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Solution Set # 2 Photoelectric Effect, Compton Effect, X-Rays

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Solution set 2: Photoelectric effect, Compton effect, X-rays

PH-102 Solution Set # 2 September, 15, 2009

Photoelectric effect, Compton effect, X-rays

Answer 1.
The maximum K.E. of photoelectrons is equal to the energy of photons minus the work
function of metal. So, for red light (λ = 650) nm,

(K.E)max = E − wo (1)

E = hf = (2)
hc = (6.63 × 10−34 J sec) (3 × 108 m sec)
= 1.989 × 10−25 J m

In terms of electron volts,

hc = 1.989 × 10−25 J.m ×
1.6 × 10−19 J
= 1243 eV nm

Substituting values in Eq.(2), we get

hc 1243 eV nm
E = hf = =
λ 650 nm
= 1.91 eV

If the difference between energy (E) and the workfunction (wo ) is equal to zero or
positive (from equation (1)), only then will the photoelectric effect will take place. The
only metal that satisfies this requirement is cesium having a workfunction wo = 1.9 eV.

Similarly, for green light,

hc 1240 eV nm
E = =
λ 450 nm
= 2.75 eV

In this case, the metals we can use are, lithum (2.3 eV), barium (2.5 eV) and cesium
(1.9 eV).

Chapter 2 of Eisberg and Resnick. 1

Solution set 2: Photoelectric effect, Compton effect, X-rays

Answer 2.
Given is λ = 200 nm, (K.E)max = ?
Using the equation,

(K.E)max = hf − wo
= − wo
1240 eV nm
= − 4.2 eV
200 nm
= 6.2 eV − 4.2 eV
(K.E)max = 2 eV


(K.E)max = e Vs
Vs = = 2V
(c) Cutoff wavelength is the longest possible wavelength of a photon that will still result in
the photoelectric effect occuring. The wavelength is
Emin = hfmin = = wo
λmax =
1240 eV nm
4.2 eV
λmax = 295 nm

Answer 3.

(K.E)max = Energy of incident photon − wo

= (2hf + wo ) − wo

(K.E)max = 2hf

Since the photoelectric current is proportional to light intensity rather than its frequency, the
saturation photocurrent will remain the same.
Answer 4.
The electric field is not strong enough to ensure that all the ejected electrons reach the an-
ode, therefore the current does not immediately rise to its saturation value. Second, there is

Chapter 2 of Eisberg and Resnick. 2

Solution set 2: Photoelectric effect, Compton effect, X-rays

a cloud of freshly ejected electrons surrounding the cathode, called the space charge, which
prevents the transport of electrons due to repulsive forces. As the voltage is increased, the
space charge density decreases allowing more and more electrons to reach the cathode.
Answer 5.
Yes, the Compton effect can occur with visible light. However, the effect may be too small
to be observable. The photons for visible light have small energies compared to X-rays. For
example, a 500 nm photon will have an energy of 2 eV, five orders of magnitude smaller than
the electron rest mass energy of 500 KeV. By energy conservation, the photon energy goes
into the kinetic energy of the scattered photon and its own energy after scattering. These
energies are, consequently, very small and difficult to measure beyond the experimental un-
certainties. In other words, the change in wavelength of the photon and the kinetic energy
gained by the electron will be too small to be noticeable.
Answer 6.
In the photoelectric effect, a photon requires just a single collision to completely disappear
while in Compton scattering, it requires an infinite number of collisions to lose all of its
Answer 7.
The incident K.E. of the electrons is eVo . As the electrons are suddenly brought to a halt, all
of this energy is radiated as photons. These photons have the minimum wavelength (maxi-
mum energy) possible. Therefore,
= eVo
λmin =
1240 V nm
1.240 × 10−6 V m
5.0 × 104 V
λmin = 2.48 × 10−11 m

= 0.02 nm

The frequency corresponding to this wavelength will be,

c 3 × 108 m/sec
fmax = =
λmin 2.48 × 10−11 m
= 1.2 × 1019 Hz

Chapter 2 of Eisberg and Resnick. 3

Solution set 2: Photoelectric effect, Compton effect, X-rays

Answer 8.
Given is λ = 10 pm, θ = 45◦ , λ =?
Using the Compton’s scattering formula,

λ − λ = λc (1 − cos θ)
0 h
λ = λ+ (1 − cos θ)
0 6.63 × 10−34 J sec
λ = 10 pm + −31 8
(1 − cos 45◦ )
(9.11 × 10 Kg) (3 × 10 m/sec)
λ = 10 pm + (2.426 pm) (0.293)
λ = 10.7 pm

(b) λ − λ will be maximum when (1 − cos θ) is maximum.
When θ = π, (1 − cos θ) = 2, therefore

λ = λ + λc (2)

= 10 pm + (2.426 pm)(2)
λ = 14.9 pm

(c) (K.E)max,recoil = hf − hf
1 1
= hc ( − 0 )
λ λ
1 1
−34 8
= (6.63 × 10 J sec) (3 × 10 m/sec) −12

10 × 10 m 14.9 × 10−12 m
= 6.54 × 10−15 J
= 40.8 KeV

Answer 9.
Given is v = 0.1 c, first we will find out the kinetic energy using the classical result,

Kclassical = mo v 2
= mo (0.1)2 c2
= mo c2 × 0.01
= 4.1 × 10−16 J

Chapter 2 of Eisberg and Resnick. 4

Solution set 2: Photoelectric effect, Compton effect, X-rays

If K < Kclassical , the errors are less than 1 percent. For such a case, the wavelength can be
calculated as,

hf = Kclassical + wo
= Kclassical + wo
λ =
Kclassical + wo
(6.63 × 10−34 J.sec) (3 × 108 m/sec)
(4.1 × 10−16 J) + (4.2 × 1.6 × 10−19 J)
λ = 4.84 Å

Answer 10.
Kinetic energy of recoil electron = K
Energy of incident photon = E
Energy of final photon = E

Using the law of conservation of energy,

E = E +K
K = E−E (3)

0 0
To find E = hf , we use the equation,

0 c c h
λ − λo = 0 − = (1 − cos θ)
f fo mo c
c h c
= (1 − cos θ) +
f0 mo c fo
hfo (1 − cos θ) + mo c2
mo cvo
f mo cfo
c hfo (1 − cos θ) + mo c2
0 mo c2 fo
f =
hfo (1 − cos θ) + mo c2
0 mo c2 (hfo )
hf =
hfo (1 − cos θ) + mo c2
mo c2
= 2
(1 − cos θ) + mhfo co
Let x =
m o c2

Chapter 2 of Eisberg and Resnick. 5

Solution set 2: Photoelectric effect, Compton effect, X-rays

0 mo c2
Energy of final photon = hf = 1
(1 − cos θ) + x
using equation (4),
K = hfo − hf
mo c2
= hfo − 1
(1 − cos θ) + x
hfo mo c2
= m o c2 − 1
m o c2 (1 − cos θ) + x
mo c2
= x m o c2 −
(1 − cos θ) + x1
= mo c x −
(1 − cos θ) + x1
= m o c2 x −
1 + x(1 − cos θ)
x (1 − cos θ)

= mo c
1 + x(1 − cos θ)
2 x x (1 − cos θ)
= mo c
1 + x(1 − cos θ)
2 mo c2
x (1 − cos θ) 
= mo c
1 + x(1 − cos θ)
x (1 − cos θ)
= hfo ·
1 + x(1 − cos θ)
Since E = hfo ,
K x (1 − cos θ)
E x(1 − cos θ) + 1
K x (2 sin2 ( 2θ ))
E 1 + x(2 sin2 ( 2θ ))
K sin2 ( 2θ )
m o c2
=   ·
E 2hfo 2 θ
1 + mo c2 sin ( 2 )

This is the required proof .

Problem # 11. (There were some typing mistakes in the posted questions; fol-
lowing is the correct wording).
Photons passing through the pupil are focused by the lens onto the retina and are detected
by two types of photosensitive cells, called rods and cones. Rods are highly sensitive photore-
ceptors with a peak response at the wavelength 510 nm. They do not register colour, but
they are responsible for our vision under dimmed light conditions, which is termed sco-

Chapter 2 of Eisberg and Resnick. 6

Solution set 2: Photoelectric effect, Compton effect, X-rays

topic vision. Cones are color sensitive and are responsible for our day time vision, called
photopic vision. There are three types of cone photoreceptors, which are sensitive to the
blue, green, and red wavelengths: 430 nm, 535 nm, and 575 nm, respectively. All three
cones have an overall peak response of 555 nm.
(a) Calculate the photon energy (in eV) for the peak responsivity of each photoreceptor in
the eye. The fovea is a region in the retina lying on the visual axis; images are focused onto
this region. The density of the cones in the fovea is on the order of 150, 000/mm2 . Below a
light intensity of about 100 µW/m2 , cones are not functional and rods take over the vision.
(b) What is the minimum photon flux for color vision?
(c) If a visual sensation persists for a time (1/5)th of a second, how many photons does the
eye need per cone for a visual color sensation?
(d) If the eye is 10 percent efficient overall, due to photon reflections,etc., how many photons
are actually absorbed per cone to generate a colored visual sensation?
Answer 11.
Photon energies for cone photoreceptors can be calculated as follows,
For blue light,

hc 1243 eV nm
E = hf = =
λ 430 nm
= 2.89 eV

For green light,

hc 1243 eV nm
E = hf = =
λ 535 nm
= 2.32 eV

For red light,

hc 1243 eV nm
E = hf = =
λ 575 nm
= 2.16 eV

Overall, it will be

hc 1243 eV nm
E = hf = =
λ 555 nm
= 2.23 eV

Chapter 2 of Eisberg and Resnick. 7

Solution set 2: Photoelectric effect, Compton effect, X-rays

Similarly, photon energy for rod photoreceptor will be,

hc 1243 eV nm
E = hf = =
λ 510 nm
= 2.43 eV


Light intensity = 100 µW/m2 = 100 × 10−6 W/m2

hc (6.63 × 10−34 ) J.sec(3 × 108 ) m/sec

Ephoton = = = 3.58 × 10−19 J
λ 555 × 10−9 m

100 × 10−6 W/m2

Photon flux = = 2.8 × 1014 photons/m2 sec
3.58 × 10−19 J


Number of cones = 150, 000 /mm2 = 1.5 × 1011 /m2

sensation time = sec = 0.2 sec

Number of photons required to excite the cone in 1 sec = 2.8 × 1014 photons/ m2
Number of photons exciting the cones in 0.2 sec = 0.2 × 2.8 × 1014 photons/m2

One knows the areal density of cones, so the number of photons per cone will be,

0.2 × 2.8 × 1014 photons/ m2

= = 373 photons per cone
1.5 × 1011 /m2

For overall 10 percent efficiency of human eye,
number of photons absorbed per cone = 10 × 373 = 3730 photons per cone

Chapter 2 of Eisberg and Resnick. 8

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