Timothy Leary
Timothy Leary
Timothy Leary
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May 2013
I have written this bool< to present to you a new way to see your self, to
share with you the knowledge that has helped me to elevate my awareness
and improve my overall health and happiness. Knowledge is power, and
when you learn how the brain itself functions and responds, it allows you to
take a greater level of control over your life and your future.
I am passing along the works of two great authors, among others, they
being Dr. Timothy Leary and Robert Anton Wilson. Other writers such as
Antero Alii have also written on the subject and will be touched upon as well.
But to be clear, Dr. Timothy Francis Leary Is the Godfather of this theory,
if you will; and the purpose of this book is to present to you all of the details to
prove this theory as fact...
Have you ever wondered what makes you who you are? Or why you
do the things you do when sometimes you don't mean to do them at all? We,
as human beings, have mastered the evolutionary process through the
creation of consciousness. We have learned to adapt to almost any situation
that is presented to us and we owe this to our amazing brains. Our brains
help us accomplish the unthinkable, and most of this is done without us even
realizing it. We would like to think that we ourselves are in control of our
thoughts and actions, but the truth is we have far less control over our lives
than we are lead to believe. This is where the EIGHT CIRCUIT MODEL OF
HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS comes into play.
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This concept not only connects psychology and the more medically
focused studies of neurology and biology, but also incorporates elements of
sociology, anthropology, physics, chemistry, and advanced mathematical
formulas. Furthermore, there are obvious correlations with the Astrological
Zodiac, the 8 octave piano layout, and the Hindu Chakra system as well as
models from other spiritual belief systems.
Let us now examine the Eight Circuit Model in a bit more detail...
The eight circuits are really just evolutionary stages of consciousness which
human beings develop throughout their lives. Once developed, each
'neuro-circuit' remains as a functioning 'mini-brain' that receives, integrates,
and transmits experiences on several levels at the same time. We all have
some circuits that are more developed than others, and this only adds to our
The first four circuits reside in the left side of the brain and are described as
the terrestrial circuits which respond to the infant-toddler-child-adult levels.
1 . The first circuit is imprinted at infancy with patterns on the bio-survival
level. Our experiences at that time shape our entire approach toward life and
parental nurturing is critical at this stage in determining our fundamental
inner security. This level emulates marine evolution, from passive
invertebrates, to fish, to amphibians. Opiates produce states of awareness
which tune into this circuit's level of interpretation.
4. The fourth circuit kicks in with the production of sexual hormones and
concerns the orientation towards socio-sexual roles. It recapitulates the
evolution of feudalism, democracy, and centralization and marks the
completion of the cycle of domestication for Homo-Sapiens. This is the moral
skill set of sex role integration.
The idea of the first four circuits is that these are the levels upon which the
game is played for human beings on Earth, but that as human civilization
progresses; we will begin to tap into the four post-terrestrial right brain
circuits in anticipation of leaving the womb planet.
7. The seventh circuit is the neuro-genetic circuit and is associated with LSD
and other psychedelics, life extension, immortality, and communication &
symbiosis with other species. This circuit deals with the decoding and
mastering of DNA/RNA to transcend biological limitations. As the sixth
neurocircuit uses intelligence to improve intelligence, the seventh circuit
uses even deeper biological intelligence to transform life itself.
The Eight Circuit mini brain model continues this division of brain
functions into further subsections which not only allows for all sorts of
advancements in medicine and neuroscience, but for stability in our personal
lives as well. It is believed that the brain functions advance from bottom to
top; starting at the brain stem and topping off with the neocortex.
The term Reality Tunnel was also coined by Dr. Leary and popularized
by Wilson. Akin to the idea of representative realism, the theory states that,
with a subconscious set of mental "filters" formed from their beliefs and
experiences, every individual interprets the same world differently, hence
"Truth is in the eye of the beholder".
The idea does not necessarily imply that there is no objective truth;
rather that our access to it is mediated through our senses, experience,
conditioning, prior beliefs, and other non-objective factors. The implied
individual world each person occupies is said to be their reality tunnel. The
term can also apply to groups of people united by beliefs or cultures: we can
speak of the Christian reality tunnel or the Japanese reality tunnel.
Once you get to the level where your outside of your reality tunnel
looking down at it, you can compare reality tunnels and then your on a higher
level of intelligence already, because you're no longer a conditioned
mechanism just following the reality tunnel that was accidentally imprinted or
conditioned, and you can start choosing between reality tunnels.'
Dr. Timothy Francis Leary (October 22, 1 920 - May 31 , 1 996) was an
American psychologist and writer, known for his advocacy of psychedelic
drugs. During a time when drugs such as LSD and psilocybin were legal,
Leary conducted experiments at Harvard University under the Harvard
Psilocybin Project, resulting in the Concord Prison Experiment and the
Marsh Chapel Experiment. Both studies produced useful data, but Leary and
his associate Richard Alport were fired from the university.
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During the 1960s and 1970s, Leary was arrested regularly and was
held captive in 29 different prisons throughout the world. President Richard
Nixon once described Leary as "the most dangerous man in America".
Alli's books span a number of subjects, but all share common themes
with his para-theatrical efforts: archetypes, personal mythology and the use
of ritual to transform consciousness. Like his colleague Rob Brezsny, Alii
proposes a free will approach to astrology, which advocates providing clients
with the information to make decisions instead of deterministic predictions.
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The lower four, the larval circuits, deal with normal psychology, while
the upper four, the stellar circuits, deal with psychic, mystical, enlightened
and psychedelic states of mind. These higher circuits are thought to have
only recently evolved, with just a fraction of human beings using them. The
higher the circuit, the fewer people have activated it. Leary describes the four
larval circuits as necessary for surviving and functioning in a terrestrial
human society. Leary proposed that the higher four exist primarily for future
use by humans who might someday migrate to outer space and live
Leary, Alii and Wilson have written about the model in depth and how
each circuit operates, both in the lives of individual people and in societies.
The term "circuits" came from the first wave of cybernetics research
and development in the United States in the 1970s. (Others have proposed
that the term "systems" should be substituted for "circuits" to reflect both a
systems theory approach and also the changing anatomy of an entity as it
goes through a neurological change).
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This circuit is imprinted early in infancy. The imprint will normally last
for life, unless it is re-imprinted by a powerful experience. Depending on the
nature of the imprint, the organism will tend towards one of two basic
Robert Anton Wilson equated this circuit with the oral stage in the
Freudian theory of psychosexual development.
2. The Emotional-Territorial Circuit
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Robert Anton Wilson equated this circuit with the anal stage in the Freudian
theory of psycho-sexual development. This circuit introduces a second
spatial dimension: up/down.
-Trusting 1st circuit - Dominant 2nd circuit. I'm OK; you're OK.
-Trusting 1st circuit - Submissive 2nd circuit. I'm not OK; you're OK.
Friendly weal<ness Water in the four elements model.
-Suspicious 1 St circuit - Dominant 2nd circuit. I'm OK; you're not OK.
Unfriendly strength Air in the four elements model.
-Suspicious 1 St circuit - Submissive 2nd circuit. I'm not OK; you're not OK.
Unfriendly weakness Earth in the four elements model.
- 14-
Leary describes that this circuit first appeared in the upper classes,
with the development of leisure-class civilizations around 2000 BC.
Note: Timothy Leary lists this circuit as the sixth, and the neurogenetic
circuit as the seventh. Robert Anton Wilson reverses the order of these two
circuits, so that the neurogenetic circuit is the sixth and the
metaprogramming circuit is the seventh.
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His most direct inspiration was received in the form of a document from
a student of yoga, a pamphlet containing 24 different pages, with three-page
subdivisions each corresponding to a particular yogic "energy". Leary then
translated this and expanded it into a 24-stage model of evolution, and
eventually streamlined it into the Eight Circuit Model of Consciousness. With
this, Leary created his umbrella model which others have expanded upon.
- 16-
Wilson, like Leary, wrote about the distinction between terrestrial and
post-terrestrial life. He gave each circuit a much more specific location in
various regions of the brain than Leary did.
In chaos magic the eight circuits are related to the eight rays of the
symbol of chaos
The model is fairly prominent in chaos magic. This concept has been
detailed in "Chaotopia!" by Dave Lee, a leading member of the magic society
Illuminates of Thanateros. Although both Leary and Wilson were members in
this group near the end of their lives, the circuit design clearly predates this
- 17-
Angel Tech by Antero Alii is structured around the Eight Circuit IVIodel.
In the book, the first four circuits are associated with robotic ("tech") aspects
of humanity, and the final four are related to the "angelic" nature. It includes
suggested activities such as meditations and construction of tarot-card
collages associated with each circuit.
Bruce Scofield has written about the correlations of the mode with
astrology. Resonances between planetary cycles and the birthday are
suggested to be triggers that open temporary windows of imprint
vulnerability. The Moon is correlated with the biosurvival period, Mars with
the emotional-territorial stage, Mercury with the rational mind and Venus with
the socio-sexual stage. These are initiated respectively at birth, at the
second birthday, at age 3.5 and age 8 at which times the Moon, Mars,
Mercury and Venus return to their birth positions, or are in phase with it. The
other four circuits are considered octaves of the first four.
The lower four circuits, believed to exist in the left hemisphere of the
brain, consists of the 12 stages that correspond to the evolution of our
species up to this point; while the higher four circuits are thought to reside in
the right hemisphere are consists of the 12 stages that will correspond to our
future evolution into outer space.
There are eight circuits in the human brain, four Terrestrial and four
Post-Terrestrial. Each circuit has three stages:
a) Reception of Information
b) Integration of Information
c) Transmission of Information'
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Technology has changed the way people think, creating "a new brain,"
two Italian psychology experts say.
"It has changed our memory, our brain has lost certain connections,"
the Italian news agency ANSA quoted Togo as saying. "Some circuits have
been lost and others have developed, circuits that are more closely linked to
"The human brain has not changed on an anatomical level but it now
works differently. It is a new brain. And the protagonists of this historic step,
the ones with a 'new brain,' are the children and adolescents of today."
- 19-
50% of the human race has not evolved fully into the third circuit yet. That is,
although they can exchange primitive signals and handle primitive artifacts,
they are still mostly operating on the mammalian emotional circuit and the
pre-mammalian bio-survival circuit.
20% are "responsible, intelligent adults" with fully developed third and fourth
circuits. They spend most of their time worrying, because the predominantly
primate parameters of human society seem absurd, immoral and
increasingly dangerous to them.
The place "souls" go after leaving their robot bodies... while these bodies are
still alive and walking the planet's surface. Also known as "The Dark Night of
the Soul", it can also be seen as a negative activation of the "neurosomatic
circuit," which is endured for as long as it takes the neophyte to effect a
positive activation, or permanent body rapture.
Aril to
r ritr ArillNO
1 AUriUo
1 PO
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l^/lPRPQQl^^lARl p
llVIr riCoolwlNADLC
UritA 1 1 V t
rn^o 1 iLC
oAool 1 AriiUo
OAr rilO'^rilN
1 d.
AL>iUAril Uo
-21 -
Sensory Intelligence
Medium of Operation
Ecoloqical Niche
Reality Goal
8 Spiritual
Subatomic IVIysteries
Atomic Fields
Cosmic IVIind
7 IVIythic
DNA structure
DNA Mind
6 Psychic
Mind Control
5 Sensory
The Body's 5 Senses
Body Control
4 Social
Code of Ethics
IVIonotheistic Hive
Socio/Sex Role
3 Conceptual
Conceptual Framework
2 Emotional
Belief Systems
Land Herd
1 Physical
The Organism
Insect Awareness
The DNA Mind
Conscious Symbiosis
Electronic Consumer
Reality Fabrication
Brain Fusing
Body Control
Tantric Linkage
Small animal
Large Animal
\^i\jICLi ii^ii ly^
rinmmi inipfltinn
opil ILUcll
ral clUUA
Ui t^cil 1 III ly
Fantnr Y
FclOlUI /\
Reality Selection
Designing a Tarot
Paying Attention
Personal Power
As we can see, these and no doubt many other spiritual belief systems
also use 8 fold models to explain and guide their practices.
Now let us take a look at the eight circuits of consciousness from the
perspective of the drugs that activate them. It should be noted that there are
no doubt many other drugs that can fit into one of the 8 circuits. Research is
ongoing and new psychoactive chemicals are discovered all the time as well.
Conversely, it must also be said that there are many other 'drugs' out there
that do not fit into the Eight Circuit Model of Consciousness at all. Most of
these drugs would probably be classified as poisons that do little more than
destroy brain cells.
We begin with the 1st circuit... also known as the bio-survival circuit; the 1st
circuit is most commonly activated by opioids. That being any chemical that
is derived from the poppy plant, or opium, or chemicals that are synthetically
created to give the same effects. The list of opioids can be quite vast, but
these are the more popular ones...
To start we have the natural opioids that are derived directly from the
poppy plant itself. Known as opiates, these are commonly referred to as
Morphine and Codeine. Next we have the semi-synthetic opioids such as
Heroin, Hydrocodone, Dilaudid, Demerol, and Oxycodone which is also
known as Percocet. Next are the fully synthetic opioids such as Sublimaze,
Methedone, Propoxyphene and Pentazocine. There are, no doubt, many
other semi-synthetic and fully synthetic opioids out there. Opioids usually
give the feeling of what could be described as fetal or fish mentality in which
one feels like they are swimming freely underwater or in the womb.
The fourth circuit is called the domestic circuit or the socio-sexual circuit.
This is where I would like to begin interjecting my some of my theories into this
model and hopefully add to the dialog and discovery within it. It has been
generally accepted that there is no particular drug is needed to activate the 4th
circuit, as we inhabit this stage by nature in our adult lives. Though I do not
disagree with this idea, I can also argue that there is at least one chemical that
does associate with it, that being nicotine. Literally billions of people use this
drug daily and, like other left brain chemicals, it is also addictive. Nicotine tends
to relax the body and mind into this reality and most users feel that they cannot
live without it, though the opposite is clearly true.
It could also be argued that the orgasm experience itself can be related to
the 4th circuit of psychology. It has already been established that the 1st first
sexual experience usually imprints the circuitry for this stage. There's no reason
to deny that these experiences continue to activate the 4th circuit and if sex
were considered a drug, for the sake of this argument, it would top the list of
being the most addictive. After all, sex addiction therapy is quite commonplace
The fifth circuit is known as the neurosematic circuit and is most
commonly activated by the consumption of THC which is found in Cannabis or
Marijuana. The feelings experienced in this circuit are often referred to as
joyous, blissful, and at peace. This circuit is one step above our current state of
mind, as consuming the plant is referred to as 'getting high' and creating a
happy hippy-like mentality.
The sixth circuit is called the neuroelectric circuit and is most easily
activated by very large amounts of THC, low level amounts of MDMA Ecstasy,
or smaller amounts of higher level psychedelics. The feeling associated with
this circuit is referred to as a psychic mentality in which one can feel connected
to everyone and everything and can easily sense the emotional states of those
around them.
I would like to conclude this chapter by saying that this is not only the
culmination of many hours of research, but it is also the product of my own
personal experience. You see, I can honestly say that I have experienced all
8 circuits of human consciousness through the use of their related drugs.
And now I want to share a short poem that I came up with that
conceptualizes the Eight Circuit iVIodel. I call it...
Opiates like heroin
The hallucinogenic plant Salvia divinorum has been used for centuries
in shamanistic ceremonies led by spiritual healers in Mexico. ..Based on
animal studies of salvinorin A, the active ingredient in the Salvia plant, some
neuropharmacologists believe the drug may have merits beyond getting
people high. ..This compound is completely unique, and there is good reason
to think a derivative of the drug could one day provide a breakthrough
medication for chronic pain, Alzheimer's disease and other forms of
dementia, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or cocaine dependence,
potentially saving thousands of lives in the long run.
Hallucinogens as Medicine
-Hints from the early set of studies suggesting that these chemicals
might help treat patients with various psychiatric disorders were not pursued
because of restrictions on research.
-Early results from new trials point to the promise of these therapies,
with some patients reporting profound spiritual experiences and, hence, the
ability to make important life changes.
Tlie liigliest and lowest overall harm scores in the ISCD study are 72
for alcohol and 5 for mushrooms (6 for LSD), which is a ratio of about 14:1 .
"I think we're looking at a new era, a time when people are looking at
the therapeutic potential of these substances, and I feel there is a real desire
among women in particular to talk about these substances because it's such
a taboo discussion."
Magic Mushroom Ingredient Beneficial to Cancer Patients
Los Angeles Times - September 07, 2010
These drugs are thought to change the way the brain normally
processes information and may provide people with mood disorders a new
way of looking at the world and their problems.
He was best known for what's called the "Good Friday Experiment,"
conducted in April 1962 as part of his doctoral thesis on religion. Prior to the
Good Friday service at the Boston University Marsh Chapel that year,
volunteer divinity students from the Boston area [were] split into two groups.
The members of one group were given doses of psilocybin — a drug
produced by hallucinogenic mushrooms — while members of the other
group were given placebos. Nine out of the 10 students given the
psychedelic drug reported "profound religious experiences," offering Pahnke
what he took to be empirical evidence that psilocybin is a reliable trigger for
spiritual awakenings.
Researchers from around the world are gathering this week in San
Jose, Calif., for the largest conference on psychedelic science held in the
United States in four decades. They plan to discuss studies of psilocybin and
other psychedelics for treating depression in cancer patients,
obsessive-compulsive disorder, end-of-life anxiety, post-traumatic stress
disorder and addiction to drugs or alcohol.
The first clinical trial using LSD since the 1970s began in Switzerland
in June. It aims to use "psychedelic psychotherapy" to help patients with
terminal illnesses come to terms with their imminent mortality and so
improve their quality of life.
In the late '50s and early '60s, Kleiner writes, executives and engineers
from a number of companies experimented with LSD on corporate retreats.
The drug reportedly improved engineers' ability to solve technical problems
and managers' conflict-resolution skills. Heretics are full of surprising stories
of corporate flirtation with the counterculture.
Timothy Leary is smiling somewhere. More than 40 years after the U.S.
government banned hallucinogens. ..and scoffed at the Harvard psychologist
and anyone else who suggested they might have a legitimate use, federal
officials have become enlightened. The Food and Drug Administration has
rightfully changed its stance on the research of psychedelic drugs.
Cluster Busters
LSD and psilocybin are types of amines called tryptamines, and their
chemical structures are very similar to natural neurotransmitters such as
serotonin. One conventional medicine for cluster headaches, Methysergide,
is known to be chemically similar to LSD.
"When I'm on LSD and hearing something that's pure rhythm, it takes
me to another world and into anther brain state where I've stopped thinking
and started knowing," said Herbert who intervened to ban drug testing of
technologists at Cisco Systems.
Many illegal drugs are used in medical settings. Scientists who studied
LSD made important contributions to psychiatry, and found It helped many
people cope with mental illness.
In the years between the first synthesis of LSD in the 1930s — and the
disappearance of psychedelic research by the late 1960s, there was a
furious growth of scientific interest in these substances. Many pioneers gave
their careers to this field, hoping that psychedelic drugs could be the Holy
Grail for psychiatry — like the microscope is to biology or the telescope is to
astronomy — an essential tool to explore the parts of the internal world that
are usually inaccessible...
By 1965 over 2000 papers had been published describing positive
results for over 40,000 patients, taking psychedelic drugs with few side
effects and a high level of safety. The techniques were applied to the
treatment of anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, depression,
bereavement reactions and sexual dysfunction, among others. In the
treatment of addiction, repeated controlled experiments demonstrated a
consistent recovery and 6 month abstinence from drinking in 50% to 90% of
subjects after brief psychedelic therapy...
Psychedelics in Rehab
Psychology Today - June 14, 2005
Are psychedelics good for you? It's such a hippie relic of a question that
it's almost embarrassing to ask. But a quiet psychedelic renaissance is
beginning at the highest levels of American science, including the National
Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and Harvard, which is conducting what is
thought to be its first research into therapeutic uses of psychedelics (in this case.
Ecstasy) since the university fired Timothy Leary in 1963. But should we be
prying open the doors of perception again? Wasn't the whole thing a disaster
the first time?
The answer to both questions is yes. The study of psychedelics in the
'50s and '60s eventually devolved into the drug free-for-all of the '70s. But the
new research is careful and promising. Last year two top journals, the Archives
of General Psychiatry and the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, published papers
showing clear benefits from the use of psychedelics to treat mental illness. Both
were small studies, just 27 subjects total. But the Archives paper-whose lead
author. Dr. Carlos Zarate Jr., is chief of the Mood and Anxiety Disorders
Research Unit at NIMH-found "robust and rapid antidepressant effects" that
remained for a week after depressed subjects were given ketamine (colloquial
name: Special K or usually just k). In the other study, a team led by Dr.
Francisco Moreno of the University of Arizona gave psilocybin (the
merrymaking chemical in psychedelic mushrooms) to
obsessive-compulsive-disorder patients, most of whom later showed "acute
reductions in core OCD symptoms." Now researchers at Harvard are studying
how Ecstasy might help alleviate anxiety disorders, and the Beckley Foundation,
a British trust, has received approval to begin what will be the first human
studies with LSD since the 1970s.
Psychedelics chemically alter the way your brain takes in information and
may cause you to lose control of typical thought patterns. The theory motivating
the recent research is that if your thoughts are depressed or obsessive, the
drugs may reveal a path through them. For Leary and his circle, which
influenced millions of Americans to experiment with drugs, psychedelics'
seemingly boundless possibilities led to terrible recklessness. There's a
jaw-dropping passage in last year's authoritative Leary biography by Robert
Greenfield in which Leary and two friends ingest an astonishing 31 psilocybin
pills in Leary's kitchen while his 13-year-old daughter has a pajama party
upstairs. Stupefied, one of the friends climbs into the girl's bed and has to be
pulled from the room.
Ant drug warriors may argue that the research will lend the drugs an
aura of respectability, prompting a new round of recreational use. That's
possible, but today we have no priestly Leary figure spewing vertiginous
pro-drug proclamations. Instead we have a Leary for a less naive age:
Richard Doblin. Also a Harvard guy--his Ph.D. is in public policy--Doblin
founded the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) in
1986 to help scientists get funding and approval to study the drugs. (Doblin,
53, says he was too shy for the '60s, but he was inspired by the work of
psychologist Stanislav Grof, who authored a 1975 book about promising
LSD research-research that ended with ant drug crackdowns.) Doblin has
painstakingly worked with intensely skeptical federal authorities to win
necessary permissions. MAPS helped launch all four of the current Ecstasy
studies, a process that took two decades. It's the antithesis of Leary's
All drugs have benefits and risks, but in psychedelics we have been
tempted to see only one or the other. Not anymore.
-41 -
Current Research
Since the 1970s MDMA psychotherapy has seen an emerging
underground use by analysts. MDMA, strictly speaking an 'empathogen'
rather than a psychedelic drug, is less intense and shorter acting than LSD. It
offers a similar therapeutic potential for lowering patient's defenses and
aiding the psychotherapeutic process (Holland, 2001). A lifting of the
government ban on psychedelic research in Switzerland between 1988 and
1993 allowed a resumption of Psycholytic psychotherapy using LSD and
MDMA for patients with personality disorders, affective disorders and
adjustment disorders. A similar rethinking of psychedelic research policy
took place in the US FDA and NIDA in 1990 (MAPS Newsletter, 1994-95).
There are currently projects under development in Spain, Israel and the USA
looking at MDMA-assisted psychotherapy in the treatment of Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder and as a treatment for anxiety and depression associated
with cancer. Between 1990 and 1995 extensive studies of DMT, a strong but
short acting agent, were conducted on human subjects in the USA
(Strassman, 2001). Other research includes a double-blind placebo
controlled study in Russia using Ketamine In the treatment of heroin
addiction, which has demonstrated improved rates of abstinence,
maintained at 2 year follow-up (Krupltsky et al, 2002). Also In progress are
studies looking at Psilocybin in the treatment of Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder and for reducing anxiety and pain in cancer patients. All of this
research is well summarized in the IVIAPS website.
For tine past five years, Dr. Erika Dyck has been unearthing some
intriguing facts related to a group of pioneering psychiatrists who worked in
Saskatchewan, Canada in the '50s and '60s.
Her findings are published this month in the journal Social History of
"We accept all sorts of drugs, but I think LSD's 'street' popularity
ultimately led to its demise," Dyck said. "And that's too bad, because I think
the researchers in Saskatchewan, among others, showed the drug is unique
and has some intriguing properties that need to be explored further."
To be fair, It should be noted that about 10% of users don't feel the
same effects as others when taking drugs of any kinds, including alcohol and
nicotine. Beyond that, it would seem there are lots of benefits to be found in
drugs associated with the higher circuits of consciousness.
Hopefully in the very near future, doctors of all sorts will know which
psychedellcs treat specific addictions or conditions and be allowed to easily
administer the proper treatment.
-lK(3-a (I kappa beta alpha) is the main inhibitor of NFk(3, the activating
component of the immune response. It is not clear why LSD activates
expression of an immune suppressor gene. An intriguing report recently
showed that iKp-a is found in the cell bodies and processes of neurons and
specifically localizes to the postsynaptic densities, along with NFk|3... The
authors hypothesized that the post-synaptically localized iKp-a and NFKp act
as messenger molecules that travel from the synapse to the nucleus.
The hallucinogenic plant Salvia divinorum has been used for centuries
in shamanistic ceremonies led by spiritual healers in Mexico. But now the
drug has gotten so popular among recreational users in America (street
names: Magic Mint, Sally D) that the government has taken notice: it's been
banned in 15 states and federal legislation has been introduced to regulate
the plant as a Schedule 1 drug, like marijuana, heroin and ecstasy.
According to recent surveys, users say burning and inhaling the smoke
of dried Salvia leaves produces powerful hallucinogenic effects, and helps
reduce anxiety, improve mood and increase insight. In one case, a woman
with drug-resistant depression claimed significant improvements in mood
after experimenting with Salvia.
But the first question is, is it safe? In their latest study, Johnson and
colleagues found that it was, at least in the short term. In the experiment, two
men and two women who were mentally and physically healthy and free of
any drug-abuse problems were each given 16 increasingly larger doses of
salvinorin A and four doses of placebo in a lab setting. The participants took
the drugs in 20 sessions over two to three months. They were observed for a
variety of effects, including motor function, mood, physiology and length of
the drug's "high."
-51 -
Clearly psychedelic drugs are not the only means to achieving these
mystical mental states and thus activating higher circuits of consciousness.
I encourage everyone to research any and all forms of mental and spiritual
self exploration. I could also go on at length regarding the legality of lower
circuit drugs vs. the illegality of right brained higher circuit psychedelic drugs.
Needless to say, many things need to change politically for humanity as a
whole to benefit from this information.
Cable television, public education, and pop culture all program the
minds of the masses to create what is known as the 'status quo'. The human
brain is a sponge for information and whatever passes through our senses
enters our brains. We can now control what we program into our minds and
that will contribute greatly to who we'll be, for better or for worse; that will be
our reality. If you learn how to really teach yourself, you can truly be
whatever you want. As Dr. Leary also said, 'The eyes are an extension of the
brain. The eyes are the window to the soul and what controls your eyeballs
temporary controls your brain.'
Two great websites come to mind that I use most when I am in serious
research mode, those being Wikipedia.org and YouTube.com. For those that
are not aware, 'Wikipedia' is a free online encyclopedia that has a listing for
pretty much everything. It's one stop shopping for instant knowledge, if you
have the time to read.
'YouTube' is great for so many reasons; you can find a 'how to' video
on literally anything. From learning a new language or software programs, to
changing a car part or home repairs, there are millions to choose from. The
other great thing about YouTube is that just about every documentary ever
made is uploaded there. I also use a number of documentary websites such
as Top Documentary Films', which has nearly 2,000 documentaries listed in
categories, with links to the YouTube videos in order to watch instantly.
Like myself, the Eight Circuit Model of Human Consciousness was
also born in 1977. Given birth to in Dr. Leary's book Exo-Psychology, which
was the 2nd of 5 books later known as the future history series and the first to
officially define the Eight Circuit Model in detailed scientific terms.
The full title of the book is Exo-Psychology: A Manual for the Use of the
Human Nervous System According to the Instructions of the Manufacturers.
Dr. Leary obviously saw the Eight Circuit Model as a practical, hands-on
approach to psychology that anyone can make use of and benefit from.
If there is one other book that should be read in order to fully grasp the
Eight Circuit Model, it would be Exo-Psychology... or its 1994 update known
as Info-Psychology.
Neuropolitics is the third in the future history series and was also
published in 1 977. The first version of this book was written from 1 973-1 976
when Dr. Leary was in prison. Indeed, several chapters were composed
during solitary confinement. In this release. Dr. Leary explores the role of the
dissident philosopher and offers a multitude of brilliant observations on our
political past, present and, especially, our future.
Dr. Leary's 1 991 book The Game of Life' is Part 4 of his Future- History
Series. This book categorizes Leary's own philosophies into the
scientific-occult world of Aleister Crowley and the Tarot.
Leary begins with evolution and the works of Charles Danwin, along
with Mendeleyev and his classification of chemical elements along with
neurological thoughts of the nervous system, DNA, synaptic connections,
l-Ching and Hindu Mythology.
Highly regarding Aleister Crowley's work in his "Bool< of Thoth" and his
own Tarot deck, he understands that Crowley was on a similar path, only
using different language. One chapter is dedicated to each Tarot card
allotting it its own intelligence in the chain of evolutionary process. Leary
does expand the set giving it 24 major cards instead of the standard 22.
What follows here is one of the short articles from The Intelligence
Agents that stood out as one of my favorites, and is called The Outcasts by
Frank Herbert...
To complete the Future History Series, I will now go back and touch on
the first book in the series which was called What Does Woman Want?". Like
every book in the series, this psychedelic sci-fi novel used the ideas of the
Eight Circuit Model of human consciousness, as well as many of Leary's
other theories.
Written in prison in the years after his 1973 arrest, Timothy Leary
published his first and only novel "What Does Woman Want?" in 1976.
Founding the one-off publishing house "88 Books" with his then-wife, Leary
published the book in a limited run of 5000 copies; coincidentally, my copy is
number 88.
Cosmic Trigger I: Tine Final Secret of The llluminati is the first book in
the Cosmic Trigger series, first published in 1977 and the first of a
three-volume autobiographical and philosophical work by Robert Anton
Wilson. It has a foreword by Timothy Leary, which he wrote in the summer of
1977. The first volume was published without numbering, as the second
volume did not appear for nearly 15 years.
As the title suggests, the book also deals with the Bavarian llluminati
conspiracy (which Wilson neither rejects as utterly false, nor embraces as
true, in keeping with his theme) and other related intrigues. The work also
touches on a wide range of other subjects, from Timothy Leary's thoughts on
brain circuits, JFK's assassination, through to Sufism and numerous occult
Claiming to be a short book (under 300 pages) about how the human
mind works and how to get the most use from one, Wilson describes it as an
"owner's manual for the human brain".
In India, Buddha announced, after his illumination under the Bodhi tree,
the Noble Eightfold Path. Patanjali subsequently reduced the science of
yoga to eight "limbs" or, as we might say, eight "steps."
The game of chess appeared, somewhere in the East, with a grid based
on 8x8 (64) squares.
In the 1860s, English chemist John Newland showed that all the
chemical elements fall into eight families. Since Pythagorean mysticism was
unfashionable at that time, Newland was literally laughed at and rejected by
the Royal Chemical Society. In the 1870s, with much more detail than
Newland, the Russian chemist Mendeleyev proved once and for all that the
elements do, indeed, fall into eight families. His Periodic Table of the
Elements, an octave of hauntingly Pythagorean harmony, hangs in every
high-school chemistry class today. (The Royal Society later apologized to
Newland and gave him a Gold Medal.)
Alkalis Nitrogens
Alkalines Oxygens
Borons Halogens
The first four families, Leary argues, are terrestrial; that is, they are
heavy and tend to fall to Earth. The second four families are extraterrestrial;
that is, they tend to float off into space. Similarly, he says, the first four
circuits of the nervous system are terrestrial; their function is to control
survival and reproduction at the bottom of the 4,000-mile gravity well in
which we presently live. The second four circuits, then, are extraterrestrial;
they will come into full play only when we live normally in zero-gravity - in
Angel Tech is (in its own words), "a survival manual for fallen angels who are
through with their frozen responses to the nightmares around us." Several
sentences later, it instructs us to: "fly higher, plant both feet firmly in the
ground... ground." The title is somewhat deceptive, also, because Angel
Tech isn't about angels per se; at least not the kind painted by artists and
described in the bible. To once again quote the text, "An angel is a being of
Light. Tech comes from techne, meaning art or skill. Angel Tech is the Art of
Being Light... We are in essence, beings of light."
Thioridazine Chlorpromazine^
Pimozide Perphenazine
Droperidol Zudopenthixol
'te^fX Bupropion
JCatliinona (Khat)
VIethylphenidate/ V jj^^tisie^
Betel Nut
Dprion \
f Atomoxetine
\ CannahinoielsK
S i'daih w \ H yp mfic^
Barbiturates \
Chloroform 1
Methaqualone I
Oxide ^
iOpmm Codein^
I Hydrocodone /
Methadone /
ibotenic Acid
^ Gaboxadol
-61 -