12 Samss 007
12 Samss 007
12 Samss 007
1 Scope .............................................................. 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations .................................. 2
3 References ...................................................... 2
4 Products and Materials ................................... 7
5 Galvanizing, Painting, Coating,
and Fireproofing .................................... 11
6 Fabrication .................................................... 16
7 Inspection and Testing .................................. 29
Revision Summary .............................................. 31
1 Scope
Any conflicts between this document and other applicable Mandatory Saudi Aramco
Engineering Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed to the EK&RD Coordinator.
Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal company procedure
3 References
The selection of material and equipment, and the design, construction, maintenance, and
repair of equipment and facilities covered by this specification shall comply with the
latest edition of the references listed below, unless otherwise noted.
ASTM F606 Standard Test Methods for Determining the
Mechanical Properties of Externally and
Internally Threaded Fasteners, Washers, Direct
Tension Indicators, and Rivets
ASTM F606M Standard Test Methods for Determining the
Mechanical Properties of Externally and
Internally Threaded Fasteners, Washers, and
Rivets [Metric]
ASTM F959 Standard Specification for Compressible-Washer-
Type Direct Tension Indicators for Use with
Structural Fasteners
ASTM F959M Standard Specification for Compressible-Washer-
Type Direct Tension Indicators for Use with
Structural Fasteners [Metric]
ASTM F1554 Standard Specification for Anchor Bolts, Steel, 36,
55 and 105-ksi Yield Strength
ASTM F2329 Standard Specification for Zinc Coating, Hot-Dip,
Requirements for Application to Carbon and
Alloy Steel Bolts, Screws, Washers, Nuts, and
Special Threaded Fasteners
European Standards
EN 10204 BS EN 10204: Metallic Products - Types of
Inspection Documents
BS EN 10025-2 Hot Rolled Products of Structural Steel
4.1.2 The minimum thickness of any part of a structural shape shall be 5 mm.
Rolled sections used in the fabrication of base skid framing for portable
steel buildings may have webs 3.5 mm and greater while meeting all
other design and fabrication requirements.
4.2.3 Commonly accepted structural steel materials and shapes other than
ASTM may be used in accordance with Appendix 1 of this specification.
Any difference(s) in the material dimensions, section properties, yield
strength, or tensile strength shall be accounted for in the design
Commentary Note:
Universal Beams and Universal Columns (UB & UC) and split tees rolled to
BS EN 10025-2 S355JR/JO may be used as substitutes for W & WT shapes.
Commonly accepted shapes include shapes specified to Japanese Standards
(JS), British Standards (BS), European Standards (EuroNorm) and German
Standards (DIN).
Floor and roof metal deck shall be cold-formed steel sheets conforming to
ASTM A653/A653M or ASTM A1008/A1008M or equal having a minimum
yield strength of 228 N/mm² (33,000 psi). The metal deck shall be galvanized
and receive a protective coating of zinc conforming to ASTM A653/A653M,
G90 Coating Designation. Design shall be in accordance with SDI Design
Manual for Composite Decks, Form Decks, and Roof Decks, No. 31.
Heavy Hex Nut - ASTM A563 Grade DH or ASTM A563M Grade 10S
Headed Bolts - ASTM A307 Grade A (Hex ½" - 1½" diameter, Heavy Hex over
1½" diameter)
4.9 High Strength Anchor Bolt Assemblies shall be in accordance with Standard
Drawing AA-036322 Sht. No. 001 (Rev. No. 08 or later) and the following
material specifications:
ASTM A108 Grade 1010 through 1020, AWS D1.1 Section 7, Type B
Based on building code and standards and the framing system selected, appropriate
welding code (AWS D1.1/ D1.1M, AWS D1.3/ D1.3M, AWS D1.8/D1.8M, or
AWS D14.1/D14.1M) and welding filler metal shall be selected. To clarify, if
AWS D1.1/ D1.1M is applicable, then welding filler metal shall be per AWS
Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
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Document Responsibility: Onshore Structures Standards Committee 12-SAMSS-007
Issue Date: 1 January 2018
Next Planned Update: 26 September 2019 Fabrication of Structural and Miscellaneous Steel
D1.1, Section 3.3 (including Table 3.1) low hydrogen with an electrode strength
of 58 ksi (400 MPa) minimum yield strength and 70 ksi (480 MPa) minimum
tensile strength. (For example, use E70XX for SMAW, F7XX-EXXX for SAW,
ER70S-X for GMAW, and E7XT-X for FCAW.) However, E60XX (410 MPa)
electrodes may be used for tack welding.
Rails 30 lb/yd to 100 lb/yd (15 kg/m to 49.60 kg/m) – Type ASCE
Rails 104 lb/yd to 175 lb/yd (52 kg/m to 88 kg/m) – ASTM A759
Steel bar grating and grating stair treads shall be per ASTM A1011/A1011M,
galvanized per ASTM A123/A123M and comply with NAAMM MBG 531.
Steel grating shall be rectangular type, with plain 3/16-inch x 1-1/4-inch (5-mm
x 32-mm bearing bars on 1-3/16-inch (30-mm) spacing with cross bars on 4-inch
(100-mm) spacing. Grating stair treads shall have abrasive or checkered plate
Heavy duty metal bar grating shall comply with NAAMM MBG 532.
Steel joist and joist girders shall comply with SJI Standard Specifications and
Load Tables for Steel Joists and Joist Girders.
5.1.2 Bare carbon steel that will receive fireproofing shall be prepared as
a) A full APCS-1B system (primer and top coat(s)) shall be applied
under cementitious fireproofing materials.
b) APCS-1B primer shall be applied prior to the application of the
intumescent fireproof materials.
5.2 Galvanizing The Buyer reserves the right to inspect and reject all
galvanized steel in accordance with the provisions of
ASTM A123/A123M and ASTM E376. All bolts, nuts, and washers shall meet required mechanical
properties after galvanizing. The galvanizer shall ensure that the hot dip galvanized steel is
inspected for coating thickness, adhesion, and embrittlement
as per ASTM A123/A123M. Test records and certificates
shall be provided to buyer upon request. Hot repairs shall be made in the shop if any of the following
conditions exist:
a. Total damaged area is greater than 1% but less than 2% of
the total coated area of the member being repaired
b. Any single repair is at least 2 in² (1,300 mm²) in area
c. Any single repair is 12-in (300 mm) long or more. Hot repair shall be made using zinc alloy rod or powder
manufactured for the repair of galvanized steel. Galvanized steel which has been rejected shall be stripped, re-
galvanized, and submitted again for inspection. If galvanized tension control bolts are used, all bare steel
surfaces (i.e., bolt ends) shall be repair galvanized per this
Commentary Note:
Galvanizing used as both corrosion protection and architectural finish for exposed
non-industrial structures may yield an inconsistent and spotty finish. Galvanizing is
therefore not recommended as a finish for structures that are visible to the general
public (such as parking shades for Tier One and Tier Two buildings). Instead, a
duplex coating system (galvanizing covered by a coating) should be considered.
If galvanizing is used as an exposed architectural finish, then avoid cold repairs and
touch-up using zinc rich coatings as allowed by section 5.2.6 and ASTM A780. If a
galvanized architectural finish is used, then the chemical composition of the steel
shall comply with the following requirements: for “Aluminum Killed Steel” - Silicon
(Si) = 0.01 to 0.03%, Phosphorous (P) = 0.015% maximum, or for “Silicon Killed
Steel” - Silicon (Si) = 0.15 to 0.25% and Phosphorous (P) <0.02% maximum.
5.3.3 Shop painting is not required unless specified in the Purchase Order,
except for the following:
Pipe railing for walkway and working surfaces shall comply with PIP STF05520.
Angle railing shall not be used.
6 Fabrication
6.1 General
6.1.1 All fabrication shall be in accordance with the AISC Code of Standard
Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges and the AISC Specification
for Structural Steel Buildings.
6.1.2 All structural steel shall be made by open hearth, basic oxygen or
electric furnace process. Bessemer steel is not acceptable.
6.1.5 The welding symbols used on plans and shop drawings shall be per the
American Welding Society (AWS). The field connection symbols
Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
Page 16 of 32
Document Responsibility: Onshore Structures Standards Committee 12-SAMSS-007
Issue Date: 1 January 2018
Next Planned Update: 26 September 2019 Fabrication of Structural and Miscellaneous Steel
6.1.9 Lifting lugs required for lifting of fully assembled structural units or
skids shall be designed for attachment to primary structural members
only. Lifting lugs shall be attached by means of a complete joint-
penetration groove weld or continuous fillet welds (see paragraph 7.6.e).
A design factor of safety of 5 shall be applied to all limit states for
the lifting lug and its attachment.
Eccentric forces and impact factors shall be considered in the
design of the lugs and their attachment.
Block outs in the support beam flange to accommodate lifting lugs
shall be attached to the lug plate in a manner to develop the full
tension capacity of the flange.
Also see section for additional welding requirements.
6.1.10 All beams, except cantilevers, shall be fabricated with natural mill
camber in the up position.
6.1.12 Fabricator, when performing shop assembly work, shall not exceed the
tolerances specified in AISC Code of Standard Practice for Steel
Buildings and Bridges.
6.1.13 Base plate hole sizes for structural steel columns shall be as follows:
Anchor bolts ½ to ⅞ inch (12-22 mm) – 5/16 inch (8 mm) oversize
Anchor bolts 1 to 1-¾ inch (25-44 mm) – ½ inch (12 mm) oversize
Anchor bolts over 2 to 2-¼ inch (50 - 57 mm) – ¾ inch (19 mm) oversize
Anchor bolts 2-½ inch and over (64 mm) – 1 inch (25 mm) oversize
6.1.14 All pieces shipped loose and erectable assemblies shall be clearly
marked with permanently visible identifying erection mark number.
Method and location of marking shall be approved by Buyer. Stamped
or raised manufacturer’s identification marks shall not be filled, ground
or otherwise removed.
6.1.15 Before surface preparation, the Fabricator shall remove all sharp
corners, burrs (including bolt hole burrs), weld spatter, slag, weld flux,
loose mill scale and other foreign matter.
6.1.18 The method for fastening grating shall be as specified on the design
drawings and shall also comply with the requirements in Section 4.15
of this specification. A minimum of two fasteners per panel shall be
used at each support, with a minimum of four fasteners per panel.
The fasteners shall be supplied by the Fabricator with 5% extra to
cover losses.
6.1.20 Joints perpendicular to the span of grating and checkered plate flooring
shall occur only over support members.
6.1.21 Checkered plate shall have ½-in (12 mm) diameter drain holes (when
specified on contract drawings) provided for each 20 ft² (2 m²) of area,
with a minimum of one hole per panel.
6.1.22 Holes must be drilled and not punched in material over 15 mm thick.
See ASTM A143 Sections 6.2 and 6.3 for additional requirements.
6.2 Connections All bolts, nuts, and washers shall be properly identified and
marked with the material grade and manufacturer's logo if
required by respective ASTM standard. All fasteners not so
marked shall be rejected. Should any unmarked fasteners be
installed, they shall be removed. Mechanical testing of
unmarked fasteners shall not constitute justification for their
use. ASTM A307 bolts, when used, shall be limited in size to ⅝-in
(16 mm) diameter and smaller. For slotted holes, the long direction of the slot shall be
perpendicular to the load direction. All slotted or oversize
hole dimensions shall be as defined in Tables J3.3 and J3.3M
of the AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings. Based on building code and standards and the framing system
selected, appropriate welding code (AWS D1.1/ D1.1M,
AWS D1.3/ D1.3M, or AWS D1.8/D1.8M) should be selected.
Welded connection design shall be in accordance with the
appropriate welding code, AISC Steel Construction Manual and
AISC Detailing for Steel Construction. Welding for monorail,
lifting lugs and other below the hook devices required for
lifting or rigging shall conform to AWS D14.1/ D14.1M. The minimum fillet weld leg size is 3/16-in (5 mm) for
structural welds. Seal welds may be ⅛-in (3 mm) minimum
fillet weld leg size. The Fabricator shall design and install erection clips for field-
welded connections. Fabricator shall remove all run-off bars and extension tabs. All field connections shall be bolted and all shop connections
shall be either bolted or welded, unless otherwise shown on
the design drawings. All bolts, washers and nuts shall be packaged and delivered in
rigid, weatherproof containers. Cardboard containers are not
acceptable. Railcars and/or trucks shall be loaded and cribbed so that they
can be readily unloaded by others. Load in such a manner
that continuous drainage is assured. The Fabricator shall ensure that all steel and its coatings are
protected from any damage caused by handling, storage or
shipping prior to receipt by the Buyer. The bottom of base plates shall be clean and free of any rust
or corrosion.
6.3.2 Delivery All materials designated for the care, custody and control of
the Erector shall be received, unloaded, stored, and otherwise
handled in a manner that will prevent distortion, deterioration,
or damage.
6.4.3 Shop drawings shall clearly show the material specification and grade
of steel to be used.
6.4.4 Erection and shop drawings shall be grouped in sets and identified
separately for each structure or yard area.
6.4.5 Erection drawings shall clearly show the mark number and position for
each member. The mark number system shall be agreed upon in
advance with the Buyer.
6.4.6 Erection drawings shall clearly identify slip critical high strength
bolted connections.
6.4.7 All fabricated steel sections shall be match-marked for field assembly
with designating numbers or letters corresponding to the field erection
drawings. Match-marking of steel shall be done with suitable paint,
waterproof ink or with pressed metal tags.
6.4.9 Shop drawings shall state the welding procedure and welding electrode
to be used.
6.4.10 The buyer's purchase order number shall be shown on all erection and
shop drawings.
6.4.12 The Fabricator shall provide a bolt list and a list of other fasteners
showing the number, grade, size, and length of field bolts for each
connection. These lists may be shown on either the shop drawings or
on separate sheets.
6.4.13 In the event that drawing revisions are necessary, the fabricator shall
clearly flag on the shop drawings all changes showing the latest
6.5 Submittals
6.5.1 A shipping list (including total weight), a bolt list, and a minimum of
two sets of final erection and shop drawings shall accompany the first
shipment of each release.
7.2 The Buyer has the right to inspect all materials and workmanship, and shall have
unrestricted entry to the shop of the Fabricator at all times while work is being
performed. The Buyer may reject improper, inferior, defective, or unsuitable
materials and workmanship. All materials and workmanship rejected shall be
repaired or replaced by the Fabricator as directed by the Buyer. The company
inspector shall have access to the vendor's facilities to see that SAES-H-001 and
SAES-H-002 quality elements are in place prior to and during blasting, priming,
and coating operations.
7.3 The Inspection Test Plan (ITP) shall be provided for review and approval by the
company inspector.
7.4 Inspection and testing shall conform to this Specification and Saudi Aramco
Inspection Requirements Forms 175-120100 or 175-120500 attached to the
Purchase Order.
Welding Code, AWS D1.1/D1.1M, AWS D1.3/ AWS D1.3M, AWS D1.8/
AWS D1.8M or AWS D14.1/ D14.1M. Inspectors shall be qualified as AWS
Certified Welding Inspectors in accordance with the provisions of AWS D1.1 or
AWS QC1 or equivalent certification program. Ultrasonic testing may be
substituted for radiography if approved by Saudi Aramco Inspection.
a) All welds shall have 100% visual inspection performed per AWS D1.1.
In addition, any strikes, gouges, and other indications of careless
workmanship (such as surface porosity) shall be removed by grinding.
b) Pipes used as piling (circumferential welds) and tubular structures shall be
randomly radiographed at the rate of 10% [one weld of each ten (10) welds
shall be 100% radiographed]. The specified amount of random radiography
shall include X-ray samples from each welder's daily production.
c) The butt-welded flange sections for all primary load-bearing members shall
be 100% radiographed at the weld. Primary load-bearing members shall be
defined as the main frames and any members that are part of the lateral load
carrying system. For skids, primary load-bearing members shall be defined
as; exterior longitudinal and end framing members as well as any full-depth
cross beams at lifting lug locations.
d) For the secondary members such as purlins, girts or rafters that are not part
of the main sway frame, the butt welds can be tested as follows: 10% of the
butt welds completed each day shall be randomly selected to have
radiographic tests performed on the welds.
e) All lifting lug connections shall be 100% magnetic particle inspected.
Full penetration groove welds in lifting lugs shall be 100% UT inspected.
Procedures and operator qualifications shall meet AWS D1.1 and be
submitted to the Company Inspector for review and approval.
f) The minimum percent coverage of the specified NDT method may be
increased (at any level up to 100%) if, in the opinion of the Company
Inspector, the welds are of questionable workmanship or NDT indicates an
excessive number of defects. Additional or alternative NDT methods may
be used at the discretion of the Company Inspector in order to assist in
determining the type or extent of defects.
7.7 Material test reports for each heat of structural steel, each lot of high-strength
and ASTM A307 bolts, ASTM A563 heavy hex nuts, ASTM F436 washers and
ASTM A36 plate washers shall be available for review by the Buyer. Material
test reports shall conform to EN 10204, Type 3.1. Compliance testing of steel
plates and profile sections against MTR shall be conducted by the fabricator as
required by the purchase order.
Note: As a minimum, three samples shall be considered for raw material compliance
testing (product analysis) for every 1,000 tons of steel purchased, unless
testing of every batch or lot is specified in the purchase order.
7.8 The Buyer may require a quantity of representative samples of bolt assemblies
which the Fabricator shall supply to the Buyer for testing. Testing in accordance
with ASTM F606 or ASTM F606M will be at the Buyer's expense.
7.10 Shop inspection may include, but not be limited to the following:
7.12 The buyer reserves the right to inspect and reject all galvanized steel in
accordance with ASTM A123/A123M and ASTM E376.
Revision Summary
17 May 2011 Revised the "Next Planned Update". Reaffirmed the contents of the document, and
reissued with minor revision.
26 September 2016 Revised the Next Planned Update, reaffirmed the contents of the document, and reissued
as major revision. The revision includes the following:
1. Updates quality and inspection issues for galvanizing:
o Type and quality of Zinc material.
o More requirements to ensure proper surface preparation, coating application and
o Required certifications for material, applicator and personnel.
2. Provides clarity and specificity to seismic design and construction and thereby
reduces the misinterpretation of seismic provisions, and consequently reduces change
orders or other delays related to code misinterpretation.
1 January 2018 Editorial revision to modify paragraphs,,,, and
Note: The minimum published yield strength may vary based on the material thickness. Refer to the appropriate
material specification.