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System Concepts - Sbm13O5: School of Bio&Chemical Engineering

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Control systems are basically classified as –

➢ Open-loop control system

➢ Closed-loop control system
In open-loop system the control action is independent of output. In closed-loop system control
action is somehow dependent on output. Each system has at least two things in common, a
controller and an actuator (final control element). The input to the controller is called reference
input. This signal represents the desired system output.Open-loop control system is used for very
simple applications where inputs are known ahed of time and there is no disturbance. Here the
output is sensitive to the changes in disturbance inputs. Disturbance inputs are undesirable
inputs that tend to deflect the plant outputs from their desired values. They must be calibrated
and adjusted at regular intervals to ensure proper operation. Closed-loop systems are also called
feedback control systems. Feedback is the property of the closed-loop systems which permits the
output to be compared with the input of the system so that appropriate control action may be
formed as a function of inputs and outputs. Feedback systems has the following features:

- reduced effect of nonlinearities and distortion

- Increased accuracy
- Increased bandwidth
- Less sensitivity to variation of system parameters
- Tendency towards oscillations
- Reduced effects of external disturbances
The general block diagram of a control system is shown below.

Figure: Closed-loop control system

Some Definitions

Reference input – It is the actual signal input to the control system.

Output (Controlled variable) – It is the actual response obtained from a control system.
Actuating error signal – It is the difference between the reference input and feedback
signal. Controller – It is a component required to generate control signal to drive the
Control signal – The signal obtained at the output of a controller is called control signal.
Actuator – It is a power device that produces input to the plant according to the control signal, so
that output signal approaches the reference input signal.
Plant – The combination of object to be controlled and the actuator is called the plant.
Feedback Element – It is the element that provides a mean for feeding back the output quantity
in order to compare it with the reference input.
Servomechanism – It is a feedback control system in which the output is mechanical position,
velocity, or acceleration.


Toilet tank filling system:

Figure: Toilet tank filling system

Position control system: [antenna]

Figure: Position control system

Velocity control system: [audio/ video recorder]

Figure: Velocity control system

Clothes Dryer:

Figure: Automatic dryer

Temperature control system: [oven, refrigerator, house]

Figure: Temperature control system

Computer numerically controlled (CNC) machine tool:



Figure: CNC machine tool control system


A complex system is represented by the interconnection of the blocks for individual elements.
Evaluation of complex system requires simplification of block diagrams by block diagram
rearrangement. Some of the important rules are given in figure below.

7. Combining Blocks in Parallel

8. Moving summing point : 

Example: Simplify the block diagram shown in Figure below.

Example: Obtain the transfer function C/R of the block diagram shown in Figure below.


Example: Derive the transfer function of the system shown below.

(a) (b)


Example: Derive the transfer function of the system shown below.

Example: Find the transfer function of the following system.


Example: Find the output of the system shown below.

For Input R1:

……………………………………………. (1)
For input R2:

……………………………………………. (2)

Non-touching loops – Loops which do
not have a common node.

Gain – Transmittance of a branch.



SFG is a diagram that represents a set of simultaneous

linear algebraic equations which describe a system.
Let us consider an equation, Y = aX . It may be
represented graphically as, Construction of SFGs

The SFG of a system can be constructed

from the describing equations:
X a Y x2 =
where ‘a’ is called transmittance or transmission a12 x1
function. + a32
x3 x3 =
Definitions in SFG a13 x1
+ a23
Node – A system variable, the value of which equals
the sum of all incoming signals at the node. x2 x4 =
a24 x4
Branch – A directed line segment joining two nodes.
+ a34
Input/ Output node – node x3

having only one outgoing/

incoming branch. Path – A

traversal of connected branches

in the direction of branch

arrows. Forward path – A path

from input to output node.

Loop – A closed path that originates and terminates on

the same node.

Self-loop – A loop containing one branch.

+ a33 x3

SFG from Block Diagram

Each variable in the block diagram becomes a node, and each block becomes a branch.

Mason’s Gain Formulae

It is possible to write the overall transfer function of a system through inspection of SFG using
Mason’s gain formulae given by, T = ( Pii ) /  .

where T = overall gain of the system, Pi = path gain of ith forward path,  = determinant of SFG,
i = value of  for that part of the graph not touching the ith forward path.

 = 1−  Pj1 +  Pj 2 −  Pj3 +…= 1 – [sum of loop gain of all individual loops] + [sum of all
j j j

gain-products of two non-touching loops] – [sum of all gain-products of three non-touching

loops] + ;
Pjk = jth product of k
non-touching loops .

1. There are 6 forward paths with path gains

2. There are three individual loops with loop gains

3. There is only one combination of two non-touching loops

P12 = H1H2G4G5

4. There are no combinations of more than two non-touching loops.

5. Hence,

; ;

3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 1

P11 + P2  2 + P3  3 + P4  4 + P5  5 + P6  6 P ,  ,  etc. are derived before.

Thus, T = , where 1 1


Draw the SFG and determine C/ R for the block diagram shown in Figure below.



For the system represented by the following equations, find the transfer function X(s)/U(s) by
SFG technique.

1 3
We need to Laplace transform the given sets of equations in
x˙1= −  1x 1+ x 2+  u
2 order to represent differentiated variables.
x˙ = −  x +  u
2 2 1 1

X = X1 + 3 U

X1 = 1 X 2 +  2 u
s+ s+
1 1
 
X =− 2
X + 1
2 1
X (s)  +  s +  •[s 2 +  s +  ]
= 1 2 3 1 2 {Answer}
U (s)
s2 + 1 s + 2


Using Mason’s gain formulae find C/R of the SFG shown in Figure below.


1. I.J.Nagarath and M.Gopal, “Control System Engineering”, New Age International (P) Limited Publishers, 2nd
Edition, 2009.
2. Kausuhio Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India PVT. Ltd, 5th Edition, 2010.
3. Richard Dorf, “Modern Control Systems”, Pearson Education Ltd, 11th Edition, 2009.
4. M.N. Bandyopadhyay, “Control Engineering, Theory and Practice” PHI, 4th print, 2006.
5. N.K.Sinha, “Control Systems”, New Age International Private Limited Publishers, 3rd Edition, Reprint 2008.
6. A.Nagoorkani, “Control System”, RBA Publications, 3rd Edition, reprint 2012.
7. U.A.Bakshi and S.C.Goyal, “Control System Engineering”, Technical Publication, 2nd Revised Reprint 2007.



Introduction :-

In time-domain analysis the response of a dynamic system to an input is expressed as a

function of time. It is possible to compute the time response of a system if the nature of
input and the mathematical model of the system are known.

Usually, the input signals to control systems are not known fully ahead of time. In a radar
tracking system, the position and the speed of the target to be tracked may vary in a random
fashion. It is therefore difficult to express the actual input signals mathematically by simple
equations. The characteristics of actual input signals are a sudden shock, a sudden change, a
constant velocity, and constant acceleration. The dynamic behavior of a system is therefore
judged and compared under application of standard test signals – an impulse, a step, a constant
velocity, and constant acceleration. Another standard signal of great importance is a sinusoidal

The time response of any system has two components: transient response and the steady-state
response. Transient response is dependent upon the system poles only and not on the type of
input. It is therefore sufficient to analyze the transient response using a step input. The steady-
state response depends on system dynamics and the input quantity. It is then examined using
different test signals by final value theorem.


a) Step signal:
b) Ramp signal:
c) Parabolic signal:
d) Impulse signal:


Let us consider the armature-controlled dc motor driving a load, such as a video tape. The
objective is to drive the tape at constant speed. Note that it is an open-loop system.

; If ,

is the steady-state final speed. If the desired speed is , choosing the motor will eventually reach
the desired speed.

We are interested not only in final speed, but also in the speed of response. Here, is the time
constant of motor which is responsible for the speed of response.

The time response is plotted in the Figure in next page. A plot of is shown, from where it is seen
that, for the value of is less than 1% of its original value. Therefore, the speed of the motor will
reach and stay within 1% of its final speed at 5 time constants.

Figure: Time responses

Let us now consider the closed-loop system shown below.


where, and

. If , the response would

be, .

If a is properly chosen, the tape can reach a desired speed. It will reach the desired speed in
5seconds. Here, . Thus, we can control the speed of response in feedback system.

Although the time-constant is reduced by a factor , in the feedback system, the motor gain
constant is also reduced by the same factor. In order to compensate for this loss of gain, the
applied reference voltage must be increased by the same factor.

Ramp response of first-order system

Let, for simplicity. Then, . Also, let, .

Then, ;

The error signal is,


Thus, the first-order system will track the unit ramp input with a steady-state error , which is equal to the
time-constant of the system.


Consider the antenna position control system. Its transfer function from r to y is,

where, we define, and . The constant is called the damping ratio and is called the natural
frequency. The system above is in fact a standard second order system.

The transfer function has two poles and no zero. Its poles are,

Here, is called the damping factor, is called damped or actual frequency.

The location of poles for different are plotted in Figure below. For, the two poles are purely
imaginary. If , the two poles are complex conjugate. All possible cases are described in a table
shown below.
Unit step response of second-order systems


; Or,

Performing inverse Laplace transform,


or, ,where, and


The plot of is shown in Figure.

The steady-state response is,

Thus, the system has zero steady-state

error. The pole of dictates the response,

The response for different is shown in Figure below.


Control systems are generally designed with damping less than one, i.e., oscillatory step
response. Higher order control systems usually have a pair of complex conjugate poles with
damping less than unity that dominate over the other poles. Therefore the time response of
second- and higher-order control systems to a step input is generally of damped oscillatory
nature as shown in Figure next (next page).

In specifying the transient-response characteristics of a control system to a unit step input, we

usually specify the following:

1. Delay time,
2. Rise time,
3. Peak time,
4. Peak overshoot,
5. Settling time,
6. Steady-state error,

1. Delay time, : It is the time required for the response to reach 50% of the final value in first attempt.

2. Rise time, : It is the time required for the response to rise from 0 to 100% of the final value for the
underdamped system.

3. Peak time, : It is the time required for the response to reach the peak of time response or the peak

4. Settling time, : It is the time required for the response to reach and stay within a specified tolerance
band ( 2% or 5%) of its final value.

5. Peak overshoot, : It is the normalized difference between the time response peak and the steady
output and is defined as,

6. Steady-state error, : It indicates the error between the actual output and desired output as ‘t’ tends
to infinity.

Let us now obtain the expressions for the rise time, peak time, peak overshoot, and settling time
for the second order system.

1. Rise time, : Put at ,,;.

2. Peak time, : Put and solve for ; .


Peak overshoot occurs at k = 1. .

3. Settling time, : For 2% tolerance band, , .

4. Steady-state error, : It is found previously that steady-state error for step input is zero.

Let us now consider ramp input, .


Therefore, the steady-state error due to ramp input is.


The steady-state performance of a stable control system is generally judged by its steady-state
error to step, ramp and parabolic inputs. For a unity feedback system,


It is seen that steady-state error depends upon the input and the forward transfer function. The
steady- state errors for different inputs are derived as follows:

1. For unit-step input:

; is called position error constant.

2. For unit-ramp input:

; is called velocity error constant.

3. For unit-parabolic input:

; is called acceleration error const.

Types of Feedback Control System

The open-loop transfer function of a system can be written as,

If n = 0, the system is called type-0 system, if n = 1, the system is called type-1 system, if n = 2,

the system is called type-2 system, etc. Steady-state errors for various inputs and system types are
tabulated below.

The error constants for non-unity feedback systems may be obtained by replacing G(s) by
G(s)H(s). Systems of type higher than 2 are not employed due to two reasons:

1. The system is difficult to stabilize.

2. The dynamic errors for such systems tend to be larger than those
types-0, -1 and -2.

Effect of Adding a Zero to a System

Let a zero at s = -z be added to a second order system. Then we have,

The multiplication term is adjusted to make the steady-state gain of the system unity. This gives
css = 1 when the input is unit step. Let cz(t) be the response of the system given by the above
equation and c(t) is the response without adding the pole. Manipulation of the above equation

The effect of added derivative term is to produce a pronounced early peak to the system
response which will be clear from the figure in the next page. Closer the zero to origin, the more
pronounce the peaking phenomenon. Due to this fact, the zeros on the real axis near the origin
are generally avoided in design. However, in a sluggish system the artful introduction of a zero at
the proper position can improve the transient response. We can see from equation (03) that as z
increases, i.e., the zero moves further into the left half of the
plane, its effect becomes
less pronounced.

Design Specifications of Second-order Systems

A control system is generally required to meet three

time response specifications: steady-state accuracy,
damping factor  (or peak overshoot, Mp) and settling
time ts. Steady-state accuracy requirement is met by
suitable choice of Kp, Kv, or Ka depending on the type of
the system. For most control systems  in the range of
0.7 – 0.28 (or peak overshoot of 5 – 40%) is considered
acceptable. For this range of , the closed-loop pole
locations are restricted to the shaded region of the s-
plane as shown in Figure.

For the antenna position control system,;;;. Here, is only the adjustable parameter. If we
increase, will increase and thus settling time will decrease. At the same time, will
decrease, this indicates the increase in peak overshoot. Thus by merely increasing gain,
we cannot improve both transient and steady-state error specifications. We need to add
additional components to the system. These are called compensators. It will allow
improvement of both transient and steady-state specifications.


BIBO stability: A system is said to be BIBO stable if for any bounded input, its
output is also bounded. • Absolute stability: Stable /Unstable • Relative stability:
Degree of stability (i.e. how far from instability) • A stable linear system described
by a T.F. is such that all its poles have negative real parts


1. I.J.Nagarath and M.Gopal, “Control System Engineering”, New Age International (P) Limited
Publishers, 2nd Edition, 2009.
2. Kausuhio Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India PVT. Ltd, 5th Edition, 2010.
3. Richard Dorf, “Modern Control Systems”, Pearson Education Ltd, 11th Edition, 2009.
4. M.N. Bandyopadhyay, “Control Engineering, Theory and Practice” PHI, 4th print, 2006.
5. N.K.Sinha, “Control Systems”, New Age International Private Limited Publishers, 3rd Edition, Reprint
6. A.Nagoorkani, “Control System”, RBA Publications, 3rd Edition, reprint 2012.
7. U.A.Bakshi and S.C.Goyal, “Control System Engineering”, Technical Publication, 2nd Revised Reprint





When a system is unstable, the output of the system may be infinite even though the input to the
system was finite. This causes a number of practical problems. For instance, a robot arm
controller that is unstable may cause the robot to move dangerously. Also, systems that are
unstable often incur a certain amount of physical damage, which can become costly.
Nonetheless, many systems are inherently unstable - a fighter jet, for instance, or a rocket at
liftoff, are examples of naturally unstable systems. Although we can design controllers that
stabilize the system, it is first important to understand what stability is, how it is determined, and
why it matters.
The chapters in this section are heavily mathematical, and many require a background in linear
differential equations. Readers without a strong mathematical background might want to review
the necessary chapters in the Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations books (or equivalent)
before reading this material.
For most of this chapter we will be assuming that the system is linear, and can be represented
either by a set of transfer functions or in state space. Linear systems have an associated
characteristic polynomial, and this polynomial tells us a great deal about the stability of the
system. Negativeness of any coefficient of a characteristic polynomial indicates that the system
is either unstable or at most marginally stable. If any coefficient is zero/negative then we can say
that the system is unstable. It is important to note, though, that even if all of the coefficients of
the characteristic polynomial are positive the system may still be unstable. We will look into this
in more detail below.
A system is defined to be BIBO Stable if every bounded input to the system results in a bounded
output over the time interval . This must hold for all initial times to. So long as we don't
input infinity to our system, we won't get infinity output.
A system is defined to be uniformly BIBO Stable if there exists a positive constant k that is
independent of t0 such that for all t0 the following conditions:

implies that

There are a number of different types of stability, and keywords that are used with the topic of
stability. Some of the important words that we are going to be discussing in this chapter, and the
next few chapters are: BIBO Stable, Marginally Stable, Conditionally Stable, Uniformly Stable,
Asymptoticly Stable, and Unstable. All of these words mean slightly different things.
Consider the system:

We can apply our test, selecting an arbitrarily large finite constant M, and an arbitrary input x
such that -M < x < M.
As M approaches infinity (but does not reach infinity), we can show that:


So now, we can write out our inequality:

And this inequality should be satisfied for all possible values of x. However, we can see that
when x is zero, we have the following:

Which means that x is between -M and M, but the value yx is not between y-M and yM. Therefore,
this system is not stable.
Poles and StabilitY
When the poles of the closed-loop transfer function of a given system are located in the right-half
of the S-plane (RHP), the system becomes unstable. When the poles of the system are located in
the left-half plane (LHP) and the system is not improper, the system is shown to be stable. A
number of tests deal with this particular facet of stability: TheRouth-Hurwitz Criteria,
the Root-Locus, and the Nyquist Stability Criteria all test whether there are poles of the
transfer function in the RHP. We will learn about all these tests in the upcoming chapters.
If the system is a multivariable, or a MIMO system, then the system is stable if and only if every
pole of every transfer function in the transfer function matrix has a negative real part and every
transfer function in the transfer function matrix is not improper. For these systems, it is possible
to use the Routh-Hurwitz, Root Locus, and Nyquist methods described later, but these methods
must be performed once for each individual transfer function in the transfer function matrix.
Let us remember our generalized feedback-loop transfer function, with a gain element of K, a
forward path Gp(s), and a feedback of Gb(s). We write the transfer function for this system as:

Where is the closed-loop transfer function, and is the open-loop transfAgain, we

define the open-loop transfer function as the product of the forward path and the feedback

elements, as such:

<---Note this definition now contradicts the updated definition in

the "Feedback" section.
Now, we can define F(s) to be the characteristic equation. F(s) is simply the denominator of the
closed-loop transfer function, and can be defined as such:

[Characteristic Equation]

We can say conclusively that the roots of the characteristic equation are the poles of the transfer
function. Now, we know a few simple facts:
1. The locations of the poles of the closed-loop transfer function determine if the system is
stable or not
2. The zeros of the characteristic equation are the poles of the closed-loop transfer function.

3. The characteristic equation is always a simpler equation than the closed-loop transfer
These functions combined show us that we can focus our attention on the characteristic equation,
and find the roots of that equation.
State-Space and Stability
As we have discussed earlier, the system is stable if the eigenvalues of the system matrix A have
negative real parts. However, there are other stability issues that we can analyze, such as whether
a system is uniformly stable, asymptotically stable, or otherwise. We will discuss all these topics
in a later chapter.
Marginal Stability
When the poles of the system in the complex S-Domain exist on the complex frequency axis (the
vertical axis), or when the eigenvalues of the system matrix are imaginary (no real part), the
system exhibits oscillatory characteristics, and is said to be marginally stable. A marginally
stable system may become unstable under certain circumstances, and may be perfectly stable
under other circumstances.

The Routh approximation method which has been suggested for the reduction of stable discrete
time linear systems to guarantee stable models, uses the bilinear transform tion. A stability
theorem in the z-plane is presented which is shown to be an equivalent of the Routh criterion. An
efficent method that avoids the bilinear transformation is presented by which the Routhdisrete
models are derived directly in the z-plane.
In control system theory, the Routh–Hurwitz stability criterion is a mathematical test that is a
necessary and sufficient condition for the stability of a linear time invariant (LTI)control system.
The Routh test is an efficient recursive algorithm that English mathematician Edward John
Routh proposed in 1876 to determine whether all the roots of thecharacteristic polynomial of
a linear system have negative real parts.[1] German mathematician Adolf Hurwitz independently
proposed in 1895 to arrange the coefficients of the polynomial into a square matrix, called the
Hurwitz matrix, and showed that the polynomial is stable if and only if the sequence of
determinants of its principal submatrices are all positive.[2] The two procedures are equivalent,
with the Routh test providing a more efficient way to compute the Hurwitz determinants than
computing them directly. A polynomial satisfying the Routh–Hurwitz criterion is called
a Hurwitz polynomial.
The importance of the criterion is that the roots p of the characteristic equation of a linear
system with negative real parts represent solutions ept of the system that are stable (bounded).
Thus the criterion provides a way to determine if the equations of motion of a linear system have
only stable solutions, without solving the system directly. For discrete systems, the
corresponding stability test can be handled by the Schur–Cohn criterion, the Jury test and
the Bistritz test. With the advent of computers, the criterion has become less widely used, as an
alternative is to solve the polynomial numerically, obtaining approximations to the roots directly.
The Routh test can be derived through the use of the Euclidean algorithm and Sturm's theorem in
evaluating Cauchy indices. Hurwitz derived his conditions differently.
Using Euclid's algorithm
The criterion is related to Routh–Hurwitz theorem. Indeed, from the statement of that theorem,
we have where:
• p is the number of roots of the polynomial ƒ(z) with negative Real Part;
• q is the number of roots of the polynomial ƒ(z) with positive Real Part (let us remind
ourselves that ƒ is supposed to have no roots lying on the imaginary line);

• w(x) is the number of variations of the generalized Sturm chain obtained from
and (by successive Euclidean divisions) where for
a real y.
By the fundamental theorem of algebra, each polynomial of degree n must have n roots in the
complex plane (i.e., for an ƒ with no roots on the imaginary line, p + q = n). Thus, we have the
condition that ƒ is a (Hurwitz) stable polynomial if and only if p − q = n (the proof is given
below). Using the Routh–Hurwitz theorem, we can replace the condition onp and q by a
condition on the generalized Sturm chain, which will give in turn a condition on the coefficients
of ƒ.
Using matrices
Let f(z) be a complex polynomial. The process is as follows:

1. Compute the polynomials and such that

where y is a real number.

2. Compute the Sylvester matrix associated to and .

3. Rearrange each row in such a way that an odd row and the following one have the same
number of leading zeros.
4. Compute each principal minor of that matrix.
5. If at least one of the minors is negative (or zero), then the polynomial f is not stable.


• Let (for the sake of simplicity we take real coefficients) where

(to avoid a root in zero so that we can use the Routh–Hurwitz theorem). First, we
have to calculate the real polynomials and :

Next, we divide those polynomials to obtain the generalized Sturm chain:

• yields

• yields and the Euclidean division stops.

Notice that we had to suppose b different from zero in the first division. The generalized Sturm
chain is in this case . Putting , the
sign of is the opposite sign of a and the sign of by is the sign of b. When we
put , the sign of the first element of the chain is again the opposite sign of a and the
sign of by is the opposite sign of b. Finally, -c has always the opposite sign of c.

Suppose now that f is Hurwitz-stable. This means that (the degree

of f). By the properties of the function w, this is the same as and .
Thus, a, b and c must have the same sign. We have thus found the necessary condition of
stability for polynomials of degree 2.

Routh–Hurwitz criterion for second, third, and fourth-order polynomials[edit]
In the following, we assume the coefficient of the highest order (e.g. in a second order
polynomial) to be positive. If necessary, this can always be achieved by multiplication of the
polynomial with .

• For a second-order polynomial, , all the roots are in

the left half plane (and the system with characteristic equation is stable) if all the
coefficients satisfy .

• For a third-order polynomial , all the

coefficients must satisfy , and

• For a fourth-order polynomial , all

the coefficients must satisfy , and
• In general Routh stability criterion proclaims that all First column elements of Routh
array is to be of same sign.
This criterion is also known as modified Hurwitz Criterion of stability of the system. We will
study this criterion in two parts. Part one will cover necessary condition for stability of the
system and part two will cover the sufficient condition for the stability of the system. Let us
again consider the characteristic equation of the system as
1) Part one (necessary condition for stability of the system): In this we have two conditions
which are written below: (a) All the coefficients of the characteristic equation should be
positive and real. (b) All the coefficients of the characteristic equation should be non zero.
2) Part two (sufficient condition for stability of the system): Let us first construct routh array. In
order to construct the routh array follow these steps: (a) The first row will consist of all the
even terms of the characteristic equation. Arrange them from first (even term) to last (even
term). The first row is written below: a0 a2 a4 a6 .......... (b) The second row will consist of all
the odd terms of the characteristic equation. Arrange them from first (odd term) to last (odd
term). The first row is written below: a1 a3 a5 a7. (c) The elements of third row can be
calculated as:
(1) First element : Multiply a0 with the diagonally opposite element of next column (i.e. a3)
then subtract this from the product of a1 and a2 (where a2 is diagonally opposite element of
next column) and then finally divide the result so obtain with a1. Mathematically we write as
first element
(2) Second element : Multiply a0 with the diagonally opposite element of next to next column
(i.e. a5) then subtract this from the product of a1 and a4 (where a4 is diagonally opposite

element of next to next column) and then finally divide the result so obtain with a1.
Mathematically we write as second elemenT
Similarly, we can calculate all the elements of the third row. (d) The elements of fourth row can
be calculated by using the following procedure: (1) First element : Multiply b1 with the
diagonally opposite element of next column (i.e. a3) then subtract this from the product of a1 and
b2 (where b2 is diagonally opposite element of next column) and then finally divide the result so
obtain with b1. Mathematically we write as first element
(2) Second element :Multiply b1 with the diagonally opposite element of next to next column
(i.e. a5) then subtract this from the product of a1 and b3 (where b3 is diagonally opposite
element of next to next column) and then finally divide the result so obtain with a1.
Mathematically we write as second element
Similarly, we can calculate all the elements of the fourth row. Similarly, we can calculate all the
elements of all the rows. Stability criteria if all the elements of the first column are positive then
the system will be stable. However if anyone of them is negative the system will be unstable.
Now there are some special cases related to Routh Stability Criteria which are discussed below:
(1) Case one: If the first term in any row of the array is zero while the rest of the row has at
least one non zero term. In this case we will assume a very small value (ε) which is tending to
zero in place of zero. By replacing zero with (ε) we will calculate all the elements of the Routh
array. After calculating all the elements we will apply the limit at each element containing (ε).
On solving the limit at every element if we will get positive limiting value then we will say the
given system is stable otherwise in all the other condition we will say the given system is not
stable. (2) Case second : When all the elements of any row of the Routh array are zero. In this
case we can say the system has the symptoms of marginal stability. Let us first understand the
physical meaning of having all the elements zero of any row. The physical meaning is that there
are symmetrically located roots of the characteristic equation in the s plane. Now in order to
find out the stability in this case we will first find out auxiliary equation. Auxiliary equation can
be formed by using the elements of the row just above the row of zeros in the Routh array.
After finding the auxiliary equation we will differentiate the auxiliary equation to obtain
elements of the zero row. If there is no sign change in the new routh array formed by using
auxiliary equation, then in this we say the given system is limited stable. While in all the other
cases we will say the given system is unstable

In control theory and stability theory, root locus analysis is a graphical method for examining
how the roots of a system change with variation of a certain system parameter, commonly
a gain within a feedback system. This is a technique used as a stability criterion in the field
of control systems developed by Walter R. Evans which can determinestability of the system.
The root locus plots the poles of the closed loop transfer function in the complex S plane as a
function of a gain parameter (see pole–zero plot).

Effect of pole location on a second order system's natural frequency and damping ratio.
In addition to determining the stability of the system, the root locus can be used to design
the damping ratio (ζ) and natural frequency (ωn) of a feedback system. Lines of constant
damping ratio can be drawn radially from the origin and lines of constant natural frequency can
be drawn as arcs whose center points coincide with the origin. By selecting a point along the root
locus that coincides with a desired damping ratio and natural frequency, a gain K can be
calculated and implemented in the controller. More elaborate techniques of controller design
using the root locus are available in most control textbooks: for instance, lag, lead, PI, PD
and PID controllers can be designed approximately with this technique.
The definition of the damping ratio and natural frequency presumes that the overall feedback
system is well approximated by a second order system; i.e. the system has a dominant pair
of poles. This is often not the case, so it is good practice to simulate the final design to check if
the project goals are satisfied.

RL = root locus; ZARL = zero angle root locus

Suppose there is a feedback system whose input is the signal X(s) and output is Y(s). The
feedback system forward path gain is G(s); the feedback path gain is H(s).

For this system, the overall transfer function is given by

Thus the closed-loop poles (roots of the characteristic equation) of the transfer function are the
solutions to the equation 1 + G(s)H(s) = 0. The principal feature of this equation is that roots may
be found wherever G(s)H(s) = -1.
In systems without pure delay, the product G(s)H(s) = -1 is a rational polynomial function and
may be expressed as[2]

where the −zi are the m zeros, the −pi are the m + n poles, and K is a scalar gain. Typically, a root
locus diagram will indicate the transfer function's pole locations for varying values of K. A root
locus plot will be all those points in the s-plane where G(s)H(s) = -1 for any value of K.
The factoring of K and the use of simple monomials means the evaluation of the rational
polynomial can be done with vector techniques that add or subtract angles and multiply or divide
magnitudes. The vector formulation arises from the fact that each monomial term in the
factored G(s)H(s), (s−a) for example, represents the vector from a to s. The polynomial can be
evaluated by considering the magnitudes and angles of each of these vectors. According to
vector mathematics, the angle of the result is the sum of all the angles in the numerator add
minus the sum of all the angles in the denominator. Similarly, the magnitude of the result is the
product of all the magnitudes in the numerator divided by the product of all the magnitudes in
the denominator. It turns out that the calculation of the magnitude is not needed
because K varies; one of its values may result in a root. So to test whether a point in the s-plane
is on the root locus, only the angles to all the open loop poles and zeros need be considered. A
graphical method that uses a special protractor called a "Spirule" was once used to determine
angles and draw the root loci.
From the function T(s), it can be seen that the value of K does not affect the location of the zeros.
The root locus only gives the location of closed loop poles as the gain K is varied. The zeros of a
system do not move.

Using a few basic rules, the root locus method can plot the overall shape of the path (locus)
traversed by the roots as the value of K varies. The plot of the root locus then gives an idea of the
stability and dynamics of this feedback system for different values of K.
Sketching root locus[edit]
• Mark open-loop poles and zeros
• Mark real axis portion to the left of an odd number of poles and zeros
• Find asymptotes
Let P be the number of poles and Z be the number of zeros:

The asymptotes intersect the real axis at (which is called the centroid) and depart at angle
given by:

where is the sum of all the locations of the poles, and is the sum of all the locations of the
explicit zeros.
• Phase condition on test point to find angle of departure
• Compute breakaway/break-in points
The breakaway points are located at the roots of the following equation:

Once you solve for z, the real roots give you the breakaway/reentry points. Complex roots
correspond to a lack of breakaway/reentry.
z-plane versus s-plane
The root locus method can also be used for the analysis of sampled data systems by computing
the root locus in the z-plane, the discrete counterpart of the s-plane. The equation z = esT maps
continuous s-plane poles (not zeros) into the z-domain, where T is the sampling period. The
stable, left half s-plane maps into the interior of the unit circle of the z-plane, with the s-plane
origin equating to |z| = 1 (because e0 = 1). A diagonal line of constant damping in the s-plane
maps around a spiral from (1,0) in the z plane as it curves in toward the origin. Note also that the
Nyquist aliasing criteria is expressed graphically in the z-plane by the x-axis, where ωnT = π.

The line of constant damping just described spirals in indefinitely but in sampled data systems,
frequency content is aliased down to lower frequencies by integral multiples of the Nyquist
frequency. That is, the sampled response appears as a lower frequency and better damped as well
since the root in the z-plane maps equally well to the first loop of a different, better damped
spiral curve of constant damping. Many other interesting and relevant mapping properties can be
described, not least that z-plane controllers, having the property that they may be directly
implemented from the z-plane transfer function (zero/pole ratio of polynomials), can be imagined
graphically on a z-plane plot of the open loop transfer function, and immediately analyzed
utilizing root locus.
Since root locus is a graphical angle technique, root locus rules work the same in
the z and s planes.
The idea of a root locus can be applied to many systems where a single parameter K is varied.
For example, it is useful to sweep any system parameter for which the exact value is uncertain in
order to determine its behavior.


To facilitate the application of the root-locus method for systems of higher order than 2nd, rules
can be established. These rules are based upon the interpretation of the angle condition and the
analysis of the characteristic equation. The rules presented aid in obtaining the root locus by
expediting the manual plotting of the locus. But for automatic plotting using a computer these
rules provide checkpoints to ensure that the solution is correct.
Though the angle and magnitude conditions can also be applied to systems having dead time, in
the following we restrict to the case of the open-loop rational transfer functions according to Eq.


As this transfer function can be written in terms of poles and zeros and (

; ) can be represented by their magnitudes and angles


From Eq. (6.8) the magnitude condition

and from Eq. the angle condition


follows. Here and denote the angles of the complex values and ,
respectively. All angles are considered positive, measured in the counterclockwise sense. If for
each point the sum of these angles in the plane is calculated, just those particular points that
fulfil the condition in Eq. are points on the root locus. This principle of constructing a root-locus
curve - as shown in Figure is mostly used for automatic root-locus plotting.

Pole-zero diagram for construction of the root locus

In the following the most important rules for the construction of root loci for are listed:

As all roots are either real or complex conjugate pairs so that the root locus is symmetrical to
the real axis.

Number of branches
The number of branches of the root locus is equal to the number of poles of the open-loop
transfer function.

Locus start and end points

The locus starting points ( ) are at the open-loop poles and the locus ending points
( ) are at the open-loop zeros. branches end at infinity. The number of starting
branches from a pole and ending branches at a zero is equal to the multiplicity of the poles and
zeros, respectively. A point at infinity is considered as an equivalent zero of multiplicity equal

to .

Real axis locus

If the total number of poles and zeros to the right of a point on the real axis is odd, this point
lies on the locus.


There are asymptotes of the root locus with a slope of

For and 4 one obtains the asymptote configurations as shown in Figure 6.4.

Asymptote configurations of the root locus

Real axis intercept of the asymptotes

The real axis crossing of the asymptotes is at

Breakaway and break-in points on the real axis

At least one breakaway or break-in point exists if a branch of the root locus is on the
real axis between two poles or zeros, respectively. Conditions to find such real points are based
on the fact that they represent multiple real roots. In addition to the characteristic equation for
multiple roots the condition

must be fulfilled, which is equivalent to

for . If there are no poles or zeros, the corresponding sum is zero.

Complex pole/zero angle of departure/entry

The angle of departure of pairs of poles with multiplicity is

and the angle of entry of the pairs of zeros with multiplicity

Rule 9 Root-locus calibration

The labels of the values of can be determined by using

For the denominator is equal to one.

Asymptotic stability

The closed loop system is asymptotically stable for all values of for which the locus lies in
the left-half plane. From the imaginary-axis crossing points the critical values can be

The rules shown above are for positive values of . According to the angle condition of for
negative values of some rules have to be modified. In the following these rules are numbered
as above but labelled by a *.

Locus start and end points

The locus starting points ( ) are at the open-loop poles and the locus ending points
( ) are at the open-loop zeros. branches end at infinity. The number of starting
branches from a pole and ending branches at a zero is equal to the multiplicity of the poles and
zeros, respectively. A point at infinity is considered as an equivalent zero of multiplicity equal

to .

Real axis locus

If the total number of poles and zeros to the right of a point on the real axis is even including
zero, this point lies on the locus.


There are asymptotes of the root locus with a slope of

Complex pole/zero angle of departure/entry

The angle of departure of pairs of poles with multiplicity is

and the angle of entry of the pairs of zeros with multiplicity

The root-locus method can also be applied for other cases than varying . This is possible as

long as can be rewritten such that the angle condition according to Eq. and the rules given
above can be applied. This will be demonstrated in the following two examples.
Given the closed-loop characteristic equation

the root locus for varying the parameter is required. The characteristic equation is therefore
rewritten as

This form then correspondents to the standard form

to which the rules can be applied.

Given the closed-loop characteristic equation

it is required to find the effect of the parameter on the position of the closed-loop poles. The equation
is rewritten into the desired form

Using the rules 1 to 10 one can easily predict the geometrical form of the root locus based on the
distribution of the open-loop poles and zeros. Table 6.2 shows some typical distributions of open-
loop poles and zeros and their root loci.

Typical distributions of open-loop poles and zeros and the root loci

For the qualitative assessment of the root locus one can use a physical analogy. If all open-loop poles
are substituted by a negative electrical charge and all zeros by a commensurate positive
one and if a massless negative charged particle is put onto a point of the root locus, a movement is
observed. The path that the particle takes because of the interplay between the repulsion of the poles
and the attraction of the zeros lies just on the root locus.

1. I.J.Nagarath and M.Gopal, “Control System Engineering”, New Age International (P) Limited Publishers,
2nd Edition, 2009.
2. Kausuhio Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India PVT. Ltd, 5th Edition, 2010.
3. Richard Dorf, “Modern Control Systems”, Pearson Education Ltd, 11th Edition, 2009.
4. M.N. Bandyopadhyay, “Control Engineering, Theory and Practice” PHI, 4th print, 2006.
5. N.K.Sinha, “Control Systems”, New Age International Private Limited Publishers, 3rd Edition, Reprint
6. A.Nagoorkani, “Control System”, RBA Publications, 3rd Edition, reprint 2012.
7. U.A.Bakshi and S.C.Goyal, “Control System Engineering”, Technical Publication, 2nd Revised Reprint





What is Frequency Response?

The response of a system can be partitioned into both the transient response and the steady state
response. We can find the transient response by using Fourier integrals. The steady state response of
a system for an input sinusoidal signal is known as the frequency response. In this chapter, we will
focus only on the steady state response.

If a sinusoidal signal is applied as an input to a Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) system, then it produces the
steady state output, which is also a sinusoidal signal. The input and output sinusoidal signals have the
same frequency, but different amplitudes and phase angles.

Let the input signal be −

r(t)=Asin(ω0t)r(t)=Asin (ω0t)

The open loop transfer function will be −


We can represent G(jω)G(jω) in terms of magnitude and phase as shown below.

Substitute, ω=ω0ω=ω0 in the above equation.
The output signal is
c(t)=A|G(jω0)|sin(ω0t+∠G(jω0))c(t)=A|G(jω0)|sin (ω0t+∠G(jω0))
The amplitude of the output sinusoidal signal is obtained by multiplying the amplitude of the input
sinusoidal signal and the magnitude of G(jω)G(jω) at ω=ω0ω=ω0.

The phase of the output sinusoidal signal is obtained by adding the phase of the input sinusoidal
signal and the phase of G(jω)G(jω) at ω=ω0ω=ω0.


A is the amplitude of the input sinusoidal signal.

ω0 is angular frequency of the input sinusoidal signal.

We can write, angular frequency ω0ω0 as shown below.


Here, f0f0 is the frequency of the input sinusoidal signal. Similarly, you can follow the same procedure
for closed loop control system.

Frequency Domain Specifications

The frequency domain specifications are resonant peak, resonant frequency and bandwidth.

Consider the transfer function of the second order closed loop control system as,


Substitute, s=jωs=jω in the above equation.

Let, ωωn=uωωn=u Substitute this value in the above equation.

Magnitude of T(jω)T(jω) is -


Phase of T(jω)T(jω) is -

Resonant Frequency

It is the frequency at which the magnitude of the frequency response has peak value for the first time.
It is denoted by ωrωr. At ω=ωrω=ωr, the first derivate of the magnitude of T(jω)T(jω) is zero.

Differentiate MM with respect to uu.

Substitute, u=uru=ur and dMdu==0dMdu==0 in the above equation.

Substitute, ur=ωrωnur=ωrωn in the above equation.

Resonant Peak

It is the peak (maximum) value of the magnitude of T(jω)T(jω). It is denoted by MrMr.

At u=uru=ur, the Magnitude of T(jω)T(jω) is -


Substitute, ur=1−2δ2−−−−−−√ur=1−2δ2 and 1−u2r=2δ21−ur2=2δ2 in the above equation.

Resonant peak in frequency response corresponds to the peak overshoot in the time domain transient
response for certain values of damping ratio δδ. So, the resonant peak and peak overshoot are
correlated to each other.


It is the range of frequencies over which, the magnitude of T(jω)T(jω) drops to 70.7% from its zero
frequency value.

At ω=0ω=0, the value of uu will be zero.

Substitute, u=0u=0 in M.


Therefore, the magnitude of T(jω)T(jω) is one at ω=0ω=0.

At 3-dB frequency, the magnitude of T(jω)T(jω) will be 70.7% of magnitude

of T(jω)T(jω) at ω=0ω=0.

i.e., at ω=ωB,M=0.707(1)=12√ω=ωB,M=0.707(1)=12
Let, u2b=xub2=x
Consider only the positive value of x.

Substitute, x=u2b=ω2bω2nx=ub2=ωb2ωn2



Bandwidth ωb in the frequency response is inversely proportional to the rise time tr in the time
domain transient response.

Bode attenuation diagrams

If the absolute value and the phase of the

frequency response are separately plotted over the

frequency , one obtains the

Figure 6.1: Plot of a frequency response: (a) linear, (b) logarithmic

presentation ( on a logarithmic sca
amplitude response and the phase response. Both together are the frequency response

characteristics. and are normally drawn with a logarithm and with a linear scale.

This representation is called a Bode diagram or Bode plot. Usually will

be specified in decibels [dB] By definition this is

The logarithmic representation of the amplitude response has

consequently a linear scale in this diagram and is called the magnitude.

Stability analysis using Bode plots:

The magnitude and phase relationship between sinusoidal input and steady
state output of a system is known as frequency
The polar plot of a sinusoidal transfer function G (jw) is plot of the magnitude
of G (jw) versus the phase angle of G (jw) on polar coordinates as ‗co‘
varied from zero to infinity.
The phase margin is that amount, of additional phase lag at the gain crossover
frequency required to bring the system to the verge of
The gain margin is the reciprocal of the magnitude l G(jw) l at the frequency
at which the phase angle as
The inverse polar plot at G (jw) is a graph of 1/G (jw) as a function of
Bode plot is a graphical representation of the transfer function for determining
the stability of control
Bode plot is a combination of two plot - magnitude plot and phase
The transfer function having no poles and zeros in the right -half s-plane are
called minimum phase transfer
System with minimum phase transfer function are called minimum phase
systems. The transfer function having poles and zeros in the right half s-
plane are called non- minimum phase transfer functions systems with non-
minimum phase transfer function. are called non-minimum phase
In bode plot the relative stability of the system is determined from the gain
margin and phase margin. .
If gain cross frequency is less than phase cross over frequency then gain
margin and phase margin both are positive and system is
If gain cross over frequency is greater than the phase crossover frequency than
both gain margin and‘phase margin are
It gain cross over frequency is equal to me phase cross over trequency me gain
marg and phase margin are zero and system is marginally
The maximum value of magnitude is known as resonant
The magnitude of resonant peak gives the information about the r lative
stability of the
The frequency at which magnitude has maximum value is known as resonant
Bandwidth is defined a the range of frequencies in which the magnitude of
closed loop does not drop —3 db.

Example Problems:

Q1. Sketch the Bode Plot for the transfer function given by,

and from Plot find (a) Phase and Gain cross rer frequencies (b) Gain Margin
and Phase Margin. Is this System Stable?
The gain crosses 0db axis at co = 1.24 rad/sec, the gain crossover
frequency is co = rad/sec.
The phase crosses —180° line at co = 0.4 rad/sec, therefore phase
crossover frequency is co = 0.4 rad/sec.
At phase cross over the gain is 20 dB, therefore gain margin is —20 dB.
At gain crossover the phase angle is 2150, the phase margin is 180° + (—
215°) = —35°. As both gain and phase margins are negative, the system is

Q3. Sketch the bode plot for the transfer function given by

and from plot find gain margin and

phase margin. Ans.

On 0)-axis mark the point at 23.7 rad/sec. since in denominator (jw) term is
having power one, from 23.7 draw a line of slope —20 db/decade to meet y-
axis. This will be the starting point.

Step 1.

From the starting point to I corner frequency (0.33) the slope of the line is —20 db/decade.

From I corner frequency (0.33) to second corner frequency (1) the slope of the
line will be — 20 ÷ (—20) = —40 db/decade.

From II corner frequency to IV corner frequency (2) the slope of the line be —40 + (÷20) =
—20 db/decade.

From III corner frequency to IV corner frequency, the slope of line will be —20 + (—20) =
—40 db/decade.

From IV corner frequency (5) to V corner frequency the slope will be —40 ÷
(+20) = —20 db/decade.

After V corner frequency, the slope will be (—20) ÷ (—20) = —40 db/decade.

Step 2.
Draw the phase plot.

Step 3.

What is Polar Plot in Control System

A polar plot is a plot of a function that is expressed in polar coordinates, with radius as a function of angle.

Polar plots are drawn between magnitude and phase.

If we have a sinusoidal transfer function G(jw), which is a complex function.

Therefore we can write-

G(jw)= Re[G(jw)] + jIm[G(jw)]

G(jw)= lG(jw)l angle(G(jw))

Therefore we can represent the transfer function G(jw), as a phasor of magnitude M and phase angle phi.
This phase angle is measured positively in the counter clockwise direction.

The magnitude and the phase angle changes as the input frequency (w), is varied from zero to infinity.

So the locus obtained in the complex plane by the tip of the phasor G(jw) is called the polar plot.

Polar plots are also known as a Nyquist Plots.

Now we will understand the effect on shape of the polar plot on adding poles or zeros to the transfer

Polar Plots of Transfer Functions (Adding Poles and Zeros)

There are following three rules that are followed to trace Polar Plots in control systems, on adding poles and
zeros to the transfer function-

1- Addition of a non-zero pole to a transfer function, results in further rotation of the polar plot through an
angle of -90 degrees as w tends to infinity.

2- Adding a pole at the origin to a transfer function, rotates the polar plot at 0 and infinite frequencies by a
further angle of -90 degrees.

3- When we add a Zero to a transfer function, then the high frequency portion of the polar plot rotates by 90
degrees in counterclockwise direction.

We will use these rules to trace polar plots of different transfer functions with the help of a standard polar

Here we will add non zero poles or poles at origin to the transfer function and will see how it affects the
shape of the polar plots.

Now look at the images shown below-

Polar plot is a plot which can be drawn between magnitude and phase. Here, the
magnitudes are represented by normal values only.
The polar form of G(jω)H(jω)G(jω)H(jω) is

The Polar plot is a plot, which can be drawn between the magnitude and the phase angle
of G(jω)H(jω)G(jω)H(jω) by varying ωω from zero to ∞. The polar graph sheet is shown in the
following figure.

This graph sheet consists of concentric circles and radial lines. The concentric circles and
the radial lines represent the magnitudes and phase angles respectively. These angles are
represented by positive values in anti-clock wise direction. Similarly, we can represent angles with
negative values in clockwise direction. For example, the angle 2700 in anti-clock wise direction is
equal to the angle −900 in clockwise direction.
Rules for Drawing Polar Plots
Follow these rules for plotting the polar plots.
• Substitute, s=jωs=jω in the open loop transfer function.
• Write the expressions for magnitude and the phase of G(jω)H(jω)G(jω)H(jω).
• Find the starting magnitude and the phase of G(jω)H(jω)G(jω)H(jω) by
substituting ω=0ω=0. So, the polar plot starts with this magnitude and the phase angle.

• Find the ending magnitude and the phase of G(jω)H(jω)G(jω)H(jω) by
substituting ω=∞ω=∞. So, the polar plot ends with this magnitude and the phase angle.
• Check whether the polar plot intersects the real axis, by making the imaginary term
of G(jω)H(jω)G(jω)H(jω) equal to zero and find the value(s) of ωω.
• Check whether the polar plot intersects the imaginary axis, by making real term
of G(jω)H(jω)G(jω)H(jω) equal to zero and find the value(s) of ωω.
• For drawing polar plot more clearly, find the magnitude and phase
of G(jω)H(jω)G(jω)H(jω) by considering the other value(s) of ωω.

Consider the open loop transfer function of a closed loop control system.

Let us draw the polar plot for this control system using the above rules.
Step 1 − Substitute, s=jωs=jω in the open loop transfer function.

The magnitude of the open loop transfer function is


The phase angle of the open loop transfer function is

ϕ=−900−tan−1ω−tan−1ω2ϕ=−900−tan−1 ω−tan−1 ω2

Step 2 − The following table shows the magnitude and the phase angle of the open loop transfer
function at ω=0ω=0 rad/sec and ω=∞ω=∞ rad/sec.

So, the polar plot starts at (∞,−900) and ends at (0,−2700). The first and the second terms within
the brackets indicate the magnitude and phase angle respectively.
Step 3 − Based on the starting and the ending polar co-ordinates, this polar plot will intersect the
negative real axis. The phase angle corresponding to the negative real axis is −1800 or 1800. So,
by equating the phase angle of the open loop transfer function to either −1800 or 1800, we will get
the ωω value as 2–√2.
By substituting ω=2–√ω=2 in the magnitude of the open loop transfer function, we will
get M=0.83M=0.83. Therefore, the polar plot intersects the negative real axis when ω=2–
√ω=2 and the polar coordinate is (0.83,−1800).
So, we can draw the polar plot with the above information on the polar graph sheet.


1. I.J.Nagarath and M.Gopal, “Control System Engineering”, New Age International (P) Limited
Publishers, 2nd Edition, 2009.
2. Kausuhio Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India PVT. Ltd, 5th Edition, 2010.
3. Richard Dorf, “Modern Control Systems”, Pearson Education Ltd, 11th Edition, 2009.
4. M.N. Bandyopadhyay, “Control Engineering, Theory and Practice” PHI, 4th print, 2006.
5. N.K.Sinha, “Control Systems”, New Age International Private Limited Publishers, 3rd Edition, Reprint
6. A.Nagoorkani, “Control System”, RBA Publications, 3rd Edition, reprint 2012.
7. U.A.Bakshi and S.C.Goyal, “Control System Engineering”, Technical Publication, 2nd Revised Reprint




Automatic control systems have played a vital role in the advancement of

science and engineering. In addition to its extreme importance in sophisticated
systems in Space vehicles, missile- guidance, aircraft navigating systems, etc.,
automatic control system as become an important and integral part of manufacturing
and industrial processes. Control of process parameters like pressure, temperature,
flow, viscosity, speed, humidity, etc., in process engineering and tooling, handling
and assembling mechanical parts in manufacturing industries among others in
engineering field where automatic control systems are inevitable part of the system.
A control system is designed and constructed to perform specific functional
task. The concept of control system design starts by defining the output variable(
Speed, Pressure, Temperature Etc.,) and then determining the required specification
( Stability, Accuracy, and speed of response). In the design process the designs must
first select the control Media and then the control elements to meet the designed
In actual practice several alternative can be analyzed and a final judgment
can be made an overall performances and economy.

Systems have been categorized as manual and automatic systems. Based on

the type of control needed most systems are categorized as - Manual & Automatic.
In applications where systems are to be operated with limited or no supervision, then
systems are made automatic and where system needs supervision the system is
designed as manual. In the present-day context most of the systems are designed as
automatic systems for which one of the important considerations was economics.
However, the necessity for the system to be made as an automatic system is to make
sure that the system performs with no scope for error which otherwise is prone to a
lot of errors especially in the operations. Other classification of a system is based on
the input and output relationships. Accordingly, in an Open Loop Control System the
output is independent of the input and in a closed loop control system the output is
dependant on the input. The term input refers to reference variable and the output is
referred to as Controlled variable. Most of the systems are designed as closed loop
systems where a feedback path with an element with a transfer function would help
in bridging the relationship between the input and the output. A system can be
represented by the block diagram and from a s imple to a complicated system,
reduction techniques can be used to obtain the overall transfer function of the
system. Overall system Transfer function can also be obtained by another technique
using signal flow analysis where the transfer function of the system is obtained from
Mason‟ s gain formula. Once the system is designed, the response of the system may
be obtained based on the type of input. This is studied in two categories of response
namely response of the systemic time domain and frequency domain. The system
thus conceived and designed needs to be analyzed based on the same domains. At
this stage the systems are studied from the point of view of its operational features
like Stability, Accuracy and Speed of Response. Development of various systems
have been continuous and the history of the same go back to the old WATT‟ S
Speed Governor, which was considered as an effective means of speed regulation.
Other control system examples are robot arm, Missile Launching and Guidance
System, Automatic Aircr aft Landing System, Satellite based digital tracking
systems,etc to name a few. In the design of the control systems, three important
requirements are considered namely STABILITY, ACCURACY and SPEED OF
Stable Systems are those where response to input must reach and maintain
some useful value with in a reasonable period of time. The designed systems should
both be Unstable Systems as unstable control systems produce persistent or even
violent oscillations of the output and output will be driven to some extreme limiting

Systems are also designed to meet certain levels of Accuracy. This is a relative term
with limits based upon a particular application. A time measurement system may be
from a simple watch to a complicated system used in the sports arena. But the levels
of accuracy are different in both cases. One used in sports arena must have very high
levels of sophistication and must be reliable showing no signs of variations.
However, this feature of the system is purely based on the system requirement. For a
conceived, designed and developed system, the higher the levels of Accuracy
expected, higher is the Cost.
The third important requirement comes by way of SPEED OF RESPONSE.
System must complete its response to some input within an acceptable period of
time. System has no value if the time required to respond fully to some input is far
greater than the time interval between inputs

Cardiovascular Control Mechanisms
The heart works as a demand pump. The CV system tells the heart how much to pump CV system may

alter capacity and, thus, how much blood it holds.Decreased capacity results in greater venous return

to the heart and, thus, greater CO.This is accomplished by local and central control mechanisms.Local

control – responds to pressure changes (myogenic), chemicals/metabolites (metabolic) increases flow in

response to conditions that can be toxic to tissues by decreasing vasomotor tone.Central control –

sympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system.Cardiovascular Control Mechanisms

Integration of local and central mechanisms to ensure all tissues have enough blood flow Normally, local

control is primary determinant.With large changes in demand, central control becomes primary.

Central control in medulla (vasomotor and cardiac center) has areas that affect:

Precapillary vessels:
Vasoconstriction - increases adrenergic output
Vasodepressor - inhibits vasoconstrictor center
Cardioacceleratory - increases heart rate
Cardioinhibitory - increases vagal output to heart
Vasodepressor - inhibits vasoconstrictor center
Cardioacceleratory - increases heart rate
Cardioinhibitory - increases vagal output to heart

Control of Endocrine Activity

The physiologic effects of hormones depend largely on their concentration in blood and extracellular fluid. Almost

inevitably, disease results when hormone concentrations are either too high or too low, and precise control over

circulating concentrations of hormones is therefore crucial.The concentration of hormone as seen by target cells is

determined by three factors:

• Rate of production: Synthesis and secretion of hormones are the most highly regulated aspect of endocrine control.
Such control is mediated by positive and negative feedback circuits, as described below in more detail.
• Rate of delivery: An example of this effect is blood flow to a target organ or group of target cells - high blood flow
delivers more hormone than low blood flow.
• Rate of degradation and elimination: Hormones, like all biomolecules, have characteristic rates of decay, and
are metabolized and excreted from the body through several routes. Shutting off secretion of a hormone that has a
very short halflife causes circulating hormone concentration to plummet, but if a hormone's biological halflife is long,
effective concentrations persist for some time after secretion ceases.
Pupil control system
The size of the pupil is controlled by the activities of two muscles: the circumferential sphincter muscle found in the
margin of the iris, innervated by the parasympathetic nervous system: and the iris dilator muscle, running radially
from the iris root to the peripheral border of the sphincter.
Temperature control is a process in which change of temperature of a space (and objects collectively there within),
or of a substance, is measured or otherwise detected, and the passage of heat energy into or out of the space or
substance is adjusted to achieve a desired temperature.Air-conditioners, space-heaters, refrigerators, water-heaters,
etc. are examples of devices that perform temperature control. These are often broadly classified as Thermostatically
Controlled Loads (TCLs).
sugar level Control Mechanism
When the body does not convert enough glucose, blood sugar levels remain high. Insulin helps the cells absorb glucose,
reducing blood sugar and providing the cells with glucose for energy. When blood sugar levels are too low, the
pancreas releases glucagon.


1. I.J.Nagarath and M.Gopal, “Control System Engineering”, New Age International (P) Limited
Publishers, 2nd Edition, 2009.
2. Kausuhio Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India PVT. Ltd, 5th Edition,
3. Richard Dorf, “Modern Control Systems”, Pearson Education Ltd, 11th Edition, 2009.
4. M.N. Bandyopadhyay, “Control Engineering, Theory and Practice” PHI, 4th print, 2006.
5. N.K.Sinha, “Control Systems”, New Age International Private Limited Publishers, 3rd Edition,
Reprint 2008.
6. A.Nagoorkani, “Control System”, RBA Publications, 3rd Edition, reprint 2012.
7. U.A.Bakshi and S.C.Goyal, “Control System Engineering”, Technical Publication, 2nd Revised
Reprint 2007.

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