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Plasma Diagnostics

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The diagnosis of hot, dense and short-lived plasmas requires special and

carefully designed experimental techniques and instrumentation. This is mainly

because the plasma conditions achieved vary over a wide range; their time scale and

the spatial dimensions are such that temporal and spatial resolution of sometimes

several picoseconds and a micron, respectively, are required. The continuous

development of novel instrumentation and techniques is crucial for the diagnosis of

plasmas produced by devices like the plasma focus.

One of the major tools to investigate the phenomena occurring inside the

pinched plasma without disturbing them is to try to obtain physical information from

the radiation (photons and particles) emitted naturally from the plasma. Since for

different phenomena (e.g. hard X-rays and electrons) the emission mechanisms are

related, different information coming from different detectors can offer a better

picture of the processes occurring in the plasma.

For the investigation of the radiation and the electrons emitted from our

plasma focus, as well as for monitoring the electromagnetic parameters of the device,

different diagnostics were employed. In this chapter, the theoretical description of

these diagnostics is presented.



Two basic electrical diagnostics were used in our experiments, in different

configurations. One was for the measurement of the discharge current and the other

one for the voltage measurements. These two diagnostics are discussed in the

following sections.

4.2.1. Rogowski Coils

The Rogowski coil (or Rogowski belt) [135] is a multi turn solenoid bent into

the shape of a torus. It is used to measure the current flowing through the inner

surface of the torus.

There is no restriction in the position, direction and sense of the current, and it

is not necessary to have a solid carrying medium (e.g. a wire) for this current. Fig. 4.1

shows the basic design of the Rogowski coil.

r Scope

Fig. 4.1: Rogowski coil.


In our experiments, two Rogowski coils were used: one of them monitored the

main discharge current, while the other was employed to measure the electron beam


The coil is terminated with a low inductance resistor, r. The equivalent circuit

is given in Fig. 4.2, where Lc and rc are the inductance and the resistance of the coil,

respectively, I is the discharge current and i the circuit current through the coil. The

circuit equation can be written as:

+ (r + rc ) i = k
di dI
Lc (4.1)
dt dt

a) if Lc >> (r + rc )i , then from Eq. 4.1 one can obtain i=(k/Lc)⋅ I, so the output

voltage is proportional to I:

V0 = ri = I (4.2)

In this case, the Rogowski coil acts as a current transformer.

The simplest way to achieve this condition is to make Lc /(r+rc) much bigger

than the current pulse duration.

b) (r + rc )i >> Lc , then from Eq. 4.1 the output will be

⎛ rk ⎞
V0 = ri = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ dI dt (4.3)
⎝ rc + r ⎠

In this case, Lc /(r+rc) has to be much

smaller than the current pulse

duration; the coil can be used to

measure the derivative of the

current (dI/dt). Fig. 4.2: Equivalent circuit of the Rogowski coil.


Due to their open design, the Rogowski coils are strongly sensitive to

electromagnetic noises. The simplest way to avoid such disturbances in the signal is to

use a noise shield, but this will add distributed capacitances which will filter off the

higher frequencies. The coil used for electron beam measurement was shielded using

copper tin. Only a small slit (0.8 mm) along the inner surface of the torus allowed the

electromagnetic field to reach the solenoid.

An important characteristic to be taken into account when designing a

Rogowski belt for a certain application is the magnetic coil characteristic time,

Lc /R = Lc /(r+rc). For a good derivative coil, this characteristic time has to be as small

as possible, so the coil will be able to follow all the signal peaks. Frequencies of the

same order of magnitude or lower than the characteristic frequency will be integrated.

For our Rogowski coils, this characteristic time was chosen to be very small for the

electron current detector (0.75 ns) and higher (85 ns) for the main discharge current.

Sometimes, it is not possible to design and manufacture a proper current

transformer. In this situation, the signal from

a derivative Rogowski coil can be integrated.

The cheapest and most versatile integrator is

a simple RC circuit [136]. Fig. 4.3 shows the Fig. 4.3: RC passive integrator.

equivalent circuit for a passive integrator.

The circuit equation is

Ein = iR + Eout (4.4)

but since

dQ dVC dEout
i= =C =C (4.5)
dt dt dt

one gets


dEout 1 1
+ Eout = Ein (4.6)
dt τ τ

where τ = RC is the time constant of the integrator.

If τ = RC is big enough compared to the square of the characteristic time of

the signal, the second term can be neglected and after integration one obtains

Eout ≅
τ ∫E
in ⋅ dt (4.7)

thus the circuit acts as an integrator.

The time constant, τ, has to be carefully chosen, since a very high value will

give a low-integrated output. The high frequencies will not be integrated due to the

parasitic effects (e.g. the capacitance of the resistor and the inductance of the

capacitor). A low value for the time constant will distort the signal at low frequencies.

It is not simple to choose the right time constant for our purposes, since, for example,

the main current has a period of 11.9 µs, but the fast dip corresponding to the focus

instant is very sharp (less than 10 ns).

When the Rogowski coil is used to measure the integrated current (as a current

transformer, or via an RC passive integrator) in a lightly damped capacitor discharge

circuit, the following formula [137] may be used for the calibration:

πC0V0 (1 + f )
I1 = (4.8)

where, for our device

C0 = 31.70 µF
V0 = charging voltage
f = reversal ratio V2 /V1= 1/4 (V5 /V4+V4 /V3+V3 /V2+V2 /V1), where Vi (with
i = 1 to 5) are successive absolute values of the recorded signal peaks
T = periodic time (average value of several cycles)
I1 = the first peak value of the discharge current which has to be calculated


Thus, by measuring f and T from the oscillograms, I1 may be computed. Then

the calibration factor of the coil may be written as

k1 = I1/V1 (A/V) (4.9)

The coils used in our experiments were both derivative-type. The output from

the coil used for the discharge current was first recorded directly (via a 10:1 resistive

attenuator) as the current derivative signal. It was also integrated (using a 44 µs

passive RC integrator) to give the discharge current. The calibration factor for the

whole detector chain in our experiments is k1 = 18×103 A/V. The coil used for the

electron beam signal was coupled to a 2 µs passive integrator. The calibration factor

of this detection channel was k2 = 10.4×103 A/V.

4.2.2. Voltage Probes

The high voltage measurements of interest in plasma physics experiments are

of two types: i) measurements of high DC voltages on the capacitor banks (where

high resistance voltage dividers of conventional design are usually employed), and

ii) measurements of high-voltage transients occurring during the discharge of the

capacitor through the plasma [135].

For the measurements of transient high voltages, various types of voltage

probes are employed. The basic designs are either resistive or capacitive dividers, or

mixed. The use of resistive dividers is limited by the quality of the resistors; the

characteristics of the experiments usually require very high resistances, in high power

configurations, which normally display high inductances; therefore, the time response

of the divider limits the use of such dividers in the case of very high frequency

transients. The capacitive probes are limited at the other end of the spectrum; a


normal capacitive divider does not work properly at low frequencies, typically

below 107 Hz [126]. Another limitation for the capacitive dividers is the quality of the

insulation of the capacitors, mainly the low capacity one, which has to be able to

withstand the peak value of the discharge voltage; this constraint makes the whole

construction a space-consuming one, and in many cases this capacitor is manufactured

ad-hoc, resulting in a high error in the capacitance and therefore in the divider ratio.

On the other hand, an important advantage for the capacitive probes is the better

linearity, as compared to the resistive dividers. To improve the low-frequency

response of a capacitive divider, a mixed resistive-capacitive design can be employed.

In this case, the main limitation arises again from the quality of the resistors (the stray

inductances), as well as from stray capacitances caused by the shielding and the

relative positions of different components. Both the inductances and the capacitances

can cause the whole circuit to start oscillating, and a strongly non-linear frequency

response can appear.

The resistive dividers are commonly used, because of their easy design and

fabrication. In our experiments, the voltage along the plasma column was measured

using resistive probes connected at the lower end of the focus tube across the anode

and the cathode.

One of the problems in measuring the pinch voltage in a plasma focus device

is related to the position of the probe. For data interpretation, the important parameter

is the value of the voltage along the plasma column, i.e. at the inner end of the

electrodes. Unfortunately, that area is not accessible for direct measurements,

therefore, the probes are usually positioned at the other end of the electrodes,

connected to the voltage plates. In this case, in Eq. 3.2 we have to separate in the


second term the fixed inductance of our electrode system (34 nH) from the plasma

inductance. Therefore, the equation can be rewritten as

V = R plasma ⋅ I plasma +
(Lplasma ⋅ I plasma ) + Lelectrodes ⋅ dI plasma
dt dt

The first two terms represent the voltage along the pinch, while the third one is

the supplementary term introduced by our point of measurement. Since for the pinch

phase the current is decreasing, this formula predicts that the measured voltage for the

radial phase is lower than the real one. Although the Lee model predictions for the

value of the last term for our device could lead to a pinch high voltage

underestimation of up to 20 kV (i.e. up to 20% of the peak value), an estimation based

on experimental measurements (i.e. current and current derivative signals) gave a

much smaller value, which is less than 5% of the peak value. This error is smaller

than the other experimental errors, and the high voltage signal is strongly affected by

the electromagnetic noise during the pinch phase, which leads to a higher uncertainty

in the scope readings; therefore, the error introduced by the point of measurement in

the voltage signal was considered negligible.

The original voltage probe for the UNU/ICTP PFF device is a resistive

divider, which measures the voltage between the high voltage plate and the ground

plate of the dense plasma focus device. Fig. 4.4 shows the structure of the divider

Fig. 4.4: Schematic diagram of the original voltage probe.


consisting of a series of ten resistors of 510 Ω each with a shunt resistor of 51 Ω; it

therefore, attenuates the voltage by a factor of 100. The divider is enclosed in a

copper tube of 20 mm diameter.

Typical signals of the Rogowski

coil and the high voltage probe for a

plasma focus discharge are shown in

Fig. 4.5.

As mentioned already in section

3.1.3, the original voltage probe has a

time response which was estimated to be

Fig. 4.5: Typical waveforms of the current (upper
between 15 [127] and 20 ns [34], values trace) and the voltage (lower trace) for a typical
plasma focus discharge (arbitrary units).
which were considered too slow for our

purposes. Therefore, a new voltage probe was built and successfully implemented on

our plasma focus device.

The PSpice software was used for preliminary studies on the behaviour of a

resistive divider with respect to parasitic inductances and capacitances appearing in

the measuring circuit, consisting of probe, cable, and terminator or end-divider. The

simulations showed that the inductance of the resistors used modify the time response

of the probe, and also induces small phase shifts in the signal. On the other hand,

parasitic capacitances appearing between resistances, as well as between each

resistance and the ground, influence the output more dramatically: resonant

frequencies appear, and the whole probe starts oscillating, even for very small values

for the capacitance (few pF). The effects are more intense as the capacitances are

positioned towards the grounded end of the probe. Another result showed that the

resistors used in the terminators and end-dividers should have a low, but non-zero


inductance, because for resistors with zero inductance the terminator will start


Following the PSpice simulations, the following conclusions have been drawn:

- non-inductive resistors should be used for the high voltage divider;

- the number of resistors should be as small as possible (two) to avoid the increase

of the inductance due to the arrangement in series;

- the shielding should be avoided, and the resistors should be “seen” as little as

possible from the cable grounding, to minimise the parasitic capacitances;

- the resistors should see also as little as possible each other, to minimise their

mutual capacitance; and

- a proper resistor should be found for the terminator and, if necessary, the end


The final choice for the divider resistors was the ceramic-based, non-inductive

thick film power resistor manufactured by MEGGITT POLYMERS AND

COMPOSITES, namely MEC-CGS-MPC-5. Two different dividers have been tested,

with ratios 1000:1 (50 kΩ / 50 Ω) and 100:1 (5 kΩ / 50 Ω) respectively. For the first

construction, different 50 Ω terminators

have been tested, to find the

optimum configuration; for the second

divider, a 10:1 attenuator (in different

configurations) had to be employed, since

the signal on the scope was too big. A Fig. 4.6: Schematic diagram of the new
voltage probe.

schematic diagram of the new voltage

probes is shown in Fig. 4.6. The whole construction was carefully insulated and in the

end encapsulated in melted plastic, to avoid high voltage breakdowns which could


cause health hazards or damage the oscilloscope. The probe itself was not shielded,

but the cable which connects the probe to the scope had a supplementary external

shielding, which was connected together with the internal shield.

The new probes were tested on a pulse circuit built in the lab. The time

response was compared to a standard Tektronix P6114B 10:1 voltage probe. The time

response for our probe was slightly faster than the Tektronix probe, and it was found

to be better than 2.5 ns, which was the limit for our pulse generator. The attenuation

coefficient was found to be constant up to 600 V (the voltage limit of our generator).

For real discharge testing, the probes were fitted in identical positions on the

UNU/ICTP PFF device. The cable lengths were identical, and the signals were

recorded on the same scope. For all the test discharges, the t = 0 moment is arbitrary.

A comparison between the old and the new 1000:1 probes is presented in fig. 4.7.


80 New probe
Old probe
Voltage (kV)




-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200

Time (ns)

Fig. 4.7: Comparison between the old and the new 1000:1 probes.

The first thing to discuss is the oscillation appearing on both the traces. This

signal does not originate in the probes. It can be seen in all the electrical

measurements performed on plasma focus devices in all the laboratories, especially on


the voltage trace, and is caused by self-oscillations in the electrodes-voltage plates

system. Because of its origin, any attempts to modify the measurement circuit

parameters in order to avoid it or to minimise its effects (change in the cable length,

resistors, etc.) will give no results. For the UNU/ICTP PFF device, this frequency is

about 30 MHz.

The oscillation was found to start only after the voltage signal reaches its first

peak. Therefore, on plasma focus devices, only the first peak appearing on the voltage

trace can be considered accurate, and can be used in any kind of correlations with

other plasma diagnostics.

By comparing the two oscillograms, it is obvious that the new voltage probe

design is much faster than the old one, and is therefore able to follow in a better way

the high voltage plate potential. The high inductance of both the probe itself and the

10:1 attenuator used in the old design gave rise to the phase shift which is

experimentally observed for the old probe.


80 New probe, 1000:1

New probe, 100:1
Voltage (kV)




-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200

Time (ns)

Fig. 4.8: New design probe – 1000:1, versus new design probe –
100:1 coupled to the old design 10:1 end-attenuator.


In order to further test the new design, a comparison between the 1000:1 probe

and another new probe, 100:1, was also performed. Due to the higher amplitude of the

signal, this second probe used a 10:1 attenuator at the oscilloscope input, identical

with the one employed for the old probe. The results are shown in Fig. 4.8.

By comparing Fig. 4.7 and Fig. 4.8, it is clear that the end-attenuator is

responsible for part of the loss in the time response (which in turn limits the amplitude

of the measured voltage), as well as for the small phase shift in the signals.

After intensive testing, we concluded that the new high voltage probe design

offers a much better solution for measuring the high voltage on our plasma focus

device. Although only the first peak can be considered as offering reliable

information, and the design is more prone to be affected by electromagnetic noise, the

results are in much better agreement with the plasma focus models and, as will be

shown in chapter 6, with other plasma diagnostics, mainly the electron and X-ray


During our experiments, we did not reach the time response limit, as measured

with the pulse generator. Instead, the fastest parts on the voltage traces seem to be

limited to a maximum increase speed of about 20 kV/ns. We were not able to

determine whether this slew-rate-type behaviour is caused by non-linear effects in the

divider (e.g. change in the resistance values, and therefore in the divider ratio, caused

by the high power passing through the resistor during the pinch phase – more than

50 kW) or by the signal processing in the scope, which was working at its limits in

both amplitude and sampling rate.

The slew-rate-type behaviour seems to be the main cause for the limitation in

amplitude for our high voltage signals; the maximum measured voltage exceeded

90 kV only for a few discharges, for which the higher values seem to be caused by a


positive addition of the electromagnetic noise. This aspect will be discussed also in

section Anyway, the measured voltages are among the highest ever reported

for direct measurements on dense plasma focus devices.


The studies of the X-rays emitted from the plasma focus provide a powerful

method for determining important plasma parameters. The time-resolved X-ray

measurements correlated with the other diagnostics improve the overall picture of the

temporal evolution of the transient plasma. These measurements are helpful in finding

the mechanism of the emission of the X-ray photons and other particles.

The principle of the technique of the time-resolved hard X-ray measurements

from the plasma focus is described in the following paragraphs.

High energy photons falling upon a suitable scintillation material produce light

pulses which can be detected with a photomultiplier.

Among the commonly used scintillators, NaI is of particular interest. It

produces a greater light output for a given energy deposited in the crystal than a

plastic scintillator, and resolves lower energy photons from the photomultiplier noise.

When good time resolution is required, plastic scintillators are employed. A

plastic scintillator is commonly bonded by an optical joint (with a silicon grease such

as high viscosity silicon grease Dow Corning DC 200) to the photomultiplier window.

For high light collection efficiency, the scintillator and the light pipe are generally

enclosed in an aluminium foil or surrounded by a material such as MgO, TiO2, or

coated with white tygon paint. As far as the linearity of plastic scintillator is


concerned, Bailey [138] reported that the light output for NE102A versus energy

deposition is linear for photon energy as low as 3 keV.

The choice of the photomultiplier depends on the experimental requirements.

The tubes vary widely as to the spectral response, quantum efficiency, gain, noise

level, maximum current output, physical size and overall structure. When a suitable

tube has been chosen, there remains a selection of an appropriate tube base circuit

suitable for the signal duty cycle of the experiment. For example, the provision of a

linear anode output to high current pulses over a long duty cycle will require

i ⋅ dt
capacitors on each stage large enough to ensure that ∫ C
<< V for each stage. The

capacitors of several µF, or a separate power supply may be necessary for the last

output stage to maintain proper dynode voltage for a constant gain.

For a fast scintillator-photomultiplier system (i.e. a photomultiplier

termination time constant RC and a scintillator time constant τ much smaller than the

duration of the photon pulse), the output signal V can be given as

∞ dN (E , t )
V (t ) ~ ∫ f (E ) dE (4.10)
0 dt

dN (E , t )
where is the number of photons reaching in one unit of time the unit of

surface of the scintillator, while the function f(E) includes, among other parameters,

the energetical response of the scintillator, some construction parameters of the

photomultiplier tube (e.g. the overall gain of the dynode chain and the quantum

efficiency of the photocathode), and geometrical factors (related to the light collection


It is possible to have a few nanoseconds resolution with the combination of a

fast multiplier and a selected scintillation material. The detection efficiency for


photons in a plastic scintillator depends upon the photon energy, the geometry and the

scintillation material.

Using suitable absorbers in front of the scintillator, an energetic analysis can

be performed using this technique.


For the time-resolved soft X-ray measurements from the plasma focus, the

choice of the detector depends on the information required. The purpose of our

experiment was to get information on the temporal evolution of the soft X-ray


For the detection of the soft X-rays there is an increasing number of

semiconductor detectors e.g. surface barrier, ion-implanted and avalanche junction

diodes, etc. The semiconductor detectors are also sensitive to charged particles,

provided the particle deposits part of its energy in the sensitive layer of the detector.

When a semiconductor detector absorbs an X-ray photon of energy hν, a

number of hν /ω electron-hole pairs are produced, where ω is the average energy

needed to create an electron-hole pair. The collected charge is also proportional to hν.

For silicon at room temperature, ω = 3.62 eV [139]. The quantum detection efficiency

is given by [139]

Q= e − µ d t d (1 − e − µ s t s ) (4.11)

where the first exponential term describes the absorption in the dead layer (on the

front surface of the detection area) of thickness td , and the second one gives the


efficiency for stopping X-rays in the depletion (sensitive) region of thickness ts . It can

be seen that there is an energy range over which semiconductor detectors can be used.

The lower limit is determined by the absorption in the dead layer and the upper limit

by incomplete absorption. Lower energy X-rays can be detected using semiconductor

detectors if the dead layer is thinner.

The pair creation energy, ω, is, in general, a function of the photon energy

[140]. It is usually assumed that ω is a constant for photon energies well above the

band gap of Si (~10×Eg [141]). However, recently, Monte Carlo simulations of the

pair creation energy [142] show significant photon energy dependence up to a few

hundred eV.

Since both the electrons and the holes have large mobilities, and since the

collection distances are short, it is possible to achieve relatively short collection times.

This is an important advantage for 0.25

measurements of pulsed X-ray

BPX Sensitivity (C/J)


sources. 0.15

BPX-65 PIN diodes (a 0.10

detector normally used in the 0.05

optical range) were chosen for our 0.00

0Å 5Å 10 Å 15 Å 20 Å
system. The glass window was
Fig. 4.9: BPX-65 sensitivity in
wavelength range below 20 Å.
removed for application to X-ray

detection. The diode sensitivity Q(λ) below 20 Å is presented in Fig. 4.9.

The typical parameters of this diode are listed below [143]:

radiant sensitive area 1 mm2

intrinsic Si wafer thickness 10 µm
dead layer thickness 0.5 µm
risetime (typical) (@ 900 nm) 0.5 ns
dark current <5 nA (nominal – 1 nA)


A five-channel X-ray spectrometer with filtered BPX-65 PIN diodes was used

in our experiment. The details about this spectrometer are provided in chapter 5.

Several diodes can be manufactured together on the same silicon chip. If the

information (the charge created by the incident photons) can be read separately for

each diode, an imaging detector can be built. Currently there are two main

manufacturing technologies, the result being two different types of light detectors:


Developed in the 1970s and 1980s specifically for imaging applications, CCD

technology and fabrication processes were optimised for the best possible optical

properties and image quality. The technology continues to improve and is still the

undisputed choice in applications where image quality is the primary requirement or

market share factor.

A CCD comprises photosites, typically arranged in an X-Y matrix of rows and

columns. Each photosite, in turn, comprises a photodiode and an adjacent charge

holding region, which is shielded from light. The photodiode converts light into

charge. The number of electrons collected is proportional to the light intensity.

Typically, light is collected over the entire imager simultaneously and then transferred

to the adjacent charge transfer cells within the columns. Next, the charge is read out:

each row of data is moved to a separate horizontal charge transfer register. Charge

packets for each row are read out serially and sensed by a charge-to-voltage

conversion and amplifier section.

This architecture produces a low-noise, high-performance imager. However,

some disadvantages have to be mentioned: the integration of other electronics onto the

silicon chip is impractical; the CCD operation requires several clock signals, clock


levels, and bias voltages, which complicates the system integration and increases the

power consumption, the overall system size, and the cost.

A CMOS imager, on the other hand, is made with standard silicon processes in

high-volume foundries. Peripheral electronics, such as digital logic, clock drivers, or

analogue-to-digital converters, can be readily integrated with the same fabrication

process. CMOS imagers can also benefit from process and material improvements

made in mainstream semiconductor technology.

To achieve these benefits, the CMOS sensor’s architecture is arranged in a

different manner. Each photosite contains a photodiode that converts light to

electronic charge, a charge-to-voltage conversion section, a reset and select transistor

and an amplifier section. Overlaying the entire sensor is a grid of metal interconnects

to apply timing and readout signals, and an array of column output signal

interconnects. The column lines connect to a set of decode and readout (multiplexing)

electronics that are arranged by column outside of the pixel array. This architecture

allows the signals from the entire array, from subsections, or even from a single pixel

to be readout by a simple X-Y addressing technique – something a CCD can’t do.

In conclusion, CMOS imagers offer more integration (more functions on the

chip), lower power dissipation (at the chip level), and smaller system size, at the

expense of image flexibility and quality: the built-in electronics reduce the area

available for light capture, and with each pixel doing its own conversion, uniformity

is lower and the noise is greater as compared to an equivalent CCD detector.

For our experiments, a CCD detector was used as a detector in the X-ray

pinhole camera. As mentioned earlier, the semiconductor detectors are also sensitive

to charged particles; in the electron analyser, a CMOS type detector made up of

N-channel MOS transistors (NMOS) detector was employed.



Time-integrated spatial information of the soft X-ray emission was provided

by pinhole images. This cost-effective technique has been continuously developed,

mainly in the detector area, in order to simplify the maintenance and the usage of such

a device, and also to transfer the captured images directly to a PC.

Basically, a pinhole camera consists of the following parts:

- camera body (usually vacuum-


- pinhole and pinhole mounting;

- X-ray sensitive detector, and

- filter, to prevent the visible

radiation to reach the detector.

Fig. 4.10: Schematic of a pinhole camera.
A schematic of a pinhole

camera is presented in Fig. 4.10. The image is inverted. The magnification can be

modified by changing the distances between the pinhole and the object and/or

between the pinhole and the detector.

In the beginning, pinhole cameras used X-ray films [144] as detectors. The

film was moved after each exposure (unless the goal of the experiment was the

reproducibility of the image, because in this case several shots used to be overlapped

on the same position of the film). This feature used to increase the cost and the

complexity of the device, and the later processing of the film was time-consuming and

did not offer very reproducible results. Better detectors are used at present, and the

CCD camera is the cheapest and most versatile among them.


If an X-ray band filter is used [104], the image obtained will show the

structure of the emitting X-ray source within a certain energy band.

The pinhole dimension has to be carefully chosen, because the diameter has to

be much smaller than the details to be investigated. Since the resolution depend also

on the geometrical arrangement, a ray tracing simulation is useful.

In order to obtain temporal resolution, a pinhole camera can be coupled to a

streak camera [105] (one-dimensional resolution), to a microchannelplate [106] or to a

frame camera [145] (both for two-dimensional resolution).

Special designs for pinhole cameras, like multiple pinholes, allow several

images to be captured for the same discharges, for different positions (so resolution on

the third axis can be achieved) and/or with different absorption filters, so the pictures

will show images in different spectral bands.


4.6.1. Charged Particles Detection

For the detection and analysis of various radiations, different types of

detectors have been developed. The detectors used for particle detection can be

classified under these two categories:

- with respect to their energy response (in terms of energy-dependent output or

energy independent response);

- with respect to their dynamic properties (dynamic, or active detectors, and static,

or passive detectors).


An energy-dependent detector (e.g. nuclear emulsion, scintillator-

photomultiplier, semiconductor detector, etc.) has an output related to the energy of

the incident particle. Some other detectors (like the Geiger-Muller detector) are not

sensitive to the input energy; they can just count particles without being able to

discriminate between two particles with different energies.

The dynamic detectors do not provide a permanent record of radiation. They

are used to study the temporal behaviour of the radiation emission. Geiger-Muller

tube, scintillation detectors coupled with photomultiplier tubes etc. are all members of

this class.

The static detectors give a permanent record of the incident radiation, but the

information about temporal behaviour of the radiation flux is normally not available

with these detectors. This family includes, among others, photographic films and solid

state nuclear track detectors.

There are three principal types of processes by which charged particles

(i.e. electrons, protons, deuterons, alpha particles, etc.) transfer their energy to the

stopping medium:

- Coulomb electrostatic force between the particle and the electrons of the target

atom may cause excitation or ionisation;

- particles lose energy when decelerated, by emitting electromagnetic radiation


- direct electrostatic force between the moving charged particle and the target nuclei

can result in the ejection of target atoms from the lattice sites, or out of the

molecular chain.


4.6.2. Spectrometers

To add energetical resolution to a non-energy dependent detector, or to make

the data recording more convenient even for energy-dependent detectors, a device

which is able to discern between different incoming particles with different energies is

positioned between the particle source and the detector. This device is called


There is a large palette of methods which can be used as a base for designing a

particle spectrometer. The design is based on one of the many physical processes that

link particles’ energy with a measurable physical parameter. The most convenient

way to discern between particles is to spread them in space and/or in time. By using

electric and/or magnetic fields in a convenient geometry, the charged particles can be

recorded separately, according to their energy.

In plasma focus studies it is difficult to use electric fields, as well as magnetic

fields created by electromagnets, because of the following reasons:

- the spectrometer might be connected to pulsed high voltages, so the whole system,

including power supplies, have to be carefully insulated from the ground, from the

main power source, and from any other devices nearby; and

- the electric fields might create unwanted breakdowns inside and outside the

spectrometer due to inductive effects created by fast varying electric fields created

by the electromagnetic driver.

For these reasons, we decided to work with a pure magnetic configuration, in

which the magnetic field is created by a pair of permanent magnets. This enables us to

avoid the above mentioned limitations and to detect the particles without any change

in the energy, but this solution has the following constraints:


- once a specific pair of magnets is chosen, it is extremely difficult to modify the

value of the magnetic induction in the magnetic area (which is not the case in an

electrically-driven configuration);

- the trajectories are more complicated and require a very exact computation to see

how the spatial distribution is related to the energy of the particles.

The first constraint can be overcome by dealing with more than one pair of

magnets to be used in the spectrometer, according to the desired energy interval to be

detected. To deal with the second issue, the special computer program, CHAPAT

(described in detail in section 3.2) was developed.

4.6.3. Design and Construction of the Analyser

Charged particle energy measurements were performed before on plasma

focus devices similar with the one used in our experiments. Argon ion energies

between 10 and 3,000 keV were measured using a biased ion collector [146], a

method which is not very reliable if only one detector is used (since for energy

calculation it considers that all the ions are emitted at the same moment), or involves

difficult (and not always reliable) mathematical interpretations (if two or more

detectors are employed). On the same device deuteron energies in the 80 – 250 keV

range were measured with a basic spectrograph, using nuclear emulsions as

detectors [147]; the automatic processing of the detector is time consuming, and the

energetical calibration might not be very accurate. For the electron energy

measurements, we decided to improve the methods used in the previous studies on

dense plasma focus devices.


The basic configuration for the analyser was inspired by the one used by

Hirano at Gunma University – Japan [78], which is shown in Fig. 4.11.

Fig. 4.11: Spectrometer designed at Gunma University; MCP defines the microchannelplate.

After carefully studying the solutions used by the Gunma University group,

we made several important changes in the original design, in order to simplify the

construction and the handling, to improve the performances and the reliability, and, in

the mean time, to keep a low production and maintenance cost for the analyser.

The first important change was in the position of the detector; the Gunma

analyser uses a 180° deflection system, but the dimensions of our detector required a

90° deflection design.

The second important change was in the magnetic mounting. In the original

design, the magnetic circuit included the vacuum chamber, which was made of soft

iron. We choose to use a separate mounting – an U-shape piece on which the magnets

are fixed. In the whole construction, only this component is made of magnetic


material (magnetic stainless steel). For all the other components, non-magnetic

materials were used. Several advantages derive from this change: i) the magnetic field

measurements are simplified, since the measurements can be performed outside the

vacuum chamber; ii) different mounting shapes can be used to modify the field

distribution; iii) the position of the magnetic holder can be adjusted, and the result is a

fine tuning of the analyser parameters; and iv) the whole mounting can be changed

easily, so the analyser parameters can be quickly and conveniently modified.

The collimator was also simplified. Instead of using two slits, very difficult to

align, we choose to have only one pinhole (200 µm) in front of the collimator, since

the simulations showed that the decrease in the energetical resolution caused by this

change is much smaller compared to the decrease caused by mechanical error

(construction and alignment), which were estimated to be up to 0.5 mm.

Simulations done using the CASINO program for the filter which appeared in

the original design proved that below 100 keV the electrons are strongly scattered

after passing through 3.5 µm mylar, which is a filter thinner than the one used by

Hirano’s group (4.9 µm). At 50 keV, a big fraction of the electrons is scattered at

angles bigger than 45°. Since in the Gunma analyser the filter was placed after the

collimator, our simulations question their reported energetical resolution, especially

for low energies. One solution was to place the filter in front of the collimator, but it

turned out that the interaction with the shock waves created by the plasma discharge,

combined with the electron bombardment, destroyed the filters after one or two

discharges. Therefore, our design doesn’t use any filter.

The last important change with respect to the original design was to eliminate

the MCP. This costly and extremely sensitive component was introduced not

necessarily to multiply the number of electrons reaching the detector (since the


amplification factor was kept below 20), but mainly as a buffer, to convert the

incident electrons (especially since those with energies above 45 keV would not lose

all their energy in the sensitive layer of the semiconductor detector) in lower energy

electrons, whose energies are given by an external high voltage biasing circuit.

Several advantages were derived from the exclusion of the MCP:

- there was no vacuum restriction (a MCP requires a pressure below 10-6 mbar,

i.e. ultra-high, clean vacuum for proper operation; therefore a turbomolecular

vacuum pump has to be employed), so we operated the analyser at 25 mbar Neon;

this pressure is low enough to avoid electron scattering by interaction with the gas

(as CASINO simulation showed), but, in the mean time, high enough to create a

continuous gas flow through the pinhole, in order to protect it from debris coming

from the focus chamber during the discharges;

- the MCP requires an in-situ calibration, a difficult operation time and resource-

consuming; the Gunma group used nuclear emulsions for proper calibration; and

- a MCP requires high voltage biasing, as well as another high voltage circuit for

accelerating the emitted electrons; the biggest problem is to insulate these power

supplies from the ground and from the mains, since the analyser floats at high

voltage (up to 100 kV); it is the same kind of problem which appears while trying

to use electric field or electromagnets to separate the particles with different

energies in a spectrometer.

Since we eliminated the MCP, we had to investigate the interaction between

different energy electrons and the detector. Using the CASINO software, based on the

characteristics of the silicon chip (thickness of the dead layer and sensitive layer) we

obtained a correction curve for the detector signal. This aspect will be fully described

in section 5.8.


As a detector in the analyser, a linear image sensor, Hamamatsu S3900-

1024Q, together with its driver, Hamamatsu C7615 were used. This linear image

sensor is basically a NMOS detector with only one line of pixels; each pixel

dimensions are 5 mm × 45 µm, and the pixel pitch is 50 µm. The total number of

pixels for our detector is 1024, which leads to a better energetical resolution as

compared to 512 for the detector used in Gunma analyser. The geometrical

characteristics of our detector are

presented in Fig. 4.12.

The original window of the

linear image detector has been removed.

The original signal from the detector

was converted to an oscilloscope-

friendly signal and it was visualised on

the oscilloscope display. To insulate the

Fig. 4.12: Geometrical details of S3900-1024Q
oscilloscope from the high voltage, the
NMOS linear image sensor.

signals were transmitted through an

optocoupler and an optic fibre. Further details about the detection chain will be given

in section 5.8.

All the analyser electronic components, as well as the other electronic circuits

from the detection chain were powered by lithium batteries or rechargeable batteries

(where this was possible), to avoid the high voltage insulation problems between the

normal power supplies (which would have to float at more than 100 kV) and the main

power source (the laboratory power point).


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