Lab Experiment - 5: Solid State Physics Lab
Lab Experiment - 5: Solid State Physics Lab
Lab Experiment - 5: Solid State Physics Lab
5.1.Energy Bands in Solids:
In a particular element, the magnitude of the neighboring atoms’ influence depends
on the spacing and the electron’s location within the group of atoms. Accordingly,
when other atoms are close, the single atoms’ discrete electron energy levels change
into energy bands. An energy band is an energy range with many allowed adjacent
energy levels, very closely spaced.
Figure 1 shows the energy bands as a function of the spacing between atoms for
tetravalent crystals (Group 4A of the Periodic Table: nonmetal diamond, the semi-
conductors silicon and germanium, and the metals tin and lead). Diamond, silicon,
and germanium are technologically important.
The valence band comprises the highest energy electrons in the solid, and the con-
duction band is the lowest empty belt where electrons can remain. These bands are
the permissible bands. The energy band between the permissible bands is the band
gap or forbidden band, where the electrons cannot exist. Energies within the band
gap are not accessible for electron occupancy. The energy of the band gap is the
difference between the valence and the conduction bands.
The energy bands below the valence band (not shown) are all filled and do not
contribute to the material’s electrical characteristics. The electrical properties of a
solid strongly depend on the number of electrons in the valence band.
In figure 1, the circles with a negative sign are the actual valence electrons of one
atom in a filled energy state. The empty circles represent the available energy states
for the electrons. The filled valence band and empty conduction band assume a per-
fect crystal lattice and a temperature of 0 K (-273°C) – the ground or lowest-energy
When the lattice spacing decreases from its initial value, a single band appears
as a combination of the valence and conduction bands. Reducing the spacing, the
band divides into different valence and conduction bands with a bandgap in between.
Since no more than two interacting atoms can have the same energy level, new
levels take shape with infinitesimally different magnitudes. This group of energy
levels in a polyatomic material – the energy band – represents an energy level in a
single atom. Each band contains as many discrete levels of energy as there are atoms
in the crystal.
energy level in a single atom. Likewise, the principle limits the maximum number of
electrons contained in a lattice’s energy band.
They are mostly modified by adding impurities called doping. It modifies its prop-
erties like unidirectional current flow or amplification or energy conversion etc.The
electrical conduction inside semiconductors is due to the movement of electrons holes.
A semiconductor is a material whose conductivity lies between conductor insulator
The resistance of a semiconductor decrease with increases in temperature. Thus
it acts as an insulator at absolute zero.They have intermediate conductivity ((10−7
mho /m to 10−13 mho/m), thus they can acts as insulator & conductor at different
conditions.The band gap of semiconductor is greater than the conductor but smaller
than an insulator i.e. 1 eV. Their electrons need a little energy for conduction stateIt
has negative coefficient of resistivity.The semiconductors turn into insulator at ab-
solute zero.Silicon, Germanium, Selenium, Antimony, Gallium Arsenide (known as
semi insulator),Boron etc.are the examples of semiconductors.Semiconductors are
used every day electronic devices such as cellphone, computer, solar panel etc as
switches, energy converter, amplifiers, etc.
An insulator prevents the flow of energy between two objects. For example, in-
sulators may prevent the flow of electric, heat or sound.Thermal insulators, reduce
the transfer of heat between two objects of differing temperatures. Thermal insu-
lators do this by reflecting thermal energy. The insulative capacity of a material
is the inverse of thermal conductivity (k) and therefore those materials with low
thermal conductivity will have high insulating capability or resistance value. Other
important properties to consider are product density (ρ) and specific heat capacity
.A substance that does not conduct electricity is called a dielectric material. These
substances can be polarised by an applied electric field so electric charges do not flow
through them as they would through a conductor. Therefore, the internal electrical
field reduces the overall field within the dielectric. In insulators, there are larger
gaps between the conduction and valence bands. The electrons cannot move into
the conduction band and this means the material cannot conduct.
An Intrinsic semiconductor is formed from a highly pure semiconductor material
thus also known as pure semiconductors. These are basically undoped semiconduc-
tors that do not have doped impurity in it.At room temperature, intrinsic semicon-
ductors exhibit almost negligible conductivity. As no any other type of element is
present in its crystalline structure.The group IV elements of the periodic table form
an intrinsic semiconductor. However, mainly silicon and germanium are widely used.
This is so because in their case only small energy is needed in order to break the
covalent bond.
Extrinsic Semiconductors are those that are the result of adding an impurity to a
pure semiconductor. These are basically termed as an impure form of semiconduc-
tors.The process by which certain amount of impurity is provided to a pure semicon-
ductor is known as doping. So, we can say a pure semiconductor is doped to generate
an extrinsic semiconductor. These are highly conductive in nature. However, un-
like intrinsic semiconductor, extrinsic semiconductors are of two types p-type and
an n-type semiconductor.It is noteworthy here that the classification of the extrinsic
semiconductor depends on the type of element doped to the pure semiconductor.The
p-type semiconductors are formed by introducing group III elements or trivalent im-
purity into the pure semiconductor. These are also known as an acceptor impurity,
as a trivalent impurity has only 3 electrons in the valence shell.The n-type semicon-
ductors are formed by the addition of group V elements or pentavalent impurity to a
pure semiconductor. These are termed as donor impurity, as a pentavalent impurity
holds 5 electrons in its valence shell.
To Study the Variation of Resistivity of a Ge Crystal with temperature by Four
Probe Method and Hence to determine the band gap Eg for it.
A Thin Ge Crystal with smooth surface, a Four -Probe arrangement ,a Digital Elec-
tronic milli voltmeter, a Constant current(0-10 mA), an oven with its power supply
and a thermometer.
The Four point Probe or Kelvin Probe method is the most common method to
measure a semiconductor material’s Resistivity. The Four point probe is preferable
over a two point probe because the contact and spreading resistances associated
with the two point probe are large and true resistivity cannot be accurately sepa-
rated from the measured resistivity.In a Four point Probe, very little contact and
spreading resistance is associated with the voltage probes and hence one can obtain
fairly accurately readings of Resistivity. Using Four Probes eliminates measurements
errors due to the probe resistance, spreading resistance under each probe, and the
contact resistance between each metal and semiconductor material.
.The Four Probes are Equally spaced and collinear and coated with a hard con-
ducting material(Zinc, Tungsten carbide, osmium) at the tip. The probes makes
spring contact with the sample and are mounted in a teflon bush for good electrical
insulation from each other.Since no soldering is required for the contacts , any error
Prepared by-Tushar Page 8 FOUR PROBE METHOD
ρI 0
Vf = 2πr
In the model shown in above figure , there are two current carrying electrodes
numbered 1 and numbered 4 and the floating potential Vf at any point in the semi-
conductor is the difference between the potential induced by each of the electrodes
(As they carry current of equal magnitude but in opposite direction). Thus
Vf = ρ2πI rr41−r
where r1 is the distance of the point from probe 1 and r4 is the distance from
probe 4.
The Floating potentials at probe 2 , Vf 2 and at probe 3 , Vf 3 can be calculated from
above equation by substituting proper distances. Thus we have
Vf 2= ρ2πI ( 1s − 2s
Vf 3= ρ2πI ( 2s
− 1s )
= ρ2πI ( 1s − 2s1
− 2s 1
+ 1s )
Vf 2= ρ2πI
and so the resistivity ρ0 is given as
ρ0 = Vl 2πs
Correction due to Finite Size
This Method applies to the sample whose bottom surface is non conducting. The
Corrected resistivity is given by
ρ= F (t/s)
where the correction divisor F(t/s) is a function of the ratio of thickness t of the
sample to the probe spacing s and for infinitely thin sample , F(t/s) approaches to
a value 2ss ln 2
using Fraction thing expression for resistivity is
V 2πs
ρ= IF (t/s)
Since t and s are known for the sample and V and I are measured in the experiments
, ρ can be evaluated.
The Formula for the variation of resistivity with temperature is given by
ρ = ρ0eEg /2KT
Taking log on both sides
lnρ = lnρ0 + 2Kt
Prepared by-Tushar Page 10 FOUR PROBE METHOD
log10ρ = log10ρ0 + 2×2.303×KT
now plot the graph
1. First Take out the Four Probe arrangement from the oven and put it on a plane
surface. Now put the sample on the base plate of the Four Probe arrangement such
that the non conducting surface of the crystal is on the plate side and the four probes
are in the middle of the crystal. Apply pressure slightly so that probes clearly makes
contact with the sample and then tighten the screws . Now check the continuity be-
tween the sample and four probes by a multi-meter. If the contacts are loose tighten
the screws provided on top of the base stand till the Four probes touch the Crystal.
2. Put The Four Probe arrangement in the Oven and again check the continuity
between each pair of leads provided for current and voltage.
3. Put the thermometer in the Hole Provided for it to measure the oven temperature.
4. Connect the Probes 1 and 4 to the constant current source.
5. Connect the digital milli-voltmeter and between probes 2 and 3
6. Switch on the Current Source and set the current to say 4 mA
7. Note the Voltage V in the Voltmeter.
8. Switch on the Oven and note down V for different temperatures whiles heating
the sample . Take Observations till temperature is about 180-200 deg C
9. Switch off the oven and repeat the observation while cooling the sample . Find
mean voltage for each sample.
10. Repeat the experiment for another value of current say 6 mA.
11. From the Values of t and s supplied by the manufacturer , find the correction
divisor F(t/s) . Calculate ρ for each reading and plot a graph between ρ and T to
see the variation of resistivity of resistivity with temperature.
12. Plot a Graph between 10T and log10ρ
S.No. Temp.(’C) Temp.(K) Volt.(mV) Voltage(mV) Mean Vol.(mV) (ρ) (1/T)103 log10 ρ
(Heating) (Cooling)
Least Count of Thermometer = 2 ’C.
Distance between the Probes =0.20 cm
Thickness of the Crystal,t =0.05 cm
Correction Factor, F(t/s)= 5.89
F (t/s) = D=0.213 cm Current = 3mA.
Plot between log10ρ and 103
It has been Found that Resistivity of semiconductor decrease with increase in tem-
perature. At low temperature resistvitiy is more and at high temperature resistivity
1. Resistivity for a given semiconductor material decreases with increasing temper-
2. Band Gap energy at room temperature=0.67 eV
Actual Value =0.73 eV
Percantage Error= 0.72−0.67
0.72 ×100=5.97%