8th Mom CSMC
8th Mom CSMC
8th Mom CSMC
Table of Contents
1 Confirmation of the minutes of the 7th CSMC meeting held on 17th March 2
2 Proposal for Addendum to para 13.4 of the Minutes of 4th Meeting of 3
the CSMC under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana- (PMAY) Housing for All
(Urban) held on 21.12.2015 in New Delhi
3 Central Assistance for 2 BLC Projects submitted by the State government 4
of Jammu & Kashmir
4 Central Assistance for 1 ISSR Project submitted by the State government 6
of Punjab
5 Central Assistance for 8 AHP Projects submitted by the State government 9
of Uttar Pradesh
6 Central Assistance for 1 ISSR, 2 BLC and 49 AHP projects submitted by 10
State of Maharashtra
7 Presentation on SECC 16
8 Discussion on CLSS 17
9 MIS Data Entry 17
10 Other Important Observations 17
Minutes of the 8th Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC)
meeting of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) held on 28th April 2016
The 8th Meeting of the Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC) of
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY-Urban) was held on 28th April 2016 at 2.00 P.M. in
the Conference Hall, Room No:120, G-wing, NBO Building, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi,
with Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation in chair. The list of
participants is enclosed at Annexure - I.
2. Secretary (HUPA) welcomed the senior officers of the Ministry and representatives
from the State Governments.
3. JS (HFA) introduced the agenda for the meeting. The agenda items also form part of
the minutes.The Committee considered the following agenda for discussion.
1 Proposal for Addendum to para 13.4 of the Minutes of 4th Meeting of the CSMC
under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana- (PMAY) Housing for All (Urban) held on
21.12.2015 in New Delhi
2 Central Assistance for 2 BLC Projects submitted by the State government of Jammu &
3 Central Assistance for 1 ISSR Project submitted by the State government of Punjab
4 Central Assistance for 8 AHP Projects submitted by the State government of Uttar
5 Central Assistance for 1 ISSR, 2 BLC and 49 AHP projects submitted by State of
4.1: Confirmation of the minutes of the 7th CSMC meeting held on 17thMarch 2016
4.1.1 The CSMC noted two minor corrections to the minutes of the 7th CSMC meeting held
on 17th March, 2016 as follows:
the first installmemt of Rs. 24.00 crore for the 2 ISSR projects shall be released once the
developers have been identified by the State government as per rules and compliance to
observation at para 4.5(C)(viii) has been ensured.
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in case of 2 projects under ISSR vertical, the first installment of Rs. 5.42 crore shall be
released once the developers have been identified by the State government as per rules and
compliance to observations at para 4.9(C)(vii) has been ensured.
Proposal for Addendum to para 13.4 of the Minutes of 4th Meeting of the CSMC under
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana- (PMAY) Housing for All (Urban) held on 21.12.2015 in
New Delhi
i. CSMC in its 4th meeting under PMAY(U) held on 21.12.2015 accorded in-principle
approval to provide Central assistance of Rs. 710.61 crore for 47,374 EWS houses of 73 AHP
projects in Telangana and recommended release of 1st installment- 40% of Central assistance
for these 73 projects.
ii. While concurring to the proposal for release, IFD had pointed out that CSMC has
reduced the requirement of minimum numbers of houses (i.e. 250 houses) in various AHP
projects in Telangana, which needs to be brought out in the minutes of the CSMC meeting for
iii. The matter was brought before CSMC in its 8th meeting and CSMC, after
deliberation, ratified its earlier decision taken in the 4th CSMC meeting whereby 16 projects
of AHP component consisting of less than 250 EWS houses in each were considered, on the
request of the State government, for Central assistance in relaxation of para 6.4 of the
PMAY-HFA (Urban) scheme guidelines.
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Central Assistance for 2 BLC Projects submitted by the State government of Jammu &
A. Basic Information:
The proposal for consideration of CSMC was for Central Assistance for the 2 projects under
Beneficiary – Led Individual House Construction (BLC) of PMAY (U) submitted by the
State of Jammu & Kashmir, the details of which are as follows:
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B. Additional Information provided by State:
Out of 25 approved towns under PMAY (U), demand assessment has been completed
in 8 towns, where a total demand of 6,863 houses has been reported. In rest of the
towns assessment will be completed by mid-May, 2016.
Estimated housing demand in J&K is about 2.5 lakhs.
Only those beneficiaries who have agreed to contribute their required share to
complete houses have been selected in the project.
Under CLSS, about 500 applications were received and 147 loans have been
sanctioned by the Bank. Till now, only J&K Bank has been approached for this
Awareness generation program through radio and TV on the PMAY-HFA (U)
Mission is also carried out by the State government to create awareness for generating
C. CSMC Observations:
(i) The State may revise the layout plan of the building so as to conform to NBC norms.
Since the carpet area proposed for each house is only 22.8 sq mt, the State government
may also explore the possibility of increasing carpet area. Consent of beneficiaries to
contribute additional share for increased carpet area should be ascertained.
(ii) Aadhar No. of all beneficiaries, if available, should be incorporated. Meanwhile, any
alternate ID as per the scheme guidelines is to be provided with the beneficiary list.
(iii) The beneficiary list should be validated with SECC data.
(iv) The ownership of the house should be in the name of the female head of the household
or as joint ownership. The name of female head should also be mentioned in the
beneficiary list.
(v) The timeline for Mandatory Conditions/ Reforms needs to be advanced so as to
complete them by 2016.
(vi) A State level workshop may be organised on CLSS with the help of National Housing
Bank (NHB) to generate awareness. The State may refer to Ministry’s website to
ascertain list of banks who have agreed to participate in CLSS.
(vii) The State should endeavour to adopt green/innovative/ earthquake resistant
technologies in the projects
(viii) Online MIS data entry in PMAY(U)-MIS to be expedited for capturing beneficiary
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and project details.
(ix) Information on source of water supply to the proposed houses of the intended
beneficiaries should be provided.
(x) The State must follow DBT mode for transfer of funds to the beneficiaries.
(xi) The State must ensure geo-tagging of photographs to monitor progress of the house
construction before release of each instalment to beneficiaries.
D. CSMC Decisions:
accorded approval for Central Assistance amounting to Rs. 3.36 Crore for 2
projects submitted by State Government of Jammu & Kashmir under BLC
vertical of PMAY – HFA (Urban) for ‘New Construction’ of 224 EWS
dwelling units, as per Statement at Annexure II.
recommended release of the first instalment of Rs 1.34 Crore (40% of Central
Assistance) for the 2 projects covering 224 houses subject to compliance
mentioned at para 4.2 (C) (i), (ii) and (iii).
directed that adherence to disaster and earthquake resistant technologies
should be ensured before the release of second instalment.
decided to defer consideration of the proposal under the BLC project for
‘enhancement component’ for further deliberations.
Central Assistance for 1 ISSR Project submitted by the State government of Punjab
A. Basic Information:
The proposal for consideration by CSMC was for Central Assistance for 1 In-Situ Slum
Redevelopment (ISSR) project under PMAY – HFA (Urban) submitted by the State
government of Punjab, the details of which are as follows:
State: Punjab
Component: ISSR
No. of Projects: 1
No. of Cities: 1 (Bathinda)
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Total Project cost: Rs. 56.64 Crore (Per Unit cost Rs.4.42 Lakhs)
Central Share: Rs. 12.8 Crore
State Share: Rs. 37.37 Crore
ULB Share: Nil
Beneficiary Share: Rs. 6.40 Crore (@ Rs. 50,000/beneficiary)
Amount of 1 Instalment requested: Rs. 5.12 Crore
Total No. of DUs proposed 1280
Whether Cities are approved under HFA Yes
Appraisal by SLAC & Date Yes, 22.4.2016
Approval by SLSMC & Date Yes, 3.3.2016
State level Nodal agency-SLNA Punjab Urban Planning and Development
Authority (PUDA)
Implementation agency Bathinda Development Authority (BDA)
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The committee was informed that the social infrastructure already exists in the vicinity.
C. CSMC Observations:
(i) Provide Aadhar No., as available, of all the beneficiaries of the proposed project.
(ii) Online entry of the beneficiaries and project details in PMAY(U)-MIS should be
(iii)Construction of houses should conform to NBC norms.
(iv) The State should endeavour to adopt green/innovative/ earthquake resistant
technologies in the projects
(v) Project should be completed in 24 months as against 36 months mentioned in the DPR.
(vi) A single project account may be opened for crediting GoI share, funds from State
D. CSMC Decisions:
In view of the above, the CSMC:
accorded acceptance for Central assistance of Rs. 12.80 crore for 1 project under
ISSR vertical for construction of 1280 houses of EWS category, as per Statement
at Annexure III.
recommended release of the first instalment of Rs. 5.12 crore (40% of Central
assistance) subject to compliance as mentioned at para 4.3 (C) (i).
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Central Assistance for 8 AHP Projects submitted by the State government of Uttar
A. Basic Information:
The proposal under consideration of CSMC was for Central Assistance for 8 Affordable
Housing in Partnership (AHP) projects submitted by State government of Uttar Pradesh, the
details of which are as under:
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Partnership (AHP) component of PMAY. The construction work in these projects has
already started.
The dwelling unit will be allotted to the beneficiary free of cost whose annual income
is up-to Rs. 60,000 per annum. Provision of State share has already been made in the
The Layout plan of dwelling units is standardised under ASARA. The proposed
dwelling unit consists one Room of 9 sq mt, Kitchen, Water Closet, Bathroom and
Balcony/ Verandah. The carpet area of the dwelling unit is about 17 sq mt.
C. CSMC Observations:
(i) The construction work of proposed projects should have started after the launch of the
PMAY(U) Mission.
(ii) The committee observed that being a single room dwelling unit, the design of the
house has issues of privacy and does not provide adequate recourse to decongested
living. The State may consider re-design of the layout plan after conforming to NBC
norms. Further, PMAY (U) intends to provide houses to eligible beneficiaries whose
annual income could be up to Rs. 3 lakhs for all verticals other than CLSS. Hence,
such beneficiaries may also be addressed by the State.
D. CSMC Decision:
In view of the above, the CSMC requested the State government to resubmit the projects after
carrying out necessary modifications so as to ensure that the building plans conforms to
scheme guidelines and NBC norms.
Central Assistance for 1 ISSR, 2 BLC and 49 AHP projects submitted by State of
A. Basic Information:
The proposal considered by CSMC was for the Central Assistance for 1 ISSR, 2 BLC and 49
AHP projects submitted by State government of Maharashtra under PMAY-HFA (Urban) the
details of which are as under:
State: Maharashtra
Component: ISSR, BLC and AHP
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No. of Projects: ISSR – 01
BLC – 02
AHP – 49
No. of Cities: ISSR – 01
BLC – 02
AHP –23
Total Project cost ISSR – Rs. 398.06 Crore (Per unit cost- Rs. 8.41
BLC –Rs. 340.38 Crore (Per unit cost- Rs. 4.50
Lakhs to Rs. 5.04 Lakhs)
AHP –Rs. 12378.14 Crore (Per unit cost- Rs. 7.47
Lakhs to Rs. 18.43 Lakhs)
Central Share ISSR – Rs. 46.85 Crore
BLC – Rs. 114.57 Crore
AHP – Rs. 1663.35 Crore
State Share ISSR – Rs. 46.85 Crore
BLC – Rs. 27.22 Crore
AHP – Rs. 1109.00 Crore
ULB Share ISSR – Rs. 244.68 Crore (PPP + VGF/FSI)
BLC – Nil
AHP – Nil
Beneficiary Contribution ISSR – Rs. 59.68 Crore
BLC – Rs. 272.34 Crore
AHP – Rs. 9604.53 Crore
Amount of 1st Instalment requested ISSR – Rs. 18.74 Crore
BLC – Rs. 45.83 Crore
AHP – Rs. 665.34 Crore
Total No. of DUs proposed ISSR – 4,685
BLC (New Construction) –7,399
BLC (Enhancement) – 388
AHP –1,53,756
No. of EWS houses: ISSR – 4,685
BLC (New Construction) –7,399
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BLC (Enhancement) – 388
AHP –1,10,900
Whether Cities are approved under HFA No. In respect of 4 AHP projects, the locations is
out of the approved statutory towns.
Appraisal by SLAC & Date SLAC is not formed
Approval by SLSMC & Date Yes, 02/03/2016 and 16/03/2016
State Level Nodal Agency MHADA
Implementation Agency MHADA, Amravati Municipal Corporation,
Akola Municipal Corporation
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o It was clarified that the State has not approved any design as deemed layout. The
design of each individual house would be different based on the site conditions
and preference of the owners. To facilitate approval of the house designs from
ULB, the State has signed Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with 10 to 12
Architects in the city.
The State representatives made a detailed presentation on the AHP project in Solapur
for 30,000 beneficiaries of Raynagar Co-operative Housing Federation. The following
points were discussed:
o The Federation has past experience of undertaking construction of 12,000 houses
o The houses are proposed to be developed using precast technology for faster
o The recycled water from Sewage Treatment Plant is proposed to be used for
flushing and gardening. Further, Rainwater harvesting has been proposed.
o For the design of the house, wind direction and sun path analysis has been
conducted, and accordingly a climatological design is proposed for houses.
o Apart from Rs. 1.5 lakhs as Central Assistance, the State shall provide Rs. 1 lakh
per house. Beneficiary contribution would be Rs. 2.75 lakhs, out of which Rs.
50,000/- will be in cash and Rs. 2.25 lakhs would be in the form of bank loan.
o 4 housing finance institutions- Tata Capital, Union Bank of India, GRUH finance
and Micro Housing Finance Corporation have provided consent for extending
housing loans to the beneficiaries.
o Phase-wise implementation of the project is proposed, with delivery of 20,000
houses by December, 2018.
With regard to 14 AHP projects within MMRDA area to be implemented by MHADA,
following points were noted:
o The projects are proposed on State Government land, and all are greenfield
o The beneficiary selection would be done online through lottery system
C. CSMC Observations:
(i) CSMC expressed a serious concern regarding non-occupancy of 53,651 (28,100
houses under BSUP and 25,551 houses under IHSDP) JNNURM houses in
Maharashtra. The State government must submit a strategy for physical completion
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and occupancy of JNNURM houses.
(ii) With respect to Solapur ISSR project:
o Final beneficiary list needs to be submitted
o Consent letter for the relocation of beneficiaries needs to be obtained
o RFP for Developer selection should contain a condition to ensure transit
accomodation to beneficiaries
(iii) Regarding BLC projects of Amaravati and Akola, following points were
o Consideration of Enhancement proposal in the BLC in Akola is deferred.
o State to furnish beneficiary details validated with SECC data
o State must follow DBT mode for transfer of funds to beneficiaries
o State must ensure geo-tagging of photographs to monitor progress of the house
construction before release of each instalment to the beneficiaries
(iv) With respect to AHP project of Solapur, the following concerns were raised by the
CSMC and the State was asked to further develop the Institutional Structure and
Business Model, and to resubmit the project:
o The project site falls in the fringe area of the city, hence, assistance under
AMRUT for developing infrastructure, as assumed in the proposal, may not be
available. Hence, funding for developing physical and social infrastructure
may need to be ensured.
o Since the Raynagar Co-operative Housing Federation is not a public agency, a
framework of Affordable Housing in Partnership is necessary to be put in
place. The institutional arrangement between the State/ Development
Authority/ ULB and the private entity would need to be formally in place. An
SPV or similar structure responsible for anchoring the project implementation
with adequate representation from State owned agency so as to have effective
administrative and financial control mechanism in place, could be explored.
The State needs to firm up its role and responsibility in such project initiatives.
o representative of National Co-operative Housing Federation informed that
only a State Level Co-operative Federation can borrow funds for projects, and
Raynagar housing federation not being a State level entity, the federation may
not be able to borrow funds for the project.
o an Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (ADR) committee needs to be formed
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to address the disputes, if any.
o representative of NHB highlighted that extending credit/ finance to Co-
operative Housing Federations is an issue because of concerns based on past
o the record of rights for the land may need to be updated, and the land will have
to be transferred to the Implementation Agency/SPV.
(v) CSMC observed that DPRs have not been appraised by SLAC. The State
representative was advised to have the DPRs appraised by duly constituted SLAC
and get the proposals ratified by SLSMC. It was also advised that MHADA being
the technical agency which had prepared the DPRs, should not be part of the SLAC
to avoid conflict of interest.
D. CSMC Decisions:
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also, interalia, clearly delineate the role of the State government, development
authority, oversight and monitoring mechanisms as well as the fund flow
(vi) deferred the agenda for considering Central assistance for EWS houses
proposed for ‘enhancement’ under BLC component of the Mission at Akola.
(vii) deferred the agenda for considering Central assistance for EWS houses
proposed under AHP component of the Mission from towns other than
MMRDA area.
5. Discussion on CLSS
5.1 Joint Secretary (Housing) emphasized the importance of CLSS component within
PMAY Scheme to all the representatives of the States and requested them to facilitate and put
in place an institutional arrangement between the PLIs and potential beneficiaries.
5.2 The following issues were discussed with the State Governments.
The representatives of Jammu and Kashmir were apprised that sanction of subsidy under
CLSS component is to be fast tracked in the State, since only a few proposals have been
santioned. The State representative assured to proactively pursue the matter, both, with
potential beneficiaries as well as the PLIs. NHB was advised to interact with the State for
dissemination of guidelines through a workshop on CLSS.
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ii. Punjab
The representative of Punjab informed that the State Housing Policy has incorporated CLSS
component for which land is being contributed by the State. As per the terms of the policy,
State Government is proceeding to issue an advertisement by first week of May 2016 inviting
applications from eligible beneficiaries in select cities.
5.3 Joint Secretary (Housing) advised all the State representatives are also to engage with
Central Nodal Agencies to propagate CLSS in their respective States, so that the potential
beneficiaries under CLSS identified by demand assessment process are followed up in a
focused manner.
PMAY MIS has been developed wherein States and ULBs are required to enter
project-wise beneficiary details. CSMC requested the States to ensure uploading of
project information and beneficiary details in the MIS. All ULBs are requested to start
mapping the fund disbursement on Public Finance Management System (PFMS)
The following observations were made regarding project proposals under PMAY (U). States
should take note of the observations of CSMC and take further action accordingly:
A. States/UTs must complete Demand assessment within June 2016 as well as and
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i. Beneficiary list must include AHL-TIN wherever available.
iii. Building plan proposed by the States must adhere to minimum standards
b. Financing issues:
i. DPRs must include clear financing plan for the project including transition
ii. Sanction Order of the State share (if applicable) to be submitted before
Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, Ujwal Bharat
c. Administrative issues:
ii. In case of untenable slums, States must present their stratgey to ensure
that the land does not become vulnerable to squatting after relocation.
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v. DPRs must be appraised by SLAC before SLSMC approval, and SLSMC
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List of Participants
State Government
1 Shri Ram Pal Sharma, Secretary, J&K Housing Board Govt of J&K
2 Shri RC Sharma, SLTC Expert Govt of J&K
Shri Shree Prakash Singh, Secy, Dept of Poverty Alleviation
3 & Urban Development Govt of UP
4 Shri Shailendra Kumar Singh, Director, SUDA Govt of UP
Shri Anil Kumar Garg, Chief Administrator, Bathinda
5 Development Authority Govt of Punjab
6 Shri N.K Deshmukh, MD, Govt of Maharashtra
7 Shri L. Sanjay R., Chief Engineer, MHADA Govt of Maharashtra
8 Shri Sunil Kansal, SE(HQ), PUDA Govt of Punjab
9 Shri Zorammuana, Director, UD Dept Govt of Mizoram
10 Shri V.N. Kadam , Municipal Commissioner, SMC, Solapur Govt of Maharashtra
11 Shri Kuldeep Kumar, AM, Planning Jaipur
12 Shri A.K. Parwar, GM, CDS, Govt of UP
13 Shri A.S. Chander, Program Officer, SUDA Govt of UP
14 Shri Yogesh Aditya, SUDA Govt of UP
15 Shri Amol Mehra, MHADA Govt of Maharashtra
16 Shri N.P. Shithi, Ex. Eng, MHADA Govt of Maharashtra
17 Shri Ashok Waman Kakade, Addn Coll, & CO Pune Board Govt of Maharashtra
18 Shri A. Manish S. Bhatada, Consultant Govt of Maharashtra
19 Shri Ramchandra Babladkar Govt of Maharashtra
20 Shri Dhairyashil M. Khaimpatil, Structures consultants, Govt of Maharashtra
21 Shri Ajit Banker, Engg Expert Govt of Maharashtra
22 Shri Nalini kalburgi, Chairman, RAY Nagar Govt of Maharashtra
23 Shri D.K. Thungon, UPO, UD&H ousing Govt of AP
24 Shri T. Mosa, UPO Govt of AP
25 Shri L.B. Uyala, RAY Nagar, Consultant Govt of Maharashtra
26 Md. Yusuf Shaikh (major) Secy, RAY Nagar Federation Govt of Maharashtra
27 Ar Manish S Bhatado , Consultant Akola