Future Proud Michigan Educator: 1.3 Reflection Worksheet
Future Proud Michigan Educator: 1.3 Reflection Worksheet
Future Proud Michigan Educator: 1.3 Reflection Worksheet
3 Reflection Worksheet
1. Reflect on the elements of a healthy learning community by using the chart in the worksheet.
a. Think about each element listed in the chart. Recall where and when you have witnessed them
in a learning environment. It can be in real life or in this lesson)
b. As you recall the moment, describe it in the appropriate box in the chart (see the examples).
c. Complete the chart as much as possible.
Elements of a Healthy Classroom What and where I have seen or What and where I have seen
done as a student in my own adults do ( in videos or live
experience. classrooms).
Belonging: How do we make this class EX. When I was in 2nd grade, we EX. In 5th grade, my teacher started
our own? What rituals help us feel always started each day by giving a each morning by greeting students at
like we belong? compliment to our “elbow partner.” the door and allowing them to
It always made me feel good that choose their “greeting”-- high five,
everybody did it without hesitation. hug, or wave.
Identity: How do we build In the gymnastic classes that I coach the I have seen adults talk issues out as well
relationships to understand and value kids tend to ask about a friend and try as trying to put themselves aside for
each other? to put others first rather themselves. another person.
Diversity: How are we alike and how I’ve seen people be alike when they’re in At school I see principals having more
are we different, and how does that the same place but in different of a say but also no more than the
help us to work collaboratively? situations. Helps us to work school board as well as teachers it helps
collaboratively by seeing that we are all for them to work collaboratively by
facing a situation and that we’re not seeing their strengths together and
alone. differences.
Organization: What systems are in When I am at school what teachers do to In my fourth hour last year, my teacher
place to help the class run smoothly? run class smoothly is to set a classroom would be tough especially a a bit more
rule chart and they go over what is right on rules and I feel as if that helped run
and not. class smoothly.
Purpose: How do individuals and When I was a part of sports teams as an As teachers have told me they said
groups know what they are working individual I would focus on what area meetings are set in place for teachers to
for and meet their goals? affected me and the team the most. As a discuss what goals they need to meet as
whole, we all work on what we can all a team
do as a team.
Rights & Responsibilities: What can I I can expect respect amongst my In school when teachers’ expectations
expect from the teacher, my peers, teachers, peers, including myself. When don’t go well they always find a way to
myself? What happens when expectations aren’t met I do see myself make things work for the good of their
expectations are not met? disappointed and have seen others mad students.
or sad about unmet expectations.
Communication: What is clear and Others tell it how it is and don’t let what When something isn’t clear most of my
what isn’t? What do isn’t good slide from what I’ve seen at teachers well typically spend time
students/teachers do that works? school. When a student and teacher talk helping the student out who needs help.
one on one it helps to understand each
other more.
Leadership: What strengths do I bring As a drum major, I see that my strengths Teachers bring positivity to work and
to this community and work and how are to be calm and to try to help out as they contribute by offering their help
will I contribute? much as I can. I try to contribute by and their time.
putting in as much effort.
Reflection Paragraph
In your reflection paragraph, address the following:
Which of these elements were easy to recall and which were difficult?
Why do you think that might be so?
Elements that were easy to recall were rights and responsibilities, leadership, and organization.
Difficult elements that were difficult to recall was communication, identity, diversity, and purpose. The
easy elements that I found easy to recall were easy to have seen before because it’s one of the most
common things that I have seen adults and kids do. It is easier to know about leadership rather than
identity because all I have filled out on the graph shows the ones that are easily struggled with. Many
students know and or learn their rights and responsibilities once they are in high school as well as
teachers. It may be harder to have communication because as some kids tend to have gone through
hurt trust issues may have been built along the way making communication harder. Kids struggle with
their identity/purpose all the time trying to figure out who they are and or why they may feel trapped.
The hardest thing when it comes to diversity is that there is racism and or different cultural
backgrounds that make it hard for diversity to expand in an environment.
For example, you may have struggled to identify a time when you saw students contributing to
classroom Purpose. It may be that this has always been the responsibility of the teacher, in your
experience. It may also be that Purpose has been “invisible” to you in your experience, and you are
working to make it more “visible.”
Addressing Prompts The student Student addresses The student The student
addresses ALL MOST of the addresses SOME of addresses FEW of
components of the components of the the components of the components of
prompt on the prompt on the the prompt on the the prompt on the
graded assignment. graded assignment. graded assignment. graded assignment.
Development and The student The student Student provides Student provides
Examples for provides several provides relevant SOME examples or NO examples or
Prompt relevant examples examples or SOMEWHAT INCOMPLETE ideas
or developed ideas developed ideas developed ideas to to show their
to demonstrate MOST of the TIME. show their understanding.
their understanding understanding.
throughout the