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Industry 4.0: Revolutionizing

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Smart Automation
Chapter 4

■ Field Bus
■ MQTT Protocol
Typical 5C Architecture

Connection : Data from Sensors : Accurate / Reliable

Conversion: Data to Information

Self awareness property of the machines

Cyber: Central Information Hub

All machine information converged into this area.
Acquire Insights with comparision, co-ordination,
data analytics etc.,

Cognition: Presentation for decision , Decisions based on

history and future

Configuration: Feedback from cyber part to physical part

Resilence controls
Actions like de-rating, dynamic thresholds
Typical Industrial Automation
–Minimum Value Addition

Field Controllers
Machine Human Machine
(PLCs, Embedded,
in the Interface


What are the ways to connecting between these Sensors, actuators, field controllers and HMI ?
How can we achieve the QoS (Quality of Services) – Performance Measure?
Variety of diverse technologies – Any standards way of connecting these?
Big Questions while architecting..

1. Origin of the concept of fieldbus and its requirements, standardization etc.,

2. Technical aspects of field bus
1. Services
2. Protocols
3. Performance measures
3. Focus on future possible evolutions
Evolution of Field Bus

■ Several proprietary networks to Standardization.

– Example: MODBUS (Modicon Bus)
– WDPF (Westinghouse Distributed Processing Family)
– ARCNET (Alliance Research Centre Network)
– CAMAC Network
– Military Standards specific
– Allen Bradley Data Highway
– Tiway-Texas Instrument Way
■ Protocols like MAP and TOP from GM & Boeings
■ Protocols work beyond machines - communicating between business & technical office.
■ Computer Integrated Manufacturing
■ MAP Networking (Layered approach)
Operational Architecture : MAP Project
Interconnecting Systems
Layered approach
Enterprise Level Optimization Layers including interconnect systems
TO 1. Reflex Automation
P 2. Supervision
3. Optimization
Factory Control
MA Supervision
Cell Control
Machine Control Reflex Automation Field Bus Focus
Field Bus

FieldBus Development

■ 1980, Europe Started the MAP project

■ 1982, France Started the FIP field bus (Factory Instrumentation Protocol)
■ 1983, P-Net project in Denmark
■ 1983, Bosch also developing CAN for automotive
■ 1984, Germany working on Process Field Bus (PROFIBUS)

Two Field Bus Types

Standardization is the key now: 1. H1 Field Bus – Low data rate
IEC TC 65/SC65C/WG6 (Interconnecting sensors) 62kbps
ISA SP50 2. H2 Field Bus – High data rate
(Interconnecting H1 networks)
Field Bus Requirements Drafted

■ Real time network

■ Serial Digital communication – Bi Directional & Shared communication
■ Synchronization and Distributed controls
■ Periodic / aperodic messages
■ Better quality and quantity of information flow;
■ Saving cable and installation cost;
■ Ease of adding or deleting field devices in a system;
■ Fewer connections to devices mounted on moving equipment;
■ Fewer penetrations through process containment walls;
■ Save cable and installation weight;
■ Reduce installation errors;
■ Reduce terminal and junction boxes.
Field Bus Communication Architecture
IEC 61 158 Standard: The main standard is IEC 61 158. The first standard (IEC 61 158-2), published in 1993 [67], defined the physical layer.
The other parts are:
• 61 158-3: data link layer service specification;
• 61 158-4: data link layer protocol specification • 61 158-5: application layer service specification • 61 158-6: application layer protocol specification.
These specifications are a collection of different national standards or specifications.
The data link pars (IEC 61 158-3 and 61 158-4) cover eight types listed below:

Type 1 is the TR1158, the compromise standard pro-posal refused by a minority of members in 1999, which led to a publication of indignation by
Patricio Leviti [104].

Type 2 is the ControlNet specification.

Type 3 is the PROFIBUS specification.

Type 4 is the P-Net specification.

Type 5 is the FOUNDATION Fieldbus specification.

Type 6 is the SwiftNet specification.

Type 7 is the WorldFIP specification.

Type 8 is the INTERBUS specification.

Field Bus Architecture Model

■ Physical Layer
– Topologies supported: Bus, Star, Ring, Tree etc.,
■ Data Link Layer
– Message Access Controls
■ Application Layer
– Routing the messages if more sub-network connected and it requires bridge, router

Fundamental architecture..
Ethernet Based Field Bus architecture

Connecting OSI model to Field Bus architecture

Current Solutions
Field Bus

Physical Layer – H1
•Two-wire (ungrounded) network cable
•100 ohm (typical) characteristic
•DC power is conveyed over the same two
wires as digital data
•31.25 kbps data rate
•Differential voltage signaling (0.75 volts
peak-to-peak transmit minimum ; 0.15
volts peak-to-peak receive threshold
•Manchester encoding FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 Protocol Physical Layer | Basics of FOUNDATION Fieldbus (FF)
Instrumentation | Textbook (control.com)
Field Bus H1 & H2

H1 Bus
31 devices can be communicated

H2 Bus
1Mbps to 2.5Mbps
Ethernet based : 100Mpbs
Field Bus – Data Link

•Master/slave network behavior for cyclic communications

(i.e. one device polls the others, and the others merely
•Delegated token network behavior for acyclic
communications (i.e. devices serially granted time to
broadcast at will) FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 Protocol Data Link Layer | Basics of FOUNDATION
•Dedicated “scheduler” device for coordinating all segment Fieldbus (FF) Instrumentation | Textbook (control.com)
•8-bit address field (0 through 255 possible)
•Maximum of 32 “live” devices on a segment
Flow transmitter feeds measured flow data into a PID
control function block, which then drives a control valve to
whatever position necessary to regulate flow.
IEC 61158 Type 3 includes the entire range
of PROFIBUS, consisting of the versions DP-V0, DP-V1
and DP-V2.
IEC 61784 specifies the properties of the Communication
Profile Family CPF 3 which is PROFIBUS

PROFIBUS is the only fieldbus that can be used in all

parts of the factory (upstream, process and downstream)
Motion controls & Process controls
DP-V0 slave devices require a 6 bytes long mandatory
diagnostic part. It contains information about the
connection/device status and during certification has to be
exactly behaving according the standard.
Additionally to the mandatory diagnostic part, devices can
also provide a device specific part with a maximum length
of 244 bytes (including the 6 mandatory bytes and
128 Devices can be connected.
Latest ProfiBus Questions and Answers - Instrumentation Interview Questions
Profibus Types
■ Profibus DP - Sensors & Actuators communication (RS 485 based)
■ Profibus AP – Process automation esp., safety hazards (Mancheshter Encoded Bus Powered)
PROFIBUS DP – Device Variants
DP: Decentralized Peripherals
Different Field Bus comparisons

An interesting feature of PROFIBUS is that the

protocol is the same on various transmission
medium or technology is used. PROFI-BUS DP
(utilizing RS-485 copper, fiber optics, infrared,
and so on)

Difference between Fieldbus, Profibus and HART Protocols (instrumentationtools.com)

■ Introduction
■ Architecture
■ Features
■ Compare with HTTP , COAP
■ MQTT in real world
■ Conclusion

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MQTT Introduction

■ MQTT(Message Queue Telemetry Tranport)

– IBM and Eurotech are responsible for the maintainance
– ISO standard(ISO/IEC PRF 20922)
■ Lightweight broker-based publish/subscribe message protocol
– Smallest packet can be 2 bytes(header)
■ TCP/IP based
■ Three QoS service assure reliable transportation
■ Will Topic : A mechanism to notifty abnormal disconnection
■ Specification : IBM announced MQTT spcification

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MQTT Architecture

•MQTT is known as Message Queuing Telemetry Transport protocol.

•It is a lightweight messaging protocol and helps resource constrained
network clients with a simple communication mechanism.
•Unlike, most messaging system, we don’t have to assign addresses to
MQTT clients.
•MQTT uses simple publish/subscribe communication based on a topic.
•This protocol runs on top of TCP / IP in order to provide reliable data

What is MQTT Protocol and How MQTT works? Applications


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MQTT Features – packet format

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MQTT – packet format

■ Fixed Header (Apply to all message type)

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MQTT – packet format
■ Variable Header (may differ from different
message type)

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MQTT – packet format

■ Payload (may differ from different message


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MQTT – QoS (Quality of Services)
QoS 1 - At most one delivery (FIRE AND

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QoS 2 – At least one delivery

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QoS 3 – Exactly one delivery

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MQTT – some flags description
■ DUP flag (Duplicate flag)
– In Fixed header (1 bit)
– QoS level must >0
– Should be a hint of whether this message have been sent or not
■ Keep alive flag
– In Variable header(2 byte)
– Broker server will check client alive or not
– MAX_TIMEOUT would be 65536 seconds(approximately 18 hours)
■ Will flag
– In Variable header (1 bit)
– Compound with “Will topic”
– Triggered by abnormal disconnection
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MQTT Compare with HTTP
■ Advantage
– Lower packet size
– Lower battery consumption
■ Polling and long polling vs Event based
■ ASCII code parse
– Have a middleware integration (Broker server)
■ Disadvantage
– Much physical machine to deploy
– Not easy to implement

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HTTP Packet size

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MQTT Compare with CoAP
■ Advantages
– Secure message delivering (TCP VS UDP)
– Keep alive flag
■ Disadvantages
– Higher packet size
– Not supporting RESTful

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