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Bias and Prejudice

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Region XI Grade Level 9

Teacher ROSAMILA L. Learning ENGLISH

LESSON Teaching MARCH 27-
PLAN Dates and APRIL 5, 2023 Quarter THIRD
A. Today’s Lesson

Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. determine the different types of bias and prejudice;

Portray scenarios

showing biases and

prejudices that can be
observed in real – life
c. Show understanding
on the importance of
showing sensitivity to
other people.
Portray scenarios
showing biases and
prejudices that can be
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observed in real – life
c. Show understanding
on the importance of
showing sensitivity to
other people.
b. share personal experiences that shows bias or prejudice;
c. portray scenarios showing bias and prejudice that can be
observed in real-life situation.
References https://youtube.com/watch?v=M3j4swdLTSM&featureshare
Learner’s Materials
Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
Subject Integration Values, Science, History
Other Learning
Materials Charts, scotch tape, printed pictures, timer



1. Opening Prayer

Good afternoon, everyone! Before we will (One of the student lead the
have our class today, let us ask the prayer).
guidance of our Almighty God and let us
enlighten our mind to completely
understand the lesson this afternoon. May I
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ask someone to lead the prayer?

2. Greetings

Once again, good afternoon class! How are Good afternoon teacher, we are
you? doing good.

Okay that’s good, before you will sit kindly (Students arrange their chairs
arrange your chairs properly and pick up the properly).
pieces of papers around you. One you are
done, please have a sit.

3. Classroom Management/Checking of
Sure, ma’am!
Class secretary, kindly check who is absent
today and give to me the list after class, is it
okay to you?
Thank you.

A. Review
(All students passed their
I believe that I gave you an assignment last assignment).
week, so kindly pass it forward without any

Student 1: Our last topic is about

Before we will start our lesson today, let’s Predictions.
have a short recap based on our last topic.
Who among you here can give me the idea?
Student 2: We can use the words
Yes, that is correct. In predicting outcomes, might, likely to, will and going to.
what are the words we can use?
Student 3: Yes ma’am.
Great! So, in predicting outcomes we can
use the word might and likely to if you are
not certain about what will happen in the
future, on the other hand, you can use the
word will and going to if you are certain.

Good job! You still remember our last topic

and I hope that you will use all of that
words in predicting any outcomes.

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B. Motivation

BAWAL JUDGEMENTAL Students: Yes, ma’am we are

In a group of four, your task is to guess or
identify the correct person based on the
given examples. I will show you options and
you will guess or make a judgement who
among the following people I am referring
to. You will be given 10 seconds to choose
from the options. Observed properly the
Students: The fourth picture
given pictures before judging them. Are you

First Round: Who

among these Students: The second picture
people have ma’am.
joined Little Miss

Second Round: Students: The first picture

Who among ma’am.
them do you
think are half-
Students: The first picture
Third Round:
Who among
them are
business owner?

Fourth Round:
Who among
these people was
a gold medalist
during the SEA
Games on 2019?

C. Presentation of the Lesson

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1. Activity

Now before discussing our new topic, let’s

have an activity. Fill out the diagram given
with essential concepts about bias and BIAS
prejudice. Place the given words inside the  One sidedness
box.  Unfairness
 Favoritism

S E  Preconceived opinion
 Discrimination
 Judgmental

 Preconceived opinion Students: No ma’am.

 One sidedness
 Unfairness
 Discrimination Students: Yes, ma’am there are
 Favoritism instances especially bullying.
 Judgmental

2. Analysis

Based on the given words, do you think you

placed it correctly?

It’s okay, at least you tried. Do you have an

experience where you are wrongly judged
by people around you?

Sad to hear that. Well, let’s have a deeper

understanding with that.

Bias and Prejudice are closely related with

each other and often used interchangeably.
(Several students raised their
Bias means a tendency to favor a person hands).
or opposing a particular person or thing in
an unfair way, because of allowing Yes, ma’am.
personal opinions to influence your

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o Example: You might be biased to think
that another student who has dirty, torn
clothes might be from a poor family.

Based from the given example, who among

you here experience bias?

Thank you for raising your hand. I believe

that we encountered different bias in our
life, but I hope you will not do the same to
other people because it will cause
consequences, am I clear?

That’s good. Now let’s discuss the common

types of bias.

1. Anchoring Bias – this happens when

people rely too much on pre-existing
information. When we become “anchored”
to a specific idea, we ended up “filtering” all
new information.

o Example: Martial Law

According to this example, we filtered

information based from other people, so
before concluding or deciding something, I
hope that you will check first if it’s part of
bias or not.

2. Media Bias – this happens when

journalist and news producers select the
events ad stories that are reported, and
how they are covered.

o Example: A certain TV station

3. Confirmation Bias – the tendency of

people to favor information that confirms
their existing beliefs.

o Example: Dogs are better than cats.

4. Conformity Bias – this happen when

one makes a wrong or uncomfortable

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decision to fit in to please the group of

o Example: Pageantry (you do the decision

of the majority)

5. Halo Effect – something referred to as

the “physical attractiveness stereotype” and
the “what is beautiful is also good” principle.

o Example: Attractive people are perceived

to be smarter, funnier and more likable.

Prejudice refers to pre-judging before

looking at the evidence.

o Example: Judging someone without

knowledge, thought or reason

This one is different from bias, because it

tells about pre-judging on other people that
might cause as discrimination. Again, a
friendly reminder that we need to be careful
on how we treat other people especially
your classmates because we might consider
as bias or prejudice if we will not think
properly what we want to act.

1. Racism – the idea that groups of people

exhibit different personality, characteristics
and can be separated based on the
dominance of one race over another.

o Example: Black American and Chinese


2. Sexism – a form of prejudice on sex or


o Example: Women are considered weak.

3. Classism – This is a prejudice based on

social class or grouping of individuals.

o Example: Rich vs poor

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4. Ageism – this is a prejudicial towards (Students started to share their
older people, old age, and the aging experiences based on their
process. everyday situation.)

o Example: Old adults were not hired (Students identify whether it is a

because of their age. type of bias or prejudice.)

5. Religion – this is the attitude towards a (Students shared their

person or group differently because of the realizations.)
particular beliefs about religion.
(Students now differentiate
o Example: He lost his job because he is a important concepts in terms of
Muslim. bias and prejudice.)

3. Abstraction

 Who wants to share an example of bias

or prejudice based on what you already

 Can you identify what type of bias or (The students will start to
prejudice is it? brainstorm together with their
groupmates in order make a
 What did you realize after that

 What did you learn about bias and


I am so glad that you learned something

today. I hope that you will apply that in
your everyday situation and do something
to avoid bias and prejudice.

4. Application

In a group of four, portray scenarios

showing bias or prejudice that can be
observed in real-life situations. Half of the
score will come from the teacher while the
other half is from the different groups. Your
performance will be evaluated based on the

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following criteria:

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Score
Understanding The The Information is
of the Topic information is information is inaccurate
(40%) accurate and mostly and
indicates a accurate and presentation
clear indicates a is off the
understanding good topic.
of the topic. understanding
of the topic.
Cooperation Accepts ideas Accepts most Unwilling to
(30%) of others; all ideas without compromise;
members negative few members
contributed to comment; contributed to
the some the
presentation. members presentation.
Presentation Shows Shows some Unsure of
(30%) confidence, confidence, responsibility,
speaks loud can be heard, hard to hear,
and clear, some use of some
appropriate use body movement.
of body language.
Total: 100%

Group 1: You are an OFW and you came home to

the Philippines. You have been swabbed and was
quarantined for 14 days. Before the last day of
being quarantined, suddenly one of your neighbors
caught a fever. Create scenario portraying bias or
prejudice and make solutions on how to avoid
these experiences in the future.

Group 2: You are a Chinese national and

you have been staying in the Philippines for
six years to establish a business. One day,
the outbreak started with news circulating
the social media that all of these started
from China. What do you think will happen
next? Create scenario portraying bias or
prejudice and make solutions on how to

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avoid these experiences in the future.

Group 3: You are a nurse of a public

hospital and the cases are rising in your
place. You are wearing the safety gears and
always sanitized yourself before going
home. One of your neighbors contracted
COVID-19 and was isolated in a nearby
facility. What do you think will happen next?
Create scenario portraying bias or prejudice
and make solutions on how to avoid these
experiences in the future.

Group 4: You are an immigrant to the

United States of America. You have learned
that your neighbor is a racist and hate Asian
people. The problem is, it is not only the
husband, but all the family members feel
the same hatred. What do you think will
happen next? Create scenario portraying
bias or prejudice and make solutions on
how to avoid these experiences in the


Directions: Below are statements expressing bias or prejudice. Identify which

one is a bias or a prejudice. Write the word of your answer on the space
provided for.

__________ 1. I disrespect boys who wear pink. (Prejudice)

__________ 2. These sandwiches are horrible. (Bias)
__________3. I dislike girls who play with guns. (Prejudice)
__________4. Sarah is the best person for the job. (Bias)
(Sarah is the daughter of the speaker)
__________ 5. Boys should not play with dolls. (Prejudice)
__________ 6. Pretty people are dumb. (Bias)
__________ 7. Girls who play sports are masculine. (Prejudice)
__________ 8. I hate classical music. It’s too complex. (Bias)
__________ 9. Boys should not cry. (Prejudice)
__________ 10. People who are good at math are brainy. (Bias)

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Directions: Analyze the given statement and write at least 3-5 sentences in your

 As a student, how can you avoid bias or prejudice?

Prepared by: Noted by:


Pre-Service Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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