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Activity 1.1 Exploring the School Campus

Resource Teacher: ______________Teacher’s Signature__________ School:_____________

Grade/Year Level:______________ Subject Area:_______________ Date:_______________

To realize the Intented Learning Outcome, work my way through these steps:

1. Visit a school. Look into facilities and support learning area in the campus, then in the classroom.
2. Observe and use the checklist as you move around the school premises.
3. Analyze your gathered data about the school environment.
4. Reflect on the characteristics of a school environment that promotes learning.
5. Present your idea of a good school environment through any of these:
a.) Descriptive Paragraph
b.) Photo Essay
c.) Sketch or Drawing
d.) Poem, song or rap


As you move around the campus, observation forms are provided for you to document your
observation. It is advised that your read the entire worksheet before proceeding to the school site. A good
understanding of the activities and tasks to be accomplished in the activity sheets will yield better learning


Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the column to indicate their
availability. Give a brief description of those that are available and say how each will contribute to the
students’ learning and development.

Facilities / Description Will it contribute to the

students’ learning and
development. Why?

Office of the Principal / A well maintained and Yes, by becoming a symbol of

airconditionized room. The promptness and discipline to
room can be easily spotted students passing by.
with its black tinted glass

Library / a variety of books are Yes, by providing students with

available for students to reading materials to develop
read and the room is their knowledge. The location of
spacious. The room also has the library is easily accessible for
little noise from the outside the convenience of the students
environment. The library
room is a bit outdated and
there are visible damages on
the coloumns and walls of
the room

1|Field Study
Counseling Room X

Canteen/Cafeteria / Inside the cafeteria teachers They aid in the developmet of

also help in selling foods to the students because they
students. And currently the provide nourishment for the
cafeteria is still in children and other school staffs.
renovation. Outside the
cafeteria there are schools
vendors that sells local
snacks to students

Medical Clinic / The school clinic is quite The medical clinic offers medical
small, it only occupies half of aid to students in need this
the room while the other
side is a faculty office.
Though it has first aid kits
and enough space for 1
patient they still lack
necessary equipments.

Audio Visual / X The school doesn’t have If the school has learning
Learning Resource learning resource centers. resource centers it would
Center promote the students
independent learning
oppurtunities, by empowering
the students to take control of
their learning.

Science Laboratory / Their science laboratory can Laboratories provide students

be found deep inside the with the opportunity to engage
school, in a separate in hands-on learning
building. The room is filled experiences, allowing them to
with equipments related to manipulate equipment, conduct
science. experiments, and directly
observe scientific phenomena.

Gymnasium / It is located near the center A gymnasium provides students

of the campus, it has both a with a dedicated space to engage
covered and non covered in a variety of physical exercises,
court perfect for events and including cardiovascular
activities. workouts, strength training, and
flexibility exercises. By
promoting physical fitness,
gymnasiums help students
develop healthy habits that can
last a lifetime.

Auditorium X They don’t have an Auditoriums provide a space for

2|Field Study
auditorium various academic activities such
as lectures, seminars,
presentations, and guest
speakers. These events expose
students to new ideas,
perspectives, and areas of
knowledge, enriching their
academic experience and
broadening their intellectual

Outdoor/Garden / Due to the extreme weather Yes, School gardens provide a

that the school is hands-on learning environment
experiencing their garden where students can engage
has only limited planted directly with the natural world.
plants. This tactile experience helps
reinforce academic concepts
taught in the classroom, such as
biology, ecology, and
environmental science.
The room is stocked with a
Home Economics / variety of cooking Home economics classes teach
Room equipment and utensils, students practical skills that they
including pots, pans, mixing can use in their daily lives, such
bowls, measuring cups, as cooking nutritious meals,
knives, spatulas, and baking managing household budgets,
sheets. These tools allow sewing and mending clothing,
students to practice a wide and practicing basic home
range of culinary techniques, maintenance. These skills are
from chopping vegetables to essential for fostering
baking desserts. independence and self-

Industrial Workshop The school doesn’t have a Working in an industrial

Area Industrial Workshop Area workshop requires students to
solve problems and overcome
challenges encountered during
hands-on projects. This fosters
critical thinking, creativity, and
adaptability as students learn to
troubleshoot issues and
implement effective solutions.

PTA Office The school doesn’t have PTA A PTA office serves as a hub for
office parent and community
involvement in the school. When
parents are actively engaged in
their children's education
through the PTA, students tend
to perform better academically,
exhibit improved behavior, and

3|Field Study
have higher attendance rates.
This sense of community support
can positively impact students'
overall learning environment and
sense of belonging.

Comfort Room for The school has two comfort Yes, adequate restroom facilities
Boys room for males in separate promote good hygiene practices,
locations. But due to the which are crucial for maintaining
water being a scarce health and preventing the spread
resource in the school, the of illnesses. By providing clean
comfort rooms are not and accessible male comfort
preferable to use rooms, schools can help students
stay healthy, reducing
absenteeism due to preventable

Comfort Room for The school has two comfort Yes, adequate restroom facilities
Girls room for females in separate promote good hygiene practices,
locations. But due to the which are crucial for maintaining
water being a scarce health and preventing the spread
resource in the school, the of illnesses. By providing clean
comfort rooms are not and accessible male comfort
preferable to use rooms, schools can help students
stay healthy, reducing
absenteeism due to preventable


(Please specify)

4|Field Study
An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the space provided.

Guide Question Classroom Observation Report

1. Describe the community or The school is located near a dense traffic area, as such
neighborhood where the noise and smoke emition from passing vehicles are
school is found. noticeable. Outside of school campus convenience
stores and small carenderias are available for the
convenience of the students.
2. Describe the school campus. Inside the school campus there is large field that is fit to
What color do you see? accommodate any school event. The buildings are in
What is the condition of the great conditions, though there are noticeable wear and
building? tear but it poses no hazard to the people occupying it.
There are also ample amounts of trees found in the
campus to provide shade for students.
3. Pass by the offices. What The offices of this school are well maintained. Some of
impression do you have of the room may be a bit small but despite it, the room is
these offices? well ventilated.
4. Walk through the halls the The facilities that really caught my attention is their
library, the cafeteria. Look journalism room and research room.
around and find out the
other facilities that the
school has.

5|Field Study
Grade/Year Level:______________ Subject Area:_______________ Date:_______________

Resource Teacher: ______________Teacher’s Signature__________ School:_____________

Grade 9 - Pearl

the design in the classroom showcases a minimalist

1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What design. The walls has no decorations aside from a
are posted on the walls? What heroes, picture of the Phillipine President Bongbong
Marcos,wall mounted televisions, and wall fans. On
religious figures, lessons, visual aids, the door of the classroom there is a poster that
announcements, do you see posted? represents their class section and under the poster
is the class schedule of their section. Despite the
classroom having a minimalist design, there are
visible remnants of visual aids posted before but is
somehow removed.

There are 2 tables, 50 arm chairs, 6 ceiling fans, 2

2. Examine how the pieces of furniture are telivisions, a water dispenser, and a couple of water
arranged. Where is the teacher's table gallons. The two teacher tables is centered at the
front and back of the classroom. The seating
located? How are the tables and arrangement is divided into two groups, each group
chairs/desks arranged? consists of 25 arm chair and arranged in a 5x5

There are two telivisions that can be used by the

3. What learning materials/equipment are teacher and students. There is a wall mounted tv
present? and a stand mounted tv. But both telivisions are not
working. They also use blackboard for teaching.

There are a total of 51 students consisting of 27

4. Observe the students. How many are females and 24 males. The male and females are
occupying one room? seated separately.

5. Is the room well-lit and well-ventilated? The classroom is located on the second floor of a
building this results in an adequate air flow for the
people in the room and keeps the room well lit.
There are also 5 working ceiling fans positioned
directly to students which keeps the room well
ventilated. Though due to the current weather, the
humidity inside the room is noticeable when time
strikes at noon or past noon.

6|Field Study
An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Be guided by the tasks as you do your observation. The accomplish the matrix to record your data.


Classroom Facilities Description

(location, number, arrangement, condition)

1. Wall Displays The only displays that are posted are located in front of the classroom and
at the door, which is a picture of President Marcos on front and class
schedule on the door.

2. Teacher’s Table There are two teacher tables inside the classroom which can be seen
centered at the back and front of the classroom. Both are still on working
condition but there is visible wear and tear.

3. Learner’s Desks Learners are not equipped with desks rather they use arm chairs, they
have 52 arm chairs and are divided into two with each group containing
26 armchairs.

4. Blackboard Inside the classroom they have two sectioned blackboard in front. They
are still in great condition.

5. Learning Materials /
Visual Aids There are two telivisions that can be used by the teacher and students.
There is a wall mounted tv and a stand mounted tv. But both telivisions
are out of commission. They also use blackboard for teaching.

6. Comfort Room Inside the classroom they have a single Comfort room located at back. It is
well maintained by students and constantly provided with water

7. Water dispenser The classroom have their own water dispenser located at the back of the
room. The appearance is relatively new and I have observe that they
constantly change that the water everyday.

8. Cabinet They have a single cabinet filled with paper and artworks of the students.
Located at the back of the class the condition of it is already outdate

7|Field Study


Write your observation report here.

Name of the School Observed: Guipos National Highschool______________________

Location of the School: Poblacion, Guipos, Zamboanga del Sur.___________________

Date to Visit: April 22, 2024

The room itself has little to no learning materials inside. Though there may be some in the past due to
visible nails and tapes in the wall indications that there may have been learning materials posted in the
past. But this type of design could affect the students’ energy when it comes to learning, due to the
reason it gives a monotonous vibe to the students . The location of the room is on the 2 nd floor of the
building but despite of the position it barely has natural airflow to compensate this, they installed 6
ceilling fans. There may be aspects of the classroom setup that could be adjusted to better support
student engagement and focus.


1. How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the students
going to school? What are your conclusions?

One of the promiment feature of Guipos National Highschool is their vast space and multiple learning
facilities. This contributed to their learning as to give their students a lot of space to work and options to
partake in any activity they like. The school campus shows their support to students to develop their talents
by providing them facilities like journalism room, research room and teen hub. This greatly impacts their
confidence to discover themselves thus improving their willingness to learn and cooperate with the school.

8|Field Study
2. How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development? How does this
relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?

Children and adolescents thrive in environments that are safe, supportive, and engaging. A classroom
environment that is not conducive may hinder their development by creating unnecessary stress, anxiety, or
distraction. For example, discomfort due to poor seating arrangements or inadequate facilities can impact
their ability to focus and engage in learning activities. Furthermore, a lack of privacy or a chaotic atmosphere
can affect their emotional well-being and sense of security, which are vital aspects of healthy development.


1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why not?

Yes I would be willing to teach at the school environment I just observed. my teaching style aligns
with the behaviorist theory. From what I have observed the school has a great environment that
encourages students to learn and thus, in my opinion as a pre-service they would only need a little bit
of push or nudge to the right track.

2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?

A conducive school campus for learning is one that prioritizes the safety and security of students
while maintaining cleanliness and functionality; it offers a wealth of resources, from well-equipped
classrooms to engaging outdoor areas, promoting exploration and hands-on learning, all within a
supportive and inclusive environment that encourages collaboration, creativity, and a culture of
continuous improvement and innovation.

3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?

A conducive classroom for learning is one that is organized, comfortable, and interactive, with
flexible seating arrangements, ample natural light, and minimal distractions; it incorporates
technology and diverse learning materials, promotes student engagement and participation through
collaborative activities and discussions, and fosters a positive and respectful atmosphere where
students feel valued, supported, and motivated to explore, question, and discover.

4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?

In the future, conducive classrooms may utilize innovative technologies like virtual reality and
artificial intelligence, flexible designs, and sustainable features to create interactive, personalized,
and eco-friendly learning environments that promote collaboration, creativity, and student


Activity 1.2 Observing bulletin board displays

Resource Teacher: ________________ Teacher’s Signature __________ School ________________

9|Field Study
Grade/Year Level: ________________ Subject Area: _______________ Date: _________________

The display board, or what we more commonly refer to as bulletin board, is one of the most readily
available and versatile learning resources.

To achieve the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these steps: 1. Examine for
bulletin board displays. Include samples of those found at the entrance, lobby, hallways, and classrooms. 2.
Pick one and evaluate the display. 3. Propose enhancement to make the display more effective.


As you look around and examine board displays, use the observation guide and forms provided for
you to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS

Read the following carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board displays do you see?

There are a total of 2 board displays that can be seen inside the campus.

2. Where are the display board found? Are they in places where target viewers can see them?

The display board can be seen near the entrance of the campus. They are located in a position
where there are a lot of traffic of students. They are in a place where when students pass by, the
display boards attract their attention.

3. What are the displays about? What key messages do they convey? What images and colors do you
see? How are the pieces of information and images arranged?

They named the display board as “Transparency Board” the display is mostly about the school’s
expenses and other important messages. the

4. What materials were used in making the displays? Are borders used?

5. Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and the like)

No I did not.

10 | F i e l d S t u d y
6. Are the messages clear and easily understood?

Yes, the messages are clear and easily understood.

7. Think about what got your attention. Why did it get your attention?

The characteristic of the display that caught my attention was its size, the display board is huge
that it takes a few steps just so you can pass by it.

8. Take a photos of the display board (if allowed).

11 | F i e l d S t u d y
Evaluate it using the evaluation form below.


Topic of the Board Display ___________________________________

Location of the Board Display in School ________________________

Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your ratings.

4 – Outstanding 3 – Very Satisfactory 2 – Satisfactory 1 – Needs Improvement

Criteria NI S VS O Comments
1 2 3 4
Effective The message is clear anad concise. Easily
Communication understood by everybody

It conveys the message
quickly and clearly
Attractiveness Arrangement of posters and materials are less
Colors and organized but still hold interest among students.

arrangement catch and
hold interest.
Balance There are varying spaces in between posters.
Objects are arranged,

so stability is
Unity  Shapes and colors are repeated that makes
Repeated shapes or the display hold together

12 | F i e l d S t u d y
colors or use of
borders hold display
Interactivity Less interactive due to the simplicity that will
The style and approach not catch the attention of the viewers

entice learners to be
involved and engaged.
Legibility Some posters are legible but not all of them
Letters and illustrations can be seen from a good distance because th

can be seen from a fonts sizes are small.
good distance.
Correctness No grammatical errors, misspelled words or
It is free from grammar syntactic errors.

errors, misspelled
words, ambiguity.
Durability The materials are durable using masking tape or
It is well – constructed, adhesive tape. However, some of those are about

items are securely to separate from the board display

Bulletin Board Evaluated by:

Brief Description of the Bulletin Board:

Strengths Weaknesses
Description of There are few patterns utilized, less engaging, particularly for
the Bulletin which pupils who preferred a vibrant
Board layout brings simplicity and clarity to the design.
The images are set up.

Evaluation The information is noteworthy, Less information and some

Of educational content pertinent, and has the potential outdated materials.
and other aspects. to advance pupils' understanding.

Recommendations or
Suggestions for

• To help in organizing and structuring the data, use the grid approach.
• Arrange the components in accordance with their ideas and applicability.
• Use simple patterns to get students interested.

13 | F i e l d S t u d y
• provide backgrounds or borders to the materials to provide color.
• Use consistent font styles and sizes for consistency.
Increase the amount of pictures or visuals to keep readers interested.

Signature of Evaluator over Printed Name

Based on you suggestions, make your board display lay – out. You may present your output through
any of these:

 A hand – made drawing or layout

 An electronic (computer) drawing/illustration or layout
 A collage

My Board Display Lay – out

14 | F i e l d S t u d y

What do you think was the purpose of the board display?

The board display's goal is to keep staff, instructors, and students informed of any developments about the
school's financial situation.

I believe that the general topic of the board represents the interests of its intended audience, which consists
of staff, instructors, and students. Though the labels are cut-out letters adhered on colorful paper, the board
display lacks originality. Board displays ought to be visually striking, and that is what these particular ones
must be. Even if it aims to pique the interest of the audience, it is still not as successful as it may be.

Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? Why? Why not?

English is the language that is commonly used. It marks the information or resources using straightforward

published. From a distance, the text sizes are also readable.

15 | F i e l d S t u d y
Was the board display effective? Why? Why not?

Because it provides the audience with the necessary information to stay informed as soon as they arrive on
campus, the board display proved successful. Additionally, the staff, instructors, and students were drawn in
by the board displays' simplicity.

What suggestions can you make?

In order to make this board appear better, I recommend that you focus on the layout and design of the

materials, since these factors are crucial to the board display's efficacy and achievement of its goals—
informing and inspiring students. Based on your recommendations, advise improving the display board. Fill
out the form below.

16 | F i e l d S t u d y
Based on your suggestions, propose an enhanced version of the display board. Use the form below.

My Proposed Board Display

Latest updates, regarding student development and services, commending the COEd achievers of
their success and Encouragement for student to join various activity

Board Title:
Guidance Bulletin Board

Convenience, effectiveness and engagement are what board displays can offer. It also guarantees that
every information will be conveyed to a large number of audience. The enhanced board display of the
Guidance office aims to improve the existing board display in terms of its design, lay-out and
organization of infor-mation to attract more viewers.

The following are the main objectives of the proposed board display:
 To improve the existing board display of the guidance office
 To change the design/lay-out of the existing board display
 To add more creative elements on the board display

Best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement:

The following are the best features of my proposed board display enhancement:
 Attractive—with its youthful design, and creative use of materials, my board display looks
interesting and eye-catcher
 Effective communication– With its new lay-out, the information posted will be easily conveyed
 Balance—in terms of spacing, color and sizes of the elements, the board display looks
organized, bal-anced and arranged

Content Resources (Name each needed resources and give each a brief description):
1. Corkboard– as the main skeleton which will hold every element of the board
2. Cartolina—the background of the whole board
3. Colored papers /cut-out patterned papers—as the background of the labels
4. Printed labels– these will classify the info/materials posted
5. Pictures—for enhancement
6. Glue/adhesive tape, push pin—to attach the materials
Materials for aesthetic enhancement:
The following are the materials to be used for aesthetic enhancement:
colored paper, cartolina, pictures, cut-out/patterned paper, decorative stickers and tapes

17 | F i e l d S t u d y

1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with effective board
displays. Elaborate on why each skills is needed.
To be able to come up an effective board display a teacher should possess the following:
 Creativity—he/she must think beyond the box, he/she must be optimistic and original
creator of unique ideas
 Innovative—innovation must be his/her main goal, board displays are common but a teacher
must create incomparable board display or at least produce something that exceeds the
 Resourceful—buying new materials is not wise, a teacher must be able to utilize creatively
availa-ble resources which will also contribute in reducing more waste
 Critical thinking—creating a board display requires critical thinking as facts and evidences
are important in board display, a teacher must be able to understand the source of the
information and identify the unnecessary information
 Confident—believing and trusting oneself is the most important thing when creating a work
of art, a teacher must manifest confidence in his/her work because that will give him/her the
mindset that the result will be successful

2. Which of the skills you named in # 1 do you already have to be able to come up with effective
board displays. Elaborate on why each skills is needed.
Being confident, creative and innovative are what really made me succeed in creating board displays.
Practicing these skills is a combination of doing it multiple times and seeking help from the expertise.
Even though I have more experiences, I still need learn new skills, learning do not stop.

3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on how you can
improve on or acquire these skills.
Among the aforementioned 5 skills that a teacher must have, what I still need to develop are the re-
sourcefulness and critical thinking. As I am a fan of shopping, buying new materials really excites me
when creating project but as I have realized its not wise. I am planning to research on reusing materi-
als so that I could gain ideas what can still be useful or how to transform and use it in other way. In
terms of critical thinking, I should work on gathering information, double checking what’s valid and
credible and assessing the sources since these are necessary steps in writing papers.

18 | F i e l d S t u d y

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