Formula: Physical Significance For The Gradient of A Scalar Field
Formula: Physical Significance For The Gradient of A Scalar Field
Formula: Physical Significance For The Gradient of A Scalar Field
The scalar field can be mapped out by a -series of level surfaces (surface where scalar field has
constant value) .. Consider two such surfaces, very close to each other, as ~ .
shown in fig. (1 ). These surfaces are specified by constant scalar function S s + dS-:.---r----
ap.~.s + dS respectively. Let A and Bare two points on these surfaces and O
is a point outside the surfaces. Let r and r + dr be the radius vectors of
points A and B with respect to origin O respectively. The vector drawn from
A to B will be dr (·: AB= OB - OA = r + dr - r = dr). Let the normal
drawn from the point A of surface S is AC and fi is the unit vector along the
normal. Now certainly AC will be minimum distance between the two A
surfaces. Suppose the angle between AB and AC is e.
Now the magnitude of the rate of increase of Sat point A .in the direction
AB is as J Br. Similarly, the rate of increase of Sin the direction AC is as I an. Fig. (1)
From L\. ABC, AC= AB cos 8 or an =ar cos 8
·as or
as as
an ar cos e ar an ... (1)
It is obvious from eq. (1) that as Jar is maximum when 8 = 0 because now cos e = l S th .
· r· · o e maximum
value of as Jar is as Jan. In this way the maximum rate o increase of a scalar function S t . . .
. . . a anypomtma
scalar field is given, in magrutude and direction by the vector
W here O is the unit normal vector at that point. The vector is definer, as the gradi· t f h ·
that point and is written as
en °
t e seal ti Id S t
ar re a
grads= as fi ,
Thus the 5'oradient
., A .,_.......,
of a scalar
h Sis. a. vector
nd h whose. magnitude
. at a ny point
. is
. ~......m rate of-increase
,naxt,,. .. ,,.... ·
of S at t at point a w ose direction is along th
· .... h · I · ;r. ·
equal to the
e normal t 'I.
swfdee· at that poinJ. This gives 11,e p ~sic.a stgmjtcance of gradient of scalar field. o I te level
.. - ·- ,, ...],!_ - .. _ -
The operator can be im olve i in the multiplicution with n vector. The scalar or dot product of
- itl .......... A (,· v • A is called as divergence. 11u• ,JJ,,erg_ enco
operator Wl 1 a \'eelur . ' ' - I
vectorfield at Qny
I 1'1 -1 • •
point is defined as the amount offlux per unit volume 1/lt•t1rgi11g from l,111t 1u1 nt. 10 uivergence llf a
«: I
Let A be a vector function differentiable at each point (.,·, y, z) Ill n region o space. - ow t e
. · f N h
divergence of A is given by
~ •A = i --- + j - + k
ax y
--J •
(i A.\' + j A.)' + k A z)
: Ay.t. AP Ax+1~dx '_1~ r,
)C - ..
2 o«
1 cAx N : Az,:'C Ax J r
Ax-2 ax ax :
, ,.. G
, ..
H ax s
Fig. (2)
The value of A.r at the centre ~ of face PQRS
= value of A_t at the centre C + increase in magnitude from M
= value of Ax at the centre+ rate of change x distance
aA:c lit . I aA
=A.r +--X-=A +--,tdx
ox . 2 .t 2 ax
Similarly the magnitude at the centre N of face EFGH
-A I oA :r .s.
- .r ----u ..."t
2 ax
The negative sign is taken because N is towards Jeft of C.
\Ve know that the value of the fluid flowing per unit time through a face is equal to the product of the
area of the face and normal component of the vector upon it. This is known as flux through the face. Hence
1 aA x
= A +--dx ) 1 aA.r
dy dz= ( A ---dx ) dy dz
( x 2 ax .r 2 ox
= aA r dx dy dz
Similarly, the net flux leaving the parallelopiped in Y- and Z-directions are
aA aA_ -
_Y dx dy dz and _.. dx dy dz
ay oz
:. Total flux leaving or diverging from paraJlelopiped
aA aA)' aA ~ d: d d
=-x-,frdydz+-dtdydz+-~ r Y z
ax 0' m
=-- aAlt aA.,.
-+--+- aA.: )dx d y ~
dr ; : t
( at...... "
ay ;:i_
dx ch-
dz is the volume of the elementary paraJlelopiped. Hence the amount of flux diverging per
=( :: +~ + :, J
hi is defined as divergence of A. Thus
.... ;:,,,..
': ' ""~f ""\
CZ. '
l l ysh nl s :, 111fr·.,, ,e ·of Iiv l g nc ~
tt« pltJ'.dcnl sig·n fu:lllr tf dn>1}rg n ,· o· 11, 11,r fl Id 's lhtit at a poi t ii ·
fT,u t e r unit w hnn · ilfr r,gin~ }nm, tl1at i otnt. f,or wimph., If • r 1 . · Ill t!J v t ct J' ,of 1 fluid
· Uq11id ,,. gas) \i. •t - . q rl, n div v ~h s tlu mt, ofjl H of llt Jluitl al tl1ntpo nt p f _,111 volume. I
Iiv ,~ l)l;,·hi, ut that p int, th n ithcr th fluid L und r ti· , ansi n wi h i d n ·ny fa1fl'ng
l. ro orti nut ly) or the point its His as urc f Ilui l iimilarl , . neg: riv· v Ju . f h · iv iv m
hh r \htz 11nid is unde rg in , ontrn .tion densit is risin at that p int) r th p int rves a ink. lf.
h -l\ sv r, 1h v 0. th nth fluid nterinz and 1 .uvin th el m nt i th arne, i.e. th r i · no change tn
tl d 1 sity of the fluid or fluid is incompre .ible . The v tor ati fying rhi c ndition i ruled
sol noidul.
'I he div rge nc of current density J gives the amount of charge flowing out per unit volume per
second fr m a small element of closed surface around that point. V • J = 0, shows that the medium i of
ft . harg s. Similarly, V •Bin magnetism, shows that magnetic flux is a closed.