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Anagram Ahdian Rosadi

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Voices of English Language Education Society; Vol. 1, No.

1; April 2017
E-ISSN 2579-7484
Page 41-50

The Effectiveness of Anagram Technique

in Teaching Vocabulary

Ahdian Rosadi
MTs. Al-Majidiyah NW Majidi
Email: ahdian16@gmail.com


This study aimed at finding out the effectiveness of anagram technique in teaching
vocabulary at the seventh grade of MTs. Al-Majidiyah NW Majidi in the school
year 2015-2016. This study is a pre-experimental design. The sample was one
class consisted of 30 students. The data collection was done by administering pre-
test and post-test in the form of objective test. In the data analysis, Paired Sample
T-Test was used to prove the hypothesis. Based on the data gained, it was found
that the mean score of the pre-test was 18.67 while the mean score of the post-test
was 25.30. It meant that there was a significant difference in the mean scores
between pre-test and post-test, t(df=29) = 19.282 at p = 0.000 that was lower than
0.05. It means that the alternative hypothesis was accepted which indicates that
anagram technique was significantly effective in teaching vocabulary.
Additionally, the result of this research shows that anagram is a good vocabulary
learning strategy. It encourages greater self-direction for learners. Thus, it is
strongly suggested that teachers apply this technique to help improve students’

Keywords: anagram, vocabulary

1. Introduction

Language is one of tools used to communicate which is more complete

and effective to convey idea, message, purpose, feeling, and opinion to other
people. It is one of the implementation of language function in society to express
mind, feeling, opinion, ideas, etc. Language is also used as connector in teaching
learning process. Through language proficiency, students can increase their
knowledge, widen their thoughts, and develop their creativities. Basically,

The Effectiveness of Anagram Technique in Teaching Vocabulary

language is mostly important in daily life because through it people can interact
to other people in the whole parts of the world, especially English.
English as one of the language in the world is very important to learn
because it can be used in giving or receiving information and for the development
of education, technology, and arts. Preparing young learners to study English as
early as possible is very crucial because their brain and memory are ready for
learning and most of them can learn quite well.
Based on the School Based Curriculum (SBC; well known as KTSP), there
are four skills that must be mastered in English subject by the students in order to
be able to communicate effectively. The four skills are listening, speaking,
reading, and writing. Meanwhile, the four skills have some aspects. One of them
is vocabulary.
Vocabulary is the knowledge of words and word meanings. It not only
implies a definition but also implies how that fits into the world. In addition,
vocabulary is list of words with their meaning especially in a book for learning a
foreign language (Oxford, 2008). It refers to the stock of words used by group of
people or by a particular person.
Based on four skills of language, election of vocabulary which is taught
and examined can be divided into four parts; they are hearing or listening which is
also known as passive/conversing, reading or passive/writing, speaking or
active/conversing, and writing active/writing (Heaton, 1990).
Vocabulary is one of the elements of language that should be mastered by
language learners. To be able to communicate well, vocabulary plays very
important roles. The language learners cannot understand what people convey
orally or in written if they have difficulties in deciding a word in which as a
symbol of ideas is uttered.
Vocabulary is not something that can ever be fully mastered. It is something
that expands and deepens over the course of a life time. In reality, it is difficult to
be learned. Lack vocabulary is one of the main problems often is faced by
students in learning English. According to Ghazal (2007), vocabulary learning is
one of the major challenges foreign learners face during the process of learning a
By and large, knowledgeable, strategic, adaptive, and reflective teachers
may make a difference in students’ learning. The roles of both, teacher and
students, are important in teaching and learning vocabulary. Any teacher must be
able to create fun learning to lead students into a more active instructional
However, based on the result of the observation conducted at MTs. Al-
Majidiyah NW Majidi, the students were not interested in learning English
especially vocabulary. They also did not keep their full attention in the their tasks,
so that the instructional process did not run well. This situation happened because

The Effectiveness of Anagram Technique in Teaching Vocabulary

the technique used might not be suitable. The teacher applied non-various
technique in teaching learning so the students were bored joining the lesson.
Besides, the teacher just wrote some words on the white board then asked
students to write on their books. Sometime, the teacher asked the students to
memorize the vocabulary in front of the classroom one by one, and it made the
students afraid in learning English. Thus, it is important to use a new technique to
help students in solving their vocabulary problems.
One of the techniques which can be used is Anagram technique. The
broadest definition of an Anagram, according to Collins Cobuild English
Dictionary, is “a word or phrase created by re-arranging the letters of another
word or phrase, in which every letter in the original is used in the creation of the
new phrase.” Anagram comes from the Greek "ana," meaning "after" and
"gramma," meaning "letter, or writing" (in Saufiyah Zahrah and Albadri, 2015).
According to Collins in Bachtiar (2014), anagram technique is a type of
word play, the result of rearranging the letters of a word or phrase to produce a
new word or phrase, using all the original letters exactly once. For example,
orchestra can be rearranged into carthorse. In addition, there are three main
things to do in anagram. The first is letter of a word or phrase must be rearranged,
and the second new word or phrase must be created. The third, every letter of the
original must be used in the new expression. Each letter can only be used as many
times as it appears in the original (If there are 2 B’s in the original, then the new
expression must have the same number of B’s. This process creating new words is
obviously good for vocabulary mastery.
By using this technique, the students will not be bored because this
technique is appropriate to their characteristics which is they incline more
interested to play, meanwhile anagram techique is a type of word play. Many
words will be got through this technique. Automatically, this will increase
students’ vocabulary.
Applying this technique means to help students to raise their curiosity to
master more vocabulary. Anagram technique is a technique that can make the
students have capability to develop their mastery on vocabulary. Playing more
anagram helps increase students vocabulary. In more advance, students are forced
to memorize more words, so they can create more words in the anagram. In the
memorizing and constructing process, students learn to be patient. It is also to
help students to monitor their mastery about how to master vocabulary in short
Based on the background of the study, a study was conducted to see the
effectiveness of anagram technique in teaching vocabulary at the seventh grade of
MTs. Al-Majidiyah NW Majidi in the school year 2015-2016. Thus, two
statements of problems are explored here. Those are:

The Effectiveness of Anagram Technique in Teaching Vocabulary

1. Is anagram technique effective in teaching vocabulary at the seventh grade of

MTs. Al-Majidiyah NW Majidi in the school year 2015-2016?
2. How is the effectiveness of anagram technique in teaching vocabulary at the
seventh grade of MTs. Al-Majidiyah NW Majidi in the school year 2015-
Based on the statement of the problem above, the purpose of this study
was to know whether anagram technique was effective and how effective it was in
teaching vocabulary at the seventh grade students of MTs. Al-Majidiyah NW
Majidi in the school year 2015-2016.
The result of this study is expected to let teachers know the benefits of
anagram for students’ foreign language vocabulary development. By this, teachers
–especially English teachers—can have some concepts of how to teach and
increase their students’ vocabulary mastery. For more advance and deeper
research, the result of this research is also expected to be a reference for those
who are interested to conduct further investigation.

2. Method

2.1 Participants
The participants of this study were all of the seventh grade students of
MTs. Al-Majidiyah NW Majidi in the school year 2015-2016 which consisted of 2
classes. The number of the population of this study was 59 students. Purposive
random sampling was applied to take sample from the two classes; they were
VIIA and VIIB. As the result, VIIA was chosen as the experimental group.

2.2 Procedure
2.2.1 Preparation for treatment
According to Barus in Bachtiar (2014), there are many ways in applying
anagram to the students after the teacher explaining the material, such as:
a. Asking the students to form other words from the key word given;
b. Asking the students to rearrange the letters in bracket after that fill in each
blank with the appropriate anagram to complete the sentence;
c. Asking the students to omit one or some letters of the key word and transpose
the rest;
d. Asking the students to transpose the letters of the word and form another word
by using those letters exactly once based on the definition;
e. Asking the students to match the scramble word on the left to its arrangement
on the right.
In this research, the treatment encompasses some main steps. The
framework in applying anagram technique is shown in Figure 01.

The Effectiveness of Anagram Technique in Teaching Vocabulary

Clarifying specific topic/material

Matching the scramble words

Giving example to provided in a text together

Transposing letters of a word and

Forming words from a
form another words by using those
provided key words

Rearranging letters in Omitting more words together from

brackets together the key words and transposing the rest

Filling blanks with Omitting one letter of the key

appropriate anagram word and transposing the rest

Figure 1. Framework of Applying Reciprocal Peer Tutoring

2.2.2 Data Collection

In this research, pre experimental research in one group pre-test and post-
test design is applied because this research had no control of extraneous variable.
This research does not have random of subjects to groups. The one-group pre-test
and post-test design usually involves three steps: (1) administering a pretest to
measure a variable; (2) applying the experimental treatment X to the subjects; and
(3) administering a posttest, again measuring the variable. Differences attributed
to application of the experimental treatment are then evaluated by comparing the
pretest and posttest scores (Ary et al, 2010, p.303). It is shown in Table 01.

Table 01
Research Design: One-Group Pretest–Posttest Design

Pretest Investigated Variable Posttest

Y1 X Y2

Y1 : Pre-test

The Effectiveness of Anagram Technique in Teaching Vocabulary

X : Investigated variable; Anagram technique in teaching vocabulary

Y2 : Post-test
(Ary, et al, 2010)

This research consists of an investigated variable. The investigated

variable of this research is vocabulary through anagram technique. The
instrument used in this study is a test. The test is in form of multiple choice and
matching meaning to measure students’ vocabulary mastery. In this test, 30 items
are provided: 25 items of multiple choices and 5 item of matching meaning. Every
correct answer is given 1 score and each wrong answer is given 0 score.
In collecting data, a pre-test and post-test were administered. The pre-test was
administered before doing the treatment, and the post-test was after doing the
treatment through anagram technique. This aimed at knowing the students’
governance on vocabulary after applying Anagram technique.

2.2.3 Data Analysis

The technique of analyzing the data in this research was descriptive
statistics. This technique was used to find out the highest and lowest score, mean
score and standard deviation of students’ test achievement. The present researcher
calculated the Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the experimental group by
using SPSS 17 for Windows (Moedjito, 2014). In testing hypothesis, the collected
data should be normal and homogeneous. If the values of the significance value
level of the investigated variables are higher than .05, the distribution of the data
are normal and homogeneous (Moedjito, 2014).
The research hypothesis was formulated into Anagram technique was
significantly effective in teaching vocabulary at the seventh grade of MTs. Al-
Majidiyah NW Majidi in the school year 2015-2016. This hypothesis then was
tested by using Paired-Sample t-test (SPSS 17.0 for windows). If the significance
(2-tailed) value level of the analyzed data is lower than .05, the alternative
hypothesis of this study is accepted and null hypothesis of this study is rejected.

3. Results

Referring to the data gained, the standard deviation of the pre-test was
2.279, and the standard deviation of the post-test was 1.179. Meanwhile, the mean
scores in the pre-test and post-test were 18.67 and 25.30. The mean score after the
technique was implemented was higer than the mean score before the treatment
was implemented. It means that anagram technique was effective in teaching
vocabulary. The scores are summarized in Table 02.

The Effectiveness of Anagram Technique in Teaching Vocabulary

Table 02
Summary of Frequency Statistics
Pretest Posttest
N Valid 30 30
Missing 0 0
Mean 18.67 25.30
Median 18.50 25.00
Mode 18 25
Std. Deviation 2.279 1.179
Minimum 14 23
Maximum 25 28
Sum 560 759

Furthermore, normality test is used to check whether the data distribution

in the pre-test and post-test was normal or not. Moreover, the data are normal if
the value of the significance level of the investigated variable is higher than 0.05.
Based on the data gained from One-Sample K-S, the value of the Asymp. Sig. (2-
tailed) on the pre-test and post-test was higher than 0.05. It implied that the data
distribution was normal. This result is shown in Table 03.

Table 03
Summary of Normality through
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Pre-test Post-test
N 30 30
Normal Parameters Mean 18.67 25.30
Std. Deviation 2.279 1.179
Most Extreme Absolute .120 .234
Differences Positive .120 .234
Negative -.087 -.200
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .655 1.280
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .784 .075

Moreover, homogeneity testing was conducted to know whether the data

were homogenous or not. The data are homogenous if the values of the level
significant is greater than p = 0.05. Here, the value of Levene’s test = 9.950 at p =

The Effectiveness of Anagram Technique in Teaching Vocabulary

0.003 which was greater than p = 0.05. It means that the data were homogeneous.
The homogeneity score is shown in Table 04.

Table 04
Homogeneity of Variances
Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
9.950 1 58 .003

A hypothesis testing was conducted to know whether the hypothesis was

accepted or rejected. The present researcher used paired-sample t-test to analyze
whether there was a significant difference in the mean score between the pre-test
and the post-test. The present researcher determined the confidence interval of the
difference which was 95% and the standard significance (2-tailed) value level was
0.05. If the significance (2-tailed) value level of the analyzed data is lower than
0.05, it means the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis
(Ho) is rejected. If it is higher than 0.05, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected
and the null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted. The result of the paired sample test is
shown in Table 05.

Table 05
Paired Samples Test
Paired Differences
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Std. Std. Error Difference Sig. (2-
Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper t df tailed)
Pair 1 Pretest - -6.633 1.884 .344 -7.337 -5.930 -19.282 29 .000

Based on the data gained, the value of sig (2-tailed)-t was 0.000 at t-test value
19.282; it means that the value of sig (2-tailed) t was 0.000 lower than 0.05, so the
alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) was
rejected. Therefore, it is concluded that anagram technique was significantly
effective in teaching vocabulary for the seventh graders of MTs. Al-Majidiyah NW
Majidi in the school year 2015-2016.

The Effectiveness of Anagram Technique in Teaching Vocabulary

4. Discussion

Vocabulary is an important ingredient of language, and vocabulary learning is

an essential part of foreign language learning. Language learners need a wide
array of words in a target language to be able to tackle both production and
comprehension activities successfully in the foreign language. One way to help
learners is by equipping them with variety of vocabulary learning strategies.
In line with Brown (1988), the finding in this research shows the advantages
of anagram: increasing students’ English vocabulary, helping students to
strengthen their memory, training students to be patient in learning anagram, and
training students to control their emotion. This theory is proven by the finding of
the research.
Additionally, some previous research show that anagram is effective in
teaching and learning vocabulary. The findings of the previous research are
similar to the findings in this research which is that anagram is effective in
helping students to master more vocabulary. For an instance, Saufiyah Zahrah and
Albadri (2015) found that random anagram was able to improve the year 5 pupils’
spelling, motivation to learn vocabulary, and mental retention in spelling. In short,
in this present research, the significant difference of the students’ score in the pre-
test and posttest shows positive changes in the students’ vocabulary mastery
through anagram.

5. Conclusion

Based on the data analysis and the discussion, it was found out that the t-test
was higher than the t-table (19.282 > 2.045). This indicated that the null
hypothesis (H0) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. In
short, anagram technique was effective in teaching vocabulary improving the
students’ vocabulary mastery of the seventh grade of MTs. Al-Majidiyah NW
Majidi in the school year 2015-2016. Thus, foreign language teachers should
consider this technique as an alternative technique in teaching English.
The result of this research shows that anagram is a good vocabulary learning
strategy. It encourages greater self-direction for learners. Through anagram,
students lead their self to a harder work finding words from the provided
alphabets. They consult the teacher and dictionary, and they are even more active
having discussion with their mates. Besides improving students’ vocabulary
mastery, it also creates fun learning for students. Thus, it is strongly suggested
that teachers apply this technique to help improve students’ vocabulary.

The Effectiveness of Anagram Technique in Teaching Vocabulary


Anagram. (2005). Retrieved from http://www.inneryou.info/anagrams.htm.

Brown, Hugh and Brown, Margaret. (1988). Word Play. Penrith, Cumbria: Reed’s
Ghazal, Lotfi. (2007). Learning Vocabulary in EFL Contexts through Vocabulary
Learning Strategies. Novitas Royal; Research on Youth and Language.
Vol.: 1(2), pp.84-91.
Heaton, J.B. (1990). Classroom Teaching. New York: Longman.
Maimunah Bachtiar. (2014). Improving students‟ vocabulary achievement in
reading recount text through anagram technique. Retrieved from e-Journal
Moedjito. 2014. Basic statistic for research in language education. Unpublished
Modul: STKIP Hamzanwadi Selong, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia.
Saufiyah Zahrah and Albadri. (2015). Improving Year 5 Cerdas Pupils’ Spelling
through Random Anagram. IPG Kampus Dato’ Razali Ismail; Department
of Languages.


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