Kleppner D. Kolenkow R.J. Introduction To Mechanics 2014
Kleppner D. Kolenkow R.J. Introduction To Mechanics 2014
Kleppner D. Kolenkow R.J. Introduction To Mechanics 2014
13.1 Introduction
In Chapter 12 we saw how the postulates of special relativity lead to new
kinematical relations for space and time. These relations can naturally
be expected to have important implications for dynamics, particularly
for the meaning of momentum and energy. In this chapter we examine
the modifications to the Newtonian concepts of momentum and energy
required by special relativity. The underlying strategy is to ensure that
momentum and energy in an isolated system continue to be conserved.
This approach is often used in extending the frontiers of physics: by
reformulating conservation laws so that they are preserved in new situa-
tions, we are led to generalizations of familiar concepts. We can also be
led to the discovery of unfamiliar concepts, for instance the concept of
massless particles that can nevertheless carry energy and momentum.
frame u0 / γ
u′/ γ
A V u′/ γ
u0 / γ V
Before After
and (12.9), the y velocity of particle B is u0 /γ where γ = 1/ 1 − V 2 /c2 .
The situation is symmetrical when viewed from B’s frame.
After the collision the y velocities have reversed their directions as
shown. The situation remains symmetric: if the y velocity of A or B in its
own frame is u , the y velocity of the other particle is u /γ.
Our task is to find a conserved quantity analogous to classical momen-
tum. We suppose that the momentum of a particle moving with velocity
w is
p = m(w)w,
where m(w) is a scalar quantity, yet to be determined, analogous to New-
tonian mass but which could depend on the speed w.
The x momentum in A’s frame is due entirely to particle B. Before
the collision B’s speed is w = V 2 + u20 /γ2 and after the collision it
is w = V 2 + u2 /γ2 . Imposing conservation of momentum in the x
direction yields
m(w)V = m(w )V.
It follows that w = w , so that
u = u0 .
In other words, y motion is reversed in the A frame.
Next we write the statement of the conservation of momentum in the
y direction as evaluated in A’s frame. Equating the y momentum before
and after the collision gives
u0 u0
−m0 u0 + m(w) = m0 u0 − m(w)
γ γ
which gives
m(w) = γm0 .
In the limit u0 → 0, m(u0 ) → m(0), which we take to be the Newtonian
mass, or “rest mass” m0 , of the particle. In this limit, w = V. Hence
m(V) = γm0 = . (13.1)
1 − V 2 /c2
Consequently, momentum is preserved in the collision provided we de-
fine the momentum of a particle moving with velocity v to be
p = mv (13.2)
m= = γm0 .
1 − v2 /c2
The quantity m = γm0 is referred to as the “relativistic mass” or more
often simply as the mass of a particle. If the rest mass is intended, that
needs to be made specific.
Beyond S only the magnetic field acts. The electrons move with con-
stant speed v and are bent into a circular path by the magnetic force
qvB. The radius of curvature R is given by mv2 /R = qvB, or R = mv/
qB = (m/q)(E/B2 ).
m/m0 The graph shows Bucherer’s data togetherwith a dashed line corre-
1.50 sponding to the Einstein prediction m = m0 / 1 − v2 /c2 . The agreement
1.40 is striking.
1.20 Today, the relativistic equations of motion are used routinely to design
1.10 high energy particle accelerators. For protons, accelerators have been
1.00 operated with m/m0 up to 104 , while for electrons the ratio m/m0 = 105
0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 has been reached. The successful operation of these machines leaves no
υ/c doubt of the validity of relativistic dynamics.
m0 c2
= − m0 c2
1 − u2 /c2
K = (γ − 1)m0 c2 . (13.3)
This expression for kinetic energy bears little resemblance
to its classical
counterpart. However, in the limit u
c, γ = 1/ 1 − u /c2 ≈ 12 u2 /c2 .
Using the expansion 1/ 1 − x = 1 + 12 x + · · · we obtain
1 u2
K ≈ m0 c2 1 + − 1
2 c2
= m0 u2 .
The kinetic energy arises from the work done on the particle to bring it
from rest to speed u. Using the relation mc2 = γm0 c2 , we can rearrange
Eq. (13.3) to give
mc2 = K + m0 c2
= work done on particle + m0 c2 . (13.4)
Einstein proposed the following bold interpretation of this result: mc2
is the total energy E of the particle. The first term arises from external
work; the second term, m0 c2 , represents the “rest” energy the particle
possesses by virtue of its mass. In summary,
E = mc2 . (13.5)
It is important to realize that Einstein’s generalization goes far beyond
the classical conservation law for mechanical energy. Thus, if energy ΔE
is added to a body, its mass will change by Δm = ΔE/c2 , irrespective of
the form of energy. ΔE could be mechanical work, heat energy, the ab-
sorption of light, or any other form of energy. In relativity the classical
distinction between mechanical energy and other forms of energy disap-
pears. Relativity treats all forms of energy on an equal footing, in con-
trast to Newtonian physics where each form of energy must be treated as
a special case.
The conservation of total energy E = mc2 is a consequence of the
structure of relativity. In Chapter 14 we shall show that the conservation
laws for energy and momentum are actually different aspects of a single,
more general, conservation law.
The following example illustrates the relativistic concept of energy
and the application of the conservation laws in different inertial frames.
x x
y′ y′
x′ x′
Before After
Let the rest mass of each particle be M0i before the collision and M0 f
after the collision. In the x, y frame, momentum is obviously
served. The total energy before the collision is 2M0i c2 / 1 − V 2 /c2 ,
and after the collision the energy is 2M0 f c2 . No external work was
done on the particles, and the total energy is unchanged. Therefore
2M0i c2
= 2M0 f c2
1 − V 2 /c2
M0 f = . (2)
1 − V 2 /c2
Physically, the final rest mass is greater than the initial rest mass be-
cause the particles are warmer. To see this, we take the low-velocity
1 V2
M0 f ≈ M0i 1 + .
2 c2
The increase in rest energy for the two particles is 2(M0 f − M0i )c2 ≈
2( 12 M0i V 2 ), which corresponds to the loss of Newtonian kinetic energy.
Now, however, the kinetic energy is not “lost”—it is present as a mass
By the postulate that all inertial frames are equivalent, the conservation
laws must hold in the x , y frame as well. Checking to see if our as-
sumed conservation laws possess this necessary property, we have in
the x , y frame
M0i U 2M0 f V
= (3)
1 − U 2 /c2 1 − V 2 /c2
The question now is whether Eqs. (3) and (4) are consistent with our
earlier results, Eqs. (1) and (2). To check Eq. (3), we use Eq. (1) to
U2 4V 2 /c2
1− =1−
c2 (1 + V 2 /c2 )2
(1 − V 2 /c2 )2
= . (5)
(1 + V 2 /c2 )2
From Eqs. (1) and (5),
U 2V (1 + V 2 /c2 )
1 − U 2 /c2 (1 + V /c ) (1 − V /c )
2 2 2 2
1 − V 2 /c2
and the left-hand side of Eq. (3) becomes
M0i U 2M0i V
= . (6)
1 − U 2 /c2 1 − V /c
2 2
From Eq. (2), M0i = M0 f 1 − V 2 /c2 , and Eq. (6) reduces to
M0i U 2M0 f V
= ,
1 − U 2 /c2 1 − V 2 /c2
which is identical to Eq. (3). Similarly, it is not hard to show that Eq.
(4) is also consistent.
We see from Eq. (6) that if we had assumed that rest mass was un-
changed in the collision, M0i = M0 f , the conservation law for momen-
tum (or for energy) would not be correct in the second inertial frame.
The relativistic description of energy is essential for maintaining the
validity of the conservation laws in all inertial frames.
Proton beam Cockcroft and Walton studied the effect of the protons on a target of
Li (lithium atomic mass 7). A zinc sulfide fluorescent screen, located
nearby, emitted occasional flashes, or scintillations. By various tests
they determined that the scintillations were due to alpha particles, the
nuclei of helium, 4 He. Their interpretation was that 7 Li captures a pro-
Lithium target ton and that the resulting nucleus of mass 8 immediately disintegrates
into two alpha particles. We can write the reaction as
Screen 7
Li + 1 H → 4 He + 4 He.
The mass–energy equation for the reaction can be written
Kinitial + Minitial c2 = Kfinal + Mfinal c2
where the masses are the particle rest masses. Applied to the lithium
bombardment experiment, this gives
K(1 H) + [M (1 H) + M (7 Li)]c2 = 2K(4 He) + 2M(4 He)c2
where K(1 H) is the kinetic energy of the incident proton, K(4 He) is
the kinetic energy of each emitted alpha particle, M(1 H) is the proton
rest mass, etc. (The initial momentum of the proton is negligible, and
the two alpha particles are emitted back-to-back with equal energy by
conservation of momentum.)
The relative masses of the nuclei were known from mass spectrome-
ter measurements. In atomic mass units, amu, the values available to
Cockcroft and Walton were
M(1 H) = 1.0072
M(7 Li) = 7.0104 ± 0.0030
M(4 He) = 4.0011.
Using these values,
ΔM = (1.0072 + 7.0104) − 2(4.0011)
= (0.0154 ± 0.0030) amu.
m20 u2
p2 = .
1 − u2 /c2
We can solve for γ as follows:
u2 p2
= 2
p + m20 c2
1 − u2 /c2
= 1 + 2 2.
m0 c
E 2 = (pc)2 + (m0 c2 )2 ,
2 = (pc)2 ,
= pc. (13.13)
We have taken the positive square root because the negative solution
would predict that in an isolated system the momentum of a photon could
increase without limit as its energy dropped. Combining Eq. (13.13) with
Einstein’s relation = hν, we find that a photon possesses momentum p
of magnitude
p= . (13.14)
The direction of the momentum vector is along the direction of travel of
the light wave.
Einstein’s quantum hypothesis was designed to solve a theoretical
dilemma—the spectrum of blackbody radiation—but its first application
was to a totally different problem—the photoelectric effect.
experimental results on the energy
of photoelectrons and the
frequency of light. The graph is V = 439 × 105
from R.A. Millikan. From R.A.
Millikan, Physical Review 7, 355
½mυ2 = hv − P = PDe
d PD d Volts 10 8 h
= ⋅ =
dν dν 3 × 10 10 e
dV 3
= = 4.124 × 10−15
dν (121.00 − 48.25) × 10°
2 e dV 4.774 × 10−25
h= = × 4.124 = 6.56 × 10−25
300 dν 300
The graph of Millikan’s results shows the linear relation between en-
ergy and frequency predicted by Einstein, and the slope of the line
provides an accurate value for the ratio of two fundamental constants,
Planck’s constant and the charge of the electron.
The fact that light can interfere with itself, as in the Michelson
interferometer, is compelling evidence that light has wave proper-
ties. Nevertheless, the photoelectric effect illustrates that light also
has particle properties. Einstein’s energy relation, E = hv, pro-
vides the link between these apparently conflicting descriptions of
light by relating the energy of the photon to the frequency of the
A photon of visible light has energy in the range of 1 to 2 eV, but pho-
tons of much higher energy can be obtained from x-ray tubes, particle
accelerators, or cosmic rays. X-ray photons have energies typically in
the range 10 to 100 keV. Their wavelengths can be measured with high
accuracy by the technique of crystal diffraction.
When a photon scatters from a free electron, the conservation laws re-
quire that the photon loses a portion of its energy due to the recoil of
the electron. The outgoing photon therefore has a longer wavelength
me φ
The initial photon energy i is known and the final photon energy f
and the scattering angle θ are measured. The problem is to calculate
how f varies with θ.
which reduces to
f = . (5)
1 + (i /me 2
c )(1 − cos θ)
Note that the photon’s final energy f is always greater than zero, which
means that a free electron cannot absorb a photon, but can scatter
Å. The difference is less than the estimated uncertainty due to the
experimental limitations.
P T We have assumed that the electron was free and at rest. For sufficiently
high photon energies, this is a good approximation for electrons
λ, Å
0.7110 0.7356 in the outer shells of light atoms. If the motion of the electrons is
taken into account, the Compton peak is broadened or can have
Next, we suppose that before emitting the photon the atom moves
freelywith velocity u. The atom’s energy is E = Mc2 = γM0 c2 , where
γ = 1 − u2 /c2 and the atom’s momentum is p = Mu = M0 γu. After
emitting a photon of energy hν the atom has velocity u , rest mass M0 ,
energy E , and momentum p . For simplicity, we consider the photon
to be emitted along the line of motion.
E − pc = M0 c2 γ 1 −
1 − u/c
= M0 c2 .
1 + u/c
hν0 1 + u/c
ν = ν0 1 − .
2M0 c2 1 − u/c
The term hν0 /2M0 c2 represents a decrease in the photon energy due to
the recoil energy of the atom. Usually the recoil energy is so small that
it can be neglected, leaving
1 + u/c
ν = ν0 ,
1 − u/c
in agreement with the wave analysis that led to Eq. (12.12). However,
the wave picture does not readily take into account the recoil of the
atom. In modern experiments using high precision lasers and ultra-cold
atoms, the recoil cannot be overlooked. On the contrary, it plays a cru-
cial role in many studies.
Consider an atom with rest mass M0 in its ground state with energy
E0 = M0 c2 , in a gravitational field g. It absorbs a photon that increases
its energy to E1 = E0 + hν0 . The mass of the atom is M1 = E1 /c2 =
(E0 + hν0 )/c2 . If we lift the atom to height H in a gravitational field g
the work that we do is M1 gH, so the final energy Wa of the atom is
Wa = E1 + M1 gH
= (E0 + hν0 )(1 + gH/c2 )
= E0 + hν0 + hν0 gH/c2 + E0 gH/c2 .
Einstein argued that the difference H − E must equal the kinetic energy
K of the body, to within an additive constant C that is independent of the
relative velocity
H0 − E0 = K0 + C
H1 − E1 = K1 + C.
⎛ ⎞
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
K0 − K1 = ⎜⎜⎜⎝ − 1⎟⎟⎟⎠
1 − v2 /c2
1 v
≈ .
2 c2
K0 − K1 = Δmv2 .
Einstein then obtained his famous equation by comparing the two results
for K0 − K1 :
Δm = 2 .
Einstein concluded his brief paper by asserting that the equivalence of
mass and energy must be a general law, holding for any form of energy,
not just radiation.
For problems marked *, refer to page 525 for a hint, clue, or answer.
13.1 Energetic proton
Cosmic ray primary protons with energy up to 1020 eV (almost
10 J) have been detected. Our galaxy has a diameter of about 105
light years.
(a) How long does it take the proton to traverse the galaxy, in
its own rest frame (proper time)? (1 eV = 1.6 × 10−19 J, M p =
1.67 × 10−27 kg.) What is the proper time for a photon to traverse
our galaxy?
(b) Compare the proton’s energy to the kinetic energy of a base-
ball, mass = 145 g, traveling at 100 miles/hour.
13.2 Onset of relativistic effects
When working with particles it is important to know when rela-
tivistic effects have to be considered.
i θ
m0 φ