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Module 5: Groups

Characteristics of Groups: Group According to Social Ties

1) The members interact with Primary group

each other over some period -is the basic universal human
of time. relationship. This is the kind of
Through communication they group where the members have
affect and influence one intimate, personal, “face-to-face”
another. relationship.
2) Each member identifies -It is usually characterized by bonds
with the group and is of tenderness, sympathy,
recognized as part of the mutuality of interest and a “we”
group by the other members. feeling.
3) Each member is entitled to -It is in the primary group where
certain privileges and at the members imbibe and internalize
same time is their own
expected to accept certain values, e.g., social, religious,
responsibilities and duties. political, economic and moral values.
4) There is specialization, or Examples: Family, Neighborhood,
role in their activities which is and peer group
carried out by
the members of the group. Secondary group
-is a group which the individual
Overview: comes in contact with later
I. Primary and Secondary Groups in life. It is characterized by
II. In-Groups and Out-groups impersonal, business-like,
III. Reference Groups contractual, formal, and
IV. Social Networks casual relationships.
-It is larger in size, of short duration,
and is physically
Types of Groups: and spatially distant with other
1. Groups according to Social Ties groups.
a. Primary Group -A secondary group is one you have
b. Secondary Group chosen to be
2. Groups according to Self- a part of. They are based on
Identification interests and activities.
a. In-Groups Examples: Employer-employee,
b. Out-Groups doctor-patient, vendor-client
3. Groups according to Purpose relationships, athletic team,
a. Task Group accountant office, etc.
b. Relationship Group
c. Influence Group Social Group According to Self-Identification:
4. Groups according to Social -It is a well-known principle in social
Organization psychology that people define
a. Gemeinschaft themselves in terms of social groupings and
b. Gesselschaft are quick to denigrate others
who don't fit into those groups. Others who cause or ideology. Examples are
share our particular qualities political parties or campaign groups.
are our "in-group," and those who do not
are our "out-group." CONCERT
-are social groups to which an
 A,B,C
individual feels he or she belongs,
while an individual doesn't identify
with is the out-group.  C,D, F
-The In-Group is a group in which an  ENVIRONMENTAL
individual identifies himself and is  PR/MEDIA
given  TICKETS
a sense of belongingness. It can be
as small as the family or as big as
the Social Group: According to Social Organization
nation. It is in this group that the
individual learns to use “my” and 1. Gemeinschaft is a social
“we”. system in which most
Out-Group relationships are personal
-The Out-Group is a group towards or traditional and often both. It is
which one has a feeling of composed of many primary
indifference, groups. Its
strangeness, avoidance and dislike. structure is referred to as
It refers to the members’ position in “community.”
reference to another group or to a 2. Gesellschaft is a society of
group where they do not belong. bargaining and contract.
Relationships are
individualistic, impersonal,
Social Group: According to Purpose formal, contractual and realistic.
This is also
1. Task Group is a group of persons
referred to as “society.”
formed to accomplish jobs, tasks or
obligation. It is similar to a work
group, but operating within a larger Peer pressure: is a social pressure by
organizational context. A task group members of one's peer group to take a
is charged with the responsibility certain action, adopt certain values, or
for making a specific contribution to otherwise conform in order to be
the goals of the parent accepted.
2. Relationship Group is a group of
persons formed to fulfill the feeling of Reference group
companionship. It is similar to a Reference group is a group to which the
“barkada” or peer group. individual refers and with whom heidentifies
3. Influence Group is a group of either consciously or unconsciously. It
persons formed to support a serves as a model to which
particular the individual patterns his lifestyle. It can be
a primary group, status group,
or a professional association, etc. The as a reference group, even though
individual may or may not be a she does not yet belong to this
member of this group. group.
Example of this group: A group It is important to note that a majority of us
of doctors may serve as a rely on multiple reference
reference to an groups. So, Song Kang may not only look to
individual who wants to become his schoolmates to identify
a doctor. social norms, but also his favorite singers to
compare his body size to see if
A reference group is a group to which we
he is of normal weight.
compare ourselves. Reference
groups, such as college freshmen, serve as
a standard to which we measure
our behaviors and attitudes. We use
reference groups in order to guide our
Most reference groups are informal
behavior and attitudes and help us to
reference groups, which mean that
identify social norms.
they are based on the group members'
For example, suppose that Song shared interests and goals. Informal
Kang is an 18-year-old male who groups are not structured with a specific
transfers goal in mind. Group members
to a new school. Song Kang may interact on a very personal level.
pay attention to what his
Examples of informal reference
groups include: Families, a group of
wear, how they speak, where they
hang out, and how they behave.
mothers, peer groups.
Formal reference groups have a
Kang then takes this information and
specific goal or mission. They also
uses it in order to modify his speech,
have a
determine what he wears to school,
specific structure and positions of
how he does his hair, which shows
Examples of formal
watch on television, etc.
referencegroups include:
A group that we have been a part of in the Labor unions, Greenpeace,
past or that we will be a part of PlanetSavers, etc.
in the future can serve as a reference
Example: A married man may still THREE BASIC FUNCTIONS:
look to his single friends as a
1. They serve a normative function
by setting and enforcing standards
group, even though this is a group
that he no longer belongs to. In the
conduct and belief. “The significant
thing about a reference group is, in
token, a woman pregnant with her
fact, that its norms provide frames of
first child may use women with
reference which actually influence
the attitude and behavior of a family bonds are called strong ties.
person.” (T. Newcomb (1953)
The study of social networks is
2. They also perform a comparison called either social network analysis
function by serving as a standard or
against which people can measure social network theory.
themselves and others. Research has indicated that social
networks operate on many levels—
3. They serve not only as sources of from
current evaluation but also as familial to national—and play a
sources of aspiration and goal critical role in determining the ways
attainment (as a means of that
anticipatory problems are solved, the way
socialization). A person who organizations are run, and the
chooses to become a professor or a degree to
lawyer which individuals succeed in
begins to identify with that group and achieving their goals
becomes socialized to have
certain goals and expectations. Social network theory argues that
individual traits and characteristics
usually presumed to have
Social Network: significance actually matter far less
than an
A social network is a social structure individual's relationship and ties to
that exists between actors— other actors in a network. Critics
individuals or organizations. A social argue
network indicates the way that that this perspective diminishes the
people power and agency of the individual.
and organizations are connected
through various social familiarities, Despite these criticisms, sociologists
ranging study social networks because of
from casual acquaintance to close their
familial bonds. influence on individuals. Social
networks are seen as the basic tool
Social networks are composed of individuals use to connect to society.
nodes and ties. The person or
participating in the network is called
Social Network Theory:
a node.
Social Network Theory is the study
Ties are the various types of of how people, organizations or
connections between these nodes. groups
Ties are interact with others inside their
assessed in terms of strength. Loose network. Understanding the theory is
connections, like mere easier
acquaintances, when you examine the individual
are called weak ties. Strong ties, like pieces starting with the largest
element, almost all issues existent in the
which is networks, and working society today.
down to the smallest element, which
is the Social media in general includes all
actor. the means of mass communication
are used by the public in general to
Types of Social Networks: interact with the rest of the society.
Whether it be the more popular tools
1. Ego-centric networks are connected of social media such as Twitter,
with a single node or individual. For Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and
example, you, the node, connected to all Google + or be it the private forums
your close friends. which enable people with a common
2. Socio-centric networks are closed concern to interact with each other,
networks by default. Two commonly social media is playing a great role
used examples of this type of network are in integrating the world as we know
children in a classroom or it.
workers inside an organization.
3. In open-system networks, the boundary
lines are not clearly defined. A
Importance of Social Media:
few examples in this type of network are
America's elite class, The importance of social media can’t
connections between corporations, or the be denied in the world where
chain of influencers of a everyone is interested in becoming
particular decision. Due to the lack of popular. Being a celebrity is no more
clearly-defined boundaries, this localized to a few people in movies,
type of network is considered the most sports or politics.
difficult to study.
Social media has given birth to a
new category of celebrities called
Social Media the
social media celebrities. The
Most of the countries across the people with unique talent or
world call media as the fourth pillar knowledge are
of no more in need of a major break so
democracy. as to able to make the public listen
Many of the emotions of the them. If you have the talent and
democratic nation are expressed social media on your side, any talent
through that is
media. In today’s world this pillar is worthwhile can easily find its worth.
supported by the social media to a
great Importance of Social Media: Social
extent. For the general public that Nature
may not be able to access the main
Another manner in which social
stream media as easily, social media
media has greatly contributed in
has become a means of expression
our world a better place is by CULTURAL, SOCIAL, & POLITICAL
raising socially-important issues. INSTITUTIONS
So whether
Module 6
it is the breast cancer awareness
campaign on Instagram or the I. KINSHIP, MARRIAGE, AND THE
video of Alia Bhatt talking about girls’ II. POLITICAL & LEADERSHIP
safety gone viral. STRUCTURES
The social media has started to talk IV. NON-STATE INSTITUTIONS
about the issues which were never V. EDUCATION
talked before. Through the social VI. RELIGION AND BELIEF SYSTEMS
media, the general public has VII. HEALTH
started to
talk about the issues that earlier
made them uncomfortable. In this KINSHIP, MARRIAGE, AND THE
social media has helped the society
take a big step towards reality. KINSHIP
Kinship means relationships based on blood
or marriage. Every society defines
Importance of Social Media: Commercial the nature of kinship interaction by
Aspect determining which kin are more socially
important than others, terms to classify kin
The above mentioned roles are of a types, and expected forms of behavior
more social nature. We now move between them.
on to
talk about a more commercial 1. Fictive kinship – people who are
aspect of social media. not related by blood or marriage
2. Consanguineal kin – kinship
Since the social media has a huge based on bloodline
audience, it has made a very 3. Affinal kin – kinship based on
popular marriage
mode of advertisement and Kinship can refer both to the patterns of
marketing. More and more business social relationships themselves, or it can
organizations are using social media refer to the study of the patterns of social
to connect with their target relationships in one or more human
customers cultures.
and serve them better. An example
of the same is the fact that most Over its history, anthropology has
major developed a number of related concepts
business houses proudly host and
Facebook and Twitter pages. Hence terms in the study of kinship, such as
we see descent, descent group, lineage, affinity,
that social media has a major role to and consanguinity.
play in changing the world we live in.
KINSHIP BY BLOOD consequences, and incidents are governed
Descent: A group in which membership by law and not subject to stipulation, except
depends on common descent from a that marriage settlements may fix the
real or mythical ancestor. property relations during the marriage within
the limits provided by this Code.
A. Unileal Descent: a group in which
membership may rest either on
patrilineal descent (patrilineage) or on
matrilineal descent (matrilineage).
B. Cognatic Descent: refers to  Marriage officially starts with the
descendants of an ancestor who enjoy ceremony known as wedding or in a
membership of a common descent holy
group by virtue of any combination matrimony.
of male or female linkages.  A marital relationship involves some
kind of contract, written or specified by
tradition, which defines the partners’
KINSHIP BY MARRIAGE rights and obligations to each other, to
their children, and their relatives.
 Marriage is an institution that admits Sociologically, marriage is a partnership
men and women to family life. It is a between a man and a woman
formal prescription which defines the formalized by either a religious or a civil
rights, duties and privileges of husband ceremony.
and wife with respect to each other, their
children, their relatives, and the society
1. Polygamy is the marriage of a man to
-Religious POV: marriage is a sacrament several women. Polygyny is a form of
and is an inviolable bond which can only marriage in which one man marries
be dissolved upon death of one of the more than one woman at a given time.
spouses. Polyandry is the marriage of one woman
with more than one man. It is less
-Legal POV: marriage is a contract entered common than polygyny.
into by a man and a woman who vow to live 2. Monogamy is a form of marriage in
together as husband and wife for the which one man marries one woman. It is
discharge of their duties to each other and the most common and acceptable form
to the community. of marriage. Serial monogamy happens
when an individual is allowed to marry
again after the death of the first spouse
or after divorce but they cannot have
more than one spouse at one and the
same time.
Article 1. Marriage is a special contract of 3. Group Marriage is a type of marriage of
permanent union between a man and a two or more women with two or more
woman entered into in accordance with law men. Here the husbands are common
for the establishment of conjugal and family husbands and wives are common wives.
life. It is the foundation of the family and an Children are regarded as the children of
inviolable social institution whose nature, the entire group as a whole.
1. Patrilineal family is a group whose
KINSHIP BY RITUAL members trace their relationships and
Ritual kinship in the form of godparenthood affiliations with relatives on the father
played an important role in side.
strengthening and extending the ties of 2. Matrilineal family refers to a family
kinship, as it did in much of Latin America. whose members trace their relationships
Parents selected godparents for a child at and affiliations with relatives on the
his or her baptism, confirmation, and mother side.
marriage. 3. Bilateral family refers to a family whose
Ideal co-parents: married couples. Family members trace their
relationships and affiliations with
relatives on both parents.
I. Based on Internal Organization
IV. Based on Who Wields Power
1. Conjugal family: a nuclear family of
adult partners and their children (by birth 1. Patriarchal is one in which family
or adoption) where the family authority is vested in the oldest male
relationship is principally focused inward member of the family, the patriarch or
and ties to extended kin are voluntary the father.
and based on emotional bonds, rather 2. Matriarchal is one in which Family
than strict duties and obligations. The authority is exercised by the mother who
spouses and their children are dominates the household.
considered to be of prime importance 3. Egalitarian family is one where both
and other more distant relatives less husband and wife exercise equal
important. The marriage bond is amount of authority and enjoy the same
important and stressed. rights and privileges.
2. Extended family: a family unit that
extends past the nuclear family to V. Based on Residence
include other relatives such as aunts, 1. Patrilocal is a family where in the
uncles, and grandparents. It consists of newly-married couple lives with or near
two or more nuclear families living the home of the groom’s parents.
together. 2. Matrilocal is a family where in the
newly-married couple resides with or
near the home of the bride’s parents.
II. Based on Origin 3. Bilocal is a family where in the newly-
1. The Family of Orientation: It is a group weds choose to stay with either the
in which we are born and reared. It is groom or the bride’s parents.
the family where everyone grows up 4. Neolocal is a family where in the couple
from. resides independently from either groom
2. The Family of Pro-creation: It is the or bride’s parent.
family we establish when we marry and 5. Avunculocal is a family where in the
have children of our own. couple is prescribed to reside with or
near the domicile of the maternal uncle
of the groom.
III. Based on Descent

 Kinship politics is built based on the  A political organization is any entity that
classic political principle “blood is is involved in the political process.
thicker than water.” Political organization includes political
 It asserts that power should be institution, political parties, and political
distributed among family members. For groups, e.g. advocacy groups, interest
the sake of family security, power groups, etc.
should not be seized from those who  Political Organization is the existence of
have kinship connections and must be groups for the purposes of controlling
circulated only among those who are people’s behavior and maintaining
tied by blood. social order or the distribution of power
 The concept gave rise to political within a group.
dynasties – the rule of families in the
political arena.
Societies differ in their political
 The concept is accepted by reference to
organization based on three key
the fact that politics is often replete with
adversity, conflict, and betrayal, known
as the Brutus syndrome. 1) Extent to which political institutions are
 Politicians seem to put more trust in distinct from other aspects of the social
their own family members than others, structure.
because they are unlikely to betray 2) Extent to which authority is concentrated
them. into specific political roles.
3) Level of political integration.


 Political Science is the systematic study 2.Tribes
of the state and government. The word
“political” is derived from the Greek word 3.Chiefdom
polis, meaning a city, or what today
would be the equivalent of a sovereign
state. The word “science” comes from
the Latin word scire, “to know.”
 Political science is a social science BAND
discipline concerned with the study of  Band is a basic social unit found in
thestate, nation, government, and many foraging societies. It is
politics and policies of government. characterized by being kinship-based
Aristotledefined it as the study of the and having no permanent political
state. It deals extensively with the theory structure. It has flexible membership.
andpractice of politics, and the analysis Most bands number between 20 and 50
of political systems, political behavior, people. It may make up larger group
andpolitical culture. that congregates from time to time.
Conflicts within bands are minimal and power. In fact, many chiefdoms practice
are solved informally. redistribution, in which goods are
 Bands are integrated by kinship and accumulated by one central person or
marriage and not by politics. power, who then decides how to
There are no political allegiances. allocate them among the people.
Political life is embedded within the
wider social structure. Leadership roles
in band societies are informal. STATE
All members are equal, with leaders
having authority or influence  A State is a community of persons more
based on respect, but not coercive or less numerous, permanently
power. Leadership often changes. occupying a definite portion of territory,
having a government of their own to
TRIBES which the great body of inhabitants’
render obedience, and enjoying freedom
 Tribes comprise several bands or
from external control.
lineage groups. They share a similar
 The four elements of the State are
language and lifestyle. They occupy a
people, territory, government and
distinct territory. They are often
sovereignty. A government is an
connected through clan structure, where
institution by which people makes and
people claim descent from a common
carries out laws to enable them to live in
a state of rule and order, or that which
 Tribes are more formal than a band.
are imposed upon by powerful men for
Kinship is still the primary basis for
the people to obey.
membership. They comprise 100 to
 A state, officially speaking, is a
several thousands of people. Tribes are
centralized political unit that governs a
associated with horticulture and
large population, with a hierarchy of
differing political positions and the
 Tribes have more formal leadership than
power to enforce its decisions. It
band. Qualifications include hard
includes a bureaucratic structure.
worker, generous, and good social
Leaders possess coercive power. Thus,
a state is the most formal and complex
form of political

 Chiefdom is a political unit headed by a

chief, who holds power over more than
one community group. With more than
one community involved, chiefdoms are
usually more densely populated. Also, AUTHORITY: refers to the power or
as the name chief implies, chiefdoms right to give commands, enforce
are not egalitarian but instead have obedience, take action, or make final
social rank, with the chief and his family decisions; jurisdiction.
holding power.
1. Legal Authority
 Since chiefs are usually chosen by
heredity, this usually gives his family 2. TraditionalAuthority
and their inner circle the reigns to
3. CharismaticAuthority charisma),not because of any tradition
or legal rules.
 Officials consist of those who have
LEGAL AUTHORITY shown personal devotion to the ruler,
and of
 Legal authority is based on a system those who possess their own charisma.
of rules that is applied
administratively and judicially in
accordance with known principles.
The persons who administer those
rules are appointed or elected by
legal procedures.
 Superiors are also subject to rules
that limit their powers, separate their ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION
private lives from official duties and
require written documentation.  Economic organization is defined as
the act of coordinating the other
factors of
production – land, labor and capital.
Organization is performed by the
 Traditional authority is based on a entrepreneur
system in which authority is described as the “captain of
legitimate because it "has always industry.”
existed". People in power usually
enjoy it because they have inherited
 Officials consist either of personal
retainers (in a patrimonial regime) or 1) Property is best understood as a
of personal loyal allies, such as socially acknowledge right rather
vassals or tributary lords (in a feudal than as a
regime). Their prerogatives are material object. It involves the right
usually similar to those of the ruler of ownership which differs from a
above them, just reduced in scale, simplepossession over goods or
and they too are often selected commodities.
based on inheritance. 2) Economic Exchange is the process
by which individuals and
organizations giveeach other
valuable goods and services in
return for different goods and
 Charismatic authority is based on the services.
charisma of the leader, who shows that 3) Division of Labor refers to the
he distribution of work in reference to
possesses the right to lead by virtue of age, gender,
magical powers, prophecies, heroism, skill or qualification. In an economic
etc.His followers respect his right to lead organization, tasks are specialized
because of his unique qualities (his and
there is interdependence among
various statuses and roles.
4) Economic Socialization is the
process by which people learn the
values and
behavior needed to fill positions in CORPORATION
the economic community.
5) Price refers to the monetary value of  A corporation is a legal entity that is
goods and services. It is determined separate and distinct from its
by owners.
the interplay of supply and demand. Corporations enjoy most of the rights
6) Law of Supply and Demand states and responsibilities that an individual
that when demand is greater than possesses; that is, a corporation has
supply, the right to enter into contracts, loan
the price increases; and when and borrow money, sue and be
supply is greater than demand, price sued, hire employees, own assets
decreases. and pay taxes. It is often referred to
as a "legal person“.
 A corporation is created when it is
TYPES OF ECONOMIC ORGANIZATIONS incorporated by a group of
shareholders who have ownership of
1) Sole proprietorship the corporation, represented by their
2) Partnership holding of common stock, in order to
3) Corporation pursue a common objective.
4) Cooperatives

 Cooperative is a business
 Sole proprietorship is known as a organization which is established for
“one-man business.” It is an the purpose of providing services on
economic a non-profit basis to its shareholders
organization in which the proprietor or members who own and control it.
solely manages the business and The nature and functions of
undertakes the risks of the business. cooperatives differ considerably—
The proprietor owns capital and such as purchasing cooperatives,
performs all the functions of an consumer cooperatives, and
entrepreneur. marketing cooperatives.


 Partnership is a type of economic 1) Credit Cooperative is one that
organization where business is promotes and undertakes savings and
carried on by two or more men lending services among its members. It
called partners. It is a business generates a common pool of funds in
arrangement in which two or more order to provide financial assistance and
individuals share the capital, profits other related financial services to its
and liabilities of a business venture. members for productive and provident
2) Consumer’s Cooperative is one the  Non-state institutions or actors
primary purpose of which is to procure include organizations and individuals
and distribute commodities to members that are not affiliated with, directed
and non-members by, or funded through the
3) Producer’s Cooperative is one that government.
undertakes a joint production
whetheragricultural or industrial
4) Marketing Cooperative is one which BANKS
engages in the supply of production  Bank is a financial institution which
inputs to members and markets their deals with deposits and advances
product and other related services. It
5) Service Cooperative – is one which receives money from those who
engages in medical and dental care, want to save in the form of deposits
hospitalization, transportation, and it lends money to those who
insurance, housing, labor, electric, light need it.
power, communication, professional and Three main functions:
other services
1) Banks are where people can
6) Multipurpose Cooperative – is one
safely deposit their savings, which
which combines two (2) or more of
banks then pay interest on. If there
thebusiness activities of these different
were no banks, people would have
types of cooperatives.
to store and protect
their savings themselves, which
would involve major risks.
FUNCTIONS OF ECONOMIC 2) Banks are largely responsible for
INSTITUTIONS the payments system. Electronic
I. The economic organization provides payments
physical subsistence for the society are becoming more important as
people use less cash. This means
II. The economy generates and that banks
incorporates social changes for the 3) are processing more card
continuity of society payments, transfers, direct debits,
etc. every day.
III. The economy maintains balance with
Banks issue loans to both people
the other social systems and among its
and companies. Without banks, it
social subsistence in the production,
would be very hard for people to
distribution and consumption of
buy a home or start a business, or
economic goods and services.
for companies to
IV. Economic institutions indicate the make investments, for example:
nature of social stratification in the
society. It also shows class mobility in
relation to status differentials.


 A corporation is a company or group relationships with employers. This
of people authorized to act as a can sometimes take the form of a
single entity and recognized as such partnership agreement between the
in law. Early incorporated entities employer and the trade union which
were established by charter. Most identifies their common interests and
jurisdictions now allow the creation objectives.
of new corporations through
 Corporations come in many different TRANSNATIONAL ADVOCACY GROUPS
types but are usually divided by the
law of the jurisdiction where they are  Advocates and advocacy groups
chartered into two kinds: by whether represent a wide range of categories
or not they can issue stock or by and support several issues as listed
whether or not they are for profit. on worldadvocacy.com. The
Advocacy Institute, a US-based
global organization, for example, is
dedicated to strengthening the
capacity of political, social, and
 Cooperative is a firm owned, economic justice advocates to
controlled, and operated by a group influence and change public policy.
of users for their own benefit. Each  The phenomenon of globalization
member contributes equity capital, draws a special attention to
and shares in the control of the firm advocacy beyond countries’ borders.
on the basis of one-member, one- Transnational advocacy networks
vote. are more likely to emerge around
 A cooperative is an autonomous issues where external influence is
association of persons united necessary to ease the
voluntarily to meet their common communication between internal
economic, social, and cultural needs groups and their own government.
and aspirations through a jointly- Groups of advocates willing to
owned and democratically-controlled further their mission also tend to
enterprise. promote networks and to meet with
their internal counterparts to
exchange ideas.

 A trade union is an organization DEVELOPMENT AGENCIES

made up of members (a
membership-based  Every state and many local
organization) and its membership governments have economic
must be made up mainly of workers. development agencies dedicated to
 One of a trade union's main aims is assisting new and established
to protect and advance the interests businesses start, grow and succeed.
of its members in the workplace. Services provided by these agencies
 Most trade unions are independent typically include:
of any employer. However, trade
unions try to develop close working
1) Startup advice, training and community-based economic
resources enterprises. In many cases, they will
2) Financial assistance with loans, need technical assistance or advice
grants and tax-exempt bonds from governmental agencies or
3) Business location and site selection higher-level NGOs.
assistance d. Employee recruitment  Supporting Innovation,
and training assistance Demonstration and Pilot Projects:
NGO have the
advantage of selecting particular
NGO places for innovative projects and
specify in
 A non-governmental organization advance the length of time which
(NGO) is a not-for-profit organization they will be supporting the project -
that is overcoming some of the
independent from states and shortcomings that governments face
international governmental in this respect. NGOs can also be
organizations. pilots for larger government projects
 They are usually funded by by virtue of their ability to act more
donations but some avoid formal quickly than the government
funding altogether and are run bureaucracy.
primarily by volunteers.  Facilitating Communication:
 NGOs are highly diverse groups of NGOs use interpersonal methods of
organizations engaged in a wide communication, and study the right
range of entry points whereby they gain the
activities, and take different forms in trust of
different parts of the world. Some the community they seek to benefit.
may have charitable status, while They would also have a good idea of
others may be registered for tax the
exemption based on recognition of feasibility of the projects they take
social purposes. Others may be up. The significance of this role to
fronts for political, religious, or other the
interests. government is that NGOs can
communicate to the policy-making
levels of
ROLES OF NGO government, information about the
lives, capabilities, attitudes and
 Development and Operation of cultural
Infrastructure: Community-based characteristics of people at the local
organizations (CBOs) and level.
cooperatives can acquire, subdivide
 Technical Assistance and
and develop land, construct housing,
Training: Training institutions and
provide infrastructure and operate
NGOs can develop a technical
and maintain infrastructure such as
assistance and training capacity and
wells or public toilets and solid waste
use this to assist both CBOs and
collection services.
They can also develop building
 Research, Monitoring and
material supply centers and other
Evaluation: Innovative activities
need to be carefully documented works through conversation and
and shared - effective participatory dialogue, and the exploration and
monitoring would permit the sharing enlargement of experience.
of results with the people
themselves as well as with the
project staff. AIMS OF EDUCATION
 Advocacy for and with the Poor:
In some cases, NGOs become 1) Individual Aim
spokespersons or ombudsmen for 2) Social Aim
the poor and attempt to influence 3) Vocational Aim
government policies and programs 4) Intellectual Aim
on their behalf. This may be done 5) Cultural Aim
through a variety of means ranging 6) Moral Aim
from demonstration and pilot 7) Good Citizenship
projects to participation in public
forums and the formulation of
government policy and plans, to INDIVIDUAL AIM
publicizing research results and
 Development as an individual
case studies of the poor. Thus
 Moral or Spiritual Development
NGOs play roles from advocates for
the poor to implementers of  Cultural Development
government programs; from  Harmonious Development
agitators and critics to partners and  Promote Positive PhysicalDevelopment
advisors; from sponsors of pilot  Development of a right personality
projects to mediators.  Development of Good Citizenship
 Development of Good Leadership
 Emotional & Mental Development
EDUCATION  Character Building

 Education is the process of facilitating

learning, or the acquisition of
knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and
habits.  Through education the individual child
 The methodology of teaching is called should be provided with
pedagogy. the require assistance to become a
useful and well-adjusted
1) Formal Education is imparted by direct member of the society, irrespective of
instruction. A formal educatiopan the socioeconomic status.
program is the process of training and
developing people in knowledge,
skills,mind, and character in a structured VOCATIONAL AIM
and certified program.  Education should prepare the child to
2) Informal Education comes about earn his livelihood so that
indirectly; the learner often is unaware he can lead a productive life in the
thathe is having a learning experience. society
Informal education is a spontaneous
process of helping people to learn. It
INTELLECTUAL AIM earn its livelihood getting proper
education, which has productivity. The
 Development of intelligence through education
education will enable the should be imparted according to the
child to lead an independent life with own interest of the child.
confidence. 5) Developing personality: The whole
CULTURAL AIM personality of the child is developed
physically, intellectually, morally,
 By undergoing education child becomes socially, aesthetically and spiritually. He
cultured & civilized. is
Cultural development is through recognized in the society.
development of aesthetic 6) Helping for adjustability:Man differs
sense & respect for others’ culture. from a beast. Man has reasoning and
thinking power. Man tries his best to
adjust to his own environment through

 Moral values like honesty, loyalty,

tolerance, justice, self-control FUNCTIONS TOWARDS THE SOCIETY
& sincerity promote the social efficiency
of an individual  Social change and control: helps us to
keep up with the development of
science and technology.
 Reconstruction of experiences: helps
the individual to reconstruct the
 Education enable the children to grow experience and adjust with the
as productive citizens by environment. Education is a life-long
following the social & moral standards process.
set by the society  Development of social and moral
value: teaches the moral value and
social value like co-operation, tolerance,
FUNCTIONS OF EDUCATION sympathy, we feeling, love/ affection,
1) Development of inborn towards elders, helping the poor and the
potentialities:Education helps the child needy persons.
to develop the inborn potentialities of  Providing opportunity or equality: in
child providing scope to develop. terms of opportunities and privileges in
2) Modifying behavior: Education helps all
to modify the past behavior through aspects of society.
learning and through different agencies
of education.
3) All-around development: Education
aims at the well-rounded development
of the learner-physical, mental, social,
emotional, and spiritual.  Inculcation of civic and social
4) Preparing for the future: After responsibility: helps to make rising
completion of education the child can generation to understand its rights and
duties as citizens of a democratic structure, and a codification of rules and
country. practices.
 Training for leadership: The
leadership quality of the individual is
when he participates in all spheres of RELIGION
social, political, religious and
educational activities. 1. Beliefs
 National integration: We are living in 2. Symbols
one country having diversities in respect 3. Rituals
of color of skin, economic status, dialect, 4. Magic and supernatural Events
food preferences, and mode of dressing, 5. Hierarchy
habits and physical environment. 6. Propitation
 Total national development: helps for BELIEFS
bringing about total national
development by developing all sectors Religious beliefs are expressed in the form
i.e. social, economic, cultural, spiritual, of doctrines, articles
moral, educational, etc. of faith and the like. Examples: a. Christian
believes in the
authority of the Holy Bible b. Mormons
based their beliefs in the
Book of Mormon c. Muslims adheres to the
RELIGION teachings of the
 Religion is a set of beliefs concerning
the cause, nature, and purpose of the
universe, especially when considered as
the creation of a superhuman
agency or agencies, usually involving  The principal function of religious
devotional and ritual observances, symbols is to emphasize the
and often containing a moral code character and meaning of supernatural
governing the conduct of human affairs. forces and mysteries.
 Religion is a specific fundamental set of  Examples:
beliefs and practices generally a. Cross is to the Christians
agreed upon by a number of persons or b. Crescent Moon is to the Muslims
 Institutionalized religion is a social
institution in which belief  Ritualistic beliefs are prescribed for
systems and rituals are systematically believers. These included the
arranged and formally offering of human and non-human
established. sacrifices, feasts, dances,
 Organized religion is typically processionals, chanting, and birth or
characterized by an official death rites. Also include
doctrine (or dogma), a hierarchical or prayer, song and meditation.
bureaucratic leadership
 The belief that all things have a spirit or
 The employment of magic is performed soul, including animals,
and the supernatural plants, rivers, mountains, stars, the
occurrences employed in certain moon, and the sun
aspects or circumstances. To  Each being is considered a spirit that
apply it, rituals are performed. This is a can offer help or harm to
form of contact to the humans. As such, spirits must either be
forces beyond human understanding to worshiped or appeased.
draw favorable Animists offer sacrifices, prayers,
responses from followers. dances, or other forms of
devotions to these spirits in hopes of
blessing upon areas of life
HIERARCHY (crops, health, fertility, etc.) or for
protection from harm.
 Many religions are characterized by
hierarchical arrangement of
personnel. For example, Roman
Catholic clergymen perform
administrative duties within the church  Most Hindus worship one Being of
and its leader is the ultimate oneness (Brahman) through
Pope, the traditional successor of infinite representations of gods and
Apostle Peter. goddesses. The other deities in its
godhead are Vishnu, the Preserver, and
Shiva, the Destroyer. These various
manifestations of gods and goddesses
PROPITATION become incarnate within idols, temples,
gurus, rivers,
 The ritual is intimately connected with animals, etc.
the idea of propitiation  Hindus believe their position in this
which refers to the behavior deemed present life was determined by their
pleasing to the deity or actions in a previous life. Hinduism
gods. It is both positive and negative. therefore provides a possible
explanation for suffering and evil in this
WORLD RELIGIONS AND THEIR  Hindus believe in the doctrines of
BELIEFS samsara (the continuous cycle of life,
1. Animism death, and reincarnation) and
2. Hinduism karma(the universal law of cause and
3. Buddhism effect).
4. Islam
5. Christianity
6. Monotheism
7. Polytheism
 Buddhists do not worship any gods or  In his life on Earth, Jesus did not
God. identify himself as a prophet
 Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) not pointing to God or as a teacher of
divine or a god. He is the enlightened enlightenment. Rather, Jesus
one claimed to be God in human form. He
(reached nirvana). performed miracles,
 Buddhists are also striving to attain forgave people of their sin and said that
spiritual enlightenment and, with it, anyone who believed in
freedom from the continuous cycle of life him would have eternal life.
and death.  The two most significant events in the
 Most Buddhists believe a person has life of Christ are the
countless rebirths, which inevitably sacrifice of his crucifixion and his
include suffering. resurrection, which is the core
 The goal Buddhist is to purify one's of the Christian faith.
heart and to let go of all yearnings
sensual desires and the attachment to


 Muslims believe there is the one
almighty God, named Allah, who is
infinitely superior to and transcendent
DEFINITION Belief in a Belief of
from humankind. Allah is viewed as singular multiple
the creator of the universe and the God deities,
source of all good and all evil. The gods and
Prophet Muhammad is the Messenger goddesses
of God. RELIGIONS Christianity Zoroastrian
 Though a Muslim honors several , Judaism, ism,
prophets, Muhammad is considered the Islam Hinduism,
last prophet and his words and lifestyle Jainism,
are that person's authority. Buddhism,
 At death -- based on one's faithfulness Shinto,
to these duties -- a Muslim hopes to
COMMAND The One There are
enter Paradise. If not, they will be
MENT True God numerous
eternally punished in hell. CONCERNIN Alone is to deities,
G WORSHIP be each
worshipped worthy of

 Christians believe in a loving God who

has revealed himself and PRINCIPLE OF SEPARATION OF
can be known in a personal way, in this CHURCH AND THE STATE
 The principle simply means that the  Most people would define health as “the
Church is not to interfere in purely absence of disease.”
political matters or temporal aspects of  The World Health Organization (WHO)
man’s life and the State, in purely defines health as “a state of complete
matters of religion and morals, which physical, mental and social well-being
are the exclusive concerns of the and not merely the absence of disease
other. or infirmity.”
 The State shall have no official religion.
The State cannot set up a church,
whether or not supported with funds; nor BASIC CONDITIONS NECESSARY FOR
aid one religion, aid all religions, MAINTAINING GOOD HEALTH
or prefer one religion over another.
Every person is free to profess belief or  Proper diet. For keeping good health,
disbelief in any religion. we should take a balanced diet
 Meaning of “establishment of religion containing required amount of essential
clause.” Every religious minister is nutrients like proteins, vitamins, etc.
free to practice his calling; and the State  Personal and domestic hygiene
cannot punish a person for  Clean food, water and air
entertaining or professing religious  Relaxation
beliefs or disbeliefs. In the Preamble –  Avoid bad habits or vices
The command that Church and State be  Regular physical exercise and walk is
separate is not to be interpreted to also necessary to keep the body fit and
mean hostility to religion. remain healthy.
 Have regular sleep. Sleep helps
restore your body’s energy, repair
ARTICLE II, SECTION 6, 1987 CONSTI muscle tissue and triggers the
release of hormones that effect
SECTION 6. The Separation of church and growth and appetite.
State are inviolable.

 The government shall not favor any

religion, support them with public funds, MEDICAL PLURALISM
or even stablish or set up a church.
 Medical pluralism is the adoption of
 The church should not be involved in
more than one medical system, or the
political issues or matters.
simultaneous integration of both
orthodox medicines with complementary
 The state shall not have official religion.  Culture-specific syndromes and
 The state cannot set up a church illnesses (e.g., “bughat,””usog,” “buyag”)
 Everyone has the freedom to profess  In medicine and medical anthropology, a
their belied or disbelief in any religion culture-bound syndrome, culture
specific syndrome or folk illness is a
combination of psychiatric and somatic
symptoms that are considered to be a
recognizable disease only within a
specific society or culture.
EXAMPLES  Alternative medicine consists of a
wide range of health care practices,
 "Bughat"(Ilonggo term) or
products, and therapies. The shared
"Binat"(Tagalog version) is the term
feature is a claim to heal that is not
used to refer to
based on the scientific method.
the ailments(headache, chills, body
 Alternative medicine practices may
pains, malaise, dizziness, muscle
be classified by their cultural origins
weakness, and in some it is blindness) a
or by the types of beliefs upon which
mother experiences after giving birth or
they are based.
after having suffered abortion or
 Different cultures may have their
miscarriage is she did not follow certain
own unique traditional or belief
rituals after childbirth.
based practices developed recently
 Usog/Buyag is a Filipino superstition
or over thousands of years, and
that attributes an illness to the greeting
specific practices or entire systems
of a stranger. It is believed that young
of practices.
children are susceptible to usog.
 Filipino parents worry when they catch a
stranger expressing fondness for their HEALTH AS A HUMAN RIGHT
child or even just looking fondly at their
child. If the stranger senses this, the  The human right to health means
stranger will sometimes say Pwera that everyone has the right to the
usog... (“excluding usog“) meaning highest
he/she understands that the parents are attainable standard of physical and
worried of usog. If parents get really mental health, which includes
anxious, they will ask the stranger to access to all medical services,
lawayan ang bata (place saliva on the sanitation, adequate food, decent
child) para hindi mausog (in order not housing, healthy working conditions,
to be victim and a clean environment.
of usog)  The human right tohealth means
that everyone has the right to the
FOLK MEDICINE attainable standard of physical
and mental health, which includes
 Folk medicine is a phenomenon in access to all medical services,
which physical illness appear to be sanitation, adequate food, decent
cured by means other than those of housing, healthy working conditions,
drugs, surgery, manipulations, and a clean environment.
psychological methods or common MODULE 7: SOCIAL AND
sense; a prerequisite of healing is POLITICAL STRATIFICATION
belief in the healers’ powers, or
belief that the sufferer will recover, A. SOCIAL DESIREABLES
or belief that God wills recovery from (WEALTH, POWER, PRESTIGE)
the particular ailment.
Social Stratification (Inequalities)
- defined as the arrangement of any
social group or society into a
hierarchy of positions that are
unequal with regard to power,
property, social evaluation and/or
psychic. A particular form of social
- Stratisfication is a process of
interactionor diffentation whereby
some people come to rank higher
than others.

Components of Social Stratification

1. Social Class: level or category
where persons have more or less
the same social-economic privileges
in society.
2. Social Status: position of an
individual or group within a social
3.Social Role: behavior expected of
a person who occupies a particular
Basis of social stratification

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