Uce Log Book (UNIT-3) : NTPC LTD Unchahar Power Project
Uce Log Book (UNIT-3) : NTPC LTD Unchahar Power Project
Uce Log Book (UNIT-3) : NTPC LTD Unchahar Power Project
Control Mode:
Unit Mode (CMC/ - -
Turbine - -
Auto Loop Status:
Drum level A A
FW Master A A
Dea Lvl. Ctrl. A A
Hotwell level Control A A
Primary Air flow A A
Secondary Air flow A A
Furnace draft A A
SH temperature A A
RH temperature A A
Seal steam control A A
SLC – Lube Oil ON ON
SLC Seal Oil ON ON
Temp. Control- Lube A A
Temp. Control- H2 Gas M M
Equipment Status:
Equipment Status I/S AV NAV/P Auto
TW /manual
Coal Mill AB CD EF
RC Feeder ABCD E F
Seal Air Fan 123456
DG 2-
RPM/49.5 HZ
PT Plant (3161)
Equipment In Service Avl Not Remarks
Clarified water Tank 2.4
CW M/U pump St#2 2 1,3 1000 m3/h
CW M/U Pump St#3 1 2 900m3/hr
Clarified/Drinking 2,3 1
water pump
AC ventilation Pump 2 1
Pressure filter Blower ABC -
Compressor House (3202)
Equipment In Service Avl Not Remarks
IAC 1 2,3 310
PAC 1,2
Suction Strainer BCD A
Discharge Strainer BCD A
Heater C A,B 24
Tank Level 1/2/3 mm 7600/6202/-
Drain Oil Tank Level 6.4
CBD opened to 50% at 06:30 hrs. CBD closed at 15:30.
ID Fan-A LOP-A PTW issued to BMD, supply kept isolated. PTW returned
supply normalized. trial taken.
CT Fan 3.13 PTW issued to OFS for fixing blades. Supply kept isolated and
riser valve kept closed. CT fan no load trial taken. CT fan vibration
measured by MTP and found OK. PTW returned ,supply normalized, trial to
be taken.
O2 measurement offline:- 4.4/5.5(L/R) online:- 4.2/5.4(L/R)
Scanner fan emergency damper was open in local. scanner fan discharge air
pressure maintaining low. Attended by C&I.
FD fan A vibration is showing faulty. It is showing 30/49 mm/s, while
reading recorded by MTP is within limit. LWC issued to C&I. Pending.
Mill CD B&S pump A was NTS. LWC issued to C&I. Attended.
Mill AB noise getting out intermittently. LWC issued to C&I. pending
ESP field B3 ERM ON feedback not coming, notified tto EMD(105265937).
ADP-1 ,one 4way valve and one 3way valve inoperative. PTW returned by
TMD. Supply kept off and i/l and o/l valves opened. Informed to C&I for C&I
connections installation. Pending
Field D3 isolated. PTW to be issued to EMD for oil leakage.
ADP 2 faulty changeover alarm persisting ,informed & notified to
ESP field A7 tripping on UV. field D1, D3 & D5 is having spark rate high. .As
per EMD problem is from ash handling side. Notified to AHM (105265211).
BFP # A bearing vibration NDE (X) is showing bad value in OWS. notified to
C&I (105262559).
mill AB SAF #1 current is not showing on desk and on OWS. notified to EMD
Line P3 multiple leakages PTW given to Ash handling Maintenance. Line
drain & depressurized.
CEP#3A brg vibration showing faulty values (both x/y values are 50/50),
notification raised to C&I (105261928).
MW correction not coming in Frequency influence. notification raised to
C&I (105262245).
Mill EF attempted twice in night shift, but could not be taken in service due
to non establishment of coal flow in feeder-F. Feeder F tripping on no coal
flow and coal feed rate showing zero. LWC issued to C&I
(105261811).Problem attended by C&I .Its NO Coal flow limit switch is
Mill AB, CAD 4B is jammed. PTW issued to BMD. Also PTW issued to C&I to
remove actuator. Supply of CAD 4B isolated. C&I communicated at 14:00
hrs(04/12/2021) to stop mill AB in order to remove actuator. To be taken
up whenever mill-EF is taken in service.
Starting Device feedback is not correct. In local it is open 100% but
feedback showing 50%. Due to this tracking device has been kept Off.
Notified to C&I (105260549)
PTW of Mill 3AB B&S-B. On trial pressure of DE/NDE of B&S-A is 30/31 ksc
and B&S-B is 17/17 ksc. Informed and Notified to BMD(105231802). BMD
again informed to take permit.
ESP-C PASS issued to AHM:- All field off and locked(C1 to C8) Earthing done
and locked, ACP panel supply off and locked. I/L and O/L ESP gate closed
and locked, ERM shaft/support insulator, CRM, Hopper heater off. Fuses
kept in UCB.As per written communication given by AHM,
ERM/CRM/GDRM supply made on for trial. After inspection, AHM gave
communication to isolate ACP panels. ACP panel isolated and module of
ERM/CRM/GDRM and heaters made OFF. Permit reissued.
APH-A GB LOP-A not delivering adequate flow (<2lpm in local). Informed to
PTW pending with OFS for fill pack cleaning of CT 5.3 .Supply isolated and
riser valve closed.
Seal oil lvl switch is malfunctioning. notified to C&I(105252429)
CT Fan 3.3 tripping on release of start button. EMD checked and reported
vibration switch malfunctioning. notified & informed to C&I (105239665).
LWC issued to C&I.
Notification raised to C&I to provide mill running hours in OWS.
(105241192 dt 23.11.21).
PM of UCB AC CT-4 issued to TMD. supply isolated..
Abnormal sound observed from motor of PAC1. Notified to EMD.
(105239332 dt 22.11.21)
BFP-C tachometer shows incorrect value, notified to C&I(105237857).
PAC 2 tripping frequently on "High air temperature before and after
cooler", & "High water temperature in cylinder jacket". Notification raised
to C&I (105237160).
Low point and sampling line gland leakage. Notified to BMD(105232698)
Stage-1 and Stage-2 Instrument air interconnection is closed BMD returned.
D/A Pegging steam valve from Aux PRDS AS-8 was passing(Notified to TMD
Water leakage from DM water line near U#3 boiler cabin, informed and
notified to OFS.(105227423).
Fire protection Gate valve on TG floor is malfunctioning while checking Fire
protection 1. TMD and C&I on job. Also Shutoff valve is closing only up to
95% when FP is operated from MOT room.
BFP A DE (Y) vibration hunting, Informed and notified to C&I.105194489.
LWC issued to C&I
UCB AC compressor 1 NTS PTW issued to TMD. PTW pending
Oil Leakage observed from DG-1 Engine notified to TMD (105178900).
SD 07 having demand /Feed back mismatch issue. Notified to C&I
105172972. SD 07 will be attended after Insulation work.
PT Plant Air Blower A having oil lkg. PTW issued to OFS after isolation.
Mill CD grease pump A has to be removed as per BMD request. Cable
connection to be removed on communication by BMD. Notified and
Informed to EMD. Supply isolated. PTW to be collected by EMD. Greasing
sequence bypassed by C&I. Connection removed by EMD. Informed to
CW-4B got decoupled at 18:11hrs on 07.10.2021, its current came down to
60A, Main Breaker and discharge v/v supply isolated. Informed to
EMD(permit issued) and C&I for cable disconnection. Electrical Connections
removed. C&I connections removed. OFS Permit pending.
3CLCW A/B/C Gland Leakage from DE & NDE side, Notified(105153336/
Feeder F SHUT OFF GATE OPEN limit simulation and Closed limit wire was
taken out by C&I. Notified to C&I 105148399.
Gland leakage increased from low point drain manual valve. Notification
raised to BMD. (105134911 dt 25.9.21).
Pin hole water lkg from CLCW common discharge header in trench, causing
filling up of the trench. Notified to TMD (105118800)
GT-3 winding temp hunting on desk panel, notified to EMD(105044701).
UAT-A 130458
UAT-B 134465
Colony Feeder/Project 3386.13/45108
Generation-MU 0.988
H2 Consumption 01/105
DM Water Consumption-MT 0.08
Coal consumption -MT 624
H2 Stock-nos 43/5
CO2 Stock-nos 40
HFO/ LDO Consumption-KL
Boiler Water/ Steam Silica 0.36/10
Hyd purity/ Dew Point 97.5%/-
Boiler drum Wtr / Steam Wtr Cond. 5.0/6.4
Instrument air dew point --/-3/-