03 - Raised Floor
03 - Raised Floor
03 - Raised Floor
CT109-3-2&Version 2
- Prevent magnetic //
electrostatic field
- Improved durability
Data Center
This is a very serious problem in cases where a seismic withstand capability is specified. In and
around Kobe Japan, during the great earthquake of 1995, data centers experienced an extraordinary
range of earthquake damage. Many data centers which should have been operational within hours or
days were down for more than a month when a large number of supposedly earthquake-rated raised
floor systems buckled, sending IT equipment crashing through the floor. Damaged equipment needed
to be pulled out and repaired or replaced in complex and time-consuming operations.
Access The fact that equipment turnover in a modern data center is around two
years gives rise to the situation where data and power cabling is subject to
frequent change. Cables are accessible under a raised floor when tiles are lifted,
but the matrix of stringers can make it impractical to modify the cable paths.
The impact of cables on airflow is typically not modeled during the design of the
floor, and a common problem is that cables restrict airflow and create
overheating of IT equipment. The use of underfloor cable trays to guide cabling
often makes the airflow problems even worse. Removing tiles in a high-density
data center (>6kW average per rack) for purposes of cable access can
significantly disrupt the airflow to other IT cabinets, especially if multiple tiles
are lifted at once.
Loss of data center space to ramps In almost most cases, the installation of a raised floor requires that
ramps be provided to allow people and equipment to move up from the building floor level to the
raised floor level1. A ramp is required at all main egress points, so most data centers require at least
two ramps. These ramps and their surrounding areas consume a considerable amount of space,
especially in a high-density data center where the total height of the floor requires a longer ramp.
Conduit: When cabling is run under a raised floor it may become subject to special fire regulations. The
raised floor is considered under some construction codes to be an “air plenum”. Due to the moving and
distributed air many fire codes consider a fire in an air plenum to be a special risk. Therefore, cabling
under the raised floor is often required to be enclosed in fire-rated conduit, which may be metal or a
special fire-rated polymer. The result is considerable cost and complexity to install this conduit, and a
particularly difficult problem when conduit changes are required in an operating data center. This
situation will vary based on local regulations.
Cost - The raised floor represents a significant cost. The typical cost of raised floor
including engineering, material cost, fabrication, installation, and inspection is on
the order of $215 per square meter ($20 per square foot). Furthermore, the
maximum space that might be ultimately utilized by the data center is normally
built-out with a raised floor whether or not the current, near term, or even the
actual ultimate requirement requires the use of this space. The cost of $215 per
square meter does not include the extra costs associated with power and data
cabling. This also does not include any modelling, structural engineering,
reinforcement, or changes to the data center walls required to allow the system to
meet any seismic requirements. These components may add up to a considerable
cost, which should only be incurred if it is actually required.
• http://www.wecosysgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/SADE-5TN
• https://www.akcp.com/blog/raised-floor-design-considerations-for-data-c
• https://www.cleanroom-industries.com/en/resources/item/423-datacent
• https://www.accessfloorsystems.com/index.php/raised-floor-info/raised-fl
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fZ8znITGyA