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Timothy Leary

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The Eight Circuit Model

Of Human Psychology

By: Timothy Lee Alley

May 2013

I called this book 'How to Operate Your Mind' as a dedication to

Dr. Timothy Leary's 1994 short film entitled 'How to Operate Your Brain'.

It was my first exposure to his work.


The Eight Circuit IVIodel

Of Human Psychology












I have written this bool< to present to you a new way to see your self, to
share with you the knowledge that has helped me to elevate my awareness
and improve my overall health and happiness. Knowledge is power, and
when you learn how the brain itself functions and responds, it allows you to
take a greater level of control over your life and your future.

I am passing along the works of two great authors, among others, they
being Dr. Timothy Leary and Robert Anton Wilson. Other writers such as
Antero Alii have also written on the subject and will be touched upon as well.
But to be clear, Dr. Timothy Francis Leary Is the Godfather of this theory,
if you will; and the purpose of this book is to present to you all of the details to
prove this theory as fact...

Have you ever wondered what makes you who you are? Or why you
do the things you do when sometimes you don't mean to do them at all? We,
as human beings, have mastered the evolutionary process through the
creation of consciousness. We have learned to adapt to almost any situation
that is presented to us and we owe this to our amazing brains. Our brains
help us accomplish the unthinkable, and most of this is done without us even
realizing it. We would like to think that we ourselves are in control of our
thoughts and actions, but the truth is we have far less control over our lives
than we are lead to believe. This is where the EIGHT CIRCUIT MODEL OF
HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS comes into play.

Also known as the Eightfold Model of Human Intelligence, Dr. Timothy

Leary suggested that our brains are made up of 8 mini-brains or circuits.
Each of these 8 circuits are designed to allow us to automatically adapt to
different aspects of reality. Development of specific circuits more than others
are found to be determining factors in our behavior and our decision making.
Detailed study and understanding of the brain now allows us to focus our
attention on specific activities and stimuli to guide our consciousness, and
possibly others, through this 8 circuit maze to find peace and happiness.

-5 -


Timothy Leary proposed the Eight Circuit Model in an attempt to unify

various interpretations of altered states of awareness into a single theory. In
this case, Leary and Wilson state that the altered levels of consciousness
defined in medical fields are products of eight differing brain structures within
the human nervous system.

This concept not only connects psychology and the more medically
focused studies of neurology and biology, but also incorporates elements of
sociology, anthropology, physics, chemistry, and advanced mathematical
formulas. Furthermore, there are obvious correlations with the Astrological
Zodiac, the 8 octave piano layout, and the Hindu Chakra system as well as
models from other spiritual belief systems.


Let us now examine the Eight Circuit Model in a bit more detail...
The eight circuits are really just evolutionary stages of consciousness which
human beings develop throughout their lives. Once developed, each
'neuro-circuit' remains as a functioning 'mini-brain' that receives, integrates,
and transmits experiences on several levels at the same time. We all have
some circuits that are more developed than others, and this only adds to our

The first four circuits reside in the left side of the brain and are described as
the terrestrial circuits which respond to the infant-toddler-child-adult levels.
1 . The first circuit is imprinted at infancy with patterns on the bio-survival
level. Our experiences at that time shape our entire approach toward life and
parental nurturing is critical at this stage in determining our fundamental
inner security. This level emulates marine evolution, from passive
invertebrates, to fish, to amphibians. Opiates produce states of awareness
which tune into this circuit's level of interpretation.

2. The second neurocircuit is the emotional-territorial circuit which is

imprinted during toddler hood, when the child begins moving around and
negotiating emotional power over others. If the first circuit is the advance and
retreat of infantile love and fear, then the second circuit adds the dimension
of up and down - high and low feelings and relations among people.
Depressants such as alcohol can recreate aspects of this level of
interpretation for us which captures the mammalian evolutionary progress on
land from rodents to primates to hominids.


3. Third is tine mental-dexterity circuit whicii is imprinted in childhood through

the acquisition of skills and language. The third circuit recreates Paleolithic,
Neolithic, and post-chiefdom civilization and can be amplified through
stimulating experiences and drugs such as cocaine and caffeine. The
dimension added here is left vs. right (or right vs. wrong) and is an
intellectual skill set for logical problem solving.

4. The fourth circuit kicks in with the production of sexual hormones and
concerns the orientation towards socio-sexual roles. It recapitulates the
evolution of feudalism, democracy, and centralization and marks the
completion of the cycle of domestication for Homo-Sapiens. This is the moral
skill set of sex role integration.

The idea of the first four circuits is that these are the levels upon which the
game is played for human beings on Earth, but that as human civilization
progresses; we will begin to tap into the four post-terrestrial right brain
circuits in anticipation of leaving the womb planet.

5. The fifth circuit is the sensory-somatic circuit and is associated with

marijuana use, tantric yoga, and hedonistic sensations which push the
boundaries of the local socio-sexual circuit. Sensual and exotic, this circuit is
designed to be used in zero-gravity. This stage is about reprogramming
previous mistrust or constraints to adopt a looser and more adaptive
perspective on life.

6. Sixth is the neuro-electric circuit which is associated with telepathy,

extra-sensory perception (ESP), meditation and IVIDIVIA ecstasy. It involves
expanding our sensitivity to embrace the paradises and purgatories within
the nervous system. This circuit is about intelligence looking at intelligence
with the third eye/psychic aperture wide open. It's about recognizing the
synchronicity of all phenomena, interior and exterior.

7. The seventh circuit is the neuro-genetic circuit and is associated with LSD
and other psychedelics, life extension, immortality, and communication &
symbiosis with other species. This circuit deals with the decoding and
mastering of DNA/RNA to transcend biological limitations. As the sixth
neurocircuit uses intelligence to improve intelligence, the seventh circuit
uses even deeper biological intelligence to transform life itself.


8. The eighth circuit is known as the neuro-atomic circuit. Associated with

near death experiences and drugs such as Salvia Divinorum and DIVIT, the
goal of this neuro-circuit is nothing less than fusion with galactic and
quantum consciousness. Dr. Leary wrote "We expect that humanity will be
instructed in the reception of nuclear signals by higher intelligences after
leaving the planet. Such speculations may seem "far out" but they are surely
no less believable than the orthodox Christian, IVIuslim, Judaic, Hindu,
Buddhist cosmologies, and they are certainly more credible than the
blind-chance statistical theories of material scientists.


Imprinting is a term used in psychology to describe any sort of

phase-sensitive learning that is rapid and apparently independent of
behavior. It was first used to describe situations in which an animal or person
learns the characteristics of some stimulus, which is therefore said to be
"imprinted" onto the subject. The best-known form of imprinting is filial
imprinting, in which a young animal acquires several of its behavioral
characteristics from its parent. It is most obvious in land based birds, which
imprint on their parents and then follow them around.

Timothy Leary advocated the idea of reimprinting in his 8 Circuits

primer 'Exo-Psychology', later rewritten as 'info-Psychology'. Reimprinting is
the notion of breaking through the previously imprinted circuit states - which
can occur through many processes, including psychedelic experiences.
During a reimprinting session, there is an opening again as in infancy and
early childhood where a person can perceive the moving essence of reality
outside our snapshot of imprinted mindset.
Even a life altering event such as the death of a loved one can often
shock one into a reimprinting period, thus changing their views and mental
states forever. When someone reimprints their circuits with new perceptions
of reality, previous psychological damage can be reversed thus allowing one
to re-enter into society a lot happier and a with much broader perspective.
Indeed, an entirely new outlook on life can be achieved through these
powerful mind altering experiences.



The two-sided brain physiology model is one that is most widely

accepted among the scientific community. That being the notion that the left
side of our brain is the side that most controls our bodily functions and is
responsible for analytic thought, logic, language, science and mathematical
skills. The right side of the brain being the more creative and artistic side
responsible for holistic thinking and intuition.

The Eight Circuit mini brain model continues this division of brain
functions into further subsections which not only allows for all sorts of
advancements in medicine and neuroscience, but for stability in our personal
lives as well. It is believed that the brain functions advance from bottom to
top; starting at the brain stem and topping off with the neocortex.

To grasp the level of consciousness and understanding that exists on

each circuit, one only needs to start with infancy and then multiply
exponentially with each additional stage in life. Dr. Leary also proposed that
we shifted from Circuit 4 into Circuit 5 as a species here on earth in the late
20^'^ century. Recent advances in marijuana law reforms here in the U.S. and
abroad would also support such claims.


The term Reality Tunnel was also coined by Dr. Leary and popularized
by Wilson. Akin to the idea of representative realism, the theory states that,
with a subconscious set of mental "filters" formed from their beliefs and
experiences, every individual interprets the same world differently, hence
"Truth is in the eye of the beholder".

The idea does not necessarily imply that there is no objective truth;
rather that our access to it is mediated through our senses, experience,
conditioning, prior beliefs, and other non-objective factors. The implied
individual world each person occupies is said to be their reality tunnel. The
term can also apply to groups of people united by beliefs or cultures: we can
speak of the Christian reality tunnel or the Japanese reality tunnel.


A parallel can be seen in the psychological concept l^nown as

confirmation bias — the human tendency to notice and assign significance to
observations that confirm existing beliefs, while filtering out or rationalizing
away observations that do not fit with prior beliefs and expectations. This
helps to explain why reality tunnels are usually transparent to their
inhabitants. While it seems most people take their beliefs to correspond to
the "one true objective reality", Robert Anton Wilson emphasizes that each
person's reality tunnel is their own artistic creation, whether they realize it or
not. He once described them as such:

The possibility of changing consciousness was discovered in the

orient 2500 years ago, it's probably older than that. Techniques were used to
quiet the mind, pacify the mind, remove emotional compulsions, and these
were organized into the science of yoga. As John Lilly said "Yoga is the
science of the east and science is the yoga of the west."

Science is yoga too; science is a way of trying to reach an objective

level in which your emotional compulsions and prejudices aren't twisting all
the facts to fit in with your favorite reality tunnel.

Once you get to the level where your outside of your reality tunnel
looking down at it, you can compare reality tunnels and then your on a higher
level of intelligence already, because you're no longer a conditioned
mechanism just following the reality tunnel that was accidentally imprinted or
conditioned, and you can start choosing between reality tunnels.'


Dr. Timothy Francis Leary (October 22, 1 920 - May 31 , 1 996) was an
American psychologist and writer, known for his advocacy of psychedelic
drugs. During a time when drugs such as LSD and psilocybin were legal,
Leary conducted experiments at Harvard University under the Harvard
Psilocybin Project, resulting in the Concord Prison Experiment and the
Marsh Chapel Experiment. Both studies produced useful data, but Leary and
his associate Richard Alport were fired from the university.

Leary believed LSD showed therapeutic potential for use in psychiatry.

He popularized catchphrases that promoted his philosophy, such as "turn on,
tune in, drop out", "set and setting", and "think for yourself and question
authority". He also wrote and spoke frequently about transhumanist
concepts involving space migration, intelligence increase and life extension
(SMI^LE), and he developed the Eight Circuit Model of Consciousness in his
book Exo-Psychology.

- 10-

During the 1960s and 1970s, Leary was arrested regularly and was
held captive in 29 different prisons throughout the world. President Richard
Nixon once described Leary as "the most dangerous man in America".

Robert Anton Wilson (born Robert Edward Wilson, January 1 8, 1 932 -

January 1 1 , 2007), known to friends as "Bob", was an American author who
became at various times a novelist, philosopher, psychologist, essayist,
editor, playwright, poet, futurist, civil libertarian and self-described agnostic

Wilson described his work as an "attempt to break down conditioned

associations, to look at the world in a new way, with many models
recognized as models or maps, and no one model elevated to the truth". His
goal being "to try to get people into a state of generalized agnosticism, not
agnosticism about God alone but agnosticism about everything"

In 1979 Wilson received a PhD in psychology from Paideia University

in California, an unaccredited institution that has since closed. Wilson
reworked his dissertation, and it found publication in 1983 as Prometheus
Rising. Among Wilson's 35 books, and many other works, perhaps his
best-known volumes remain the cult classic series The llluminatus! Trilogy,
co-authored with Robert Shea.

Antero Alii was born November 1 1 , 1952, in Finland. Alii currently

resides in Berkeley, California, where he conducts workshops and stages
theatrical productions, some of which have been released as films. Alii is
also a professional astrologer and has authored books on experimental
theatre, astrology and Leary's Eight Circuit Model of Consciousness.

Alli's books span a number of subjects, but all share common themes
with his para-theatrical efforts: archetypes, personal mythology and the use
of ritual to transform consciousness. Like his colleague Rob Brezsny, Alii
proposes a free will approach to astrology, which advocates providing clients
with the information to make decisions instead of deterministic predictions.

Between 1991 and 1995, Alii was editor/publisher of Talking Raven

Quarterly, a Seattle-based literary journal featuring the writings of Robert
Anton Wilson, among others. In the Spring and Fall 2006, Alii taught a
course on his 1986 book AngelTech at Robert Anton Wilson's Maybe Logic
Academy. In 2009, he published The Eight-Circuit Brain: Navigational
Strategies for the Energetic Body. He has also published a number of other
writings online with relation to the Eight Circuit Model.

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Psychologists and philosophers Timothy Leary and Robert Anton

Wilson both theorized that human beings are imprinted upon throughout the
development stages, and their system borrowed from the Hindu Chakra
system and also the Kabalistic Tree of Life. Leary and Wilson referred to the
developmental stages as circuits and their system shared characteristics
with that of Sigmund Freud and others.


The Eight Circuit Model of Consciousness is a transhuman theory

proposed by Timothy Leary and expanded on by Robert Anton Wilson and
Antero Alii. The model describes eight circuits of information (eight "brains")
that operate within the human nervous system. Each circuit is concerned
with a different sphere of activity.

The lower four, the larval circuits, deal with normal psychology, while
the upper four, the stellar circuits, deal with psychic, mystical, enlightened
and psychedelic states of mind. These higher circuits are thought to have
only recently evolved, with just a fraction of human beings using them. The
higher the circuit, the fewer people have activated it. Leary describes the four
larval circuits as necessary for surviving and functioning in a terrestrial
human society. Leary proposed that the higher four exist primarily for future
use by humans who might someday migrate to outer space and live

Leary, Alii and Wilson have written about the model in depth and how
each circuit operates, both in the lives of individual people and in societies.

The term "circuits" came from the first wave of cybernetics research
and development in the United States in the 1970s. (Others have proposed
that the term "systems" should be substituted for "circuits" to reflect both a
systems theory approach and also the changing anatomy of an entity as it
goes through a neurological change).

Each successive circuit represents a more complex phase of evolution.

In line with recapitulation theory, the model applies equally to the evolution of
an individual organism and the evolution of the whole tree of life. Each
neurological circuit provides a new cognitive function (whether or not the
organism is aware of the circumstances that led to its activation).

- 12-


1. The Oral Biosurvival Circuit

Tliis circuit is concerned witin nourislnment, pinysical safety, comfort

and survival, suckling, cuddling etc. This circuit is activated in adults by
opioids such as heroin. This circuit begins with one spatial dimension -

This circuit is imprinted early in infancy. The imprint will normally last
for life, unless it is re-imprinted by a powerful experience. Depending on the
nature of the imprint, the organism will tend towards one of two basic

1 . A positive imprint sets up a basic attitude of trust. The organism generally

considers the environment benign and accepts and approaches. This is
equivalent to a default life position of 'you're ok' in the 'life positions' model of
Transactional analysis.

2. A negative imprint sets up a basic attitude of suspicion. The organism

generally regards the environment as hostile and flees and avoids. This is
equivalent to a default life position of 'you're not ok' in the 'life positions'
model of Transactional analysis.

This circuit is said to have appeared in the earliest evolution of the

invertebrate brain and corresponds to the reptilian brain of triune brain theory.
This circuit operates in essentially the same way across mammals, reptiles,
fish, primates and humans.

Robert Anton Wilson equated this circuit with the oral stage in the
Freudian theory of psychosexual development.
2. The Emotional-Territorial Circuit

The Emotional-Territorial Circuit is imprinted in the toddler stage. It is

concerned with domination and submission, territoriality etc.

The imprint on this circuit will trigger one of two states:

-Dominant, aggressive behavior. This imprint creates an 'alpha' social
attitude. It is equivalent to the 'top dog' position in the model of Fritz Perls, to
'I'm OK' in the 'life positions' model of Transactional analysis, and to master
morality in the model of Friedrich Nietzsche.
-Submissive, co-operative behavior. It is equivalent to the 'bottom dog'
position in the model of Fritz Perls, to 'I'm not OK' in the life positions model
and to Nietzsche-a 'slave morality'.

The second circuit is activated by large quantities of alcohol. It first

appeared in territorial vertebrate animals and is preserved across all
mammals. It corresponds to the mammalian brain of triune brain theory.

- 13-

Robert Anton Wilson equated this circuit with the anal stage in the Freudian
theory of psycho-sexual development. This circuit introduces a second
spatial dimension: up/down.

The first and second circuits both imprint in a binary fashion:

trust/suspicion and dominance/submission. Thus there are four possible
ways of imprinting the first two circuits:

-Trusting 1st circuit - Dominant 2nd circuit. I'm OK; you're OK.

Friendly strength Fire in the four elements model.

-Trusting 1st circuit - Submissive 2nd circuit. I'm not OK; you're OK.
Friendly weal<ness Water in the four elements model.

-Suspicious 1 St circuit - Dominant 2nd circuit. I'm OK; you're not OK.
Unfriendly strength Air in the four elements model.

-Suspicious 1 St circuit - Submissive 2nd circuit. I'm not OK; you're not OK.
Unfriendly weakness Earth in the four elements model.

3. The Symbolic or Neurosemantic-Dexterity Circuit

This circuit is imprinted by human symbol systems. It is concerned with

language, handling the environment, invention, calculation, prediction,
building a mental "map" of the universe, physical dexterity, etc.

This circuit is activated by stimulant drugs such as methamphetamine

and cocaine. This circuit supposedly appeared first when hominids started
differentiating from the rest of the primates.

Robert Anton Wilson, being heavily influenced by General Semantics,

writes of this circuit as the 'time-binding circuit'. This means that this circuit's
contents - including human know-how, technology, science etc. - are
preserved and passed on from generation to generation, constantly mutating
and increasing in sophistication.

4. The Domestic or Socio-Sexual Circuit

This fourth circuit is imprinted by the first orgasm-mating experiences

and tribal "morals". It is concerned with sexual pleasure (instead of sexual
reproduction), local definitions of "moral" and "immoral", reproduction,
nurturing of the young, etc. It is basically concerned with cultural values and
operating within social networks. This circuit is said to have first appeared
with the development of tribes. Leary never associated a drug with it, but
some have pointed out that entactogens such as IVIDIVIA seem to meet some
of the requirements needed to activate this circuit.

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5. The Neurosomatic Circuit

This is concerned with neurological-somatic feedbacks, feeling high

and blissful, somatic reprogramming, etc. It may be called the rapture circuit.

When this circuit is activated, a non-conceptual feeling of well-being

arises. This has a beneficial effect on the health of the physical body.
Triggering this effect is the aim of mind-body healing systems such as
Christian Science and faith healing.

The fifth circuit is consciousness of the body. There is a marked shift

from linear visual space to an all-encompassing aesthetic sensory space.
Perceptions are judged not so much for their meaning and utility, but for their
aesthetic qualities. A hedonistic turn-on occurs, a rapturous amusement, a
detachment from the previously compulsive mechanism of the first four

This circuit is activated by ecstatic experiences via physiological

effects of cannabis. Hatha Yoga, tantra and Zen meditation. Robert Anton
Wilson writes, "Tantra yoga is concerned with shifting consciousness entirely
into this circuit" and that "Prolonged sexual play without orgasm always
triggers some Circuit V consciousness".

Leary describes that this circuit first appeared in the upper classes,
with the development of leisure-class civilizations around 2000 BC.

6. The Neuroelectric or Metaprogramming Circuit

Note: Timothy Leary lists this circuit as the sixth, and the neurogenetic
circuit as the seventh. Robert Anton Wilson reverses the order of these two
circuits, so that the neurogenetic circuit is the sixth and the
metaprogramming circuit is the seventh.

This circuit is concerned with re-imprinting and re-programming all

earlier circuits and the relativity of "realities" perceived. The sixth circuit
consists of the nervous system becoming aware of itself. Leary says this
circuit enables telepathic communication and is activated by
low-to-moderate doses of LSD (50-150 |ig), moderate doses of peyote, and
psilocybin mushrooms. This circuit is traced by Leary back to 500 BC, and he
associates it with the Silk Road. ***Note: pig = microgram***

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7. The Neurogenetic or Morphogenetic Circuit

The seventh circuit is the connection of the individual's mind to the

whole sweep of evolution and life as a whole. It is the part of consciousness
that echoes the experiences of the previous generations that have brought
the individual's brain-mind to its present level.

It deals with ancestral, societal and scientific DNA-RNA-brain

feedbacks. Those who achieve this mutation may speak of past lives,
reincarnation, immortality etc. It corresponds to the collective unconscious in
the models of Carl Jung where archetypes reside.

Activation of this circuit may be equated with consciousness of the

Great God Pan in his aspect as Life as a whole, or with consciousness of
Gala, the biosphere considered as a single organism.

This circuit is activated by regular doses of LSD (200-500 |ig), higher

doses of peyote, and higher doses of psilocybin mushrooms, yoga and
The circuit first appeared among the Hindus in the early first
millennium and later reappeared among the Sufi sects.

8. The Psychoatomic or Quantum Non-Local Circuit (Overmind)

The eighth circuit is concerned with quantum consciousness, non-local

awareness (information from beyond ordinary space-time awareness which
is limited by the speed of light), and illumination. Some of the ways this circuit
can get activated are: the awakening of kundalini, shock, a near-death
experience, etc. This circuit has even been compared to the Buddhist
concept of Indra's net from the Avatamsaka Sutra. This circuit is activated by
DMT, ketamine, and high doses of LSD (1 ,000+ |ig).

Although Leary propounded the basic premise of eight "brains" or brain

circuits, he was inspired by sources such as the Hindu Chakra system.

His most direct inspiration was received in the form of a document from
a student of yoga, a pamphlet containing 24 different pages, with three-page
subdivisions each corresponding to a particular yogic "energy". Leary then
translated this and expanded it into a 24-stage model of evolution, and
eventually streamlined it into the Eight Circuit Model of Consciousness. With
this, Leary created his umbrella model which others have expanded upon.

As one grows from Infancy, the circuits are activated in turn, as

described by Jean Piaget. Leary thought that the first four circuits reside in
the left hemisphere of the brain or the cerebrum. The later four were said to
reside in the right hemisphere.

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An under-utilized "lower" circuit hinders the complete expression of a

"higher" circuit. It would thus become necessary for a person to fully
experience, integrate, and embody the survival circuits, in order to withstand
the shock that accompanies the activation of the post-survival circuits.

One observation based on this model is about "entities" such as angels,

extraterrestrials, deities, etc. According to one school of thought, these
entities reported by eight-circuit visionaries are members of races already
evolved to this level.
Leary claimed that among other things this model explained the social
conflict in the 1960s, where the mainstream was said to be those with four
circuits active and characterized by Leary as tribal moralists and clashed
with the counter-culturists, who were then said to be those with five circuits
active and characterized as individualists and hedonists.

Leary's first book on the subject. Neurologic, only included seven

circuits when it was published in 1973. Exo-Psychology, published in 1977,
expanded the number of circuits to eight and clarified the subject; it was
re-published as revised by Timothy Leary with additional material in 1989
under the title Info-Psychology (New Falcon Publishing).

Leary theorized that until recently in human development these higher

circuits have remained dormant within the brain.

Leary's ideas heavily influenced the work of Robert Anton Wilson.

Wilson's book Prometheus Rising is an in-depth work documenting Leary's
Eight Circuit Model of Consciousness. Wilson's published screenplay Reality
Is What You Can Get Away With also uses and explains the model.

Wilson, like Leary, wrote about the distinction between terrestrial and
post-terrestrial life. He gave each circuit a much more specific location in
various regions of the brain than Leary did.

In chaos magic the eight circuits are related to the eight rays of the
symbol of chaos

The model is fairly prominent in chaos magic. This concept has been
detailed in "Chaotopia!" by Dave Lee, a leading member of the magic society
Illuminates of Thanateros. Although both Leary and Wilson were members in
this group near the end of their lives, the circuit design clearly predates this

- 17-

Angel Tech by Antero Alii is structured around the Eight Circuit IVIodel.
In the book, the first four circuits are associated with robotic ("tech") aspects
of humanity, and the final four are related to the "angelic" nature. It includes
suggested activities such as meditations and construction of tarot-card
collages associated with each circuit.

Bruce Scofield has written about the correlations of the mode with
astrology. Resonances between planetary cycles and the birthday are
suggested to be triggers that open temporary windows of imprint
vulnerability. The Moon is correlated with the biosurvival period, Mars with
the emotional-territorial stage, Mercury with the rational mind and Venus with
the socio-sexual stage. These are initiated respectively at birth, at the
second birthday, at age 3.5 and age 8 at which times the Moon, Mars,
Mercury and Venus return to their birth positions, or are in phase with it. The
other four circuits are considered octaves of the first four.

[End of Wikipedia entry]


Each of the 8 circuits of consciousness are divided into 3 subsections

to allow for Reception, Integration, and Transmission of information for each
circuit. This means a total of 24 mini circuits exist within this model, each of
which have their own characteristics. It is thought that any individual can be
pinpointed into one of these mini circuits more so than any other.

The lower four circuits, believed to exist in the left hemisphere of the
brain, consists of the 12 stages that correspond to the evolution of our
species up to this point; while the higher four circuits are thought to reside in
the right hemisphere are consists of the 12 stages that will correspond to our
future evolution into outer space.

Dr. Leary's 'Neurocomics' comic book series is an animated layout and

fun description of the Eight Circuit Model and further explains these mini
circuits as such...

There are eight circuits in the human brain, four Terrestrial and four
Post-Terrestrial. Each circuit has three stages:

a) Reception of Information

b) Integration of Information

c) Transmission of Information'

- 18-

Now we can see the characteristics of the 24 mini circuits, starting

with the subsections of the first circuit and working our way up.































































upi.com - Rome, Italy - December 15, 2012

Technology has changed the way people think, creating "a new brain,"
two Italian psychology experts say.

Psychologist Maria Beatrice Togo, who collaborated with

psychotherapist Tonino Cantelmi on a new book released Friday,
"Technoliquidity," postulates entertainment technology, such as video
games, "has triggered an evolutionary leap, just like the written word 3,000
years ago."

"It has changed our memory, our brain has lost certain connections,"
the Italian news agency ANSA quoted Togo as saying. "Some circuits have
been lost and others have developed, circuits that are more closely linked to

"The human brain has not changed on an anatomical level but it now
works differently. It is a new brain. And the protagonists of this historic step,
the ones with a 'new brain,' are the children and adolescents of today."

- 19-

Below is the circuit distribution cliart from Prometlieus Rising by Robert

Anton Wilson:


50% of the human race has not evolved fully into the third circuit yet. That is,
although they can exchange primitive signals and handle primitive artifacts,
they are still mostly operating on the mammalian emotional circuit and the
pre-mammalian bio-survival circuit.


20% are "responsible, intelligent adults" with fully developed third and fourth
circuits. They spend most of their time worrying, because the predominantly
primate parameters of human society seem absurd, immoral and
increasingly dangerous to them.


The place "souls" go after leaving their robot bodies... while these bodies are
still alive and walking the planet's surface. Also known as "The Dark Night of
the Soul", it can also be seen as a negative activation of the "neurosomatic
circuit," which is endured for as long as it takes the neophyte to effect a
positive activation, or permanent body rapture.

CIRCUIT V - BODY 20% are neurosomatic adepts.

Fourth-circuit Moralists denounce them as "mystics," "space cases," "nuts,"

"the Me generation," "irresponsible hedonists," etc.

CIRCUIT VI - MIND 5% have mastered the metaprogramming circuit.

They make up what Gurdjieff called "the Conscious Circle of humanity." They
are Free Masons, in the original meaning of that debased term: co-creators
of future realities.

CIRCUIT VII - LIFE 3% have neurogenetic consciousness.

They function as Evolutionary Agents — servants of the Life Force, in Shaw's

terminology. Their "God" is Pan (life), and their goal is immortality.

CIRCUIT VIII - ENERGY 2% are neuro-quantum adepts.

This circuit is outside of all space-time categories entirely.


As previously stated, Dr. Leary went so far as to compare the

twenty-four mini-circuits with the twelve signs of the zodiac - cycling through
the zodiac twice, once for the terrestrial left brain circuits and once for the
post-terrestrial right brain circuits. Each circuit is compared with a different
sign of the zodiac and is described as follows:






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-21 -


Here are some various charts and tabular representations of tine

liuman energy octave:

A message is tine ordering of a signal. This message is the framework

of an alternative education system, one which arranges living planetary
signals into meaningful messages. These signals come in octaves, or cycles
of eight. Languages throughout history have translated these signals as: The
Overtones of Music Theory, The DNA Code, The I Ching, Computer Binary
Notation, The 8 Mayan Calendars, The Game of Chess and other
interpretations of the universal law of octaves. (Antero Alii)

From Info-Psychology by Dr. Timothy Leary

The Eight Circuits of the Nervous System

(also known as Eight Brains, Intelligences, Functions)

The Terrestrial Circuits

1 . The Biosurvival Circuit: Imprinted in infancy. Concerned with sucking,
nourishment, cuddling, and biosecurity. Physical Intelligence

2. The Emotional-Territorial Circuit: Imprinted in the toddling stage.

Concerned with territorial demands, emotional power tactics, and political
domination-and-submission strategies. Emotional Intelligence

3. The Semantic Circuit: Imprinted by human artifacts and symbol systems.

Concerned with handling the environment, invention, calculation, prediction,
and building a 'map' of the universe. Conceptual Intelligence

4. The Socio-Sexual Circuit: Imprinted by the first orgasm-mating

experiences and tribal 'morals.' Concerned with sexual pleasure,
local definitions of 'moral' and 'immoral,' reproduction, and
nurturing of the young. Social Intelligence

The Extraterrestrial Circuits

5. The Neurosomatic Circuit: Imprinted by ecstatic experience via

physiological or chemical yogas. Concerned with neurological-somatic
(body-brain) feedbacks, feeling high and somatic reprogramming.

Sensory Intelligence

6. The Neuroelectric Circuit: Imprinted by advanced yogas. Concerned with

reimprinting and reprogramming all earlier circuits, relativity of 'realities'
perceived and cybernetic consciousness. Psychic Intelligence


7. The Neurogenetic Circuit: Imprinted by advanced yogas. Concerned with

evolutionary consciousness (past and future), DNA-RNA-Brain feedbacks,
Jung's 'Collective Unconscious.' Mythic Intelligence

8. The Neuroatomic Circuit: Imprinted by shock or near-death experience.

Concerned with quantum consciousness, non-local and so-called 'PS! or
magick' powers, illumination. Spiritual Intelligence

From The Game of Life by Dr. Timothy Leary


Medium of Operation

Ecoloqical Niche

Reality Goal

8 Spiritual

Subatomic IVIysteries

Atomic Fields

Cosmic IVIind

7 IVIythic

DNA and the Planet

DNA structure

DNA Mind

6 Psychic


One's own Brain

Mind Control

5 Sensory
The Body's 5 Senses

One's own Body

Body Control


4 Social

Code of Ethics

IVIonotheistic Hive

Socio/Sex Role

3 Conceptual

Conceptual Framework

Manmade Symbols Hive sanity

2 Emotional

Belief Systems

Land Herd

1 Physical

The Organism



CHAPEL PERILOUS is an initiatory phase marking the transition between

the first four intelligences and the latter four. It relates to post-Factor X
activities in that both refer to 'out-of-body' states. However, CHAPEL
PERILOUS is where souls go when they are lost and Factor X
communications refer to how souls are found. CHAPEL PERILOUS is the
place 'souls' go after leaving their robot bodies. ..while these bodies are still
alive and walking the planet's surface. Also known as The Dark Night of the
Soul,' it can also be seen as a negative activation of the 'neurosomatic
circuit,' which is endured for as long as it takes the neophyte to effect a
positive activation, or permanent body rapture.

From The Game of Life by Dr. Timothy Leary

Additional Labels for the functions:




Migration to new hive


Insect Awareness
The DNA Mind

Conscious Symbiosis


Electronic Consumer

Reality Fabrication

Brain Fusing



Body Control

Tantric Linkage









Small animal

Large Animal







From Angel Tech by Antero Alii




\^i\jICLi ii^ii ly^

rinmmi inipfltinn

v_y \j 1 1 II 1 ILJI iiv/CILii lyl

opil ILUcll

ral clUUA

Ui t^cil 1 III ly

Fantnr Y

FclOlUI /\







Reality Selection

Designing a Tarot









Paying Attention






Personal Power





Dr. Leary claimed that it was the seven-level Chakra system of

Hinduism that first influenced him to formulate the Eight Circuit Model of
Human Consciousness. Each of the 7 chakras are said to have ties to a
circuit with the eighth circuit being the "Out of Body" circuit. Connections can
also be found with the Eight Limbs of Yoga, with obvious correlations being
apparent. The Tree of Life from ancient Hebrew mysticism can also be seen
to have similarities with the 8 circuits.

As we can see, these and no doubt many other spiritual belief systems
also use 8 fold models to explain and guide their practices.




Now let us take a look at the eight circuits of consciousness from the
perspective of the drugs that activate them. It should be noted that there are
no doubt many other drugs that can fit into one of the 8 circuits. Research is
ongoing and new psychoactive chemicals are discovered all the time as well.
Conversely, it must also be said that there are many other 'drugs' out there
that do not fit into the Eight Circuit Model of Consciousness at all. Most of
these drugs would probably be classified as poisons that do little more than
destroy brain cells.

We begin with the 1st circuit... also known as the bio-survival circuit; the 1st
circuit is most commonly activated by opioids. That being any chemical that
is derived from the poppy plant, or opium, or chemicals that are synthetically
created to give the same effects. The list of opioids can be quite vast, but
these are the more popular ones...
To start we have the natural opioids that are derived directly from the
poppy plant itself. Known as opiates, these are commonly referred to as
Morphine and Codeine. Next we have the semi-synthetic opioids such as
Heroin, Hydrocodone, Dilaudid, Demerol, and Oxycodone which is also
known as Percocet. Next are the fully synthetic opioids such as Sublimaze,
Methedone, Propoxyphene and Pentazocine. There are, no doubt, many
other semi-synthetic and fully synthetic opioids out there. Opioids usually
give the feeling of what could be described as fetal or fish mentality in which
one feels like they are swimming freely underwater or in the womb.

The second circuit is known as the emotional-territorial circuit and

alcohol is the clear choice if you want to make someone emotional or
territorial. When one consumes enough alcohol to be consumed by the
alcohol, the state of animal mentality tends to take over. Territorialism and
aggression become commonplace, emotions are outwardly expressed, and
rational thought is usually nowhere to be found.

The third circuit is known as the symbolic or semantic-dexterity circuit

and the drugs associated with this circuit are most commonly referred to as
stimulants. Most forms of Methamphetamine, Cocaine and Caffeine fall into
this category. Consumption of these chemicals often put people into a
mentality ranging from the caveman to the classical period in which one is
very talkative, often creative and usually very interactive with others.


The fourth circuit is called the domestic circuit or the socio-sexual circuit.
This is where I would like to begin interjecting my some of my theories into this
model and hopefully add to the dialog and discovery within it. It has been
generally accepted that there is no particular drug is needed to activate the 4th
circuit, as we inhabit this stage by nature in our adult lives. Though I do not
disagree with this idea, I can also argue that there is at least one chemical that
does associate with it, that being nicotine. Literally billions of people use this
drug daily and, like other left brain chemicals, it is also addictive. Nicotine tends
to relax the body and mind into this reality and most users feel that they cannot
live without it, though the opposite is clearly true.

It could also be argued that the orgasm experience itself can be related to
the 4th circuit of psychology. It has already been established that the 1st first
sexual experience usually imprints the circuitry for this stage. There's no reason
to deny that these experiences continue to activate the 4th circuit and if sex
were considered a drug, for the sake of this argument, it would top the list of
being the most addictive. After all, sex addiction therapy is quite commonplace
The fifth circuit is known as the neurosematic circuit and is most
commonly activated by the consumption of THC which is found in Cannabis or
Marijuana. The feelings experienced in this circuit are often referred to as
joyous, blissful, and at peace. This circuit is one step above our current state of
mind, as consuming the plant is referred to as 'getting high' and creating a
happy hippy-like mentality.

The sixth circuit is called the neuroelectric circuit and is most easily
activated by very large amounts of THC, low level amounts of MDMA Ecstasy,
or smaller amounts of higher level psychedelics. The feeling associated with
this circuit is referred to as a psychic mentality in which one can feel connected
to everyone and everything and can easily sense the emotional states of those
around them.

The seventh circuit, the neurogenetic or morphogenetic circuit, is

activated by high levels of psychedelic drugs such as LSD, Peyote and Magic
Mushrooms. Words fail to describe the experiences associated with the
seventh circuit as most people never experience these fleeting out of body
experiences and unexplained visions often referred to as 'hallucinations'.

Finally, the eighth circuit of human consciousness is known as the

psycho-atomic or quantum non-local circuit and can be activated by what I like
to call 'out of body psychedelics'. This circuit has been labeled the God-Mind
circuit in which a complete out of body experience is commonplace. This circuit
is activated by DMT, Ketamine, Salvia Divinorum, and large amounts of any of
the high level circuit seven psychedelics.


I would like to conclude this chapter by saying that this is not only the
culmination of many hours of research, but it is also the product of my own
personal experience. You see, I can honestly say that I have experienced all
8 circuits of human consciousness through the use of their related drugs.
And now I want to share a short poem that I came up with that
conceptualizes the Eight Circuit iVIodel. I call it...

Listen closely and you will find

The effects that drugs have on your mind...

Opiates like heroin

Will only bring you down my friend,

And when you drink that alcohol

It makes you think, well not at all.

Now caffeine and cocaine

Have the same effects on your brain

And sobriety can be a test.

But we all need something for the stress.

So ditch the rest and find the best

Because the weed is all you need.

But if you wanna try telepathy.

Then find yourself some ecstasy,

Or change your brain with LSD

But careful, it's not for everybody.

Now Sally D and DMT

Will make you blind and go out of your mind.

But if you care to dare to try the odd.
You can experience the mind of God.
All becomes one.




An overwhelming amount of evidence now sliows tliat psycliedelic

drugs can be used for a winole array of Inealing purposes. Below is an
extensive listing of related news articles that have been published over the
last decade along with brief exerts from each:

A Mexican Hallucinogen Piques Scientists' and Regulators' Interest

Time Magazine - December 08, 2010

The hallucinogenic plant Salvia divinorum has been used for centuries
in shamanistic ceremonies led by spiritual healers in Mexico. ..Based on
animal studies of salvinorin A, the active ingredient in the Salvia plant, some
neuropharmacologists believe the drug may have merits beyond getting
people high. ..This compound is completely unique, and there is good reason
to think a derivative of the drug could one day provide a breakthrough
medication for chronic pain, Alzheimer's disease and other forms of
dementia, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or cocaine dependence,
potentially saving thousands of lives in the long run.

Healing Thyself: Does Psychedelic Therapy Exploit the Placebo Effect?

Scientific American - December 07, 201 0

In the early 1960s Harvard University psychologist Timothy Leary, who

later morphed into a counterculture guru, proposed that psychedelic trips are
shaped by "set and setting." Set is mind-set, your overall psychic makeup as
well as your expectations, hopes, fears. Setting is, well, setting — meaning
the trip's locale as well as cultural context. If you think your trip will help you
overcome alcoholism, obsessive-compulsive disorder, melancholy or fear of
death, there is a chance it will, especially if you are tended by a caring
therapist in a safe, clinical setting. Given the right set and setting, you might
even have a religious experience.


Hallucinogens as Medicine

Scientific American - November 23, 2010

-In a matter of hours, mind-altering substances may induce profound
psychological realignments that can take decades to achieve on a therapist's

-Hundreds of research reports on hallucinogens appeared during the

1950s and 60s.

-Illicit use resulted in outlawing of the drugs.

-Restrictions on research, moreover, brought studies to a halt.

-Hints from the early set of studies suggesting that these chemicals
might help treat patients with various psychiatric disorders were not pursued
because of restrictions on research.

-A new wave of studies on hallucinogens, primarily psilocybin, has

begun to address whether the drugs can effectively treat the anxiety of
cancer patients or help addicts kick their habits.

-Early results from new trials point to the promise of these therapies,
with some patients reporting profound spiritual experiences and, hence, the
ability to make important life changes.

Sandy Lundahl, a 50-year-old health educator, reported to the

behavioral biology research center at the Johns Hopkins University School
of Medicine one spring morning in 2004. She had volunteered to become a
subject in one of the first studies of hallucinogenic drugs in the U.S. in more
than three decades. She completed questionnaires, chatted with the two
monitors who would be with her throughout the eight hours ahead, and
settled herself in the comfortable, living-room-like space where the session
would take place. She then swallowed two blue capsules and reclined on a
couch. To help her relax and focus inward, she donned eyeshades and
headphones, through which a program of specially selected classical music

The capsules contained a high dose of psilocybin, the principal

constituent of "magic" mushrooms, which, like LSD and mescaline, produces
changes in mood and perception yet only very rarely produces actual
hallucinations. At the end of the session, when the psilocybin effects had
dissipated, Lundahl, who had never before taken a hallucinogen, completed
more questionnaires. Her responses indicated that during the time spent in
the session room she had gone through a profound mystical-like experience
similar to those reported by spiritual seekers in many cultures and across the
ages — one characterized by a sense of interconnectedness with all people
and things, accompanied by the feeling of transcending time and space, and
of sacred ness and joy.

Drug Harms in the UK: a Multicriteria Decision Analysis

Tine Lancet - November 01 , 201 1

Tlie liigliest and lowest overall harm scores in the ISCD study are 72
for alcohol and 5 for mushrooms (6 for LSD), which is a ratio of about 14:1 .

Why Magic Mushrooms Can Be Good for You

Fox News - October 26, 201 0

Now we are seeing evidence that exactly as described by traditional

healers, these agents do in fact offer benefits for mind and mood. Interesting
enough, magic mushrooms, peyote buttons and the ayahuasca brew are all
referred to by those who employ them as "The Medicine," for their broad
purported healing benefits. The recent highly controlled, rigorously
conducted medical studies on psilocybin show benefits indeed.

These are staggering results from the ingestion of a small capsule.

Why You Should Care About Psychedelic Research

TreeHugger Magazine - October 21, 2010

One of the participants had come to the realization through the

psilocybin treatment that she had been allowing her fear of the future to
destroy her present. Stopping a mind that is in a cyclical downward spiral of
depression via psychedelic use is like stopping a record that is stuck on
repeat. In short, the drug offered participants a paradigm shift.

Women Gather to Talk about Sex, Suffering, Psychedelics

Marin Independent Journal - October 21 , 201 0

"I think we're looking at a new era, a time when people are looking at
the therapeutic potential of these substances, and I feel there is a real desire
among women in particular to talk about these substances because it's such
a taboo discussion."

Psilocybin's Legality Deserves Evaluation

Arizona Daily Wildcat - October 19, 2010

There is no reason for psilocybin to remain a Schedule I narcotic; it

doesn't even qualify as one, considering that it is not addictive and yields
minimal health risks.

Magic Mushroom Ingredient Beneficial to Cancer Patients
Los Angeles Times - September 07, 2010

A single modest dose of the hallucinogen can improve patients'

functioning for as long as six months, allowing them to spend their last days
with more peace, researchers said.

Treating Mood Disorders With Hallucinogenic Drugs

Johns Hopkins Health Alert - July 20, 2010

These drugs are thought to change the way the brain normally
processes information and may provide people with mood disorders a new
way of looking at the world and their problems.

Dr. Walter Pahnke's (not-so) Long Strange Trip

The Times Record - June 24, 2010

He was best known for what's called the "Good Friday Experiment,"
conducted in April 1962 as part of his doctoral thesis on religion. Prior to the
Good Friday service at the Boston University Marsh Chapel that year,
volunteer divinity students from the Boston area [were] split into two groups.
The members of one group were given doses of psilocybin — a drug
produced by hallucinogenic mushrooms — while members of the other
group were given placebos. Nine out of the 10 students given the
psychedelic drug reported "profound religious experiences," offering Pahnke
what he took to be empirical evidence that psilocybin is a reliable trigger for
spiritual awakenings.

DMT is in Your Head, But it May Be

Too Weird for the Psychedelic Renaissance

Scientific American - April 16, 2010

Why is DMT so fascinating? For starters, DMT is the only psychedelic

known to occur naturally in the human body. In 1972, the Nobel laureate
Julius Axelrod of the National Institutes of Health discovered DMT in human
brain tissue. [DMT is excreted by the Pineal Gland which is located in the
center of the mammalian brain].
-31 -

Hallucinogens Have Doctors Tuning In Again

The New York Times - April 1 1 , 2010

Researchers from around the world are gathering this week in San
Jose, Calif., for the largest conference on psychedelic science held in the
United States in four decades. They plan to discuss studies of psilocybin and
other psychedelics for treating depression in cancer patients,
obsessive-compulsive disorder, end-of-life anxiety, post-traumatic stress
disorder and addiction to drugs or alcohol.

FDA Removes Clinical Hold on LSD Research

The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) -

September 26, 2008

A Transformative Moment in Psychedelic History: FDA is now open to

the possibility of the therapeutic potential of LSD-assisted psychotherapy
and will accept data from our Swiss study.

Psychedelic Drugs Could Heal Thousands

guardian.co.uk - August 19, 2008

After over 40 years of repression or oppression, Rick Doblin of

Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (Maps), and others are
spearheading a more enlightened, less hysterical and terrified approach to
the use of these substances.

Clinical Trials Test Potential of Hallucinogenic Drugs to

Help Patients with Terminal illnesses
guardian.co.uk - August 12, 2008

The first clinical trial using LSD since the 1970s began in Switzerland
in June. It aims to use "psychedelic psychotherapy" to help patients with
terminal illnesses come to terms with their imminent mortality and so
improve their quality of life.

MAPS: LSD-assisted Psychotherapy Research in Switzerland

A History of the Radical Thinkers Who Reinvented Corporate Management

The Age of Heretics - August 01 , 2008

In the late '50s and early '60s, Kleiner writes, executives and engineers
from a number of companies experimented with LSD on corporate retreats.
The drug reportedly improved engineers' ability to solve technical problems
and managers' conflict-resolution skills. Heretics are full of surprising stories
of corporate flirtation with the counterculture.


Mystical-type Experiences Occasioned by Psilocybin IVIediate the Attribution

of Personal IVIeaning and Spiritual Significance 14 Months Later
Journal of Psychopharmacology - August 01 , 2008

When administered under supportive conditions, psilocybin

occasioned experiences similar to spontaneously occurring mystical
experiences that, at 14-month follow-up, were considered by volunteers to
be among the most personally meaningful and spiritually significant of their

Emerging from the Drug War Dark Age:

LSD and Other Psychedelic Medicines Make a Comeback

Alternet Drug Reporter - July 1 1 , 2008

Rick Doblin, a Harvard-educated PhD and founder of the

Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, was one of the first to
break through this wall of obstinacy and challenge the Inquisition. He got the
U.S. government to approve clinical trials of MDMA-assisted therapy for
returning veterans and victims of violent crime or abuse who suffer from
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. In many ways it was this Newtonian
breakthrough that finally challenged the orthodoxy that reigned over the
40-year Dark Age. Western governments had to ask themselves what was
more important to them: their irrational and erroneous drug propaganda, or
the possibility that the millions of lives they had devastated by war, violence
and iniquitous economic policies might actually be repaired. In this, the
seeds of a psychedelic renaissance were planted.

Spiritual Effects of Hallucinogens Persist

John Hopkins Gazette - July 07, 2008

In a follow-up to research showing that psilocybin, a substance

contained in "sacred mushrooms," produces substantial spiritual effects, a
Johns Hopkins team reports that those beneficial effects appear to last more
than a year... "This is a truly remarkable finding," Griffiths said. "Rarely in
psychological research do we see such persistently positive reports from a
single event in the laboratory."
Tuning In, Not Out

The Baltimore Sun - July 06, 2008

Timothy Leary is smiling somewhere. More than 40 years after the U.S.
government banned hallucinogens. ..and scoffed at the Harvard psychologist
and anyone else who suggested they might have a legitimate use, federal
officials have become enlightened. The Food and Drug Administration has
rightfully changed its stance on the research of psychedelic drugs.


A Really Long Strange Trip

Newsweek - July 02, 2008

How some dedicated scientists and former flower children managed

to bring hallucinogenic drug research back to mainstream labs after more
than 30 years.

Hallucinogenic Drug in the Clinic

Royal Society of Chemistry - July 1 6, 2007

The use of LSD (d-lysergic acid diethylamide) in psychotherapy is to

be studied for the first time in 35 years.

Cluster Busters

Nature Medicine - December 28, 2006

Citizen science: (Scientists at Harvard Medical School) began

collecting the medical records of those who were using hallucinogens to
relieve cluster headaches, and set up interviews and online surveys for a
retrospective analysis. Their results show that psilocybin is better at aborting
acute attacks than either oxygen or sumatriptan, and LSD and psilocybin are
both better at triggering and extending remission than are standard
drugs. ..The researchers are planning clinical trials using LSD and psilocybin.

Psychedelic Drug "Hope for OCD"

BBC - December 1 1 , 2006

The patients did see a significant reduction in symptoms for up to 24

hours after they were given psilocybin even on the lowest dose. But because
there was no group given a different drug or no drug at all to compare them
to, the benefits could have been simply due to care and attention from the

Researchers Explore New Visions for Hallucinogens

Chronicle of Higher Education - December 07, 2006

The Harbor-UCLA study follows up on research done by Stanislav Grof

and Dr. Pahnke, who worked at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center,
in Baltimore, in the late 1960s, the very end of the psychedelic era. They
gave the more powerful hallucinogen LSD to patients with terminal cancer.
About two-thirds of their subjects got by with less pain medication as a result.
They feared death less or not at all, and their anxiety abated, which is known
to help ease pain.


The LSD Treatment

The Globe and Mail - October 16, 2006

A new study that looks back at LSD research conducted by a team of

scientists in Canada more than four decades ago demonstrates the degree
to which anti-psychedelic hysteria derailed promising scientific research for
the treatment of alcoholism.

LSD treatment for alcoholism gets new look

University of Alberta - October 06, 2006

According to one study conducted in 1962, 65 per cent of the

alcoholics in the experiment stopped drinking for at least a year-and-a-half
(the duration of the study) after taking one dose of LSD. "Some of the
patients involved in the original studies. ..had not had a sip of alcohol since
their single LSD experience 40 years earlier."

Dropping Acid May Help Headaches

Nature Magazine - September 13, 2006

LSD and psilocybin are types of amines called tryptamines, and their
chemical structures are very similar to natural neurotransmitters such as
serotonin. One conventional medicine for cluster headaches, Methysergide,
is known to be chemically similar to LSD.

Sufferer Turns to "Shrooms"

Chicago Sun-Times - August 15, 2006
In a preliminary study, researchers from Harvard's McLean Hospital
surveyed patients who had used psilocybin or LSD. Twenty-five of 48
psilocybin users and seven of eight LSD users reported the drugs prevented
the entire cluster period when headaches normally occurred. .."No other
medication, to our knowledge, has been reported to terminate a cluster
period," researchers wrote in the June 27 issue of the journal Neurology.

Hallucinogen Research Inspires Neurotheology

The Lancet Neurology - August 15, 2006

Ultimately, study of hallucinogens may reveal that

psychopharmacology underpins these potentially transformative
experiences. Solomon Snyder of Johns Hopkins comments on the
Psychopharmacology paper: [By] showing that one can responsibly conduct
clinical research with psychedelic drugs and by confirming the mystical
influences of these agents, Griffiths et al may help resurrect psychedelic
drugs as major tools in probing the molecular bases of consciousness.


Psilocybin can Occasion Mystical-type Experiences having Substantial and

Sustained Personal IVIeaning and Spiritual Significance
Psychopharmacology - July 1 1 , 2006

This double-blind study evaluated the acute and longer-term

psychological effects of a high dose of psilocybin relative to a comparison
compound administered under comfortable, supportive conditions...
Conclusions: When administered under supportive conditions, psilocybin
occasioned experiences similar to spontaneously occurring mystical

Response of Cluster Headache to Psilocybin and LSD

American Academy of Neurology - June 27, 2006

The authors interviewed 53 cluster headache patients who had used

psilocybin or lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) to treat their condition.
Twenty-two of 26 psilocybin users reported that psilocybin aborted attacks;
25 of 48 psilocybin users and 7 of 8 LSD users reported cluster period
termination; 18 of 19 psilocybin users and 4 of 5 LSD users reported
remission period extension. Research on the effects of psilocybin and LSD
on cluster headache may be warranted.

Lancet Calls for LSD in Labs

Guardian Unlimited - April 14, 2006
Dr. Norton told Guardian Unlimited that important advances were
made by researchers using psychedelic drugs on themselves, but that these
studies were stifled by the post-1 960s anti-drug backlash. "Our very earliest
understanding of the neurochemistry of the brain came from studying
LSD-like compounds. Those same researchers were also taking those drugs,
not recreationally, but as experiments on themselves. This was immensely
important work."

Reviving Research into Psychedelic Drugs

The Lancet - April 13, 2006

That psychedelic drugs, such as LSD and MDMA (ecstasy), can be

effective treatments for various psychiatric illnesses is an old idea. Once
considered wonder drugs for their effects on anxiety, depression, alcoholism,
and other mental illnesses, they have been effectively banished from
medical practice after legal rulings banned their sale and use. ..the social
prescription against psychedelic drugs that hinders properly controlled
research into their effects and side-effects is largely based on social and
legal, as opposed to scientific, concerns.


LSD: The Geek's Wonder Drug?

Wired Magazine - January 16, 2006

Wlien Kevin Herbert lias a particularly intractable programming

problem, or finds himself pondering a big career decision, he deploys a
powerful mind expanding tool — LSD-25.

"It must be changing something about the internal communication in

my brain. Whatever my inner process is that lets me solve problems, it works
differently, or maybe different parts of my brain are used," said Herbert, 42,
an early employee of Cisco Systems who says he solved his toughest
technical problems while tripping to drum solos by the Grateful Dead — who
were among the many artists inspired by LSD.

"When I'm on LSD and hearing something that's pure rhythm, it takes
me to another world and into anther brain state where I've stopped thinking
and started knowing," said Herbert who intervened to ban drug testing of
technologists at Cisco Systems.

Psychiatrist Calls for End to 30-year Taboo over Use of

LSD as a Medical Treatment
The Guardian - January 1 1 , 2006

"It is as if a whole generation of psychiatrists have had this

systematically erased from their education," Dr Sessa says. "But for the
generation who trained in the 50s and 60s, this really was going to be the
next big thing. Thousands of books and papers were written, but then it all
went silent. My generation has never heard of it. It's almost as if there has
been an active demonization."

"I don't see either ethically or professionally or technically why it

shouldn't be used in the future," Dr Sandison says. "But anything done now
has to be very different from what we did. All the expertise developed in
those years by a large number of people has been lost so we have to start

LSD Finds New Respectability

McMaster University - August 31 , 2005

Many illegal drugs are used in medical settings. Scientists who studied
LSD made important contributions to psychiatry, and found It helped many
people cope with mental illness.


Headache Sufferers Flout New Drug Law

The Guardian - August 02, 2005

Patients who suffer from cluster headaches — a debilitating medical

condition for which there is no cure — are flouting the government's ban on
magic mushrooms because they say the psychedelic fungi are the only thing
to relieve the pain of their attacks... ergotamine — which contains lysergic acid,
a precursor of LSD — has been used to treat migraines for years.

Can Psychedelics Have A Role In Psychiatry Again?

British Journal of Psychiatry - June 18, 2005

In the years between the first synthesis of LSD in the 1930s — and the
disappearance of psychedelic research by the late 1960s, there was a
furious growth of scientific interest in these substances. Many pioneers gave
their careers to this field, hoping that psychedelic drugs could be the Holy
Grail for psychiatry — like the microscope is to biology or the telescope is to
astronomy — an essential tool to explore the parts of the internal world that
are usually inaccessible...
By 1965 over 2000 papers had been published describing positive
results for over 40,000 patients, taking psychedelic drugs with few side
effects and a high level of safety. The techniques were applied to the
treatment of anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, depression,
bereavement reactions and sexual dysfunction, among others. In the
treatment of addiction, repeated controlled experiments demonstrated a
consistent recovery and 6 month abstinence from drinking in 50% to 90% of
subjects after brief psychedelic therapy...

Perhaps a more dispassionate criticism based upon scientific

reasoning and not influenced by social or political pressures is called for if we
are to truly investigate whether these substances can have a useful role in
psychiatry today.

Psychedelics in Rehab
Psychology Today - June 14, 2005

Should psychedelic drugs be used for tough-to-treat conditions?

Studying contraband substances are on the upswing, and many say it should
have happened sooner.

Researchers hope this is only the beginning of a hallucinogenic data

mine. As Grob also points out, "People forget, but psychedelics were the
cutting edge of science in this country for 50 years." In fact, in the 1 940s and
'50s, so much money flowed in this direction that many top researchers got
their start in this field. Many feel modern psychiatry owes its origins to the
study of hallucinogens.


After all, it was the discovery of the neurotransmitter serotonin — ^thanl<s

to LSD — that jump started the brain chemistry revolution.

Was Timothy Leary Right? (Entire Article)

Time Magazine - April 19, 2007

Are psychedelics good for you? It's such a hippie relic of a question that
it's almost embarrassing to ask. But a quiet psychedelic renaissance is
beginning at the highest levels of American science, including the National
Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and Harvard, which is conducting what is
thought to be its first research into therapeutic uses of psychedelics (in this case.
Ecstasy) since the university fired Timothy Leary in 1963. But should we be
prying open the doors of perception again? Wasn't the whole thing a disaster
the first time?
The answer to both questions is yes. The study of psychedelics in the
'50s and '60s eventually devolved into the drug free-for-all of the '70s. But the
new research is careful and promising. Last year two top journals, the Archives
of General Psychiatry and the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, published papers
showing clear benefits from the use of psychedelics to treat mental illness. Both
were small studies, just 27 subjects total. But the Archives paper-whose lead
author. Dr. Carlos Zarate Jr., is chief of the Mood and Anxiety Disorders
Research Unit at NIMH-found "robust and rapid antidepressant effects" that
remained for a week after depressed subjects were given ketamine (colloquial
name: Special K or usually just k). In the other study, a team led by Dr.
Francisco Moreno of the University of Arizona gave psilocybin (the
merrymaking chemical in psychedelic mushrooms) to
obsessive-compulsive-disorder patients, most of whom later showed "acute
reductions in core OCD symptoms." Now researchers at Harvard are studying
how Ecstasy might help alleviate anxiety disorders, and the Beckley Foundation,
a British trust, has received approval to begin what will be the first human
studies with LSD since the 1970s.

Psychedelics chemically alter the way your brain takes in information and
may cause you to lose control of typical thought patterns. The theory motivating
the recent research is that if your thoughts are depressed or obsessive, the
drugs may reveal a path through them. For Leary and his circle, which
influenced millions of Americans to experiment with drugs, psychedelics'
seemingly boundless possibilities led to terrible recklessness. There's a
jaw-dropping passage in last year's authoritative Leary biography by Robert
Greenfield in which Leary and two friends ingest an astonishing 31 psilocybin
pills in Leary's kitchen while his 13-year-old daughter has a pajama party
upstairs. Stupefied, one of the friends climbs into the girl's bed and has to be
pulled from the room.


A half-century later, scientists hope to unstitch psychedelic research

from their forebears' excesses. Even as the Clinical Psychiatry paper
trumpets psilocybin's potential for "powerful insights," it also urges caution.
The paper suggests psilocybin only for severe OCD patients who have failed
standard therapies and, as a last resort, may face brain surgery. Similarly,
subjects can't take part in the Ecstasy trials unless their illness has continued
after ordinary treatment.

Ant drug warriors may argue that the research will lend the drugs an
aura of respectability, prompting a new round of recreational use. That's
possible, but today we have no priestly Leary figure spewing vertiginous
pro-drug proclamations. Instead we have a Leary for a less naive age:
Richard Doblin. Also a Harvard guy--his Ph.D. is in public policy--Doblin
founded the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) in
1986 to help scientists get funding and approval to study the drugs. (Doblin,
53, says he was too shy for the '60s, but he was inspired by the work of
psychologist Stanislav Grof, who authored a 1975 book about promising
LSD research-research that ended with ant drug crackdowns.) Doblin has
painstakingly worked with intensely skeptical federal authorities to win
necessary permissions. MAPS helped launch all four of the current Ecstasy
studies, a process that took two decades. It's the antithesis of Leary's

All drugs have benefits and risks, but in psychedelics we have been
tempted to see only one or the other. Not anymore.

Other articles worth looking for:

ABC News

Tripping Out: Scientists Study Mystical Effects of Mushrooms

The Economist

The God pill; Psychedelic drugs. (Psychedelic drugs grow up)

LA Times

Counterculture Drug Provides Spiritual Boost

Wall Street Journal

Go Ask Alice: Mushroom Drug Is Studied Anew

The Washington Post

Drug's Mystical Properties Confirmed




Dr. Ben Sessa, Oxford British Journal of Psychiatry - June 2005


Psychedelic drugs, such as LSD, Mescaline, Psilocybin, MDMA, DMT

and their relations, occur in abundance throughout the natural world, and
have been used by humankind for thousands of years. In some cultures they
are important tools for spiritual experiences, whilst in others they are labeled
as dangerous drugs of abuse. What is less well known about these
substances is the role they played in psychiatry for a brief historical interval.
This article offers a short overview of this period and asks whether interest in
these compounds might be emerging again.

Current Training and Knowledge about Psvchedelics compared to 30 years


Despite their history, psychedelics have dropped out of psychiatric

dialogue for today's trainee psychiatrists (Strassman 2001). In my own
training, references to compounds like LSD, Psilocybin and MDMA were
usually followed by statements such as 'have no medical use'. But I was
taught about the acute emergencies or the social problems associated with
their abuse. Yet in the years between the first synthesis of LSD in the 1 930s
- and the disappearance of psychedelic research by the late 1960s, there
was a furious growth of scientific interest in these substances. Many
pioneers gave their careers to this field, hoping that psychedelic drugs could
be the Holy Grail for psychiatry - like the microscope is to biology or the
telescope is to astronomy - an essential tool to explore the parts of the
internal world that are usually inaccessible (Grof 1993).

-41 -

History of Psychedelic Research

Swiss chemist Albert Hoffman first synthesized Lysergic Acid

Diethylamide (LSD-25) whilst studying derivatives of the fungus ergot for use
as potential medicines. When he accidentally absorbed some LSD during a
laboratory session there followed an intense experience of perceptual and
emotional effects.

By the late 1940s psychiatrists were beginning to experiment with LSD

as a tool, and in 1951 it was the subject of a presentation at the annual
conference of the American Psychological Association. Initial work explored
the possibility that psychedelics might be used as 'psychotomimetics' - to
mimic the mental states of patients with schizophrenia (Osmond, 1 957) - and
many health professionals were encouraged to partake in self-discovery or
shared psychedelic experiences with their patients. Other research looked
into using psychedelic drugs as adjuncts to psychotherapy. The therapy took
the form of two broad types: Firstly, Psycholytic (Mind Loosening)
Psychotherapy involved taking low doses of LSD as part of on-going
psychoanalytical therapy. The drug had a loosening effect and facilitated the
exploration of repressed material. The second type. Psychedelic (Mind
Manifesting) Psychotherapy involved preparation sessions without LSD,
then one single large dose session that encouraged an intense reaction,
followed by further non-drug sessions to explore the meaning of the material
that emerged.

By 1965 over 2000 papers had been published describing positive

results for over 40,000 patients, taking psychedelic drugs with few side
effects and a high level of safety (Masters and Houston, 1970). The
techniques were applied to the treatment of anxiety disorders,
obsessive-compulsive disorders, depression, bereavement reactions and
sexual dysfunction, among others (Grof, 2001, Grof and Hallifax, 1977,
Newland, 1962).

In the treatment of addiction, repeated controlled experiments

demonstrated a consistent recovery and 6 month abstinence from drinking in
50% to 90% of subjects after brief psychedelic therapy (H.A. Abramson,
1 967, Hoffer, 1 970). Another area where therapy was used successfully was
in relieving pain and anxiety in terminal cancer (Kast, 1964).


Problems encountered with previous research

Despite the volume of publications from this period, most of the

published material refers to anecdotal case reports that are of little value by
cotemporary research standards because they lack sufficient follow-up and
control subjects (Grob, 1994). Even though results appeared promising, by
the 1970s, under pressure from the U.S. justice department, virtually all
research had ended. LSD had leaked from the scientific community to a
wider audience. By 1966 LSD misuse had become a problem and its
possession was made illegal. This prompted the scientific community to
distance themselves from interest in these substances. Governments
clamped down on research licenses and increasing reports of adverse drug
reactions to psychedelics taken recreationally - as opposed to in controlled,
scientific circumstances (which remained safe) appeared in the publications
(Strassman, 1995). As a result, research use ceased while illicit use
remained, fueled by a growing criminal distribution and financial system.
Until very recently, research on psychedelic drugs has since been severely
restricted - which explains our current population of psychiatrist's lack of

Current Research
Since the 1970s MDMA psychotherapy has seen an emerging
underground use by analysts. MDMA, strictly speaking an 'empathogen'
rather than a psychedelic drug, is less intense and shorter acting than LSD. It
offers a similar therapeutic potential for lowering patient's defenses and
aiding the psychotherapeutic process (Holland, 2001). A lifting of the
government ban on psychedelic research in Switzerland between 1988 and
1993 allowed a resumption of Psycholytic psychotherapy using LSD and
MDMA for patients with personality disorders, affective disorders and
adjustment disorders. A similar rethinking of psychedelic research policy
took place in the US FDA and NIDA in 1990 (MAPS Newsletter, 1994-95).
There are currently projects under development in Spain, Israel and the USA
looking at MDMA-assisted psychotherapy in the treatment of Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder and as a treatment for anxiety and depression associated
with cancer. Between 1990 and 1995 extensive studies of DMT, a strong but
short acting agent, were conducted on human subjects in the USA
(Strassman, 2001). Other research includes a double-blind placebo
controlled study in Russia using Ketamine In the treatment of heroin
addiction, which has demonstrated improved rates of abstinence,
maintained at 2 year follow-up (Krupltsky et al, 2002). Also In progress are
studies looking at Psilocybin in the treatment of Obsessive Compulsive


Disorder and for reducing anxiety and pain in cancer patients. All of this
research is well summarized in the IVIAPS website.

On-going problems with current research

Whilst drug abuse remains a growing phenomenon in our global

society the public and governments are suspicious of psychedelic research.
The image of psychedelics, severely damaged by 1960s drug culture, is
further spoiled by the drug use in today's rave scene. Finding unbiased
information about psychedelic research is often difficult. But many of those
early pioneers of psychedelic research continue to promote this research for
the field of mental health. Dr. Humphrey Osmond, the British psychiatrist
who in communication with the author Aldous Huxley coined the term
psychedelic in the 1950s, strongly supported psychedelic research until his
death this year aged 86, when he received a fitting tribute in the British
IVIedical Journal.

Researchers believe these drugs are important tools for further

academic study. Their recognized psychological effects fit well into an
approach looking for the neurobiological links between mental and physical
states. And from a clinical point of view, the practice of traditional
psychedelic psychotherapy - using the drugs as an adjunct to brief,
time-limited psychotherapy - has much in common with the current practice
of CBT.


In this respect perhaps it is surprising there remains such considerable

ignorance about the potential of these substances from within psychiatry
itself. As with Galileo's telescope and Darwin's suggestion of our
ascendancy from apes, radical scientific challenges tend to take the form of
an attack on the human-centric model of the world. In the light of this,
research that explores alternative states of consciousness and then goes on
to offer a viable neurobiological substrate for the very human experience of
religious encounter, is bound to meet with objection from a generation of
psychiatrists who have been conditioned to consider such work as
'mysticism'. Perhaps a more dispassionate criticism based upon scientific
reasoning and not influenced by social or political pressures is called for if we
are to truly investigate whether these substances can have a useful role in
psychiatry today.



Ryan Smith - University of Alberta

For tine past five years, Dr. Erika Dyck has been unearthing some
intriguing facts related to a group of pioneering psychiatrists who worked in
Saskatchewan, Canada in the '50s and '60s.

Among other things, the University of Alberta history of medicine

professor has found records of the psychiatrists' research that indicate a
single dose of the hallucinogenic drug LSD, provided in a clinical, nurturing
environment, can be an effective treatment for alcoholism.

Her findings are published this month in the journal Social History of

After perceiving similarities in the experiences of people on LSD and

people going through delirium tremens, the psychiatrists undertook a series
of experiments. They noted that delirium tremens, also know as DTs, often
marked a "rock bottom" or turning point in the behavior of alcoholics, and
they felt LSD may be able to trigger such a turnaround without engendering
the painful physical effects associated with DTs.

As it turns out, they were largely correct.

"The LSD somehow gave these people experiences that
psychologically took them outside of themselves and allowed them to see
their own unhealthy behavior more objectively, and then determine to
change it," said Dyck, who read the researchers' published and private
papers and recently interviewed some of the patients involved in the original
studies-many of whom had not had a sip of alcohol since their single LSD
experience 40 years earlier.

According to one study conducted in 1962, 65 per cent of the

alcoholics in the experiment stopped drinking for at least a year-and-a-half
(the duration of the study) after taking one dose of LSD. The controlled trial
also concluded that less than 25 per cent of alcoholics quit drinking for the
same period after receiving group therapy, and less than 12 per cent quit in
response to traditional psychotherapy techniques commonly used at that

Published in the Quarterly Journal for Studies on Alcohol, the 1962

study was received with much skepticism. One research group in Toronto
tried to replicate the results of the study, but wanted to observe the effect of
LSD on the patients in isolation, so they blindfolded or tied up the patients
before giving them the drug. Under such circumstances, the Toronto
researchers determined LSD was not effective in treating alcoholism.


The Saskatchewan group argued that the drug needed to be provided

in a nurturing environment to be effective. However, the Toronto researchers
held more credibility than the Saskatchewan researchers--who were led by a
controversial, British psychiatrist. Dr. Humphrey Osmond--and the
Saskatchewan group's research was essentially buried.

But Dyck believes there is value in the Saskatchewan group's


"The LSD experience appeared to allow the patients to go through a

spiritual journey that ultimately empowered them to heal themselves; that's
really quite an amazing therapy regimen." Dyck said. "Even interviewing the
patients 40 years after their experience, I was surprised at how loyal they
were to the doctors who treated them, and how powerful they said the
experience was for them, some even felt the experience saved their lives."

In spite of the promise LSD showed as psychotherapy tool, its

subsequent popularity as a street drug, and the perception of it as a threat to
public safety, triggered a worldwide ban in the late 1 960s--including its use in
medical experiments. However, the ban on its use in medical experiments
appears to be lifting, Dyck noted. A few groups of researchers in the U.S.,
including a team at Harvard, have recently been granted permission to
conduct experiments with LSD.

"We accept all sorts of drugs, but I think LSD's 'street' popularity
ultimately led to its demise," Dyck said. "And that's too bad, because I think
the researchers in Saskatchewan, among others, showed the drug is unique
and has some intriguing properties that need to be explored further."

ON DRUGS... (A note from the author)

So it would seem that certain drugs can be used to cure addictions to

other drugs. One might also say that there are good drugs and there are bad
drugs. Psychedelic drugs seem to have anti- addictive properties against
narcotic and other highly addictive chemicals.

To be fair, It should be noted that about 10% of users don't feel the
same effects as others when taking drugs of any kinds, including alcohol and
nicotine. Beyond that, it would seem there are lots of benefits to be found in
drugs associated with the higher circuits of consciousness.

Hopefully in the very near future, doctors of all sorts will know which
psychedellcs treat specific addictions or conditions and be allowed to easily
administer the proper treatment.



Extracts from a Single Dose of Lysergic Acid Dietliylamide Influences Gene

Expression Patterns within the Mammalian Brain
Neuropsychopharmacology - 2002

We have shown that acute LSD treatment increases expression of a

small set of genes in the mammalian brain that are involved in a wide array of
cellular functions.

These apparently divergent pathways may then alter synaptic plasticity,

glutamatergic signaling, cytoskeletal architecture and perhaps
communication between the synapse and nucleus. Within the nucleus,
complex patterns of gene expression may be initiated by induction of several
different classes of transcription factors. The finding that the expression
profiles for some of these genes differed between the prefrontal cortex,
hippocampus and thalamic regions of the brain suggest the involvement of
diifferent receptor subtypes, with regionalized localization mediating gene
expression. Clearly, the range of cellular functions that are regulated by the
genes identified in this study begins to give a much broader perspective to
understanding how a drug like LSD actually works.

Seven genes have been identified that are differentially expressed

after acute treatment with the hallucinogen LSD. ..The number of candidate
genes identified in the micro array screen was surprisingly small, suggesting
that relatively minor changes in cellular physiology may lead to marked
changes in cognitive function. ..The differentially expressed genes after
acute LSD treatment encode for a variety of proteins, including:

-The c-fos gene is rapidly up regulated by many stimulatory pathways and is

often used as a marker to determine general neuronal activation. ..Levels of
c-fos increased approximately twofold in all areas of the brain examined in
response to acute LSD, suggesting that LSD activates many brain areas.

-Krox-20 has been shown to be necessary for normal brain development...

and may be involved in the maintenance of long-term potentiation.

-N0R1 , a nuclear receptor of the steroid/thyroid family.. .Interestingly, recent

reports have suggested that N0R1 may be involved in the response to
opiates and cocaine.

In addition to nuclear transcription factors, genes encoding for other classes

of proteins were induced by LSD administration:


-arc (activity-regulated cytosl<eleton-associated protein). Arc is classified as

an immediate early gene because of its rapid induction after stimulation. ..Arc
protein and mRNA are both specifically localized to dendrites, and arc is
predicted to be involved in cytoskeletal rearrangements during the process
of synaptic plasticity.

LSD produced a robust fivefold increase in arc expression in the

prefrontal cortex, similar to that seen with the hallucinogenic drug

Arc gene expression was not increased in the hippocampus by LSD

and was not detectable in the midbrain region. This region-specific effect is
fascinating in light of the high density of 5-HT2A receptors localized on apical
dendrites of pyramidal neurons in the prefrontal cortex... These receptors
have been proposed to be the principal targets for hallucinogenic drugs... It
is tempting to speculate that up regulation of two genes encoding proteins
(arc and Krox-20) linked to synaptic plasticity may represent early sequelae
in the pathways that lead to some reported long term effects of LSD use such
as Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder..., and the apparent
effectiveness of LSD in the treatment of disorders such as alcohol addiction.

-lK(3-a (I kappa beta alpha) is the main inhibitor of NFk(3, the activating
component of the immune response. It is not clear why LSD activates
expression of an immune suppressor gene. An intriguing report recently
showed that iKp-a is found in the cell bodies and processes of neurons and
specifically localizes to the postsynaptic densities, along with NFk|3... The
authors hypothesized that the post-synaptically localized iKp-a and NFKp act
as messenger molecules that travel from the synapse to the nucleus.

-Serum glucocorticoid kinase (sgk) is another signaling molecule that is

transcriptionally regulated by a variety of stimuli including glucocorticoids,
p53, and cell injury... LSD induced a twofold expression of the sgk gene in all
three regions examined around two fold... sgk is a survival kinase, as the
expression of sgk correlates directly with protection against apoptosis in
certain cell lines. ..it has been suggested to. ..lead to the promotion of cell

-AniaS is the most intriguing transcript that is differentially expressed in light

of recent electrophysiological studies implicating glutamate receptors in the
mechanism of action of hallucinogenic drugs. ..Up regulation of aniaS
provides a molecular link between hallucinogens and glutamate receptor




Shamanism is a practice that involves a practitioner reaching altered

states of consciousness in order to encounter and interact with the spirit
world. A shaman is a person regarded as having access to, and influence in,
the world of benevolent and malevolent spirits, who typically enters into a
trance state during a ritual, and practices divination and healing.

The term "shamanism" is presently often used as an umbrella term

referring to a variety of spiritual practices, although it was first applied to the
ancient religion of the Turks and Mongols, as well as those of the
neighboring Tungusic and Samoyedic-speaking peoples. The word
"shaman" originates from the Evenk language (Tungusic) of North Asia and
was introduced to the west after Russian forces conquered the shamanistic
Khanate of Kazan in 1552. Upon learning more about religious traditions
across the world, western scholars also described similar magico-religious
practices found within the indigenous religions of other parts of Asia, Africa,
Australasia and the Americas as shamanism. Various historians have
argued that shamanism also played a role in many of the pre-Christian
religions of Europe, and that shamanic elements may have survived in
popular culture right through to the Early Modern period. Various
archaeologists and historians of religion have also suggested that
shamanism may have been a dominant pre-religious practice for humanity
during the Paleolithic.

Mircea Eliade writes, "A first definition of this complex phenomenon,

and perhaps the least hazardous, will be: shamanism = 'technique of
religious ecstasy'. "Shamanism encompasses the premise that shamans are
intermediaries or messengers between the human world and the spirit
worlds. Shamans are said to treat ailments/illness by mending the soul.
Alleviating traumas affecting the soul/spirit restores the physical body of the
individual to balance and wholeness. The shaman also enters supernatural
realms or dimensions to obtain solutions to problems afflicting the
community. Shamans may visit other worlds/dimensions to bring guidance to
misguided souls and to ameliorate illnesses of the human soul caused by
foreign elements. The shaman operates primarily within the spiritual world,
which in turn affects the human world. The restoration of balance results in
the elimination of the ailment.


Shamanic beliefs and practices have attracted the interest of scholars

from a wide variety of disciplines, including anthropologists, archaeologists,
historians, religious studies scholars and psychologists. Hundreds of books
and academic papers on the subject have been produced, with a
peer-reviewed academic journal being devoted to the study of shamanisms.
In the 20th century, many westerners involved in the counter-cultural
movement adopted magico-religious practices influenced by indigenous
shamanisms from across the world, creating the Neoshamanic movement.

Terence McKenna described the shaman as 'the figure at the

beginning of human history that unites the Doctor the scientist and the artist
into a single notion of care giving and creativity.'

Graham Hancock explained shamanism as such:

The crucial characteristic of a shaman is that he or she is an individual
who has master altered states of consciousness who can put themselves
into a different place and explore the realms that open up there. So the
essence of shamanism is experience and practice. It isn't centuries of
so-called knowledge or perceived wisdom handed down from generation to
generation. It isn't a body of text; it isn't a body of teaching. It's actual direct
experience of the supernatural realm attained in deliberately induced states
of consciousness. The shaman is an active player entering another realm
and negotiating with the spirit beings there for the benefit of humanity.'


An Entheogen ("generating the divine within") is a psychoactive

substance used in a religious, shamanic, or spiritual context. Entheogens
have been used in a ritualized context for thousands of years; their religious
significance is well established in anthropological and modern evidences.
Examples of traditional entheogens include: peyote, psilocybin mushrooms,
uncured tobacco, cannabis, ayahuasca, Salvia divinorum, Tabernanthe
iboga, Ipomoea tricolor, and Amanita muscaria.

Shamans will often observe dietary or customary restrictions particular

to their tradition. These restrictions are more than just cultural. For example,
the diet followed by shamans and apprentices prior to participating in an
ayahuasca ceremony includes foods rich in tryptophan (a biosynthetic
precursor to serotonin) as well as avoiding foods rich in tyramine, which
could Induce hypertensive crisis if ingested with MAOIs such as are found in
ayahuasca brews as well as abstinence from alcohol or sex.


A Mexican Hallucinogen Piques Scientists' and Regulators' Interest (Complete)

Time Magazine - December 08, 2010

The hallucinogenic plant Salvia divinorum has been used for centuries
in shamanistic ceremonies led by spiritual healers in Mexico. But now the
drug has gotten so popular among recreational users in America (street
names: Magic Mint, Sally D) that the government has taken notice: it's been
banned in 15 states and federal legislation has been introduced to regulate
the plant as a Schedule 1 drug, like marijuana, heroin and ecstasy.

According to recent surveys, users say burning and inhaling the smoke
of dried Salvia leaves produces powerful hallucinogenic effects, and helps
reduce anxiety, improve mood and increase insight. In one case, a woman
with drug-resistant depression claimed significant improvements in mood
after experimenting with Salvia.

Based on animal studies of salvinorin A, the active ingredient in the

Salvia plant, some neuropharmacologists believe the drug may have merits
beyond getting people high. It could perhaps aid in the medical treatment of
serious mental conditions or chronic pain — but some scientists worry that
strict federal regulation could undermine its utility.

Matthew Johnson, an instructor in the department of psychiatry and

behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins University, who recently conducted a
small, new study of salvinorin A — the first involving human volunteers —
testified before Congress in 2009:

This compound is completely unique, and there is good reason to think

a derivative of the drug could one day provide a breakthrough medication for
chronic pain, Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia,
schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or cocaine dependence, potentially saving
thousands of lives in the long run.

But the first question is, is it safe? In their latest study, Johnson and
colleagues found that it was, at least in the short term. In the experiment, two
men and two women who were mentally and physically healthy and free of
any drug-abuse problems were each given 16 increasingly larger doses of
salvinorin A and four doses of placebo in a lab setting. The participants took
the drugs in 20 sessions over two to three months. They were observed for a
variety of effects, including motor function, mood, physiology and length of
the drug's "high."

Two of the four participants — all of whom had previously

experimented with Salvia divinorum and other more common hallucinogens
like LSD and mushrooms — reported that salvinorin A resulted in a
hallucinogenic effect that was "as strong as imaginable." Researchers noted
this was unusual for experienced hallucinogenic-drug users. None of the

-51 -

participants suffered any adverse clianges in bodily functions sucli as blood

pressure, heart rate or nerve functioning.

All participants reported that the effect of salvinorin A was markedly

different from that of other hallucinogens, stating that previous experiences
with LSD or mushrooms had not detached them so completely from their
sense of reality. Salvia took them into an entirely different realm of
consciousness, they said.
"Participant narratives indicated intense, highly unusual experiences
characterized by changes in spatial orientation, feelings of energy or
pressure on different parts of the body, and unusual and sometimes
recurring themes across sessions such as revisiting childhood memories,
cartoon-like imagery and contact with entities," wrote the study's authors.

The drug's effects were immediate and lasted between 2 and 20

minutes, depending on the strength of the dose. The users reported liking
the drug's effects, though only the two strongest doses used in the study
were significantly different from placebo. These preliminary findings bode
well for the feasibility of future research on the drug, the authors write.


Kundalini literally means coiled. In yoga, a "corporeal energy" - an

unconscious, instinctive force lies coiled at the base of the spine. It is often
envisioned as a sleeping serpent, hence a number of English renderings of
the term such as 'serpent power'. Kundalini is described as a sleeping,
dormant potential force in the human organism. Reportedly, kundalini
awakening results in deep meditation, enlightenment and states of bliss.

Through meditation, and various esoteric practices, such as Kundalini

and other forms of Yoga, the kundalini is awakened, and can rise up from the
muladhara chakra through the central nadi, called sushumna, inside or
alongside the spine and reaches the top of the head. The progress of
kundalini through the different chakras leads to different levels of awakening
and mystical experience, until the kundalini finally reaches the top of the
head, Sahasrara or crown chakra, producing an extremely profound mystical

It should also be noted here that the techniques of Sensory Deprivation

have also been proven to have effects similar to that of deep meditation. No
doubt there are many publications on this matter alone and many others on
the subject of shamanism as well.



Clearly psychedelic drugs are not the only means to achieving these
mystical mental states and thus activating higher circuits of consciousness.
I encourage everyone to research any and all forms of mental and spiritual
self exploration. I could also go on at length regarding the legality of lower
circuit drugs vs. the illegality of right brained higher circuit psychedelic drugs.
Needless to say, many things need to change politically for humanity as a
whole to benefit from this information.

Cable television, public education, and pop culture all program the
minds of the masses to create what is known as the 'status quo'. The human
brain is a sponge for information and whatever passes through our senses
enters our brains. We can now control what we program into our minds and
that will contribute greatly to who we'll be, for better or for worse; that will be
our reality. If you learn how to really teach yourself, you can truly be
whatever you want. As Dr. Leary also said, 'The eyes are an extension of the
brain. The eyes are the window to the soul and what controls your eyeballs
temporary controls your brain.'

Now I'd like to touch on my ideas of mental metaprogramming, that is,

making the conscious effort to raise your own levels of awareness. We have
just covered many of these options, but there is one amazing new tool we
now have and that is, of course, the internet. I'd like to specifically share how
I usually go about downloading new data...

Two great websites come to mind that I use most when I am in serious
research mode, those being Wikipedia.org and YouTube.com. For those that
are not aware, 'Wikipedia' is a free online encyclopedia that has a listing for
pretty much everything. It's one stop shopping for instant knowledge, if you
have the time to read.

'YouTube' is great for so many reasons; you can find a 'how to' video
on literally anything. From learning a new language or software programs, to
changing a car part or home repairs, there are millions to choose from. The
other great thing about YouTube is that just about every documentary ever
made is uploaded there. I also use a number of documentary websites such
as Top Documentary Films', which has nearly 2,000 documentaries listed in
categories, with links to the YouTube videos in order to watch instantly.

These websites have helped tremendously in my search for truth and

inner peace.



Like myself, the Eight Circuit Model of Human Consciousness was
also born in 1977. Given birth to in Dr. Leary's book Exo-Psychology, which
was the 2nd of 5 books later known as the future history series and the first to
officially define the Eight Circuit Model in detailed scientific terms.

The full title of the book is Exo-Psychology: A Manual for the Use of the
Human Nervous System According to the Instructions of the Manufacturers.
Dr. Leary obviously saw the Eight Circuit Model as a practical, hands-on
approach to psychology that anyone can make use of and benefit from.

At an easy to read 130 pages, Leary begins this work by describing

how the Eight Circuit Model was derived from compiling the works from
many other scientific fields, those being Neurology, Ethology,
Neurochemistry, Psychopharmacology, Astronautics, Astrophysics,
Genetics, Neurogenetics, Nuclear Physics and Neurophysics.

If there is one other book that should be read in order to fully grasp the
Eight Circuit Model, it would be Exo-Psychology... or its 1994 update known
as Info-Psychology.


Neuropolitics is the third in the future history series and was also
published in 1 977. The first version of this book was written from 1 973-1 976
when Dr. Leary was in prison. Indeed, several chapters were composed
during solitary confinement. In this release. Dr. Leary explores the role of the
dissident philosopher and offers a multitude of brilliant observations on our
political past, present and, especially, our future.


Dr. Leary's 1 991 book The Game of Life' is Part 4 of his Future- History
Series. This book categorizes Leary's own philosophies into the
scientific-occult world of Aleister Crowley and the Tarot.

Leary begins with evolution and the works of Charles Danwin, along
with Mendeleyev and his classification of chemical elements along with
neurological thoughts of the nervous system, DNA, synaptic connections,
l-Ching and Hindu Mythology.

Highly regarding Aleister Crowley's work in his "Bool< of Thoth" and his
own Tarot deck, he understands that Crowley was on a similar path, only
using different language. One chapter is dedicated to each Tarot card
allotting it its own intelligence in the chain of evolutionary process. Leary
does expand the set giving it 24 major cards instead of the standard 22.


In 1996, Dr. Leary published The Intelligence Agents, which was a

work of social, moral, religious and scientific satire, including articles by and
about people who are changing the meaning of freedom all over the world.
This is the fifth and final volume of Dr. Leary's 'Future History Series'.

What follows here is one of the short articles from The Intelligence
Agents that stood out as one of my favorites, and is called The Outcasts by
Frank Herbert...

"In pre-selected human beings, from each gene-pool, neural circuits

have been activated (usually without their awareness) which are designed to
fabricate future realities. Future gene-pools.

These individuals are genetically templated to live much of their time

in the future. They are, to this extent, alienated from current hive realities.

Some agents who are unaware of their genetic assignment feel

agonizingly out of step. Some are shunned and even locked up by the
gene-pools they serve.

Those who are lucky enough to recognize their post-human genetic

caste attain a level of great prescience and humorous insight. They
understand that they are Time Travelers, literally walking around in past
civilizations. A most entertaining and effective role to play. While they have
little power to change the ripples of history or the waves of evolution - they
can surf them with increasing skill.

Such EVOLUTIONARY AGENTS are best described as

OUT-CASTES. They are cast out, thrown forward, pushed up above and
beyond contemporary hive realities.

As evolution accelerates there are more and more Evolutionary Agents

emerging. We are now learning to identify these outcastes and benefit from
their contributions to the species."


To complete the Future History Series, I will now go back and touch on
the first book in the series which was called What Does Woman Want?". Like
every book in the series, this psychedelic sci-fi novel used the ideas of the
Eight Circuit Model of human consciousness, as well as many of Leary's
other theories.

Written in prison in the years after his 1973 arrest, Timothy Leary
published his first and only novel "What Does Woman Want?" in 1976.
Founding the one-off publishing house "88 Books" with his then-wife, Leary
published the book in a limited run of 5000 copies; coincidentally, my copy is
number 88.

Posing as science fiction (or as Leary calls it in the opening pages,

"Science Faction"), "Woman" is mostly a sequel to Leary's 1973
autobiography "Confessions of a Hope Fiend." It picks up directly after the
events depicted in that book, with Leary and his wife holing up in Switzerland
under the care of wealthy arms financier Michael Duchard, aka "Goldfinger."
Only the names have been changed to protect the guilty, and Leary himself
poses as "Tim Leri," an "acid assassin" sent to Earth to help us "primates"
advance up the chains of consciousness.

The book operates on three narratives, with a 1960 section detailing

Leary's LSD experiments in Harvard, a 1971 section dealing with the
aftermath of "Confessions," and a future section set in 2575 detailing the
future of the human race.


On July 1 , 1994, Info-Psychology: A Manual for the Use of the Human

Nervous System According to the Instructions of the Manufacturers, and a
Navigational Guide for Piloting the Evolution of the Human Individual was

This is an updated version of Exo-Psychology that was written with the

assistance of Robert Anton Wilson. The update was released with one major
change to the Eight Circuit Model of human consciousness. The first version
had Circuits 6 and 7 in reverse order. After extensive research on the matter,
I fully concur with the updated theory put out in Info-Psychology.


Cosmic Trigger I: Tine Final Secret of The llluminati is the first book in
the Cosmic Trigger series, first published in 1977 and the first of a
three-volume autobiographical and philosophical work by Robert Anton
Wilson. It has a foreword by Timothy Leary, which he wrote in the summer of
1977. The first volume was published without numbering, as the second
volume did not appear for nearly 15 years.

As the title suggests, the book also deals with the Bavarian llluminati
conspiracy (which Wilson neither rejects as utterly false, nor embraces as
true, in keeping with his theme) and other related intrigues. The work also
touches on a wide range of other subjects, from Timothy Leary's thoughts on
brain circuits, JFK's assassination, through to Sufism and numerous occult

Cosmic Trigger deals with a process of deliberately induced brain

change. This process is called 'initiation' or 'vision quest' in many traditional
societies and can loosely be considered some dangerous variety of
self-psychotherapy in modern terminology. I do not recommend it for
everybody. The main thing I learned in my experiments is that 'reality' is
always plural and mutable.


Prometheus Rising is a book by Robert Anton Wilson first published in

1983. It is a guide book of "how to get from here to there", an amalgam of
Timothy Leary's Eight Circuit Model of Consciousness, Gurdjieff's
self-observation exercises, Alfred Korzybski's general semantics, Aleister
Crowley's magical theorems, Sociobiology, Yoga, Christian Science,
relativity, and quantum mechanics amongst other approaches to
understanding the world around us.

Claiming to be a short book (under 300 pages) about how the human
mind works and how to get the most use from one, Wilson describes it as an
"owner's manual for the human brain".


Ouantum Psychology: How Brain Software Programs You & Your

World is a book written by Robert Anton Wilson, originally published in 1 990.

Some consider Quantum Psychology a follow-up to Wilson's earlier

volume Prometheus Rising, mainly for the presence of practical exercises to
demonstrate its concepts at the end of each chapter (this time intended for
groups rather than a lone reader). It focuses primarily on the metaphysical
and epistemological problems of Aristotelian reasoning and its use in


everyday language, covering E-Prime and how it addresses many of the

semantic (and resulting perceptual) "spooks" that common language lets in.

It also covers, in a way that doesn't end up as discontinuous as it might

sound: psychosomatic healing and a possible explanation for it; non-local
effects in quantum physics (Bell's Theorem) and the theories of David Bohm;
and a brief recap of the Timothy Leary 'Eight-Fold Theory of Human
Consciousness' which Prometheus Rising covers in much greater detail.

Here is a brief quote from this piece:

Throughout human history, thoughts, values and behaviors have been

colored by language and the prevailing view of the universe. With the advent
of Quantum Mechanics, relativity, non-Euclidean geometries,
non-Aristotelian logic and General Semantics, the scientific view of the world
has changed dramatically from just a few decades ago. Nonetheless, human
thinking is still deeply rooted in the cosmology of the middle ages. Quantum
Psychology is the book to change your way of perceiving yourself~and the
universe for the 21st Century. Some say it's materialistic, others call it
scientific and still others insist it's mystical. It is all of these~and none.'

THE OCTAVE OF ENERGY (An Essay by Robert Anton Wilson)

The Law of Octaves was first suggested by Pythagoras in ancient

Greece. Having observed that the eight notes of the conventional Occidental
musical scale were governed by definite mathematical relationships,
Pythagoras proceeded to create a whole cosmology based on 8s. In this
octagonal model Pythagoras made numerous mistakes, because he was
generalizing from insufficient data. However, his work was the first attempt in
history to unify science, mathematics, art and mysticism into one
comprehensible system and as such is still influential. Leary, Crowley and
Buckminster Fuller have all described themselves as modern Pythagoreans.

In China, roughly contemporary with Pythagoras, the Taoists built up a

cosmology based on the interplay of yang (positive) and yin (negative),
which produced the eight trigrams of the I Ching, out of which are generated
the 64 hexagrams.

In India, Buddha announced, after his illumination under the Bodhi tree,
the Noble Eightfold Path. Patanjali subsequently reduced the science of
yoga to eight "limbs" or, as we might say, eight "steps."

The game of chess appeared, somewhere in the East, with a grid based
on 8x8 (64) squares.

Kepler discovered the laws of planetary motion serendipitously, while

trying to make the planets fit into the Pythagorean octave.


In the 1860s, English chemist John Newland showed that all the
chemical elements fall into eight families. Since Pythagorean mysticism was
unfashionable at that time, Newland was literally laughed at and rejected by
the Royal Chemical Society. In the 1870s, with much more detail than
Newland, the Russian chemist Mendeleyev proved once and for all that the
elements do, indeed, fall into eight families. His Periodic Table of the
Elements, an octave of hauntingly Pythagorean harmony, hangs in every
high-school chemistry class today. (The Royal Society later apologized to
Newland and gave him a Gold Medal.)

Nikolai Tesia invented the alternating current generator which unleashed

the modern technological revolution after a series of visions in which, among
other things, TesIa "saw" that everything in the universe obeys a law of

Modern geneticists have found that the DNA-RNA "dialogue" — the

molecular information system governing life and evolution — is transmitted by
64 (8x8) codons.

R. Buckminster Fuller, in his Synergetic-Energetic Geometry, which he

claims is the "co-ordinate system of the Universe," reduces all phenomena to
geometric-energetic constructs based on the tetrahedron (4-sided), the octet
truss (8-sided) and the coupler (8-faceted with 24 phases). Fuller argues
specifically that the 8-face, 24-phase coupler underlies the 8-fold division of
the chemical elements on the Mendeleyev Periodic Table.

In 1973, unaware of Fuller's coupler — which I called to his attention

later — Dr. Leary began to divide his 8 circuits into a 24-stage Periodic Table
of Evolution (see diagram). Leary also began attempting to correlate this with
the Periodic Table of Elements in chemistry.

The eight families of elements are:

Alkalis Nitrogens
Alkalines Oxygens

Borons Halogens

Carbons Noble Gases

The first four families, Leary argues, are terrestrial; that is, they are
heavy and tend to fall to Earth. The second four families are extraterrestrial;
that is, they tend to float off into space. Similarly, he says, the first four
circuits of the nervous system are terrestrial; their function is to control
survival and reproduction at the bottom of the 4,000-mile gravity well in
which we presently live. The second four circuits, then, are extraterrestrial;
they will come into full play only when we live normally in zero-gravity - in



Angel Tech is a guide for tine realization of the Multidimensional Self by

Antero Alii published in 1986. The great neurological scripts of the past are
synthesized and modernized for our day: Tarot, Cabala, Alchemy, the Hindu
Chakra System and more are all made accessible and understandable.

Angel Tech is (in its own words), "a survival manual for fallen angels who are
through with their frozen responses to the nightmares around us." Several
sentences later, it instructs us to: "fly higher, plant both feet firmly in the
ground... ground." The title is somewhat deceptive, also, because Angel
Tech isn't about angels per se; at least not the kind painted by artists and
described in the bible. To once again quote the text, "An angel is a being of
Light. Tech comes from techne, meaning art or skill. Angel Tech is the Art of
Being Light... We are in essence, beings of light."



This book by Antero Alii was published in 2009 and it advances the material
in Alli's groundbreaking first book, "ANGEL TECH", a compendium of
techniques and practical applications of Dr. Timothy Leary's 8-Circuit Brain
model for Intelligence Increase. After twenty-plus years of research and
experimentation, Antero's earlier findings have been significantly updated
and enriched in this new body of work. Includes a comprehensive 8-week
course of study and practice, the author's "Neurological Autobiography of
Outside Shocks and Hedonic Upgrades," a forum featuring Alli's responses
to questions from former students, accounts of his in-depth encounters with
Christopher S. Hyatt and Robert Anton Wilson, and much, much more.



In conclusion, I'd simply like to say this...

There are good drugs and there are bad drugs.
If you avoid the bad drugs and use the good ones wisely,
you will most likely find yourself in a more satisfying place in life.


^4.lypkal Antipiychotks Typical A ntipsydwik

'Clopazine Risperidone Haloperidol Fliiphena7,ine

Olanzapine Quetiapinc
Sulpiride Ziprasidone
Zotepine Aripiprazole

Thioridazine Chlorpromazine^
Pimozide Perphenazine
Droperidol Zudopenthixol


fSympalhmdm elk Amine.

'te^fX Bupropion
JCatliinona (Khat)
VIethylphenidate/ V jj^^tisie^

' Fluoxetine VSn// MaproUnc

[ FluvOxamine Mitaiipine
Paroxetine i/^/j^^Trazodonej;
^ Sertraline/ iiiergia

Betel Nut





Dprion \

f Atomoxetine

\ CannahinoielsK



S i'daih w \ H yp mfic^

Barbiturates \
Chloroform 1
Methaqualone I



Oxide ^


iOpmm Codein^
I Hydrocodone /
Methadone /

ibotenic Acid
^ Gaboxadol






-61 -


The Eight Circuit Model

Of Human Psychology

I invite you to watcin tine accompanying lecture to this book on YouTube

which is also called 'How to Operate Your Mind'. It contains over two hours
of video footage which was not included in this writing.
You can find it on my YouTube channel at

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