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NIT Patna Bihta Campus

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Tender for “Development of Additional Campus for NIT Patna on EPC basis”

Replacement of Section -1 (Page No. 1 to 10) of GCC– 2019 for Contractors


Digitally signed by GAURAV

Signature of Contractor Page 1 of 16GAURAV NBCC
RAVINDRA Date: 2021.10.21 18:21:46
Tender for “Development of Additional Campus for NIT Patna on EPC basis”


NBCC Bhawan, 2nd Floor, Lodhi Road, New Delhi -110003.
Email ID: cpg.ho.nbcc@nic.in, cpg.ho@nbccindia.com
Date: 21.10.2021
1.0 NBCC (India) Ltd. invites online lumpsum basis open e-tenders in two bid system from
experienced and eligible Contractors for “Development of Additional Campus for NIT Patna
on EPC Basis” and as per schedule as under:
Tendering Document No. NBCC/ CPG/ Additional Campus/ NIT Patna/ 2021/ 307
dated 21.10.2021
Name of the Work Development of Additional Campus for NIT Patna on EPC

Brief Scope of Work Construction on EPC Basis for RCC Framed Structures
including Civil and Structural Works, Interior fit-out of
Buildings, IT works, AV works, Infrastructure, HVAC, Lifts,
Internal and External Services, Fire fighting services, PA
system, Solar water heating, Fire alarm system,
Landscape, Façade, Acoustics, Furniture (Loose & Fixed)
etc. as per scope of works and tender documents. The
total Built up area is 116922.95 Sqmt.(105719.13 Sqmt. +
11203.82 Sqmt. (EWS boy’s hostel)).
Estimated Cost Rs. 498.00 Crore (Rupees Four Hundred Ninety Eight
Crores Only)

Period for completion 21 (Twenty One) Months

Earnest Money Deposit NIL. However, bidder has to submit a declaration along
with tender in lieu of EMD in original (on the letter head of
bidder/applicant) as per the proforma (Appendix-I)
attached with NIT.
Non-refundable cost of Rs. 2,36,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh Thirty Six Thousand
Tender document only) inclusive of GST at 18.00% in the shape of DD/PO
in favor of NBCC (India) Ltd. payable at New Delhi.
Non-refundable cost of e- Rs. 5310/- (Rupees Five Thousand Three Hundred and
Tender processing fee Ten only) through e-payment gateway to M/s Railtel
Corporation of India Ltd.
Last date & time of Up to 06.12.2021 by 11:00 AM (IST)
submission of Online Tender
Period during which hard copy Before and up to 11:00 AM on 06.12.2021 in the Central
in original of EMD, Cost of Procurement Group (CPG Division), 2nd Floor, NBCC
Tender Document, Affidavit (India) Ltd., NBCC Bhawan, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-
(Form-H) and unconditional 110003
Letter of Acceptance of tender
conditions as per NIT shall be
Date & Time of Opening of 06.12.2021 at 11:30 AM
Technical Bid
Date & Time of Opening of To be intimated Later
Financial Bid

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Tender for “Development of Additional Campus for NIT Patna on EPC basis”

Validity of offer 150 days from the date of opening of price tender.

Pre-Tender Meeting & Venue All pre-bid queries shall be mailed upto 29.10.2021 to the
below mentioned email addresses:
cpg.ho@nbccindia.com , cpg.ho.nbcc@nic.in

The pre-bid meeting will be held physically/ virtually at

NIT Patna on 29.10.2021 at 11:00 AM.

The tender document can be downloaded from website https://nbcc.enivida.com and

www.eprocure.gov.in. “Corrigendum, if any, would appear only on the website and not to
be published in any News Paper”.


The interested bidders should meet the following minimum qualifying criteria:

A. Work Experience:

i) Experience of having successfully completed similar works during the last 7 years
ending initial stipulated last date of submission of tenders as per NIT:

a. Three similar works each costing not less than 40% of the estimated cost put to tender;
b. Two similar works each costing not less than 50% of the estimated cost put to tender;
c. One similar work costing not less than 80% of the estimated cost put to tender.

“Similar works” shall mean “Complete campus development and construction of Higher
Educational Institutional /Research Institute/Corporate Building, as a SOLE contractor,
executed under one agreement “.

Additional Qualifying Criteria:

The bidder should have successfully completed following works during last 07 years ending
initial stipulated last date of submission of tender as per NIT

a. One single project of at least value of not less than 40% of estimated cost put to tender
with following facilities:

• RCC Framed Structure which should have at least one building of minimum (G+7)
storeys (Mumty and Machine room will not be counted as a storey or in height for this
purpose). One floor will be taken equivalent to 3 mtr. height of the building for
qualification purpose.
• Internal and external Water supply.
• Internal and External Drainage.
• Public Health Engineering.
• Sewerage treatment plant.
• Sanitary Installations.
• Internal and External Electrical works.
• Lifts.
• Fire-Fighting works.
• Interior works and finishing works.
• External Development works.
• Landscaping.
• Roads.

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Tender for “Development of Additional Campus for NIT Patna on EPC basis”

b. Having Experience in Building (in any project) ICT – based classrooms or Auditorium
or studios or labs with Audio Video Systems that facilitate digitization of teaching-
learning processes.

c. Having completed at least one project of similar nature in the last seven years having
rating of GRIHA 3 Star or LEED Gold rating or higher with certification thereof.

d. Having completed at least one project of educational institution building on EPC mode
with value of 40% of the estimated cost put to tender.

ii) The past experience in similar nature of work should be supported by certificates
issued by the client’s organisation. In case the work experience is of Private sector the
completion certificate shall be supported with copies of Letter of Award and copies of
Corresponding TDS Certificates. Value of work will be considered equivalent to the
amount of TDS Certificates.

iii) (a) The value of executed works, for the purpose of this clause shall also include the
value of any materials (such as cement, steel, etc.), services (scaffolding, batching-
plant, other machinery, etc.), which have been supplied by client/ employer free of
cost/ on discounted price to the contractor, and which have not been already included
in the ‘value of works executed’ that is reflected/declared on the relevant ‘experience
certificate’ or ‘Letter of Award’. Such exclusion shall be specifically mentioned on the
Letter of Award, “Experience Certificate’ and the ‘value of free supplies’ shall be
separately certified by the employer, or in cases where the employer is a private entity,
by a practicing cost/chartered accountant (holding valid certificate of practice),
However work executed as labour contract shall not be considered.

(b) The value of executed works shall be brought to the current level by enhancing the
actual value of work done at a simple rate of 7% per annum, calculated from the date
of completion to previous day of initial stipulated last date of submission of tenders.

iv) Joint-venture / consortia of firms/companies and Foreign bidders are not eligible to
quote for the tender.

v) The bidders submitting experience certificate for the works done in joint venture (JV)/
consortium with other firms/ companies, their proportionate experience to the extent of
its share in the JV/consortium or work done by them shall only be allowed on
submitting the valid proof of their share/ work done.

vi) Certificate in the name of other companies:

a) Certificates of Subsidiary/ Parent/ Group Company/ Own works: Any company/firm

while submitting tender can use the work experience of its subsidiary company to the
extent of its ownership in the subsidiary company. On the other hand, the
companies/firms which intend to get qualified on the basis of experience of the parental
company/group company/ Own works, shall not be considered. Further, the financial
parameters of the subsidiary or Parental Company cannot be used by the other one for

b) Merger/ Acquisition of Companies: In case of a Company/firm, formed after merger

and/ or acquisition of other companies/ firms, past work experience and Financial
parameters like turnover, profitability, net worth etc. of the merged/ acquired companies/
firms will be considered for qualification of such Company/ firm provided such
Company/ firm continues to own the requisite assets and resources of the merged/
acquired companies/ firms.

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Tender for “Development of Additional Campus for NIT Patna on EPC basis”

vii) Foreign Certificate:

(a) In case the work experience is for the work executed outside India, the bidders have to
submit the completion/ experience certificate issued by the owner duly signed &
stamped, and affidavit to the correctness of the completion/ experience certificates.
The Contractor shall also get the completion/ experience certificates attested by the
Indian Embassy/ Consulate/ High Commission in the respective country.

In the event of submission of completion /experience certificate/ other documents by

the Bidder in a language other than English, the English translation of the same shall
be duly authenticated by Chamber of Commerce of the respective country and attested
by the Indian Embassy/ consulate/ High Commission in the respective country.

Provided further that bidders from member countries to the HAGUE convention, 1961
are permitted to submit requisite documents with “Apostille stamp” affixed by
Competent Authorities designated by the government of respective country which
would be acceptable in lieu of attestation from the Indian Embassy/ Consulate/ High
Commission in their respective countries.

(b) For the purpose of evaluation of Bidders, the conversion rate of such a currency into
INR shall be the daily representative exchange rate published by the IMF as on 7
(Seven) days prior to the Last Date of Submission of tender including extension(s)
given if any.

B. Financial Strength:

i) The Average annual financial turnover for last 3 years shall be at least 40% of the
estimated cost put to tender. The requisite Turnover shall be duly certified by a
Chartered Accountant with his Seal/ signatures and registration number.

In case of Companies/ Firms less than 3 years old, the Average annual financial
turnover shall be worked out for the available period only.

ii) Net Worth of the company /firm as on last day of preceding financial year, should be

iii) Self-certified copy of Bank Solvency Certificate issued from Nationalised or any
Schedule Bank should be at least 40% of Estimated Cost of the Project put to tender.
The certificate should have been issued within 6 months from original last date of the
submission of the tender.

iv) The Bidder should at least have earned profit in minimum one year in the available last
three consecutive balance sheets.

The bidders are required to upload and submit page of summarised Balance Sheet
(Audited) and also page of summarised Profit & Loss Account (Audited) for last three

3.0 The intending tenderer must read the terms and conditions of NBCC carefully. He
should only submit his tender if he considers himself eligible and he is in possession
of all the documents required. Information and Instructions for Tenderers posted on
Website(s) shall form part of Tender Document.

4.0 Those intending tenderers/contractors not registered on the website i.e.

https://nbcc.enivida.com mentioned above with M/s Railtel Corporation of India Ltd
are required to get registered beforehand. If needed they can be imparted training
on online tendering process as per details available on the website i.e.

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Tender for “Development of Additional Campus for NIT Patna on EPC basis”

https://nbcc.enivida.com. The intending tenderer must have class-III digital signature

to submit the tender.

5.0 The Tender Document as uploaded can be viewed and downloaded free of cost by
anyone including intending tenderer. But the tender can only be submitted on the e-
tender website after having digital signature by the bidder and after uploading all the
requisite scanned documents.

6.0 Set of Contract/Tender Documents:

The following documents will constitute set of tender documents:

a) Notice Inviting e-Tender

b) Quoting Sheet for Tenderer
c) Instructions to Tenderer & General Conditions of Contract- 2019 with
Amendment No. 1 to 8.
d) Special Conditions of Contract
e) Scope of works
f) Design Basis reports
g) Technical Specification
h) Tender Drawings
i) List of approved makes of materials
j) Finishing Schedules
k) Stage Payment
l) Soil Testing report
m) Liquefaction Assessment Report
n) Memorandum Annexure-I of NIT
o) Acceptance of Tender Conditions (Annexure-II)
p) Integrity pact (Annexure-III) (To be signed and stamped by the contractors and
scanned copy to be uploaded with the bid)
q) Addendum/Corrigendum, if any- Duly signed by authorized person
r) Pre-bid clarifications, if any

7.0 The tenderers are required to quote strictly as per terms and conditions,
specifications, standards given in the tender documents and not to stipulate any

8.0 The bidders are advised in their own interest to submit their bid documents well in
advance from last date/time of submission of bids so as to avoid problems which the
bidders may face in submission at last moment /during rush hours.

However, after submission of the tender the tenderer can re-submit revised tender
any number of times but before last time and date of submission of tender as

9.0 When it is desired by NBCC to submit revised financial tender then it shall be
mandatory to submit revised financial tender. If not submitted, then the tender
submitted earlier shall become invalid.

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Tender for “Development of Additional Campus for NIT Patna on EPC basis”

10.0 On opening date, the tenderer can login and see the tender opening process.

11.0 Contractor can upload documents in the form of PDF format.

12.0 Contractor is required to upload scanned copies of all the documents including valid
GST registration /EPF registration/ PAN No. as stipulated in the tender document.

13.0 If the contractor is found ineligible after opening of tenders, or his tender is found
invalid, cost of tender document and processing fee shall not be refunded.

14.0 Notwithstanding anything stated above, NBCC and NIT Patna reserves the right to
assess the capabilities and capacity of the tenderer to perform the contract, in the
overall interest of NBCC and NIT Patna. In case, tenderer’s capabilities and
capacities are not found satisfactory, NBCC and NIT Patna reserves the right to
reject the tender.

15.0 Certificate of Financial Turnover: At the time of submission of tender, the tender
shall upload Affidavit/Certificate from Chartered Accountant mentioning Audited
Financial Turnover of last 3 years. There is no need to upload entire voluminous
balance sheet. However, one page of summarised Balance Sheet (Audited) and one
page of summarised Profit & Loss Account (Audited) for last 03 years shall be

16.0 The tenderer(s) if required, may submit queries, if any, through e-mail and in writing
to the tender inviting authority to seek clarifications within 7 days from the date of
uploading of Tender on website but latest by so as to reach NBCC office not less
than 2 days prior to the date of Pre-bid meeting (if to be held as per NIT). NBCC will
reply only those queries which are essentially required for submission of bids.
NBCC will not reply the queries which are not considered fit like replies of which can
be implied /found in the NIT/ Tender Documents or which are not relevant or in
contravention to NIT/Tender Documents, queries received after 7 days from the
date of uploading of Tender on website, request for extension of time for opening of
technical bids, etc. Technical Bids are to be opened on the scheduled dates.
Requests for Extension of opening of Technical Bids will not be entertained.

The Pre-Bid meeting shall be attended by the intending bidders only and not by
vendors/manufacturers. Further, the intending bidders should depute their
authorized person with authorization letter in original to attend the pre-bid meeting.

18.0 Integrity Pact (For all contracts valuing Rs. 5.00 Crores and above)

18.1 Integrity Pact duly signed by the tenderer shall be submitted. Any tender without
signed integrity Pact shall be liable for rejection.

18.2 Independent External Monitors

(i) In respect of this project, the Independent External Monitors (IEMs) would be
monitoring the bidding process and execution of contract to oversee
implementation and effectiveness of the Integrity Pact Program.

(ii) The Independent External Monitor(s) (IEMs) have been appointed by NBCC and
NIT Patna jointly in terms of Integrity Pact (IP)-Section 6, which forms part of
the tenders/ Contracts. The contact details of the Independent External Monitor
(s) are posted on the NBCC’s website i.e. www.nbccindia.com

(iii) This panel is authorized to examine / consider all references made to it under
this tender in terms of Integrity Pact. The Independent External Monitors (IEMs)
shall review independently, the cases referred to them to assess whether and to

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Tender for “Development of Additional Campus for NIT Patna on EPC basis”

what extent the parties concerned comply with the obligations under the
Integrity Pact entered into between NBCC and Contractor.

(iv) The Independent External Monitors (IEMs) has the right to access without
restriction to all Project documentations of the Employer including that provided
by the Contractor. The Contractor will also grant the Monitor, upon his request
and demonstration of a valid interest, unrestricted and unconditional access to
his Project Documentations. The same is applicable to Subcontractors. The
Monitor is under contractual obligation to treat the information and documents of
the Bidder / Contractor / Sub-Contractors etc. with confidentiality.

Note: The tender processing will be done as per QCBS. The minimum eligibility Criteria &
detailed evaluation criteria of tenders invited on Quality and Cost based system on
EPC mode are defined in Annexure-II B of SCC. The Financial bid of only those
bidders securing minimum qualifying marks as prescribed in Annexure –II B of SCC
will be opened & work will be awarded to the lowest bidder of financial bid.

19.0 List of Documents to be scanned and uploaded on e-tender website within the
period of tender submission:

a) Declaration (Appendix-I of NIT) in lieu of EMD in Original (on letter head of the
Applicant/ Bidder).

b) Demand Draft/Pay Order or Banker’s Cheque of any Scheduled Bank towards

cost of Tender Document.

c) Form-H (as per proforma attached with NIT) - Affidavit duly notarized by
Notary Public on Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 100 for correctness of
Documents /Information.

d) Unconditional Letter of Acceptance of Tender Conditions (in original)

(Annexure-II as per performa attached with NIT) (Duly signed on the Letter
Head of the Applicant/ Bidder).

e) Memorandum Annexure-I of NIT.

f) Integrity pact duly signed by the contractor (Annexure-III) (for all contracts
valuing Rs. 5.00 Crores & above). The bidders are required to download the
Integrity Pact as uploaded in the tender documents, and sign on the same, put
rubber stamp/seal and upload the signed copy on e-tendering websites.

g) Schedule of Physical Milestones (Annexure-IA) (Attached with SCC).

h) Details of Work Experience Certificates - FORM-A

i) Details of Work experience with respect to Additional Eligibility criteria- Form-A

(2) (as per proforma attached with NIT)

j) Details of Similar Works - FORM-B

k) Financial Details- FORM-C

l) TDS Details for Private Sector Projects- FORM-D

m) Self-certified copy of Bank Solvency Certificate- FORM-E

n) Documents regarding Net Worth of the Company Firm.

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Tender for “Development of Additional Campus for NIT Patna on EPC basis”

o) Power of Attorney/ Board Resolution of the person authorised for signing/

submitting the tender.

p) E-payment Transaction details towards cost of processing fees.

q) Valid GST registration/ EPF registration/ PAN NO.

r) All pages of the entire Corrigendum (if any) duly signed by the authorized

s) Pre-bid clarifications, if any.

t) General Information – Form-F

u) Work Experience Certificates consisting of details as mentioned in Form-G

v) Registration Details of the contractor in the GST Act– Form-I.

w) Annexure-III B enclosed with SCC for evaluation of bidders in Stage-I of

technical bid (to be submitted on the Letter Head of the applicant/ bidder).


1. The documents at sl. No. a, b, c and d (i.e. Cost of tender document,

declaration in lieu of EMD as per Govt. of India notification, Unconditional
letter of acceptance duly signed on letter head, Notarized Affidavit for
correctness of document/ information) are required to be submitted in
original in hard copy also within the period of tender submission. All other
documents are not required to be submitted in hard copy.

2. In case of non-submission of Cost of tender document and/or declaration

in lieu of EMD as per Govt. of India notification, the bid shall be rejected
out rightly without seeking any further clarification.

3. Unconditional letter of acceptance duly signed on letter head, Notarized

Affidavit for correctness of document/information are mandatory
documents and are need to be checked carefully for its correctness before
submission of tender. The bid shall be rejected out righty in case of its
non-submission without seeking any further clarification/document. No
claim of the bidder whatsoever shall be entertained by NBCC in this

4. The bidders are advised to upload complete details with their bids as
Technical Bid Evaluation will be done on the basis of documents uploaded
on the website by the bidders with the bids. Please note no fresh
document other than in the form of clarification/revision in respect of an
existing document shall be accepted after last date of submission of bids.

5. The information should be submitted in the prescribed proforma. Bids with

Incomplete /Ambiguous information are liable to be rejected.

6. All the uploaded documents should be in readable, printable and legible

form failing which the Bids are liable for rejection.

7. The declaration in lieu of EMD as per Govt. of India notification submitted

by the bidders shall be strictly in the format prescribed in GCC/NIT. In
case, Declaration is not found verbatim in the prescribed format, the bid
will be liable for rejection.

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Tender for “Development of Additional Campus for NIT Patna on EPC basis”

20.0 All the uploaded documents shall be considered as duly signed by contractor/
authorized representative.

21.0 NBCC and NIT Patna reserves the right to reject any or all tenders or
cancel/withdraw the invitation for bid without assigning any reasons whatsoever
thereof. NBCC does not bind itself to accept lowest tender. The NBCC and NIT
Patna reserves the right to award the work to a single party or to split the work
amongst two or more parties as deemed necessary without assigning any reason
thereof. The contractor is bound to accept the portion of work as offered by NBCC
and NIT Patna after split up at the quoted/ negotiated rates. No claim of the
contractor whatsoever shall be entertained by NBCC on this account.

22.0 Canvassing in connection with the tender is strictly prohibited, and such canvassed
tenders submitted by the contractor will be liable to be rejected and his earnest
money shall be absolutely forfeited and/or the party will be put under holiday list.

23.0 In case of assistance/ problem/ enquiry in uploading documents, Helpdesk Tel. Nos.
are available on the website https://nbcc.enivida.com

24.0 For site related queries, please contact Shri Suman Kumar, CGM (Engg), Mobile
No. 8527189631 or SBG Office at 0651-2530969 during office hours. In case of any
query, please contact Shri Gaurav Gaikwad, Addl. GM (Engg), NBCC (India) Ltd,
CPG Div., Head Office, Ph. No. 011-24367314 Ext. 1404, Email:
cpg.ho.nbcc@nic.in, cpg.ho@nbccindia.com.

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Tender for “Development of Additional Campus for NIT Patna on EPC basis”


Sl. Description Cl. No. of Values/Description to be Applicable for

No. NIT/ITT/ Relevant Clause(s)
Clauses of
1) Name of Work Development of Additional Campus for NIT,
Patna on EPC Basis.

2) Client/Owner National Institute of technology (NIT), Patna

3) Type of Tender Design & Engineering Procurement

Construction (EPC Contract)
4) Earnest Money Deposit NIT NIL. However, bidder has to submit a
declaration along with tender in lieu of EMD
in original (on the letter head of
bidder/applicant) as per the proforma
(Appendix -I) attached with NIT.
5) Estimated Cost NIT Rs. 498.00 Crore (Rupees Four Hundred
Ninety Eight Crore Only)

6) Time allowed for NIT 21 (Twenty One) Months

Completion of Work
7) Mobilization Advance CC / 4.0 Applicable on this contract (5% of award
8) Interest Rate of CC / 4.0, 5.1, Simple Interest Rate @ 10% (Ten Percent
Mobilization Advance 23.4.2 only, per annum)
and/or other advances
9) Schedule of Rates Not applicable
10) Validity of Tender ITT / 8.0 150 (One Hundred Fifty) days from the date
of opening of price tender.
11) Performance CC / 2.0 of 3% (Three Percent Only) of contract value
Guarantee Amendment within 15 days from the issue of Letter of
no. 2 to GCC Award
12) Security Deposit / CC/3.0 of 5% (Five Percent Only) of the gross value of
Retention Money Amendment each running /final bill.
no. 2 to GCC
13) Time allowed for ITT/14.0 The date of start of contract shall be
starting the work reckoned from 10 days after the date of issue
of Letter of Award.
14) Deviation limit beyond CC / 6.0 Not applicable
which clause 6.2 & 6.3
shall apply for all works
except foundation.
15) Deviation limit beyond CC / 6.0 Not applicable
which clause 6.2 & 6.3
shall apply for
foundation work
16) Escalation CC /7.0 Not applicable

17) Recovery rate of work CC /71 Rs. 40,000/- per person per month (Rupees
force supplied by Forty thousand per person per month only)
NBCC to Contractor plus, GST @18% or as prevailing rate on the
date of recovery. It will be recovered from

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Tender for “Development of Additional Campus for NIT Patna on EPC basis”

contractor’s bill by NBCC and there will not

be any financial liability on NIT Patna.

18) Defect Liability Period CC /38.0 of 24 (Twenty four) Months from the date of
Amendment taking over of the works by the NBCC or
03 of GCC client whichever is later.

19) Bank Guarantee for CC/52.0 Rs. 328.53 Lakhs (for waterproofing)
waterproofing work and Rs. 39.12 Lakhs (for antitermite)
anti-termite treatment (to be submitted before release of security
20) Utilization of products CC/53.1 10,200.00 MT as per IS 383:2016
from recycled C&D
waste, as per C&D
Waste Management
Rules, 20016
21) Applicable GCC - GCC for Contractor- 2019 with amendment
No. 1 to 8

22) GST applicable on this - Present GST rate is 12%. However, this
work rate shall be applicable as per prevailing
Govt. of India norms.
23) GRIHA Rating - GRIHA Minimum 3 Star rating compliance
to be done

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Tender for “Development of Additional Campus for NIT Patna on EPC basis”

Appendix - I

Proforma for Declaration towards Earnest Money Deposit

(To be submitted in ORIGINAL on the letter head of the bidder/ applicant duly signed by the
authorized person having Power of attorney to sign/ submit the tender)

Whereas, l/we NNNNNNNNNN (name of agency) has submitted bid for

NNNNNNNN (name of work) and whereas the Earnest Money Deposit is being exempted
in the aforesaid tender to give relief to the bidders as per Govt. of India guidelines due to
severe financial crunch on account of slowdown in economy due to the pandemic,

l/we hereby submit following declaration in lieu of submitting Earnest Money Deposit:

(1) lf after the opening of tender, l/we withdraw or modify my/our bid during the period of
validity of tender (including extended validity of tender) specified in the tender

(2) lf, after the award of work, l/we fail to accept LOA/LOI, or to sign the contract, or to
submit performance guarantee, or fail to commence the work within the stipulated time
period prescribed in the Tender Documents;

(3) If l/we furnish any incorrect or false statement/ information/ document;

(4) If l/we hide any relevant information or do not disclose any material fact in the tender;

(5) If l/we commit any breach of Integrity Pact,

l/we may be put under holiday list for a period of two years and shall not be eligible to bid for
NBCC (India) Ltd. tenders from the date of issue of such order.

Signature of the contractor(s)

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Tender for “Development of Additional Campus for NIT Patna on EPC basis”


(To be submitted by bidder on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/ (Rupees Hundred

only) duly attested by Notary Public)

Affidavit of Mr. ...............................................S/o .............................................

R/o .............................................

I, the deponent above named do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:

1. That I am the Proprietor/Authorized signatory of M/s NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.

having its Head Office/ Regd. Office at NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

2. That the information/ documents/ Experience certificates/ Bank Guarantee(s) submitted by

M/sNNNNNNNNNN. along with the tender for NNNNNNNN (Name of work)
NNNNto NBCC are genuine and true and nothing has been concealed.

3. I shall have no objection in case NBCC verifies those from issuing authority(ies). I shall
also have no objection in providing the original copy of any of the document(s), in case
NBCC demands so for verification.

4. I hereby confirm that in case, any document, information & / or certificate submitted by me
found to be incorrect / false / fabricated, NBCC at its discretion may disqualify/ reject/
terminate the bid/ contract and also place under holiday list as per NBCC Policy.

I, ....................................., the Proprietor / Authorised signatory of M/s.......................................

do hereby confirm that the contents of the above Affidavit are true to my knowledge and
nothing has been concealed there and that no part of it is false.


Verified at ................this.................day of .....................



Signature of Contractor Page 14 of 16 NBCC

Tender for “Development of Additional Campus for NIT Patna on EPC basis”

(To be submitted in ORIGINAL on the letter head of the company by the authorized officer
having power of attorney/ as per Board Resolution)

From: _________

NBCC (India) Limited,

Sub: Name of the work & NIT No.:

i) This has reference to above referred tender. I/We have read/viewed all the terms
&conditions and are pleased to submit our tender for the above work and I/We hereby
unconditionally accept the tender conditions and tender documents in its entirety for the
above work.

ii) I/we are eligible to submit the tender for the subject tender and I/We are in possession
of all the documents required.

iii) Should this tender be accepted, I/We agree to abide by and fulfill all terms and
conditions referred to above and as contained in tender documents elsewhere and in
default thereof, to forfeit and pay NBCC, or its successors or its authorized nominees
such sums of money as are stipulated in the notice inviting tenders and tender

Yours faithfully,
(Signature of the tenderer with rubber stamp)

Dated _________________

Signature of Contractor Page 15 of 16 NBCC

Tender for “Development of Additional Campus for NIT Patna on EPC basis”

FORM-A (2)


Sr. Name Name Date and Date Date of Cost of No. of GRIHA/ Ref and
No. of work of No. of of completion work on storeys LEED page no. of
and its Client completion start completion Rating documentary
location certificate proof of the
missing in

1. Certified that the Completion Certificates of above works are enclosed with the Tender

2. Details mentioned in the above Form are as per Completion Certificates and have not
been presumed.

3. If any detail is not mentioned in the Work Completion Certificate, documentary proof of
the details like drawings, LOA, BOQ, completion certificate/ occupation certificate,
copy of final bill, etc. is to be submitted and uploaded on tender website along with the
Completion Certificate.

Signature of Bidder with Seal

Signature of Contractor Page 16 of 16 NBCC

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