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SECTION 15970 Building Management System (BMS) Part 1 General

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A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary

Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this .


A. fully integrated building management system (BMS), UL listed, incorporating direct

digital control (DDC) for energy management, equipment monitoring and control,
including color graphic workstations. System major elements include, without being
limited to, the following:

1. Central processing units.

2. Personal computer operator workstations.
3. Data storage units.
4. Stand-alone Data terminal units.
5. Data communication units.
6. Stand-alone Remote control units.
7. Portable operator's terminals
8. Data interface units.
9. Communication cable.
10. System software.


A. The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section:

1. Division 15 Section "Basic Mechanical Requirements"

2. Division 15 Section "Electrical Requirements for Mechanical Works"
3. Division 15 Section "HVAC Pumps
4. Division 15 Section "Boilers"
5. Division 15 Section "Chillers"
6. Division 15 Section "Terminal Units"
7. Division 15 Section "Air Handling Equipment"
8. Division 15 Section "Central Station Air Handling Units"
9. Division 15 Section "Testing, Adjusting and Balancing"
10. Division 16 Section "Low Voltage Lighting Control"
11. Division 16 Section "Fire Alarm and Smoke Detection Systems"
12. Division 16 Section "Intrusion Detection and Security Access Systems"
13. Division 16 Section "Electrical Sensing and Measurement"
14. Division 16 Section "Electrical Control and Relays"


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ANSI - American National Standards Institute

ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-
Conditioning Engineers
BIBB - BACnet Interoperabi1ity Building Block
BMS - Building Management System
BSI - British Standards Institution
CCP - Communications Control Panel
CCR - Central Command Room
CPU - Central Processing Unit
CUC - Central Utilities Complex
ECA - Egyptian of Civil Aviation
DCP - Distributed Control Panel
DDC - Direct Digital Control
F AS - Fire Alarm System
FCU - Fan Coil Unit
FMS - Facility Management System
HHWT - Hand Held Wireless Tem1inal
HMI - Human Machine Interface
HVAC - Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning
ICT - Information Communication Technology
lEE - Institute of Electrical Engineers
ISO - International Standards Organization
I/O - Input/Output
LAN - Local Area Network
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
LED - Light Emitting Diode
LON - Local Operating Network
OIW - Operator Interface Workstation
PC - Personal Computer
PICS - Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
PDA - Personal Digital Assistant
PIM - Process Interface Module
POT - Portable Operator Terminal
RAM - Random Access Memory
RFI - Radio Frequency Interference
RH - Relative Humidity
SCADA - Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition.
SCPT - Standard Configuration Property Type
SNVT - Standard Network Variable Type
SVGA - Super Video Graphics Adapter
UC - Unitary Controller
UCPT - User-defined Configuration Property Type
UNVT - User-defined Network Variable Type
VAV - Variable Air Volume
VDU - Video Display Unit
VFC - Volt Free Contacts
VSD - Variable Speed Drive
WAN - Wide Area Network


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A. Algorithm: A logical procedure for solving a recurrent mathematical problem.

B. Algorithm: A continuously varying signal value (temperature current, velocity, etc.).

C. BACnet: The Building Automation and Control Network open protocol communication
standard developed by ASHRAE (ASHRAE SSPC/135) and which is now an ISO and
ANSI standard., The BACNet components shall be fully compliant with British
standards DD ENV 1805-1: 1998 (Data communication for HV AC Application
Management Net. Building automation and control networking), DD ENV 13321-
1:1999 (Data communication for HV AC application automation net. BACNet,
Profibus, World FIP), ASHRAE BACNet standard SSPC/135 and all other applicable
D. BACnet Object: A physical or virtual point with a set of associated properties such as a
temperature sensor that has properties including, name, current value, maximum and
minimum values, high and low alarm levels, etc.

E. BACnet Conformance: A description of the capabilities of a device for communicating

information to other BACnet devices. It is usually a set of requirements to be net in
order for a device to conform to BACnet standards. There are 61evels of confonnance
for standard BACnet objects and services. The higher the conformance classes the more
features that are covered. The BACnet devices furnished under this contract shall, at
minimum, be conformance class 4.

F. BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks (BIBBs): A BIBB defines a small portion of

BACnet functionality needed to perfom a particular task. BmBs come in pairs, A and
B, which reflect the client/server nature. The A BIBB represents the client, i.e. the
device requesting infonnation or commanding an action. The B BmB represents the
server, i. e. the device furnishing the information or executing the command. For 2
devices to be interoperable the A BmB and the B BmB -. must be the same-

G. BACnet/IP: The building automation and control network open protocol

communication standard which complies with Annex J to the ASHRAE SSPC/135

H. Binary: A two-state system where a high signal level represents an "ON" condition and
an "OFF" condition is represented by a low signal level.

I. BMS: This shall mean the complete Building Management System including the
components at the Field, Automation and Management Levels.

J. Component: Any individual element of the BMS furnished under this contract
including hardware, software and materials.

K. Control Wiring: This includes conduit, wire, and wiring devices to install complete HV
AC control systems, including motor control circuits, interlocks, sensors, PE and EP
switches, and like devices. This also includes all wiring from node to node, and nodes
to all sensors and points defined in the I/O summary shown on drawings or specified
herein, and required to execute the sequence of operation. Does not include line voltage
power wiring.

L. Diagnostic Program: Machine-executable instructions used to detect and isolate system

and component malfunctions.

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M. Direct Digital Control (DDC) involves the connection of microprocessor-based

controllers to field level sensors and actuators. The signals received from field level
instrumentation are converted from analogue to digital format so that the data can be
used in software logic. Control signals are determined by software logic and they are
converted from digital to analogue format so that the final control elements, e.g. relays,
actuators, etc., can be adjusted.

N. Distributed Control: A system whereby all control processing is decentralized and

independent of a central computer .

O. Gateway: A device that contains an input/output (I/O) software driver to translate input
data from one format to output data in a second format.

P. Human-Machine Interface (HMI): Human-machine interfacing allaws the operator to

manage, command, monitor, and program the system.

Q. Integration: Establishing communication between two devices through the use of

a gateway.

R. Interoperability: The ability of systems from different manufacturers and of different

types to share information with each other without losing any of their independent
functional capabilities and without the need for complex programming.

S. Lonmark Interoperability Association: Standards committee consisting of numerous

independent product developers and systems integrators dedicated to detennining and
maintaining the interoperability guidelines for the LONWORKS@ industry.

T. LonMarkedTM : Device has been certified for compliance with LonMark standards by
the LonMark association.

U. LonTalkTM: Open communication protocol developed by the Echelon Corporation.

V. LonWorks: The overall communications technology for control systems developed by

Echelon Corporation. The technology employs routers, gateways, bridges, Refer to
standard ANSI/EIA -709.1
W. Network: A system of distributed control units that are linked together on a
communication bus. A network allows sharing of point infomlation between all control
units. Additionally, a network provides central monitoring and control of the entire
system from any distributed control unit location.
X. Operating System (OS): Software which controls the execution of computer programs
and which provides scheduling, debugging, input/output controls, accounting,
compilation, storage assignment, data management, and related services.
Y. Operator Interface Workstation (OIW): The OIW consists of a high-level processing
personal computer and peripheral I/O devices that enable access to the PC and to the
entire Management Level Network. The PC shall be a Thin Client of the dual redundant
terminal servers.
Z. Peer-to-Peer Communication: Communication directly between devices that operate on
the same communications level of a network, without intervention from any
intennediary devices such as a host or server .

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AA. Peripheral I/O: Input/Output (I/O) equipment used to communicate to and from the
computer and make hard copies of system outputs and magnetic files. Peripherals
include VDU, printers, hard drives, disk drives, and modems, etc.
BB. Portable Operator Tenninal (POT): Pennits remote operator interface to facilitate
network management, node commissioning, diagnostics, and general operator interface
with the BMS. This is a Thin Client PC that shall be able to perfoml any function that
can be undertaken from any other Thin Client PC on the system.

CC. Programmable Device: A device that does not have a pre-established built in
application. An application creation software tool is required for an application to be
created and downloaded to the device.
DD. Router: A device that routes messages destined for a node on another segment sub-net
or domain of the control network. The device controls message traffic based on node
address and priority. Routers shall also serve as communication links between power
line, twisted pair, fibre, coax, and RF media.
EE. Standard Network Variable Type (SNVI'): LonWorks controllers use SNVTsto define
data objects. Each SNVT is identified by a code number that the receiving controller
can use to determine how to interpret the information presented.
FF. Standing Standard Project Committee (SSPC): ASHRAE terminology for a technical
committee that oversees the maintenance of a standard.
GG. Software: Generic term used for those components of the computer systems that are
intangible rather than physical. The term "software" is used to refer to the programs
executed by the computer systems as distinct from the physical hardware of the
computer systems and encompasses any programs such as operating systems,
applications programs, operating sequences and databases. The tenn "software" shall be
interpreted to include firmware if, in the context in which it is used, the term "software"
does not exclude the use of read-only memory and the use of firmware meets all of the
applicable criteria detailed in these specifications.

HH. Unitary Controller: A controller generally designed for a specific application and for a
single piece of equipment. Examples are controllers for V A V and FCU terminal units.
These controllers shall be freely programmable.

II. XIF: "External Interface File" contains the contents of the manufacturer's product

JJ. The above definitions shall apply to the words:

1. When they are in upper case, when they are in lower case and when they are
2. In the singular and in the plural.
3. and all grammatical tenses.


A. The following is a description of the overall BMS philosophy that shall be applicable to all BMS.
It is provided for the purpose of placing the work of the PROJECT BMS contract, as identified in

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Part 1.07 below, in context with the total work involved in the ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BOTH
POWER and Low Voltage (L.V.) Building Systems.

B. The BMS to serve the monitoring and control requirements at PROJECT shall be provided under
this contract.

C. The required data from the electrical BMS shall be transferred via a gateway as BACnet objects .

D. Refer to schematic diagrams that illustrate the relationship between the various components. This
schematic is not intended to indicate the number of components and neither is it intended to be
the only acceptable configuration. It is provided to illustrate the relationship between the various
components. Different BMS subcontractors may have a slightly different topology that generally
will be acceptable provided that it meets the intent of the detailed specifications.

E. Management Level:
1. It shall be the responsibility of each L V building system installer, including the
Building BMS sub-contractor, to ensure that all the system data is available at the
Management Level Network in the form of BACnet objects. Each L V building
system installer shall provide comprehensive and complete documentation
regarding the BACnet object ID, component IP addresses, databases and other
pertinent information. The intent is that any third party system provider shall be
able to read this data from the network and shall be able to write data in BACnet
format to the third party system.
2. 2 No. Data Servers shall be provided under the PROJECT BMS sub-contract.
The Data Servers shall be installed at the control room. The Data Servers shall be
configured as hot stand-by, fault tolerant servers with redundant database
architecture. The PROJECT BMS sub-contractor shall provide all software for
these servers. Databases shall be SQL compliant and shall be standard.
Proprietary databases shall not be acceptable. The data server software shall be
proven for use in a multi-vendor environment and shall be shown by the
PROJECT BMS sub-contractor to be acceptable to all recognised BMS
manufacturers. The data server operating system shall be Microsoft Windows
2003 Enterprise edition and the web browser shall be the latest version of Internet
Explorer or Netscape Navigator.
3. The routers and gateways that connect the L.V. into the Management Level
Network shall be based on the BACnet/IP requirements of the Management Level
4. The Portable Operator Terminals (POT) shall also be Thin Clients and shall
interface with the networks at the communications controllers, distributed control
panels and at data ports provided in any mechanical or electrical room where
there is no DDC controller.
5. The Communications Controls Panels (CCP) shall be part of the Management
Level Network, except as noted below. They shall be software programmable
gateways that shall fulfil one or both of the following roles:

a. A native BACnet/IP to LonWorks gateway between the Management

Level Network and LonWorks controllers at the Automation Level.
These shall only be provided if the BMS sub- contractor is unable to
offer native BACnet controllers.
b. A native BACnet/IP to third party gateway interface between the
Management Level Network and third party L.V. building systems. At
minimum the third party protocols shall include Modbus, JBus, N2,
OPC, and LonWorks. The third party ELV building system installer shall

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provide the gateway and complete documentation to the BMS sub-

contractor. The BMS sub- contractor shall connect the gateway to the
Management Level Network and shall map the BACnet object IDs to the
terminal servers and shall advise the third party contractor of the BACnet
objects ills to be mapped to the third party L.V. building system.
6. It shall be possible to export data from the systems communicating on the
Management Level Network to other third party systems using XMUSOAP, OPC,
SNMP, Modbus, N2, JBus, LonWorks and other appropriate protocols.
7. All Management Level components shall be on UPS.
8. The Management Level Network communications shall, without exception, be
BACnet/IP .

F. Automation Level:

1. The automation level shall, primarily, include the DDC controllers that interface
with the field sensors and final control elements. It is anticipated that there will
be 2 types of DDC controller within the BMS architecture:

a. Distributed Control panels (DCP)

b. Unitary Controllers (UC)

2. DCP controllers shall be freely programmable peer-to-peer controllers and shall

have an I/O capability to handle major items of equipment such as air handling
units. They shall have a larger I/O capability than Unitary Controllers (UC). The
DCP shall preferably be native BACnet controllers on a fibre, screened CAT 5,
CAT 6 or CA T 7 network with a minimum communications speed of 156kbps
over Arcnet, Ethernet, MS/TP, etc. Those BMS specialists who are not able to
furnish native BACnet DCP shall provide Lon Works controllers at the
Automation Level. The LonWorks controllers shall be interfaced with the
Management Level Network via a BACnet/IP to Lon gateway. This shall be a
separate item of equipment as illustrated in schematic 15901 below or the
protocol conversion could be accomplished in the BMS operator interface
3. UC shall be freely programmable peer-to-peer controllers with pre- packaged
operating sequences maintained in EEPROM or flash EPROM and shall be
suitable for the monitoring and control of specific items of smaller equipment
such as V A V terminal units and Fan Coil Units. These controllers shall
preferably be based on native BACnet. Those BMS specialists who are not able
to furnish native BACnet UC shall provide Lon Works controllers at the
Automation Level. These UC shall operate on the same network as the
LonWorks DCP or they shall operate on a separate network. A minimum
communication speed of76.8kbps shall be required for the UC networks which
shall be screened CAT 5, CAT 7 or screened twisted pair, whichever meets the
manufacturer's recommendations. Regardless of the manufacturer's
recommendations the LANs and sub LANs shall be screened and shall be LSF
rated. All Lon Works unitary controllers shall be LonMark compliant and shall
comply completely with the requirements of the Interoperability Association and
ANSI/EIA-709.1 requirements.
4. Certain of the CCP shall be at the Automation Level rather than the Management
Level. If a third party system provides monitoring and control for equipment that
is also monitored and controlled by a BMS DDC controller, then the gateway
between the third party system and the BMS shall be at the Automation Level

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and not at the Management Level. The gateway shall reside on the same network
as the associated DDC controllers.
5. All Automation Level components shall be on UPS except the unitary
6. The BMS Automation Level Networks shall be BACnet or LonWorks. No other
protocols shall be used at the BMS Automation Level.

G. The Field Level.

1. The Field Level shall include the instrumentation interfaced to the Automation
Level DDC controllers such as the temperature, humidity, level, pressure sensors
and switches. It shall also include the :final control elements such as the valve
and damper actuators and the control relays. The control valves associated with
the air systems shall be provided under the BMS sub-contract but the dampers
and large chilled 'water system I valves shall be under the mechanical contract..
All field level cables shall, be in containment and shall be screened and LSF
rated. The control and monitoring signals between the Automation Level
controllers and the Field Level components shall be via industry standard
analogue ranges, except where detailed below, such as 0 to 5V, 0 to 1 OV, 4 to
20 MA, switched 0 and 5V, switched 0 and 1 OV, etc.

2. The temperature sensor/control enclosures associated with V A V

terminal units and fan coil units shall have LCD displays of space
temperature, space temperature set point and fan speed (Fan Coil Units
only). Buttons on the enclosure shall enable the display of data, the
changing of the set point and the adjustment of fan speed (FCU only).
These temperature sensor/control enclosures shall communicate with
the associated V A V terminal unit/fan coil unit controllers via a digital
communications interface. It shall be permitted for the protocol at the
Field Level to be proprietary


a. The .monitoring and control of the,smoke management system, air

handling units, fan coil units, VAV terminal units, extract fans and other
miscellaneous fans used for the distribution of airflow.
b. The monitoring and control of the chilled water system cooling towers
chilled water pumps. The chillers shall interface to the BMS Automation
level through a BACnet to third party gateway that shall reside
implement the data storage, retrieval and analysis functions. The BMS
su'b-contractor shall 'be able to incorporate points from the chiller
controllers into the various BMS sequences of operation. The gateway
shall 'be at the Automation Level and shall be at the same netWork as the
DCP panels that provide monitoring and control of chilled water system
c. Energy management. The BMS shall perfonn energy management
functions designed to optimize energy usage.
d. The monitoring and control of the various plumbing systems.
e. The monitoring and control of the project internal and external lighting.
The lighting control functions shall 'be perfonned 'by lighting controllers
that shall interface to the Management Level NetWmk through a
BACnetl1P to third party gateway. The gateway shall be provided by the
lighting control installer and shall be connected to the Management Level

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NetWork by the BMS sub-contractor. The BMS sub-contractor shall

obtain a list of the BACnet object IDs/names from the lighting controller
supplier and shall map the presentation displays and shall implement the
data storage. retrieval and analysis functions. The BMS sub-contractor
shall be able. if required. to incorporate points from the lighting
controllers into the various BMS sequences of operation.
f. The monitoring of the PROJECT fire alarm system. The fire alarm
system shall interface to the Management Level Network through a
BACnetlIP to third party gateway. The gateway shall be provided by the
F AS installer and connected into the Management Level Network by the
BMS sub- contractor. The BMS sub-contractor shall obtain a list of the
BACnet object IDs/names from the F AS installer and shall map the
BACnet objects into the terminal server. shall prepare the data
presentation displays and shall implement the data storage. retrieval and
analysis functions. Data transfer shall be uni- directional. i.e. from the
FAS to the BMS. Under no circumstances shall the BMS or any other
L.V. building system enter data into the F AS. The BMS sub-contractor
shall be able. if required, to incorporate points from the F AS into the
various BMS sequences of operation.
g. The monitoring of the PROJECT emergency power generator and fuel
system. The emergency generator functions shall be performed by a
dedicated monitoring and control system that shall interface to the
Management Level Network through a BACnetlIP to third party
gateway. The gateway shall be provided by the emergency generator
installer and shall be connected into the Management Level Network by
the BMS sub-contractor. The BMS sub-contractor shall obtain a list of
the BACnet object IDs/names from the emergency generator supplier and
shall map the BACnet objects into the terminal server, shall prepare the
data presentation displays and shall implement the data storage, retrieval
and analysis functions. The EMS sub-contractor shall be able. if required.
to incorporate \ points from the emergency generator monitoring and
control' system into various BMS sequences of operation.
h. The monitoring of the PROJECT UPS. The UPS functions shall be
monitored by a controller that shall interface to the Management Level
Network through a BACnet/IP to third party gateway. The gateway shall
be provided by the UPS supplier and shall be connected into the
Management Level Network by the BMS sub-contractor. The BMS sub-
contractor shall obtain a list of the BACnet object ms/names from the
UPS supplier and shall map the BACnet objects into the terminal server,
prepare the data presentation displays and implement the data storage,
retrieval and analysis functions. The BMS sub- contractor shall be able,
if required, to incorporate points from the UPS monitoring and control
system into various BMS sequences of operation.
i. The monitoring of the PROJECT packaged NC units. The packaged NC
units' functions shall be monitored by a controller that shall interface to
the Management Level Network through a BACnet/IP to third party
gateway. The gateway shall be provided by the packaged AlC units'
supplier and shall be connected into the Management Level Network by
the BMS sub-contractor. The BMS sub-contractor shall obtain a list of
the BACnet object mslnames from the packaged AlC units' supplier and
shall map the BACnet objects into the terminal server, prepare the data
presentation displays and implement the data storage, retrieval and
analysis functions. The BMS sub- contractor shall be able, if required, to

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incorporate points from the packaged AlC units monitoring and control
system into various BMS sequences of operation.
j. Monitor ambient conditions.
k. Monitor alarm points for the MA TV, P ABX, master clock and radio
paging systems.
l. Monitor and control other points as determined as requesed by the
detailed electrical system design.
3. The mapping of the monitoring and control BACnet objects into the Terminal
and Data Servers and the preparation of data presentation for the third party L.V.
building systems that are integrated at the Automation level. L.V. building
systems serving equipment that is also monitored and controlled by the BMS
DDC controllers shall be integrated at the Automation level. Such L.V. systems
shall be as follows:

a. Chillers
b. VSD
4. The mapping of the monitoring and control EACnet objects into the Terminal
and Data Servers and the preparation of data presentation for the third party L.V.
building systems that are integrated at the Management level. L.V. building
systems serving equipment that is not monitored and controlled by the EMS
DDC controllers shall be integrated at the Management level. Such L.V. systems
shall be as follows:
a. Emergency generator monitoring and control system.
b. The PROJECT EMS shall be a turnkey installation and shall include the
integration of the extra low voltage building systems as detailed in these
specifications. Each BMS shall comprise, at minimum, the following

1. Operator Interface Workstations (OIW) including a Thin Client PC and

peripheral I/O devices.
2. Communication Control Panels (CCP).
3. Distributed Control Panels (DCP).
4. Unitary Controllers (UC).
5. Portable Operator Tenninals (POT).
6. Hand Held Wireless Terminals (HHWT)
7. Automation level Local Area Networks (LAN).
8. Field instrumentation including intelligent sensors.
9. Automatic Valves.
10. Actuators for automatic valves and motorised dampers.
11. BACnetlIP routers, hubs, switches, EACnetlIP and BACnet to third party
gateways, associated software, etc. as necessary to implement the required
interfaces with other third party systems and with the Management Level
Network and to ensure that all system data is available as EACnet data at the
Management level network.
12. Software as detailed herein.
13. Cable and containment.
14. All power supplies and conditioners, interlocking and control relays, equipment
enclosures and other components, materials and services required for a completed
and fully operational turnkey EMS installation meeting these specifications.

C. The BMS shall meet the following general criteria:

1. Computer based.

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2. Fully networked.
3. Real time.
4. Distributed processing.
5. No single point of failure.
6. All data shall be available as BACnet objects at the Management level network.

D. The BMS shall be configured to ensure reliability of systems operation and control of critical
functions/systems. In general, all monitoring and control of separate systems shall be achieved
via single control panels. Critical inputs of a system shall be wired directly to tlte controlling
panel. Where required, dedicated control panels shall be provided and shall not share any point
monitoring or control witlt other systems.

E. All components of the BMS at the Management Level and at tlte automation level, except for the
unitary controllers, shall operate on UPS. The UPS shall be not be provided by the BMS sub-
contractor. The BMS sub-contractor shall advise tlte Electrical contractor within X 8 weeks of
award of contract what tlte BMS load will be for UPS power.
F. The components furnished under this contract shall be the most recent products offered by tlte
BMS manufacturer that meet the specifications. If there are improved models of any components
furnished under this contract that become available before the on-site commencement of
installation then tltese shall be offered by the BMS sub-contractor to the Employer at no
additional cost to tlte Employer. The Employer shall have the option to accept or decline the
offer. The components offered shall have been in successful operation in at least 2 similar
applications for a minimum of 12 months.

G. The BMS sub-contractor shall provide all software licenses necessary for the legal operation of
the components furnished under this contract. It is intended that a site WIde enterpriselicense
shall be provided for the terminal server software and that it shall cover all Thin Client terminals
accessing the Management Level Network and that tlte addition of Thin Client terminals in the
future shall not require additional licenses.

H. All electrical equipment, devices and components and their installation shall comply with the
latest edition of the IEE Wiring Regulations (BS 7671: 1992 Requirements for electrical
installations) and all associated addenda, the electrical contract specifications for the project and
all other applicable codes, regulations and statutes.

I. A11 components shall be IP 2X finger protected to BS 60529 such that live components cannot
be accidentally touched. Interior enclosures shall be, at minimum, IP 45 to BS 60529 and exterior
enclosures shall be weatherproofIP 65 to BS 60529 unless specifically noted otherwise within
these contract documents.

J. Where there is any conflict between the requirements of the different project contract documents,
statutes, codes, regulations, local ordinances and any requirement of an agency having
jurisdiction over the project, the most stringent requirement shall apply unless determined
otherwise by the Employer. Advise the Engineer of any discrepancy or conflicts between the
various requirements for the project.

K. Each component shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:

1. Manufactured by experienced manufacturers of the specific component and facilities.

2. Designed to minimize the requirement for field repair or maintenance.
3. Modular design.
4. electronic components shall have internal failure diagnostics.

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5. Each component shall be maintainable without significantly affecting the ongoing

operation of the other components.
6. Components, test ports and cable terminations shall be readily accessible.
7. Damage caused by the failure of one component will be limited to the component that has
failed without affecting the ongoing operation of the other components.

L. Equipment, devices and materials shall conform to all performance requirements of the
specifications when exposed to the following interferences:'

M. Project lighting, telephone and elevator equipment.

1. VHF and UHF signals as generated by external or internal portable or fixed transmitters.
2. AM signals as generated from transmitters.
3. Electrical noise on the building power system, both spurious and harmonics.
4. The installations shall not radiate signals that cause interference to the correct operation
of the Employer's on-site equipment.
5. The BMS and all individual electrical equipment, devices and components shall comply
with the requirements of BS EN 50081-1 (General Emission Standard) and BS EN
50082-1 and 2 (General Immunity Standard), the requirements of the Federal
Communication Commission rules and regulations Part 15, sub part J and all other
applicable codes and statutes with respect to the radiation and conduction of radio
frequency interference.

N. Provide adequate earthing on all equipment to prevent the build-up of electromagnetic voltage
potentials. Provide screening of panels, enclosures, devices, or components that emit
interferences. All monitoring and control and communication cables shall be screened with one
end earthed.

O. Provide the following support for all components furnished under this contract:

1. Warranty and service during the defects liability period.

2. Submittals, samples and record documentation.
3. Comprehensive commissioning and testing.
4. Detailed theoretical and practical training services for the Supervisors and Operators.
5. Coordination with other site contractors.
6. Reporting to the Engineer for the coordinated and timely execution of the Work
7. Comprehensive and complete interoperability documentation and method statement for
third party systems.
8. Control valves, dampers, actuators and accessories.
9. Field wiring conducting communication trunks from DDC/FPU back to
central processors in addition to interconnections between processors
peripherals, etc. to yield a complete system. This to include power supply
connection from nearest emergency panels/substations
10. Shop drawings, as-built drawings, instruction manuals, source-code
programme listing and all other documentation as required


A. Each BMS, as installed, shall incorporate a minimum of 20 percent additional hardware (field)
points without adding controllers or 1/0 Point Interface Modules (pIM). The number and type of
the installed spare points shall be uniformly distributed between the installed controllers.

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 12 of 75


B. The Management level and Automation level networks and network components shall not be
more than 30% loaded.

C. Network architecture shall allow unlimited expandability by the addition of new sub networks
and associated routers, gateways, etc.

D. Subsequent to the potential expansion detailed in 1.08.B and .C above:

1. The BMS performance shall not be degraded in any manner and shall meet all
performance criteria detailed in these specifications.
2. Equipment installed under this Contract shall not become redundant as a result of
implementing these BMS expansion requirements.


A. Repair work shall only be undertaken at times approved by the Employer.

B. Repair work shall not include routine maintenance during Defects Liability Period. The cost of
providing routine maintenance during the Defects Liability Period shall be provided separately as
an Optional Price as detailed below.
C. Replace or repair all supplied defective installations. Respond and be on site within four (4) hours
of the Engineer and/or Employer placing a system trouble call for items of an immediate nature
(e.g.: failed component, non-functioning controller, etc.). Response to warranty call out by the
Engineer and/or Employer shall be within 24 hours for items not requiring inunediate attention.
Work to troubleshoot and identify the cause offue BMS system or component failure shall begin
immediately and shall continue until repaired to. the satisfaction of fue Engineer and Employer.


A. Submit an Optional Price for routing maintenance services during the Defects : Liability Period.
The provision of such services shall be at the sole discretion of the Employer who may instruct

B. Provide routine maintenance services during the Defects Liability Period, if such is separately
instructed by the Employer. The maintenance services shall cover routine preventative
maintenance but shall not include emergency maintenance or the cost of replacing defective
materials during the Defects Liability Period.

C. Under routine maintenance components of the BMS shall be selectively inspected and serviced
during the Defects Liability Period. Provide, at minimum, four (4) preventative service
inspections during the Defects Liability Period. Perfornl, at minimum, the following during each
preventative service inspection:

1. Verify the proper operation of the workstations including: a. Cooling fans

b. Power supplies c. PC diagnostics
2. Clean housings, keyboard, etc. Change or clean filters.
3. Verify proper operation of each digital controller and network. Clean enclosures.
4. Verify the satisfactory operation ofat least 25 percent ofeach typeoffield device including
valves and dampers. All field devices shall be checked at least once during the initial
warranty period and shall be calibrated and adjusted as necessary.
5. Provide a comprehensive written report to the Employer indicating the results of each
inspection and all repairs and adjustments made. 6. Perform complete backup of all

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 13 of 75


D. The routine maintenance services during the Defects Liability Period shall include 20 hours per
year of programming changes to the BMS as requested by the Employer.

E. Any software upgrades and new software programmes that become standard product offerings
from the BMS sub-contractor and/or BMS equipment vendors during the Defects Liability Period
shall be brought to the attention of the Employer together with the cost and, if the Employer
wishes, he shall purchase the software. If at any time during the Defects Liability Period, software
patches that correct software errors become available the Employer shall be notified immediately
and they shall be made available to the Employer at no additional cost.

F. Update the as-built documentation submitted at the time of taking-over of the Works that may
have been introduced during Defects Liability Period.

G. Detail the minimum number of hours to be spent on routine maintenance during the Defects
Liability Period in the tender submittal. \

H. The BMS sub-contractor shall maintain an inventory of common components in the local office
for the replacement of failed components as detailed under "Spare Parts".

I. Provide replacement components within the specified time periods for the following components.
The subcontractor shall guarantee to the Employer that the delivery of replacement components
will be provided within the specified time periods.
BMS Component Delivery Time

1. Workstation Computer Equipment:

a. Server computer components. X 5 days

b. Operator Workstations and components X 5 days
c. Primary and secondary BMS communication LAN components including any
hubs, network interface cards, bridges, routers, concentrators, protocol
converters, tem1ination plugs, etc. X 1 days
2. DCP including any required input/output point interface modules. X 2 days
3. Unitary controllers including any input/output point interface modules. X 2 days
4. Temperature sensors X 1 days 5. Any other items of instrumentation X 2 days

J. The BMS sub-contractor shall replace all consumable items during the Defects Liability Period.
Consumable items shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Toner/ink for those printers furnished under this Contract.
2. Paper for printers furnished under this Contract.
3. Filters for PC furnished under this Contract.
4. Batteries for equipment furnished under this Contract.'
5. CD/Tapes for back up of data and software furnished under this Contract.
6. Other consumable items furnished under this contract that have a life expectancy that
would render them less than 100% effective before the end of the Defects Liability

K. During the Defects Liability Period the BMS sub-contractor shall maintain a minimum of 10%
spare DCP, CCP and UC of each type installed on site under this contract. At the end of the
warranty period the EMS contractor shall hand over DCP, CCP and UC of each type to the
Employer which shall, at minimum, be equal to 10% of the number of installed DCP, CCP and
UC of each type installed on site under this contract.

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 14 of 75


L. During the Defects Liability Period the BMS sub-contractor shall maintain a minimum of 10%
spare sensors of each type installed on site under this contract. At the end of the warranty period
the BMS sub-contractor shall hand over sensors of each type to the Employer, which shall, at
minimum, be equal to 10% of the number of installed sensors of each type installed on Site under
this contract.


A. Submit an Optional price to extend the Warranty period and the maintenance during that period
for ten (10) one (I) year periods. The maintenance service contract shall be an all-inclusive labour
and parts contract but the Employer reserves the right to obtain parts from alternative sources.
The requirements during each additional year shall be exactly the same as those detailed in Part
1.10 of this Section.

B. The BMS subcontractor shall enter into a direct contract with the Employer to provide the
maintenance services for a minimum period of ten (10) years. The signing of a maintenance
services contract, if the Employer so chooses, shall be a prerequisite to obtaining substantial
completion. The Employer shall have the option to renew each year if the Employer so wishes.
The BMS subcontractor shall submit the cost for the maintenance service agreement in one of the
following ways:

1. A fixed price for a ten (10) year Agreement with a break-out between labour and parts, or
2. A fixed price for the first year of the ten (10) year Agreement with a break-out between
labour and parts for the first year and a percent value or a table of percent values that the
labour portion of the cost would be escalated at during the succeeding nine (9) years and
a percent value or a table of percent values that the parts portion of the cost would be
escalated at during the succeeding nine (9) years, or
3. A fixed price for the first year of the ten (10) year Agreement with a break-out between
labour and parts for the first year with the annual increase for labour and parts over the
succeeding nine (9) years based on the annual percent increase in a cost of living index
from one year to the : next, the cost of living index to be used is to be specified by the
EMS sub-contractor in the tender submittal.

C. If at any time during the maintenance service contract, software patches that correct software
errors become available the Employer shall be notified immediately and they shall be made
available to the Employer at no additional cost.

D. During the period of the maintenance contract the BMS sub-contractor shall maintain a minimum
of 10% spare DCP, CCP and UC of each type installed on site under this contract. At the end of
the maintenance contract the BMS sub- contractor shall hand over DCP, CCP and UC of each
type to the Employer which shall, at minimum, be equal to 10% of the number of installed DCP,
CCP and UC of each type installed on site under this contract.

E. During the period of the maintenance contract the BMS sub-contractor shall maintain a minimum
of 10% spare sensors of each type installed on site under : this contract. At the end of the Defects
Liability Period the BMS sub-contractor shall hand over sensors of each type to the Employer,
which shall, at minimum, be equal to 10% of the number of installed sensors of each type
installed on site under this contract.


A. Obtain all required pemrits and inspection certificates. All pennits and certificates shall be made
available to the Employer .

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 15 of 75


B. The latest requirements of all national, county, municipal and other authorities having jurisdiction
shall be met.

C. Work shall be perfonned in compliance with Employer's insurance underwriters' requirements.

D. All electrical work shall comply with the latest edition of the lEE wiring regulations (BS 7671)


A. Complete all requirements of the BMS sub-contract in accordance with the project programme
and prior to the scheduled Substantial Completion date for each phase.

B. Attend project meetings as requested by the Engineer .

C. Provide to the Engineer a schedule indicating the sequence of work, durations of individual tasks,
delivery dates for all material, devices and equipment and detail any interface that must be
coordinated with any other Contractors.

D. Provide written status reports at required intervals and in a fonnat acceptable to the Engineer. An
updated schedule of work shall be included in each status report.

E. Comply with the Project Construction Schedule. Provide additional staffing or work overtime as
required to comply with the Project Schedule so as not to interfere with other on-site Contractors
in their effort to comply with the Project Schedule. Confinn, prior to tender submittal, that all
equipment, devices, material and services proposed are available and will be delivered
accordingly to comply with the Project Schedule.

F. Provide written Request For Infonnation notices to the Engineer when specific information or
clarification of the specifications is required. Request For information notices shall be provided at
least X 2weeks prior to the need for the information.


A. Provide equipment, devices and materials for interior and exterior applications that shall be
capable of withstanding and operating satisfactorily in, at minimum, the following ambient

1. 5 Deg. C. (41 Deg. F.) to 55 Deg. C. (131 Deg. F.) temperature.

2. 10-95 percent relative humidity (non-condensing).
3. Electrical power service of single phase 220 Vac, 50 Hz nominal with tolerances in
compliance with the applicable statutes, codes and regulations.


A. Provide anti virus software for all components that are vulnerable to viruses. Anti virus software
shall be provided with free virus definition updates for the duration of the warranty. Anti virus
software should automatically scan the computer bios and all files opened, created, copied, and/or
received for viruses. Include directions for updating virus definition f1les upon expiration of
warranty within the record documentation.


Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 16 of 75


A. Building Management System: Distributed process control system consisting of central

control, central communications, and remote control systems to monitor and
control the following building systems:
1. Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems control.
2. Smoke MANAGMENT control.
3. Energy management.
4. Building and exterior lighting.
5. Fire alarm and detection.
6. Intrusion detection and security access.
7. Emergency power generator
8. Power supply
9. Bolier plant
10. Pools and fountains
11. External lighing
12. Emergency power supply
B. Central Control System: Configure central processing units, mass memory units, data
terminal units, and related software to perform the following functions:
1. Develop, store, access, and update building management data base.
2. Provide human operator interface with system.
3. Display and record system operation.
4. Provide central monitoring and automatic control of building systems.
C. Central Communication System: Configure central communication units, data
communication network, and related software to control input and output
between central control system and remote control system.

D. Remote Control System: Configure remote control units, data interface units,
input sensing devices, and output control elements to perform the following

1. Process variable sensing, signal transmitting, and signal conversion for each
input point.
2. Signal conversion, transmitting, and operation of control drive or other
element for each output point.
3. Receive remote control programs and system data from central
communication system.
4. Manual entry of remote control programs.
5. Storage of data and remote control programs.
6. Execute remote control program commands.
7. Transmit local status data to central communication system.
8. Execute commands received from central communication system.


A. Manufacturer and installer to have an office staffed with factory trained

engineers and technicians fully capable of providing instructions, routine
maintenance and emergency maintenance service on all system components.

B. Manufacturer and installer to have 10 years experience in design and installation

of computerized building systems similar in performance to that specified herein
and to provide evidence of experience as condition of acceptance and approval.

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 17 of 75


C. Supplier to have an in-place support facility within 100 miles of the site with,
spare parts inventory and all necessary test and diagnostic equipment.


A. All electronic equipment shall conform to the requirements of FCC Regulation,

Part 15, Section 15, Governing Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Interference
and be so labeled.

B. BMS shall comply with UL 916 PAZX and 864 UDTZ and be so listed at the
time of bid. All equipment used in system is to bear appropriate UL listing
label/mark to ensure compliance.


A. General: maintain a complete test, inspection and documentation program

covering all phases of construction and implementation of the instrumentation
and control systems. Also maintain an engineering assurance program
throughout final design and equipment selection phases of the project. Quality
control and engineering assurance programs to be fully documented in a project
procedures manual which is to be submitted for approval.
B. Project procedure manual is to detail, but is not necessarily limited to, the
1. equipment selection criteria
2. design standards
3. installation standards
4. field personnel qualification procedures such as for welders and non
destructive testing personnel
5. equipment calibration procedures
6. calibrated loop check procedures
7. system test and start-up procedures.

C. Start up procedures: portions of the manual may be equipment dependent such as

start up procedures. In such cases submit these portions in accordance with the
requirements of sub-section SUBMITTALS. However, selection criteria, design
standard, and installation standards to be established and approved before
detailed design starts.

D. Inspection: the Engineer has the right, at all times, to inspect the work, piping
material, equipment, or quality assurance procedures as applicable to confirm
that requirements as set forth are being complied with. Provide all tools,
instruments and equipment necessary to facilitate these inspections.

E. Inspection: cooperate with the Engineer in establishing when the various

inspections or tests will be performed during progress of the work.

F. Obligations: the presence or activities of the Engineer are in no way to relieve

the Contractor of his obligations.

G. Inspection duties assigned to the Contractor's personnel are to include, but are
not limited to, the following:

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1. verify that all non-destructive testing personnel are qualified for the work
being done
2. verify that all components received comply with the Specification and
receipt, inspection and storage of materials comply with requirements of the
3. verify that the Contractor's storage facilities are maintained
4. verify that rack wiring check and electrical continuity tests are conducted in
accordance with the Specification
5. witness that all hydrostatic tests performed on instrument sensing lines are
in accordance with the Specification and that all tests are properly filled in
signed and submittal for approval
6. witness all pneumatic leak tests performed on instrument sensing lines and
pneumatic tubing required by the Specification
7. verify that all wiring insulation tests are performed in accordance with the
Specification and that all test reports are properly filled in, signed and
submitted for approval
8. verify that assembly and nameplates of the transmitter racks are in
accordance with the Specification
9. verify that all racks, panels and local instruments have been located in
accordance with the Specification
10. verify that all tubing supports are in accordance with the Specification
11. verify that all tubing has been installed in accordance with the Specification
12. verify that all repairs and revisions to instrument components and
assemblies are in accordance with the Specification
13. verify that all repairs and revisions to instrumentation, tubing and their
components is in accordance with the Specification
14. inspect in detail the tubing system or portions of the system as completed
to verify that system or portion of system is correct and complete as
specified prior to the initiation of any flushing, hydrostatic test, or leak test
15. witness the construction loop inspection performed by the Contractor. All
items contlcomponents to conform to the specification requirements and
drawings. Equipment and components to be undamaged as determined by
visual examination. All documentation as required to be complete and on
file. Construction loop inspection, as performed, to comprehensively and
conclusively prove completeness and conformity of the installation to the
Drawings and Specification
16. verify that calibration of instrumentation and control loops is in accordance
with the approved procedures as submitted in the project procedures manual
17. witness the calibrated loop check and verify that all calibration reports are
properly filled in, signed and submitted for approval
18. witness the system operational tests on a sub-system basis to assure
operational integrity and conformance to operational requirements as
19. verify all plant documentation required for plant acceptance is in accordance
with sub-section SUBMITTALS for completeness and conformance.
A. Technical proposals shall be prepared in accordance with these specifications.
Three copies of the proposal shall be submitted. The technical proposal shall
include the following data/information as a minimum. The order of listing here
is not intended to indicate, nor should it be construed to indicate, the relative
importance of the data/information:

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 19 of 75


1. Information on organizational capability to handle this project

(management, personnel, manufacturing, single source responsibility, etc.)
2. Information on training program to demonstrate specification compliance.
3. System Configuration as Proposed:
a. Describe system architecture including a schematic layout with
location and type of all control panels.
b. Describe system operation, functions and control techniques.
c. Modularity.
d. Provisions against obsolescence due to technological advancement.
4. Technical data to support the information on the hardware configuration in
No. 3 above.
5. Detailed description of all operating, command, application and energy
management software provided for this project.
6. A signed certificate stating the Contractor "has read the performance and
functional requirements, understands them and his technical proposal will
comply with all parts of the specification."
7. Other requirements for inclusion in the technical proposal are located
throughout this specification.
B. Submit Unit Price schedule with the proposal.
C. Submit technical proposals with pricing in accordance with Instructions to


A. Submit in accordance with the Contract Documents.

B. Shop Drawings: Indicate system configuration; interconnection wiring diagrams;

location, data characteristics, range and units for each input and output point; logic
diagram for each type of control routine; programming and operating reference for
central processing unit operating system; programming and operating reference for
each application and programming language provided.

C. Product Data: Provide for each component, including sensors, control drives and
elements, plug-in circuit boards, and enclosed equipment units. Include cabinet
dimensions, weights, and support point locations for each item of enclosed
D. Design Data: Indicate basis of optimization algorithms.

E. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate installation instructions.

F. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify system meets or exceeds listing requirements of

Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. for fire alarm and security equipment.

G. Submit software provider's license agreement stating limits on use, copying, and
transferring software.

H. Manufacturer's Field Reports: Indicate acceptance of component and equipment

installation, interconnecting wiring, and weekly progress on installation and start-up
of system software.

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 20 of 75


I. Where installation procedures, or any part thereof, are required to be in accord with the
recommendations of the manufacturer of the material being installed, printed copies of
these recommendations shall be furnished to the Engineer prior to installation.
Installation of the item will not be allowed to proceed until the recommendations are
J. P & I or process flow diagrams: to be completed for each system and submitted for
approval. Instrument symbols and identification to be in accordance with ISA-S5.1.

K. Technical Data Sheets: control and instrumentation technical data sheets (TDS) to be
prepared for each device. TDS to be similar to and meet the intent of ISA-S20, 1975.

L. Loop Diagrams: control and instrument loop diagrams prepared and furnished for all
instrument systems. Typical diagrams are not permitted. Loop diagrams are to be
unique for each loop.

M. Equipment Installation Plans: to indicate location of instrument junction boxes,

individual field instruments, transmitter racks, and routing of cable duct from junction
boxes to respective remote processing units and back to Central Control Room. This
is to be accompanied by a list of control points connected by each FPU, with indication
of related control functions. Interfacing provided is to be listed; these are to be
grouped as per standard sub- module size of digital and analog input/output boards,
comprising similar requirements; such as interposing relays amplifiers, level
translators, etc.
N. Operating Consoles: drawings detailing operating consoles, instrument panel layouts
and dimensions and control room plans.

O. Instrument Installation: detail drawings for each field installation are to be furnished.
Details are to include but are not limited to instrument piping details, transmitter rack
details and pipe mounted equipment installation details.

P. Logic Diagrams detailing the operational logic are to be completed for the digital
binary operations. In addition to these drawings, operational logic descriptions are to
be prepared detailing the sequence of operation and operational constraints and
limitations. These drawings are to be in conformance with ISA-S5.2, 1976. Submit
details for each ZPU/SPU separately, in addition to logic diagrams relating Central
Control Room processing functions and resulting operations.

Q. Instrument Schedule listing all devices to be keyed to instrument loop number and
device numbers. Schedule to be submitted in two (2) formats; first, in an alpha-
numeric listing by device type and second, a listing with equipment grouped by loop
number. Schedule to contain as a minimum the following information:

1. instrument identification number

2. service
3. flow diagram number
4. logic diagram number
5. piping drawing number
6. installation plan number
7. manufacturer's name
8. processing units termination, interfacing and communication.

R. Instrument Schedule to provide a comprehensive data source indicating where all

specific information may be found for each service. Schedule to include not only

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 21 of 75


balance of plant equipment but also that equipment furnished as part of packaged
systems and is to be noted as such.

S. Prior to procurement of equipment submit for approval the following drawings and

1. process and instrumentation flow diagrams

2. equipment specifications and completed technical data sheets
3. control logic diagrams and logic descriptions
4. input/output points charts for every processing unit

T. Prior to start of system installation and construction submit for approval the following
drawings and documents:

1. shop drawings for valves, dampers, transducers, transmitters, signal conditioners,

indicators, recorders, miscellaneous instruments, central operator processing unit,
consoles and ancillary
2. control loop diagrams
3. electrical elementary diagrams
4. instrument installation plans
5. detailed panel diagrams
6. point to point wiring diagrams
7. instrument schedule, including processing unit panel termination/interface.

U. Prior to commencing start-up activities the documents to be submitted for approval:

1. system construction inspection procedures

2. points calibration procedures
3. calcontchecprocedures
4. plant operational system test procedures
5. operator and maintenance personnel training curriculum.

V. Prior to system acceptance and turn-over and as a condition of system acceptance, the
following documents are to be submitted in four copies in accordance with
requirements of Division 1:

1. system user manual

2. systems maintenance manual including specifications on each piece of equipment,
trouble-shooting charts, and preventive maintenance instructions, technical data
sheet for each instrument referenced for each application
3. as-built drawings including equipment outlined dimension drawings, equipment
wiring and or piping connection drawing
4. complete supplementary information about software and hardware of system
supplied. This to include:
- system block diagram (hardware)
- software "functional" flow diagram
- memory map of all units
- specific tasks performed by each processor, especially where a distributed
processing architecture is provided. These are to be clearly indicated in
functional form
- source and object lists of software program
5. internal equipment wiring, complete with circuit diagrams for each processing
unit, board layout (single and double sided), plus edge connection schedule and

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 22 of 75


lists of all components (integrated circuits, transistors, regulators, resistors,

capacitors, etc.) plus edge-connection schedules

6. tests and calibration data pertinent to each item installed in the systems.


A. Deliver, store, protect, and handle products to site under provisioins of the Contract

B. Accept products on site and verify damage.

C. Protect products from construction operations, dust, and debris by storing in

conditioned space.


A. Furnish service and maintenance of building management system for one year from
Date of Substantial Completion.

B. Include installation of software revisions issued during maintenance service period.


A. As soon as practicable after approval of materials and equipment and, if possible, not
later than 4 months prior to the date of beneficial use, submit spare parts data for each
different item of equipment furnished. Data to include a complete source of supply, a
list of parts and supplies that are either normally furnished at no extra cost with the
purchase of the equipment, or specified hereinafter as EXTRA MATERIALS to be
furnished as part of the Contract; and a list of additional items recommended by the
manufacturer to assure efficient operation for a period of 360 days at the particular
installation. The foregoing is not to relieve the Contractor of any responsibilities under
the guarantee condition.


A. Provide special tools required for maintenance.

B. Provide two of each plug-in circuit board.

C. Provide 1000 sheets of continuous form paper.



A. Simens

B. Honeywell Trend

C. Automated Logic

D. Satchwell Controls

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 23 of 75


E. Delta Controls

or approved equal.


A. The design of the BMS shall network operator workstations and stand-alone DDC

B. Access to system data shall not be restricted by the hardware configuration of the
Building Management System. The hardware configuration of the BMS network shall
be totally transparent to the user when accessing data or developing control programs.

1. Operator workstations and DDC Controllers shall directly reside on a network such
that communications may be executed directly between DDC Controllers, directly
between workstations and between DDC Controllers and workstations.
2. Systems that operate via polled response or other types of protocols that rely on a
central processor, file server, or similar device to manage panel-to-panel
communications may be considered only if a similar device is provided as a
standby. Upon a failure or malfunction of the primary central processor, the
standby shall automatically, without any operator intervention, assume all BMS
network management activities.
3. All operator devices shall have the ability to access all point status and application
report data or execute control functions for any and all other devices. Access to
data shall be based upon logical identification of building equipment. No hardware
or software limits shall be imposed on the number of devices with global access to
the network data.
4. Network design shall include the following provisions:

a. Provide high-speed data transfer rates for alarm reporting, quick report
generation from multiple controllers and upload/download efficiency
between network devices. System performance shall insure that an alarm
occurring at any DDC Controller is displayed at workstations and/or alarm
printers within 5 seconds.
b. Support of any combination of DDC Controllers and operator workstations
directly connected to the network.
c. Message and alarm buffering to prevent information from being lost.
d. Error detection, correction and retransmission to guarantee data integrity.
e. Synchronization of real-time clocks, to include automatic daylight savings time
updating between all DDC Controllers shall be provided.

C. Telecommunication Capability:

1. Auto-dial/auto-answer communications shall be provided to allow DDC

Controllers to communicate with remote operator stations and/or remote terminals
on an intermittent basis via telephone lines, as indicated in the sequence of
2. Auto-dial DDC Controllers shall automatically place calls to workstations to report
alarms or other significant events.

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 24 of 75


a. DDC Controllers shall be able to store a minimum of 10 phone numbers of at

least 20 digits. Retry a single primary number at a fixed interval until
b. The auto-dial program shall include provisions for handling busy signals, "no
answers" and incomplete data transfers. Provide as a minimum 3 secondary
numbers when communications cannot be established with the primary device.
3. Operators at dial-up workstations shall be able to perform all control functions, all
report functions and all database generation and modification functions as
described for workstations connected via the network. Routines shall be
provided to automatically answer calls from remote DDC Controllers. The fact
that communications are taking place with remote DDC Controllers over
telephone lines shall be completely transparent to an operator.

a. An operator shall be able to access remote buildings by selection of any facility

by its logical name. The workstation dial-up program shall store the phone
numbers of each remote site, so the user shall not be required to remember or
manually dial telephone numbers.

b. A PC workstation may serve as an operator device on a network, as well as a

dial-up workstation for multiple auto-dial DDC Controllers or networks. Alarm
and data file transfers handled via dial-up transactions shall not interfere with
network activity, nor shall network activity keep the workstation from handling
incoming calls.

D. Provide all necessary hardware and software for remote communications with all
remote processors, back-up processors and all operator input/output peripheral devices.
Controller hardware for remote communications to be modular. It is to be possible for
each channel to be individually programmed (or re-programmed) for its function and
appropriate baud rate by on-line operator software. Each communications channel to be
fully buffered, and to support asynchronous data transmission and recep. All
communications channels to be able to communicate simultaneously to support the
real-time, multi-tasking, multi-user operating syspecified here. Eacommunication
channel to be dual- trunk fully redundant type; loading to be up to 60% of
manufacturer's recommended limits.


A. BMS hardware to be totally solid-state using computer oriented digital technology.

System to have a fully modular architecture permitting expansion by adding
computer memory, additional processing units application software, operator
peripherals and field hardware.

B. BMS to be capable of supporting the following "point" types:

Analog Input (AI)

Analog Output (AO)
Digital Input (DI)
Digital Output (DO)
Software Duplicate Points
Software Computed Points
Software Simulated Points.

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Configuration and control of any system "point" is not to require special software.
Point capacity of system to be a function of available system memory only.

C. Primary Processing Unit (PPU) to be microprocessor based mini-computer, 16 bit

word, with minimum resident random access memory (RAM) capacity of 6 mega-
bytes for the master station processor and 2 mega-bytes for the secondary stations
processor. Processor to be provided with hard disk of mass memory
storage/access, based totally on Winchester technology, with storage capacity of at
least 120 mega bytes for the master processor and 80 mega bytes for the secondary
processors. (4.55 M-bits minimum transfer rate: 45 million-seconds are access

D. Secondary Processing Unit (SPU) to be stand alone or networked DDC panel, fully user
programmable, menu driven, command driven or colour graphics. SPU is to have dual
8 bit CPUs and a modem access. The SPU is to include all the software necessary to
programme end devices and zone controllers and to have up to 150 input/output zone
controller. SPU is to have a 72 hours battery back-up of the data base stored in RAM.
Each SPU is to have the capability to communicate and programme up to 150 zone

E. A user friendly programming language is to be used to programme the SPU and the
zone controller connected to it. Further the panel is to have the predefined
software listed below:

- input points
- output points
- pulse points
- annual schedule
- weekly schedule
- alarm
- controller
- totalizer
- trend log
- zone controller access points
- optimized start
- system display
- user access
- scale range
- load shed

F. Zone Processing Unit or Controller (ZPU) to be distributed stand alone DDC controller
for control of various unitary and terminal equipment or controls with built in network
communication for integration into the BMS system. Zone controller is to have flexible
control strategies with user configurable algorithms that reside in a non volatile
memory. Zone controllers are to have a serial port that will allow the connection of
electronic sensors, set point adjustment, overrides at service tools.

G. Loading/Backup Facilities: provide as an integral of an IBM PC or compatible, all

hardware required to load, reload, or backup the memory of the system and the software
to execute specified functions. Loading of system to be through use of high-speed,
mass storage media, such as magnetic tape cartridge or floppy diskette. This same
media to be used for making on-line system backups and for remote historical data

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H Data Dumpings: if SPU OR ZPU memory fails, the operator shall not have to manually
re-enter system data. Necessary hardware and software are to be supplied to:

- allow periodic dumping of operator entered data onto another storage media
- reload this data as the operator desires.

Data dumpings are not to interrupt any other system operation (such as operator
input/output, scanning of field hardware, application software execution, etc.)


A. Stand-alone Controllers shall be microprocessor-based with a minimum word size of 16

bits. They shall also be multi-tasking, multi-user, real-time digital control processors
consisting of modular hardware with plug-in enclosed processors, communication
controllers, power supplies and input/output point modules. Controller size shall be
sufficient to fully meet the requirements of this specification and the attached point list.

B. Each DDC Controller shall have sufficient memory, a minimum of 1 megabyte, to

support its own operating system and databases, including:

1.Control processes
2.Energy management applications
3.Alarm management applications including custom alarm messages for
each level alarm for each point in the system.
4. Historical/trend data for points specified
5. Maintenance support applications
6. Custom processes
7. Operator I/O
8. Dial-up communications
9. Manual override monitoring
C. Each DDC Controller shall support:

1. Monitoring of the following types of inputs, without the addition of equipment

outside the DDC Controller cabinet:
a. Analog inputs
1) 4-20 mA
2) 0-10 Vdc
3) Thermistors
4) 1000 ohm RTDs
5) PT1000
6) LG-Ni 1000
7) PT100
8) 0-20mA

b. Digital inputs
1) Dry contact closure
2) Pulse Accumulator
3) Voltage Sensing

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2. Direct control of pneumatic and electronic actuators and control devices. Each
DDC Controller shall be capable of providing the following control outputs
without the addition of equipment outside the DDC Controller cabinet:
a. Digital outputs (contact closure)
1) Contact closure maintained
2) Contact closure pulsed
3) Contact closure staged
b. Analog outputs
1) 0-20 psi
2) 4-20 mA
3) 0-10 Vdc

D. Each DDC Controller shall have a minimum of 10% spare capacity for future point
connection. The type of spares shall be in the same proportion as the implemented I/O
functions of the panel, but in no case shall there be less than two spares of each
implemented I/O type. Provide all processors, power supplies and communication
controllers complete so that the implementation of a point only requires the addition of
the appropriate point input/output termination module and wiring.

1. Provide sufficient internal memory for the specified control sequences and have at
least 25% of the memory available for future use.

E. DDC Controllers shall provide at least two RS-232C serial data communication ports
for operation of operator I/O devices such as industry standard printers, operator
terminals, modems and portable operator's terminals. DDC Controllers shall allow
temporary use of portable devices without interrupting the normal operation of
permanently connected modems, printers or terminals.

F. As indicated in the point I/O schedule, the operator shall have the ability to manually
override automatic or centrally executed commands at the DDC Controller via local,
point discrete, on-board hand/off/auto operator override switches for digital control type
points and gradual switches for analog control type points. These override switches
shall be operable whether the panel processor is operational or not.

1. Switches shall be mounted either within the DDC Controllers key-accessed

enclosure, or externally mounted with each switch keyed to prevent unauthorized

2. DDC Controllers shall monitor the status of all overrides and inform the operator
that automatic control has been inhibited. DDC Controllers shall also collect
override activity information for reports.

G. DDC Controllers shall provide local LED status indication for each digital input and
output for constant, up-to-date verification of all point conditions without the need for
an operator I/O device. Graduated intensity LEDs or analog indication of value shall
also be provided for each analog output. Status indication shall be visible without
opening the panel door.

H. Each DDC Controller shall continuously perform self-diagnostics, communication

diagnosis and diagnosis of all panel components. The DDC Controller shall provide
both local and remote annunciation of any detected cfailures, low battery conditions or
repeated failure to establish communication.

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I. Isolation shall be provided at all peer-to-peenetwork termination, as was all field point
terminations to suppress induced voltage transients consistent with IEEE Standards

J. In the event of the loss of normal power, there shall be an orderly shutdown of all DDC
Controllers to prevent the loss of database or operating system software. Non-volatile
memory shall be incorporated for all critical controller configuration data and battery
backup shall be provided to support the real-time clock and all volatile memory for a
minimum of 72 hours.

1. Upon restoration of normal power, the DDC Controller shall automatically resume
full operation without manual intervention.
2. Should DDC Controller memory be lost for any reason, the user shall have the
capability of reloading the DDC Controller via the local RS-232C port, via
telephone line dial-in or from a network workstation PC.
A. General:
1. All necessary software to form a complete operating system as described in this
specification shall be provided.
2. The software programs specified in this Section shall be provided as an integral
part of DDC Controllers and shall not be dependent upon any higher level
computer for execution.
B. Control Software Description:
1. The DDC Controllers shall have the ability to perform the following pre-tested
control algorithms:
a. Two-position control
b. Proportional control
c. Proportional plus integral control
d. Proportional, integral, plus derivative control
e. Control loop tuning
2. Control software shall include a provision for limiting the number of times each
piece of equipment may be cycled within any one-hour period.

3. The system shall provide protection against excessive demand situations during
start-up periods by automatically introducing time delays between successive start
commands to heavy electrical loads.

4. Upon the resumption of normal power, each DDC Controller shall analyze the
status of all controlled equipment, compare it with normal occupancy scheduling
and turn equipment on or off as necessary to resume normal operations.

C. DDC Controllers shall have the ability to perform any or all the following energy
management routines:
1. Time-of-day scheduling
2. Calendar-based scheduling
3. Holiday scheduling
4. Temporary schedule overrides
5. Start-Stop Time Optimization
6. Automatic Daylight Savings Time Switchover

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7. Night setback control

8. Enthalpy switchover (economizer)
9. Peak Demand Limiting
10. Temperature-compensated duty cycling
11. Fan speed/CFM control
12. Heating/cooling interlock
13. Cold deck reset
14. Hot deck reset
15. Hot water reset
16. Chilled water reset
17. Condenser water reset
18. Chiller sequencing
a. All programs shall be executed automatically without the need for operator
intervention and shall be flexible enough to allow user customization.

D. DDC Controllers shall be able to execute custom, job-specific processes defined by the
user, to automatically perform calculations and special control routines.

1. It shall be possible to use any of the following in a custom process:

a. Any system measured point data or status
b. Any calculated data
c. Any results from other processes
d. User-defined constants
e. Arithmetic functions (+, -, *, /,square root, exp, etc.)
f. Boolean logic operators (and/or, exclusive or, etc.)
g. On-delay/off-delay/one-shot timers

2. Custom processes may be triggered based on any combination of the following:

a. Time interval
b. Time-of-day
c. Date
d. Other processes
e. Time programming
f. Events (e.g., point alarms)

3. A single process shall be able to incorporate measured or calculated data from any
and all other DDC Controllers on the network. In addition, a single process shall
be able to issue commands to points in any and all other DDC Controllers on the
4. Processes shall be able to generate operator messages and advisories to operator
I/O devices. A process shall be able to directly send a message to a specified
device or cause the execution of a dial-up connection to a remote device such as a
printer or pager.

5. The custom control programming feature shall be documented via English

language descriptors.

E. Alarm management shall be provided to monitor and direct alarm information to

operator devices. Each DDC Controller shall perform distributed, independent alarm
analysis and filtering to minimize operator interruptions due to non-critical alarms,
minimize network traffic and prevent alarms from being lost. At no time shall the DDC
Controllers ability to report alarms be affected by either operator or activity at a PC
workstation, local I/O device or communications with other panels on the network.

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1. All alarm or point change reports shall include the point's English language
description and the time and date of occurrence.

2. The user shall be able to define the specific system reaction for each point. Alarms
shall be prioritized to minimize nuisance reporting and to speed operator response
to critical alarms. A minimum of six priority levels shall be provided for each
point. Point priority levels shall be combined with user definable destination
categories (PC, printer, DDC Controller, etc.) to provide full flexibility in defining
the handling of system alarms. Each DDC Controller shall automatically inhibit
the reporting of selected alarms during system shutdown and start-up. Users shall
have the ability to manually inhibit alarm reporting for each point.

3. Alarm reports and messages will be directed to a user-defined list of operator

devices or PCs.

4. In addition to the point's descriptor and the time and date, the user shall be able to
print, display or store a 200 character alarm message to more fully describe the
alarm condition or direct operator response.

a. Each DDC Controller shall be capable of storing a library of at least 50 alarm

messages. Each message may be assignable to any number of points in the

5. In dial-up applications, operator-selected alarms shall initiate a call to a remote

operator device.

F. A variety of historical data collection utilities shall be provided to manually or

automatically sample, store and display system data for points as specified in the I/O

1. DDC Controllers shall store point history data for selected analog and digital
inputs and outputs:
a. Any point, physical or calculated may be designated for trending. Any point,
regardless of physical location in the network, may be collected and stored in
each DDC Controllers point group. Two methods of collection shall be
allowed either by a pre-defined time interval or upon a pre-defined change of
value. Sample intervals of l minute to 7 days shall be provided. Each DDC
Controller shall have a dedicated RAM-based buffer for trend data and shall
be capable of storing a minimum of 25000 data samples.

2. Trend data shall be stored at the DDC Controllers and uploaded to the workstation
when retrieval is desired. Uploads shall occur based upon either user-defined
interval, manual command or when the trend buffers are full. All trend data shall
be available for use in 3rd party personal computer applications.

3. DDC Controllers shall also provide high resolution sampling capability for
verification of control loop performance. Operator-initiated automatic and manual
loop tuning algorithms shall be provided for operator-selected PID control loops as
identified in the point I/O summary. Provide capability to view or print trend and
tuning reports.

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a. In automatic mode, the controller shall perform a step response test with a
minimum one-second resolution, evaluate the trend data, calculate the new
PID gains and input these values into the selected LOOP statement.
b. For troubleshooting in manual mode, the operator shallbe able to select
variables to override default values. Calculated PID gains shall then be
reviewed before they are inserted into the selectLOOP statement.
c. Loop shall be capable of being initiated either locally at the DDC Controller,
from a network workstation or remotely using dial-in modems. For all loop
tuning functions, access shall be limited to authorized personnel through
password protection.

G. DDC Controllers shall automatically accumulate and store run-time hours for digital
input and output points as specified in the point I/O summary.

1. The totalization routine shall have a sampling resolution of one minute or less.

2. The user shall have the ability to define a warning limit for run-time totalization.
Unique, user-specified messages shall be generated when the limit is reached.

H. DDC Controllers shall automatically sample, calculate and store consumption totals on
a daily, weekly or monthly basis for user-selected analog and digital pulse input type
points as specified in the point I/O summary.

1. Totalization shall provide calculation and storage of accumulations of up to

99,999.9 units (e.g., KWH, gallons, BTU, tons, etc.).

2. The totalization routine shall have a sampling resolution of one minute or less.

3. The user shall have the ability to define a warning limit. Unique, user-specified
messages shall be generated when the limit is reached.

I. DDC Controllers shall have the ability to count events such as the number of times a
pump or fan system is cycled on and off. Event totalization shall be performed on a
daily, weekly or monthly basis for points as specified in the point I/O summary.

1. The event totalization feature shall be able to store the records associated with a
minimum of 9,999.9 events before reset.

2. The user shall have the ability to define a warning limit. Unique, user-specified
messages shall be generated when the limit is reached.


A. Provide two portable operator terminals with a minimum LCD display of 80 characters
by 25 lines and a full-featured keyboard. The POT shall be handheld and plug directly
into individual distributed control panels as described below. Provide a user-friendly,
English language prompted interface for quick access to system information, not codes
requiring look-up charts.

B. Functions of the Portable Operator's Terminal connected at distributed control

processors shall be:
1. Access all DDC Controllers on the network.

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2. Backup and/or restore DDC Controller data bases for all system panels, not just
the DDC Controller connected to.
3. Display all point, selected point and alarm point summaries.
4. Display trending and totalization information.
5. Add, modify and/or delete any existing or new system point.
6. Command, change setpoint, enable/disable any system point.
7. Program and load custom control sequences as well as standard energy
management programs.
8. Provide connection capability at a room sensor to access controller information.
9. Provide status, setup and control reports.
10. Modify, select and store controller data base.
11. Command, change setpoint, enable/disable any controller point.

C. If the same Portable Operator's Terminal cannot be used for all control processors,
provide separate POTs to accomplish the above functional requirements.

D. Provide as a minimum, a POT connection in each mechanical room capable of

accessing entire system information.

E. Connection of a POT to a distributed control processor shall not interrupt nor interfere
with normal network operation in any way, prevent alarms from being transmitted or
preclude centrally initiated commands and system modification.

F. Portable operator terminal access to controller shall be password-controlled.


A. General: operator peripheral device communications, here designated as Man-Machine

Interface (MMI) to be handled simultaneously through various devices generally
categorized as software and hardware. Each device may be connected in a direct
proprietary, leased phone line, or dial-up phone line application.

B. Standards: all peripheral devices to utilize ASCII (American Standard Code for
Information Interchange) code and to be interfaced to the processing units with
standard RS232 port. Communication versatility is to comply with all methods
previously specified herein.

C. Operator Station to comprise multiple operator peripheral input/output devices which

can all be used simultaneously. Characteristics of each device and the station to be
totally on line definable and completely independent of each other. If any device should
experience a failure, the system to automatically transfer its information to another

D. Operator Access to system to be restricted by a software coding process. Systems which

provide only manual key lock accessibility are not acceptable. This coding process to

- peripheral devices an operator may interface to

- point groupings an operator may access
- command groupings an operator may access
- specific command functionality and point control that an operator has
authority over.

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The above authority keys to be software programmable while system is fully on-
line with at least six (6) priority levels. Each operator authority code to consist of
from one to eleven alphanumeric characters, each individually definable and
modifiable through keyboard entry while the system is online. Minimum of 50
authority codes to be provided. Each authority code to have the following

- authority access code

- operator initials
- up to a 24 alphanumeric operator descriptor
- systems authority access timer.

Unit is to automatically create hardcopy record when an operator has been granted
access.This record to include date and time, which device and which operator was
granted access. System to also have capability to store this record historically (with
or without associated hardcopy record) with future retrieval/analysis capability,
should this mode of recording be preferred. Operator access to be terminated either
by operator command or automatically by the system as predetermined by the
authority access timer.

Operator to have the ability to command points, request information, select entry
method, enter memory changes and edit any number of characters without having
to retype an entire line/screen.

E. Operator Entry: there are to be multiple methods of operator entry. These to consist of,
but are not limited to, the following:

1. tutorial method used as a prompting aid to assist an operator each step of the
way in executing the command function

2. dedicated method which will bypass the tutorial method to allow a quick,
direct command syntax/sequence for system processing. Systems without a
direct command are unacceptable
3. template method used for mass repetitive/data entry of information and
commands. This method to also be used for data base generation, including
such items as point definition, graphic generation, report creation, and
custom/DSC programming/ translation.

Any method of entry is to be verified by the system prior to execution. Any invalid
entries to be highlighted by the system for operator correction. Operator to be able to
request help in any mode of operation at any time to aid in command entry. This help
request to convert mode or provide aid lists on the request parameters. Any operator
entry is not to inhibit any change-of-state COS reporting. Each time an operator
command is issued the system to automatically create a hardcopy record.

F. Function Keys: as an aid to the operator, the system MMI to provide dedicated function
keys (DFK) for common/repetitive operator functions. These functions to be executed
by single operator keystroke. Utilization of dedicated function keys is not to inhibit
any COS reporting or any other simultaneous functions that operator may be
performing. Provide at least 12 DFK/keyboard. Different keyboards to be
programmed to maideal with specific areas or sub-systems (such as electrical, HVAC),
although it is also to be possible for any one to take over completely. Thiis to be

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performed to aioperatoin sharing their duties. Clear markers to be affixed to each

dedicated function key, giving its actual function.

G. Printers: system printers to provide hardcopy data retention of COS, operator initiated
actions, management reports, graphics and trended information. Printers which can be
interfaced include the following:

- color printer
- receive only (RO) printer
Main control station to be provided with one color and two receive only printers.
Secondary stations to be provided with one color and one receive printer.


A. Personal computer operator workstations shall be provided for command entry,

information management, network alarm management and database management
functions. All real-time control functions shall be resident in the DDC Controllers to
facilitate greater fault tolerance and reliability.

1. Workstation shall consist of a color monitor, personal computer with minimum 8

MB RAM, 120 MB hard drive and controller, 3-l/2" diskette drive, mouse and
101-key enhanced keyboard. Personal computer shall be an IBM PS/2 or
equivalent and shall include a minimum 40 MHZ 80486 processor.

2. The display provided for system operation shall have a diagonal screen
measurement of no less than 13" and a minimum display resolution of no less than
640 x 480 pixels. Separate controls shall be provided for color, contrasts and
brightness. The screen shall be non-reflective.

B. Provide a printer (RO) for recording alarms, operator transactions and systems reports,
meeting the following minimum requirements:

1. 132 column/160 character per second print speed

2. 9 x 9 DOT matrix character structure switchable to 9 x 18 DOT matrix for letter
quality output.
3. Compressed mode option for 220 characters per line.
4. Software selectable under, emphasized, double strike and expanded (double width)
characters capability.
5. Adjustable line spacing of 6 or 8 lines per inch.
6. Adjustable tractor for 5 inch to 15 inch paper widths.
7. 96 ASCII upper and lower case character set.

C. Provide a color printer for printing of graphics and any other screen displays. Printer
shall include as a minimum:

1. 80 Column tractor-feed for normal use with ability to switch to friction feed of
single sheets of paper without any mechanical adjustments.
2. 360 x 360 Dot/Inch image resolution.
3. Draft and letter quality print selection for alpha-numeric operations.
4. Four color mix capability to provide true color printing of screen graphics.
5. Three built-in letter quality fonts from selectable front panel buttons.
6. 32K Buffer to store complete graphics for printing.

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A. General: provide Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT) and keyboards to display realtime data,
allow operator commands, perform data base generation and report system activity.

B. CRTs connected to the system to include color CRT with direct video capability having
minimum 480 mm diagonal display with minimum of 48 lines and 80 character/column
screen with refresh rate of 60 times per second. Format of screen to permit output of
dynamic color displays and/or summaries specified hereinafter, while concurrently
displaying the most recent COS occurrence. It is to have detachable, tactile feedback
keyboard having standard typewriter layout plus 10-key numeric key pad and dedicated
function keys.

C. Format CRT to include and display in an individual dedicated and protected area of the
viewing screen the following dynamic information:

current time, date and day of week (including holidays)

highest priority unacknowledged COS
visual indication of the type of alarm/off-normal condition still active after
current operator identification
current status of three points considered critical for that operator's CRT
system advisory alarm messages
operator work area to display various forms of point information, issue commands and
data base generation functions.

Formats are to permit the out of various forms of point displays specified hereinafter,
while concurrently displaying the most recent COS occurrence. Furthermore, while
this information is displayed, the operator to also be able to enter commands to the

D. System Display to be a dynamic output, updating to the current point condition

automatically at least twice a minute. This to be realized for the specified extendability
capacity. System response to a keyboard initiated command or to an alarm, however,
to be maximum of 100 MS, including artificial delay to allow for a reliable
acknowledgement status, free of switch bounce, contact bounce etc.

E. Any and all CRT screen images to be printable upon single keystroke. While screen
image is being printed, the system is not to inhibit operator utilization of CRT.

F. Color CRT to output chromatic system graphic displays as specified. These chromatic
graphic displays to detail all mechanical and electrical systems listed in the schedule
attached to this Specification. Operator request for a chromatic graphic display is to
cause associated system to be automatically selected and outputted on viewing screen.
When a point is in alarm on the CRT, the operator to be able to display a graphic with a
single keystroke.


A. Transducers: to include, but are not necessarily limited to, temperature sensors, pressure
switches or level switches. Transducer is a device that converts information about a
physical parameter from form in which it is received to some other form, e.g., pressure
to voltage. It is the primary element in an instrumentation and control system, is

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inserted in the process flow stream, and provides the signal that can be read, recorded,
alarmed or provides control within a process.

B. Flow Switch to be vane actuated type, designed to mount to pipeline with threaded
coupling 50 mm NPT. Suitably shaped and beveled coupling is welded to pipe and
flow switch is threaded directly into it. Flow switch to be designed for vertical
installation on horizontal pipelines and to be marked to indicate direction of flow.
Actuating vane is linked to pivoted mercury switch. When vane moves with increase in
flow it will trip the switch. Screw fasteners securing actuating vane to be back welded
for added safety. Switch to be SPDT sealed mercury switch with rating 13 amperes. All
materials subject to wetting to be 316 stainless steel. Switch to be in NEMA 4 housing.
Conduit connection to housing to be 20 mm NPT. Perform necessary tests to assure
that flow switch will be operational at specified flow rates. Repeatability of flow rate
actuation point is to be within 0.1 %.

C. Pressure Switch to be flexible diaphragm type, with diaphragm sealed in place with "O"
ring. Diaphragm and ring to be of Buna-N. Diaphragm seals out the process fluid but
transfers pressure variations directly to a spring based piston. Pre-stressed spring to be
adjustable to calibrate operating point of switch. Switch element to be a snap action
contact transfer type transferring on 0.55 mm movement. Switch to be electrically rated
at 480 volt (max) at 15 amps., AC service, and 125 volt, 0.5 amp, DC resistive load.
Pressure connections to be sized for 12 mm NPT fittings and pipe. Electrical
connections use 20 mm NPT conduit. Housings to be weathertight and conform to
NEMA 4 ratings.

D. Differential Pressure Elements to be bellows type with liquid fill. Bellows and center
plate to be completely filled with clean, non corrosive, low freezing point liquid, and to
stand repeated over-ranging in excess of working pressure of instrument housing
without causing calibration change. Temperature compensation to be provided for the
fill. Torque tube assembly to be an integral part of the bellows assembly to transmit
motion. Torque tube assembly to be so designed that it is installed in a preloaded
condito prevent backlash as it rotates through its complete range. Rotation of torque
tube for full scale differential pressure to be 8 deg.+/-10%. Unto operate within
temperatlimits of-5 to +55 deg C. Process connections to be 12 mm NPT.

E. Level Switches: where application warrants level switches to be capacitance type.

Material or liquid level variations at sensing probe to be sensed and converted by
transmitter into a directly proportional DC current output signal. Transmitter to have
voltage stabilized oscillator which drives an LC bridge. Detector probe is one leg of
bridge. When material or liquid level is at its lowest point on detector probe, the bridge
is in balance and transmitter output is at its lowest value. As material level rises in the
probe, the bridge becomes unbalanced. This imbalance produces an AC signal
proportional to level of material on sensing probe. Integrated circuit operational
amplifiers convert AC signal into transmitter's DC output current signal. This signal is
to operate a DPDT integrally located relay to provide alarm indications as required by

Operating characteristics of transmitting unit to be as follows:

line voltage : 110 V AC +/-10%, 50 hertz

power : 20 watts
line variation : +/-0.5%/20V.
operating temperature : -5 deg. C to +55 deg. C.

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temperature sensitivity : 0.01% per deg F maximum

zero stability : 0.01 pf per deg F maximum
span adjustment : 10 to 3000 pf
terminal adjustment : 0 to 250 pf
output linearity : +/-0.5 %
repeatability : +/-1 %
output relays, DPDT : 10 A 110 V AC noninductive
transmitter enclosure : NEMA 4.

Level Switches probe is to be the primary sensing element of the system. It is to be

designed to be intrinsically safe and is to be furnished with a cast iron conduit junction
fitting. It is to be connected to transmitter through coaxial cable. Probe is to be
fabricated of stainless steel.

F. Transmitters basically consist of an apparatus directly coupled to the transducers

element that modifies the process variable information so that an electric signal may be
transmitted to some remote receiver. Signal used wherein is a current varying from 4.0
to 20.0 mA DC that proportionately represents from 0 to 100 % of the process variable.
Receiver may be an indicator, recorder, controller or signal modifier.

G. Pressure Indicating Transmitter (PIT): to be high stability transducer utilizing solid-

state circuitry. utput is a 4.0 to 20.0 mA DC signal proportional to sensed pressure.
Accuracy of instrument to be 0.25 % of span. Two barrier type terminals for No.14
wire plus ground connections to be provided. Process pressure connections to be made
through 6 mm NPT. Conduit for electrical connections to be 20 mm NPT. Instrument
to be operational in a thermal environment of from -5 deg C to +55 deg C.

(PIT): to be supplied with integrally mounted indicator. Indicator to be high- impact

polycarbonate sealed 89 mm diameter weatherproof meter. Mounting to be 50 mm
conduit with terminals in type "T" conduit box. Accuracy not to be less than 98 % and
input impedance not more than 10 ohms. Scale to be 6 cm long calibrated in kPa.
Mechanism to be a jeweled pilot, moving magnet travelling 80 deg. It is to accept a 4-
20 mA DC input.

Perform necessary tests to ensure that PIT meets all operational and manufacturer
H. Pressure Transmitter (PT): to be high stability transducer utilizing solid state circuitry.
Output is a 4.0 - 20.0 mA DC signal proportional to sensed pressure. Accuracy of
instrument to be 0.25 % of span. Two barrier type terminals for No.14 wire plus ground
connections to be provided. Process pressure connections to be made through 6 mm
NPT. Conduit for electrical connections to be 20 mm NPT. Instrument to be operational
in a thermal environment of from -29 deg C to +39 deg C.
Perform necessary tests to ensure that pressure transmitter meets all operational
manufacturer specifications.

I. Temperature Indicating Transmitter (TIT): to be an electronic instrument with

interchangeable elements of the resistance type (RTD) capable of converting
temperature information to a proportional 0.5 VDC signal. Signal to be read at a local
integral indicator and to be capable of being transmitted to a receiver located at 1600 m
from transmitter. Instrument to be of corrosive resistant and weather-proof
construction. Unit to be dust tight and conform to Class II Group G Div. 2. Input-to-
output accuracy to be 0.5% of span with repetition of 0.1 % of span exclusive of the

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 38 of 75


RTD. Internal connections to be a barrier terminal strip through standard 20 mm NPT

conduit fittings.

TIT: integral indicator to have clear glass or polycarbonate window. Shile scale with
black markings and red pointer is to provide indication. Effective length of scale to be
not less than 150mm.

Perform all necessary tests to ensure that temperature indicating transmitter meets all
operational and manufacturer's specifications.

J. Field System Temperature Transmitter: to be installed where shown on the Drawings.

Transmitters (systems) to be SAMA Class II. Enclosure to be NEMA 4. Bulb to be an
adjustable union, 316SS, bendable and 45 cm long extension. Bulb to be 10 mm
diameter, 100 mm in length, with an insertion length of 150 mm. Capillary to be
316SS, insertion length 150 mm, lagging extension 80 mm and pipe connection 25 mm
socket weld. Transmitter output 0.5 V DC signal proportional to temperature.

K. Level Indicating Transmitters (LIT) for compression tank gauging to be positive

displacement type. This displacer senses liquid level by remaining relatively stationary.
As level changes, displacer becomes more or less submerged and creates a buoyancy
force into a proportional 4.0 to 20 mA signal. Functional characteristics of unit to
include the following:

- power supply - 24V to 95V to field determined

- accuracy - plus or minus 0.5 % of span
- repeatability - 0.1 % of span
- span adjustment - 10 % to 100 % of sensing element length
- zero adjustment - 100 % of sensing element length
- voltage sensitivity - less than 0.01 % of sensing element range per volt change
- ambient temperature limits to be from -23 deg C to 71 deg C.

Displacer cage to be of fabricated steel ANSI 600 lb. rating. Length 810 mm.
Equalizing connection to be screwed fittings, 50 mm NPT. Displacer float and
connecting materials to be fabricated of stainless steel.

L. Level Indicating Transmitter (LIT): integrally mounted transmitter, not less than 150
mm in diameter. There are to be screwdriver adjustments for both span and zero
adjustment. Electrical connections to be through 20 mm NPT fittings. An indicator
receiving a 4.0 to 20.0 mA signal calibrated in level indications is to be integrally
mounted with transmitter. It is to be in a NEMA 4 enclosure. Dial to have black
numerals on a white background and to be not less than 75 mm in diameter. Electrical
connections to be through 20 mm NPT fittings.

M. Control Valves:

a. 2-Way Valves Modulating: low voltage, 2-way, proportional, spring return

type, providing modulating control of water flow through operation of motor
actuator and valve linkage and in response to signal from proportional
controller. Valve similar to Honeywell model V5011A, motor model M945A
and linkage Q618A or approved equal and having the following features:

Single seated valve, equal percentage flow characteristic, straight-through

pattern; screwed end connections, bronze body and removable brass seat on

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15 to 40 mm sizes; flanged end connections, cast iron body and removable

bronze seat on 50 to 150 mm sizes; stainless steel stem and composition disc
with removable throttling plugs.

Spring return type motor, with oil-immersed gear train, die-cast aluminium
case. single 160 degree stroke, double-ended crankshaft, die-cast aluminium
cover with built in transformer and spring to return motor to closed position
on power failure.

Linkage directly mounted on motor, without adjustment requirements and

comprising roller, slide mechanism, cam and stem position indicator and with
710 N seal-off force.

Valve rated 115 deg. C maximum water temperature and 860 kPa maximum
pressure for flanged end connections and 1030 kPa for screwed end
connections. Motor rated 50 deg. C maximum ambient temperature.

N. Electric Actuators

a. Valve Actuator to drive stem of valve by transmitting drive of synchronous

motor into linear motion using worm gear transmission. Type similar to
Honeywell model M742O or approved equal and having the following

Stem of motor connected to valve stem by button retainer connection.

Accessories including internal force sensor to switch off motor when force on
stem exceeds factory set force, return spring or hand wheel used on power
failure and end limit switch for status indication.

b. Damper Actuator to provide linear motion for damper control without

convertor for 2-position control and with electronic signal convertor for
modulating damper. Accessories include linkage for head mounting. Type
similar to Honeywell model M7503A or approved equal.

O. Indicators: are required for operating personnel to monitor the several process control
variables. They are located on control panels. Indicator may be operated electrically,
pneumatically or provide a direct indication. Readout area may be scale and pointer or
level glass.
a. Electrical Indicators are essentially D'Arsonval movements responding to a
signal of 4.0 to 20.0 mA DC. As such they are millimeters calibrated in terms
of the process variable. Meters to have 115 mm dial faces with 270 deg scale
of black numerals on white background. Meter to have nominal accuracy of
not less than 0.5 % of full scale. Electric indicators to have a zero setting

b. Pneumatically-Operated Indicators (locally mounted): to be standard "C"

shaped bourdon tube system. Bourdon tube to be fabricated from 316 stainless
steel. Indicator to be manufactured Grade A (1.0 %) accuracy, ANSI 840.1.
Dials to be uniformly graduated with black marking on white background and
covering 270 deg of circular scale. Pointer to be adjustable for an accurate
zero-set. Connection to indicator to be 6 mm NPT.

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P. Solid State Switch: to be a rack mounted card capable of selecting an analog input
signal and providing an output of contact transfer. Input to unit to be a 4.0 to 20.0 mA
signal applied to a precision resistor. Adjustable reference to be included to provide a
set point. Voltage of this point to be compared with voltage across precision resistor
when input signal exceeds pre-set value, a comparator-amplifier provides a sharp
change in output signal. Transfer contacts to be activated by change in out signal. These
DPDT contacts to be rated at 3 amps., 120 V, 50 hertz or 3 amps., 28 V DC. Operating
parameters to be as follows:

- AC power input: normal : 0.6 watts (1.60 VA)

tripped : 0.85 watts (2.0 VA)
- minimum input impedance: power on or off : 1 mega-ohm
- isolation: input completely isolated from other inputs and output as regards
- operating span: 100 %
- differential: adjustable: 0.2 % to 5 % total trip set point value
- repeatability: +/-0.1 % of span
- ambient temperature effects: 0.1% set point drift for temperature range of 2 to
40 degC
- line voltage effects: +/-0.1% set point change for line variation of +/-10% at
120 volts, 50 Hertz
- response time: 0.015 seconds.

Q. Switching Relays: specifically designed for lighting control applications by a

manufacturer of lighting equipment. Under no circumstances will general purpose
relays be accepted. The lighting contactors are of the electrically operated
mechanically-held type, and these are covered in the Electrical Section. This BMS
Section includes coordination with and wiring to such lighting contactors via suitable
contacts in the respective processing units. The status of the actual lighting contactors
are to be checked by monitoring the auxiliary voltage-free contacts of the latch/unlatch
coils, and not those of any interposing relays that may be used in a processing unit.
Reserve in each processing unit a bank of digital outputs (standard sub-module of 8/16)
for such purposes. Allow for at least one spare or 20% spare interposing relay channels
per processing unit, whichever is larger.

R. Signal Conditioners: are used in the instrumentation loops to perform mathematical

manipulations of analog signals. Output of each transmitter is either a 0.5 V DC signal
or is converted to a 0.5 V DC signal. All manipulations are performed on the 0.5 V DC
signal or otherwise, provided by software wherein respective DDC units. In general, all
such functions to be performed in a DDC unit, unless otherwise specifically required.
This subsection also covers various interfacing circuitry that will be required for DDC
output signal conditioning. Otherwise, most items specified herein are for a hard-signal
conditioning option which isnot to be followed specifically instructed otherwise.

1. Adder-subtracter to be used in all cases where the sum of two to four signals is
required or the difference between two signals is the sought-for parameter.
Module to be a rack-mounted instrument of the non-indicating type. It is to be
mounted in a weatherproof enclosure with easy access to the adjustment controls.
Unit to be easily adjusted on site with capability of changing output equation as
needed. Circuitry of adder-substracter to comprise all solid-state components with
integrated circuit amplifiers to provide stability and longevity. Control signal
inputs to be 0.5 V DC and proportional to the sum of difference of the input
signals. Output load resistance can be between zero and 1850 ohms, as referenced

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 41 of 75


on the Drawings. Output to be short-circuit protected. Thermal stability of unit to

be such that temperature variation of 10 deg C between -5 deg C and +40 deg C to
affect output less than 0.5 %. Input power variations to affect output less than
0.025 % for +/-10 % change in supply voltage. Accuracy of unit to be better than
0.5 % of span. Power supply for unit to be capable of supplying +/-15 V DC at 30
mA each.

2. Converter: electric transducer to convert 4.0 to 20.0 mA signals into standard

linear 20.7 to 103.5 kPa a low level electric current into a coil working within
the magnetic fields of a permanent magnet produces a force operating
linearly. This force operates a pneumatic nozzle, the back-pressure on a
nozzle, continually balances the force produced by the coil, therefore, the
transmitted air pressure to at times be proportional to the coil current. Coil
and a float below it to be integrally mounted on a central shaft so that whole
assembly is free to move. Float equals the weight of the moving coil
assembly. Unit to be shock and vibration proof and to be mounted in an
upright position (tilted not more than 10 % from vertical center-line).

3. Time Delay Relay: to be solid state timing relay, of DPDT configuration. It is

to be capable of being adjusted to either on-delay or off-delay operation.
Timing adjustments to be made with self-contained adjustment potentiometer.
Contacts to be hermetically sealed in glass enveloped with a controlled gas
atmosphere to avoid contamination. Supply and initiate voltage to be 120 V
(+10 %, -15 %) 50 hertz. Contacts to have NEMA ratings of 8600 for AC
and P300 for DC. 3600 VA on make, 360 VA on break for AC, 138 VA
make or break for DC.

4. Inverse Derivative Converter: to be time rate sensitive device. If pressure in

the pipeline takes a sudden drop, indicative of some unusual occurrence, there
is to be an alarm indication. Normal and gradual variations of pressure in the
line are not to transmit a signal through the unit. Circuitry of converter is a
standard electronic, solid-state mV/I transducer plus an RC network. The 4.0
to 20.0 mA signal from pressure transmitter is fed to a 250 ohm resistor. This
resulting 1 to 5 volt signal is impressed on an RC network whose R is
variable and provides the input to the mV/I transducer.Transducer will
produce an output signal which is approximately equal to time derivative of
input signal. Output may have a zero set at mid-scale so that both increasing
and decreasing signal changes can be monitored, or it can merely be set for
either increasing or decreasing signal measurement starting at zero. Operating
characteristics of unit to be as follows:

- power requirements : volt +/-10%, 50-60 hertz,single phase at 3

- input signal fixed : 1 mV minimum to 1000 mV maximum, full
- variable span : 5 mV minimum to 100 mV maximum, full
- output signal : 4.0 to 20.0 milliamperes DC
- output ripple : 0.IV rms
- accuracy : +/-0.5 %
- sensitivity : +/-0.1 % of full scale; not less than 2.5
- zero suppression : not to exceed 3 times span

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- stability : changes in line voltage of +/-10 %

- span : cause less than 0.2% of span
- zero : cause less than 0.1% of zero
- ambient temperature : -5 to +40 deg C, range normal.

Care must be taken that input signal is free of noise because a differentiator will
greatly amplify any rapid swing of the input to the point that output is of no
practical value. The Contractor to be responsible for determining rate of change of
pressure that will be deemed unsafe and provide an RC network for unit that will
produce an alarm at unsafe limit.

S. Carbon Dioxide Sensors:

1. Carbon dioxide sensing cell shall consist of a nondispersive infrared carbon

dioxide gas cell that uses a pulsed source and has no free air optical path. Output
shall be linearized 4-20 mA for use with 24 VDC input. The unit shall be
specifically designed for the wall or duct application specified. Duct aspiration
boxes shall be by the manufacturer. Unit shall have span adjustment. The unit
shall have no moving parts.
2. Minimum requirements:
a. Range: 0-2,000 ppm
b. Accuracy: 3 % of full scale
c. Repeatability: 1% of full scale
d. Power Consumption: less than 3 watts
e. Zero Drift at Constant Temp.: 100 ppm per 24 hrs(random not cumulative)
f. Max. allowable Drift in 1 year: 20 ppm

1. Unit shall not require calibration for a period of 1 year or more.

2. Approved Manufacturers:
a. Valtronics
b Telaire
c Sautar

S. Airflow Sensors:

1. Provide where indicated amplified signal airflow traverse probe(s) or airflow

stations, complete with straighteners when required, capable of continuously
monitoring the fan or duct capacities (air volumes) it serves.
2. Each airflow array shall contain multiple total and static pressure sensors positioned
at the center of equal and symmetrical cross-sectional areas, and interconnected by
their respective averaging manifolds.
3. Sensors shall not protrude beyond the surface of the array, nor shall be adversely
affected by particle contamination normally present in building airflow systems.
T. Outside Air Master Temperature and Humidity Sensors – Dual System:

1. Single point outside air temperature RTD shall be 1000-ohm thin film platinum
resistor sensor with 4-20 mA 2-wire output transmitter with solar shield.
2. Outside air humidity sensor shall be thin film alumina substrate capacitance signal
generating sensor with 4-20 mA 2-wire output transmitter with 0-100% relative
humidity range within +/- 1% RH.Approved Manufacturers:
a. Hy-Cal
b. Viasala

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 43 of 75


ii Humidity Sensors:

1. Sensor element shall be

thin film capacitive type or bulk polymer resistance type, accuracy of
+/- 2% RH, range of 0-100% RH with 4-20 mA 2-wire linear output.
Factory calibrate for maximum accuracy at mid-range of normal
operating humidity. All humidity sensors shall be resistant to chlorine
and other cleaning agents.
2. Room Sensors shall have
locking cover.
3. Duct Sensors shall have
duct probe and mounting plate.
4. Approved

a. Siemens
b. Hycal
c. TCS
d. General astern
e. Vaisala
5. The airflow array shall
be fabricated of galvanized steel or aluminum of adequate gauge to
withstand the velocities to be encountered and with all required
mounting brackets, plates, gaskets, and flanges.
6. Accuracy shall be a
minimum of 3 percent of actual airflow over the designed range of
7. Provide a companion 4"
Magnehelic gauge, mounted at auxiliary panel, of appropriate span for
each sensor array. Gauges shall be graduated in CFM for airflow
measurement. Provide a phenolic identification tag for each gauge.
8. Approved

a. Air Monitor
b. Tek-Aire
c. Dietrich-Standard
d. Ramsey Air
U. Refrigerant leak detection monitoring:

1. Provide refrigerant leak monitoring as identified within the point schedules

and/or control diagrams. Refrigerant leak detection monitors shall meet, at
minimum, the following requirements:
a. Power consumption: AC -325 mA, DC -250 mA.
b. Operating temperature range ofO Deg. C. to 70 Deg. C. (32 Deg. F. to 158 Deg.
c. Operating humidity range: 10% to 95% non-condensing.
d. Measuring range ofO-1 000 ppm proportional to 4 to 20mA output range for each
sampling point.
e. Volt free contacts to indicate an alarm condition.
f. Meeting all applicable BSI standards including BSI standard 97/700630 DC
(Refrigerating systems and heat pumps. Safety and environmental requirements.
Refrigerant compressors (prEN 12693))

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 44 of 75


g. Refrigerant gas system detection supplier/contractor shall be familiar with standard

practices of safety and installation for refrigerant gas detection systems.
h. Submit details of refrigerant monitors, breathing apparatus, control panel and
diagrams as part of the submittal process.
i. System shall detect the presence of the of the following types of refrigerants
regardless of refrigerant type using sequential sampling and multi-point monitoring
i. CFC
ii. HCFC
iii. HFC
j. Diluted samples due to ventilation airflow currents shall employ multi-point
monitoring techniques strategically located according to regulation guidelines. In
multiple chiller applications it shall be considered whether mechanical room size
and layout can adequately be monitored to comply with regulation with a multi-
point system. System design considerations shall also be incorporated in leak
detection monitoring sensing locations for early warning indication to prevent a
major loss of refrigerant without alarm should a leak occur. Sensing ports shall be
piped in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations with 8mm (I/4") copper
tubing and fittings.
k. System shall annunciate to the BMS and locally alarm (audible and visual) upon
detection of alam1 conditions. Provide silencing alann button at control panel.
Provide approved appropriate signage at all entry points to the chiller room. Initial
alam1 shall comply with recommended Allowable Exposure Level (AEL). :
Adjustable 3 level alam1 for each point shall be supplied with common alann
output contacts. Provide local digital indication of ppm level for a minimum of X
sample pointseach chiller. A sample point shall be located close to each chiller and
the refrigerant pump out unit location. Location to be approved by the Engineer.
Sample point if in alann shall flash the associated LED. Provide local alann horns
and visual (stroboscopic) beacons at the following locations to activate upon alarm
to an approved detail:

i. Outside of entrance doors to chiller machine room.

ii. Inside rooms without an escape route other than through the chiller
iii. At each chiller location.
iv. At any other location in the chiller room as necessary to ensure that a
person at any location in the chiller room and room that can be entered
from the chiller room can see the visual alann and hear the audible
alann and at any other location required to meet the applicable codes.

V. Loop-Powered Indicators

1. All temperature and humidity sensors shall be provided with loop powered
indicators mounted on a separate dedicated panel.

2. Indicator shall be designed to display any 4-20 mA transmitter signal directly

in the engineering unit of the measured media. The display shall be powered
directly by the measured 4-20 mA signal without requiring an additional power
supply. Indicator shall not impose an impedance on the current loop beyond
the capability of the transmitter.
3. Display shall have minimum 5/16" LCD digits, with 3 1/2 digit capability
selectable decimal point and selectable scale. Accuracy of indication shall be
0.1% of scale.

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4. Indicator shall be provided with a lettered plate indicating appropriate

engineering units. Provide a phenolic identification tag for each indicator.
Approved Manufacturer:
a. Technologies (Kele Assoc.)

W. Current Sensing Relays

1. Provide current sensors with donut transformers capable of monitoring AC
current, maximum input current ranges from 20 to 300 amp, peak, with digital
output signals having adjustable high and low current trips. LED model is not
2. Approved Manufacturer:Neilsen Kuljian


A. Type to consist of motorized unit including gear train mounted in cast iron housing
flange mounted electric motor, control cabinet and hand wheel for manual operation.

B. Installation To be suitable for flange mounting directly on valve body, for gate valves
with non rising stem and for manual operation locally. ,

C. Rating to be adequate horse-power and thrust ratings to open and close '" operated
valve smoothly at all conditions of load and pressure.

D. Components: To include adjustable mechanical stop-limiting devices to prevent over-

travel of valve in either direction. Operator housings, supports and connections to valve
are to have a minimum safety factor of 5 based on ultimate strength of materials used.

E. Construction: Weatherproof, with rugged cast iron housing and with hand wheel having
appropriate gearing for emergency manual operation such that maximum applied torque
is 150 Nm. Declutch lever is to disengage drive motor during hand wheel operation and
prevent hand wheel rotating during power operation for safety of personnel. Hand
wheels are to close valve in clockwise direction and are to have arrows and the word
"CLOSE" cast on.

F. Controls: To comprise integral electric controls enclosed within weatherproof

compartment and including magnetic starter and reversing controller for motor , open-
stop-close push-but1on for local operation, limit switches to give remote indications
when valve is fully opened or closed, torque switch to shut down drive on excessive
thrust loads, indicating lights, control voltage transformer etc.

G. Electric Motor. Totally enclosed squirrel cage, induction type conforming to NEMA
Publication No. MGI including character- istics, tests and ratings. Motor is to carry
maximum possible load encountered in valve operation under all normal and abnormal
operating conditions without exceeding nameplate rating and without benefit of service
factor .


A. The valve to modulate to maintain a constant liquid level in a suction tank by

compensating for variations in supply or demand and to close on rising level.

B. The valve is to consist of a hytrol main valve, a cover mounted variable orifice
proportioning pilot control and a remote float control. This valve is to be hydraulically

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 46 of 75


operated, diaphragm actuated, globe pattern. The stem in the main valve to be guided
both top and bottom by a bearing in the valve seat. All necessary repairs in the valve to
be possible without removing the valve from the line. The valve to be all bronze
construction. Mount stainless steel float and float rod in stilling well.


A. The BMS sub-contractor shall provide containment and cables as necessary for a fully
functioning system as detailed in these specifications.

B. Stainless steel flexible metallic conduit shall be provided for the final one (1) metre before
connection from a non-vibrating location to equipment subject to vibration or movement. Flexible
metallic conduit shall be provided for between the last 300mm and the last 100Ornm of
connection to field instrumentation, relays and final control elements as necessary to facilitate the
removal of devices without the disconnection or the bending of the non-flexible conduit.

C. Conduit and trunking shall be securely mounted in accordance with IEE Regulations and shall be
concealed in all areas to which the public have access.

D. Conduit and trunking shall run parallel or perpendicular to the building lines and shall be
installed in a workmanlike manner. Avoid obstructions and crossovers where possible. .

E. Conduit/trunking shall be installed such that any condensation in the conduit cannot run into
BMS equipment. Where necessary conduit shall enter enclosures from the bottom or shall be
sloped up to the enclosure.

F. Junction and pull boxes shall be securely fastened to the conduit, shall be accessible, and shall be
provided where required by code and where necessary to facilitate the pulling of cables. .

G. Coordinate installation of conduit/trunking with building structure and other trades.

Conduit/trunking installation above accessible ceilings shall be such that there will be no
interference with the installation of lighting fixtures, fire protection devices, air distribution
devices or any other devices.

H. The BMS sub-contractor shall colour code all conduitltrunking at least every 3,000 mm (10 feet)
along the conduit with a blue and green band at least SOnun wide and colour code every junction
box in a bright yellow

I. Containment shall be provided for all BMS cable except where specifically noted otherwise.

J. BMS monitoring and control cable shall not share conduit with cable carrying voltages in excess
of 48 volts and shall be partitioned from higher voltage cable in trunking.

K. LAN cable shall not share conduit with any other cable or shall be in a dedicated partitioned
compartment in trunking.

L. When cable for digital outputs is installed in conduit it shall be in dedicated conduit and when
installed in trunking shall be partitioned from other cable.

M. All trunking, conduit and accessories shall comply with all applicable codes and standards.

N. Containment shall meet all of the requirements detailed in the electrical contract documents.

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A. Provide all cables for the BMS Automation and Field Levels and cable to interconnect the
Management Level devices and the Management Level Network as detailed in these
specifications. Cable shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:

1. Minimum 98% conductivity copper.

2. Stranded conductors.
3. Proper impedance for the application as recommended by the BMS component
4. Monitoring and control cable shall be screened #18 A WG (0. 82sq.rnm) or larger
dependent on the application.
5. LAN cable shall be screened #24 A WG (0.82sq.mm.) CAT 5, CAT 6, CAT 7 or twisted
pair as identified elsewhere in these documents.
6. All monitoring and control cable shall be screened with the screen earthed at the CCP)
DCP) UC or control panel end only so as to avoid earth loops.
7. Continuous runs without splices.
8. Identification of each end at the termination point. Identification should be indicated on
and correspond to the record drawings.
9. All cabling installed without conduit shall be suitably rated for the application and the
cable jacket shall be clearly marked. Use unique colour schemes for easy identification
and prevention of inadvertent spliCing of cabling.

B. Power wiring shall be sized in accordance with the applicable codes and shall be a minimum of
1.5 sq. rnrn stranded copper. The BMS sub-contractor shall provide all power cable and
containment and shall terminate the power cable at a power outlet close to the component to be
powered and shall provide the power outlet. The MEP contractor shall terminate the power cable
at the MCC/distribution board as applicable.

C. Cable for all applications shall be LSF .

D. Terminations shall be mechanically and electrically secure. Twist type wire nuts shall not be
acceptable. Insulated tinned copper lugs shall be provided.
E. Cable within panels or enclosures shall be installed in wiring guides.

F. LSF cable not required to be in conduit (refer to requirements for conduit above) shall be routed
parallel and perpendicular with the building column lines. Provide cable rings and supports to
support the cabling. Supports shall be positioned in accordance with BS 7671.

G. All wiring terminations within field panels shall be terminated at terminal stripes

H. Cable run in vertical trunking shall have means of cable support, at minimum, every 3m.

I. Cables shall comply with all applicable codes including, but not limited to, the IEE wiring
regulations latest edition and the electrical contract documents. Where there is a conflict between
any codes, standards, ordinances, regulations or the requirements of the jurisdiction having
authority, the most stringent requirements shall apply.


A. Fibre optic cable may be used for data communication.

B. Fibre optic cable (data transmission) shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements :

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 48 of 75


1. 50 micron core (multi-mode/single mode fibre as necessary to match the fibre provided
by the ICT contractor).
2. 850 nm or 1300 nm LED compatible operation, as requir.ed.
3. Minimum 125 micron cladding.
4. Maximum attenuation of 4.5 db/km (850 nm).
5. Outdoors and below grade fibres shall be run in gel filled tube to protect c against
moisture and micro bending. Tube and fibre shall have a kevlar' braid surrounding, with
suitable outside protective jacketing.
6. Cable shall contain 100% more fibres than required for a single point to- point
communications connection.
7. Outdoor fibre shall be equipped with a central non-conducting member for long pull

C. Fibre optic cable shall comply with BS EN 69794-1-2: 1999 (Optical fibre cables. Generic
specification -Basic"optical cable ,~test procedures) and all other applicable codes. ..


A. General: uninterruptable power supply is to be provided for Central Control Room

processing hardware and ancillary equipment. Alarm points from UPS to be connected
to the BMS to include:

- battery status and charger failure

- low voltage alarm
- switchover failure
- frequency jitter.

Choice of additional alarms is left to the discretion of the BMS supplier in accordance
with type of UPS supplied. Capacity to be chosen to meet full extendable capacity
specified, but to be not less than 5 kVA. UPS to comprise an isolation transformer,
input stage followed by a charger/rectifier (220 V AC input-50 Hz, to be coordinated
with Electrical Specification from nearest substation). Battery set to comprise HiCd
cells stacked in series/cascade to provide minimum of 20 minutes back-up, at full load.
System to be equipped with static change-over switch, interruption time being
commensurate with CPU system supplied.


A. General: BMS software package specified herein to be a real time, online, multitasking
and multi-user operating system. All features specified herein to be supplied as a
package to meet the requirements of this specification. With operator performing any
function (data base generation, commanding points, custom programming, requesting
information, etc.), this is not to inhibit receipt/recording/ processing of any change-of-
state (COS).

Software supplied to be capable of:

- meeting all specification requirements
- be generated online
- be loaded into PC disk
- consist of the operating system
- all specified programs

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have a complete data base to include all hardware address assignments, English
language identifiers, operator station assignments, COS response handling, point
type assignments, even program interaction assignments and equation assignments
for each point.

Should A.C. line power be cycled, upon resumption, the system is to automatically
restart and:
- output a power failure message, indicating time and date of occurrence
- initialize processors and communications
- update all time programs
- compare all BMS point conditions before and after power failure and output
only the changed conditions as a COS.

System to provide program to automatically restore building to normal operating

conditions, following building power outage, and to enforce emergency operating
conditions during a power outage. System to automatically restart loads to their correct
operating condition based on whether normal or emergency power is available.

Power fail system to be defined online by operator. Operator to be able to add and
delete loads, add and delete power status points, define power fail system parameters
and enable or disable individual power fail systems. Each BMS point to be
programmable on a per point basis as to its restorability under normal or emergency
power operation.

Program shall allow saving/restoring of operating data. This operating data is that
- keeps current with actual building conditions
- contains system's operator enterable parameters which are time consuming to
re-enter manually
- operator does not ordinarily change to meet the building's operation

B. Centralized Point Monitoring And Information Access: BMS to be capable of

monitoring binary/digital input sensors and control binary/digital output actions.
Present contact condition of two-state device to be continuously storein memory and
represented as a binary engineering unit. Each engineering unit to consist of eight-
character alphanumeric descriptor, unique unit pair for ebinary point, and to be
individually assigned to each point independent of hard location, point type
classification or location.

BMS to be capable of monitoring/measure, transduce, transmit and display analog

values for all analog points detailed in the Point List. Each analog point to be
expressed as a digital value, up to seven digits, as a positive or negative real
number, with the proper engineering units for all screen displays and printer
hardcopy records. System to allow the owner to designate a unique eight-character
analog engineering unit for each point.

Remote adjustment of controller set points and/or dampers to be provided from

any designated input device for reset points, specified in the Point List. Reset
values to be reported without loss of COS reporting in terms of analog engineering
units, which corresponds to the controlled variable: deg C, kPa, l/s, etc.
Feedback to be employed so that, in the event that point fails to respond, responds
with wrong value, or drifts from set point value by +/-2%, a change of state (COS)

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message to be output by the system. Feedback delay timer to be employed to

temporarily suppress COS report following command input to allow adequate
response time by the controlled equipment. This timer to be unique for each point.

Each Field Processing Unit to store current state and value of each point within its
central equipment memory and to make this data available through various system
reports. Each point and its data to be addressed by its level identifiers described
herein. Operator to be able to attain point status information by command or
automatically, as pre-programmed, to a designated peripheral device. Accessible
information to be determined by operator's authority level. Point information to
include, but is not limited to, the following:

- point's full level identification

- current value/status
- associated mode or engineering units

function labels to indicate application status which is to include:

- application program in control (where applicable)

- online/offline status
- commissioned/uncommissioned
- limit status (where applicable)
- COS status
- shutdown status
- enable/disable status
- trend log reference
- alarm reference
- totalizer reference

Point information to provide for outputting information for single point, specific
group of points, specific class of points, type of points, etc. Execution of output
command to be recorded with date and time.

Point information displayed on screen or hardcopy recorded to be in the order

programmed by the operator. All screen information to be dynamic and system to
automatically update displayed information at least twice a minute.

Point information: to provide for operator requested information in the form of

logs, summaries, dynamic graphics, dynamic trending, historical data and cu

C. Change-Of-State (COS) Reporting: BMS to detect and report any change from each
point's normal status. These changes to include, but are not limited to the following
general categories:
- exceeding or returning to predefined limits
- contact status point changing from normal to trouble or abnormal/alarm;
returning to normal
- point failing to respond to commanded condition (allow sufficient delay to
avoid false alarms due to switch- bounce, contact-bounce, etc.)
- totalization limits exceeded
- any hardware ilure/restoration.

COS to be directed to predefined operator peripheral devices and to be capable of

being assigned to any and all operator stations/devices for display and printing.

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Output for display to be by priority and chronologically to printers. This output

not to be restricted by the system to a device even though that device may be
receiving other information. All COS output to include priority of COS, point
level or hardware descriptor, current status/units, and date and time.

An online changeable message associated with COS, up to 50 characters in length,

is also to be simultaneously displayed/printed, for each point specified as having
alarm or maintenance message capability in the point list. This message is not to
be restricted by word lists or any other pre-coding method. These messages to be
generated by the operator online, using any desired choice of text. Composition of
any one message is not to restrict the composition of any other message.

BMS to automatically inhibit COS reporting of analog and binary points upon
their associated HVAC control fan system shutdown. COS reporting of these
associated analog and binary points to remain inhibited for an operator
predetermined time, upon restart of HVAC control fan system. This time should be
sufficient to bring controlled environment back to satisfactory operating
conditions. If any of the associated analog and binary points are in their alarm
condition after the time delay, the system to automatically report the COS status,
as specified for those points.

D. Hardware Status/Advisories And Diagnostics: System to provide a summary which

contains current status of all hardware elements. System to continuously interrogate all
hardware for failure and/or tampering and report to operator, in English language, all
changes in hardware status. This is to go down to the level of each printed circuit board
(PCB). Hardware status changes to be in the form of advisories and are to include, at
least, the following:

- field hardware panel is/or is not communicating/operational

- individual field point is/or is not communicating/operational
- operator device is/or is not functional
- communications channel is/or is not functional
- power failure detected at (date) (time).

Logs And Summaries to indicate on a per point basis the hardware communication
status through the use of special character of flags. These indicators to be kept
current with the advisories.

E. Graphics Generation: color graphics generation to be done through any color operator
terminal. While in the generation process, the color terminal is not to be inhibited from
receiving any COS information. Generation of graphics to be accomplished with the
following attributes:

- online at all times

- through cursor position of any lines, symbols text, and data on the color CRT
screen (systems whichuse X-Y coordinate plotting are not acceptable)
- single screen to be used during graphics generation to concurrently allow
display and generation of all graphic attributes (dynamic/static lines, text
symbols, and data).

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BMS is not to restrict the number to graphics that may be generated. Capability to
be provided for storage of graphics on request in a library for future use in
formatting other graphics.

Help request to be available to assist operator in designing a graphic at any time

during creation process without loosing any graphic information that is already
defined. This help request to provide aid lists for selection of definition attributes,
available point types, colors, and symbols.

BMS to provide library of predefined symbols, consisting of industry standard

representations of HVAC control, plumbing, electrical, fire and security
equipment/devices. Library is to be used by operator for generation of graphic
symbols. If operator wishes to define custom symbols, the BMS to provide
capability to accomplish this during generation phase of each individual graphic.
Lines are to include but are not limited to vertical, horizontal, diagonal and free
hand. Character strings are to include alphanumeric characters and to be capable of
60 characters minimum length.

F. Data Base Generation: This is to be done via fill-in-the blank, mass template entry
method. Operator to be able to online:

- custom program system software

- modify, add and delete system software; access to this function will be
authority code restricted
- size and resize the data base, define all interface hardware and
communications trunks, define all point parameter characteristics
- order system level IDs to customize report format outputs
- modify all field hardware to accommodate hardware changes including
common trunks, DDC and operator peripheral devices
- add, delete modify mathematical common points and sequences
- modify a specific point's software characteristics to accommodate hardware
changes along with control strategy requirements. These changes to include,
but are not limited to the following:
level identifiers with their associated expansion
system timers, including heavy equipment delays, COS feedback delay timers
and adjust point delay timers
point type characteristics, including limits and differentials, engineering units,
mode units, filter tolerance and status pairs
COS output parameters, including COS type, COS priority level, definition of
critical and latchable alarms and printout and acknowledgement requirements
application features eligibility.

Interface Prompting to be used to direct operator throughout program, to use fill-

in-the-blank, walk-through method to queue and edit operator entered parameters.

G. Energy Management Features: BMS to be capable of performing all energy

management functions specified herein to reduce energy consumption. System to
provide energy supervisory management routine which is to improve energy efficiency
of building HVAC systems. This routine to coordinate the execution of all energy
management application features, acting as an executive software system for them, and
as an interface for their control strategy with other application features in the system.
These energy management functions to be categorized under load control and HVAC

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1. Load Control:

a. BMS to provide predefined control algorithms to accomplish peak demand

control and power consumption reduction through Demand Limiting and
Duty Cycle control application. Although the primary focus of these
applications is towards electrical energy usage, the system to be capable of
applying these predefined algorithms to other energy sources, such as
steam, without software revisions.
b. Demand Limiting and Duty Cycle control applications to be coordinated
through energy supervisory management routines. These routines to
coordinate the control action required by Demand Limiting and Duty
Cycle between themselves, all other energy features, and all application
features within the system.
c. Load Shed systems/meters to support a minimum of 32 load control
systems/meters, each capable of being defined with a unique set of
parameters/characteristics. Each system/meter to support English or metric
units of measurement and be assigned a unique identifier used to request
operator-relevant load control status data. Each meter to be capable of
supporting Demand Limiting and Duty Cycle. Load Shed systems/meters
and their associated points and parameters to be online definable. Any
additions, modifications or deletions to be made online. Each system/meter
to be individually identified with a unique English language descriptor.
d. Controllable loads to be able to be defined for Demand Limiting and/or
Duty Cycle. A load is to be considered eligible to be shed if its minimum
on-time has expired, and considered eligible for restoration if its minimum
off-time has expired, provided the energy operating conditions are met
(e.g., online unlocked, normal mode, eligible for control, etc.)
e. Each load shed system to provide a saving profile summary which is to
document, but is not limited to, the following:
- period start date as defined by operator
- daily profile time (on, off, mid-peak or all)
- daily peak measured demand and its time of occurrence
- daily peak projected demand and its time of occurrence
- daily measured energy usage
- daily projected energy usage
- period profile time
- period measured energy usage
- period projected energy usage
- period peak measured demand
- period ratchet clause percentage and number
- period billed demand.

These documented savings values to be automatically historically stored

for the current defined period and a minimum of twelve past periods.

f. Operator Output Information to be available from Load Shed program in a

minimum of two types of summaries. It is to be output upon operator
request or preselected time, as detailed under the Weekly Scheduling of
this specification.

g. All summaries to include the Load Control system English language


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h. System Summary to include, but is not limited to, the following:

- demand interval
- current KW power
- current measured demand
- projected demand usage
- energy units defined for the energy system
- maximum expendable load
- average expandable load
- current expandable load
- maximum deferrable load
- average deferrable load
- current deferrable load
- demand limit status
- demand limit target value
- demand limit control action in the last minute
- Duty Cycle status
- Duty Cycle target value
- Duty Cycle control action in the last minute
- convergence time
- restore bandwidth.
i. System Load Summary to include, but is not limited to, the following:
- expendable/deferrable load type
- point type
- point ID
- point status
- load rating
- minimum off, maximum off and minimum on times
- today's shed time for each load
- today's shed frequency for each load.

j. Demand Limiting control algorithms/programs to monitor total power

consumption per meter and shed associated loads automatically to reduce
power consumption to an operator presentable maximum demand target
value. Program to use a floating window type demand determination to
monitor average rate of energy usage/demand and by comparing this usage
to target value and request control action to be taken to satisfy its
k. Duty Cycle control algorithms/program to briefly turn selected loads off
periodically to evenly reduce power consumption to an operator presettable
target value. Duty Cycle program to be properly integrated and interactive
with the Demand Limiting program specified herein before.

l. Loads to be shed automatically throughout Duty Cycle interval by

selection of groups on a priority factor and loads within a group to satisfy
calculated control action. If control action cannot be satisfied, the system
to notify operator through an advisory.

2. HVAC Control:

a. BMS to provide predefined control algorithms to accomplish Optimal Run

(start/stop) Time, Supply Air Reset and Enthalpy Switchover Optimization

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b. Optimization applications to be coordinated through energy supervisory

management routines. These routines to coordinate control action required
by optimization applications between themselves, all other energy features,
and all application features within the system.

c. Each control system to support English or metric units of measurement

and be assigned a unique identifier which is to be used to request operator-
relevant HVAC control status data. Each control system to be capable of
supporting Optimal Run Time, Supply Air Reset, and Enthalpy
Switchover Optimization.

d. Control systems and their associated points and parameters to be online

definable. Any additions, modifications or deletions to be made online.
Each system to be individually identified with a unique English language

e. Each system to provide a savings profile summary which is to document,

but is not limited to, the following:

- period start date as defined by operator

- calculated optimal start time daily saving values
- calculated optimal stop time daily saving values
- calculated optimal start time daily saving values during current period
- calculated optimal stop time daily saving values during current period
- calculated SAR (Supply Air Reset) daily saving values
- calculated SAR saving values during current period
- calculated ESQ (Enthaply Switch-over) daily saving values
- calculated ESQ saving values during current per.

These documented savings values to be automatically historically stored

for the current defined period and a minimum of twelve past periods.

f. OptimaRun Time (ORT) Programme is to:

- control start up and shutdown tof HVAC control equipment

- provide the most efficient operation during potentially energy
wasteful periods of the day based on occupancy schedules, outside air
temperature, seasonal requirements and interior room mass
- start up systems by using outside air temperature and room
temperatures to "learn" the building's thermal characteristics through a
dynamic adaptive modelling technique
- predict and self-adjust the HVAC control system for how long
building takes to cooldown under different conditions, using the
adaptive model
- determine how early it can shut down the system without adversely
affecting ventilation, by using the outside air temperature
- automatically determine the seasonal mode and worse case condition
for each day, by analyzing multiple building mass sensors
- analysis to require only easily obtained occupancy schedule data and
desired mass temperatures for implementation.

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g. Supply Air Reset (SAR) Programme is to:

- monitor cooling loads in building spaces
- monitor single zone unit discharge temperatures
- adjust HVAC control discharge temperature to the most energy
efficient levels, and still satisfy the measured load
- raise cooling temperatures to highest possible value, and still cool and
dehumidify the warmest monitored room served by fan.

H. Programming Application Features

a. Custom Report Generation: BMS to provide the capability to create custom

user/management reports online. Any realtime information; including point
values, data calculation output, accessible energy management features data
values, and accessible programmable application feature data values to be
available for formatting single or multiple page dynamic reports. This
realtime information to include point level identifiers and values, status and
alarm information, energy usage data, and runtime/consumption totalization
data. Each custom report to be created from any of the information stated
herein, and not restricted by point identifiers, grouping, etc.

Positioning of any information or text on a report page to be performed by

cursor control/positioning. A single screen to be used during report generation
to currently allow display and generation of all report attributes. Systems
which generate each type of attribute on a separate screen image and then
overlay them for the final product are not acceptable.
Points formats to be capable of being stored on request in a library for future
use in formatting other pages. A help request to be available to assist the
operator in designing a report point at any time during the creation process
without losing any report information that is already defined.

b. Alarm Messages: BMS to provide online operator definition of text messages

to be output on any operator terminal and hardcopy record for point COS,
system hardware failures, and totalization limit alarm advisors. Text message
to follow its associated output with no other output separating the two.

Capability to be provided for a definition of a minimum 999 text messages,

each having a maximum length of fifty characters comprised of any standard
typewriter keyboard alphanumeric character.

BMS to allow operator, from any system keyboard, to define, modify, or

delete text messages online. System to provide summaries listing all current
text messages and their related/associated assignments.

c. Point Trending: Each processing unit to provide the capability to selectively

sample and historically store points data values for trending analysis. At any
time, the BMS to be able to dynamically monitor and sample any designated
ninety-nine points. These points may be selected from any realtime point
residing in the data base, including energy calculated values/savings/usage
and custom calculated point values. For each designated point, sampling
intervals may be specified for seconds, minutes, hours, days or months with
historical storage of up to 3000 values of the designated sampling interval.
Systems which do not provide the point capability, historical sample capacity
per point and/or sampling interval flexibility are not acceptable. Point

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 57 of 75


sampling for trending analysis to be initialized by operator command or

automatically by the system through programming options. Historically
sampled point values to be output via trend logs, bar graphs, and/or line
Trend Log Output to be provided through up to thirty operator defined trends
logs, each having up to 4 points per trend log. Trend log output to be provided
by operator command or automatically based on an operator specified number
of samples. System to automatically format all trend log outputs, headers and
point related information to be hardcopy recorded.

Bar And Line Graphical Output to be provided through any color CRT with
each color graphical display capable of being color hardcopy recorded upon a
single keystroke. Each point graphed to be designated with a unique color.
Bar graphs to provide ability for comparative point analysis of up to four
points simultaneously. Systems that do not provide comparative point
analysis are not acceptable.

For each bar and line graph display, the BMS to provide a vertical scale of
either actual values or a percentage scale (operator selectable at each display)
and a horizontal scale which the system is to automatically time base with up
to 200 samples per screen. Compression/interval and dynamic
forward/backward scrolling feature to be available to display "off screen"
historical data values.

Dynamic Display feature is to provide the display of dynamic data values

while displaying graphs. This dynamic display to automatically update new
sample values and to dynamically display for each point graphed, either
observed highest and lowest data values or lowest and newest data values.

d. Historical Data Storage: BMS to provide the capability to historically store

logs, summaries, COS records, acknowledgement records and operator
commands. This information to be stored on the PC hard or floppy disks. Unit
to be later recalled by operator command. Information stored to be operator
selectable and categorized for storage as desired. Amount of disk space
allocated for each category to be operator selectable online.

BMS to also provide the capability for remote historical data storage to the
PC storage disk unit loading media. Capability to be provided to remotely
store categories in any order desired. Recall of remote stored information to
be by information type directly from loading media. It is not to be necessary
to copy information back onto mass storage disk unit for operator analysis.

Weekly Scheduling capability to be provided through the BMS to:

- automatically initiate equipment or system commands, based on a
preselected time schedule for points specified as programmable
- provide program times for each day of the week (Monday through Sunday
and holidays) on a per points basis
- enter, change or delete program parameters without inhibiting COS
- have no set limit on unique time schedule for each time programmable
- automatically generate a COS output for any point not responding to a
program function command

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- supply an additional time program day for holidays

- have capacity of minimum 366 consecutive holidays
- program a holiday initialization to a minimum of 31 days in advance
- automatically perform programmed functions, based on a preselected time
- output a summary containing a listing of programmed function points,
their associated program times and the respective days of the week
- output a summary of programmed points by software groups or time of
e. Event Initiated Programming Capability to be provided through the BMS to
permit events to occur, based on a changing condition of one or more
"master" points which are to result in system action on "slave" points, whose
conis to be controlled and/or monitored, based on the condition of the
associated master points. Each event initiated program to have a unique
identifier as specifiunder system format. Any event initiated programming,
including additioand deletions, to be done onlineby the operator through any

Any binary contact, high/low limit of any analog point, energy management
feature or mathematical calculated point value to be capable of being utilized
as a master for event initiated programming. Event initiated programming to
be capable of using the same master to monitor or command multiple slaves.
Any master to be capable of being a master to multiple slaves.

Event initiated program to be provided to allow operator to assign an overall

process priority to each event initiated process. This priority to range from
highest (1) to lowest (16).

f. Mathematical Computations: BMS to provide the capability to perform

mathematical calculations from input data obtained from appropriate realtime
point values, operator entered constants or data from another calculation in
predefined formatted algorithms. As a minimum, the following predefined
algorithms to be provided, supplied in a library for ease of operator interface:
- energy transfer rate for chiller system
- chiller coefficients of performance
- point average
- general summation
- WB temperature calculation from DB and RH inputs
- WB temperature calculation from DB and DP inputs
- total loop load calculation
- energy cost savings
- incremental energy pricing
- up to eight general formats.

Control: Capability to be provided for the operator to organize and control

activation of these algorithms in any combination and sequence desired.
BMS to use a high level control strategy for the execution of these algorithms
in their proper sequence.

Each Algorithm And Control Activation Sequence to be defined online by the

operator including any additions, modifications and/or deletions from any
CRT. For any specific algorithm, the system is to automatically provide any
conversation constants during the definition process. Each algorithm and
sequence to be assigned a unique identifier.

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 59 of 75


Display System to provide the capability to display the resultant of any

algorithm at any operator peripheral device. Furthermore, the resultant on any
algorithm to be capable of being used in any other application or energy
management program.
BMS is not to restrict the number of algorithms or control activation
sequences that can be defined by the operator. Any systems that restrict the
capacity are not acceptable.

g. Totalization: Capability to be provided through the BMS to accumulate time

and consumption totalization. As a minimum, the system to be capable of
simultaneously accumulating totalization data on 500 points.

Time totalizations to accumulate data for hours of operation for at least the
following general categories:

- equipment runtime
- binary/digital point status (alarm/off-normal/normal) condition
- analog point status condition.

Consumption totalization to accumulate data for the amount of the measured

data value recorded over a period of time. Attributes of consumption
totalization to include:

- base units of measured data value to be totalized (i.e. litres, watts,

watts/hour etc.)
- instantaneous time factor totalization is to be based upon (seconds,
minutes, hours, none)
- measured data value scaling factor
- associated data point status totalization should occur under.

Each totalized value to have a selectable alarm and reset limit. When totalized
value reaches its alarm limit, a COS message to be output and totalization to
continue. When totalized value reaches it reset limit, a COS message to be
output and total to automatically be reset to zero and totalization continued.
Total to also be able to reset to zero by a manual command.

Totalization value to be accessible for display and/or as a mathematical input

in any custom report or programming language. System is not to restrict this
usage in any manner, nor is operator to duplicate this feature capability to
provide this function.

h. Custom Programming Language: System to provide the capability to generate

online custom application programs as required for specific owner
requirements in a structured, high level language. Language to be control
oriented and interactive with the BMS data base. This interactive relationship
to allow the customer application programs to:
- use field point data values
- use mathematical computation results
- use totalized values
- calculated values
- make logical decisions and analysis
- command points

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- interact with energy management features, programmable application

features, fire application features, security application features, and
operator peripheral devices
- provide instructive and tutorial information on intelligent decision/analysis
routines for operator feedback and automatic control sequenced output.
Three custom programs to be written online using English language sentences
and/or statements.
Each custom program to have access to the BMS data base and its associated
point's identifiers, current value, status, constants and variables. A separate
nomenclature or data base is not to be required for any point or application
program information to be utilized or accessible for any custom program
Each custom program to have the capability to employ mathematical and
logic functions. As a minimum, these functions to include:
- realtime field point data values/status/state (analog/binary/digital)
- integers, constants and real numbers
- boolean constants (true, false)
- comparison functions (less than, greater than, less than or equal, greater
than or equal, and not equal)
- time functions (time-of-day, day-of-week, day-of-month, month-of-year)
- mathematical value functions (square root, absolute value, absolute
differential, minimum value, maximum value, exponential).
BMS to allow any combination to these functions in any order to read point
data, calculate any mathematical value, and process decision logic statements
for control action, either intra-process or inter-process.
Custom Programming Language to provide user advisory information for
system output during any stage of its control execution. This information to
be provided through a minimum of seventy character user defined message
strings. Number of messages definable for each custom program or the
overall system is not to be restricted.
BMS to provide the ability to review any custom process source code on any
CRT or printer. Online text editing on any CRT to be provided for addition,
deletion and/or modification of any custom process. Text editing to include a
HELP command to prompt an operator on editing functions.
Upon completion of custom process definition, the BMS to provide a resident
translator to develop the executable object code online. If any translation
errors are detected, error messages to be generated indicating location of error
and type of error.
i. Programming Support Capabilities: The following system to be capable of
supporting the following programs for user program development, compiling,
loading and executing:
- fortran Compiler
- assembler Program
- source Editor
- loader Program
- disk Utility Program
- memory Dump and Modify Program
- debug Program

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- system Generation
- system Save and restore
- diagnostic Software.


A. General:

1. The Communications Controls Panels (CCP) shall be part of the Management Level
Network, except as noted below. The CCP shall be software programmable gateways that
shall provide a native BACnet/IP to third party gateway between the Management Level
Network and third party L.V. building systems. Certain of the CCP shall be located at the
Automation Level rather than the Management Level. If a third party system provides
monitoring and control for equipment that is also monitored and controlled by a BMS
DDC controller, then the gateway between the third party system and the BMS shall be at
the Automation Level and not at the Management Level. The gateway shall reside on the
same network as the associated DDC controllers.

a. The third party L.V. systems that shall be integrated at the Automation Level in
PROJECT shall be as follows:
i. chiller system controllers
ii. VSD.
b. The third party L.V. building systems that shall be integrated at the Management
Level in PROJECT shall be as follows:
i. Emergency generator monitoring an~ control system
ii. ETC. 2. At minimum the third party protocols shall include
Modbus, JBus, N2, OPC, and LonWorks.
2. The third party L.V. building system contractor shall provide the gateway and complete
documentation to the BMS sub-contractor. The BMS sub- contractor shall connect the
gateway to the Management Level Network and shall map the BACnet object ills to the
terminal servers and shall advise the third party contractor of the BACnet objects ills to
be mapped to the third party L.V. building system.
3. The third party L.V. building system contractor shall provide the gateway and complete
documentation to the BMS sub-contractor. The BMS sub. contractor shall connect the
gatewayto the Automation Level Network and shall map the BACnet object ills to the
terminal servers and shall advise the third party contractor of the BACnet objects ms to be
mapped to the third party L.V. building system. Inrormation that is provided by third
party systems at the Automation Level shall be available at the Management Level
Network in exactly the same way as information obtained via gateways located at the
Management Level.
4. The intent of this section is to identify the minimum information that shall be made
available at the Management Level Network by the third party L.V. building systems. If
the third party system is able to supply additional information to the Management Level
Network then the third party system contractor shall advise the Employer and the
Employer shall determine which additional information is to be transferred through the
BA Cnet/lP to third party gateway. The third party system contractor shall be responsible
for the interface between the third party system and the Management Level Network.
5. The BMS sub-contractor shall liaise with the manufacturer and/or contractor responsible
for the third party system and shall provide all details regarding the BACnet protocol as
necessary for the third party contractor to implement the interface between the BMS and
the Management or Automatic Level Network.
6. The BMS sub-contractor shall be responsible for the preparation of third party system
data presentation using the data presentation facilities at the tenninal servers. 8. The

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 62 of 75


interface between the Management or Automation Level Network and the third party
system shall be demonstrated at an off site location. If the test is successful the third party
system contractor shall advise the Engineer and a time shall be established that is
acceptable to the Engineer when the interface can be demonstrated to the Engineer at the
third party system contractor's facility or some other locatio.n acceptable to the Engineer.
The third party system contractor shall be responsible for providing all equipment,
including applicable components of the third party system, necessary to perfonn the
demonstration and for ensuring the presence at the testing of suitably skilled personnel.
The testing of the interface between the Management or Automation Level Network and
the third party system shall verify, at minimum, that:

a. All data communicated from the third party system to the Management Level
b. All data points mapped from the BMS to the third party system are displayed
correctly on the third party system monitor.
c. All mapped points are identical with regard to value, engineering units and
significant digits on both systems.
d. All points mapped from the third party system to the BMS meet all of the
specifications detailed in the contract documents for points directly
monitored/controlled by the BMS.
e. The communications watchdog is functioning correctly. f. Communications speed
between the two systems is satisfactory. g. Both systems restart and
communications between the two systems resume following a power failure
without operator intervention.
7. Each of the third party systems shall be tested on-site without the interface to the
Management Level Network. Once the Engineer has accepted the systems, the systems
shall be interfaced to the Management Level Network and shall be retested as part of the
final acceptance testing.
8. Documentation regarding the third party Management Level Network interfaces shall be
provided in sufficient detail so as to enable a person reasonably skilled in the writing of
real time software applications to add/delete points mapped from one protocol to the
other. At minimum the documentation shall include a detailed description of each
protocol used and the model, version and finnware details of any protocol converter
{gateway) that is used.
9. A watchdog procedure must be implemented by the BMS sub-contractor that enables the
identification of the point of failure, i.e. where in the communications chain between the
two systems did the failure occur . The watchdog function must operate at a frequency
that detects a communications failure within a maximum of 5 seconds for the chillers and
emergency generators and within a maximum of30 seconds for all other interfaces except
the fire alann system that shall implement a check every hour.
10. The third party contractor shall warrant the third party system interface and provide
software support for a minimum of 10 years. Software code associated with the third
party interface shall be deposited at a secure third party establishment if so requested by
the Employer.

B. Interface between the Automation Level and chillers:

1. Each chiller shall have a microprocessor based unit controller. fu addition there shall be a
chiller system control panel that shall supervise and monitor the operation of all chillers.
The chiller system controller shall provide a BACnet interface to output the operating
data, shutdown/cycling messages and a record of the last 4No. cycling or safety
shutdowns for each chiller to the BMS.

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 63 of 75


2. The chiller system controller/BMS interface, shall at minimum enable the following data
to be transferred from the chiller controllers to the BMS and the Management Level
a. Entering Chilled Water Temperature (monitoring point)
b. Leaving Chilled Water Temperature (monitoring point)
c. Evaporator Pressure (monitoring point)
d. Auxiliary Oil Pressure (monitoring point)
e. Bearing Pressure (monitoring point)
f. Gear Pressure (monitoring point)
g. vaporator Differential Pressure (monitoring point)
h. Evaporator Temperature (monitoring point)
i. Suction Temperature (monitoring point)
j. Pre-A1ann (Monitoring Point)
k. Gear Box High Temperature Setting (Monitoring Point)
I. Gear Box Low Temperature Setting (Monitoring Point)
m. Oil Compressor Status (Monitoring Point)
n. Flow Safety (Monitoring Point)
o. Motor Safety (Monitoring Point)
p. Motor Run Status (Monitoring Point)
q. Rear Thrust Bearing Temperature (Monitoring Point)
r. Front Thrust Bearing Temperature (Monitoring Point)
s. Gear Oil Temperature (Monitoring Point)
t. Current Limit (Control Point)
u. Chilled Water Supply Temperature Reset (Control Point) v. Chilled Water Pump
Run Status (Monitoring Point) w. Chilled Water Pump Alann (Monitoring Point)
3. The chiller system controller shall, at minimum, enable the following data to be
transferred from the BMS to the chiller controllers:
a. Start/stop chilled water system.
b. fudicate number of chillers required.
b. Chilled water supply temperature reset. Each chiller shall have the same chilled
water supply temperature setpoint.
c. Chiller demand limit reset. Each chiller shall have the same demand limit.
4. The philosophy of BMS chiller control shall be that the BMS shall determine when
chilled water is to be provided and shall determine the number of chillers required. The
chiller system controller shall detennine which chillers to start and the individual chiller
control panels shall undertake the start up procedure. The EMS shall not be able to
override anyofthe chiller safeties such as the minimum time between a shut down and the
next start up or the interlocks with flow proving switches, etc.
5. The chilled water pumps shall be controlled by the chiller unit controllers and the system
6. The EMS sub-contractor shall obtain all BACnet object IDs from the chiller contractor
and shall map the objects to the terminal server. The BMS sub-contractor shall provide a
schematic display of the points using the graphical user interface.
7. The chiller interface shall be at the automation level such that the failure of the
Management Level Network shall not affect the interchange of information between the
associated EMS controllers and the chillers.
C. Interface between the Management Level Network and the emergency generators:
1. The emergency generator contractor shall provide a BACnet/IP interface to the
Management Level Network.
2. The digital communications interface shall be set up so as to provide, at minimum, the
following monitoring points at the Management Level Network:
a. Generator set summary alarm (If available at the generator control centre the
BMS sub-contractor may alternatively monitor this point via a volt free contact)

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 64 of 75


b. Generator set engine oil pressure

c. Generator set high water temperature
d. Generator set low fuel level
e. Generator set battery voltage
f. Generator set overcrank alarm g. Generator set overspeed alarm h. High oil
i. Low fuel pressure alarm
j. Generator set winding temperature alarm k. Generator set bearing temperature
alarm I. Generator set engine run status m. Low coolant level alarm
n. Generator set loss of field alarm 0. Engine fail to start alarm p. Engine speed
q. Flue gas temperature
r. Phase-to-phase and phase-to neutral voltages
s. Phase-to-phase currents
t. Neutral current
u. Frequency
v. Load (kW)
w. Demand (kV A)
x. Power factor
y. kWh supplied
z. Hours run
aa. Load shed priority signal.
bb. Any other information available from the diesel generator controller.
3. The BMS sub-contractor shall obtain all BACnet object IDs from the emergency
generator contractor and shall map the objects to the tem1inal server. The BMS sub-
contractor shall provide a schematic display of the points using the graphical user
4. The emergency generator interface shall be at the automation level such that the failure of
the Management Level Network shall not affect the interchange of information between
the associated BMS controllers and the emergency generators.

D. Interface between Management Level Network and the fire alarm system:

1. There shall be a transfer of information from the Fire Detection. Alann and
Communication System (FAS) to the Management Level Network. The communication
shall be uni-directional from the F AS. to the L.V. building systems Management Level
Network only. The F AS shall be on its own wide area network.
2. The F AS contractor shall provide a BACnet/IP interface to the Management Level
3. Whenever there is a change of status of a detector, input device. zone or fire alarm control
panel electronics, the F AS shall communicate the appropriate information to the L.V.
building systems Management Level Network, regardless of whether the change of status
is the result of an alarm. fault or return to nonnal.
4. The start and end of the message shall be uniquely identified and the message shall
indicate the following information at minimum: 1. Time 2. Date
3. Zone of incidence
4. Indication of whether it is a fire alarm. return to normal or F AS system fault.
5. The FAS shall send a message to all BMS on an operator detem1ined scheduled basis.
initially set at once every hour. The BMS shall generate an alarm if the message is not
received or if the message is not decipherable.
6. The BMS shall automatically shut down all V A V teffi1inal units and FCU serving the
zone of incidence in the event of afire alarm and shall automatically restart equipment
following a return to normal message, as detailed in the Part titled "Equipment Restart
Following a Fire Alarm.. in . this Section of the documents.

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 65 of 75


7. The BMS sub-contractor shall obtain all BACnet object IDs from the F AS contractor and
shall map the objects to the terminal server. The BMS , subcontractor shall provide a
schematic display of the. points using the : graphical user interface. ,
8. The FAS interface shall be at the Management level.

E. Interface between Management Level Network and the lighting control systems:
1. The lighting contractor shall provide a BACnetlIP interface to the Management Level
2. The lighting controller BACnet/IP interface for the systems shall be set up so as to
provide, at minimum, the following information to the Management Level Network:
a. Lighting relay status for each individual relay.
b. Lighting load (kW) for each zone.
c. Lighting consumption (kWh) for each zone. d. Monitor zone lighting levels
3. The lighting controller BACnet/IP interface for the systems shall be set up so as to enable
the BMS, at minimum, to undertake the following functions:
a. Lighting relay on and off control for each zone.
b. Set zone lighting levels.
c. Change the schedule for any lighting zone.
d. Ascertain the lighting status (on/oft) and dimming s,tatus of any lighting zone.
4. The BMS sub-contractor shall obtain all BACnet object ills from the lighting controls
contractor and shall map the objects to the terminal server. The BMS subcontractor shall
provide a schematic display of the points using the graphical user interface. .
5. The lighting controller interface shall be at the automation level such that the failure of
the Management Level Network shall not affect the interchange of information between
the associated BMS controllers and the lighting controller.
F. Interface between the Automation Level Network and variable speed drives (VSD):

1. The variable speed drive suppliers shall provide a BACnet or BACnetlIP interface to the
Automation Level Network
2. The digital communications interface shall be set up so as to provide the BMS, at
minimwn, with the following monitoring and control points:
a. Start and stop control.
b. Speed control.
c. Speed reference feedback.
d. Motor operating status.
e. VSD alarm.
f. Motor power in kW.
g. Motor kWh.
h. Motor current.
i. Motor voltage.
j. Hours run.
k. DC link voltage.
1. Thennalload on motor.
m. Thermal load on VSD.
n. Heat sink temperature.

3. The BMS sub-contractor shall obtain all BACnet object IDs from the VSD suppliers and
shall map the objects to the terminal server. The BMS sub-contractor shall provide a
schematic display of the points using the graphical user interface.

4. The VSD interfaces shall be at the automation level such that the failure of the
Management Level Network shall not affect the interchange of infonnation between the
associated BMS controllers and the VSDs.

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 66 of 75


G. Interface between the Management Level Network and the building security systems:

1. The BSS contractors shall provide a BACnetlIP interface to the Management Level
2. The building security systems shall communicate all of the data required to meet the
integrated operations detailed in these and the security contract documents via the
BACnet/IP gateway to the Management Level Network.
3. The BMS sub-contractor shall obtain all BACnet object IDs fum the building security
systems contractor and shall map the objects to the terminal server. The BMS sub-
contractor shall provide a schematic display of the points using the graphical user

H. Interface between the Management Level Network and the uninterruptible power

1. BACnet/IP gateways between the Management Level Network and the UPS shall be
provided by the UPS suppliers.
2. The digital communications interface shall be set up so as to provide, at minimum, the
following monitoring and control points:

a. Bypass Voltage X-Y

b. Bypass Voltage y -Z
c. Bypass Voltage Z-X
d. Bypass Voltage X-N
e. Bypass Voltage Y -N
f.. Bypass VoltageZ~N –
g. Critical Voltage X-Y
h. Critical Voltage Y ~Z
i. Critical Voltage Z-X o
j. Critical Voltage X~N
k. Critical Voltage Y -N
I. Critical Voltage Z-N
m. Critical Current X
n. Critical Current Y
o. Critical Current Z
p. Critical Bus Frequency
q. Critical Bus KV A ,
r. Critical Bus KW
s. Critical Bus Capacity;
t. UPMDC Voltage
u. UPM Battery Amperage
v. UPM Input Voltage X-Y
w. UPMInput Voltage Y-Z
x. UPM Input Voltage z-x
y. UPM Battery Discharging
z. UPM Low Battery Warning
aa. UPM Output Overload
bb. UPM Fuse Failure
cc. UPM Ambient over Temperature
dd. UPM DC Ground
ee. UPM Blower Failure
ff. UPM Control Power Failure

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 67 of 75


gg. UPM Overload Shutdown

hh. SCC Output Overload
ii. SCC Emergency off
jj. SCC Load on Bypass
kk. SCC Static Switch Disabled
ll. SCC Output Over/under Voltage mm.
mm. SCC UPM Summary Alann
3. The BMS sub-contractor shall obtain all BACnet object ills from the UPS supplier and
shall map the objects to the terminal server. The BMS sub- contractor shall provide a
schematic display of the points using the graphical user interface.
4. The UPS interface shall be at the automation level such that the failure of the
Management Level Network shall not affect the interchange of information between the
associated BMS controllers and the UPS.


A. General: provide a complete maintenance management sub-system (MMS) as described

herein. The MMS is to run as a completely stand-alone system except for obtaining
runtime and alarm data. It is not to burden the CPU with demands on the central
processor for day-to-day work order generation or maintenance data manipulation.

B. Operation station to have a central processing unit such that it can be configured as a
fully operational stand-alone maintenance management system. Operator display to
consist of a color CRT capable of displaying 48 lines x 80/132 color with a screen size
of 19" and a resolution of 1056 x 400 image points. The printer to be capable of
printing 132 characters per line on standard 8.5 x 11 inch continuous contractor feed
paper at a minimum rate of 220 characters per second. The printer shall be capable of
using fan fold single sheets of paper.

The system to have a minimum of 4 megabytes of random access mass storage and
be expandable to 200 megabytes. Storage may be added by connecting additional
storage units and assigning portions of the programming, data base or maintenance
history to the auxiliary storage devices.

The system to operate through the use of linked menus which guide the operator
to the proper screen or function. The operator to be capable of directly accessing
any system operation without stepping through successive menus. He is to be
capable of directly accessing frequently used functions by a single keystroke
through the use of software designated function keys.

Operator displays to employ color to differentiate data types and to emphasize

system advisories. Colours to be selected in such a manner that they are not
distracting to overall operations.

The operator to have access to all system documentation while operating the
system. This to include information detailing the use and operation of the menu,
template, and field in the system. He is to be capable of displaying the information
to either the display or printer. The system to grant operator access to system
functions on a per menu selection basis. A minimum of fifteen passwords shall be

The system to be capable of executing other facility functions when not executing
maintenance management software. These functions shall include:

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 68 of 75


- word processing
- accounting
- graphics
- spreadsheets.

C. Data Base: the entire data base to be structured to allow a minimum number of required
entries for facilities where the operation is not data intensive. The system to also be
comprehensive and flexible enough to ensure that additional optional data can be
entered to allow more sophisticated configurations to be created.

The component data base to allow the following data to be entered on either a
mandatory or optional basis:

* Component ID * Component Name

* Quantity * Use
* Location * Classification
* PM Program * Master Schedule
* Levels of Service * Seasonal Tasks
* Tools and Material * Begin and End Weeks
* Warranty * Date Entered.

Separate data to exist for recording information on sub- component parts and repair
parts. Additionally, the system to have the capability of creating user defined
component data base parameters.

The system to allow for a property data base such that non maintainable
components can be tracked as part of the system. All maintainable components
may also have a property record. The property data base shall include such
parameters as:

* Component ID * Component Name

* Quantity * Use
* Location * Classification
* Accounting Code * Acquisition Code
* Part Number * Serial Number
* Purchase Date * Inventory Date
* Warranty * Date Entered.

D. Task Schedules: the system to support a system of master schedules such that
components with similar maintenance requirements can all draw on a single master
schedule. The schedule to be constructed in such a way that minor maintenance
variations between similar components can be accommodated without resorting to
creating additional master schedules. The master schedules to include the following

* Task ID * Intervals of Service

* Manuals * Tools and Materials
* Craft * Number of Employees
* Task Synopsis * Priority
* Task length * Plant Condition
* Contractor * Cost.

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 69 of 75


E. BMS Interface: the system to support an interface data base to the BMS system to
allow the transfer of runtime and alarm data to the work order generator. Components
to be capable of being assigned a minimum of three runtime schedules and one alarm
schedule. The data base to include the following information:
* Alarm Schedule * Runtime Schedules
* Last Runtime Issued * Next Runtime Expected
* Current Runtime * Component ID
F. Work Order Generation: the system to support scheduled work order generation on a
weekly basis, for any segment of the year or seasonally, or by runtimes as accumulated
at the BMS. Scheduling to be done on either a calendar or a fiscal year basis. Work
orders to be sorted before printing by several user selectable criteria. The system to be
capable of generating one million work orders per year.

The system to support repair work order generation on a demand basis or by

alarms accumulated at the BMS. Repair work orders may be requested and
serviced immediately, or planned for future completion (backlogged).

The system to support a user defined custom work order format. This format is to
be applicable to both scheduled and repair work.
G. Maintenance History to store the following data as a minimum:

* Employee Assigned * Craft

* Date Assigned * Date Complete
* Accounting Code * Number of Employees
* Wage Differential * Overhead Costs
* Hour/Minutes Spent * PM/Repair Type
* Downtime * Materials Used
* Comments * Condition/Action/Cause

Maintenance history to also compute year-to-year totals and other pertinent history

The system to allow a minimum of one year of maintenance history to be stored

on-line. Additional storage capability shall be possible to be added. User to be able
to achieve on-line maintenance history to a bulk storage media for later processing
and to free random access storage devices for current data.

H. Management Reports: in addition to standard maintenance reports, the system to

have the capability of providing user defined reports. These reports shall be stored
in a user library and recalled upon demand. The reports to be capable of accessing
any portion of the data base or maintenance history, sorting based on user selection
and performing math functions.



EQUIPMENT: show all chillers, heaters, pumps, air handling units and fans as per mechanical

CONTROL POINTS: show all control points relate to all equipment indicated above as per
point list.

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 70 of 75



DOMESTIC COLD AND HOT WATER SYSTEM: show all control points as per point list.

FIRE PUMP: show layout plan, with location, by colour change status.

FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM: overview schematic of detection/ protection scheme.

ZONE ALARM/FAULT: layout plans of basement, ground floor, ground mezzanine, typical
floor, roof with colour change to indicate condition.

ZONE ALARM/FAULT: allow for backup advisory messages in case of alarms generation.
Relay for action to be taken; mechanical equipment shutdown, etc.


POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: system overview with indication of list feeders, main
feeders, tie breaker status, by colour change. Show all control points as per point list.

GENERAL SWITCHGEAR: show all control points as per point list.

DIESEL ENGINE SYSTEM: show all control points as per point list.

UNIT SUBSTATION: show all control points as per point list.

LIGHTING PANEL BOARDS: system overview with status indication of all contactors.


schedule of control points as attaced at the end of this section



A. Verify that conditioned control rooms are ready to receive work.

B. Verify field measurements are as shown on shop drawings and as instructed by


C. Verify that required utilities are available, in proper locations, and ready for use.

D. Correct unsatisfactory conditions..


A. Provide a separate DDC Controller for each AHU. Two AHU systems may be placed
on one DDC Controller if sufficient points are available. However, all points associated
with any AHU system must be located on the same DDC Controller.


A. Connect HVAC control devices under provisions of Division 1related Sections.

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 71 of 75


B. Connect motor controllers, lighting controls, fire alarm and smoke detection devices,
intrusion detection and security access devices, sensing and measurement devices,
electrical controls and relays, programmablelogic controller, under provisions of Div16
related Sections.


A. Test each sequence of building management system by simulation of normal, off-

normal, and alarm conditions.


A. Provide Engineer-approved operation and acceptance testing of the complete system.

The Engineer will witness all tests.

B. Field Test: When installation of the system is complete, calibrate equipment and verify
transmission media operation before the system is placed on-line. All testing,
calibrating, adjusting and final field tests shall be completed. Provide a detailed cross-
check of each sensor within the system by making a comparison between the reading at
the sensor and a standard traceable to the National Bureau of Standards. Provide a
cross-check of each control point within the system by making a comparison between
the control command and the field-controlled device. Verify that all systems are
operable from local controls in the specified failure mode upon panel failure or loss of
power. Submit the results of functional and diagnostic tests and calibrations to the
Engineer for final system acceptance.

C. Compliance Inspection Checklist: Submit in the form requested, the following items of
information to the Engineer for verification of compliance to the project specifications.
Failure to comply with the specified information shall constitute non-performance of
the contract. The contractor shall submit written justification for each item in the
checklist that he is unable to comply with. The Engineer will initial and date the
checklist to signify contractor's compliance before acceptance of system.

1. Verify to the Engineer in letter form that supplier has in-place support facility.
Letter shall show location of support facility, name and titles of technical
staff, engineers, supervisors, fitters, electricians, managers and all other
personnel responsible for the completion of the work on this project.

2. Submit in data sheet form or official government approval form compliance to

F.C.C. Regulation, Part 15, Section 15.

3. Manually generate an alarm at a remote DDC Controller as selected by the

Engineer to demonstrate the capability of the workstation and alarm printer to
receive alarms within 5 seconds.

4. Disconnect an operator workstation in the central control room and manually

generate an alarm at a remote DDC Controller to demonstrate the capability of the
system printer to receive alarms when the workstation is disconnected from the

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 72 of 75


5. Disconnect one DDC Controller from the network to demonstrate that a single
device failure shall not disrupt or halt peer-to-peer communication. Panel to be
disconnected shall be selected by the Engineer.

6. At a DDC Controller of the Engineer's choice, display on the portable operator's


a. At least one temperature setpoint and at least one status condition, i.e., on or
off for a system or piece of equipment attached to that panel as well as for
points at another DDC Controller on the network.
b. The diagnostic results as specified for a system or piece of equipment attached
to that panel as well as for a system or piece of equipment attached to
another DDC Controller.
c. The ability to add a new point to the DDC Controller with the POT and have
it automatically uploaded to the workstation to modify that panel's stored


A. Adjust setpoints, alarm points, and display configurations so that system performs as

B. Include installing and debugging hardware and software. Perform hardware

configuration revisions required to accommodate software patches.

C. Enter building management data base and provide backup copy.


A. Clean equipment finishes and interiors of equipment cabinets.


A. General Requirements: Provide all services, materials and equipment necessary for the
successful operation of the entire BMS system for a period of one year after completion
of successful performance test. Provide necessary material required for the work.
Minimize impacts on facility operations when performing scheduled adjustments and
non-scheduled work.

B. Description of Work: The adjustment and repair of the system includes all computer
equipment, software updates, transmission equipment and all sensors and control
devices. Provide the manufacturer's required adjustments and all other work necessary.

C. Personnel: Provide qualified personnel to accomplish all work promptly and

satisfactorily. Owner shall be advised in writing of the name of the designated service
representative, and of any changes in personnel.

D. Schedule of Work: Provide two minor inspections at 6 month intervals and two major
inspections offset equally between the minor inspections to effect quarterly inspection
ofalternating magnitude, and all work required as specified. Minor inspections shall
include visual checks and operational tests of all equipment delivered. Major
inspections shall include all work described for minor inspections and the following

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 73 of 75


1. Clean all equipment, including interior and exterior surfaces.

2. Perform signal, voltage and system isolation checks of system workstations and
3. Check and calibrate each field device. Check all analog points and digital points.
4. Run all diagnostics and correct all previously diagnosed problems.
5. Resolve and correct any previous outstanding problems.

E. Emergency Service: Owner will initiate service calls when the system is not
functioning properly. Qualified personnel shall be available to provide service to the
complete system. Furnish owner with a telephone number where service representative
can be reached at all times. Service personnel shall be at the site within 24 hours after
receiving a request for service. Restore the control system to proper operating
condition within 3 days.

F. Operation: Performance of scheduled adjustments and repair shall verify operation of

the system as demonstrated by the initial performance test.

G. Systems Modifications: Provide any recommendations for system modification in

writing to Owner. Do not make any system modifications, including operating
parameters and control settings, without prior approval of Owner. Any modifications
made to the system shall be incorporated into the operations and maintenance manuals,
and other documentation affected.

H. Software: Provide all software updates and verify operation in the system. These
updates shall be accomplished in a timely manner, fully coordinated with the system
operators, and shall be incorporated into the operations and maintenance manuals, and
software documentation.


A. Provide systems demonstration under provisions of the Contract Documents.

B. Demonstrate operation of building management system.


A. The Contractor shall provide competent instructors to give full instruction to designated
personnel in the adjustment, operation and maintenance of the system installed rather
than a general training course. Instructors shall be thoroughly familiar with all aspects
of the subject matter they are to teach. All training shall be held during normal work
hours as follows:

B. Training shall include:

1. Explanation of drawings, operations and maintenance manuals

2. Walk-thru of the job to locate control components
3. Operator workstation and peripherals
4. DDC Controller operation/function
5. Operator control functions including graphic generation and field panel
6. Operation of portable operator's terminal
7. Explanation of adjustment, calibration and replacement procedures

Building Management System (BMS) 15970– Page 74 of 75


C. Provide additional training quarterly for a period of one year from final coof the


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