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One-Phase Shunt Electricity Meter Reference Design Using Standalone Adcs

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com Description

Design Guide: TIDA-010036

One-Phase Shunt Electricity Meter Reference Design
Using Standalone ADCs

Description Features
This reference design implements Class 0.5 single- • Class 0.5 single-phase metrology tested across
phase energy measurement using standalone multi- 50-mA to 90-A input range
channel analog-to-digital converters (ADC) to sample • Calculated parameters include active and reactive
a shunt current sensor. With the combination of the energy and power, RMS line current, RMS neutral
shunt sensor and a compact magnetically immune current, RMS voltage, power factor, and line
power supply, the design provides protection against frequency
magnetic tampering attacks. The design also provides • Detects potential tamper attacks with low-power
the capability to detect potential tampering from current-detection mode
neutral line disconnection. The combination of 8-kHz • Compact non-magnetic power supply with power
sampling rate and a high-performance ARM® good indication and supply failure alerts
Cortex®-M4 MCU allows the addition of power quality
• RS-485 and RS-232 interfaces with 5-kVRMS
functions, such as individual harmonic analysis. The
necessary software functionality is implemented in the
ADC Energy Metrology library. The software library • Software for energy metrology and displaying
can be compiled with Code Composer Studio™ or IAR results on a Windows® PC GUI.
Embedded Workbench®.
Resources • Electricity meter
TIDA-010036 Design Folder
ADS131M04, MSP432P4111 Product Folder
TPS7A78, TPS3840, TRS3232E Product Folder
THVD1500, ISO7731B Product Folder
ADC Energy Metrology Library Software

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Load GND


A +
TPS7A78 Power Good B
Power Failure
Reactive RGND



+ ISO7731B Connection
DRDY Interruptible GPIO
V ™û ADC

Power Good TRS3232E

Interruptible GPIO UART2 RX

Power Failure
+ Interruptible GPIO GPIO

Source From RS-485
Utility THVD1500
Note: 4 ADC channel not used in design

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1 System Description
1.1 End Equipment
1.1.1 Electricity Meter
Each year, billions of dollars are lost by utilities due to nontechnical losses. One form of nontechnical loss for
electricity utility providers is electricity meter tampering, where individuals hack meters to slow or stop the
accumulation of energy usage statistics, thereby stealing electricity. One of the most common ways someone
tries to tamper with an electricity meter is to apply a magnet on it. This magnet paralyzes transformers in power
supplies as well as current transformer current sensors, thereby enabling electricity theft. Since magnets can
affect current transformers(CT), shunts are often used as a current sensor for one-phase meters. The output
voltage produced by shunts at low currents is small, especially when compared to the output voltage produced
by current transformers over the same low input current range. As a result, for shunt-based high-accuracy
meters, an accurate ADC is needed to sense the low output voltages from shunts to accurately bill utility
In addition to ensuring accurate customer billing, it is the responsibility of the utility company to guarantee good
power quality to their customers. However, it is possible for current harmonics from a utility customer’s load to
induce voltage harmonics, which may effect multiple utility customers. By performing harmonic analysis, utility
providers may be able to identify customer loads that negatively impact power quality. Adding harmonic analysis
capabilities to an electricity meter may require an increase in the sample rate of the meter to capture the desired
frequency range. The increase in sample frequency many times has to be done without compromising on
accuracy or even while simultaneously increasing accuracy. The high sample rate, in turn, also requires more
As the accuracy and amount of processing expected from electricity meters increases, it becomes more difficult
to find a metrology SoC that fulfills both the processing and accuracy requirements of an electricity meter. To
address this limitation, a standalone ADC can be used with a host microcontroller (MCU) to simultaneously
overcome the processing and accuracy limitations of electricity meter SoCs. Using an accurate standalone ADC
typically has the following advantages:
• It enables meeting the most stringent of accuracy requirements
• It enables meeting minimum sample rate requirements(without compromising on accuracy) that may not be
obtainable with applications-specific products or metrology SoCs
• It enables flexibility in selecting the host MCU since you are not limited to selecting host MCUs that have
accurate ADCs. The host MCU can be selected solely based on application requirements, such as
processing capability, minimum RAM and Flash storage for logging energy usage, and MCU security features
for ensuring meter data security.
In this reference design, Class 0.5 one-phase shunt-based energy measurement is implemented by using a
standalone ADC device. The standalone ADC senses the Mains voltage and current. For sensing the current,
the design measures both the line and neutral current by using a shunt and CT. By measuring both currents,
metrology parameters can be properly sensed in case someone tries to tamper with the meter by bypassing the
sensed line or neutral current in an attempt to have the meter register a smaller energy consumption than what
is actually consumed.
When there are new ADC samples available from the standalone ADC, the host MCU communicates to the
standalone ADC using SPI to get the new samples. The host MCU uses the new ADC samples from the
standalone ADC to calculate metrology parameters. In addition to calculating the metrology parameters, the host
MCU also drives the liquid crystal display (LCD) of the board and communicates to a personal computer (PC)
graphical user interface (GUI) through either the isolated RS-232 circuitry or isolated RS-485 circuitry on the
board. As an additional safeguard, an external SVS device is added to the design to reset the host MCU when
the supplied voltage to power the host MCU is not sufficient. In general, using an external SVS provides more
security than the internal SVS on a host MCU.
In this design, the test software specifically supports calculation of various metrology parameters for one-phase
energy measurement. These parameters can be viewed either from the calibration GUI or LCD. The key
parameters calculated during energy measurements are:
• Active, reactive, apparent power and energy

2 One-Phase Shunt Electricity Meter Reference Design Using Standalone ADCs TIDUEM7A – APRIL 2019 – REVISED FEBRUARY 2021
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• RMS line current, RMS neutral current, and RMS voltage

• Power factor
• Line frequency
In addition to affecting current transformer current sensors, magnetic tampering could affect a transformer in the
power supply as well. To deal with magnetic tamper attacks affecting the power supply of the meter, one option
is to use cap-drop supplies, which do not use a magnetically-susceptible transformer. However, one
disadvantage of cap-drop supplies is their small maximum output current. To increase the maximum output
current from a cap-drop supply without increasing the capacitor size of the power supply, a buck converter could
be used with the cap-drop supply instead of the LDO that is used in traditional cap-drop supplies; however, using
a buck converter would require adding an inductor, which may be affected, like a CT, by an external magnet. In
this design, an AC voltage regulator is used to create a compact, cap-drop power supply that can provide more
output current than conventional cap-drop supplies without having to use magnetic components, thereby making
the power supply magnetically immune.
Another technique used to tamper with an electricity meter is to remove the neutral wire from the meter. If the
neutral is disconnected, the voltage measured is 0 V, which in turn leads to a 0 W measured value for the active
power. With the neutral missing, the main AC/DC is not functional so a backup power supply like a battery or
powering CT must be used to power the meter. For this tamper technique, although the active power reading is 0
W because of the 0 V reading, there is still current flowing through the line wire that could be sensed. The
standalone ADC used in this design has a current-detection mode that could be used to detect the presence of
current for this tamper scenario. In this mode, the ADC runs off an internal oscillator and provides an interrupt to
the MCU if a user-configurable number of samples have surpassed a user-defined ADC threshold value, which
may indicate tampering. Since the ADC is doing this current detection, the MCU can enter a sleep mode until it is
alerted that current has been detected by the standalone ADC. This current-detection mode is low-power, which
allows the mode to be entered periodically without significantly draining the backup power supply that the meter
is running on. The AC/DC power supply of the design provides an early alert of AC supply failure, which can be
either be from an actual power outage condition or from the removal of the neutral connection, so that the
standalone ADC could be triggered to enter this current-detection mode. When the meter sees AC mains again
after power has been restored from a power outage, the AC/DC in the design provides an alert that can be used
to exit current-detection mode.

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1.2 Key System Specifications

Table 1-1. Key System Specifications
Number of phases 1
Electricity meter accuracy class Class 0.5
Current sensor Shunt, current transformer
Tested current range 0.05–90 A
ADS131M04 CLKIN frequency 8,192,000 Hz
ADS131M04 delta-sigma modulation clock
4,096,000 Hz (= CLKIN / 2)
SPI Clock 8,192,000 Hz
Oversampling ratio (OSR) 512
Digital filter output sample rate 8,000 samples per second
Phase compensation implementation Software
Phase compensation resolution 0.0088° at 50 Hz or 0.0105° at 60 Hz
Selected CPU clock frequency 48 MHz
MCU external SVS voltage 2.0–2.1 V
System nominal frequency 50 or 60 Hz
• Active, reactive, apparent power and energy
• Root mean square (RMS) line current, neutral current, and voltage
Measured parameters • Power factor
• Line frequency

Update rate for measured parameters Approximately equal to 1 second

Communication options • PC GUI via 5-kVRMS isolated RS-232 or isolated RS-485

Utilized LEDs Active energy and reactive energy

Board power supply Option 1: Power derived from AC mains using cap-drop supply
Option 2: External power

4 One-Phase Shunt Electricity Meter Reference Design Using Standalone ADCs TIDUEM7A – APRIL 2019 – REVISED FEBRUARY 2021
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2 System Overview
2.1 Block Diagram
Figure 2-1 depicts a block diagram that shows the high-level interface used for an ADS131M04-based one-
phase energy measurement application.
Load GND


A +
TPS7A78 Power Good B
Power Failure
Reactive RGND



+ ISO7731B Connection
DRDY Interruptible GPIO
V ™û ADC

Power Good TRS3232E

Interruptible GPIO UART2 RX

Power Failure
+ Interruptible GPIO GPIO

Source From RS-485
Utility THVD1500

Note: 4th ADC channel not used in design

Figure 2-1. TIDA-010036 Block Diagram

In Figure 2-1, a simple voltage divider is used for translating the Mains voltage to a voltage that can be sensed
by the ADC. For the current, two current sensors are used, where one current sensor is used for sensing the line
current and another current sensor is used to sense the neutral current. The design uses a shunt and a current
transformer for the current sensors. In Figure 2-1, the system shows that the CT measures the line current, the
shunt measures the neutral current, and the system is referenced with respect to the neutral; however, the
design also supports a second configuration where the CT measures the neutral current, the shunt measures the
line current, and the system is referenced with respect to the line.
For the shunt current sensor, the resistance of the shunt is selected based on the current range required for
energy measurements and also the minimization of the maximum power dissipation of the shunt. For the CT
current sensor, the CT has an associated burden resistor that must be connected at all times to protect the
measuring device. The selection of the CT and the burden resistor is made based on the manufacturer and
current range required for energy measurements.
The choice of voltage divider resistors for the voltage channel is selected to ensure the Mains voltage is divided
down to adhere to the normal input ranges of the ADS131M04 device. Since the ADS131M04 ADCs have a
large dynamic range and a large dynamic range is not needed to measure voltage, the voltage front-end circuitry
is purposely selected so that the maximum voltage seen at the inputs of the voltage channel ADCs are only a
fraction of the full-scale voltage. By reducing the voltage fed to the ADS131M04 voltage ADC, voltage-to-current
crosstalk, which actually affects metrology accuracy more than voltage ADC accuracy, is reduced at the cost of
voltage accuracy.
In this design, the ADS131M04 device interacts with the MSP432™ MCU in the following manner:
1. The CLKIN clock used by the ADS131M04 device is provided from the SMCLK clock signal output of the
2. The ADS131M04 device divides the clock provided on its CLKIN pin by two and uses this divided clock as its
delta-sigma modulation clock.

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3. When new ADC samples are ready, the ADS131M04 device asserts its DRDY pin, which alerts the MSP432
MCU that new samples are available.
4. After being alerted of new samples, the MSP432 MCU uses one of its SPI interfaces and its DMA to get the
voltage and current samples from the ADS131M04 device.
In this design, a TPS3840 device is used as an external SVS for the MSP432 MCU. Although the MSP432 MCU
has an internal SVS that suffices for this application, the TPS3840 standalone SVS is used because there is
additional security in having an SVS that is independent of the MCU.
To power this design, a TPS7A78 device is used to implement a cap-drop supply. This TPS7A78 device allows a
higher output current than traditional cap-drop supplies. It also has a power failure pin, which can be used to
alert the MCU whenever the system sees an AC supply failure either because of a power outage or if the neutral
connection has been removed from the meter. The TPS7A78 has a power good pin, which can be used to alert
the MCU that the output voltage of the cap-drop supply has ramped up after power has been restored from a
power outage.
Other signals of interest in Figure 2-1 are the active and reactive energy pulses used for accuracy measurement
and calibration. The ISO7720 device provides an isolated connection for these pulses for connecting to non-
isolated equipment. This is especially needed if the shunt measures the line current since the system is
referenced to this high-voltage line connection as well for this configuration.
In addition to isolated pulses, the design supports isolated RS-232 communication through the use of the
TPS70933, ISO7731B, and TRS3232E devices. The design can be configured to use RS-485 as well instead of
RS-232 through the use of the ISO7731B and THVD1500 devices on the board.
2.2 Highlighted Products
2.2.1 ADS131M04
The ADS131M04 device is a four-channel, simultaneously-sampling, 24-bit, 2nd order delta-sigma (ΔΣ), analog-
to-digital converter (ADC) that offers wide dynamic range, and internal calibration features making it well-suited
for energy metering, power quality, and protection applications. The ADC inputs can be directly interfaced to a
resistor-divider network, a transformer to measure voltage or current, a shunt to measure current, or a Rogowski
coil to measure current.
The individual ADC channels can be independently configured depending on the sensor input. A low noise,
programmable gain amplifier (PGA) provides gains ranging from 1 to 128 to amplify low-level signals.
Additionally, these devices integrate channel-to-channel phase alignment and offset and gain calibration
registers to help remove signal chain errors. A low-drift, 1.2-V reference is integrated into the device reducing
printed circuit board (PCB) area. Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) options can be individually enabled on the data
input, data output, and register map to ensure communication integrity. Figure 2-2 shows a block diagram of this

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Phase Shift & Gain & Offset
'6 ADC
Digital Filters Calibration


Phase Shift & Gain & Offset
'6 ADC
Digital Filters Calibration CS
Control &
Serial Interface DIN
Phase Shift & Gain & Offset DRDY
'6 ADC
Digital Filters Calibration

Phase Shift & Gain & Offset Generation
'6 ADC
Digital Filters Calibration


Figure 2-2. ADS131M04 Functional Block Diagram

In Figure 2-2, 2.7 V–3.6 V must be fed between AVDD and AGND as well as between DVDD and GND. In
addition, an external clock must be connected to CLKIN. When the ADS131M04 device is configured for high-
resolution mode, this clock must be between 1 MHz and 8.3 MHz for the ADS131M04 to properly work. The
CLKIN clock of the ADS131M04 device can be generated from the SMCLK clock output of the MSP432 MCU.
The ADS131M04 divides this clock by two and uses this divided clock for its delta-sigma modulator clock. When
new ADC samples are ready, the ADS131M04 asserts its DRDY pin to alert the host MCU that there are new
ADC samples available. Since the ADS131M04 device can accept a clock with a wide frequency range, the
device itself can also be used for applications that require coherent sampling.
2.2.2 TPS7A78
The TPS7A78 device improves the overall efficiency and standby power in power supplies for an easy-to-use
non-magnetic approach to AC/DC conversion. The TPS7A78 device uses an external capacitor to create a
current source and actively clamps the rectified voltage. The device then regulates the voltage down to the
application-specific operating voltage. The unique architecture of the device allows the standby power to be
reduced from several 100s of milliwatts to just a few 10s of milliwatts. The TPS7A78 device takes advantage of
an innovative switched capacitor stage to reduce the clamped voltage down by approximately 1/4th of the value,
which in turn multiplies the current by 4. Thus, the current source capacitor can be much smaller in size, which
minimizes standby power, reduces solution size, and can lead to a lower system cost.
The TPS7A78 device is optimized for electricity meters where the power supply must be reliable and magnetic
tamper-proof. The TPS7A78 device requires no external magnetics, which makes complying with IEC 61000-4-8
and any magnetic tampering tests easier while minimizing costly magnetic shielding.
Additionally, the TPS7A78 also comes with a user programmable power-fail detection threshold that can provide
an early alert to AC supply failures so the system can save data before losing main power and then enter a low-
power mode before switching to a backup power supply. A power-good indication on the TPS7A78 can be used
to alert the system that power has returned so that the system could exit low power mode and resume normal

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2.2.3 MSP432P4111
The SimpleLink™ MSP432P4111 MCUs are optimized MCUs that deliver ultra-low-power performance with FPU
and DSP extensions. This device has an ARM® Cortex®-M4F 32-bit CPU with floating-point unit and memory
protection unit, a real-time clock, LCD driver, port mappable GPIOs, an AES encryption and decryption
accelerator, and multiple serial communication options. The MSP432P4111 microcontroller is part of the
SimpleLink MCU platform, which consists of Wi-Fi®, Bluetooth® low energy, sub-1 GHz, and host MCUs. All of
these devices share a common, easy-to-use development environment with a single-core software development
kit (SDK) and rich tool set.
The MSP432 MCU in this design retrieves voltage and current samples from the ADS131M04 device and
calculates metrology parameters. In addition, the device also keeps track of time with its RTC module, drives the
LCD on the board with its internal LCD driver module, and uses one of its UART interfaces to communicate to a
PC GUI using either the isolated RS-232 or isolated RS-485 circuit of the board. The CRC module of the
MSP432 MCU is also used to accelerate the CRC calculations that are done to verify the integrity of the ADC
packet sent by the ADS131M04 device.
2.2.4 TPS3840
The TPS3840 family of voltage supervisors or reset ICs can operate at high voltage levels while maintaining very
low quiescent current across the whole VDD and temperature range. The TPS3840 device offers the best
combination of low power consumption, high accuracy, and low propagation delay.
The reset output signal of the device is asserted when the voltage at VDD drops below the negative voltage
threshold (VIT-) or when manual reset is pulled to a low logic (VMR_L). The reset signal is cleared when VDD rises
above VIT- plus hysteresis (VIT+) and manual reset ( MR) is floating or above VMR_H and the reset time delay (tD)
expires. Reset time delay can be programmed by connecting a capacitor to ground in the CT pin, for a fast reset
the CT pin can be left floating. Additional features include low power on reset voltage (VPOR), built in glitch
immunity protection for MR and VDD, build in hysteresis and low open drain output leakage current (ILKG(OD)).
For electricity meters, some manufacturers prefer to have external SVS devices to reset any MCUs in the
system, even if the MCUs already have an internal SVS. External SVS devices are sometimes preferred over
using the SVS within an MCU because the external option can be more secure than the internal option, since the
external devices function independently of the MCU. Although the SVS of the MSP432 MCU suffices for this
application, the TPS3840 external SVS device is added to this design for an additional level of security. External
SVS devices may sometimes also be used for early detection of a Mains blackout condition by monitoring one of
the rails of an AC/DC powered from Mains.
In this design, the TPS3840DL20 variant is specifically used, which has a 2-V threshold and an open drain,
active low output.
2.2.5 THVD1500
The THVD1500 device is a robust half-duplex RS-485 transceiver for industrial applications. The bus pins are
immune to high levels of IEC Contact Discharge ESD events eliminating the need of additional system-level
protection components.
The device operates from a single 5-V supply. The wide common-mode voltage range and low input leakage on
bus pins make the THVD1500 device suitable for multi-point applications over long cable runs.
The THVD1500 device is available in an industry standard 8-pin SOIC package for drop-in compatibility. The
device is characterized from –40°C to 125°C. The device also meets or exceeds the requirements of the TIA/
EIA-485A Standard and the State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) Part 11 Serial Communication Protocol
RS-485 Standard.
This device is specifically used in this design to convert from UART to RS-485 signals.
2.2.6 ISO7731B
To add isolation to the RS-232 and RS-485 connection to a PC, the isolated RS-232 and isolated RS-485 portion
of this reference design uses capacitive galvanic isolation, which has an inherent life span advantage over an
opto-isolator. In particular, industrial devices are usually pressed into service for much longer periods of time

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than consumer electronics; therefore, the maintenance of effective isolation over a period of 15 years or longer is
The variant of the ISO7731B device used in the RS-232 and RS-485 circuitry of this reference design provides
galvanic isolation up to 5 kVRMS for one minute per UL. This digital isolator has three isolated channels where
two channels are forward channels and the other is a reverse channel. In this design, two isolation channels are
used for the TX and RX. If RS-485 is selected for communication, the third isolation channel is used for the
control signal to enable the receiver or driver. If RS-232 is selected, the third isolation channel is not needed. If
RS-232 is desired in a customer’s system instead of RS-485, only two isolation channels are needed, so a two-
channel ISO7721B device could be used to reduce cost instead of using the three-channel ISO7731B device
(keep in mind that these two devices are not pin-to-pin compatible). Each isolation channel has a logic input and
output buffer separated by a double capacitive silicon dioxide (SiO2) insulation barrier. This chip supports a
signaling rate of 100 Mbps. The chips can operate from a 2.5 V, 3.3-V, and 5-V supply and logic levels.
2.2.7 TRS3232E
To properly interface with the RS-232 standard, a voltage translation system is required to convert between the
3.3-V domain on the board and from the 12 V on the port itself. To facilitate the translation, the design uses a
TRS3232E device. The TRS3232E device is capable of driving the higher voltage signals on the RS-232 port
from only the 3.3-V DVCC through a charge pump system.
The TRS3232E device consists of two line drivers, two line receivers, and a dual charge-pump circuit with ±15-
kV electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection pin-to-pin (serial-port connection pins, including GND). The device
meets the requirements of the Telecommunications Industry Association and Electronic Industries Alliance TIA/
EIA-232-F and provides the electrical interface between an asynchronous communication controller and the
serial-port connector. The charge pump and four small external capacitors allow operation from a single 3-V to
5.5-V supply. The devices operate at data signaling rates up to 250 kbps and a maximum of 30-V/µs driver
output slew rate.
2.2.8 TPS709
To power the data terminal equipment (DTE) side of the isolation boundary and the RS-232 charge pump, there
are two choices. The interface can either implement an isolated power supply or harvest power from the RS-232
line. Integrating a power supply adds cost and complexity to the system, which is difficult to justify in low-cost
sensing applications.
To implement the second option of harvesting power from the RS-232 port itself, this reference design uses the
flow control lines that are ignored in most embedded applications. The RS-232 specification (when properly
implemented on a host computer or adapter cable), keeps the request to send (RTS) and data terminal ready
(DTR) lines high when the port is active. As long as the host has the COM port open, these two lines retain
voltage on them. This voltage can vary from 5 V to 12 V, depending on the driver implementation. The 5 V to 12
V is sufficient for the use requirements in this design.
The voltage is put through a diode arrangement to block signals from entering back into the pins. The voltage
charges a capacitor to store energy. The capacitor releases this energy when the barrier and charge pump pull
more current than what is instantaneously allowed. The TPS70933 device is used to bring the line voltage down
to a working voltage for the charge pump and isolation device.
The TPS70933 linear regulator is an ultra-low quiescent current device designed for power-sensitive
applications. A precision band-gap and error amplifier provides 2% accuracy overtemperature. A quiescent
current of only 1 µA makes these devices ideal solutions for battery-powered, always-on systems that require
very little idle-state power dissipation. These devices have thermal-shutdown, current-limit, and reverse-current
protections for added safety. These regulators can be put into shutdown mode by pulling the EN pin low. The
shutdown current in this mode goes down to 150 nA (typical).
2.2.9 ISO7720
The ISO772x devices are high-performance, dual-channel digital isolators with 5000 VRMS (DW package) and
3000 VRMS (D package) isolation ratings per UL 1577. These devices are also certified by VDE, TUV, CSA, and
CQC. The ISO772x devices provide high electromagnetic immunity and low emissions at low power
consumption, while isolating CMOS or LVCMOS digital I/Os. Each isolation channel has a logic input and output
buffer separated by a silicon dioxide (SiO2) insulation barrier. The ISO7720 device has both channels in the

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same direction while the ISO7721 device has both channels in the opposite direction. In the event of input power
or signal loss, the default output is high for devices without suffix F and low for devices with suffix F. Through
innovative chip design and layout techniques, the electromagnetic compatibility of the ISO772x devices has
been significantly enhanced to ease system-level ESD, EFT, surge, and emissions compliance. The ISO772x
family of devices is available in 16-pin SOIC wide-body (DW) and 8-pin SOIC narrow-body (D) packages.
To test the active energy and reactive energy accuracy of a meter, pulses are output at a rate proportional to the
amount of energy consumed. A reference meter can then determine the accuracy of the electricity meter by
calculating the error based on these pulses and how much energy is provided to the meter. In this reference
design, pulses are output through headers for the cumulative active and reactive energy consumption. Using the
ISO7720 device provides an isolated version of these headers for connection to non-isolated equipment, which
is especially needed when the design is referenced with respect to line. In this design, the D package of the
ISO7720 device is used, which provides an isolation voltage of 3000 VRMS for these signals. These isolated
active and reactive signals can be set to have either a 3.3- or 5-V maximum voltage output by applying the
selected maximum voltage output between the VCC (ISO_VCC) and GND (ISO_GND) of the isolated side.
2.3 Design Considerations
2.3.1 Design Hardware Implementation TPS7A78 Cap-Drop Supply
This design uses a TPS7A78 device to create a cap-drop supply with a larger maximum output current than
conventional cap-drop LDO-based power supplies without using magnetic components. Figure 2-3 shows the
circuit used in this design to implement the cap-drop supply. The TPS7A78 120-mA, Smart AC/DC Linear
Voltage Regulator data sheet has details on how to select the optimal values of the components shown in Figure
2-3 for various system requirements.
1 SC1+ SC2- 14

50V C2
R1 1uF 50V DVCC
2 SC1- SC2+ 13
2.21M 2.2uF D1
R2 C3
220k 50V 8 C4 SD103BW-7-F
150uF 10V

4 11 R3 47µF
10 GND J2

12 SH-J1

C6 GND 50V D9
R4 GND 1uF
0.47µF 470
5W SD103BW-7-F
630V R5 GND


1 J3



Figure 2-3. TPS7A78 Cap-Drop Supply Circuit

In Figure 2-3, capacitor C6 is the high-voltage capacitor that determines the maximum output current possible
with this cap-drop supply. Resistor R4 is a resistor that is used to limit the inrush current to the TPS7A78 device.
This resistor can be used to protect the device from surge currents in conjunction with transient voltage
suppressor (TVS) or a metal-oxide varistors (MOV). If the design is selected to be referenced with respect to
neutral, "V+Mains" in Figure 2-3 is connected to the line through resistor R29 (shown in Figure 2-4), and GND is
connected to the neutral through resistor R37 (also shown in Figure 2-4). If the design and shunt is selected to
be referenced with respect to line instead, GND in Figure 2-3 is connected to the line through resistor R29
(shown in Figure 2-4) and "V+Mains" is connected to the neutral through resistor R37 (also shown in Figure 2-4).
In this design, note that R29 and R37 can be replaced with ferrite beads for EMI suppression instead of using
the 0-Ω resistors currently populated in the design.
The TPS7A78 device uses an internal active clamp instead of using the external Zener diodes typically used in
traditional cap-drop supplies. In addition, the device uses a 4:1 switch-cap stage that divides the clamped

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voltage by 4, which multiplies the current by 4. As a result, you are able to get a larger output current than
conventional cap-drop supplies without having to use magnetic components. The larger output current from the
TPS7A78 enables getting more output current from the same capacitor size used in a conventional cap-drop
supply, or decreasing the capacitor size to get the same maximum output current as a conventional cap-drop
supply, or both. The increased output current allowed by a TPS7A78-based cap-drop supply enables the
maximum output current from the power supply to be designed so that it is sufficiently greater than the maximum
current consumption of the system, which ensures that the cap-drop supply can still power the meter, even if the
value of the capacitor decreases slightly over time. In this design, a 470-nF capacitor is used, which allows
powering loads up to 50 mA.
The TPS7A78 device also has an integrated power-fail indication that can be used for an alert of a potential
power outage so that the MCU can take any final actions. The power fail indication is done at the input of the
switch-cap stage, which allows an early detection of a power failure. The power failure threshold is set using a
resistor divider between the SCIN pin, PFD pin, and ground of the TPS7A78 device. In this design, this power
failure indication is used to put the ADS131M04 device in current-detection mode before the system is switched
to being powered from the backup supply. This design has support for a backup supply, such as a battery, by
connecting the negative terminal of the backup supply to pin 2 of J1 in Figure 2-3 and its positive terminal to pin
1 of J1. If a backup power supply is used in this design, an OR of the TPS7A78 output and the backup battery
has to be implemented, which can be done with diodes D1 and D9, as Figure 2-3 shows. Note that using diodes
to OR the two power supplies results in a voltage drop; however, to reduce the effect of a reduced output
voltage, the 3.3-V TPS7A7833 variant used in this design can be replaced with the higher voltage TPS7A7836
3.6-V variant to offset the drop-in voltage from the diode. In this design, it is assumed that the TPS7A78 output
voltage is higher than the voltage of the backup supply so that the design is powered from the TPS7A78 when
AC Mains is available. If the voltage of the backup supply was larger than the TPS7A78 device, then the design
is powered from the backup supply even if AC Mains is available.
In addition to a power-failure indication, the TPS7A78 device has a power good indication, which is asserted
when the voltage at the output of the LDO is greater than 90% of the desired LDO output voltage. This power
good indication is used to inform the system when power has returned after an outage, which alerts the MCU to
tell the ADS131M04 to exit current-detection mode. The TPS7A78 also integrates an LDO on the output stage of
the switched cap to regulate VOUT and attenuate ripple.
The reduced capacitor size allowed by the TPS7A78 and the TPS7A78 integrated active clamp, integrated LDO,
integrated power failure indication, and integrated power good indication reduces the PCB size taken by this
cap-drop supply compared to conventional cap-drop supplies. TPS3840 SVS
The TPS3840 device is an external supply voltage supervisor (SVS) that is used to externally reset the MSP432
MCU. The TPS3840 maintains very low quiescent current, which enables this device to still be used if there is a
power outage and the meter is running from a backup battery. The MSP432 MCU has an internal SVS device
that can be used as well, which will suffice for this application; however, using an external SVS instead of the
internal SVS of the MCU adds an additional layer of security since it is not independent of the MCU, and
therefore, is less affected by any issues that affect the MCU itself.
In this design, the TPS3840DL20 device variant is specifically used, which has a negative-voltage threshold
voltage of 2 V. When the voltage rail that powers the MSP432 MCU drops below 2 V, the TPS3840 device resets
the MSP432 MCU. When the monitored voltage rises above the undervoltage threshold plus hysteresis voltage
value (approximately equal to 2.1 V total) , the RESET pin of the TPS3840 is pulled back high after a user-
defined reset delay time, tD, elapses. tD is determined based on the value of the capacitor connected to the CT
pin of the TPS3840 device. In this design, a 0.33-µF capacitor is connected to the CT pin of the TPS3840
device, which leads to a reset delay time of about 204 ms.
The TPS3840 device is available with both push-pull and open-drain outputs. The open-drain output is
specifically selected for this design since a 47-kΩ pullup resistor is recommended in the JTAG circuitry of the
MSP432 MCU. Analog Inputs
The analog front end in this design consists of the ADS131M04 delta-sigma standalone ADC. Each of the
ADS131M04 converters is differential and requires that the input voltages at the pins does not exceed ±1.2 V

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(gain = 1). To meet this input voltage specification, the current and voltage inputs must be divided down. In
addition, the ADS131M04 device can sense voltages down to −1.2 V; therefore, AC signals from mains can be
directly interfaced without the need for level shifters. This subsection describes the analog front end used for
voltage and current channels. Voltage Measurement Analog Front End
The nominal voltage from the mains is from 100 V–240 V so it needs to be scaled down to be sensed by an
ADC. Figure 2-4 shows the analog front end used for this voltage scaling. J22 is where the voltage is applied.

R29 R30 R31 R32 R33

0 330k 330k 330k 1.00k
J22 DNPC40
2 R34 10pF
1 B72220S0511K101 R35 100V C41
750 GND 6800pF
R37 R36 100V
0 1.00k

Figure 2-4. Analog Front End for Voltage Inputs

In the analog front end for voltage, there consists a spike protection varistor (R34), footprints for electromagnetic
interference filter beads (resistor footprints R29 and R37) , a voltage divider network (R30, R31, R32, and R35),
and an RC low-pass filter (R33, R36, C40, C41, and C42).
At lower currents, voltage-to-current crosstalk affects active energy accuracy much more than voltage accuracy.
To maximize the accuracy at these lower currents, in this design the entire ADC range is not used for voltage
channels. Since the ADCs of the ADS131M04 device are high-accuracy ADCs, using the reduced ADC range for
the voltage channels in this design still provides more than enough accuracy for measuring voltage. Equation 1
shows how to calculate the range of differential voltages fed to the voltage ADC channel for a given Mains
voltage and selected voltage divider resistor values.

§ R35 ·
V ADC _ Swing,Voltage r V RMS u 2 ¨ ¸
¨ R 30 R 31 R 32 R 35 ¸
© ¹ (1)

Based on this formula and the selected resistor values in Figure 2-4, for a mains voltage of 230 V, the input
signal to the voltage ADC has a voltage swing of ±246 mV (181 mVRMS). The ±246-mV voltage range is well
within the ±1.2-V input voltage that can be sensed by the ADS131M04 device for the selected PGA gain value of
1 that is used for the voltage channel. Current Measurement Analog Front End
The analog front end for current inputs is different from the analog front end for the voltage inputs. Figure 2-5
shows the analog front end used for the CT current channel, where the positive and negative leads from a CT
are connected to pins 3 and 1 of header J26.
R48 R49

CT Channel 0 2.00k
J26 4 1 7 6.49 DNPC52
3 5 2 3 6 10pF
2 6 3 2 5 R54 100V C53
1 7 1 4 13.0 100V
ED120/3DS TVS0500DRVR U12 R56 DNPC54 GRM188R72A682KA01D
TVS0500DRVR U13 6.49 10pF
R57 R58 100V
0 2.00k

Figure 2-5. Analog Front End for CT Current Inputs

The analog front end for current consists of footprints for electromagnetic interference filter beads (R48 and
R57), burden resistors for current transformers (R51 and R56), and an RC low-pass filter (R49, R58, C52, C53,
and C54) that functions as an anti-alias filter. There are also footprints (U12 and U13) that can be replaced with
the TVS0500 for supplemental protection from surges, if required.
As Figure 2-5 shows, resistors R51 and R56 are the burden resistors, which are in series with each other. For
best THD performance, instead of using one burden resistor, two identical burden resistors in series are used

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with the common point being connected to GND. This split-burden resistor configuration ensures that the
waveforms fed to the positive and negative terminals of the ADC are 180 degrees out of phase with each other,
which provides the best THD results with this ADC. The total burden resistance is selected based on the current
range used and the turns ratio specification of the CT (this design uses CTs with a turns ratio of 2000). The total
value of the burden resistor for this design is 12.98 Ω.
Equation 2 shows how to calculate the range of differential voltages fed to the current ADC channel for a given
maximum current, CT turns ratio, and burden resistor value.

2 R 51 R 56 I RMS,max
V ADC Swing ,Current,CT r

Based on the maximum current of 100 A, CT turns ratio of 2000, and burden resistor of 12.98 Ω of this design,
the input signal to the current ADC has a voltage swing of ±918 mV maximum (649 mVRMS) when the maximum
current rating of the meter (100 A) is applied. This ±918-mV maximum input voltage is well within the ±1.2-V
input range of the device for the selected PGA gain of 1 that is used for the current channels.
Figure 2-6 shows the analog front end used for the shunt current channel, where the positive and negative leads
from the shunt are connected to pins 1 and 3 of header J25. The ground connection for the shunt is connected
to pin 2 of this J25 header.
R38 R39

Shunt Channel 0 2.00k

J25 4 IN GND 1 7 PAD
3 5 2 3 6 10pF
2 6 3 2 5 R41 100V C44
1 7 1 4 13.0 100V
ED120/3DS TVS0500DRVR U10 R42 DNPC49 GRM188R72A682KA01D
6.49 10pF
R43 R44 100V
0 2.00k

Figure 2-6. Analog Front End for Shunt Current Inputs

The circuitry in Figure 2-6 is similar to the circuit shown for the CT channel, except the R51 and R56 burden
resistors are now removed since a shunt is used instead of a CT. Since the burden resistors have been
removed, do not connect a CT to this channel because it may cause a large output voltage that may
damage the meter. In addition, note that the pin order of the AINxP and AINxN pins on the ADS131M04 device
is swapped when going from one converter to another. As an example, AIN1N is pin 5 and AIN1P is pin 6, but
AIN2P is pin 7 and AIN2N is pin 8. The swapped order is why the order of the CT positive output terminal and
negative output terminal on J26 is swapped when compared to the shunt positive and negative output terminal
on J25.
Equation 2 shows how to calculate the range of differential voltages fed to the current ADC channel for a given
maximum current and shunt value.

V ADC Swing ,Current,Shunt r 2 R shunt I RMS,max


With shunt current sensors, the shunt sensor value is selected based on the tradeoff between accuracy and
shunt power dissipation. If the shunt value is decreased, less power is dissipated through the shunt; however,
the decreased shunt value means a smaller output voltage from the shunt, which leads to worse accuracies at
lower currents, even if a higher PGA gain is used to boost the shunt output. In this design, tests are performed
with both 100- and 200-µΩ shunts.
Based on the VADC,shunt range, select the proper PGA gain by looking at the full-scale range table in Table 2-1 to
find the two gain ranges that VADC,shunt, shunt voltage fits between. From these two gain values, select the lower
gain setting as the selected PGA gain value for the shunt channel. This gain value maximizes the ADC range
without saturation occurring at higher currents. As an example of this process, suppose a 100-A maximum RMS
current and a 200-µΩ shunt is used. Based on these values, VADC,shunt varies between ±28.3 mV. This voltage
range is between the maximum ±37.5 mV voltage at a gain of 32 and ±18.75 mV at a PGA gain of 64 so the
PGA gain setting of the shunt channel is set for 32.

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Table 2-1. Full-Scale Range

1 ±1.2 V
2 ±600 mV
4 ±300 mV
8 ±150 mV
16 ±75 mV
32 ±37.5 mV
64 ±18.75 mV
128 ±9.375 mV

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2.3.2 Current-Detection Mode

One technique used to tamper with the meter is to remove the neutral connection. If the neutral is disconnected,
the RMS voltage and active power cannot be measured. In addition, the main AC/DC power supply is not
functional so a backup power supply, such as a battery, must be used to power the meter. For this tamper
technique, although the active power reading may be 0 W from not being able to measure voltage, there is still
current flowing through the line wire. The presence of this line current can be used to distinguish a power outage
event from someone removing the neutral connection of the meter.
The ADS131M04 device has a current-detection mode that can be used to detect the presence of this current for
this tamper scenario without drawing too much current so that the lifetime of the backup battery is not
significantly affected. In this mode, the ADS131M04 device collects a configurable number of samples at 2.7
kSPS using an internal oscillator and then the absolute value of the results are compared to a programmable
threshold. If a configurable number of the samples within a sample window exceed a threshold, the host MCU is
notified. If the ADS131M04 device is put in current-detection mode after the system detects an AC supply
failure(either due to an outage or removing the neutral connection) and an interrupt is provided from the
ADS131M04 device to the MCU by asserting its DRDY pin low, this can indicate that someone has tried to
tamper with a meter by removing its neutral connections. Instead of only sensing tamper current on the line from
the removal of the neutral, the ADS131M04 device can also be set to simultaneously detect the removal of the
line connection by performing current detection on the neutral current channel.

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Figure 2-7 shows the details of the procedure followed by the ADS131M04 device to enter current-detection
mode as well as the procedure followed when in this mode.

Continuous Conversion
WAKEUP Command

No Standby


Standby Mode


Current Detection

Yes Samples Collected =



Measurement > No


Increment Threshold

Threshold Counter > No





Yes Current detected on all No

enabled channels?

Figure 2-7. ADS131M04 Current-Detection Mode Process

This process begins by the MCU sending a standby command to the ADS131M04 device from its normal
continuous conversion mode. By sending this command, the ADS131M04 device is put in standby mode. Note
that the DRDY pin should not be asserted every time a new sample is available, like it was when the device was
in normal conversion mode. The DRDY pin is only asserted low when in current-detection mode if tamper current
is detected. In addition, the DRDY pin is not asserted low in standby mode since the device is not converting

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After the device is in standby mode, provide a pulse on the SYNC/ RESET pin, which enables the device to
enter current-detection mode, assuming the CD_EN bit is already enabled in the corresponding ADS131M04
register. When in current-detection mode, the ADS131M04 checks to see if the absolute value of each sample is
above the user-defined threshold, which is set by the CD_THRSHLD registers. If a sample is beyond the set
threshold, a threshold counter for this current sampling window is incremented. After this threshold is
incremented, a check is done to see if the threshold counter is above the value set by the CD_NUM bits in the
corresponding ADS131M04 register. The CD_NUM bits configure the number of samples which need to exceed
the threshold (CD_THRSHLD) for detection to occur. The purpose of requiring multiple samples for detection is
to allow for noisy values that may exceed the threshold, but do not represent a high enough power level to
warrant action by the host. If the threshold counter is greater than the value set by the CD_NUM bits, DRDY is
asserted if the CD_ALLCH bit in the ADS131M04 register is set to 0 or if the CD_ALLCH bit is set to 1 and
current is detected on all enabled channels. After DRDY is asserted, the device goes back to standby mode
even if a full sample window has not been checked yet. If the number of samples checked equals the sample
window, which is set by the CD_LEN bits in one of the ADS131M04 registers, and the threshold counter is not
above CD_NUM, the device goes back to standby mode without DRDY having been asserted.
Figure 2-8 shows two example scenarios of running current-detection mode. In Figure 2-8, more than CD_NUM
number of samples are not beyond the current-detection threshold for the first time current-detection mode is
triggered. As a result, the ADS131M04 device is in current-detection mode for the maximum time period. For the
second time current-detection mode is triggered, more than CD_NUM number of samples are beyond the
current-detection threshold, which may indicate tampering has occurred. Immediately after more than CD_NUM
samples are beyond the current-detection threshold, the ADS131M04 alerts the MCU and then exits current-
detection mode instead of continuing in current-detection mode until the CD_LEN number of samples has been
obtained. As a result, the time spent in current-detection mode is smaller the second time the current-detection
mode is triggered in this example compared to the first time current-detection mode was triggered.
User issues &XUUHQW GHWHFW GRHVQ¶W Current detect does
Standby command Cross user threshold in cross user threshold in
this example this example

Mode Converting Standby Current Detect Standby Current Detect Standby Current Detect


Figure 2-8. ADS131M04 Current Detection Example Using an MCU to Trigger Current-Detection Mode Using a Timer to Trigger Current-Detection Mode Regularly
To have the ADS131M04 device enter current-detection mode regularly without CPU intervention, one option is
to connect the timer output of an MCU to the SYNC/ RST pin on the ADS131M04 device. The timer can be set to
have its output provide the necessary pulse to cause the ADS131M04 device to enter current-detection mode
from standby mode at regular intervals. In this design, the pin connected to the ADS131M04 SYNC/ RESET pin
can be port mapped to a timer output from one of the timer A modules of the MSP432 MCU. This timer can be
clocked from the low-frequency crystal on the board, which enables the timer to be functional if the MSP432
MCU were to enter a low-power mode where SMCLK and its CPU clock were disabled, thereby enabling the
reduction of the system current consumption.
In this design, the timer for driving the SYNC/ Reset pin is configured to count in up-mode, where the timer
counts to a value set in its TAxCCR0 register. After counting up to TAxCCR0, the timer is reset back to 0 at the
next timer clock cycle. Figure 2-9 shows the timer output connected to the SYNC/ Reset pin is set for a “reset/
set” output mode. In this mode, the SYNC/ Reset pin is asserted low when the timer first counts up to the value
in the TAxCCR1 register and the pin is asserted high when the timer counts back to 0 again. To enter current-
detection mode immediately, the timer count is initialized with a value equal to TAxCCR1 before the timer is first

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Output Mode 7: Reset/Set

EQU0 EQU1 EQU0 EQU1 EQU0 Interrupt Events


Figure 2-9. Timer Output Configuration

The TAxCCR0 register and the frequency of the timer sets the frequency for entering into current-detection
mode. The timer A module of the MSP432 MCU has clock dividers, which are used to divide the clock source for
a slower frequency timer. Equation 4 shows the frequency of the timer based on the selected clock divider.

f timer _ clock _ source

f timer
total timer clock divider value (4)

The time between triggers to enter current-detection mode can be calculated with Equation 5:

t CD _ mode _ period
f timer (5)

The duration of the time of when the SYNC/ RESET pin is held low, the negative pulse width time, is also
calculated as Equation 6 shows:

t negative _ pulse _ width
f timer (6)

As an example, suppose that the frequency of the timer clock source is 32,768 Hz and the values of TAxCCR0
and TAXCCR1 registers are 65,535, which is the maximum value that these two 16-bit registers could hold. If
current-detection mode is desired to occur once every 10 seconds, then the timer clock divider can be set to a
value to 5, which results in a timer frequency of 6553.6 Hz and a negative pulse width time of 153 microseconds.
As a different example, if current-detection mode is to occur once very 64 seconds, then the timer clock divider
value can be set to 32, which results in a timer frequency of 1024 Hz and a negative pulse width time of 977
microseconds. MCU Procedure for Entering and Exiting Current-Detection Mode
Figure 2-10 shows an example procedure that can be followed by the host MCU to trigger the ADS131M04
device to enter current-detection mode. An example time the ADS131M04 device can be selected to enter
current-detection mode is when there is an early indication that the input voltage to the power supply is dropping,
which may indicate either a power outage or the neutral removal from the meter. In this design, this mode
triggered using the power fail indication on the TPS7A78 device.

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Set SYNC/RESET timer count value to

Disable port IRQ
initial value

Modify ADS131M04 clock register to Start SYNC/RESET timer to generate

disable channels not needed in current pulses to enter current detection at
detection mode regular intervals

Send command to enter standby mode Re-enable port IRQ

Configure microcontroller pin connected

to the ADS131M04's SYNC/RESET pin
as a timer output

Disable clock output on microcontroller

pin connected to ADS131M04's CLKIN

Figure 2-10. Example Procedure for Entering Current-Detection Mode

In this example procedure, the port interrupt associated with the ADS131M04 DRDY pin assertion is disabled so
that the device can be properly configured without the software being triggered to read ADC samples. After
disabling the port interrupt, the host MCU can modify one of the ADS131M04 registers to disable all the
channels that a comparison should not be done on for current-detection mode. Namely, disable all of the voltage
channels and potentially one of the two current channels. Subsequently, the host MCU should send a command
to the ADS131M04 for it to enter standby mode. After sending the command to enter standby mode, the MCU
pin connected to the SYNC/ RESET pin of the ADS131M04 device can be configured using the port mapping
controller to be a timer output instead of a regular GPIO pin. Disable the clock from the MCU to the CLKIN pin of
the ADS131M04 device to reduce current consumption since this external clock is not needed for standby mode
or current-detection mode. In addition, initialize the counter on the timer that is used to generate the SYNC/
RESET pulse so that there will not be a long wait before the MSP432 MCU first provides the pulse to the
ADS131M04 to enter current-detection mode. After the timer count is initialized, the timer is then started, which
provides the pulses on the ADS131M04 SYNC/ RESET pin to start current-detection mode at regular intervals,
as mentioned in the previous section. At this point, any time DRDY is asserted low indicates that tamper current
has been detected so the DRDY port interrupt is re-enabled to capture this. The host MCU can then be put in a
low-power mode (note that for this design specifically the MCU was not put in a low power mode). If tamper
current has been detected, the DRDY assertion causes an interrupt to the MCU, which wakes the MCU up, if it is
in a low-power mode.
Figure 2-11 shows an example process for exiting current-detection mode. An example when this can be
triggered is when power has been restored to the electricity meter after the end of a power outage. For this
design, this event is triggered by the power good signal of the TPS7A78 device being asserted.

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Send wakeup command to ADS131M04

to exit standby mode

Stop microcontroller timer whose output is

connected to ADS131M04's SYNC/ Disable port IRQ

Configure microcontroller pin connected Modify ADS131M04 clock register to

to the ADS131M04's SYNC/RESET pin enable channels not needed in current
to a GPIO pin at logic high detection mode

Enable clock output on microcontroller pin

Re-enable port IRQ
connected to ADS131M04's CLKIN pin

Figure 2-11. Example Procedure for Exiting Current-Detection Mode

This example process for exiting current-detection mode first begins by the MCU exiting any low power mode
that the device may have been put in during the power outage. Next, the timer that was used to provide the
pulses on the SYNC/ RESET pin is disabled. The GPIO pin of the MCU that was connected to the ADS131M04
SYNC/ RESET pin can be configured back to GPIO operation in case it is desired to reset the ADS131M04
manually later. Next, the clock from the MCU to the CLKIN pin of the ADS131M04 device is enabled again. After
enabling the clock, a wake-up command is sent from the host MCU to the ADS131M04 device so that it can exit
standby mode and go back to continuous conversion mode. At this point, the device is now converting so the
DRDY pin is asserted at a regular rate. Samples are not read at this point because some of the channels may
have been disabled from before current-detection mode was entered. The port interrupt associated with DRDY is
specifically disabled so that samples are not read yet. Next, one of the ADS131M04 registers is modified so that
all of the ADC channels are enabled again. After enabling all the channels, the port interrupt is enabled again so
that ADC values can start getting read again. At this point, the normal sampling process from before current-
detection mode was entered has been resumed. How to Implement Software for Metrology Testing
The MSP432 software used for evaluating this design is test software. This section discusses the features of the
test software, which should provide insights on how to implement custom software for metrology testing. The first
subsection discusses the setup of the ADS131M04 device and various peripherals on the MSP432 MCU.
Subsequently, the metrology software is described as two major processes: the foreground process and
background process.
The test data included in this reference design was taken using the generic test code. This test code has since
been further developed into an energy metrology library software.
For all new designs, TI recommends using the ADC Energy Metrology Library software package. This software
contains hardware abstraction layers which enable communication between an ADC and an ARM® Cortex®-Mx
microprocessor (MCU) and a library of metrology calculations for energy measurements. The software library
was developed and tested on an ARM® Cortex®-M4 MSP432P microprocessor, but can also be ported to other
ARM® Cortex®-Mx microprocessors using the included hardware abstraction layers. Also included in the
software is a Windows® PC GUI to display metrology parameters from the TIDA-010036 and TIDA-010037
reference designs. Setup Clock
The MSP432 MCU is configured to have its CPU clock (MCLK) set at 48 MHz and its subsystem master clock
(SMCLK) set to 8.192 MHz. The clock source for MCLK is the internal DCO of the MSP432 MCU, which is
configured for a frequency of 48 MHz. The clock source for SMCLK is an external 16.384-MHz crystal, which is
internally divided by 2 to create the 8.192-MHz SMCLK frequency. An external 32.768-kHz crystal is used as the
clock source for the auxiliary clock (ACLK) of the device. This ACLK clock is set to a frequency of 32.768 kHz.

20 One-Phase Shunt Electricity Meter Reference Design Using Standalone ADCs TIDUEM7A – APRIL 2019 – REVISED FEBRUARY 2021
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The MSP432 MCU has a port mapping controller that allows a flexible mapping of digital functions to port pins.
The set of digital functions that can be ported to other pins is dependent on the device. For the MSP432 device
in particular, the SPI clock, SOMI, and SIMO functionality of the EUSCIB0 SPI module are all available options to
port to ports P2, P3, and P7. In addition, the SMCLK clock output is also available for output to ports P2, P3, and
P7. In the test software, this port mapping feature is used for providing flexibility in the PCB layout.
Using the port mapping controller, the following mappings are used:
• PMAP_SMCLK (SMCLK clock output) → Port P2.0 (connected to the CLKIN pin of the ADS131M04 device
so that it can be used to generate the modulator clock of the ADS131M04; however, note that this mapping is
not enabled initially and is only enabled after the ADS131M04 is initialized.); this is pin 1 of header J27, which
is labeled SMCLK on the board
• PMAP_UCB0SIMO (EUSCIB0 SPI SIMO) → Port P2.1 (connected to the DIN pin of the ADS131M04 device);
this is pin 2 of header J27, which is labeled SPI DOUT on the board
• PMAP_UCB0SOMI (EUSCIB0 SPI SOMI) → Port P2.2 (connected to the DOUT pin of the ADS131M04
device); this is pin 3 of header J27, which is labeled SPI DIN on the board
• PMAP_UCB0CLK (EUSCIB0 SPI Clock) → Port P2.3 (connected to the SCK pin of the ADS131M04 device);
this is pin 4 of header J27, which is labeled SPI CLK on the board
• PMAP_TA0CCR1A→Port 2.6(Timer A0 CCR1 compare output OUT1); this is pin 7 of header J27, which is
labeled RST SYNC on the board; note that this mapping only occurs when the ADS131M04 device is in
current-detection mode UART Setup for GUI Communication
The MSP432 MCU is configured to communicate to the PC GUI through either the RS-232 or RS-485
connection on this reference design. The MSP432 MCU communicates to the PC GUI using a UART module
configured for 8N1 at 9600 baud. Real-Time Clock (RTC)
The real-time clock module of the MSP432 MCU is configured to give precise one-second interrupts and update
the time and date, as necessary. LCD Controller
The LCD controller on the MSP432P4111 MCU can support up to 8-MUX displays and 320 segments or 4-MUX
displays and 176 segments. In the current design, the LCD controller is configured to work in 4-MUX mode using
144 segments. The eight segment lines not used in the 4-MUX mode of this design are used for the port
mapping functionality. In this reference design, the LCD is configured for a refresh rate set to ACLK / 64, which is
512 Hz. For contrast control, external resistors are added between the R23, R13, R03 pins and GND, as Figure
2-12 shows.










Figure 2-12. LCD External Resistors

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System Overview www.ti.com Direct Memory Access (DMA)

The direct memory access (DMA) module transfers packets between the MSP432 MCU and ADS131M04 device
with minimal bandwidth requirements from the MSP432 CPU. Two DMA channels are used for communicating to
the ADS131M04. One channel (channel 0) is used to send data to the ADS131M04 and the other channel
(channel 1) is used to receive data from the ADS131M04. Once a complete packet has been received from the
ADS131M04, an interrupt is generated to complete any necessary post-transfer processing, such as CRC
verification and packet assembly. Figure 2-17 shows the packets that are sent and received using the DMA of
the MSP432 MCU. ADC Setup
Figure 2-13 shows the process used to initialize the ADS131M04. This process is followed when the
ADS131M04 device is first setup after the MSP432 MCU resets as well as each time calibration is performed.

Disable output of SMCLK to

ADS131M04 CLKIN pin Setup ADS131M04 SPI

Disable IRQ

Send ADS131M04 reset command

Enable IRQ

Send commands to configure

ADS131M04 registers

Setup port interrupt on falling edge

of ADS131M04 DRDY

Output SMCLK to ADS131M04

CLKIN pin to start sampling


ADS131M04 Setup
Figure 2-13. ADC Initialization and Synchronization Process

Before setting up the ADS131M04 device, the test code disables the ADS131M04 modulator clock to prevent
the ADS131M04 from generating new samples while trying to set it up. The code disables the modulator clock by
disabling the SMCLK output of the MSP432 MCU, which is fed to the CLKIN pin of the ADS131M04 device.
Disabling the SMCLK output only needs to be done after calibration and not after an MSP432 MCU reset event
since the SMCLK clock output is automatically not output after the MSP432 MCU resets.
After the SMCLK output is disabled, the EUSCIB0 SPI module of the MSP432 MCU is configured for
communication to the ADS131M04 device. The EUSCIB0 SPI module is specifically configured as a master
device that uses 3-wire mode (the chip select signal is manually asserted high and low in the test software
instead of using the chip select feature of the SPI module) and has an 8.192-MHz SPI clock that is derived from
the 8.192-MHz SMCLK clock. After the SPI is setup, all interrupts are disabled and a reset command is sent
from the MSP432 MCU to the ADS131M04 via SPI. Interrupts are then re-enabled and the MSP432 MCU sends
commands to the ADS131M04 to configure its registers.
At this point, note that the modulation clock is not output by the MSP432 MCU, which means that sampling is not
started yet. By sending commands to the ADS131M04 to initialize the ADS131M04 registers, the ADS131M04 is
configured for the following:

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• MODE register settings: 16-bit CCITT CRC used, 24-bit length for each word in the ADS131M04 packet,
DRDY signal asserted on most lagging enabled channel, DRDY asserted high when conversion value is not
available, DRDY asserted low when conversion values are ready
• GAIN1 register settings: PGA gain of 1 used for voltage channel and CT channel; PGA gain of 32 used for
shunt channel (assuming 200-µΩ shunts)
• CFG register settings: CD=1 (current-detection mode enabled), CD_ALLCH=0(MCU triggered based on if
any enabled channel detects tamper current), CD_NUM(current-detect number of threshold exceeds to
trigger detect)=8, CD_LEN(current-detect measurement length in conversion periods)=256
• CHn_CNG register settings (where n is the channel number) : Channels 0, 1, and 2 inputs connected to
external ADC pins and channel phase delay set to 0 for channels 0, 1, and 2 (note that software phase
compensation is used instead of ADS131M04 hardware phase compensation); the channel 3 config register
is not modified since channel 3 is not used for this configuration.
• CLOCK register settings: 512 OSR, all channels enabled, and high-resolution modulator power mode
• CD_THRSHLD=80000
• CHn_OCAL register settings (where n is the channel number) = measured channel DC offset (for only current
Before initializing the registers, an estimate of the ADC offset(in ADC units) for each current channel is
determined using the PC GUI. The offset calibration registers for the current channels are then updated with the
corresponding offsets to subtract out most of the ADC offset from both current channels. This offset calibration is
done to have better matching between the line and neutral ADC channels, which has significantly different ADC
offsets due to different gains being used on these channels. Having better matching between the line and neutral
ADC channels enables the line and neutral current channels to cause a trigger in current-detection mode when
nearly the same neutral and line current is applied to the meter. For even more precise matching between the
line and neutral currents needed to trigger current-detection mode, the gain registers on the two current
channels can be modified as well; however, for this design, good enough ADC matching was obtained without
modifying the gain calibration registers of the ADS131M04 device so these registers were left unmodified.
In this design, CD_LEN=256, which allows current-detection to be performed over more than 4 Mains cycles of
ADC samples. The CD_LEN time determines the maximum time spent in current-detection mode before the
device returns to standby mode. Decreasing the value of CD_LEN decreases the time in current-detection mode,
which reduces the average current consumption drawn from the ADS131M04 device after an AC supply failure.
After the ADS131M04 registers are properly initialized, the MSP432 MCU is configured to generate a port
interrupt whenever a falling edge occurs on the DRDY pin, which indicates that the ADS131M04 device has new
samples available. Next, the MSP432 MCU outputs the SMCLK clock to the ADS131M04, which starts the
voltage and current sampling.
The ADS131M04 modulator clock is derived from the clock fed to its CLKIN pin, which is output from the SMCLK
output of the MSP432 MCU. The clock fed to the CLKIN pin of the ADS131M04 device is internally divided by
two, to generate the ADS131M04 modulator clock. The sampling frequency of the ADS131M04 is therefore
defined as:

fs = fM / OSR = fCLKIN / (2 × OSR) (7)

• fs is the sampling rate
• fM is the modulator clock frequency
• fCLKIN is the clock fed to the ADS131M04 CLKIN pin
• OSR is the selected oversampling ratio
In this design, the SMCLK clock of the MSP432 MCU that is fed to the ADS131M04 CLKIN pin has a frequency
of 8.192 MHz. The oversampling ratio is selected to be 512. As a result, the ADS131M04 modulator clock is set
to 4.096 MHz and the sample rate is set to 8000 samples per second.
In this design, the following ADS131M04 channel mappings are used:
• AIN0P and AIN0N ADS131M04 ADC channel pins → Voltage

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• AIN1N and AIN1P ADS131M04 ADC channel pins →Shunt Current (This is the primary current channel; this
can measure either the neutral or line current)
• AIN2P and AIN2N ADS131M04 ADC channel pins →CT Current(This is the secondary current channel; this
can measure either the line or neutral current)
• AIN3P and AIN3N ADS131M04 ADC channel pins → Not used in design

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The foreground process includes the initial setup of the MSP432 hardware and software and the ADS131M04
registers immediately after a device RESET. Figure 2-14 shows the flow chart for this process.

RESET Received trigger to enter current Received trigger to exit current

detection mode? detection mode?


HW setup:
Port pins, Port Map, Clock, eUSCI, RTC,
LCD, DMA, ADS131M04, Metrology

DLT645 frame reception management
and RS-485 read/write enable handling Clear tamper count, turn off tampering
LED, and then enter current detection
mode Tamper count > 2

§ 1 second of energy
accumulated? Wait for
acknowledgement from background
process Turn on tampering LED

Exit current detection mode
Calculate metrology readings

LCD management

Figure 2-14. Foreground Process

The initialization routines involve the setup of the MSP432 general purpose input/output (GPIO) port pins and
associated port map controller; MSP432 clock system; MSP432 USCI_A0 for UART functionality; MSP432 RTC
module for clock functionality; MSP432 LCD; MSP432 DMA; ADS131M04 registers; and MSP432 metrology
After the hardware is setup, any received frames from the GUI are processed. If RS-485 is selected for
communication to the PC GUI, the THVD1500 device must have its RE and DE pins driven to enable the
receiver and driver during the proper points in time to receive packets from the PC GUI and send responses
back to the GUI. After any packet is sent from the MSP432 MCU to the PC GUI, the foreground process is
responsible for asserting the RE and DE pins after the packet has been completely sent out from the MSP432
MCU but before the GUI sends out its next packet.
Subsequently, the foreground process checks whether the background process has notified the foreground
process to calculate new metering parameters. This notification is accomplished through the assertion of the
"PHASE_STATUS_NEW_LOG" status flag whenever a frame of data is available for processing. The data frame
consists of the processed dot products that were accumulated for approximately one second in the background
process. This is equivalent to an accumulation of 50 or 60 cycles of data synchronized to the incoming voltage
signal. In addition, a sample counter keeps track of how many samples accumulate over this frame period. This
count can vary as the software synchronizes with the incoming Mains frequency.
The processed dot products include the VRMS, IRMS, active power, and reactive power. These dot products are
used by the foreground process to calculate the corresponding metrology readings in real-world units. Processed

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voltage dot products, current dot products, active energy dot products, and reactive energy dot products are
accumulated in separate 64-bit registers to further process and obtain the RMS and mean values. Using the
calculated values of active and reactive power of the foreground process, the apparent power is calculated. The
frequency (in Hz) and power factor are also calculated using parameters calculated by the background process
using the formulas in Section
The foreground process also updates the LCD. The LCD display item is changed every two seconds. See
Section for more information about the different items displayed on the LCD.
The foreground process is also where the MSP432 MCU triggers the ADS131M04 device to enter or exit current-
detection mode. In this design, the LED labeled LED1 is turned ON to indicate that tampering was previously
detected sometime in the interval from when the TPS7A78 device has provided a power failure indication to the
time when it has provided a power good indication. In addition, a variable logs how many times the ADS131M04
device has alerted the MSP432 that a tamper event has been detected by the ADS131M04 device during this
same time interval.
If the MSP432 has received a trigger to enter current-detection mode based on the power fail indication from the
TPS7A78 device, the tamper count variable is cleared so that this variable only counts the number of times
tampering has been detected from the last power failure instance instead of it counting the total number of times
tampering has been detected from the last time the MSP432 MCU has been reset. After clearing the tamper
count variable, the tampering LED is turned off in case it was already on from the previous time. Current-
detection mode is then entered.
If the MSP432 has received a trigger to exit current-detection mode based on the power good indication from the
TPS7A78 device, the tamper count variable is checked to see if there has been more than two tamper events
that were detected by the ADS131M04 device. If more than two tamper events were detected by the
ADS131M04, the tampering LED is turned ON to indicate that tampering was detected. The reason why a
tamper event is defined based on having more than two tamper events detected by the ADS131M04 is so that
the system does not indicate tampering from the following two scenarios: (1) when power is first lost, current-
detection mode is triggered when the current has not fallen below the current-detection mode threshold yet,
despite already being indicated of a power failure event, and (2)power is being restored to the meter and the
sensed current is now above the current-detection mode threshold but the system still did not have enough time
to exit current-detection mode so this is seen as a tamper event.
After checking to see if the tamper count variable is greater than 2 and turning on the tampering LED if it is,
current-detection mode is exited. The code then returns to the beginning of the foreground loop by checking for
any new messages from the PC GUI again. Formulas
This section briefly describes the formulas used for the voltage, current, power, and energy calculations. As
previously described, voltage and current samples are obtained at a sampling rate of 8000 Hz. All of the samples
that are taken in approximately one second frames are kept and used to obtain the RMS values for voltage and
current. The RMS values are obtained with the following formulas:

Sample Count

VRMS,ph = K v,ph ´
å n =1
v ph (n) ´ v ph (n)

Sample Count
- v offset,ph

Sample Count

IRMS,ph = K i,ph ´
å n =1
Sample Count
iph (n) ´ iph (n)
- ioffset,ph

• Vph(n) = Voltage sample at a sample instant n
• Voffset,ph = Offset used to subtract effects of the additive white Gaussian noise from the voltage converter
• Iph(n) = Each current sample at a sample instant n

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• Ioffset,ph = Offset used to subtract effects of the additive white Gaussian noise from the current converter
• Sample count = Number of samples within the present frame
• Kv,ph = Scaling factor for voltage
• Ki,ph = Scaling factor for current
Power and energy are calculated for active and reactive energy samples of one frame. These samples are
phase-corrected and passed on to the foreground process, which uses the number of samples (sample count) to
calculate phase active and reactive powers through the following formulas:

Sample Count

PACT,ph = K ACT,ph
å n =1
Sample Count
v ph (n) ´ i ph (n)
- PACT _ Offset,ph

Sample Count

å n =1
V90,ph (n) ´ i ph (n)

Sample Count
- PRe act _ Offset,ph

Sample Count

VRMS,ph = K v,ph ´
å n =1
v ph (n) ´ v ph (n)

Sample Count
- v offset,ph

• V90(n) = Voltage sample at a sample instant ‘n’ shifted by 90°
• KACT,ph = Scaling factor for active power
• KREACT,ph = Scaling factor for reactive power
• PACT_offset,ph = Offset used to subtract effects of crosstalk on the active power measurements
• PREACT_offset,ph = Offset used to subtract effects of crosstalk on the reactive power measurements
Note that for reactive energy, the 90° phase shift approach is used for two reasons:
1. This approach allows accurate measurement of the reactive power for very small currents
2. This approach conforms to the measurement method specified by IEC and ANSI standards
The calculated mains frequency is used to calculate the 90 degrees-shifted voltage sample. Because the
frequency of the mains varies, the mains frequency is first measured accurately to phase-shift the voltage
samples accordingly.
To get an exact 90° phase shift, interpolation is used between two samples. For these two samples, a voltage
sample slightly more than 90 degrees before the current sample and a voltage sample slightly less than 90
degrees before the current sample are used. The phase shift implementation of the application consists of an
integer part and a fractional part. The integer part is realized by providing an N samples delay. The fractional part
is realized by a one-tap FIR filter. In the test software, a lookup table provides the filter coefficients that are used
to create the fractional delays.
Using the calculated powers, energies are calculated with the following formulas in Equation 12:

E ACT,ph = P ACT,ph ´ Samplecount

E REACT,ph = PREACT,ph ´ Samplecount
E APP,ph = P APP,ph ´ Samplecount (13)

The calculated energies are then accumulated into buffers that store the total amount of energy consumed since
system reset. Note that these energies are different from the working variables used to accumulate energy for
outputting energy pulses. There are four sets of buffers that are available: one for each phase and one for the
cumulative of the phases. Within each set of buffers, the following energies are accumulated:

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1. Active import energy (active energy when active energy ≥ 0)

2. Active export energy (active energy when active energy < 0)
3. React. Quad I energy (reactive energy when reactive energy ≥ 0 and active power ≥ 0; inductive load)
4. React. Quad II energy (reactive energy when reactive energy ≥ 0 and active power < 0; capacitive generator)
5. React. Quad III energy (reactive energy when reactive energy < 0 and active power < 0; inductive generator)
6. React. Quad IV energy (reactive energy when reactive energy < 0 and active power ≥ 0; capacitive load)
7. App. import energy (apparent energy when active energy ≥ 0)
8. App. export energy (apparent energy when active energy < 0)
The background process also calculates the frequency in terms of samples-per-mains cycle. The foreground
process then converts this samples-per-mains cycle to Hertz with Equation 13:

Sample Rate (samples / sec ond)

Frequency (Hz) =
Frequency (samples / cycle) (14)

After the active power and apparent power are calculated, the absolute value of the power factor is calculated. In
the internal representation of power factor of the system, a positive power factor corresponds to a capacitive
load; a negative power factor corresponds to an inductive load. The sign of the internal representation of power
factor is determined by whether the current leads or lags voltage, which is determined in the background
process. Therefore, the internal representation of power factor is calculated with Equation 14:

ì P Act , if capacitive load

Internal Representation of Power Factor = í Apparent
P Act
ï -P , if inductive load
î Apparent (15) Background Process

Figure 2-15 shows the different events that occur when sampling voltage and current, where the items in olive
green are done by the hardware settings and not the test software.

Port ISR
Request Request Request
Packet with Packet with Packet with
Iphx[N-1] and Iphx[N] and Iphx[N+1] and
Vphx[N-1] Vphx[N] Vphx[N+1]
Packet with Packet with Packet with
MISO Iphx[N-1] and Iphx[N] and Iphx[N+1] and
Vphx[N-1] Vphx[N] Vphx[N+1]

Per Sample DSP with Iphx[N-2] and Per Sample DSP with Iphx[N-1] and Per Sample DSP with Iphx[N] and
Per Sample DSP
Vphx[N-2] Vphx[N-1] Vphx[N]

Sample I and V Sample Iphx[N] and Vphx[N] Sample Iphx[N+1] and Vphx[N+1] Sample Iphx[N+2] and Vphx[N+2]

OSR Modulation Clock Cycles OSR Modulation Clock Cycles OSR Modulation Clock Cycles

OSR*N OSR*(N+1) OSR*(N+2) OSR*(N+3)

Time (Modulation Clock Cycles)

Figure 2-15. Voltage and Current Sampling Events

To go over the process mentioned in Figure 2-15, new current samples are ready every OSR, or 512 for this
design, modulation clock cycles. Suppose the most recently ready current (both from the shunt and CT
channels) and voltage samples from the ADS131M04 device corresponds to the Nth – 1 current and voltage
samples, or Iphx[N – 1] and Vphx[N – 1]. Once new samples are ready, the DRDY pin is asserted low by the
ADS131M04. The falling edge on the DRDY pin on the ADS131M04 device causes a GPIO port interrupt on the
MSP432 MCU, which triggers the Port ISR on the MSP432 MCU. The background process is run within the Port
ISR. Figure 2-16 shows the background process, which mainly deals with timing-critical events in the test

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DRDY pin on ADS131M04

triggers GPIO port interrupt
on the MSP432

N Should ADC be in current

detection mode?
Trigger the DMA to automatically read the
newly generated samples from the

Call per_sample_dsp() function to perform

sample processing on previous voltage
and current samples
Tampering has been detected. Increment
tamper count variable.

Output pulses by calling

Store previous voltage and current
samples for use by per_sample_dsp()

Return from Interrupt

Figure 2-16. Background Process

The background process occurs every time there is a port interrupt due to the DRDY pin of the ADS131M04
device being asserted. In the background process, if the device was supposed to be in current-detection mode,
the only way for the DRDY pin to have been asserted is if the ADS131M04 device has potentially detected
tampering from removing the neutral connection from the meter. If the port ISR has been triggered because of
this, this potential tamper event is logged by incrementing the tamper count variable.
If the ADS131M04 device is not supposed to be in current-detection mode, the assertion of the DRDY pin and
subsequent triggering of the port ISR is because there are new samples from the ADS131M04. When this
occurs, the previously-obtained voltage samples (Vphx[N – 2]) and previously obtained current samples (Iphx[N –
2]) are stored in buffers that are later read by the per_sample_dsp function, which is responsible for updating the
intermediate dot product quantities used to calculate metrology parameters. After the previously obtained
voltage and current samples are stored, communication to the ADS131M04 device is enabled by asserting the
chip select signal low. The DMA is then configured to both send a request for the newest current and voltage
samples (Iphx[N – 1] and Vphx[N – 1]) of the ADS131M04 device and also to receive the data packet response
from the ADS131M04. The request and reception of the current samples is done automatically by the DMA
module instead of it being done by the software.
Figure 2-17 shows the packet that is transmitted by the DMA of the MSP432 MCU and the response packet from
the ADS131M04 device that is received and assembled by the DMA as well. The transmission and reception
packets contain six words, where each word is three bytes long.

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Command[N+1] /
MSP432 Transmit Dummy Write Dummy Write Dummy Write Dummy Write Dummy Write
Dummy Write
Packet (3 bytes = (3 bytes = (3 bytes = (3 bytes = (3 bytes =
(3 bytes =
(MOSI) 0x000000) 0x000000) 0x000000) 0x000000) 0x000000)

Response to ADS131M04 ADS131M04 ADS131M04 ADS131M04 ADS131M04

MSP432 Receive Command[N]/Not Ch 0 Sample Ch 1 Sample Ch 2 Sample Ch 3 Sample/Not Packet CRC
Packet used in design (3 bytes, (3 bytes, (3 bytes, used in design (3 bytes,
(MISO) (3 bytes) MSB sent first) MSB sent first) MSB sent first) (3 bytes) MSB sent first)

Figure 2-17. ADS131M04 ADC Sample Request Packet

When requesting the ADC data from the ADS131M04 device, the first word that has to be sent to the
ADS131M04 is the command word. Since the test software does not need to change the settings of the
ADS131M04 or read any registers during typical ADC sample readouts, a NULL command is sent to the
ADS131M04, which allows you to get the ADC samples from the ADS131M04 without changing the state of the
device. The actual size of the null command is 16-bits; however, since 24-bit words are used, the 16-bit
command must be padded with an extra value of 0x00 at the end of the command. The NULL command word
sent therefore has a value of 0x000000. While the MSP432 MCU is shifting out the command word, the MSP432
is simultaneously shifting in the response word to the command word of the previous packet. The response word
to a NULL command is the contents of the STATUS register. The contents of the STATUS register are not used
in this design so the first word received from the ADS131M04 is ignored.
After writing the command word, it is necessary to perform a dummy write for each byte that is read. The dummy
byte write is necessary to enable the SPI clock, which is necessary to read a byte from the ADS131M04 device.
For each dummy byte write, a value of 0x00 is written to the SPI transmit register for EUSCIB0. Immediately
after writing the command byte, writing three dummy bytes allows the MSP432 MCU to receive the 3-byte ADC
value from channel 0 of the ADS131M04. Writing the next nine dummy bytes gets the ADC data for channel 1,
channel 2, and channel 3, respectively. Since channel 3 is not used for measuring anything, the channel 3 word
is ignored. Finally, writing the next three dummy bytes gets the CRC word. The CRC word is 24-bits; however,
note that the actual CRC is only 16-bits, which are placed in the most significant bits of the 24-bit word. As a
result, when parsing the CRC word, the last byte is not needed (note though that the dummy write for this zero-
padded byte must still be sent though for proper ADS131M04 operation).
Figure 2-17 shows that whenever the DMA has received the entire Iphx[N – 1] packet, the DMA ISR is
automatically called. Within the ISR, the CRC is calculated over the five command and ADC words (15 bytes in
total). This CRC calculation uses the CRC module of the MSP432 MCU. Since the CRC module works with an
even number of bytes but there are a total of 15 bytes available, the CRC module is used for the first 14 bytes.
The final CRC is calculated in software from the CRC module result and the 15th byte. Note that the software
CRC calculation on the last byte is only necessary because the word size is selected to be three bytes in this
design. If the word size is selected to be two bytes or four bytes instead, the software CRC calculation is not
needed since there is an even number of bytes. Figure 2-18 shows the code snippet for calculating the CRC
over 15 bytes by using the MSP432 CRC module and software.

Figure 2-18. Code Snippet for Using the CRC Module of the MSP432 MCU for Calculating CRC Over an
Odd Number of Bytes

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Once the CRC has been calculated over the packet, it is compared to the CRC obtained in the packet sent from
the ADS131M04 device. The sent CRC is parsed from bytes 16 and 17 of the ADS131M04 packet (byte 18,
which is part of the CRC word, is zero-padded so it is not used in parsing). If the calculated CRC and the parsed
CRC are equal, then the CRC check passes and the ADC data is parsed to get the values of the voltage and
current samples at time N – 1. The parsed voltage and current samples are put in temporary buffers so that they
are used the next time the per_sample_dsp function is called at the next interrupt. Before the DMA interrupt
ends, the chip select line is pulled back high again to properly reset the ADS131M04 communication before the
next time current samples are ready from the ADS131M04.
In parallel to receiving the newest current samples from the ADS131M04 device using the DMA, the
ADS131M04 is currently sampling the next voltage (Vphx[N]) and current samples (Iphx[N]) and the test software
also performs per-sample processing on the last voltage (Vphx[N – 2]) and current samples (Iphx[N – 2] ) obtained
from the ADS131M04. This per-sample processing is used to update the intermediate dot product quantities that
are used to calculate the metrology parameters. After sample processing, the background process uses the
"per_sample_energy_pulse_processing" for the calculation and output of energy-proportional pulses. Once the
per_sample_energy_pulse_processing is completed, the test software exits from the port ISR. per_sample_dsp()
Figure 2-19 shows the flow chart for the per_sample_dsp() function. The per_sample_dsp() function is used to
calculate intermediate dot product results that are fed into the foreground process for the calculation of
metrology readings. Both voltage and current samples are processed and accumulated in dedicated 64-bit
registers. Active power and reactive power are also accumulated in 64-bit registers.

Remove residual DC for raw voltage then update

VRMS dot product
N Leading-edge zero-crossing
on voltage channel?

Select new I

Update frequency estimation

V-I mapping selected=
V-I mapping selected for
ADC storage?

1 second of energy calculated?
Store raw voltage and current samples for V-I

5HPRYH UHVLGXDO '& IRU PDSSLQJ¶V FXUUHQW WKHQ Swap dot products between foreground and
XSGDWH WKH PDSSLQJ¶V GRW SURGXFW IRU ,506, active bacground then notify foreground process.
power, and reactive power


Both V-I mappings done?

Figure 2-19. per_sample_dsp Function

After sufficient samples (of approximately one second) are accumulated, the foreground function is triggered to
calculate the final values of VRMS; IRMS; active, reactive, and apparent powers; active, reactive, and apparent
energy; frequency; and power factor. In the test software, there are two sets of dot products for a phase: at any
given time, one is used by the foreground for calculation and the other used as the working set by the
background. After the background process has sufficient samples, it swaps the two dot products so that the
foreground uses the newly-acquired dot products that the background process just calculated and the
background process uses a new empty set to calculate the next set of dot products. Whenever there is a

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leading-edge zero-crossing (− to + voltage transition) on a voltage channel, the per_sample_dsp() function is

also responsible for updating the corresponding frequency (in samples per cycle) of the phase.
The following sections describe the various elements of electricity measurement in the per_sample_dsp()
function. Voltage and Current Signals
The test software of the design has support for storing the raw voltage and storing either the shunt ADC values
or current ADC values.
The raw ADS131M04 samples are signed integers and any stray DC or offset value on these converters are
removed using a DC tracking filter. A separate DC estimate for all voltages and currents is obtained using the
filter, voltage, and current samples, respectively. This estimate is then subtracted from each voltage and current
raw ADC sample.
The resulting instantaneous voltage and current samples are used to generate the following intermediate results:
• Accumulated squared values of voltages and currents, which is used for VRMS and IRMS calculations,
respectively (Note that separate dot product variables are used for the CT current and the shunt current since
current and power calculations are done for both line and neutral currents.)
• Accumulated energy samples to calculate active energy
• Accumulated energy samples using current and 90° phase-shifted voltage to calculate reactive energy
The foreground process processes these accumulated values. Frequency Measurement and Cycle Tracking
The instantaneous voltages, currents, active powers, and reactive powers are accumulated in 64-bit registers. A
cycle tracking counter and sample counter keep track of the number of samples accumulated. When samples of
approximately one second have been accumulated, the background process stores these accumulation registers
and notifies the foreground process to produce the average results, such as RMS and power values. Cycle
boundaries are used to trigger the foreground averaging process because this process produces very stable
For frequency measurements, a straight line interpolation is used between the zero crossing voltage samples.
Figure 2-20 shows the samples near a zero cross and the process of linear interpolation.

Figure 2-20. Frequency Measurement

Because noise spikes can also cause errors, the application uses a rate-of-change check to filter out the
possible erroneous signals and make sure that the two points are interpolated from genuine zero crossing
points. For example, with two negative samples, a noise spike can make one of the samples positive, thereby
making the negative and positive pair appear as if there is a zero crossing.
The resultant cycle-to-cycle timing goes through a weak low-pass filter to further smooth out any cycle-to-cycle
variations. This filtering results in a stable and accurate frequency measurement that is tolerant of noise.

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In electricity meters, the energy consumption of the load is normally measured in a fraction of kilowatt-hour
(kWh) pulses. This information can be used to accurately calibrate any meter for accuracy measurement.
Typically, the measuring element (the MSP432 MCU) is responsible for generating pulses proportional to the
energy consumed. To serve both these tasks efficiently, the pulse generation must be accurate with relatively
little jitter. Although time jitters are not an indication of bad accuracy, time jitters give a negative indication of the
overall accuracy of the meter. The jitter must be averaged out due to this negative indication of accuracy.
This application uses average power to generate these energy pulses. The average power accumulates at every
DRDY port ISR interrupt, thereby spreading the accumulated energy from the previous one-second time frame
evenly for each interrupt in the current one-second time frame. This accumulation process is equivalent to
converting power to energy. When the accumulated energy crosses a threshold, a pulse is generated. The
amount of energy above this threshold is kept and a new energy value is added on top of the threshold in the
next interrupt cycle. Because the average power tends to be a stable value, this way of generating energy
pulses is very steady and free of jitter.
The threshold determines the energy "tick" specified by meter manufacturers and is a constant. The tick is
usually defined in pulses-per-kWh or just in kWh. One pulse must be generated for every energy tick. For
example, in this application, the number of pulses generated per kWh is set to 6400 for active and reactive
energies. The energy tick in this case is 1 kWh / 6400. Energy pulses are generated and available on a header
and also through light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on the board. GPIO pins are used to produce the pulses.
In the reference design, the LED that is labeled "Act" corresponds to the active energy consumption for the two-
phase sum. "React" corresponds to the cumulative two-phase reactive energy sum.
Figure 2-21 shows the flow diagram for pulse generation.

Average Power

N Energy Accumulator >

1 tick(1/6400 kWh)?

Energy Accumulator =
Energy Accumulator ±
1 tick

Generate 1


Figure 2-21. Pulse Generation for Energy Indication

The average power is in units of 0.001 W and a 1-kWh threshold is defined as:

1-kWh threshold = 1 / 0.001 × 1 kW × (Number of interrupts per second) × (Number of seconds in one
hour) = 1000000 × 8000 × 3600 = 0x1A3185C50000 Phase Compensation

When a current transformer (CT) is used as a sensor, it introduces additional phase shift on the current signals.
Also, the passive components of the voltage and current input circuit may introduce another phase shift. The

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user must compensate the relative phase shift between voltage and current samples to ensure accurate
measurements. The implementation of the phase shift compensation consists of an integer part and a fractional
part. The integer part is realized by providing an N samples delay. The fractional part is realized by a one-tap
finite impulse response (FIR) filter that interpolates between two samples, similar to the FIR filter used for
providing 90°-shifted voltage samples for reactive energy measurements. In the test software, a lookup table
provides the filter coefficients that are used to create the fractional delays. The lookup table provides fractional
phase shifts as small as 1/256th of a sample. The 8000-Hz sample rate used in this application corresponds to a
0.0088° degree resolution at 50 Hz. In addition to the filter coefficients, the lookup table also has an associated
gain variable for each set of filter coefficients. This gain variable is used to cancel out the resulting gain from
using a certain set of filter coefficients.
An alternative option to the software phase compensation used in this design is to use the phase compensation
feature on the ADS131M04 device. If this hardware phase compensation scheme is used, filter coefficients are
not necessary so it is not needed to divide by the gain of the filter coefficients.
2.4 Hardware, Software, Testing Requirements, and Test Results
2.4.1 Required Hardware and Software Cautions and Warnings
At high currents, the terminal block can get warm. In addition, note that the line voltage is fed to the board so
take the proper precautions, especially if the system is referenced with respect to line.


Hot Surface! Contact can cause burns. Do not touch. Take the proper precautions when


High Voltage! Electric shocks are possible when connecting the board to live wires. The
board must be handled with care by a professional. For safety, use of isolated test equipment with
overvoltage or overcurrent protection is highly recommended.

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The following figures of the reference design best describe the hardware: Figure 2-22 is the top view of the
energy measurement system, Figure 2-23 shows the location of various pieces of the reference design on the
top layer of the PCB, and Figure 2-24 shows the location of various pieces of the reference design on the bottom
layer of the PCB.

Figure 2-22. Top View of TIDA-010036 Design

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Isolated RS-232
and RS-485 ISO
ISO Isolated RS-232 and RS-485 Pulses




Push Buttons

Cap-Drop Supply
Voltage and Current Front-End Cap-Drop
Voltage and Current

Figure 2-24. Bottom Layer of TIDA-010036 PCB

With Components Highlighted

Figure 2-23. Top Layer of TIDA-010036 PCB With

Components Highlighted Connections to the Test Setup

AC voltages and currents can be applied to the board for testing purposes at these points:
• Terminal block "J22" is a two-position terminal block that corresponds to the line and neutral voltage
connection. If referencing the shunt and system ground with respect to the neutral, connect the terminal block
position on the left, which is labeled "NEG", to the neutral and connect the terminal block position on the right,
which is labeled "POS", to the line. If referencing the shunt and system ground with respect to the line,
connect the terminal block position on the left, which is labeled "NEG", to the line and connect the terminal
block position on the right, which is labeled "POS", to the neutral. If the system is referenced with respect to
the line, note that all voltage samples obtained from the ADS131M04 should be multiplied by –1 in the
software to ensure that the phase shift between voltage and current is properly reflected for the power-related
metrology readings.
• Terminal block "J25" is connected to the output terminals of the shunt. This terminal block is a three-position
terminal block with positions labeled "POS", "GND", and "NEG". For the gain of 32 used in this design, the
differential voltage across the "POS" and "NEG" terminals of this terminal block should be less than ±37.5
mV. Do not connect a CT here since a burden resistor is not present for the circuitry of this channel
like it is present for the J26 current circuitry. Figure 2-25 shows a mapping between shunt terminals and
the positions on J25. The differential voltage output from the shunt, which is fed to the POS and NEG
positions of J25, should not exceed ±37.5 mV.
• Terminal block "J26" corresponds to the current inputs after the CT. This terminal block is a three-position
terminal block but only the leftmost and rightmost positions are used. The center position, which is connected
to GND, is not connected to the CT. Connect the positive terminal of the CT to the terminal block position
(labeled "POS") on the most right. Connect the negative terminal of the CT to the terminal block position
(labeled "NEG") on the most left. Select the applied current to the input of the CT so that it does not exceed

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100 A. In addition, before performing any test, verify that this terminal block is securely connected to
both output leads of the CT.

Figure 2-25. Mapping Between Shunt Terminals and J25 Terminal Block Positions

Figure 2-26 shows the various test setup connections required for the reference design to function properly. If
the shunt and system is referenced with respect to the neutral, V+ corresponds to the line connection and V-
corresponds to the neutral connection. If the shunt and system is referenced with respect to the line, V+
corresponds to the neutral connection and V- corresponds to the line connection.
Ishunt+ and Ishunt- correspond to the current inputs to the shunt of the design while ICT+, and ICT- correspond to the
current inputs to the current transformer of the design.

í +

ICT+ ICTí Ishunt+ Ishuntí

Figure 2-26. View of Reference Design With Test Setup Connections

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The MSP432 MCU and ADS131M04 device portion of this design is powered from a single voltage rail (DVCC), which can be derived from two potential
methods. In the first method, DVCC can be powered from AC mains by using the TPS7A78-based cap-drop supply of the design. The output of the
TPS7A78 device can be connected directly to DVCC by putting a jumper between the DVCC and LDO_OUT pins of the J3 header. Connect the
TPS7A78 device indirectly to DVCC through a diode in case there is an auxiliary power source (such as a battery) connected to header J1 that the
system can switch to, in case of an AC supply failure. Make this connection by placing a jumper between the DVCC and DIODE options of the J3 header
and placing a jumper at the J2 header.
The diode ORs the TPS7A78 power supply with the auxiliary power supply connected at J1. To ensure that the system is powered from the TPS7A78
power supply when Mains is available, the output voltage from the TPS7A78 (3.3 V for this design) should be greater than the output voltage from the
auxiliary power supply connected to J1. If the output voltage from the TPS7A78 is not larger than the auxiliary power source output voltage, the design is
powered from the auxiliary power source even when Mains is available. It should also be noted that powering DVCC through the diodes results in a lower
output voltage than if the diodes are not used because of the voltage drop across the diode. As a result, if an auxiliary power supply is not needed, it is
recommended to connect the TPS7A78 directly to DVCC instead of connecting it to DVCC through a diode.
In the second method for deriving power for DVCC, DVCC can be powered from an external power supply by connecting a 3.3-V external power supply
at the DVCC header J6 and GND. To support this direct way of driving DVCC, do not place a jumper on jumper header J3.
Various jumper headers and jumper settings are present to add to the flexibility to the board. Some of these headers require that jumpers be placed
appropriately for the board to correctly function. Table 2-2 indicates the functionality of each jumper on the board.

The headers with (WARNING) text in the MAIN FUNCTIONALITY column are not isolated, so do not use measuring equipment there
(especially if the system is referenced with respect to the line) when running off the Mains. This applies, unless either isolators external to the
board of the design are used to connect at the headers, if the equipment is battery powered and does not connect to Mains, or if AC mains is

Table 2-2. Header Names and Jumper Settings

Apply 3.2 V between here and GND to create the
Place a jumper at J2 and another jumper between the DVCC and DIODE options of the J3 header to support using the
Auxiliary power input auxiliary power supply that can be used to power the
J1 2-pin header voltage applied here as a backup power supply. In addition, the voltage applied at this header should be less than the
(WARNING) design when the TPS7A78 is not able to power the
TPS7A78 output voltage.
design because of an AC supply failure seen at its input.
A jumper here connects the auxiliary power supply at header J1 to DVCC through a diode. To support using the voltage
2-pin jumper Auxiliary power input Place a jumper at this header to connect the auxiliary applied here as a backup power supply, a jumper must be placed between the DVCC and DIODE options of the J3 header
header enable(WARNING) power supply at header J1 to DVCC. to OR the TPS7A78 and auxiliary power supplied together. Note that the output voltage connected to DVCC is smaller
than the voltage applied at this header because of the voltage drop across the diode.
The LDO_OUT pin of this header can be probed to view Place a jumper between the DVCC and DIODE option of this header if using the auxiliary power supply at header J1 as a
the output voltage produced from the TPS7A78. A backup power supply when the AC mains input to the TPS7A78 fails. Additionally, place a jumper at J2. By placing these
3-pin jumper TPS7A78 DVCC
J3 jumper can be placed here to connect the TPS7A78 two jumpers, the TPS7A78 device and auxiliary power supplies are ORed together. Note that the output voltage
header connection(WARNING)
directly through DVCC or indirectly to DVCC through a connected to DVCC is smaller than the TPS7A78 output voltage because of the voltage drop across the diode. If an
diode. external power supply is to be connected to DVCC instead of using the TPS7A78, do not place a jumper here.
Probe at pin 2 of this header to determine if the TPS7A78
device has detected AC supply failure at its input. Probe
Header connected to TPS7A78 The PF pin is used in this design to trigger the ADS131M04 device to enter current-detection mode. The PG pin is used in
J4 2-pin header at pin 1 to determine if the output voltage from the
PG and PF pins (WARNING) this design to trigger the ADS131M04 to exit current-detection mode.
TPS7A78 has ramped up beyond 90% of the set 3.3-V
LDO output voltage.

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Table 2-2. Header Names and Jumper Settings (continued)

This header has two pins: GND and PM1, where PM1 is the P2.7 GPIO pin of the MSP432 MCU. The P2.7 GPIO pin can
J5 2-pin header PM1 header (WARNING) P2.7 GPIO pin and GND.
be port mapped to different functions, which allows this header to potentially be used to debug multiple items.
Probe here for DVCC voltage. Connect the positive
DVCC voltage header Probe between here and J7 to measure the output voltage used to power the board. If DVCC is powered directly (remove
J6 4-pin header terminal of the bench or external power supply when
(WARNING) the jumper from header J3), 3.3 V must be applied between here and J7.
powering the board externally directly through DVCC.
Probe here for GND voltage. Connect negative terminal
Ground voltage header Probe between J6 and here to measure the output voltage used to power the board. If DVCC is powered directly (remove
J7 4-pin header of bench or external power supply when powering the
(WARNING) the jumper from header J3), 3.3 V must be applied between J6 and here.
board externally directly through DVCC.
Extra DVCC and GND
J8 2-pin header Header containing DVCC and ground. For more info on the DVCC pin, see the description on J6. For more info on the ground pin, see the description on J7.
connections (WARNING)
Header containing MSP432 P7.0, The P7.0, P7.1, and P7.2 pins are used for adjusting the contrast of the LCD. P7.3 is not used in this design. These pins
J9 4-pin header 7.1, P7.2, and P7.3 pins Probe here for P7.0, P7.1, P7.2, and P7.3 GPIO pins. are all port mappable. If the LCD is not needed, it can be disabled in software and R9, R15, R16, and R17 can be
(WARNING) removed so that P7.0, P7.1, and P7.2 can be port mapped for other purposes.
The MSP-FET-432ADPTR is used to allow the MSP-FET tool to program the MSP432 device. One connector of the MSP-
10-pin 2-row JTAG: MSP432 programming Connect the MSP-FET- 432ADPTR adapter to this FET-432ADPTR adapter connects to the FET tool and the other connector connects to the JTAG connector of the
connector header (WARNING) connector to program the MSP432 MCU. MSP432 MCU. Note that the MSP432 has to be powered externally to program the MSP432 MCU. Since this header and
the FET tool is not isolated, do not connect to this header when running off Mains and Mains is not isolated.
Probe here for active energy pulses based on the shunt
Active energy pulses active power readings. This header has two pins: GND This header is not isolated from AC mains, so do not connect measuring equipment here (especially when referencing the
J13 2-pin header
(WARNING) and ACT, which is where the active energy pulses are system from line) If it is desired to test the active power pulses, use the "ISO_ACT" pin of J15 instead since it is isolated.
actually output.
Probe here for active energy pulses based on the shunt
This header is not isolated from AC mains, so do not connect measuring equipment here (especially when referencing the
Reactive energy pulses active power reading. This header has two pins: GND
J14 2-pin header system from line) If it is desired to test the reactive power pulses, use the "ISO_REACT" pin of J15 instead since it is
(WARNING) and REACT, which is where the reactive energy pulses
are actually output.
This header has four pins: ISO_GND, ISO_REACT, ISO_ACT, and ISO_VCC.
ISO_GND is the isolated ground for the energy pulses.
ISO_VCC is the VCC connection for the isolated active and reactive energy pulses.
Probe here for the isolated active energy pulses and the
ISO_ACT is where the isolated active energy pulses are output.
isolated reactive energy pulses. Using this header for
J15 4-pin header Isolated pulses header ISO_REACT is where the isolated active energy pulses are output.
pulses is recommended, especially when referencing the
This header is isolated from AC mains so it is safe to connect to a scope or other measuring equipment because isolators
system with respect to line.
are already present. However, either 3.3 V or 5 V must be applied between ISO_GND and ISO_VCC to produce the
active energy pulses and reactive energy pulses at this header. The produced pulses have a logical high voltage that is
equal to the voltage applied between ISO_GND and ISO_VCC.
Place a jumper at either the RS-232 or RS-485 positions
3-pin jumper RS-232 or RS-485 selection- Put a jumper in the RS-232 position on this header, J17, and J18 to select RS-232 communication.
J16 depending on which of these two communication options
header power Put a jumper in the RS-485 position on this header, J17, and J18 to select RS-485 communication.
are desired.
Place a jumper at either the RS-232 or RS-485 positions
3-pin jumper Put a jumper in the RS-232 position on this header, J16, and J18 to select RS-232 communication.
J17 RS-232 or RS-485 selection-TX depending on which of these two communication options
header Put a jumper in the RS-485 position on this header, J16, and J18 to select RS-485 communication.
are desired.
Place a jumper at either the RS-232 or RS-485 positions
3-pin jumper Put a jumper in the RS-232 position on this header, J16, and J17 to select RS-232 communication.
J18 RS-232 or RS-485 selection-RX depending on which of these two communication options
header Put a jumper in the RS-485 position on this header, J16, and J17 to select RS-485 communication.
are desired.
2-pin jumper TX_EN: RS-232 or RS-485 Place a jumper here to enable RS-232 or RS-485
header transmit enable (WARNING) transmissions.
2-pin jumper RX_EN: RS-232 or RS-485 Place a jumper here to enable receiving characters using
header receive enable (WARNING) RS-232 or RS-485.
4-pin terminal To view the GUI using RS-485, connect the USB to RS-485 adapter here. 5 V must be provided externally on pin 1 of this
J21 RS-485 connection Connection point for RS-485
block header. Pin 2 of this header is the RS-485 ground, pin 3 is the B bus I/O line, and pin 4 is the A bus I/O line.

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Table 2-2. Header Names and Jumper Settings (continued)

This terminal block is connected to the line and neutral. Connect the terminal block position on the left (labeled "NEG" on
the PCB) to the neutral, if referencing the shunt and system ground with respect to the neutral. Also, connect the terminal
block position on the right (labeled "POS" on the PCB) to the line.
Connect the terminal block position on the left (labeled "NEG" on the PCB) to the line, if referencing the shunt and system
2-pin terminal
J22 Mains voltage input (WARNING) Line and neutral connection ground with respect to the line. Also, connect the terminal block position on the right (labeled "POS" on the PCB) to the
If the system is referenced with respect to the line, note that all voltage samples obtained from the ADS131M04 device
should be multiplied by –1 in the software to ensure that the phase shift between voltage and current is properly reflected
for the power-related metrology readings. Also, only probe here if using equipment that can measure the Mains voltage.
A short (either through jumper of ammeter) must be
2-pin jumper ADS131M04 AVDD jumper
J23 present at this jumper header for proper operation of the This header along with J24 allow measuring the current consumption of the ADS131M04 device.
header (WARNING)
ADS131M04 device.
A short (either through jumper of ammeter) must be
2-pin jumper ADS131M04 DVCC jumper
J24 present at this jumper header for proper operation of the This header along with J23 allow measuring the current consumption of the ADS131M04 device.
header (WARNING)
ADS131M04 device.
This terminal block is connected to the output terminals of the shunt. This terminal block is a three-position terminal block
3-pin terminal with positions labeled "POS", "GND", and "NEG". For the gain of 32 used in this design, the differential voltage across the
J25 Shunt connection (WARNING) Shunt connections
block "POS" and "NEG" terminals of this terminal block should be less than ±37.5 mV. Do not connect a CT here since a burden
resistor is not present for the circuitry of this channel like it is present for the J26 current circuitry.
This terminal block is a three-position terminal block but only the leftmost and rightmost positions are used. The center
position, which is connected to GND, is not connected to the CT. Connect the positive terminal of the CT to the terminal
3-pin terminal
J26 CT connection (WARNING) Current inputs after the CT sensor block position on the most right, which is labeled "POS". Connect the negative terminal of the CT to the terminal block
position on the most left, which is labeled "NEG". Before performing any test, verify that this terminal block is securely
connected to both output leads of the CT.
The SYNC/ RESET pin of the ADS131M04 device is used to reset the ADS131M04 device. When initializing the
ADS131M04, the MSP432 MCU drives this pin to reset the ADS131M04. The DRDY pin of the ADS131M04 device is
used to alert the MSP432 MCU that new current samples are available. The CLKIN pin is fed from the SMCLK clock
output of the MSP432 MCU to the ADS131M04 device, which divides the clock down to produce the used modulator
clock. This header is not isolated from AC mains, so do not connect measuring equipment when running from Mains,
unless isolators external to the reference design are available. The pin mappings on this header are as follows:
ADS131M04 MSP432 Probe here for connections to the chip select signal, SPI
● Pin 1: SMCLK (ADS131M04 CLKIN pin)
J27 8-pin header communication header signals, RST signal, CLKIN signal, and DRDY signal of
● Pin 2: SPI DOUT (ADS131M04 DIN pin/SIMO)
(WARNING) the ADS131M04 device.
● Pin 3: SPI DIN (ADS131M04 DOUT/ pinSOMI
● Pin 4: SPI CLK (ADS131M04 SCLK pin)
● Pin 5: ADS DRDY (ADS131M04 DRDY pin)
● Pin 6: SPI CS (ADS131M04 CS pin)
● Pin 7: RST SYNC (ADS131M04 SYNC/ RESET pin)

40 One-Phase Shunt Electricity Meter Reference Design Using Standalone ADCs TIDUEM7A – APRIL 2019 – REVISED FEBRUARY 2021
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The MSP432 software used for evaluating this design is test software. Section discusses the features of
the test software, which provides insights on how to implement custom software for metrology testing.
Subsequently, the metrology software is described as two major processes: the foreground process and
background process.
The test data included in this reference design was taken using the generic test code. This test code has since
been further developed into an energy metrology library software.
For all new designs, TI recommends using the ADC Energy Metrology Library software package. This software
contains hardware abstraction layers which enable communication between an ADC and an Arm® Cortex®-Mx
microprocessor (MCU), a library of metrology calculations for energy measurements, and electricity meter
example application. The included polyphase electricity meter application was developed and tested on an Arm
Cortex-M4 MSP432P microprocessor, but can also be ported to other microprocessors using the hardware
abstraction layers. Also included is a Windows® PC GUI to display metrology parameters from the TIDA-010036
and TIDA-010037 reference designs.
2.4.2 Testing and Results Test Setup SVS and Cap-Drop Functionality Testing
In addition to metrology accuracy testing, functionality testing was done on the TPS3840 SVS device. For the
TPS3840 testing, the board is powered by connecting an external power supply directly to DVCC (a jumper
should not be placed on J2 to properly power DVCC directly) and the output voltage of the power supply is
slowly varied from 3.3 V down to 1.9 V. The threshold voltage at which the MSP432 MCU is reset by the
TPS3840 device, which is referred to as the negative voltage threshold, is logged. After the negative voltage
threshold is reached, the power supply output voltage is slowly increased from 1.9 V back to 3.3 V. The voltage
at which the reset is released, which is equal to the negative voltage threshold plus hysteresis voltage, is logged
as well.
A few functionality tests were also performed on the TPS7A78-based cap-drop supply of this design. In the first
test, the output voltage from the TPS7A78 was measured as the AC mains input varied from 75 V to 270 V. The
TPS7A78 was connected directly to DVCC for this test by placing a jumper between the LDO_OUT and DVCC
positions on J3.
In addition, the power supply was tested to verify that 50-mA loads could be powered. This test was conducted
when DVCC was connected directly to the TPS7A78 output with an AC mains input of 230 V. Under normal
operation, the design consumes between 14–18 mA, which is well below the maximum output current for which
the cap-drop was designed. To create a current consumption of 50 mA from the design, four of the five LEDs on
the board were turned ON, which led to a system current consumption of around 50 mA. With the board set to
consume about 50 mA from the cap-drop supply, the output voltage from the TPS7A78 was measured.
The resulting DVCC voltage from doing an OR of the TPS7A78 power supply with the auxiliary power supply at
header J1 was also tested. This test was performed by placing a jumper between the DIODE and DVCC
positions on J3. The measured voltage is less than the output voltage from the TPS7A78 because of the voltage
drop across the diode used to OR the power supplies. For this test, an AC mains input of 230 V was used and
the system was operating under normal conditions, which would consume from 14–18 mA. Electricity Meter Metrology Accuracy Testing
To test for metrology accuracy, a source generator was used to provide the voltage and current to the system at
the proper locations mentioned in Section Additionally, a nominal voltage of 230 V, calibration current
of 10 A, and nominal frequency of 50 Hz are used. During all of the tests, the board is powered directly using the
TPS7A78-based power supply by placing a jumper between the LDO_OUT and DVCC positions on J3. In
addition, the system and shunt is referenced with respect to the neutral for most of the tests.
When the voltage and current are applied to the system, the system outputs the active energy pulses and
reactive energy pulses at a rate of 6400 pulses/kWh. The pulse output is fed into a reference meter (in the test
equipment for this reference design, this pulse output is integrated in the same equipment used for the source
generator) that determines the energy % error based on the actual energy provided to the system and the
measured energy as determined by the active and reactive energy output pulse of the system. In this reference

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design, active energy error testing, reactive energy error testing, voltage variation testing, and frequency
variation testing are performed after performing energy gain calibration, phase calibration, and energy offset
calibration as described in Section
Reactive energy testing is performed using a 200-µΩ shunt for the current readings. Active energy testing is
performed using both the shunt and CT channel on the board for the current readings. Since the default channel
used for active energy pulses is the shunt channel, the software was modified to use the CT channel as the
default channel for pulse outputs to test the active energy error when using the CT channel. For the active
energy tests performed using the shunt channel, both a 200-µΩ shunt and a 100-µΩ shunt were tested.
For the active energy error and reactive energy error testing on the shunt channel, current is varied from 50 mA
to 90 A when testing using the shunt for measuring current. When performing the CT active energy test,
conversely, current is varied from 50 mA to 100 A . For active energy error testing, a phase shift of 0°, 60°, and
−60° is applied between the voltage and current waveforms fed to the reference design. Based on the error from
the active energy output pulse, a plot of active energy % error versus current is created for 0°, 60°, and –60°
phase shifts. For reactive energy error testing, a similar process is followed except that 30°, 60°, –30°, and –60°
phase shifts are used and reactive energy error is plotted instead of active energy error.
In performing metrology tests, two sets of voltage tests were also performed, both of which were performed with
a 200-µΩ shunt. In the first test, the 230-V nominal voltage was varied by ±10% at different currents and power
factors. The resulting active energy error at each test point was then logged. For the second test, the active
energy error was plotted when voltage was varied over a larger voltage range at unity power factor. Specifically,
voltage was varied from 75 to 270 V. Testing beyond 270 V can also be done; however, this requires the 275-V
varistors to be removed from the design and replaced with varistors that are rated for a higher voltage.
Another set of tests performed are frequency variation tests, which are performed using a 200-µΩ shunt. For this
test, the frequency is varied by ±2 Hz from its 50-Hz nominal frequency. This test is conducted at 0.5 A and 10 A
at phase shifts of 0°, 60°, and −60°. The resulting active energy error under these conditions are logged. Current-Detection Mode Testing
For testing current-detection mode, the trigger current on the line and neutral channel was tested as well as the
average current consumption of the ADS131M04 device. These tests were performed using the register settings
mentioned in Section
Before performing trigger current testing, the ADS131M04 offset registers are used to subtract the average ADC
offset on the shunt and CT current channels. This is necessary because the shunt and CT current channels have
different PGA gain settings(PGA gain=1 for CT and PGA gain=32 for shunt). At these different gains, the
channels would have a difference in ADC offset so offset calibration was performed to provide better matching
between the two current channels, which is necessary to get consistent results between the two channels using
only one threshold value. Based on the test settings, the ADS131M04 is then placed in current detection. After
placing the device in current-detection mode, the input current is varied from 50 mA to 10 A on the shunt
channel(while no current is on the CT channel) to see at which current would the ADS131M04 start indicating to
the MSP432 MCU of tampering. This first current is logged in the test results. A similar test is done on the CT
channel as well to determine its triggering current in current-detection mode.
Two sets of current-detection current-consumption tests were performed in this design. For both tests, the
ADS131M04 and the rest of the board are powered separately with the two power supplies sharing the same
ground connection. The ADS131M04 was powered at 3.3 V by the N6705 power analyzer, which plots the
average current consumption of the ADS131M04. The rest of the board was powered at 3.3 V from a regular
power supply.
In the first test, the current consumption of the ADS131M04 is measured during current-detection mode for
different combinations of enabled channels. The number of channels used in current-detection mode affects the
current consumption of the device in this mode. In addition, for the scenario where current-detection mode is
enabled for two channels, the pairings of enabled channels can also affect the current consumption. There is
shared circuitry between channels 0 and 1 as well as between channels 2 and 3 that are on if one of the two
channels in these pairs are enabled. As a result, the lowest current consumption is expected for the two-enabled
channel case when channels 0 and 1 are enabled or when channels 2 and 3 are enabled. In this design,
channels 1 and 2 are used for the current channel so these two channels are the two channels that are
potentially enabled in current-detection mode; however, a lower current consumption is expected if the design

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was modified to use channels 0 and 1 for the current and channel 2 for voltage since the shared circuitry for
channels 3 and 4 could be turned off in current-detection mode.
For the second current consumption test, the average current consumption was measured when current-
detection mode is entered once every 10 seconds (tCD_mode_period = 10) and once every 64 seconds
(tCD_mode_period = 64). Current-detection mode is enabled in the shunt (channel 1) and CT (channel 2) channels
for this test. In this test, the ADS131M04 alternates between standby mode and current-detection mode. Since
the current consumption in standby mode and current-detection mode are significantly different, the standby
mode current consumption and current-detection mode current-consumption had to be taken separately using
two different current range settings on the N6705 power analyzer. Figure 2-27 shows an example reading for
standby mode, where an average current of 1.429 µA is measured. The duration the device is in current-
detection mode is estimated by measuring the current consumption positive pulse width. Figure 2-28 shows an
example reading for current-detection mode, where an average current of 648.762 µA and a current-detection
duration of 95.23 ms are measured. Using this estimated current-detection duration, the average current during
the estimated current-detection duration, and the average standby mode current consumption, the total average
current consumption value across time is estimated. This average current consumption test was performed on
three separate boards and averaged together for the total average current consumption test results shown in this
design. The estimated current-detection duration and average standby mode current from this test was also
used to estimate the average current consumption for the different combinations of enabled channels used in the
first current-detection current-consumption test.

Figure 2-27. Example Standby Mode Current Figure 2-28. Example Current-Detection Mode
Consumption Reading Current Consumption Reading

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This section describes the methods used to verify the results of this design with the test software. Viewing Results From LCD
The bottom line of the LCD is used to denote the value of the parameter being displayed. The text to denote the
parameter being shown displays on the top line of the LCD. Table 2-3 shows the different metering parameters
that are displayed on the LCD and the associated units in which they are displayed. The designation column
shows which characters correspond to which metering parameter.
Table 2-3. Displayed Parameters

Active power Watt (W)

Reactive power Volt-Ampere Reactive (var)

Apparent power Volt-Ampere (VA)

Power factor Constant between 0 and 1

Voltage Volts (V)

Current Amps (A)

Frequency Hertz (Hz)

Total consumed active energy kWh

Total consumed reactive energy kVarh

Time Hour:minute:second

Date Year:month:day

Figure 2-29 shows an example of the measured frequency of 59.99 Hz displayed on the LCD.

Figure 2-29. LCD

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To view the metrology parameter values from the GUI, perform the following steps:
1. Select whether to use the RS-485 or RS-232 connection for communication to the PC GUI. This selection is
done by placing 3 jumpers on jumper headers J16, J17, and J18. To select the RS-485 communication
option, put the jumpers on the top two leftmost pins (labeled RS-485 on the board) of these three headers. To
select the RS-232 communication option, put the jumpers on the two rightmost pins (labeled RS-232 on the
board) of the three headers.
2. Connect the reference design to a PC
• RS-232 option: Connect the reference design to a PC using a RS-232 cable. If the PC does not have a
RS-232 adapter, use a serial RS-232 adapter. The RS-232 adapter should create a COM port on the PC
when it is plugged in.
• RS-485 option: Use a USB to RS-485 adapter to communicate between the PC GUI and the RS-485 port
on this design. The USB to RS-485 adapter should create a COM port on the PC when it is plugged in.
The other end of the adapter should have wires for the RS-485 Data A and Data B connections as well as
a GND connection and a 5-V power connection., Connect all these wires to the J21 screw terminal block
of the design according to the connection labels next to the terminal block pins. For testing this circuit, the
following USB to RS-485 adapter is specifically used: http://www.ftdichip.com/Support/Documents/
DataSheets/Cables/DS_USB_RS485_CABLES.pdf. For this specific adapter, the Data A connection is
orange, the Data B connection wire is yellow, the GND connection is black, and the 5-V power connection
is red.
3. Open the GUI folder and open calibration-config.xml in a text editor.
4. Change the port name field within the meter tag to the COM port connected to the system. As Figure 2-30
shows, this field is changed to COM7.

Figure 2-30. GUI Configuration File Changed to Communicate With Energy Measurement System
5. Run the calibrator.exe file, which is located in the GUI folder. If the COM port in the
calibration-config.xml was changed in the previous step to the COM port connected to the reference design,
the GUI opens (see Figure 2-31). If the GUI connects to the design properly, the top-left button is green. If
there are problems with connections or if the code is not configured correctly, the button is red. Click the
green button to view the results.

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Figure 2-31. GUI Startup Window

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Upon clicking on the green button, the results window opens (see Figure 2-32). In the figure, there is a trailing
"L" or "C" on the Power factor values to indicate an inductive or capacitive load, respectively. Note that by
default, the column in the GUI labeled "Phase A" is actually the shunt channel and the column labeled "Neutral"
is actually the CT channel. If the system and shunt is referenced with respect to the neutral, the shunt would
actually measure the neutral current and the CT would measure the line current, unlike how the GUI is labeled.

Figure 2-32. GUI Results Window

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From the results window, the total-energy consumption readings can be viewed by clicking the Meter
Consumption button. After the user clicks this button, the Meter events and consumption window pops up, as
Figure 2-33 shows.

Figure 2-33. Meter Events and Consumption Window

From the results window, the meter settings can be viewed by clicking the Meter features button, view the
system calibration factors by clicking the Meter calibration factors button, or open the window used for calibrating
the system by clicking the Manual cal. button. Calibration
Calibration is key to any meter performance, and it is absolutely necessary for every meter to go through this
process. Initially, every meter exhibits different accuracies due to silicon-to-silicon differences, sensor
accuracies, and other passive tolerances. To nullify their effects, every meter must be calibrated. To perform
calibration accurately, there must be an accurate AC test source and a reference meter available. The source
must be able to generate any desired voltage, current, and phase shifts (between V and I). To calculate errors in
measurement, the reference meter acts as an interface between the source and the meter being calibrated. This
section discusses a simple and effective method of calibration of this three-phase design.
The GUI used for viewing results can easily be used to calibrate the design. During calibration, parameters
called calibration factors are modified in the test software to give the least error in measurement. For this meter,
there are six main calibration factors for each phase: voltage scaling factor, active power offset (erroneously
called voltage AC offset in the GUI), current scaling factor, reactive power offset (erroneously called current AC
offset in the GUI), power scaling factor, and the phase compensation factor. The voltage, current, and power
scaling factors translate measured quantities in metrology software to real-world values represented in volts,
amps, and watts, respectively. The power offset is used to subtract voltage to current crosstalk, which appears
as a constant power offset and causes greater inaccuracies at lower currents. Note that offset calibration was
only used for the shunt channel and not the CT channel. The last calibration factor is the phase compensation
factor, which is used to compensate any phase shifts introduced by the current sensors and other passives. Note
that the voltage, current, and power calibration factors are independent of each other. Therefore, calibrating
voltage does not affect the readings for RMS current or power.
When the meter SW is flashed on the MSP432 devices for the first time, default calibration factors are loaded
into these calibration factors. These values are modified through the GUI during calibration. The calibration
factors are stored in INFO_MEM, and therefore, remain the same if the meter is restarted.
Calibrating any of the scaling factors is referred to as gain correction. Calibrating the phase compensation
factors is referred to as phase correction. For the entire calibration process, the AC test source must be ON,
meter connections consistent with Section, and the energy pulses connected to the reference meter.

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Usually, gain correction for voltage and current can be done simultaneously. However, energy accuracy (%) from
the reference meter for each individual phase is required for gain correction for active power. Voltage and Current Gain Calibration
To calibrate the voltage and current readings, perform the following steps:
1. Connect the GUI to view results for voltage, current, active power, and the other metering parameters.
2. Configure the test source to supply the desired voltage and current. Ensure that these are the voltage and
current calibration points with a zero-degree phase shift between voltage and current. For example, for 230 V,
10 A, 0° (PF = 1).
3. Click on the Manual cal. button that Figure 2-32 shows. The screen in Figure 2-34 pops up:

Figure 2-34. Manual Calibration Window

4. Calculate the correction values for each voltage and current. The correction values that must be entered for
the voltage and current fields are calculated using Equation 15:
æ value observed ö
Correction (%) = ç - 1÷ ´ 100
ç value desired ÷
è ø (17)

• valueobserved is the value measured by the TI meter
• valuedesired is the calibration point configured in the AC test source
5. After calculating for all voltages and currents, input these values as is (±) for the fields
Voltage and Current for the corresponding phases.
6. Click on the Update meter button and the observed values for the voltage and currents on the GUI settle
immediately to the desired voltages and currents. Active Power Gain Calibration
After performing gain correction for voltage and current, gain correction for active power must be done. Gain
correction for active power is done differently in comparison to voltage and current. Although, conceptually,
calculating the active energy % error as is done with voltage and power can be done, avoid using this method
because it is not the most accurate.

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The best option to get the Correction (%) is directly from the reference meters measurement error of the active
power. This error is obtained by feeding energy pulses to the reference meter. To perform active power
calibration, complete the following steps:
1. Turn off the system and connect the energy pulse output of the system to the reference meter. Configure the
reference meter to measure the active power error based on these pulse inputs.
2. Turn on the AC test source.
3. Repeat Step 1 to Step 3 from Section with the identical voltages, currents, and 0° phase shift
that were used in the same section.
4. Obtain the % error in measurement from the reference meter. Note that this value may be negative.
5. Enter the error obtained in Step 4 into the Active Power field under the corresponding phase in the GUI
window. This error is already the value and does not require calculation.
6. Click the Update meter button and the error values on the reference meter immediately settle to a value close
to zero. Offset Calibration
After performing gain calibration, if the accuracy at low currents is not acceptable, offset calibration could be
done. Offset calibration removes any crosstalk, such as the crosstalk to the current channels of a phase from the
line voltages.
To perform active power offset calibration for a phase, add the offset to be subtracted from the active power
reading (in units of mW) to the current value of the active power offset (labeled "voltage AC off" in the meter
calibration factors window) and then enter this new value in the Voltage AC offset field in the Manual Calibration
window. As an example, if the "voltage AC off" has a value of 200 (0.2 W) in the meter calibration window, and it
is desired to subtract an additional 0.300 mW, then enter a value of 500 in the Voltage AC offset field in the
Manual Calibration window. After entering the value in the Voltage AC offset field in the Manual Calibration
window, press "Update meter".
To perform reactive power offset calibration for a phase, a similar process is followed as the process used to
perform active power offset calibration. Add the offset to be subtracted from the reactive power reading (in units
of mvar) to the current value of the reactive power offset (labeled "Current AC offset" in the meter calibration
factors window) and then enter the value in the Current AC offset field in the Manual Calibration window. After
entering the value in the Current AC offset field in the Manual Calibration window, press "Update meter". Phase Calibration
After performing power gain correction, do the phase calibration. To perform phase correction calibration,
complete the following steps:
1. If the AC test source has been turned OFF or reconfigured, perform Step 1 through Step 3 from Section using the identical voltages and currents used in that section.
2. Modify only the phase-shift to a non-zero value; typically, +60° is chosen. The reference meter now displays a
different % error for active power measurement. Note that this value may be negative.
3. If the error from Step 3 is not close to zero, or is unacceptable, perform phase correction by following these
a. Enter a value as an update for the Phase Correction field for the phase that is being calibrated. Usually, a
small ± integer must be entered to bring the error closer to zero. Additionally, for a phase shift greater than
0 (for example: +60°), a positive (negative) error requires a positive (negative) number as correction.
b. Click on the Update meter button and monitor the error values on the reference meter.
c. If this measurement error (%) is not accurate enough, fine-tune by incrementing or decrementing by a
value of 1 based on Step 4a and Step 4b. Note that after a certain point, the fine-tuning only results in the
error oscillating on either side of zero. The value that has the smallest absolute error must be selected.
d. Change the phase now to −60° and check if this error is still acceptable. Ideally, errors must be symmetric
for same phase shift on lag and lead conditions.
After performing phase calibration, calibration is complete. The new calibration factors (see Figure 2-35) can be
viewed if desired by clicking the Meter calibration factors button of the GUI metering results window in Figure
2-32. For these displayed calibration factors, note that the "Voltage AC off" parameter actually represents the

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active power offset (in units of mW) subtracted from each measurement and the "Current AC offset" parameter
actually represents the reactive power offset subtracted (in units of mvar) from reactive power readings.

Figure 2-35. Calibration Factors Window

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View the configuration of the system by clicking on the Meter features button in Figure 2-32 to get to the window
that Figure 2-36 shows.

Figure 2-36. Meter Features Window

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Table 2-4. SVS Test Results
Negative voltage threshold, VIT– 2.00 V 2.00 ±1% V
Positive voltage threshold, VIT+ = VIT– + VHYS 2.11 V 2.10 V
Hysteresis voltage, VHYS = VIT+ – VIT– 2.11 – 2.00 = 0.11 V 2.1 – 2.0 = 0.10 V

The measured values of VIT– and VHYS, match closely with the expected values from the data sheet.
Table 2-5. TPS7A78 Output Voltage vs. Input AC
75 3.278 V
100 3.278 V
110 3.278 V
120 3.278 V
150 3.277 V
180 3.277 V
210 3.277 V
220 3.277 V
230 3.277 V
240 3.277 V
250 3.277 V
260 3.277 V
270 3.277 V

Table 2-6. TPS7A78 Output Voltage vs. Load Current

16 mA (normal operation) 3.277 V
50 mA 3.275 V

The TPS7A78 voltage does not vary that much across AC input voltage and load current.
Table 2-7. Voltage When DVCC is Connected to TPS7A78 Through
Diode(Jumper Placed Between "DIODE" and "DVCC" on J3)
TPS7A78 output voltage 3.277 V
DVCC voltage 2.948 V
Voltage drop across diode 0.329 V

The voltage drop due to connecting the TPS7A78 to DVCC through a diode is 0.33 V. For a larger DVCC output
voltage, the 3.3-V variant of the TPS7A78 used in this design can be replaced with the 3.6-V variant of the

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For the following test results, gain, phase, and offset calibration are applied to the meter. At higher currents, the
% error shown is dominated by shunt resistance drift caused by the increased heat generated at high currents.
Table 2-8. Active Energy % Error Versus Current,
200-µΩ Shunts
CURRENT (A) 0° 60° –60°
0.05 0.0625 0.137 0.034
0.10 0.036 0.048 0.072
0.25 –0.0027 0.041 0.058
0.50 –0.022 0.004 0.022
1.00 –0.0123 0.004 –0.014
2.00 –0.0293 –0.024 –0.019
5.00 –0.0123 –0.024 0.001
10.00 –0.0127 –0.023 0.0003
20.00 –0.0233 –0.032 –0.032
30.00 –0.019 –0.019 –0.028
40.00 –0.025 –0.026 –0.032
50.00 –0.03 –0.05 –0.03
60.00 –0.058 –0.075 –0.062
70.00 –0.088 –0.117 –0.092
80.00 –0.1243 –0.164 –0.151
90.00 –0.181 –0.224 –0.219


0.4 60°

Active Energy Error(%)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Current(A) D001

Figure 2-37. Active Energy % Error Versus Current, 200-µΩ Shunts

Table 2-9. Active Energy % Error Versus Current,

100-µΩ Shunts
CURRENT (A) 0° 60° –60°
0.05 0.147 0.216 0.209
0.10 –0.042 –0.052 –0.058
0.25 0.035 0.093 0.0175
0.50 0.0453 0.037 –0.009
1.00 0.013 0.0377 –0.017
2.00 –0.0167 0.0303 –0.011
5.00 0.006 0.032 –0.014
10.00 0.009 0.034 –0.014
20.00 –0.007 0.032 –0.045
30.00 –0.002 0.04 –0.036

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Table 2-9. Active Energy % Error Versus Current,

100-µΩ Shunts (continued)
CURRENT (A) 0° 60° –60°
40.00 –0.007 0.032 –0.007
50.00 –0.004 0.017 –0.035
60.00 –0.019 –0.002 –0.058
70.00 –0.053 –0.032 –0.092
80.00 ––0.083 –0.07 –0.143
90.00 –0.122 –0.113 –0.19


0.4 60°

Active Energy Error(%)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Current(A) D002

Figure 2-38. Active Energy % Error Versus Current, 100-µΩ Shunts

Table 2-10. CT Channel Active Energy % Error

Versus Current
CURRENT (A) 0° 60° –60°
0.05 0.01 –0.004 –0.011
0.10 0.007 0.019 0.005
0.25 –0.004 0.017 –0.021
0.50 0.006 0.024 –0.017
1.00 0.009 0.027 –0.009
2.00 –0.011 0.019 –0.041
5.00 0.006 0.006 0.001
10.00 0.0015 –0.004 0.004
20.00 –0.015 –0.019 0.006
30.00 –0.011 –0.045 0.023
40.00 –0.013 –0.07 0.038
50.00 –0.004 –0.081 0.083
60.00 –0.005 –0.092 0.087
70.00 –0.001 –0.0997 0.109
80.00 0.013 –0.106 0.115
90.00 0 –0.102 0.134
100.00 0.018 –0.111 0.147

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0.4 60°


Active Energy Error(%)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Current(A) D003

Figure 2-39. CT Channel Active Energy % Error Versus Current

Table 2-11. Reactive Energy % Error Versus Current,

200-µΩ Shunts
CURRENT (A) 30° 60° –30° –60°
0.10 –0.035 0.001 0.118 0.056
0.25 0.032 0.008 –0.022 0.008
1.00 0.009 0.014 0.006 –0.0013
5.00 0.017 0.006 0.011 0.006
10.00 0.0195 0.014 0.006 0.006
30.00 0.006 0.0017 0.006 0.006
50.00 0.017 –0.004 –0.009 –0.0115
70.00 –0.019 –0.0415 –0.063 –0.085
90.00 –0.1 –0.133 –0.151 –0.194

0.4 60°

Reactive Energy Error(%)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Current(A) D004

Figure 2-40. Reactive Energy % Error Versus Current, 200-µΩ Shunts

Table 2-12. Active Energy Measurement Error

Versus Voltage, 75 to 270 V, 200-µΩ Shunts
75 –0.119
100 –0.101
110 –0.093
120 –0.091
150 –0.068
180 –0.0435
210 –0.0233
220 –0.014
230 0.003

56 One-Phase Shunt Electricity Meter Reference Design Using Standalone ADCs TIDUEM7A – APRIL 2019 – REVISED FEBRUARY 2021
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Table 2-12. Active Energy Measurement Error

Versus Voltage, 75 to 270 V, 200-µΩ Shunts
240 0.0053
250 0.006
260 0.017
270 0.02



Active Energy Error(%)





80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
Voltage(V) D005

Figure 2-41. Active Energy Measurement Error Versus Voltage, 75 to 270 V, 200-µΩ Shunts

Table 2-13. Cumulative Active Energy Measurement Error Versus Voltage, ±10% Nominal Voltage
VOLTAGE (V) 0°, 10 A 60°, 10 A 300°, 10 A 0°, 0.5 A 60°, 0.5 A 300°, 0.5 A
207 –0.028 –0.045 –0.012 –0.0073 0.017 0.027
230 –0.01 –0.022 0.004 –0.004 –0.007 –0.012
253 0.006 –0.004 0.011 0.011 –0.009 0.011

Table 2-14. Cumulative Active Energy Measurement Error Versus Frequency,

±2 Hz From Nominal Frequency, 200-µΩ Shunts
CONDITIONS 48 Hz 50 Hz 52 Hz
0.5 A, 0 0.009 0.001 0.006
0.5 A, 60 0.001 –0.012 –0.017
0.5 A, 300 0.034 0.045 0.014
10 A, 0 –0.007 –0.011 –0.009
10 A, 60 –0.022 –0.0245 –0.027
10 A, 300 0.006 0.004 –0.001 Current-Detection Mode Results

Table 2-15. Current-Detection Current-Consumption vs. Number of Enabled
tCD_mode_period=10 tCD_mode_period=64
2 (ch 1 and 2) 626.822 µA 7.421 µA 2.385 µA
2 (ch 0 and 1) 565.645 µA 6.837 µA 2.293 µA
1 (ch 2) 386.59 µA 5.128 µA 2.026 µA

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Table 2-15. Current-Detection Current-Consumption vs. Number of Enabled

Channels (continued)
tCD_mode_period=10 tCD_mode_period=64
1 (ch 1) 397.716 µA 5.234 µA 2.043 µA
1 (ch 0) 391.505 µA 5.175 µA 2.034 µA

When Channel 0 and 1 are enabled, the current consumption is smaller than when channel 1 and 2 are enabled
because enabling only channel 0 and 1 allows the shared circuitry between channels 2 and 3 to be turned off. In
addition, if current detection is only performed on one channel instead of the two channels used in this design,
the average current consumption can be reduced.
Table 2-16. Average Current Consumption When Current-Detection Mode is
Entered Once Every 10 seconds
Average from standby mode trials on 3 1.452 µA 9904.548 ms
Average from current-detection mode trials 636.155 µA 95.453 ms
on 3 boards
Total average current consumption 7.510 µA 10000 ms

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Table 2-17. Average Current Consumption When Current-Detection Mode is

Entered Once Every 64 seconds
Average from standby mode trials on 3 1.452 µA 63904.548 ms
Average from current-detection mode trials 636.155 µA 95.453 ms
on 3 boards
Total average current consumption 2.399 µA 64000 ms

The minimum triggering current for the shunt and CT channels was found to be 0.6 A and 1.2 A when testing
was performed on one of these boards.

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Design Files www.ti.com

3 Design Files
3.1 Schematics
To download the schematics, see the design files at TIDA-010036.
3.2 Bill of Materials
To download the bill of materials (BOM), see the design files at TIDA-010036.
3.3 PCB Layout Recommendations
For this design, the following general guidelines must be followed:
• Place decoupling capacitors close to their associated pins.
• Use ground planes instead of ground traces and minimize the cuts in the ground plane, especially near the
ADS131M04 device. In this design, there is a ground plane on both the top and bottom layer; for this
situation, ensure that there is good stitching between the planes through the liberal use of vias.
• Keep the two traces to the inputs of an ADC channel symmetrical and as close as possible to each other.
• For the ADS131M04 device, place the 0.1-μF capacitor closer to the AVDD pin than the 1-μF capacitor. Do
the same thing also for the 0.1-μF and 1-μF capacitors connected to DVDD.
• Note that the order of the AINxP and AINxN pins on the ADS131M04 switches when going from one
converter to another. This swapped order is dealt with in this design by swapping the connection order of the
wires connected to the voltage and current terminals.
• Minimize the length of the traces used to connect the crystal to the MCU. Place guard rings around the leads
of the crystal and ground the crystal housing. In addition, there must be clean ground underneath the crystal
and avoid placing any traces underneath the crystal. Also, keep high-frequency signals away from the crystal.
• Use wide traces for power-supply connections.
• Use a different ground plane for the isolated RS-232 and RS-485. This other ground plane is at the potential
of the RS-232 and RS-485 ground and not the GND used elsewhere in the board.
• Ensure that the recommended clearance and creepage spacing are met for the ISO7731B and ISO7720
isolation devices in this design.
3.3.1 Layout Prints
To download the layer plots, see the design files at TIDA-010036.
3.4 Altium Project
To download the Altium Designer® project files, see the design files at TIDA-010036.
3.5 Gerber Files
To download the Gerber files, see the design files at TIDA-010036.
3.6 Assembly Drawings
To download the assembly drawings, see the design files at TIDA-010036.

60 One-Phase Shunt Electricity Meter Reference Design Using Standalone ADCs TIDUEM7A – APRIL 2019 – REVISED FEBRUARY 2021
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4 Related Documentation
1. Texas Instruments, ADS131M04 4-Channel, Simultaneously-Sampling, 24-Bit, Delta-Sigma ADC Data Sheet
2. Texas Instruments, TPS7A78 120-mA, Smart AC/DC Linear Voltage Regulator Data Sheet
3. Texas Instruments, MSP432P411x, MSP432P401x SimpleLink™ Mixed-Signal Microcontrollers Data Sheet
4. Texas Instruments, TPS3840 Nano Power, High Input Voltage Supervisor With MR and Programmable Delay
5. Texas Instruments, THVD1500 500 kbps RS-485 Transceivers With ±8-kV IEC ESD Protection
6. Texas Instruments, ISO773x High-Speed, Basic Insulation Triple-Channel Digital Isolator
7. Texas Instruments, TRS3232E 3-V to 5.5-V Multichannel RS-232 Line Driver and Receiver With ±15-kV IEC
ESD Protection Data Sheet
4.1 Trademarks
TI E2E™, MSP432™, and SimpleLink™ are trademarks of Texas Instruments.
ARM®, Cortex®, are registered trademarks of ARM Limited.
Wi-Fi® is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance.
Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG.
Altium Designer® is a registered trademark of Altium LLC or its affiliated companies.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
5 About the Author
MEKRE MESGANAW is a systems engineer in the Grid Infrastructure group at Texas Instruments, where he
primarily works on energy measurement and electricity meter reference design development. Mekre received his
bachelor of science and master of science in computer engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

6 Revision History
NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version.

Changes from Revision * (April 2019) to Revision A (February 2021) Page

• Updated the numbering format for tables, figures, and cross-references throughout the document..................1
• Added link to ADC Energy Metrology Library..................................................................................................... 1

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