Heartfailure Management in Plab
Heartfailure Management in Plab
Heartfailure Management in Plab
Pathophysiology of HF
• In heart failure, the pumping ability of the heart is reduced.
• When heart’s pumping ability reduced, the pressure generated by the heart going to be reduced
even though circulating blood volume remained unchanged.
The very important point is: In heart failure, patient has normal/high plasma volume in
the body. However, his hormonal systems sense that the patient is hypovolemic. So those
hormonal systems works against hypovolemia and retain more fluid. How?
• More accumulation of fluid compromise the hearts pumping ability further and this becomes a
vicious cycle.
• Therefore, if you want to treat the heart failure, you must break this vicious cycle at some point.
We break this vicious cycle by blocking the actions of those hormones involve here. How?
This is how we developed the new strategy to treat Chronic heart failure (CHF).
All those medications in the chart (together with nitrates) have shown increase the prognostic value
(reduce the mortality) in chronic heart failure patients.
Beta-blockers reduce the contractility of the cardiac muscles. So, avoid giving in an acute severe heart
failure conditions ex: in severe pulmonary edema. However, when the condition improved, beta-
blockers can be introduced very slowly.
Very severe Acute HF patients specially with low BP can be managed with ionotrops, NIPPV or CPAP
1. C 10. E
2. E 11. A
3. D 12. B
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9. B