02 Samss 011
02 Samss 011
02 Samss 011
1 Scope............................................................. 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations................................. 2
3 References..................................................... 2
4 General.......................................................... 5
5 Materials........................................................ 7
6 Corrosion Tests............................................ 11
7 Metallographic Examination......................... 12
8 Extent of Testing and Inspection.................. 12
9 Non-Destructive Examinations (NDE).......... 13
10 Special Machine Finish
for Raised Face (RF) Flanges.............. 16
11 Repairs......................................................... 16
12 Markings....................................................... 16
13 Protective Coatings and Packaging............. 18
1 Scope
1.1 This specification covers Saudi Aramco requirements for forged steel and alloy
flanges. Special configuration flanges such as pipeline anchors, long weld neck
flanges, integrally reinforced flanges, out-size flanges, and lapped joint and
swivel ring assemblies are included. Not included are
1.2.1 Class 150 low pressure sanitary and oily water services unless specified
in the purchase order.
1.2.2 Blind flanges classes 600 and below, slip on flanges, socket weld
flanges, threaded flanges, Type 6BX per API SPEC 6A.
2.1 Any conflicts between this specification and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs), Engineering Standards (SAESs),
Standard Drawings (SASDs), or industry standards, codes, and forms shall be
resolved in writing by the Company or Buyer Representative through the
Manager, Consulting Services Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.
2.2 Direct all requests to deviate from this specification in writing to the Company
or Buyer Representative, who shall follow internal company procedure
SAEP-302 and forward such requests to the Manager, Consulting Services
Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.
3 References
Materials supplied to this specification shall comply with the latest edition of the
references listed below, unless otherwise noted.
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Document Responsibility: Materials and Corrosion Control 02-SAMSS-011
Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
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Document Responsibility: Materials and Corrosion Control 02-SAMSS-011
Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
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Document Responsibility: Materials and Corrosion Control 02-SAMSS-011
Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
4 General
4.1 Definitions
4.1.1 Lot: All items of the same type and maximum thickness which are
produced from the same heat of steel and subjected to the same finishing
(i.e., heat treatment, amount of working). Heat treatment may be
considered continuous providing all temperatures are controlled within
± 14°C (25°F). Any break in continuous material flow or multiple
furnace loads shall be considered separate heat treat lots.
4.1.2 T REF: This indicates the nominal rim thickness of a flange and is
normally the thickest cross-section in a flange. T REF has a direct impact
on the heat treating practice followed for achieving the desired mechanical
properties and metallurgical structure and the method of obtaining
specimens for mechanical properties and chemical composition.
4.2 For all materials: At the time of quotation, the flange supplier shall include a
statement for country of origin, if other than the point of shipment. Traceability
of finished materials shall extend back to the original steel making facility.
4.3 All new flange installations are designed in accordance with ASME/ANSI
B16.5, B16.47 and API SPEC 6A. The following design codes are referenced
for all new flanges with materials in accordance with Table 5:
ASME/ANSI B16.5: Class 150 thru 2500
ASME/ANSI B16.47 Series A: Class 150 through 900.
API SPEC 6A Type 6B: Pressure Rating 3000, 5000 and 10,000
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Document Responsibility: Materials and Corrosion Control 02-SAMSS-011
Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
4.4.2 The Product Quality Plan shall also provide, for each pressure class, yield
strength (F#), and size as shown in Table 6, the following attributes:
a) steel making, including composition and grain size,
b) manufacturing processes, including hot-work ratios and heat
c) all required testing and inspection, including frequency, size and
orientation of samples and specimens.
4.4.3 Sampling plans for testing and NDE shall be in accordance with Tables
1, 2, 3 and 4.
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Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
5 Materials
Flange materials shall be carbon steel, high strength low alloy (HSLA) steel, low alloy
steel, stainless steel and corrosion resistant alloys as specified in Table 5.
Pipeline anchor flanges shall be of materials shown for F60 or stronger flanges of the
same class and size shown in Table 6.
Rings for swivel ring flanges shall be of the same strength level as the welding ends or
hubs. ASTM A694 can be used for the swivel ring but not for the welding end.
Alternatively, swivel rings can be manufactured from the same material as the welding
end or hub.
5.1.1 All steel grades shall be fully killed, vacuum degassed and melted to fine
grain practice
5.1.3 All stainless steels shall be manufactured from steel produced by the
electric furnace process, and subsequently refined by vacuum oxygen
decarburization (VOD) or argon oxygen decarburization (AOD). CRAs
shall meet the requirements of the respective ASTM standards.
5.2.1 All flanges are required to meet the definition of hot worked forgings in
ASTM A788 and ASTM A961 and all other such appropriate general
Flanges shall be hot worked by press, hammer, or ring-mill of
sufficient capacity to produce a substantially wrought structure
throughout the rim (T REF in Table 6);
Flanges shall be hot worked as close as practicable to finished
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Document Responsibility: Materials and Corrosion Control 02-SAMSS-011
Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
5.2.4 All flanges greater than 24 inch diameter shall be ring rolled unless
alternate forming options can demonstrate the final product exhibits
acceptable metallurgical structure and mechanical properties in the
rim/hub region.
All flanges shall be furnace heat treated as indicated in Table 5 after all forge
processing is complete. Cooling directly from forging temperature is not
acceptable as a normalize heat treatment. Terms and definitions for heat
treatment shall be in accordance with ASTM A941.
Chemical analysis shall be performed upon each heat for all elements specified
in the respective standards; including additional elements specified herein (see
Table 5). Elements for which heat analysis data are not available may be
determined by check or product analysis if necessary.
The composition limits of the respective standards in shall be met unless stated
otherwise by this specification (see Table 5).
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Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
Material test certificate shall state that vacuum degassing was performed.
At least one check analysis or product analysis is required from each heat
of steel used for the production of flanges. Such representative check
analysis shall be made on raw material (ingot, billet, or bar) or products
from each heat for all specified elements listed in Table 5 in accordance
with ASTM A788 or A961, and the ASTM product specification, as
Specimens for check analysis shall be taken midway between the center
and surface of the ingot, billet, or bar.
Mn (Cr Mo V ) ( Ni Cu )
Carbon Equivalent (CE ) C (1)
6 5 15
Commentary Note:
Stainless steels grades with PRE requirements shall meet the minimum
values shown in Table 5.
Mechanical testing of representative samples from each heat treat lot is required
for acceptance of all flanges. Testing is to be in accordance with the appropriate
ASTM/API standard and the additional requirements of this specification as
shown in Table 5.
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Document Responsibility: Materials and Corrosion Control 02-SAMSS-011
Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
Where a separately forged test bar is used, it shall be from the same heat
as the final forgings. The test bar shall receive the same approximate
working, as documented in the product quality plan (see 4.4) and shall be
heat treated with the flange forgings it represents. Separately forged test
bars shall be at least 300 mm long, or they may be rings consistent with
the production forgings. Transverse test specimens shall be at least 140
mm in a dimension transverse to the principal direction of hot working.
If for any reason a flange cannot be forged to near net shape, the section
dimensions of the forged test specimen shall be ± 6.5 mm of the rim
dimensions (T REF in Table 6) of the product in the as-forged condition
(before machining).
Weld end prolongations (integral test rings) are allowed for ring-rolled
flanges that are forged to "near-net-shape", (within 6.5 mm of finished
size), with the following limitations:
Thickness must be the greater of 25 mm or the matching pipe wall,
and must be large enough to allow removal of test specimens at least
140 mm long that are transverse to the principal direction of hot work;
Prolongations must remain part of the production flange during heat
Specimens from prolongations must be removed from the T/2
Prolongations are not permitted when the rim thickness is greater
than 140 mm (5.50 in.) ("T REF" in Table 6), OR when flanges are
not forged to near-net-shape.
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Document Responsibility: Materials and Corrosion Control 02-SAMSS-011
Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
Material code A does not require impact testing. All other flanges shall
be represented by tension test and Charpy V-notch specimens, as
applicable in Table 5, with test axes transverse to the principal direction
of hot work.
For clarification, the axis of the Charpy V-notch shall be parallel to the
principal direction of hot work.
Impressions shall be on either the side of the flange rim or on the outer
diameter, mid way between bolt hole locations. Every flange and test
ring shall be tested at two locations 180 degrees apart.
Report all values; see Table 5for acceptance values. The highest and
lowest values from the same test lot, test specimens included, shall not
differ by more than 30 HB, or the entire lot is rejected. Re-testing after
re-heat treatment is required.
6 Corrosion Tests
6.1 All austenitic stainless steel grades except those specified in Table 2 shall be
subjected to intergranular corrosion test as per ASTM A262 Practice E.
Requirement for sensitization of samples shall be as specified in ASTM A262
except that sensitization heat treatment is not required for grades having more
that 3% Mo.
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Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
6.2 Intergranular Corrosion test specified in paragraph 6.1 above is not required for
heats having less than 0.020% carbon as shown in product analysis.
6.3 Special grades of stainless steel grades shall be subject to corrosion testing as
specified in Table 2.
a. The internal and external surfaces of the specimens shall be in the “as delivered” condition
unless stated otherwise in the applicable standard.
b. Cut edges shall be prepared according to ASTM G48.
c. Rapid screening test shall not be used as an acceptance test.
7 Metallographic Examination
7.1 Grain size shall meet the size requirements of Table 5 or finer as determined in
accordance with ASTM E112.
7.2 Ferrite content for duplex stainless steels shall be between 35 to 55% as
determined in accordance with ASTM E562.
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Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
Special configuration flanges, such as pipe line anchors, swivel ring and lap joint weld
ends, and long weld neck flanges, shall be tested according to approved Manufacturer's
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Document Responsibility: Materials and Corrosion Control 02-SAMSS-011
Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
All accessible surfaces shall be magnetic-particle tested after final heat treatment
and final machining operations by a wet fluorescent method in accordance with
ASTM A508/A275. Flange bores and other surfaces shall be inspected in two
directions: axial and circumferential.
Acceptance criteria:
A forging containing one or more indications equal in amplitude to
that of the applicable reference hole, when properly corrected for
distance, is subject to rejection.
Multiple indications with an amplitude exceeding 50% of the
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Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
Acceptance criteria:
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Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
As-machined roughness of the raised face shall be 3.2 to 6.4 micro-meters Ra; see
ASME/ANSI B46.1. Stockists shall not be permitted to remachine the sealing face of
any flange, especially prior to marking.
Smoother surface finish not exceeding 3.2 µm Ra may be specified in special cases and
shall be clearly indicated in the purchase order.
Commentary Note:
It is not permissible for any Stockist or Contractor to remachine, thus changing the
configuration, any flange and remark the flange as a new product. For example, a
Stockist is not permitted to remachine the sealing face from ring joint to flat face, or vice
versa, and mark or remark the flange for a different service. This would be considered
counterfeit material. The original manufacturer is the only company permitted to machine
and mark flanges covered by this specification.
11 Repairs
Weld repair is not permitted for any flange covered by this specification.
12 Markings
All flanges shall be marked by the manufacturer by metal stamping; low stress stamps
are not required if markings are confined to the outer diameter of the rim (the curved
The marking requirements of the respective ASTM and API standards apply to all
flanges, subject to the further requirements of this specification.
The Manufacturer shall be identified on all flanges. Pipe size and bore (Schedule, XS,
etc.) shall show on all flanges. The API monogram is not mandatory for API SPEC 6A
Type 6B flanges, but "API" shall show on all flanges. The material standard shall show
on all flanges. Vendor markings shall be included in all Quality Plans.
Only one strength level is permitted on a single flange, for example: "F60/F75" is
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Document Responsibility: Materials and Corrosion Control 02-SAMSS-011
Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
Markings for "inseparable" swivel ring and lapped joint assemblies per Saudi Aramco
Standard Drawings shall be located on the rims of the backing flanges (swivel rings),
with welding end information first.
SRRJ WLD END 24 NPS 23.250 BORE AA-036792 CL600 F60 QT ASTM A707
LJRJ WLD END 36 NPS 35.250 BORE AC-036443 CL600 A707 L3 CL3 UT MT
BKG FLG A694 F60.
Commentary Note:
Common recognizable abbreviations are acceptable: RF= weld neck raised face;
RJ = weld neck, ring joint; SRJ = Swivel Ring, Ring Joint; LRJ = Lapped Joint Ring
Joint; RF = WNRF; RJ = WNRJ; LT = LO TEMP. "ASTM" & "BORE" may be dropped:
LF2 = ASTM A350 LF2, A105 = ASTM A105, L3CL3LT = ASTM A707 L3 CL3 LO
TEMP, CL600 = ANSI CL 600, MT = magnetic particle, B16.5 = ANSI B16.5.
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Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
Finish-machined and tested flanges shall be coated overall with a protective finish that
does not hide markings.
13.2 All flanges shall be protected from mechanical damage. Welding ends and
sealing faces shall be protected with suitable wood or plastic or metal covers.
Flanges shall be packaged in steel-banded wooden crates or secured to skids.
13.3 The coating shall be suitable for welding as required by ASTM A961, or an
acceptable alternate shall be employed as shown below:
13.3.2 The Manufacturer may apply tape to the welding ends and sealing
surfaces then seal the tape with a protective coating. Tape shall be easily
removed and leave no residue that interferes with welding or gasket
Revision Summary
7 September 2009 New Saudi Aramco Materials System Specification.
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Document Responsibility: Materials and Corrosion Control 02-SAMSS-011
Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
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Issue Date: 7 September 2009
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Document Responsibility: Materials and Corrosion Control 02-SAMSS-011
Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
1) Normal ASTM requirements are designated by an asterisk ( * ) while specific
Saudi Aramco requirements are identified.
2) Other ASTM composition restrictions apply as appropriate.
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Document Responsibility: Materials and Corrosion Control 02-SAMSS-011
Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
1) Normal ASTM requirements are designated by an asterisk ( * ) while specific
Saudi Aramco requirements are identified.
2) Other ASTM composition restrictions apply as appropriate.
3) Minimum Pitting Resistance Equivalent (PRE) = %Cr+3.3 %Mo+16 %N
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Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
1) Normal ASTM requirements are designated by an asterisk ( * ) while specific Saudi Aramco
requirements are identified.
2) Other ASTM composition restrictions apply as appropriate.
3) Minimum Pitting Resistance Equivalent (PRE) = %Cr+3.3 %Mo+16 %N
4) Standard DSS with approximately 22 % Cr shall be specified as UNS S32205 or as dual certified
UNS S31803/S32205 or F51/F60.
5) Requires the approval of the Chairman of the Materials and Corrosion Control Standards Committee.
6) HRC refers to Rockwell C hardness scale.
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Document Responsibility: Materials and Corrosion Control 02-SAMSS-011
Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
SR792 indicates Swivel ring flanges per AA-036792.
LJ438, LJ443 & LJ486 indicate Lap joint flanges per AE-036438 & AC-036443 & AC-036486
Material codes, such as A, B and C, are identified in Table 5.
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Document Responsibility: Materials and Corrosion Control 02-SAMSS-011
Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
SR792 indicates Swivel ring flanges per AA-036792.
LJ438, LJ443 & LJ486 indicate Lap joint flanges per AE-036438 & AC-036443 & AC-036486 respectively.
Material codes, such as A, B and C, are identified in Table 5.
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Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
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Document Responsibility: Materials and Corrosion Control 02-SAMSS-011
Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
SR792 indicates Swivel ring flanges per AA-036792.
LJ438, LJ443 & LJ486 indicate Lap joint flanges per AE-036438 & AC-036443 & AC-036486 respectively.
Material codes, such as A, B and C, are identified in Table 5.
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Document Responsibility: Materials and Corrosion Control 02-SAMSS-011
Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
SR792 indicates Swivel ring flanges per AA-036792.
LJ438, LJ443 & LJ486 indicate Lap joint flanges per AE-036438 & AC-036443 & AC-036486 respectively.
Material codes, such as A, B and C, are identified in Table 5.
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Document Responsibility: Materials and Corrosion Control 02-SAMSS-011
Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
CLASS 1500
SR792 indicates Swivel ring flanges per AA-036792.
LJ438, LJ443 & LJ486 indicate Lap joint flanges per AE-036438 & AC-036443 & AC-036486 respectively.
Material codes, such as A, B and C, are identified in Table 5.
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Document Responsibility: Materials and Corrosion Control 02-SAMSS-011
Issue Date: 7 September 2009
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2014 Forged Steel and Alloy Flanges
CLASS 2500
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