Seeing Cybersecurity: As An Opportunity
Seeing Cybersecurity: As An Opportunity
Seeing Cybersecurity: As An Opportunity
as an opportunity
How to protect your
business effectively:
specific measures for
small and medium-sized
Cybersecurity for small and medium-sized enterprises — Cybercrime
68 % 46 %
of companies with 10 to 99 of these companies were harmed by
employees have been victims of cyberattacks during the same period.3
espionage, sabotage, or data
theft in the past two years. 2
new types of malware,
such as ransomware, are
discovered daily. 4
on euros
Cybersecurity for small and medium-sized enterprises — Cybercrime
Spoofing 6 %
38 %
IT (Administration / Service)
28 %
How did companies with 10 to 99 employees
affected by data theft, industrial espionage, or
sabotage in the past two years learn about the
incidents? 6
Production /
24 % manufacturing
In-house security
system / virus
scanner / firewall 14 % Research and
38 %
65 %
Tips from people inside the
company (individuals)
Cybersecurity for small and medium-sized enterprises — Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity for small and medium-sized enterprises — Cybersecurity
important sources of information:
8 — 9
Phase 1 — A
1 Enterprise level —
office network (IT)
Communication via internet and
intranet, management of data in local
and decentralized (cloud) systems
1 2 3 2 Productive level —
production, IT/OT network
Data traffic and communication in
the production systems in the
IT/OT network and to some extent in
networked devices (IoT, SCADA, ...)
3 Product level —
products, systems, component
Hardware and software are created
using products and systems, compo-
nents and subsystems manufactured
by suppliers and delivered to
customers (cybersecurity require-
Supply chain ments for the entire supply chain)
Cybersecurity for small and medium-sized enterprises — Cybersecurity — Phase 1
Phase 1 — B
Heighten awareness
of security risks
Step 1: Step 2:
Perform a proactive, enterprise-wide Evaluate the current threat landscape and
risk assessment – especially with the risk profile of your company. Then formally
regard to identifying critical business define your own willingness to take risks.
processes and critical data.
Step 3:
Develop an enterprise-wide plan for cybersecurity
measures and cyberresilience and an internal
communications strategy. Then, implement them
across all departments and business units. Use
the other recommendations in this brochure as
your guide (for instance, regarding a cybersecurity
culture) as well as the sources identified in it.
Bring in external service providers as needed.
12 — 13
Step 4:
Monitor the effectiveness of the Regularly repeat the risk
company’s cybersecurity measures management cycle.
and cyberresilience and report to
company management.
Cybersecurity for small and medium-sized enterprises — Cybersecurity — Phase 1
Phase 1 — C
Cultivate a cyber-
security culture
in your organization
A study by Accenture found that 60 percent of cyberattacks
on companies result from the improper behavior of their
own employees. This high figure alone shows how
important it is to provide the workforce with cybersecurity
training. Employees who have not learned how to
Regularly train avoid and handle security attacks cannot and
your employees must not hold any responsibilities for their
company in the digital sphere.
and executives
on cybersecurity If you skimp on providing the proper training,
you run the risk of endangering your entire
issues. company in the event of an attack. It’s also
important to raise awareness among colleagues –
akin to the value of good neighbors in the outside world:
Vigilant neighbors protect you against burglaries, and
vigilant colleagues protect you against attacks from
cyberspace. That’s why it’s important to regularly train
your employees in best practices for cybersecurity.
Simple rules of conduct are enough to help your
workforce stay safe in the digital sphere.
• Long, cryptic passwords with numbers, special • Internet-enabled devices should always be up to date.
characters, and both upper- and lowercase letters • Install updates as they become available.
are more secure. • Avoid downloading unknown apps to your hardware.
• Avoid simple strings of numbers or characters, real
names, and complete words.
• Do not make your passwords accessible to others –
by writing them down, for example.
• Use two-factor authentication with additional
identification, such as a text message code.
The first steps have been taken: You have defined clear responsibilities
for cybersecurity in your organization, raised and reinforced awareness of
the risks of cyberattacks among your workforce, and begun cultivating a
cybersecurity culture.
Phase 2
Take action and
embed security
16 — 17
Phase 2 — A
Embed cybersecurity
within the organization
18 — 19
Minimum requirements
Phase 2 — B
Embed cybersecurity
within products and
Companies that offer “smart,” network-enabled products
and services are particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks
and must meet the strictest requirements for their own
cybersecurity – right from the start. After all, your
products and services find their way directly into the
infrastructure of your customers.
Learn more:
The website of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)
offers more information on “security by design”:
20 — 21
Secure design in
accordance with
risk analysis
Establishment &
secure configuration
Cybersecurity for small and medium-sized enterprises — Cybersecurity — Phase 3
Now you should also consider the external impact of your measures.
To remain competitive and demonstrate your strong cybersecurity stance
to your customers, you should now – in Phase 3 – seek certification and
work proactively to push for greater cybersecurity.
Phase 3
Make the structure of
cybersecurity transparent,
and be a role model
for others
22 — 23
Phase 3 — A
Publish your own
cybersecurity setup
ISO 20243
Consider obtaining
certification for
your products and
Demonstrate to your customers,
business processes suppliers, and partners that your
company can deploy the best-
possible arsenal to fend off cyberattacks, and have your
products and solutions certified under such established
standards as IEC 62443 or ISO 27001.
Learn more:
IEC 62443: ISO 27001:
Cybersecurity for small and medium-sized enterprises — Cybersecurity — Phase 3
Phase 3 — B
Become active –
even outside your
own company
The Charter of Trust put forward 10 principles for better cybersecurity (see
next page) that call on policymakers and businesses alike to take action.
Because, as much as digital technology enriches our lives and fuels our
economy, the risk of exposure to aggressive cyberattacks is also growing at
an alarming rate. That’s why we need to protect our economic, social, and
democratic values from cyberthreats and hybrid cyberphysical threats.
To keep pace with rapid technological development and the threats posed by
criminal elements, the public and private sectors need to pull together and
focus their efforts. They must do everything they can to protect the data and
assets of individuals and organizations; protect people, businesses, and
infrastructures from harm; and create a reliable basis for trust in a digitally
integrated world.
28 — 29
Ten principles for a more
secure digital world
01 Ownership for cybersecurity and IT security
Ownership for cybersecurity must be embedded at the highest levels of
government through dedicated ministries and at the highest corporate levels
through a chief information security officer (CISO). Clear measures and
objectives need to be defined. And we want to establish the right mentality
at all levels. Cybersecurity is everyone’s job.
03 Security by default
The highest appropriate level of security and data privacy must be applied, and
this must be preconfigured when designing products, functionality, processes,
technologies, operational workflows, architectures, and business models.
04 User-centricity
Companies provide products, systems, consulting, and services based on their
customers’ security needs and are available to them as trusted partners during
an appropriate life cycle.
30 — 31
09 Regulatory framework
Multilateral cooperation in regulation and standardization must be promoted to
create a level playing field for all stakeholders, akin to the global reach of the
World Trade Organization (WTO). Cybersecurity rules should also be part of free
trade agreements.
10 Joint initiatives
Joint initiatives with all relevant stakeholders need to be advanced to ensure
prompt implementation of these principles throughout the digital sphere.
Publication information
Address Siemens AG Text and editing Dr. Johannes von Karczewski, Kai Hermsen
Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 1, 80333 Munich, Germany Concept and design GmbH
Internet Editorial office Dr. Renate Öttinger, Ingrid Tzschaschel
Contact Phone: + 49 89 636 - 33443 Print Gotteswinter und Aumaier GmbH
Fax: + 49 89 636 - 30085
E-Mail: © 2020 by Siemens AG, Berlin and Munich
IT emergency number:
Stop working
on the IT system
Write down
Who is reporting? observations
How did you work with the system? Take action only
What did you observe? as instructed