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Logbook 2021 COMP 399

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Box 1125-30100, ELDORET, Kenya

Tel: 053-2063192 Ext. 230
Fax No. 020-2141257
E-Mail: hodmathscomp@chep.ac.ke




Registration Number………………………………………………

Name of Student ……………………………………………………

Organization ……………………………………………………….

Industrial Supervisor ………………………………………………

University Supervisor…………………………………………………………

What is Industrial Attachment?

This is an academic/industrial experience in which students are attached to a potential employer

of graduates specializing Statistics, Computer Science, Actuarial Science, Information
Technology or Information Systems for a maximum of 12 weeks. Each student will be assigned
University Supervisor and an Industrial Supervisor upon commencement of the attachment.
Each student should communicate regularly with the University Supervisor and the Industrial
Supervisor should also periodically review his or her work.

Each student must keep a weekly report of activities. This will be submitted as a periodic
progress report and may also be used to write the final report.

Students on attachment are encouraged, where possible, to supplement their work experience
with research in a related area. This will provide a greater understanding of their work
assignments and/or additional insights for preparing the final attachment report.

How much credit is earned?

An equivalent of 6 units is earned.

How to prepare the weekly reports

At the end of each day of work take a few minutes to record a summary of the day’s activities
and experience. Examples are provided below
 Work done
 Software/hardware used
 Any field work done e.g. Field survey, or interviews
 Information system used
 Who you interacted with
 Problem encountered
 Opportunities encountered
 Reflections on your strengths, weakness, likes, or dislikes
 Research done, data collected, data edited, coded, data analysis etc.

This weekly report should be submitted weekly to your University Supervisor after approval by
your Industrial Supervisor. Record the report as in the layout below.

Week …………………………………………………………….

Day Work Done/Activities Remark

WED Orientation and introduction -Introduction to use of systems

01/09/2021 within the library sections

-rules adhered to use of

computers within the library

THUR Introduction to library sections Operations within the library

02/09/2021 sections
FRI Introduction to ICT systems -Introduction to use of ICT

03/09/2021 systems within the library


-rules adhered to use of

computers within the library

Signature of student …………………………….. Date…………………………

Signature of Industrial Supervisor……………………. Date……………………
Comments by Industrial Supervisor:

Week …………………………………………………………….

Day Work Done/Activities Remark

MON -Setting up the office/work stations Importance of connection of cables

06/09/2021 following the IEEE rules

TUE -Introduction to networking, Local Area -Interacted with switches/Routers

07/09/2021 Networks -configure and connect computer to

a network source
WED -Learnt how to crimp RJ45 networking -Crimping and fixing damaged Lan

08/09/202 cables cables

THUR -Trouble shooting network ports -Checking and fixing faulty network

09/09/2021 ports/Data ports

FRI -Configured a workgroup/intranet Practicing the use and share of

10/09/2021 available resources. E.g. access of a

single printer by multiple computers

Signature of student …………………………….. Date…………………………

Signature of Industrial Supervisor……………………. Date……………………
Comments by Industrial Supervisor:

Week …………………………………………………………….

Day Work Done/Activities Remark

MON Troubleshooting printers within the library Checking and fixing faulty

13/09/2021 printers within the library

TUE Trouble shooting Mouse/Keyboard/scanners Checking and fixing faulty

14/09/2021 Mouse/Keyboard/scanners

within the library sections

WED Setting up a projector Connection of a projector to a

15/09/2021 computer
THUR Studied different notification/error codes

FRI Solving error messages/handling errors


Signature of student …………………………….. Date…………………………

Signature of Industrial Supervisor……………………. Date……………………
Comments by Industrial Supervisor:

Week …………………………………………………………….

Day Work Done/Activities Remark

MON Dissembling and assembling a desktop -studied the hardware part of a

20/09/2021 computer computer system, how to dissemble

and connect different components

inside the computer system.

TUE Dissembling and assembling a server system -more on the working of a server

21/09/2021 system.

-the hardware layout of a server

WED Upgraded an office desktop by adding a RAM -more on how increase computer

22/09/2021 speed by installing higher capacity

of ram to a computer system

THUR Upgraded an office desktop by adding a Hard -update on storage part of the

23/09/2021 drive computer system to huge amount of

data and support new version of a

windows OS
FRI Upgraded processors, fixed faulty fans and -Checking on overheating and

24/09/2021 power units importance of power consumption

Signature of student …………………………….. Date…………………………

Signature of Industrial Supervisor……………………. Date……………………
Comments by Industrial Supervisor:

Week …………………………………………………………….

Day Work Done/Activities Remark

MON Installation of antivirus – ESET ENDPOINT -importance of regular PC

27/09/2021 SECURITY antivirus maintenance, how to get rid of

malwares and viruses from a

TUE Installation and updating of windows to computers -update of windows to newer

28/09/2021 versions
WED -Introduction to Linux OS – kali and Ubuntu More about Linux Operating

29/09/2021 -Network configuration for Linux OS systems

Network configuration for

Linux OS.
THUR -Malware Evaluation and detection Using ESET ENDPOINT

30/09/2021 -introduction to ESET ENDPOINT SECURITY SECURITY software to scan

and perform action on presence

of an virus from the computers

FRI -back up Library Database -importance of regular pc

01/10/2021 -Formatting of malfunctioned pc to install new maintenance and updates

Operating system

Signature of student …………………………….. Date…………………………

Signature of Industrial Supervisor……………………. Date……………………
Comments by Industrial Supervisor:

Week …………………………………………………………….

Day Work Done/Activities Remark

Signature of student …………………………….. Date…………………………

Signature of Industrial Supervisor……………………. Date……………………
Comments by Industrial Supervisor:

Week …………………………………………………………….

Day Work Done/Activities Remark

Signature of student …………………………….. Date…………………………

Signature of Industrial Supervisor……………………. Date……………………
Comments by Industrial Supervisor:

Week …………………………………………………………….

Day Work Done/Activities Remark

Signature of student …………………………….. Date…………………………

Signature of Industrial Supervisor……………………. Date……………………
Comments by Industrial Supervisor:

Week …………………………………………………………….

Day Work Done/Activities Remark

Signature of student …………………………….. Date…………………………

Signature of Industrial Supervisor……………………. Date……………………
Comments by Industrial Supervisor:

Week …………………………………………………………….

Day Work Done/Activities Remark

Signature of student …………………………….. Date…………………………

Signature of Industrial Supervisor……………………. Date……………………
Comments by Industrial Supervisor:

Week …………………………………………………………….

Day Work Done/Activities Remark

Signature of student …………………………….. Date…………………………

Signature of Industrial Supervisor……………………. Date……………………
Comments by Industrial Supervisor:

Week …………………………………………………………….

Day Work Done/Activities Remark

Signature of student …………………………….. Date…………………………

Signature of Industrial Supervisor……………………. Date……………………
Comments by Industrial Supervisor:

Week …………………………………………………………….

Day Work Done/Activities Remark

Signature of student …………………………….. Date…………………………

Signature of Industrial Supervisor……………………. Date……………………
Comments by Industrial Supervisor:

Week …………………………………………………………….

Day Work Done/Activities Remark

Signature of student …………………………….. Date…………………………

Signature of Industrial Supervisor……………………. Date……………………
Comments by Industrial Supervisor:

Week …………………………………………………………….

Day Work Done/Activities Remark

Signature of student …………………………….. Date…………………………

Signature of Industrial Supervisor……………………. Date……………………
Comments by Industrial Supervisor:

Week …………………………………………………………….

Day Work Done/Activities Remark

Signature of student …………………………….. Date…………………………

Signature of Industrial Supervisor……………………. Date……………………
Comments by Industrial Supervisor:

Week …………………………………………………………….

Day Work Done/Activities Remark

Signature of student …………………………….. Date…………………………

Signature of Industrial Supervisor……………………. Date……………………
Comments by Industrial Supervisor:


Institution of Attachment………………………

Remarks by the supervisor


Name of Supervisor……………………………
Date of Visitation……………………………

The final Industrial Attachment Report shall follow the following format
i. Title page
This will bear the title INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT REPORT. The name of the
Student will be written half way down the page. The registration number will be
written below the name. The year of attachment will be indicated centered at the
bottom of the cover page. There will be no page number for the cover page.
ii. Declaration Page
This page will have the title DECLARATION.
The declaration will have the following wordings
This Industrial attachment report is my work and has not been submitted in any
University for any award. No part of the report may be copied without the

Sign:………… Date:…………..
The Declaration page will be numbered as page ii.
iii. Dedication Page
Will bear the title DEDICATION.
The Student can dedicate this work to any one. This is page iii.
iv. Acknowledgement page
The title for this Page is ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.
The student may wish to acknowledge a few individuals who may provide support
while the student was on attachment. This page is IV.
v. Abstract
The title of this page is ABSTRACT
This will be a summary of the whole report. This will be page v.
vi. Table of content page
This will have the heading TABLE OF CONTENT
This will list all the headings within the report beginning from the dedication page.

The rest of the report will have the following heading the content within each Chapter is to be
put into Sections or subsections which shall be numbered appropriately. All Tables will be
numbered and given appropriate Title at the top of the Table. For example if the Table is in
Chapter Two and it is the first table it will be numbered Table 2.1 followed by the Title. All
Figures will be numbered and given appropriate Caption at the bottom of the Figure. For
example if the Figure is in Chapter Two and it is the first figure it will be numbered Figure 2.1
followed by the Caption.

This Chapter introduces or gives a brief overview of Industrial attachment and its relevance.
This Chapter provides information about the Institution where the student was attached. It must
also include the organizational Structure of the institution.
This Chapter describes the activities that the Student undertook while on attachment. The
description should try to highlight the activities which have direct relevance to the course being
studied where possible. The student should discuss his or her strengths and weaknesses with
regard to the activities while on attachment. The student should state all new skills acquired,
interaction with other workers and generally the challenges faced while on attachment
This will have two sections
4.1 Conclusion
The Student to give a final opinion regarding the attachment.
4.2 Recommendations
The student to make some Recommendations
To list sources of materials (literature) used in writing up the report. Such literature should have
been cited in the Introduction or in Chapter Two. The reference and citation style is APA.

This may include extra Tables, Figures, maps etc
The Industrial attachment Report is to be Spiral bound. The top folio shall be Blue in color the
back cover will also be blue.


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