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Orina Episode1 FS1

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School Facilities Observation Checklist

Facilities / Description Will it contribute to the

students learning and
development. Why?
Office of the Principal / The principal's office is a Students learning
lovely space. It has a that they are responsible
working air conditioner. It for their choices and
is very clean and the experiencing the
ambiance is okay. The consequences of those
principal's table is a choices allows children a
gigantic glass-topped chance to develop critical
table. The design of the thinking skills. It also
room is minimal. teaches them to take
responsibility for their
choices and to live with
the outcome of those
Library / The school library is well- The library is a learning
organized. It is a large area where students can
library on the school's do independent study,
ground level, with various utilize computers, access
bookstands and shelves. the internet, use
In these bookstands and equipment and research
cabinets, books are resources, organize
stacked neatly in special events like author
alphabetical order. It visits and book clubs, and
includes a huge variety of tutoring and testing.
books on many topics, as
well as storybooks, comic
books, biographies, and
Counseling Room
Canteen/Cafeteria / A canteen a place where Well planned school
food is provided in a canteens support student
military camp, college or development and
other organization, or a learning. They provide
small container for adequate nutrition which
holding drinking liquids. A gives students and staff
cafeteria in college where high energy levels and
all the kids go to eat is an prevents diseases, such
example of a canteen.  as obesity and anemia,
which are related to poor
Medical Clinic / It is a place within the The school health
school wherein primary services are vitally
care is rendered to a sick necessary in order to
patient. provide first aid and
triage for illness and
injuries, to provide direct
services for students with
special needs, and to
provide health counseling
and education for
students, staff, and
Audio Visual/Learning
Resource Center
Science Laboratory / Science laboratory It helps students learn to
experiences provide address the challenges
opportunities for students inherent in directly
to interact directly with observing and
the material world (or with manipulating the material
data drawn from the world, including
material world), using the troubleshooting
tools, data collection equipment used to make
techniques, models, and observations,
theories of science. understanding
measurement error, and
interpreting and
aggregating the resulting
Gymnasium / A gymnasium is a room The main objective of the
in a building meant for gym is to help the
sports or athletic students develop more
activities. An example of strength and stamina in
a gymnasium is the room terms of their health and
in a school where kids go other activities.
for physical education
and get to play basketball
and other sports.
Outdoor/Garden / School gardens are a School gardens programs
wonderful way to use the not only promote healthy
schoolyard as a lifestyles in children, but
classroom, reconnect have also been shown to
students with the natural improve children's
world and the true source behavior and
of their food, and teach performance at school
them valuable gardening and improve their
and agriculture concepts attitudes about and
appreciation for the
Home Economics / The ambiance of the Home economics
Room room is very home like. It teaches them how to
has a bedroom, comfort adjust to living with
room, kitchen and living someone else in such
room. tight spaces. It teaches
them how to respect each
other's privacy and how
to divide various tasks
like cleaning, setting up
the room and shopping
for grocery items. Lastly,
home economics teaches
us basic life skills.
Industrial Workshop
PTA Office
Comfort Room for / Comfort room is the one Comfort rooms are
Boys of the most important as designed to help reduce
a part of the school. In tension and assist the
the first place the comfort child with developing
room was in a good personal coping skills so
condition and enough that they can maintain
water. control in triggering
Comfort Room for Girls / Comfort room is the one Comfort rooms are
of the most important as designed to help reduce
a part of the school. In tension and assist the
the first place the comfort child with developing
room was in a good personal coping skills so
condition and enough that they can maintain
water. control in triggering

An Observation for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Guide Question Classroom Observation Report

1. Describe the community or The neighborhood of the school is okay. It
neighborhood where the school is found. surrounds by many houses, store and
karinderya which is good for the students.
2. Describe the school campus. What The school campus is very huge. The
colors do you see? What is the condition color of the buildings is dirty white, green,
of the buildings? pink and yellow. The condition of the
buildings is old. But, I think they renovate
it to look good. It also has new buildings.
3. Pass by the offices. What impressions The offices have a minimal design which
do you have of these offices? is very elegant when you look and pass
by to it.
4. Walk through the school halls, the The other facilities are very clean, I think
library, the cafeteria. Look around and because of the janitors. I observe that are
find out the other facilities that the school very industrious.

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT



1. Wall Displays The classroom's four walls are covered
with wall displays. There are several
displays on it. It is arranged uniformly,
and the majority of the displays are
designed in a creative style.
2. Teacher's Table The teacher's table is located in the
front of the room. Because it is made of
metal, it is in good shape.
3. Learner's Desks The learner's desk can be found
throughout the classroom. It is row by
row, and I believe they are in good
4. Blackboard The chalkboard is located in the center
of the room. It's dusty, but it's in decent
5. Learning Materials/Visual Aids I believe the visual aids are kept
because they do not want to break it

1. How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the
students going to the school? What are your conclusions?
 Learning environments are important to student performance. It has been
demonstrated that students who study in a positive learning environment are
more motivated, engaged, and have a greater overall learning ability.
2. How does this relate to knowledge of child and adolescent development?
 Accurate knowledge of adolescent development is crucial because views and
treatment of young people are influenced by assumptions about adolescents. As
a result, parents, adults who deal with adolescents, and young people
themselves can benefit from gaining a better understanding of teenage

1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why
 Yes, of course. I would like to teach on that kind of school environment because
the ambiance of the school is very peaceful. It is very clean and organize.
2. What kind of school campus is conducive learning?
 The environment on a school campus that is conducive to learning is first and
foremost clean. It should also be a child-friendly institution. It should have all of
the necessary school facilities, such as a library, a speech laboratory, a computer
lab, and any other amenities that are needed or can aid in the learning of the
students. Finally, a conducive to learning campus is the people who are behind
this campus; I mean the professors, principal, and others. These individuals
should also be child-friendly so that the students are not intimidated by their

3. What kind of classroom is conducive learning?

 A classroom that is conducive to learning is very well, well-ventilated, and has
enough sanitation. It should also be a non-threatening environment in which
students feel welcomed, that they are not alone, and that there is nothing to be
afraid of. In addition, teachers should maintain and support a healthy and
growing intellectual atmosphere.

4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?

 As a future educator, I can achieve those goals by putting them into action and
becoming a responsible teacher. I must express love and care to my students in
order for them to feel valued as individuals, that they truly need to learn from me,
and that studying is important. I make sure everything I have learnt in my study is
properly shared with them so that they can learn as well.

5. Write your additional learning and insights.

 During my observation on the online class of SCINHS Grade 9 students, I really
observed that pupils are really naughty “pasaway” though the discussion is
ongoing, though some of them are interacting the discussion not seriously, with
this king of attitudes they show, as a teacher you only have to be very patient,
this the only thing that you can do in order to please this pupils.

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