PT4 Pressure Transmitters: Technical Data
PT4 Pressure Transmitters: Technical Data
PT4 Pressure Transmitters: Technical Data
Pressure Transmitters
Technical Data
• Pressure sensitive piezo-based cell with strong primary
output signal for precise operation
• Sealed gauge absolute pressure reference principle PT4-xxM PT4-Mxx
provides the regulation accuracy independent from
atmospheric pressure variation
Pressure Cable Assembly
• Output signal 4 to 20 mA Transmitter
• Reduced Full Scale Error characteristics over the complete
temperature range
• Calibrated for specific temperature and pressure ranges to
fulfill application demands in air conditioning and
refrigeration systems
• Easy install M12 electrical connection with pre-assembled
cable assemblies available in various lengths
• Vibration, shock and pulsation resistant
• Protection class IP 65
• Compact dimensions
• Pressure connector 7/16-20 UNF with Schrader valve
• Standard pressure ranges compatible with former PT3 Options
Emerson pressure transmitters • Other pressure ranges and calibrations upon request and
• CE-mark under EC EMC-Directive quantity
• UL listed SDFY2/SDFY8: E258370 • Plug without cable upon request and quantity
The Emerson pressure transmitters PT4 are designed for equipment. Various pressure ranges are available to match the
pressure sensing and the generation of a linear electrical output operating pressures commonly encountered in refrigeration
signal. They are specifically aimed at applications in systems. The PT4 meet the requirements of the European EMC
refrigeration and air conditioning systems. The PT4 standard 4 - directive and are labelled with the CE-mark.
20 mA current output enables easy interfacing with most
common signal processing
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Pressure (bar)
The heart of the transmitter is a pressure sensitive piezo
resistive cell. This is surrounded by an oil cushion enclosed by a The protective stainless steel diaphragm ensures compatibility
stainless steel diaphragm. The integrated electronic module with the media frequently encountered in refrigeration systems.
conditions the output of the pressure cell to produce a The outside of the PT4 consists of a corrosion resistant
temperature compensated signal of 4…20 mA. stainless steel enclosure. It is sealed at the electrical connector
The pressure cell consists of a silicon diaphragm with strain socket and at the pressure connector joint. This way, the PT4
gauges diffused into it. A particular advantage of using silicon is meets the requirements of IP65.
its good hysteresis and creeping behaviour. The direct The sensor works internally as an absolute measuring device.
integration of the strain gauges means that no additional errors However, it is calibrated to produce a relative output signal
can be introduced between the location where the pressure acts assuming an ambient pressure of 1.0 bar. When using PT4 in
and where it is measured. heights significantly above sea level the output signal deviation
Separation of the pressure sensitive element by the oil cushion must be taken into account. i.e. at a height of 1000m the signal
protects the sensor cell against external mechanical loads such reads approximately 0.1 bar lower than the actual pressure.
as vibrations, pressure pulsations. This ensures reliable Short-term protection against wrong polarity is provided by an
operation and a long life-time expectation even under severe internal diode, up to 33 Vdc for the 4...20 mA output version
operating conditions. PT4.
electronic sensor PT4 is compliant with the present electromagnetic compatibility
board legislation and in particular with the EMC directives 89/336/EC
complying with EN-61000-6-2, EN-61000-6-3, EN-61000-6-4.
Pressure transmitters PT4 with current output (two wire
Stainless steel oil cushion connection) offer the following advantages:
diaphragm • More suitable for signal transmission over long distance
• Higher immunity to electro-magnetic interference
• Open circuit detection enables fail-safe operation
Cross Reference
PT4 series is a one for one replacement for Emerson transmitter series PT3.
PT3 series with 2 meter fixed cable PT4 series with cable and plug assembly
PT3-07A PT4-07S and PT4-L30 PT4-07M and PT4-M30
PT3-18A PT4-18S and PT4-L30 PT4-18M and PT4-M30
PT3-30A PT4-30S and PT4-L30 PT4-30M and PT4-M30
Technical data
Supply voltage Sensor lifetime ≥ 5.000.000 cycles
Nominal 24 Vdc PT4 -07 /-18 /-30 /-50 at full stroke at 25°C
Range (polarity protected) 8 ... 30 Vdc Burst pressure ≥ 150 bar
Permissible noise & ripple < 1 Vp-p Electrical connection M12 connection to
Influence of supply voltage < 0,02 %FS/V PT4-xxM Transmitters EN61076-2-101 part 2
PT4-Mxx Cable Assemblies Pre-fabricated with various
cable lengths
Operating current 4 to 20 mA output Approvals:
Maximum ≤ 24 mA CE marking according to PED Not allowed (SEP)
CE marking according to EMC CE marked
UL Listed: UL marked
SDFY2/SDFY8: E258370
Load resistance Medium compatibility HFC, HCFC, CFC
RL ≤ Ub - 8.0V_
0.02A not suitable for ammonia and
inflammable refrigerants !
Mounting position Non position sensitive Vibration at 10 ... 2000 Hz max. 4 g
Response time 1 ms Protection class IP65 (acc. to EN 60529)
Temperatures Materials:
Operating ambient housing -40.....+80 °C Housing, pressure connector Stainless steel
Medium -50...+135 °C and diaphragm with medium 1.4435 / AISI 316L
Transport and storage -40.....+85 °C contact
Weight approx. 37 grams
(without plug and cable assembly)
Accuracy performance
*) Total error includes non-linearity, hysteresis, repeatability as well
Type Total error * Temperature range as offset and span drift due to the temperature changes.
PT4-07M ≤ ±1% FS -40 ….+80 °C Note: %FS is related to Percentage of Full sensor Scale.
Mechanical connection
The PT4-Mxx cable assembly can only
PT4-Mxx be fitted onto the PT4 Pressure
Transmitter one way.
Locate the corresponding lug shown as
(1) opposite.
(top view)
EMERSON is not to be held responsible for erroneous literature by persons having the appropriate technical knowledge and skills, at
regarding capacities, dimensions, applications, etc. stated herein. their own discretion and risk. Since conditions of use are outside of
Products, specifications and data in this literature are subject to change EMERSON’s control we can not assume any liability for results obtained
without notice. The information given herein is based on technical data or damages occurred due to improper application.
and tests which EMERSON believes to be reliable and which are in This document replaces all earlier versions.
compliance with technical knowledge of today. It is intended only for use
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