Main Features: Operator Interface Easy Configuration
Main Features: Operator Interface Easy Configuration
Main Features: Operator Interface Easy Configuration
Main features
• Operator interface with large LCD Display and three configurable
• Scrolling diagnostics messages, configurable, in the selected
• Easy, guided configuration, copy/paste parameters even withe
power off
• Preventive maintenance with energy counters (kWh) and load
• 32 function block applications
• 8 Math application blocks
• Timer, setpoint and algorithm programmer for controlling motorized
• Advanced tuning of control parameters
• Different password levels
• 2 setpoint programmers (192 steps in 16 programs, or 12
programs with 16 fixed steps each)
• 1 ingresso analogico lineare configurabile per funzioni ausiliarie
• 2 PID control loops
• 2 Programmatori di setpoint (192 passi in 16 programmi oppure 12
programmi da 16 passi fissi ciascuno)
• Relay, logic, isolated analog outputs
• Up to two TA inputs for interrupted load diagnostics
• RS485 serial communication in Modbus RTU slave
• RS485 serial communication in Modbus RTU master for reading/
writing information to Modbus slave devices
• Ethernet Modbus TCP communication in Slave mode
• Web server for browser access to web pages residing in the devvice,
for monitoring and setting parameters
• Bridge function for creation of Modbus RTU 485 sub-network
• Weekly clock\calendar with RTC
Dimensions 48 × 96 × 80 mm (1/8 DIN) • Removable faceplate for immediate replacement
• Accuracy 0,1%, sampling time 60 ms
Operator Interface Easy Configuration tor switches, with alarm thresholds, permit
Large backlit LCD screen with high vis- Set-up wizard for manual-free program- scheduling of preventive maintenance to
ibility and high contrast. Two to three rows ming with only a few indispensable pa- replace worn actuators. Two internal en-
on the screen display variables, setpoints rameters, commented by online help mes- ergy counters with alarms for anomalous
and alphanumerical information, scroll- sages. Opportunity to create your own variations count total energy consumption
ing up to 75 configurable messages of 32 password-protected “User menu” contain- in kWh and its cost, permitting ongoing en-
characters each in three different languag- ing only the parameters required for the ergy monitoring.
es. The selection of languages and easily application.
comprehensible scrolling texts regarding Advanced set-up and work recipe creation Diagnostics, preventive maintenance
diagnostics, alarms, and process statuses can be achieved via PC and GF_eXpress and consumption monitoring.
ensure that the controllers speak the users’ software, even without powering the con- Exhaustive diagnostics in the event of
language. trollers. GF_eXpress may be used to de- breakage or incorrect connection of
fine, for each menu and parameter, which probes, total or partial breakage of the
Control values will be shown to the controller to load, off-scale variables and anomalies in
One or two PID control loops with two uni- ensure easy use in the field. the adjustment ring. Relay switch counters
versal inputs configurable for thermocou- Controllers can still be configured directly and comparators with alarm signals permit
ples, thermoresistances and linear inputs. in the field using only four keys, associated planning of preventive maintenance work
They may be used independently to man- with led lights that provide feedback when for replacement of worn actuators. Two
age two different forms of control or they a button is pressed and guide the user internal energy counters with alarms for
may interact with cascade or ratio control. by indicating the appropriate operations. signalling anomalous variations totalise en-
An optional third linear analogue input may Factory settings can be restored if neces- ergy consumption in kWh and its cost, per-
be used to acquire signals such as remote sary, either on the keyboard or using the mitting uninterrupted energy monitoring.
setpoints or retroactive valve feedback, GF_eXpress software tool. Diagnostics,
while also supplying the necessary poten- preventive maintenance and consumption Functional application blocks
tiometer power supply. monitoring. Thirty-two logical AND, OR, Flip-Flop,
If the appropriate four-point calibration is Exhaustive diagnostics for breakage or Comparator, Counter and Timer Function
performed in the field, the controller meets incorrect connection of probes, total or Blocks permit creation of customised logi-
the requirements of standard AMS2750E partial load breakdown, off-scale variables cal sequences for complete, flexible ma-
and may be used in applications requiring and anomalies in the control ring. Coun- chine control. Eight mathematical Function
the NADCAP directive. ters for the number of relay and compara- Blocks permit processing of analogue vari-
ables and calculation of differences, sums, mode, with a synchronous or asynchronise -RS485 Modbus RTU slave serial commu-
multiplication and division, averages, top timing base, permits activation of two dif- nication for interface with Master Modbus
and bottom values, square root calculation ferent setpoint profiles which may be inde- -RS485 Modbus RTU master serial com-
and logarithms. Function Blocks also per- pendent of one another and may be asso- munication for reading/writing informa-
mit management of 8+8 additional inputs/ ciated with two control loops. The clock/ tion toward Modbus slave devices such as
outputs available for models 1850 ¼ DIN. weekly calendar function with a real-time power controllers or other controllers
clock and buffer battery facilitate starting -RJ45 Ethernet Modbus TCP port, which
Tuning and stopping of various programmes in de- can also be used as a bridge toward Mod-
Advanced tuning algorithms refined over fault automatic mode. bus RTU slave devices.
time guarantee stable, accurate control Simplified keyboard configuration permits An Ethernet connection may be used to
even with critical or very rapid thermal sys- creation and editing of simple programmes access the Web Server service offering
tems, automatically activated when neces- with only three parameters per step, with a number of monitoring, diagnostics and
sary. no need for a PC, cables, or configuration configuration pages, accessible via local or
software, while the extended configuration remote networks with an ordinary browser
Timers with Gf_ eXpress also offers graphic func- and two password levels.
Three different types of timer permitting tions for displaying the profiles created.
waiting times to be set before activating General features
control, maintenance times on setpoint Valve positioner Performance controllers are entirely con-
values, and scheduled set changes over Models are available for motorised valve figurable using the software and keyboard,
time. control, with or without position feedback. without accessing their internal electron-
The position of floating valves is calculat- ics, but the controller can be replaced at
Setpoint programmers ed; for valves with potentiomenters, aux- any time by simply pulling it out from the
Up to 192 steps are available for appli- iliary inputs can be used to control valve front, with no further operations, maintain-
cations with setpoint profiles, each with position and display it in numerical form ing IP65 protection for the front.
a ramp and maintenance time, which or in one of 3 configurable bar graphs (for
can freely be grouped into up to 16 pro- models 1650/1850)
grammes. Each segment may be associat-
ed with enabling inputs, event outputs, and Connectivity
configurable messages to be displayed. In 850/1650/1850 “Performance” controllers
models 1850, the display also permanently have three different levels of communica-
shows the step number and programme tion with automation and supervision de-
number underway. Double programmer vices:
Note : the electronic components of a 1650 instrument made after January 2020 cannot be inserted in the casing of an
instrument made prior to this date. If it should be necessary to replace an 1650 controller manufactured before January 2020
with a similar controller manufactured after this date, the casing anchored to the panel must also be replaced.
Type LCD black background
Screen area (L x H) 37 × 68 mm
Lighting Backlit with LEDs, life > 40.000 hours @ 25 °C
(with brightness level backl = 8)
PV display Number of digits: 4 to 7 segments, with decimal point
Digit height: 17 mm
Color: white
SV display Number of digits: 4 to 7 segments, with decimal point
Digit height: 14 mm
Color: green
F display Number of digits: 5 to 14 segments, with decimal point
Digit height: 9 mm
DISPLAY Color: amber
Unit of measurement Selectable, °C, °F or custom 1
Color: same as PV display
Controller state signals Number: 6 (RUN, MAN, _/-, REM, SP1/2)
Color: amber
Output state signals Number: 4 (1, 2, 3, 4)
Color: red
Bargraph Type: graphic bargraph,11 segments
indicator, configurable Power indication: 0 ... 100% o -100 ... 100%
Current indication: 0 ... 100% f.s.
Valve position indication: 0 ... 100%
Bargraph indicator Type: double bar, 11 segments
Indication of process variable and setpoint: 0...100% f.s.
Keys number: 4, silicone ( Man/Auto, INC,DEC,F)
KEYPAD Type: mechanical
Sensor type • Thermocouples, RTD (PT100, JPT100), IR pyrometers with type K output,
4…20mA, 0…20mA, 10V, 5V, 1V, 60mV, potenziometro
• Reading accuracy : ±0,1% of value read
This Gefran controller, when subjected to the necessary calibration
operations in the field, is suitable for use in Nadcap applications for any class
of oven, from 1 to 6, according to specification AMS2750E, paragraph 3.3.1.
Thermocouple • Types : J, K, R, S, T, C, D, B, E, L, L-GOST, U, G, N,Pt20Rh-Pt40Rh
Custom linearisation available
• Linearisation accuracy: according to standard ITS90 polynomes; refer to
user manual for details
• Cool junction accuracy: < ± 1°C a 25°C room temperature
• Cool junction compensation : greater than 40:1 rejection at changes in
room temperature exceeding 25°C
Diagnostics: Indication of faulty probe and out of scale
RTD input • Types: Pt100, JPt100. Custom linearisation available
(Pt100 and JPt100) • Calibration accuracy: < ±0,1% del valore letto in °C ± 0,4°C
• Linearisation accuracy: <±0,062°C
MAIN AND AUXILIARY INPUT • Thermal shift: < (±0.002% of read value/°C, starting from 25°C room
(Main, Aux1, Aux2) temperature) ± 0.1°C
• Diagnostics: Indication of faulty probe and out of scale
Linear DC input • Types : 0...60 mV, 0…20mA, 4…20mA, 0…1V, 0…5V, 0…10V, 0…2.4V
high impedance, 0…1.2V high impedance
•Input impedance :
0…60mV, 0…1V, 0…1.2V, 0…2.4V : > 100 MΩ
0…5V, 0…10V : > 400 kΩ
0…20mA, 4…20mA : 50 Ω
• Linearisation: linear or custom
• Calibration accuracy: < 0.1% full scale
• Thermal shift: <±0.003% full scale/°C, starting from 25°C room
Sampling time 60 ms or 120 ms, selectable
Digital filter 0,0...20,0 s configurable
Rejection at network disturbance Rejection at differential mode: >80 dB
(48-62Hz) Rejection at common mode: >150 dB
Temperature unit of measure Grado C / F, selectable on the keypad
Reading interval Tipe: linear
Scale: -1999...9999, settable decimal point
Insulation Functional insulation between main and auxiliary inputs
Type Isolated via external transformer
Number: 2 max
TA (ammeter) Max. capacity: x / 50 mA AC
INPUT Line frequency: 50/60 Hz
Input impedance (Ri): 10 Ω
Accuracy ±2% f.s. ±1 digit @25 °C
Number 5 max
Type Voltage-free contact, or
NPN 24 V - 4,5 mA, o
DIGITAL INPUTS PNP 12/24 V - max 3,6 mA
For detail see electrical connections
Isolation 250 V
Relay Nuumber: 4 max
(R) Type of relay contact: NO
Max. current: 5A (2A at ambient temperature up to 45 ° C for certification
UL), 250VAC / 30 VDC, cosφ = 1
Minimum load: 5 V, 10 mA
Number of operations: > 600,000 @ 2A load current
Double isolationInstallation of an external R-C suppressor (“snubber”) is
Logic Number: 2 max
(D) Type: for solid-state relays
Voltage: 24 V ±10% (min 10 V @20 mA)
Isolated from main input
Isolated logic Number: 2 max
(M) Type: MOS optoisolated for PLC inputs and AC/DC load
Voltage: 30 V AC/DC max
Current: 100 mA max
Resistance ON: 0,8 Ω max
Isolation: 1500 V
Triac ( long life relè) Number: 1 max
(T) Load: resistive
Voltage: 75...240 VAC
Current max: 1 A
Isolation 3 kV
snubber circuit integrated zero crossing switching
Continuous Number: 1 max
(C) Current: 4...20mA
Rout < 500 Ω
Resolution: 12 bit
Isolated from main input
Analog retransmission Number: 2 max
(A1) (A2) 0...10 V, max 20 mA, Rout: > 500 Ω
0...20 mA, 4...20 mA, Rout: < 500 Ω
Resolution: 12 bit
Isolated from main input
Number of alarm functions 4 max, assignable to an output
Possible configurations Maximum, minimum, symmetric, absolute/relative, exclusion at
ALARMS firing, memory, reset from keypad and/or contact, LBA, HB, HBB Hold Back
Band if enabled with Programmer function, alarm after power variation at
full power
For sensor VT1, VT2 Voltage: 24 VDC ±10%
Current max: 30 mA
POWER SUPPLY VT1 option of Out3
For potentiometer VP Voltage: 1 VDC ±1%
Current max: 30 mA
Type Single loop, double loop
Control PID, ON/OFF, single action heat or cool, double action heat/cool
(**) freely selectable in any program, if in standard mode; if in “Simplified programmer” mode, MAX 16 steps per program, in a set order:
Program 1 Step 1-16, Program 2 Step 17 – 32, and so on
Operating voltage 100...240 VAC/VDC ±10%, 50/60 Hz
(20...27 VAC/VDC ±10%, 50/60 Hz)
POWER SUPPLY Power dissipation 10 W max
Protections Overvoltage 300 V / 35 V
Connection Screw terminals and crimp connector, max. wire section 1 mm2
Serial configuration port Connector: microUSB
RS485 Baudrate: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.200, 38.400, 57.600, 115.200 bit/s
(option) Protocol: Modbus RTU
Insulation compared to main entrance
Screw terminals and crimp connector, max. wire section 2.5mm2
Master Modbus Baudrate: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.200, 38.400, 57.600, 115.200 bit/s
Protocol: Modbus RTU Master
Connector: RJ10
RTU Bridge Baudrate: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.200, 38.400, 57.600, 115.200 bit/s
Protocol: Modbus RTU Master
Screw terminals and crimp connector, max. wire section 2.5mm2
Ethernet Modbus TCP e Baudrate : 10/100BaseTX, 10/100Mbit/s
Webserver Protocol : Modbus TCP slave, integrated Webserver
(opzione) Isolamento compared to other peripherals
RJ45 Standard connector
Inputs and outputs Screw terminals and crimp connector, max. wire section 2.5mm2
Use Indoor
Altitude 2000 m max
Operating temperature -10 ... +55 °C (as per IEC 68-2-14)
Storage temperature -20 ... +70 °C (as per IEC 68-2-14)
Relative humidity 20...85% RH non-condensing (as per IEC 68-2-3)
PROTECTION LEVEL IP 65 on front panel (as per IEC 68-2-3)
Positioning On panel, removable faceplate
ASSEMBLY Installation regulations Installation category: II
Pollution degree: 2
Isolation: double
DIMENSIONS 48 X 96 mm (1/8 DIN)
Depth: 80 mm
WEIGHT 0,24 kg
Generals This Gefran controller, when subjected to the necessary calibration opera-
tions in the field, is suitable for use in Nadcap applications for any class of
oven, from 1 to 6, according to specification AMS2750E, paragraph 3.3.1.
Europe CE, RoHS, REACH
USA, Canada UL, cUL
Russia EAC
Code Description
850 1650 1850
F060800 Cable for programming with PC, USB-TTL 3 V with USB – microUSB connectors, • • •
length 1.8 m
F043958 “GF_eXpress” software CD • • •
F060909 Configuration kit for new instruments GF_eXK-3-0-0 • • •
51968 Rubber gasket 48×48 front-box •
51969 Rubber gasket 48×96 front-box •
51970 Rubber gasket 96×96 front-box •
51292 Rubber gasket 48×48 box-panel •
51068 Rubber gasket 48×96 box-panel •
51069 Rubber gasket 99×96 box-panel •
51250 Fastening box to panel •
49030 Fastening box to panel • •
51294 Protection of contacts at box bottom •
51328 Protection of contacts at box bottom • •
51454 18 contacts at box bottom •
51453 24 contacts at box bottom •
51738 36 contacts at box bottom • •
330200 Current transformer (CT) 50/0.05 A • • •
330201 Current transformer (CT) 25/0.05 A • • •
~ 37 36 12 ~ 12
~ 38 35 11 ~
NO 11
39 34 10 + + 10
40 33 9 9
IN 5 41 32 8 + 8
IN 4 42 31 7 7
IN 3 43 30 6 + + 6
- -
IN 2 44 29 5
IN 1 45 28 4 4
5 V, 10 V
COM 46 27 3 3
B (Data +) + +
Option 47 26 2 T T 2
60 mV, 1 V, 20 mA
Modbus RTU A (Data -)
(M) = M0 48 25 1 - - 1
or ME Main input (Main)
Current transformer
5V, 10V, 20mA,
CT1 + With Ethernet communication option(M) = E0 or ME
35 VP2
second current transformer +
for 2-phase /3-phase load
34 1V, 1.2V, 2.4V, high impedance
CT2 -
Option CT (H) = 2 Optional third input AUX2 (H) = 3
32 +
31 -
30 +
29 -
5 V, 10 V
+ +
+ + +
26 T T
60 mV 1 V, 20 mA
25 - - -
Auxiliary input
for model with option auxiliary input (Aux1)
=1 =2o3
~ NO B (Data +)
Isolated digital RS485 serial line
PWR Power supply Relay output
~ inputs A (Data -)
+ +
Linear input in Thermocouple ~ Long-life solid state + Supply
voltage / current input ~ relay output VT
- transmitter
- -
Input for + Supply
current - Logic output VP
Input - potentiometer
transformer PT100
JPT100 Isolated logic output
2 / 3wires
Isolated analog output
! ATTENTION: For correct installation, read the warnings contained in the user manual.
Ordering code: 1650 X - X - X X X - 0 - X - X X - X - X X - 0 0 - X - X X
1) Only with option (C) = R and (D) = R
3) Only with option E-M = 0
4) Only with option (I) = 1,2,3
GEFRAN spa reserves the right to make any kind of design or functional modification at any moment without prior notice.
EMC: Compliance with Directive 2014/30 / EU, with reference to EN 61326-1 emission in industrial environment class A
Security LVD: Compliance with Directive 2014/35 / EU, with reference to EN 61010-1
via Sebina, 74
tel. 0309888.1 - fax. 0309839063
Internet: DTS_1650_05-2021_ENG