UCSPOL Reviewer
UCSPOL Reviewer
UCSPOL Reviewer
Kinship politics is built based on the A political organization is any entity that
classic political principle “blood is is involved in the political process.
thicker than water.” Political organization includes political
It asserts that power should be institution, political parties, and political
distributed among family members. For groups, e.g. advocacy groups, interest
the sake of family security, power groups, etc.
should not be seized from those who Political Organization is the existence of
have kinship connections and must be groups for the purposes of controlling
circulated only among those who are people’s behavior and maintaining
tied by blood. social order or the distribution of power
The concept gave rise to political within a group.
dynasties – the rule of families in the
political arena.
Societies differ in their political
The concept is accepted by reference to
organization based on three key
the fact that politics is often replete with
adversity, conflict, and betrayal, known
as the Brutus syndrome. 1) Extent to which political institutions are
Politicians seem to put more trust in distinct from other aspects of the social
their own family members than others, structure.
because they are unlikely to betray 2) Extent to which authority is concentrated
them. into specific political roles.
3) Level of political integration.
Cooperative is a business
Sole proprietorship is known as a organization which is established for
“one-man business.” It is an the purpose of providing services on
economic a non-profit basis to its shareholders
organization in which the proprietor or members who own and control it.
solely manages the business and The nature and functions of
undertakes the risks of the business. cooperatives differ considerably—
The proprietor owns capital and such as purchasing cooperatives,
performs all the functions of an consumer cooperatives, and
entrepreneur. marketing cooperatives.