FS2 Episode 12
FS2 Episode 12
FS2 Episode 12
FS 12
Resources and Instructional Materials
Revisit the Infographic/s
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Participate and Assist
1. Consult your FS Resource Techer about this episode. Let your teacher know that the task
for this episode is for you to assist the teacher by providing suggestions on resources and
materials that the teacher can use in delivering a lesson on a specific topic.
2. Request your FS Resource Teacher for a topic/lesson he/she will be teaching soon. You
will also need the learning objectives/outcomes for this lesson. Sone teachers may
instruct you to write a complete lesson plan.
3. Refer to these guide points. Consider which ones are applicable. The non-digital or
conventional resource or instructional material:
1. Has accurate and meaningful content
2. Aligns to the learning objectives/outcomes of the lesson
3. Elicits student interest and engagement
4. Is inclusive and free from cultural bias
5. Is developmentally appropriate
6. Fosters critical thinking/aesthetic appreciation
7. Allows collaboration among learners
8. Flexible for group or self-study
9. Time and cost-efficient
b. Fill out the table below.
Subject: Grade Level:
Resources/ Instructional What is the use or purpose of Explain why you selected
Materials you plan to resources/material? Describe how the resources / material
utilize in the lesson. you will use the resources /materials based on the guide points
to attain the learning objectives/ mentioned above. How
outcomes. are these criteria met?
Resources / Instructional What is the use or purpose of Explain why you selected
Materials you plan to resource/material? Describe how the resource/ material
utilize in the lesson. you will use the resources / based on the guide points
materials to attain the learning mentioned above. How
objectives/ outcomes. are these criteria met?
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5. As the situation would permit, try out the resources / materials with the students. Be sure
to follow the steps on using instructional materials found in the Infographics section of
this Episode.
After you participated or assisted in using resources/instructional materials in teaching,
learning, described what you observed and experienced by answering the items below.
1. How did you prepare for this activity?
2. Describe how you or the teacher utilized the resources/ instructional materials. Narrate
your experience as you participated and assisted.
3. What were your feelings and thoughts, while you were assisting with the use of the
What worked well during the activity using the resources/materials?
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What would you have done differently? What would I change? What will make it better next
How does this connect with what you know about selecting and using instructional materials?
2. What do I still need to learn to select and develop resources / instructional materials in
teaching effectively?
3. How can I do to learn more about and practice the use of resources and instructional
1. Doing this episode on selecting and using resources /instructional materials, what
problematic situation / challenges / area of improvement fid I find? _________________
2. List at least three sources that you have read about this problem/challenges/area of
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5. If you will conduct action research, what will be the title (Base this on your answers in
nos. 1-3):
2. Miss Violo told the story of the Giving Tree in her toddler class. She used the book itself
to show the illustration to the two – year – old’s and showed all thirty pages of the book.
Miss Violo struggled just to finish the book because the toddlers were not focusing. Some
lay on the floor stretching; others ran around the room. Which criterion did she fail to
consider in choosing a material?
A. Collaboration among learners
B. Inclusive and free of cultural bias
C. Student interest and engagement
D. Developmental appropriateness
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3. For a theme on Careers, Mr. Menggay let his students watch interview clips of successful
people in business who were all males. The clips seemed to send a message that only men
succeed in the business field. Mr. Menggay did have any follow-up discussion on the
clips. Which criterion in selecting resources/ materials should the teacher have
A. Student interest and engagement
B. Inclusive and free of cultural bias
C. Developmental appropriateness
D. Time and cost-efficient
4. Which of the following gives the learners the most concrete experience?
A. Watching a Theater Play on The Death March
B. Listening to the teacher discuss about the first chapter of Noli Me Tangere
C. Viewing a photo exhibit of the EDSA revolution
D. Independently reading the Biography of Andres Bonifacio
5. A teachers should consider all these criteria for choosing a resource or material,
A. Aligns to the learning objectives/ outcomes of the lesson
B. Is the most expensive therefore the most durable
C. Is inclusive and free from cultural bias
D. Is developmentally appropriate
Work on my Artifacts
Attach pieces of evidence of what you accomplished in this episode.
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