Profile Plus: Series ICP
Profile Plus: Series ICP
Profile Plus: Series ICP
Series ICP
The Affordable PMT Based ICP
The Profile Plus Family of ICP Spectrometers
Profile Plus makes ICP simple and very fast. This system integration). As a result, low concentrations and complex samples
will quickly become your laboratory workhorse, not a are easy because the location of the analyte peak is known before
research project. the analysis is carried out. Time is spent measuring the peaks, not
searching to find them. When compared to CCD based sequential
ICPs, the Profile Plus provides up to four times the analysis speed
Need flexibility?
and has fewer interferences.
The Profile’s “any element, any wavelength” capability makes
it the system of choice. All internal optical components are
stationary, resulting in extremely stable spectral output. With
Versatile Design
Profile Plus is the most versatile family of ICPs in the industry and
this patented design, the Profile’s detector is moved at very high
can be configured for almost any application.
speed from the center of one wavelength to the next (on-peak
Easy To Use Sample
Introduction System
Traditionally, most operating errors occur in the sample introduction The Profile Auto-Align Torch System eliminates the guesswork usually
encountered when installing torches and spray chambers.
area. The Profile Plus family has a new Auto-Align Torch System that
eliminates the guesswork usually encountered when installing torches
and spray chambers. Designed with the users’ needs in mind, the Auto-Align Torch
precisely repositions the torch, whenever removal and replacement is needed. Every
operator will be able to perfectly position the torch every time; consistently generating
high quality results.
The Auto-Align Torch System makes it easy to configure your Profile Plus to handle even
the most difficult analytical applications. A wide selection of sample introduction hardware
is available, including systems for use with aqueous, organic and HF samples. Each is easily
integrated with the Auto-Aligh Torch system.
The power supply is built into the body of the instrument, resulting in a compact,
benchtop spectrometer. This reduces laboratory space, to an absolute minimum.
The Profile Plus uses the Teledyne Leeman Labs 40.68 MHz free running oscillator for
superior tolerance to a wide variety of sample types, including high solids and organics.
Software Element Selection
Element Selection
Select an element from the periodic chart. Choose the best wavelength
from the list or any other wavelength. Use as many (or as few) defaults Scan Page
as you wish to streamline data entry for each element — all standard
and check standard concentrations, as well as integration times can be
entered with a single button.
Scan Page
Simply scan a standard and sample to quickly estimate a concentration,
set a background point or identify possible interferences.
Automatically run a calibration using up to 10 standards and 7 check
standards by placing the standards into the autosampler and initiating
the cycle. Calibration plots can be viewed quickly and easily.
Select the autosampler rack and specify the number of samples to be
analyzed and the Profile Plus goes to work. WinICP also lets you turn
elements on or off without having to open the method.
Wavelength Range 177 – 800 nm
Resolution <0.008 nm @ 200 nm
Detector Type High Speed PMT
RF Generator Type 40.68 MHz, Free-Running
RF Generator Output 2 kW
Peristaltic Pump 4 Channel, 12 Roller
ICP Spectrometers Mercury Analyzers DC Arc Spectrometers Inorganic Standards
6 Wentworth Drive
Hudson, NH 03051 U.S.A.
Tel: 603.886.8400
Fax: 603.886.9141