Ict Lab LAB 01 Ms Word
Ict Lab LAB 01 Ms Word
Ict Lab LAB 01 Ms Word
LAB 01
Advanced Microsoft Word 2007
Topics covered in this session:
Creating tables
Adding table rows and columns
Deleting table rows and columns
Merging/splitting table rows and columns
Changing text direction
Table formatting, borders, and shading
Paragraph borders/shading
Horizontal Lines
Inserting Headers/Footers
Inserting Page Numbers
Inserting Symbols
Inserting ClipArt/Images
Using the Picture Styles/Tools
Smart Art
Bullets and Numbering
Adding References
use and remove hyper linking
use macro
1. Click the Insert tab, then click the down arrow below the Table icon, highlight the number of columns and
rows you wish to create. If you don’t choose enough, you can always add colums or rows later.
2. Once you have the table created, you can begin typing information into the cells. To move from one
cell to another, press Tab. To go back one cell, press Shift + Tab.
2) To insert a table row inside the table, highlight the row where you wish to insert a row. Right-click in
the selection, click Insert and choose Insert Rows Above or Insert Rows Below.
3) To insert columns in the table, highlight the column where you wish to insert a column. Right-click in
the selection, click Insert and choose Insert Columns to the Left or Insert Columns to the Right.
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Deleting Table Rows/Columns
I. To delete a table row, highlight the row you wish to delete. Right-click in the selection, click Delete
II. To delete a table column, highlight the column you wish to delete. Right-click in the selection, click
Delete Columns.
I. To merge a group of cells in a table, highlight the cells you wish to group together. Right-click in the
selection, click Merge Cells.
II. To split a cell in a table, right-click in the cell you wish to split, click Split Cells.
a. Right-click in the cell that contains the text you wish to change the direction for. Click Text
Direction and choose the format you wish.
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To apply borders to cells or the entire table, click the down arrow beside the Borders icon in the
Table Styles section of the Design Ribbon. Click on the type of border you want.
To apply a combination of borders, click the Borders and Shading option at the bottom of the pull-
down list.
Shading can also be applied to cells: Highlight the cells you wish to apply shading to, click the down
arrow beside the Shading icon in the Table Styles section of the Design Ribbon. Click on the color of
your choice.
Paragraph Borders/Shading
1. Highlight the paragraph you wish to put a border around. Click the down arrow to the right of the
borders icon in the Paragraph group of the Home Ribbon. Click the Borders and Shading option
at the bottom of the drop-down list.
2. Choose the type of border you wish to put around the paragraph/selected text, as well as the line
thickness, type, color, etc. Also be sure the “Apply to” option is set to paragraph. Once options are
set, click OK. HINT: If the setting doesn’t show up in the Preview box, it is NOT selected.
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3. Shading may also be applied to the paragraph/selected text by clicking the Shading tab and setting the
options to whatever you wish. Click OK when finished.
1. Click the Insert tab, click the ClipArt icon in the Illustrations group.
2. In the “search for” box, key in Horizontal Lines and press Enter. Numerous types of lines should
appear. Lines may be inserted at the insertion point by double-clicking the line you wish to add or
clicking the down arrow and choosing Insert.
3. These lines are clipart so they can sized up or down. Be sure to use the corner sizing handle to avoid
skewing the image.
4. Basic black lines may be inserted by pressing the hyphen or underline numerous times across the
screen and pressing Enter.
Inserting Header/Footer
1. Click the Insert tab, click the down arrow below the Header or Footer icon in the Header & Footer
2. Choose the layout which best suits your needs. There are numerous options for each.
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Inserting Page Numbers
1. Click the Insert tab; click the Page Number icon in the Header & Footer group.
2. There are numerous options for putting the page number at the top of the page or at the bottom of the
page. Click on the one you want.
Inserting Symbols
1. Click the Insert tab; click the down arrow below the Symbol icon in the Symbols group.
2. Choose a symbol from the commonly used list, or click More Symbols to see more options. Many
different types of picture icons/symbols are available in Webdings, Wingdings, Wingdings 2,
Wingdings 3.
3. Once you have found the symbol you want, double-click the symbol icon to insert it into your
document or click on the symbol once and click the Insert button.
Inserting ClipArt/Images
1. Click the Insert tab; click the ClipArt icon in the Illustrations group.
2. In the “search for” box, key in words that describe what type of clipart you are looking for and press
Enter. Numerous images should appear. To insert a specific clipart, double-click the image you wish
to add or click the down arrow and choose Insert. The images with the “world” icon in the corner are
located on the Microsoft website. If you are not connected to the Internet, these will not show up.
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3. To insert a saved image, click the Insert tab; click the Image icon in the Illustrations group.
Find the picture in the list, then click the Insert button.
1. Click on the image in your document. If the Picture tools ribbon is not showing, click on the Picture
Tools icon located on the Title bar.
1. Click the Insert tab; click the WordArt icon in the Text group. Click the WordArt design you
wish to use. Type your text into the dialog box, choose the font and size you want, then click OK.
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2. Just as for images, there are many manipulation options available for WordArt; styles, fill,
shadow effects, rotating options, size, etc.
Inserting SmartArt
1. Click the Insert tab; click the SmartArt icon in the Illustrations group. Click the SmartArt design
you wish to use, then click OK.
2. Numerous options are available for manipulating the illustration. Click in each element to type text,
add shapes, delete shapes, change the layout or style, etc.
Adding Bullets/Numbering
1. Click the Home tab; click the down arrow to the right of the bullets icon or the numbering
icon .
2. Choose the style of bullet or numbering you wish to apply to text. Additional bullets are available
by clicking on Define New Bullet at the bottom of the drop-down list. Click on Symbol or
Picture to see additional items. Click OK once you have selected what you want.
Picture Symbol
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3. Your own style of numbering can be set as well. Click on Define New Numbering Format and
type in the style you want. Click OK when finished.
Adding References
Table of Contents
1. Click the References tab, click the down arrow next to the Table of Contents icon .
1. Click the References tab. For a footnote, click the Insert Footnote icon . For an Endnote,
click the Insert Endnote icon .
2. To insert another footnote or endnote, click on the Insert Footnote or Insert Endnote
icon again.
3. To move from one footnote or endnote to another, click the down arrow next to the
Next Footnote icon and click the appropriate option.
1. Click the References tab. To insert a citation into your document, click the down arrow
beside the Insert Citation icon and choose Add New Source
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2. Fill out the information for the type of source it is, title, author, etc. The boxes listed
are generally the required information. Additional fields can be shown by clicking in
the Show All Bibliography Fields box.
3. If you need to edit the source at any time, click on the Manage Sources icon
4. Choose the style of bibliography/citation you are creating by clicking on the down
arrow to the right of the Style icon.
5. Once finished with the sources, you can insert the bibliography/works cited page by
clicking on the down arrow to the right of the Bibliography icon; click the format you
wish to display the page in.
Use Hyperlinks
Use hyperlinks to point to web pages, other files, email addresses and other parts of the same document.
Hyperlinks make it easy for the reader to access related content.
To follow a hyperlink in Word you need to hold down the Ctrl key and click with the mouse.
Insert a Hyperlink
Select the text you want to use for the hyperlink
Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon
Click the Hyperlink button in the Links group
To a Web Page
1. Click the Existing File or Web Page option in the Link to: panel
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2. Type the URL of the web page into the Address: box
Click the Browse the Web button, find the web page you want to use and close the browser
3. Click Ok
To a File
1) Click the Existing File or Web Page option in the Link to: pane
2) Locate and select the file you want to link to
3) Click Ok
To an Email Address
a) Click the E-mail Address option in the Link to: panel
Add a Comment
Click in the document or select the text where you want the comment to be inserted
Click the Review tab on the Ribbon
Click the New Comment button in the Comments group
Enter the text in the comment
Delete a Comment
If a comment is no longer required it can be removed. To remove a comment you should delete it, not accept or
reject the change like when using Track Changes.
1. Select the comment you want to remove
2. Click the Delete Comment button on the Review tab
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Review Comments
It is easy to jump to each comment within a document to review them.
Click the Review tab on the Ribbon
Click the Next Comment or Previous Comment buttons
Use Macro
A macro is a series of actions that are recorded and can then be executed in a single click of a button. Create a
macro to perform time consuming, repetitive tasks so that you don't have to complete them yourself.
When you record a macro, Word writes VBA code that performs the task. Creating a macro by recording the
actions is easy to do, but has it's limitations. To edit your macros, or create more advanced and complex macros,
you need some knowledge of VBA in Word.
Create a Macro
When you record a macro, Word records every step you take. It is recommended to write the required steps
down on a piece of paper before recording.
A macro can only be edited by changing the VBA code. So if a mistake is made, it can be easier to delete the
macro and then record it again.
Click the View tab on the Ribbon
Click the list arrow on the Macros button and select Record Macro
Click the Store macro in: list box and choose to save the macro in one of the templates or in the
current document
Enter a description for the macro in the Description: field
Click Ok
Word starts recording your actions. A cassette icon is visible on the mouse arrow and the Stop
Recording button appears on the Status Bar at the bottom of the window Perform the actions that
you want the macro to record and click the Stop Recording button when you have finished
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Adding Superscript
1. Go to Font group in the Home tab.
2. Click the superscript button
3. Type the number/alphabet you want in the superscript
Adding Subscript
1. Go to the Font group in the Home tab
2. Click the subscript button
3. Type the number/alphabet you want in the subscript
Adding double subscript
1. If you want to type aaa.
2. First type 2 a’s in the subscript of larger a
6. Go to Advanced
7. Set position to lowered
8. Click ok