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Validity: Application Forextension TOR

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I Details of Proiect
a. Name ofthe Proiect (s)
b. Name ofthe Company / organisation
c. Registered Address
d. Lcsal Status ofthe ClomDanv
Joint Venture (YesNo)
(i) No. ofJV Panners(Mtrlrrble Enlries Allowedl
Name ofthe JV Share ofthe JV Address ofthe Email Id of Mobile No. of
Partner Partner J V Partner JV Partner JV Partner

Address for the corrcsDotrdence

a Namc ofthe apDlicant
b Desisnation (Owner / Partner / CEO)
c. Address
o Pin code
i TeleDhone No.
A. Fax No.
Categorv ofthe Proiect/Activitv as Der Schedule ofElA Notification.2006
a. Projcct / Activity
[f (axi) / l(axii) | t(b) / 1(c) / t(d) / | (e) / 2(r) / 2(b) / 3(d) / 3(b) I 4(a) /
4(bxi)/ 4(b) (ii) / 4(c) / 4(d) / 4(e) t 4(I) / 5(a) / 5(b) / 5(c) / s(d) / s(e) / 5(t) /
5(g) / s(h) / 5(i) / 5(j) / 6(a)/ 6(t )/ 7 (a) t ? (b)t 7 (c) / 7 (dt /'7 (da) t 7 (e) t 7 (f)
/ 7 (E\ / 7 (h\ t 7 li\ I I G) / I (b)'l
b. Catccor\ (A/8,/B))
If Br or Bu
Rcason for application at Central Level / State level (in case ofB2 projects)
If Othe6
c. Please SDecifv
EAC conc€med (for category A Proiects only)
(Coal Mining /Non-coal Mining / ]'hermal / River Valley & Hydro / Industry-
| / Industryll / lnfraslructure-l / In fmstmcture-l I / Nuclear & Defcnce / CRZ
4 Local ior of the P.oiect
Plot / Survev / Khasra No.
b. Villase
d. District
f. Pin code
s. Bounded Latitudes (North)
h. Bounded Lonsitudes(East)

PaEe 7 ol 17
l. Surve) of India Topo Sheet No
5 I Detr ril ofTerms of Rcferencc
a. Date ofissue ofToR
D MoEI&CC / SEIAA F ile No.
Upload ToR letter (PDF Only)
6 Re&soD for seeking extension of validity of the ToR
Upload supponing documents ifany {PDF oI]I)
7 Whether baseline data $as collected (Yes/No)
It ves
Period of bsseline data collection
8 Whcther EIA/EMP $as prepsred b.sed on the ToR (Yes/Nol
Whetr was the ElA./EMP prepared?
Whcther Public Hearins was conducted? (Yes/No)
a, Date of Advert sehent of Public Hearing
b. Cop) ofad\ert scment in Flnglish (Upload PDF only)
Whether Public hearing was presided over by an ofliccr of the rank of
Additional District Magistratc or above (Yes,No)?
lf yes
d. Designation of Presiding Officer (District Magistrate / District Collector /
.rypuy Commissioner / others - plcase specily)
c. Copy ol'duly signed Proceedings of Ptblic tlearing (Upload plf onty)
t Date ofPublic HcarinS
e. Venue of Public Hearine;
h. Distancc of Public Hearing Venue fiom lhe lroposcd Proiecr (km)
l. No. ofpeopie atlcnded
Ifthe multiple public hearinqs conducted
Pl givc the details ofeach PH as per (a) to (i) abovc
l0 Any amendment in thc ToR is needed?
If Yes
a. Iletaifs ofconfiguralion (M hiple Entrie! Alloved)
Plant / Equipment / Existing Proposed Final configuralion Remarks if
Facility Confirruration Configulation after amcndment any

b. Details ofprcduction
Product/Activity Quantify From Quantit) To tlnit Mode ofTransport
(Capacity/Area) / Transmission of

Page 8 of 17
- Unit:- (rons pef Annum(TPA), Mega l^]att(t4l,,l), Hectares(ha), Kl]o Lltre per Day(KrD),
Tons c.ushed per Day(ICD), cublc rtleter per Day, Kilomet€rs(km)J li1illion Lite.s per
Day(MtD), Others)
- Mode ofTEnspon/Tmnsmission of Product (Road, Rail, conveyor Be1t, Pipe conveyo.,
Arial Rope$ay, combl nat lon of two or three nbdes, Others
c, Atry Other Amendmert required
Description as per Description as

Details of EIA Cotrsultant

Have you hired Consultant for prcparing document(Yes/No)?

(i) Reason for not engaging the Consultanl

If Yes,
(i) Aocreditation No.
(ii) Name ofthe EIA Consultant
(iii) Address
(iv) Mobile No.
(v) Landline No.
(vi) E-mail ld
(vii) Category of Accreditation (EliSible for Category A / Eligible for
(viii) Sector of Accreditation
(ix) Validity of Accreditation
(x) Upfoad Ccrtit'icate of Accreditation certifiedby QCINLBET (Upload pdJ

Documents io be attacbed
a. I pload Copy of r.t itedTor.l(Gii"cif6.ndmenr in toR atso required]
Upload revised pre-feasibiliry report (in case of amendment in foR also

Upload Cover Letter duly signed by the project proponcnt or authortcd

Upload a copy of authorization duly signed by the project proponent in

support of the person making this application on behalf of the Uscr

Upload Addirional filc.if anr tupluad p.t[only)

- l t trerety give unaenit inglhat rF-ata and info..urion eir"n in the application and
enclosurcs are true to be best ofmy knowledge and beliefand I am aware that ifany part of
the data and information found to be false or misleading at any stage,fhe project will be
rejected and clearance given,if any to the project will be revoked ar our risk and cost. In
addition to above,l hereby give undertaking that no activity / constfuction / expansion has

Page 9 of 17
c. Designation
d. Company

Page 10 of 17

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