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A. Learning Give technical and operational definitions.


I. OBJECTIVES Students’ Activity

 Identify technical and operational definition.
 Define words or terms using technical and
operational definition.
Materials: laptop, speaker, PowerPoint presentation

Teacher’s Activity
A. Preliminaries
 Cleanliness and orderliness
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Attendance

B. Drill/Review:
The teacher will let the students follow an The students will observe the pictures and give their
action song through AVP. ideas.
C. Motivation

The teacher will present pictures on the board and let the
students share what they have observe from the pictures.

Men are depicted as strong fighters while the women are

busy doing household chores.

(answers varied)

Our lesson is all about prejudices and biases.

The teacher will ask: The students will read the objectives.
 What have you observed from the

 Should women always be portrayed

as doing household chores and men
as warriors? Why?
 Based on the pictures, what do you
think is our lesson for today?

Very good! Our lesson for today is all about differentiating

prejudices and biases. Now, everybody please read our
lesson’s objectives.


1. Activity
The teacher will show different scenarios and the students
will identify whether the scenario is a bias or a prejudice.
(Ask students to read and let them answer.)

1. Not hiring someone because of their Prejudice

age or gender.
2. Female teachers give more attention bias
to girls.
3. Some people assume someone is gay prejudice
because of the way he acts.
4. Maureen won the contest because Bias
one of the judges is her father.
5. Not serving someone in a restaurant Prejudice
or retail store because of their color
of skin or race.

The teacher will show pictures and ask the students their
ideas about the pictures.

 What comes to your mind when you The picture/logo is a segment from the show Eat
see the logo? Bulaga.
 Were there times in your life when
you caught yourself prejudging
others? (Elicit students’ responses)
 Do you consider yourself
The teacher will show another pictures.

2. Analysis
 How will you judge the next The pictures showed us an example of prejudices.
pictures? Are they biased or
 What made you say that the pictures The pictures are prejudiced because it shows negative
are prejudiced? feeling towards others based on their color of skin and
 How would you differentiate Prejudice is an affective feeling towards a person or
prejudices and biases? group member based solely on their group membership.
The word is often used to refer to preconceived, usually
unfavorable, feelings towards people or a person
because of their sex, gender, beliefs, values, social class,
age, disability, religion, sexuality, race/ethnicity, etc.
Bias is prejudice in favour of or against one thing,
person, or group compared with another, usually in a
way considered to be unfair.

3. Abstraction

Prejudice is an unjustified or incorrect

attitude (usually negative) towards an
individual based solely on the individual's
membership of a social group. This feeling
may be translated into action by
discriminating a person or members of the
target group. An individual may be
prejudiced against others on factors such as
race, age, gender, sexual orientation, class
status, region, nationality and amongst other

 I do not want black Americans
living in my neighborhood.

Bias means a tendency to favor one person,

group, thing or point of view over another,
often in an unfair way. If you are biased
toward something, then you lean favourably
toward it; you think positively of it.
Meanwhile, if you are biased against
something, then you lean negatively against
it; you tend to think poorly of it.

 In other Christian sects, the preacher
position is only given to males and
not to females.
 A teacher who gives good rating to a
student who shares the same beliefs
with her.


To further enrich your ideas about being

sensitive to others without being bias and
prejudice, I want you to focus on the video
clip which I will be presenting to you.

The teacher will ask: The video showed us how biases and prejudices affect
1. What can you say about the video? someone’s life or future.
Prejudice and biases can have a strong influence on how
2. How do you think biases and prejudices people behave and interact with others, particularly with
affect someone’s life? those who are different from them. These two affect all
aspects of our lives and other people’s lives negatively.
These can harm a person or a group in their quality of
life, job opportunities and more.

4. Application:
The students will be grouped into two. They
will be asked to write the actions that they
would take in order to avoid biases and
prejudices in this pandemic time especially
those who are:
1. Unemployed
2. Unenrolled
3. Online sellers
4. COVID-19 Survivors
5. Affiliated to different religious sects.
Determine whether the given statement is an
example of Bias or Prejudice. Write B for
bias and P for prejudice.
1. Denying someone a B
promotion because he is
patronizing a different TV
2. Firing a woman from her job P
upon learning of her
3. Offering higher pay to a B
newly hired Christian
Physician over a mainstay
Hindu doctor.
4. Putting up a greater number B
of washrooms for females
than males.
5. Being not invited over a P
classy neighbourhood party
because of their ethnicity and

Give at least two examples of personal
experienced when you witnessed bias/prejudice
and what you did. Write on a ½ crosswise sheet
of paper.


Teacher – I Head Teacher - I

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