Pedestal Is A Compreuion Member. Effective Lenlthofwhich Does Notexceed Time. Least Lateral Dimension
Pedestal Is A Compreuion Member. Effective Lenlthofwhich Does Notexceed Time. Least Lateral Dimension
Pedestal Is A Compreuion Member. Effective Lenlthofwhich Does Notexceed Time. Least Lateral Dimension
NOTE - Pedestal is a compreuion member. the effective reinforcement need not. however, exceed
lenlthof which does notexceed three time.theleast lateral 20 mm (see Fig. 11).
dimension. Transverse reinforcement c) Pitch anddiameter of laura;tits
2116 BIS/07-8 49
IS 456 : 2000
27 EXPANSION JOINTS 27.2 The details as to the lenith of a structure where
expansion joints have to beprovided canbe detennined
27.1 Structures in which marked changes in plan after taking into consideration various factors. such as
dimensions take place abruptly shall beprovided with temperature, exposure toweather. thetime andseason
expansion onjointsat thesection where such changes ofthelaying of the concrete. etc. Normally structures
occur. Expansion joints shall be so provided that the exceeding 45 m in lenith are designed with one or
necessary movement occurs with a minimum more expansion joints. However in view of the large
resistance at the joint. The structures adjacent to the number of factors involved in deciding the location.
joint should preferably be supported on separate spacing and nature of expansion joints. the provision
columns or walls but not necessarily on separate of expansion joint in reinforced cement concrete
foundations. Reinforcement shall not extend across structures should be left to the discretion of the
anexpansion jointand thebreak between thesections designer. IS 3414 gives the design considerations,
shall be complete.' wJtich need to be examined and provided for.
Flo. 8 Flo. 9
Alldimensions in millimetres.
FrG. 11
FIG. 10