,

9,,2 Flat reference blocks

Flat reference blocks shall be used on flat surfaces, selected according to table on attachment 2"

93 Examination of curved objects with diameters < 500 mm

Examination of curved objects with diameters < 500 mm is no part of this procedure only on request of the client a separate project procedure shall be made, which shall mentioned the use and dimensions of curved reference blocks (blocks shall be made by the client)"

94 Unequal base material thickness

Where two or more base material thicknesses are involved, the reference block thickness shall be determined by the average thickness of the weld"

10, Instrument adjustment

10,,1 Sweep length

The sweep length shall be adjusted with the reflections from the K1 and K2 standard blocks,

The sweep length shall be at least one V-path for each type of angle probe and at least 2t for the straight beam,

10..2 Distance Amplitude Correction (DAC)

Compensation for material attenuation and beam spread shall be provided by the use of DAC curves"

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Materiaal Metingen Testgroep

Proc.nr.: MM 41100 E Revision: 11

10..3 DAC construction, straight beam (only for examination of welds)

The DAC shall be constructed using the reflections of the three side drilled holes in the applicable reference block, as follows, (see attachment 3) Fig" 3,

a, Position the search unit for maximum response from the hole which gives the highest amplitude,

b. Adjust gain control to provide an amplitude of 80% (within +/5%) of full screen height and mark the peak on the screen,

c. Position the search unit for maximum response from the other two holes and mark the peaks on the screen"

d. Connect these three marks with a line covering the examination range,

e, This line is the reference level (100% DAC)"

10.4 DAC construction, angle beam

The DAC shall be constructed using the reflections of the three side drilled holes in the applicable reference block, as follows (see attachment 4)., Fig" 4"

a, Position the angle search unit for maximum response from the hole which gives the highest amplitude,

b. Adjust gain control to provide an amplitude of 80% (within +/-5%) of full screen height and mark the peak on the screen" This is the primary response,

c. Position the angle search unit for maximum response from the other two holes, and mark these peaks on the screen,

d" Connect the three screen marks, This line is the reference level (100% DAC)"

NB.: e uji 9 is not required, only if it is possible (not always possible due to beam spread).

e, If the amplitude of the first response of the 3/4 hole below the 30% of full screen, raise the gain setting by 6 dB and marked the response,

f. Position the angel probe now for maximum response on the 3/4 t hole using the bottom of the calibration block pas D, if necessary do the same on the 1/2 hole (pas E),

g, Connect these two or three marks also" This line is called the raised DAC (100% + 6dB).,

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Materiaal Metingen Testgroep


Proc.nr.: MM 41100 E Revision: 11

10.5 Transfer mechanism

Basically the surface condition of the part to be examined and the reference block should be equal, If not the difference in coupling shall be determined by using the transfer correction as follows"

a" Position two identical angle probes! one transmitting, and one receiving, in full skip ( half skip is permitted if sound path> 50 mm ) on the reference block for maximum response of transmission amplitude and bring this amplitude to the DAC-line,

Read the dB setting,

b. Accomplish the same action on the scanning surface of the object, and raise the amplitude by using to the dB setting to the DAC-line"

The difference between the dB setting of a, and b. is the transfer correction"

c. The primary response (see lOA b) is now raised or lowered by the transfer correction"

d The reference level (100% DAC) is now called the corrected reference level,

10,,6 Simulator Check

After the DAC has been constructed as described in paragraph lOA the sensitivity setting of the primary response shall be checked against the response of the quadrant of standard block K1 or K2,

The relation in dB between primary response and standard block K1 or K2 is used for calibration confirmation,

This shall be checked every 3 months, or after repair or change of any part of the equipment.

10..7 Calibration check

If a part of the equipment is changed or a cable or a probe is replaced or a probe is re-shoed, the whole system shall be re-checked for sweep length, dB-setting and DAC

10..7,1 Recalibration

At the end of each examination or at least every four hours the calibration shall be checked using the ASME blocks or the simulator check and the standard calibration blocks for the sweep length"

10.7 ,2 Distance Amplitude Correction

If a point on the DAC-curve has increased 20% or more than 2 dB of its amplitude! all recorded indications since the last check shall be reexamined with the corrected calibration and their values shall be changed on the data sheets,

If a point on the distance amplitude curve has decreased 20% or 2 dB of its amplitude, all data sheets since the last calibration check shall be marked void"

A new calibration shall be made and the areas covered by the void data shall be reexamined,

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Materiaal Metingen Testgroep

Proc.nr.: MM 41100 E Revision: 11

10,7.3 Sweep range

If a point on the DAC-curve has moved on the sweep line more than 10% of the sweep reading or 5% of full sweeps, whichever is greater, all recorded data since the last valid calibration shall be reexamined and if necessary corrected"

1 L Execution

lLl Extent of scanning

Wherever feasible, the scanning of the examination volume shall be carried out from both sides of the weld on the same surface,

Where configuration or adjacent parts of the component are such that scanning from both sides is not feasible, this fact shall be included in the report of examination,

The used direction of examination shall be reported by drawing"

11.2 Selection of angle beam

11.2,,1 General

The angle selection depends on the configuration of the weld being examined"

11.2.2 Selection of angle beam

Recommended for the examination of welds:

Wall thlckness > 8 mm t s 15 mm 700 4 MHz

Wall thickness> 15 mm t s 40 mm 45° - 60° and/or 700 2 or 4 MHz Wall thickness> 40 mm 450 - 60° and/or 700 2 MHz

Other frequencies and/or angle or straight beam probes may be used for better penetration or better resolution"

11 ,3 Rate of search unit movement

The rate of search unit movement shall not exceed 150 mm/s

114 Examination coverage

Each pass of the search unit shall overlap a minimum of 10% of the transducer (piezo-electric element) dimensions perpendicular to the direction of the scan,

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Proc.nr.: MM 41100 E Revision: 11

11..5 Base material

Prior to the initial angle beam examination, the base material through which the angle beam will travel shall be scanned with a straight beam to detect laminar reflectors which might affect the interpretation of angle beam results"

Locations and areas of such reflectors shall be reported, however detection of these reflection is not a base for rejection of the base material"

11..6 Examination sensitivity

The scanning shall be performed at a gain setting on at least two times (+ 6dB) the (corrected) primary reference level"

Indications shall be performed with respect to the (corrected) primary reference level,

11..7 Detection of reflectors parallel to the weld

The angle beam shall be directed at approximately right angles to the weld axis from two directions where possible" The search unit shall be manipulated so that the ultrasonic energy passes through the required volume of weld and adjacent base metal, (See attachment 5 fig" 5 pos 1 and 2 or fig,,6 pas 1 and 7)

11,8 Detection of reflectors transverse to the weld

The angle beam shall be directed essentially parallel to the weld axis"

The search unit shall be manipulated so that the angle beam passes through the required volumes of weld and adjacent base metal" The search unit shall be rotated about 180° and the examination repeated"

(see attachment 5 fig" 5 pos 5 uti 8)"

If the weld surface has been made sufficiently smooth, the search unit may be placed on the centerline of the weld and the beam directed along the weld, to scan the entire weld and adjacent base metal, The search unit shall be rotated 1800 and the examination repeated,

(see attachment 5 fig., 5 pos 3 and 4)

11 ,9 Evaluation of indications

All imperfections shall be evaluated with respect to the (corrected) reference level (100% DAC)"

All imperfections which produce amplitudes greater than 20% of the (corrected) reference level shall be investigated to the extent that the shape, identity and location of such imperfections can be determined and evaluated in terms of the acceptance standard given in paragraph 12,

lL9,1 Length of an imperfection

The length of an imperfection shall be determined by moving the probe parallel to the weld and mark the points where the echo height has fallen to 50% DAC for non planar defects or to 20 % DAC for planar defects

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Materiaal Metingen Testgmep

Proc.nr .. : MM 41100 E Revision: 11

12. Acceptance criteria

According to ASME BPV Code, Section VIII Div .. 1 appendix 12, It

Unacceptable are:

a. Cracks, lack of fusion, or incomplete penetration regardless of length.

b. Other imperfections if their amplitude exceeds the (corrected) reference level and their lengths exceeds following:

6 mm for t up to 19 mm

1/3 t for t from 19 mm to 57 mm 19 mm for t over 57 mm

Where t is the thickness of the weld being examined.

If two thicknesses are involved, t is the thinner of these two thicknesses.

13., Reportable indications

a, All unacceptable indications, according to par, 12,

b All indications detected with a straight beam probe according to par, 11S.

c. All reflections> 50% DAC (corrected).

14, Repairs

This record shall locate each area, the response level in % DAC, the dimensions, the depth below the surface and classification ..

Repaired areas will be reexamined using the original technique as with the first examination, The repaired areas shall be recorded by drawing or other means,

15, Report

All significant examination data shall be recorded in the NDE report at least containing the following:


MM 41100 E

1, 2, 3, 4, 5., 6, 7., 8. 9. 10,. 11,

12" 13,

Procedure nr. MM 41100 E rev.i t Type of ultrasonic equipment

Type of search units, frequencies and measures Couplant

Surface condition Technique

Sweep length, calibration block and reference block Extent of examination and material thickness Results of examination

Name and level of operator

Date and place of examination

The identification of the object being examined Simulation blocks if used


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Materiaal Metingen Testgroep

Proem .. : MM 41100 E Revision: 11

15.1 Examination completed

After the examination has finished completely the NDE-report is prepared. The NDE-report is signed by the examiner including his NDE-Ievei. If applicable the NDE-report shall be accompanied by attachments or drawings indicating the position, nature and length of all unacceptable defects.

The original report and 1 copy shall be handed over to the client.

16.. Filing

The NDE-supervisor receives a copy of the NDE-report and, if applicable, the attachments and drawings .. The NDE-supervisor is responsible for the correct handling and filing of those copy reports at the office for at least one year,

After that year reports stay on file for 6 years in the technical archive.

17. Attachments

Attachments nr .. 1 u/i 5 ..

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Fig" La,

MM 41100 E

Mater'iaal Metingen Testgroep

Proc.nr.: MM 41100 E Revision: 11

Attachment: 1

Fig, L K1 Block

'l o


Formulas for calculating probe angles

Angles shall be within + or - 2°

A probes 60 - 75°

tng a ;;;; (i + c) - 35 30

B probes 60 - 800

tng a ;;;; (i + c) - 35 15

C probes 35 - 60°

tng a ;;;; (l + c) - 35 70

Probe index i = 100 mm - b

Control of resolution of a straight beam probe

Good resolution Fig, t.b

Bad resolution Fig, Ic


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Proc.nr.: MM 41100 E Revision: 11


Attachment: 2


: 1 B2 :j:








i I


Al - A3 ;;;; angle probes holes B1 - B3 = straight beam holes

Length of block: min. 8T (150 mm) for 19 mm block, min, 7T (270 mm) for 38 mm block, min" 6T (450 mm) for 75 mm block and min" 3T for thicker blocks,

Width of block: minimum 150 mm

Tolerance of hole diameter +/- 0,,8 mm

Fig" 2,: ASME Calibration blocks

Table: Range Basis Calibration Blocks

Nominal weld Basic calibration Calibration hole
Thickness (t) block thickness (T) DIameter
> 8 mm s: 25 mm 19 mm art 25mm
> 25 mm s: 50 mm 38 mm or t 3,Omm
> 50 mm s: 100 mm 75 mm or t 5mm
> 100 mm s: 150 mm 125 mm or t 6mm
> 150 mm s: 200 mm 175 mm or t 8 mm
> 200 mm s: 250 mm 225 mm or t 10 mm NOTE:

Over 250 rnrn, each increase in thickness of 50 mm or a fraction there of, the hole diameter shall increase 1.5 mrn:

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Materiaal Metingen Testgroep

Proc.nr .. : MM 41100 E Revision: 11

Attachment: 3





\ -,



- .. ---

'--_'"_"""""_"___ L-- __ ----' L. l~_-!



Fig.3.: Distance amplitude correction curve (straight beam)

The shape of the distance amplitude correction curve as shown in fig. 3, is variable .. This shape in depending of the calibration hole which produces the highest amplitude ..

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MM 41100 E

Materiaal Metingen Testgroep

Proc.nr.: MM 41100 E Revision: 11

Attachment: 4

Angle beam probe positions

700% SBH

DAC ---~---------- --- 70rP/c. --~~ A


20%·- ~~' .............

......... ,


50% ~,


- 40%

- .... "'"--


--------- .. . __ ----l

Fig.4,: Distance amplitude correction curve (angle beam)

The shape of the distance amplitude correction curve as shown in fig, 4 is variable. This shape depends of the calibration hole which produce the highest amplitude,

Raised OAC not requested, not always possible due to beam spread.

C+, D+, E+ is the raised (DAC)

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Fig. 5.:

Materiaal Metingen Testgroep

Proc.nr.: MM 41100 E Revision: 11

Attachment: 5

.- j
t : I
I 1
I El I
~ tJ
5\ Ii
.3 I
1 • t
[jl Q
I las t
I weld I a) Probe positions

b) Probe positions.

c) Probe positions

pos 1 and 2 for longitudinal defects pos 5 uji 8 for transverse defects pos.3 and 4 for transverse defects

When the weld surface is flat enough ..

Fig. 6.: Examination of T-connections

a) Probe positions

b) Probe positions

MM 41100 E

pos 1 for longitudinal defects with angle beam probe pos 7 for longitudinal defects with straight beam probe


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