Everything About A PROFIBUS Network and How To Use It With IIoT Services
Everything About A PROFIBUS Network and How To Use It With IIoT Services
Everything About A PROFIBUS Network and How To Use It With IIoT Services
w What is PROFIBUS?
PROFIBUS is a digital network that provides communication
between field sensors and their control system or controllers.
based on Ethernet communication and implemented in many
areas and applications.
y What is PROFIBUS DP?
DP stands for Decentralized Periphery. The name refers to the I/O connections,
which use decentralized high-speed serial communication to connect to a central
It’s based on an RS485 physical layer and the European EN-50170 standard,
Junction Box with a multi-master token network that can use wireless or fiber-optic cables.
x What is PROFIBUS PA?
The PROFIBUS PA protocol evolved out of HART to establish A few quick facts:
communication between measuring instruments and the PROFIBUS PA • Master Class 01 – cyclic information to control
control system in field applications. It uses twisted shielded Coupler DP/PA • the process
pairs for both power and communication and has a physical PROFIBUS DP • Master Class 02 – acyclic information for
network structure that complies with IEC-61158-2. • diagnostics, alarms, and configuration
PROFIBUS PA • Network speed: 9.6 kbps up to 12 Mbps
A few more quick facts: • Distance: 100 to 1000 meters
• Network speed: 31.25 kbps
• Devices connect to controllers through couplers or links on the Netilion Health
• faster PROFIBUS DP network
• PROFIBUS PA networks can be designed to be intrinsically safe
| Differences between PROFIBUS and PROFINET:
Table shows the technical details for both options:
z How does Netilion fit in?
PROFIBUS PROFINET Netilion creates digital services by combining the most modern
and secure Internet technologies with the technologies of
Organization PI industrial production facilities.
$SSOLFDWLRQ3URÀOHV 6DPH All Netilion services are easy to put into operation – complicated
implementation projects are a thing of the past.
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