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Unwritten Laws of Engineering

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The Unwritten


Professor of Engineering
University of California
Los Angeles, California

ASME International
345 East 47th Street
New York, NY 10017-2392 U.S.A.



What the Beginner Needs to Learn at Once, 3

Relating Chiefly to Engineering Executives, 10

Purely Personal Considerations for Engineers, 19
no substitute for judgment, and at times vigorous

1 individual initiative is needed to cut through

formalities in an emergency. But in many
respects these laws are like the basic laws of
What the Beginner Needs to Learn at society; they cannot be violated too often with
Once impunity, notwithstanding striking exceptions in
Some years ago the author became very much individual cases.
impressed with the fact, which can be observed in
any engineering organization, that the chief obstacles IN RELATION TO HIS WORK
to the success of individual engineers or of the However menial and trivial your early
group comprising a unit were of a personal and assignments may appear give them your best
administrative rather than a technical nature. It was efforts.
apparent that both the author and his associates Many young engineers
were getting into much more trouble by violating the feel that the minor chores of a technical project
unwritten laws of professional conduct than by are beneath their dignity and unworthy of their
committing technical sins against the well- college training. They expect to prove their true
documented laws of science. Since the former worth in some major enterprise. Actually, the
appeared to be indeed unwritten at that time, as spirit and effectiveness with which you tackle
regards any adequate and convenient text, the your first humble tasks will very likely be
following ‘laws” were originally formulated and carefully watched and may affect your entire
collected into a sort of scrapbook, to provide a set career.
of “house rules,” or a professional code, for a Occasionally a man will worry unduly about
design-engineering section of a large manufacturing where his job is going to get him—whether it is
organization. Although they are admittedly sufficiently strategic or significant. Of course
fragmentary and incomplete, they are offered here these are pertinent considerations and you would
for whatever they may be worth to younger men just do well to take some stock of them, but by and
starting their careers, and to older men who know large it is fundamentally true that if you take care
these things perfectly well but who all too often fail of your present job well, the future will take care
to apply them in practice. of itself. This is particularly so in the case of a
Just a few points should be emphasized: None of large corporation, where executives are
these “laws” is theoretical or imaginary, and constantly searching for competent men to move
however obvious and trite they may appear, their up into more responsible positions. Success
repeated violation is responsible for much of the depends so largely upon personality, native
frustration and embarrassment to which engineers ability, and vigorous, intelligent prosecution of
everywhere are liable. In fact this paper is primarily a any job that it is no exaggeration to say that your
record, derived from direct observation over a ultimate chances are much better if you do a
period of seventeen years, of the experience of four good job on some minor detail than if you do a
engineering departments, three of them newly mediocre job as section head. Furthermore, it is
organized and struggling to establish themselves by also true that if you do not first make a good
the trial-and-error method. It has, however, been showing on your present job you are not likely
supplemented and confirmed by the experience of to be given the opportunity of trying something
others as gathered from numerous discussions, lec- else more to your liking.
tures, and the literature, so that it most emphatically There is always a premium upon the ability to
does not reflect the unique experience or get things done. This is a quality which may be
characteristics of any one organization. achieved by various means under different
Furthermore, many of these rules are generalizations circumstances. Specific aspects will be elab-
to which exceptions will occur in special orated in some of the succeeding items. It can
circumstances. There is no thought of urging a probably be reduced, however, to a combination
slavish adherence to rules and red tape, for there is of three basic characteristics, as follows:
commitments in writing.
(a) Energy, which is expressed in initiative to start
Do not assume that the job will be
things and aggressiveness to keep them moving
done or the bargain kept just because the other
fellow agreed to do it. Many people have poor
(b) Resourcefulness or ingenuity, i.e., the faculty for
memories, others are too busy, and almost
finding ways to accomplish the desired result, and
everyone will take the matter a great deal more
(c) Persistence (tenacity), which is the disposition to
seriously if he sees it in writing. Of course there
persevere in spite of difficulties, discouragement, or
are exceptions, but at times it pays to mark a
third party for a copy of the memo, as a witness.
This last quality is sometimes lacking in the make-up
of brilliant engineers, to such an extent that their
When sent out on any complaint or other
effectiveness is greatly reduced. Such dilettantes are
assignment stick with it and see it through to a
known as “good starters but poor finishers.” Or else
successful finish. All too often a young engineer
it will be said of a man:
from the home office will leave a job half done
“You can’t take him too seriously; he’ll be all
or poorly done in order to catch a train or keep
steamed up over an idea today but tomorrow he will
have dropped it and started chasing some other some other engagement. Wire the boss that
you’ve got to stay over, to clean up the job.
rainbow.” Bear in mind, therefore, that it may be
Neither he nor the customer will like if it another
worth while finishing a job, if it has any merit, just
man has to be sent out later to finish it up.
for the sake of finishing it.
In carrying out a project do not wait for foremen,
Avoid the very appearance of vacillation.
vendors, and others to deliver the goods; go after
One of the gravest indictments of an engineer is
them and keep everlastingly after them. This is one
of the first things a new man has to learn in entering to say: “His opinion at any time depends merely
a manufacturing organization. Many novices assume upon the last man with whom he has talked.”
that it is sufficient to place the order and sit back Refrain from stating an opinion or promoting an
and wait until the goods are delivered. The fact is undertaking until you have had a reasonable
that most jobs move in direct proportion to the opportunity to obtain and study the facts.
amount of follow-up and expediting that is applied Thereafter see it through if at all possible, unless
to them. Expediting means planning, investigating, fresh evidence makes it folly to persist.
promoting, and facilitating every step in the process. Obviously the extremes of bullheadedness and
Cultivate the habit of looking immediately for some dogmatism should be avoided, but remember
way around each obstacle encountered, some other that reversed decisions will be held against you.
recourse or expedient to keep the job rolling without
losing momentum. There are ten-to-one differences Don’t be timid—speak up—express yourself
between individuals in respect to what it takes to and promote your ideas. Every young man
stop their drive when they set out to get something should read Emerson’s essay on “Self Reliance.”
done. Too many new men seem to think that their job
On the other hand, the matter is occasionally is simply to do what they’re told to do, along
overdone by overzealous individuals who make thelines laid down by the boss. Of course there
themselves obnoxious and antagonize everyone by are times when it is very wise and prudent ‘to
their offensive browbeating tactics. Be careful about keep your mouth shut, but, as a rule, it pays to
demanding action from another department. Too express your point of view whenever you can
much insistence and agitation may result in more contribute something. -The quiet mousey
damage to a man’s personal interests than could ever individual who says nothing is usually credited
result from the miscarriage of the technical point with having nothing to say.
involved. It frequently happens in any sort of undertaking
that nobody is sure of just how the matter ought
Confirm ‘your instructions and the other fellow’s to be handled; it’s a question of selecting some

kind of program with a reasonable chance of An excellent guide in this respect may be found
success. This is commonly to be observed in engi- in the standard practice of-newspapers in
neering-office conferences. The first man to speak printing the news. The headlines give 90 per cent
up with a definite and plausible proposal has better of the basic facts. If you have the time and the
than an even chance of carrying the floor, provided interest to read further, the first paragraph will
only that the scheme is definite and plausible. (The give you most of the important particulars.
“best” scheme usually cannot be recognized as such Succeeding paragraphs simply give details of
in advance.) It also happens that the man who talks progressively diminishing significance. To fit an
most knowingly and confidently about the matter article into available space, the editor simply lops
will very often end up with the assignment to carry off paragraphs from the rear end, knowing that
out the project. If you do not want the job, keep relatively little of importance will be lost. You
your mouth shut and you’ll be overlooked, but can hardly do better than to adopt this method in
you’ll also be overlooked when it comes time to your own reports,
assign larger responsibilities. presenting your facts in the order of importance,
as if you might be cut off any minute.
Be extremely careful of the accuracy of your
Before asking for approval of any major action statements. This seems almost trite, and yet
have a definite plan and program worked out to many engineers lose the confidence of their
support it. Executives very generally and very superiors and associates by habitually guessing
properly will refuse to approve any proposed when they do not know the answer to a direct
undertaking that is not well planned and thought question. It is certainly important to be able to
through as regards. the practical details of its answer questions concerning your
execution. Quite often a young man will propose a responsibilities, but a wrong answer is worse
project without having worked out the means of than no answer. If you do not know, say so, but
accomplishing it, or weighing the actual advantages also say, “I’ll find out right away.” If you are not
against the difficulties and costs. This is the certain, indicate the exact degree of certainty or
difference between a “well-considered” and a “half- approximation upon which your answer is based.
baked” scheme. A reputation for dependability and reliability can
Strive for conciseness and clarity in oral or be one of your most valuable assets.
written reports. If there is one bane of an executive’s This applies, of course, to written matter,
existence, it is the man who takes a half hour of calculations, etc., as well as to oral reports. It is
rambling discourse to tell him what could be said in definitely bad business to submit a report to the
one sentence of twenty words. There is a curious boss for approval without first carefully checking
and widespread tendency among engineers to sur- it yourself, and yet formal reports are sometimes
round the answer to a simple question with so many turned in full of glaring errors and omissions.
preliminaries and commentaries that the answer itself
can hardly be discerned. It is so difficult to get a IN RELATION TO THE BOSS
direct answer out of some men that their usefulness
is thereby greatly diminished. The tendency is to Every executive must know what’s going on in
explain the answer before answering the question. his bailiwick. This principle is so elementary and
To be sure, very few questions admit of simple fundamental as to be axiomatic. It follows from
answers without qualifications, but the important the very obvious fact that a man cannot possibly
thing is to state the crux of the matter as succinctly manage his business successfully unless he
as possible first. On the other hand, there are times knows what’s going on in it. It applies to minor
when it is very important to add the pertinent executives and other individuals charged with
background or other relevant facts to illuminate a specific responsibilities as well as to department
simple statement. The trick is to convey the heads. No one in his right mind will deny the
maximum of significant information in the minimum soundness of the principle and yet it is very com-
time, a valuable asset to any man. monly violated or overlooked. It is cited here
because several of the rules which follow are mischief can be done to the interests of all
concerned with specific violations of this cardinal concerned (including the company) if some other
requirement. alternative is elected, particularly in the case of
younger men. Consider the damage to the
Do not overlook the fact that you’re working for efficiency of a military unit when the privates,
your boss. This sounds simple enough, but some disliking the leader, ignore or modify orders to
engineers never get it. By all means, you’re working suit their individual notions! To be sure, a
for society, the company, the department, your business organization is not a military machine,
family, and yourself, but primarily you should be but it is not a mob, either.
working for and through your boss. And your boss
is your immediate superior, to whom you report One of the first things you owe your boss is to
directly. As a rule, you can serve all other ends to keep him informed of all significant
best advantage by working for him, assuming that developments. This is a corollary of the
he’s approximately the man he ought to be. It is not preceding rules: An executive must know what’s
uncommon for young engineers, in their impatient going on. The main question is: How much must
zeal to get things done, to ignore the boss, or at- he know—how many of the details? This is
tempt to go over or around him. Sometimes they always a difficult matter for the new man to get
move a little faster that way, for a while, but sooner straight. Many novices hesitate to bother the
or later they find that such tactics cannot be boss with too many reports, and it is certainly
tolerated in a large organization. Generally speaking, true that it can be overdone in this direction, but
you cannot get by the boss; he determines your in by far the majority of cases the executive’s
rating and he rates you on your ability to cooperate, problem is to extract enough information to keep
among other things. Besides, most of us get more adequately posted. For every time he has to say,
satisfaction out of our jobs when we’re able to give “Don’t bother me with so many details,” there
the boss our personal loyalty, with the feeling that will be three times he will say, “Why doesn’t
we’re helping him to get the main job done. someone tell me these things?” Bear in mind that
Be as particular as you can in the selection of he is constantly called upon to account for,
your boss. In its effect upon your engineering career, defend, and explain your activities to the
this is second in importance only to the selection of “higher-ups,” as well as to coordinate these
proper parents. In most engineering organizations activities into a larger plan.. In a nutshell, the
the influence of the senior engineer, or even the rule is therefore to give him promptly all the
section head, is a major factor in molding the information he needs for these two purposes.
professional character of younger engineers. Long
before the days of universities and textbooks, master Whatever the boss wants done takes top
craftsmen in all the arts absorbed their skills by priority. You may think you have more
apprenticeship to master craftsmen. It is very much important things to do first, but unless you ob-
as in the game of golf; a beginner who constantly tain permission it is usually unwise to put any
plays in company with “dubs” is very apt to remain a other project ahead of a specific assignment from
“dub” himself, no matter how faithfully he studies your own boss. As a rule, he has good reasons
the rules, whereas even a few rounds with a “pro” for wanting his job done now, and it is apt to
will usually improve a novice’s game. have a great deal more bearing upon your rating
But, of course, it is not always possible to choose than less conspicuous projects which may appear
your boss advisedly. What if he turns out to be more urgent.
somewhat less than half the man he ought to be? Also, make a note of this: If you are instructed
There are only two proper alternatives open to you; to do something and you subsequently decide it
(a) accept him as the representative of a higher isn’t worth doing (in view of new data or events)
authority and execute his policies and directives as do not just let it die, but inform the boss of your
effectively as possible, or (b) transfer to some other intentions and reasons. Neglect of this point has
outfit at the first opportunity. A great deal of caused trouble on more than one occasion.
are in the “field” or the “districts,” you are in the
premises of the district manager or local office,
Do not be too anxious to follow the boss’s lead.
and that all transactions must be with the
This is the other side of the matter covered by the
manager’s permission just as if you were in his
preceding rule. An undue subservience or deference
to the department head’s wishes is fairly common
4 Performing any function assigned to another
among young engineers. A man with this kind of
division or individual. Violations of this law
psychology may:
often cause bitter resentments and untold
mischief. The law itself is based upon three
1 Plague the boss incessantly for minute directions
underlying principles:
and approvals.
2 Surrender all initiative and depend upon the boss
(a) Most people strongly dislike having anyone
to do all of his basic thinking for him.
“muscle” into their territory, undermining their
3 Persist in carrying through a design or a program
job by appropriating their functions.
even after new evidence has proved the original plan
(b) Such interference breeds confusion and
to be wrong.
This is where an engineering organization differs mistakes. The man in charge of the job usually
knows much more about it than you do, and,
from an army. In general, the program laid down by
even when you think you know enough about it,
the department or section’ head is tentative, rather
the chances are better than even that you’ll over-
than sacred, and is intended to serve only until a
look some important factor.
better program is proposed and approved.
(c) Nine times out of ten when you’re
The rule therefore is to tell your boss what you have
performing the other fellow’s function you’re
done, at reasonable intervals, and ask his approval of
neglecting your own. It is rarely that any
any well considered and properly planned deviations
engineer or executive is so caught up on his own
or new projects that you may have conceived.
responsibilities that he can afford to take on
those of his colleagues.
Never invade the domain of any other division
There is a significant commentary on this last
without the knowledge and consent of the executive
principle which should also be observed: In
in charge. This is a very common offense, which
general you will get no credit or thanks for doing
causes no end of trouble. Exceptions will occur in
the other fellow’s job for him at the expense of
respect to minor details, but the rule applies particu-
your own. But it frequently happens that, if you
larly to:
can put your own house in order first, an
1 The employment of a subordinate. Never offer understanding of and an active interest in the
a man a job, or broach the matter at all, without first affairs of other divisions will lead to promotion
securing the permission of his boss. There may be to a position of greater responsibility. Many a
excellent reasons why the man should not be man has been moved up primarily because of a
disturbed. demonstrated capacity for taking care of other
2 Engaging the time or committing the services of a people’s business as well as his own.
subordinate for some particular project or trip. How
would you feel, after promising in a formal meeting In all transactions be careful to “deal-in”
to assign one of your men to an urgent project, to everyone who has a right to be in. It is extremely
discover that some other executive had had the gall easy, in a large corporation, to overlook the
to send him on an out-of-town trip without interests of some division or individual who does
attempting to notify you? Yet it has been done! not happen to be represented, or in mind, when a
3 Dealings with customers or outsiders, with significant step is taken. Very often the result is
particular reference to making promises or that the step has to be retracted or else
commitments involving another division. In this considerable damage is done. Even when it does
connection bear in mind especially that, when you no apparent harm, most people do not like to be
left out when they have a stake in the matter, and the more than five, in which case you’d better say
effect upon morale may be serious. four weeks. This allows one week for
Of course there will be times when you cannot wait contingencies and sets you a reasonable bogie
to stand on ceremony and you’ll have to go ahead under the comfortable figure of five weeks. Both
and “damn the torpedoes.” But you cannot do it extremes are bad; a good engineer will set
with impunity too often. schedules which he can meet by energetic effort
Note particularly that in this and the preceding item at a pace commensurate with the significance of
the chief offense lies in the invasion of the other the job.
man’s territory without his knowledge and consent. As a corollary of the foregoing, you have a right
You may find it expedient on occasions to do the to insist upon having estimates from responsible
other man’s job for him, in order to get your own representatives of other departments. But in
work done, but you should first give him a fair accepting promises, or statements of facts, it is
chance to deliver the goods or else agree to have frequently important to make sure that you are
you take over. If you must offend in this respect, at dealing with a properly qualified representative
least you should realize that you are being offensive. of the other section. Also bear in mind that when
you ignore or discount another man’s promises
Be careful about whom you mark for copies of you impugn his responsibility and incur the extra
letters, memos, etc., when the interests of other liability yourself. Of course this is sometimes
departments are involved. A lot of mischief has been necessary, but be sure that you do it advisedly.
caused by young men broadcasting memoranda Ideally, another man’s promises should be
containing damaging or embarrassing statements. Of negotiable instruments, like his personal check,
course it is sometimes difficult for a novice to in compiling estimates.
recognize the “dynamite” in such a document but, in
general, it is apt to cause trouble if it steps too When you are dissatisfied with the services of
heavily upon someone’s toes or reveals a serious another section, make your complaint to the
shortcoming on anybody’s part. If it has wide individual most directly responsible for the
distribution or if it concerns manufacturing or function involved. Complaints made to a man’s
customer difficulties, you’d better get the boss to superiors, over his head, engender strong
approve it before it goes out unless you’re very sure resentments and should be resorted to only when
of your ground. direct appeal fails. In many cases such com-
Promises, schedules, and estimates are necessary plaints are made without giving the man a fair
and important instruments in a well-ordered chance to correct the grievance, or even before
business. Many engineers fail to realize this, or he is aware of any dissatisfaction.
habitually try to dodge the irksome responsibility for This applies particularly to individuals with
making commitments. You must make promises whom you are accustomed to deal directly or at
based upon your own estimates for the part of the close range, or in cases where you know the man
job for which you are responsible, together with to whom the function has been assigned. It is
estimates obtained from contributing departments more formal and in some instances possibly more
for their parts. No one should be allowed to avoid correct to file a complaint with the head of
the issue by the old formula, “I can’t give a promise section or department, and it will no doubt tend
because it depends upon so many uncertain factors.” to secure prompt results. But there are more
Consider the “uncertain factors” confronting a than a few individuals who would never forgive
department head who must make up a budget for an you for complaining to their boss without giving
entire engineering department for a year in advance! them a fair chance to take care of the matter.
Even the most uncertain case can be narrowed down Next to a direct complaint to the top, it is
by first asking, “Will it be done in a matter of a few sometimes almost as serious an offense to mark
hours or a few months—a few days or a few a man’s boss for a copy of a letter containing a
weeks?” It usually turns out that it cannot be done in complaint or an implied criticism. Of course the
less than three weeks and surely will not require occasion may justify such criticism; just be sure
you know what you’re doing.

In dealing with customers and outsiders remember

that you represent the company, ostensibly with full
responsibility and authority. You may be only a few
months out of college but most outsiders will regard
you as a legal, financial, and technical agent of your
company in all transactions, so be careful of your

Any self-respecting engineer resents being

2 babied, to the extent where he cannot act on the

most trivial detail without express approval of
the department head.
Relating Chiefly to Engineering On the other hand, it must be granted that
Executives details are not always trivial and it may
sometimes require a meeting of the management
committee to change the length of a screw in a
critical piece of mechanism in high production.
The following is a partial list of It’s simply a matter of making sure that all items
basic commandments, readily subscribed to by all are handled by men of appropriate competence
executives but practiced only by the really good and experience.1
Put first things first, in applying yourself to your
INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOR AND TECHNIQUE job. Since there usually isn’t time for everything,
Every Executive must know what’s going on in his it is essential to form the habit of concentrating
bailiwick. This is repeated here for emphasis, and on the important things first. The important
because it belongs at the head of the list for this things are the things for which you are held di-
section. Just remember that it works both ways, as rectly responsible and accountable, and if you
regards what you owe your associates and aren’t sure what these are you’d better find out
subordinates as well as yourself. mighty quick and fix them clearly in mind.
Obviously this applies primarily to major or Assign these responsibilities top priority in
significant developments and does not mean that you budgeting your time; then delegate as many as
should attempt to keep up with all the minor details possible of the items which will not fit into your
of functions assigned to subordinates. It becomes a schedule. It is a good general rule never to
vice when carried to the extent of impeding undertake any minor project or chore that you
operations. Nevertheless, the basic fact remains that can get someone else or some other department
the more information an executive has, the more to do for you, so long as it is not an essential
effectively he can manage his business. part of your job. For example, if your job is
building motors it’s a mistake to spend time
Do not try to do it all yourself This is another one
designing special vibration or sound meters for
of those elementary propositions that everyone will testing them if you can get the laboratory to do it
endorse and yet violations are quite common. It’s for you. In handling special problems of this sort,
bad business; bad for you, bad for the job, and bad it is usually good
for your men. You must delegate responsibility even diplomacy to let some local office do the job, if
if you could cover all of the ground yourself. It isn’t they can, before importing experts from another
wise to have so much depend upon one man and it’s plant or company.
very unfair to your men. It is often said that every The practice of drawing upon all available
executive should have his business so organized that resources for assistance can frequently be
he could take a month’s vacation at any time and applied to advantage in respect to your major
have everything go along smoothly. The most products, as well as in minor details. This is
common excuse for hogging the whole job is that especially true in a large organization where the
subordinates are too young or inexperienced. It’s services of experts, consulting engineers,
part of your job to develop your men, which
includes developing initiative, resourcefulness, and Administrative Organization for a Small
judgment. The best way to do this is to load them up Manufacturing Firm,”
with all the responsibility they can carry without by Willis Rabbe, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, vol.
danger of serious embarrassment to the department. 63, 1941, pp. 517-520.

laboratories, and other departments are available
either at no cost or for much less than it would cost Do not get excited in engineering emergencies—
you to get the answer independently. In fact, there keep your feet on the ground. This is certainly trite
may well be cases in which it would be wise for you enough, and yet an engineering group will
to limit yourself, personally or as a business sometimes be thrown into a state of agitation
manager, to performing only those functions to bordering on panic by some minor crisis. This
which you can bring some special talent, skill, or refers especially to bad news from the factory or
contribution, or in which you enjoy some natural the field regarding some serious and
advantage. Some companies, for example, have embarrassing difficulty, such as an epidemic of
achieved outstanding success by virtue of their equipment failures. Most crises aren’t half as bad
special genius for merchandising the products of as they appear at first, so make it a point to
others, or by concentrating on the manufacture of a minimize rather than magnify a bad situation. Do
standard competitive article so as to capture the not ignore signs of trouble and get caught
market by lowering the price. Likewise the aircraft napping, but learn to distinguish between iso-
companies generally exploit their special lated cases and real epidemics. The important
aeronautical skill, leaving development of engines, thing is to get the facts first, as promptly and as
superchargers, propellers, and other components to directly as possible. Then act as soon as you
specialists in these fields. Few of us are versatile have enough evidence from responsible sources
enough to excel in more than one or two talents. to enable you to reach a sound decision.
Cultivate the habit of “boiling matters down” to
their simplest terms. The faculty for reducing Engineering meetings should not be too large or
apparently complicated situations to their basic, too small. Many executives carry their aversion
essential elements is a form of wisdom that must for large meetings to the point of a phobia. This
usually be derived from experience, but there are is reflected in the common saying that nothing
marked differences between otherwise comparable worth while is ever accomplished in a large
individuals in this respect. Some people seem meeting. It is true enough that large meetings
eternally disposed to “muddy the water;” or they frequently dissipate the subject over a number of
“can never see the woods for the trees,” etc. Perhaps conflicting or irrelevant points of view, in a
a man cannot correct such an innate tendency simply generally superficial manner. But this is almost
by taking thought, but it appears to be largely a entirely a matter of the competence of the
matter of habit, a habit of withdrawing mentally to a chairman. A considerable amount of skill is
suitable vantage point so as to survey a mass of facts required to manage a sizable meeting so as to
in their proper perspective, or a habit of becoming keep it on the proper subject, avoiding
immersed and lost in a sea of detail. Make it practice longwinded digressions or reiterations of the
to integrate, condense, summarize, and simplify your arguments. It should be the function of the
facts rather than to expand, ramify, complicate, and chairman, or the presiding senior executive, to
disintegrate them. bring out the pertinent facts bearing upon the
Many meetings, for example, get nowhere after matter, in their logical order, and then to secure
protracted wrangling until somebody finally says agreement upon the various issues by (a) asking
‘Well, gentlemen, it all boils down simply to this, or
for general assent to concrete proposals, or (b)
“Can’t we agree, however, that the basic point at taking a vote, or (c) making arbitrary decisions.
issue is just this or, “After all, the essential fact
Engineering meetings may degenerate into
remains that....” protracted wrangles for lack of competent
This sort of mental discipline, which instinctively direction. The danger in this respect seems to be
impels a man to go down to the core to get at the about in proportion to the size of the meeting.
crux of the matter, is one of the most valuable
qualities of a good executive.2
Dunlap Smith, Harper & Bros., New York, N.
Y., 1935.
See also: “Psychology for Executives,” by Elliott
decision. However, it is sometimes said that
Small meetings, three, or four persons, can usually
anybody can make decisions when all of the facts
hammer out a program or dispose of knotty
are at hand, whereas an executive will make the
problems much more effectively. The chief
same decisions without waiting for the facts.3 To
drawback lies in the possibility that all interested
maintain a proper balance in this respect, when
parties may not be represented, and considerable
in doubt ask yourself the question: “Am I likely
loss or mischief may result from failure to take
to lose more by giving a snap judgment or by
account of significant facts or points of view. Apart
waiting for more information?”
from the actual loss involved, strong resentment or
2 The application of judgment can be
discouragement may be engendered in the neglected
facilitated by formulating it into principles,
parties. (The Revolutionary War was brought about
policies, and precepts in advance. The present
largely as a result of the fact that the Colonies were
paper is an attempt to formulate experience for
not represented in the British Parliament.)
this purpose. Make up your own code, if you
There will doubtless be cases in which it is neither
will, but at least have some sort of code, for
feasible nor desirable to have all interested parties
much the same reason that you memorize the
represented in engineering discussions, particularly if
the participants are well informed. But in general it axioms of Euclid or Newton’s laws of motion.
3 You do not have, to be right every time. It is
is fitting, proper, and helpful to have the man
said that a good executive needs to be right only
present whose particular territory is under
51 per cent of the time (although a little better
margin would obviously be healthy).
An excellent expedient for avoiding the objections to
4 The very fact that a decision is difficult usually
either extreme in this respect is to keep the meeting
means that the advantages and drawbacks of the
small, calling in each key man when his particular
various alternatives are pretty well balanced, so
responsibility is being discussed.
that the net loss cannot amount to much in any
In any kind of a meeting the important thing is to
event. In such cases it is frequently more
face the issues and dispose of them. All too often
important to arrive at some decision—any
there is a tendency to dodge the issues, postponing
decision— promptly than to arrive at the best
action until a later date, or “letting the matter work
decision ultimately. So take a definite position
itself out naturally.” Matters will always work out
and see it through.
“naturally” if the executive function of control is
5 It is futile to try to keep everybody happy in
neglected but this represents a low order of
deciding issues involving several incompatible
“management.” Count any meeting a failure which
points of view. By all means give everyone a fair
does not end up with a definite understanding as to
hearing, but after all parties have had their say
what’s going to be done; who’s going to do it, and
and all facts are on the table, dispose of the mat-
when. This should be confirmed in writing
ter decisively even if someone’s toes are stepped
on. Otherwise the odds are that all parties will
end up dissatisfied, and even the chief
Cultivate the habit of making brisk, clean-cut
beneficiary will think less of you for straddling
decisions. This is, of course, the most difficult and
the issue.
important part of an executive’s job. Some
executives have a terrific struggle deciding even
The following criteria are helpful in choosing a
minor issues, mainly because they never get over
course of action when other factors are
being afraid of making mistakes. Normally, facility
indecisive; ask yourself these questions:
comes with practice, but it can be hastened by
observing a few simple principles.
(a) Does it expedite and progress the
1 Decisions will be easier and more frequently
correct if you have the essential facts at hand. It will
therefore pay you to keep well informed, or else to See “Definition of an Executive,” by H. S.
bring out the relevant facts before attempting a Osborne, Electrical Engineering, vol. 61, August,
1942, p. 429.
undertaking, or does it smack of procrastination and diplomacy to prepare the ground for such
delay? announcements by discussing the matter in
(b) Is it fair and square and aboveboard? advance with various key men or directly
(c) Is it in line with established custom, precedence, interested parties. This is, in fact, an elementary
or policy? A good reason is generally required for a technique in diplomatic and political procedure,
departure. but it is all too often ignored in engineering
(d) Is it in line with a previous specific decision or practice. Much embarrassment and bad feeling
understanding? Even a good reason for making a can be caused by announcing a major change or
change will sometimes not offset the unfortunate embarking upon a new program or policy
impression of apparent instability. “He can’t make without consulting those directly affected or
up his own mind” is a common reaction. (Observe, who are apt to bring up violent objections, with
however, that this criterion is suggested only “when good reason later on. 4
other factors are indecisive.” By all means have the
courage of your convictions when the change is HANDLING DESIGN .AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS

justifiable.) Beware of the “perils of security” in planning

(e) What are the odds? Can I afford to take the your engineering programs. It is one of the
chance? How does the possible penalty compare fundamental anomalies of human experience that
with the possible gain, in each of the alternatives too much preoccupation with the pursuit of
offered? Very often you can find a solution wherein security is very apt to lead to greater danger and
the worst possible eventuality isn’t too bad, in insecurity. In a competitive world you must take
relation to the possible gains. chances—bold and courageous chances—or else
the other fellow will, and he will win out just
Do not allow the danger of making a mistake to enough often to keep you running, all out of
inhibit your initiative to the point of “nothing breath, trying to catch up. So it behooves you as
ventured, nothing gained.” It is much healthier to an engineering executive to “stick your neck
expect to make mistakes, take a few good risks now out,” and keep it out, by undertaking stiff
and then, and take your medicine when you lose. development programs, setting a high mark to
Moreover, there are few mistakes that cannot be shoot at, and then working aggressively to
turned into profit somehow, even if it’s only in terms realize your objectives. With competent
of experience. direction any representative engineering
Finally, it should be observed that having ‘the organization will work its way out of a tight
courage of your convictions” includes having the spot, every time, under the pressure of the
courage to do what you know to be right, emergency. If you do not like such
technically as well as morally, without undue regard “emergencies,” just remember that, if you do not
for possible criticism or the necessity for explaining create your own emergencies in advance, your
your actions. Many seemingly embarrassing situa- competition will create them for you at a much
tions can readily be cleared up, or even turned to more embarrassing time later on.
advantage, merely by stating the simple, underlying In order to minimize the risk it is good policy to
facts of the matter. It boils down to a very hedge against the failure of a new project by
straightforward proposition. If your reasons for your providing an alternative, or an “out” to fall back
actions are sound, you should not worry about on, wherever practicable. You can go after
having to defend them to anyone; if they’re not bigger stakes with impunity when you have suit-
sound you’d better correct them promptly, instead ably limited your possible losses in such a
of building up an elaborate camouflage. manner.
Plan your work, then work your plan. The
Do not overlook the value of suitable
“preparation” before announcing a major decision or 4
See also: “The Technique of Executive
policy. When time permits, it is frequently good Control,” by Erwin Haskell Schell. Fifth edition,
Book Co., Inc., New York, N. Y., 1942.
following formula for carrying out a development or (b) Preparation of commercial
design project seems to be standard in the best specifications (features and ratings
engineering circles: agreed upon jointly by commercial and
design divisions).
(a) Define your objectives. (c) Preliminary design.
(b) Plan the job, by outlining the steps to be (d) Build and test preliminary sample.
accomplished. (e) Final design.
(c) Prepare a definite schedule. (f) Build and test final samples.
(d) Assign definite responsibilities for each item. (g) Preliminary planning and costs.
(e) Make sure that each man has sufficient help (h) Engineering release of final drawings
and facilities. for production.
(f) Follow up; check up on progress of the (i) Final planning and costs.
work. (j) Ordering materials and tools.
(g) Revise your schedule as required. (k) Preparation of manufacturing and test
(h) Watch for “bottlenecks,” “log-jams,” and instructions; application, installation,
“missing links;” hit lagging items hard. operating and service manuals;
(i) Drive to a finish on time. replacement-parts catalogue, publicity
Plan your development work far enough ahead of (1) Initial production.
production so as to meet schedules without a wild last- (m) Test production samples.
minute rush; In the nature of things it seems
(n) Minor design changes to correct errors
inevitable that the group responsible for design and expedite production.
engineering is also in the best position to take care
of development projects. This is due to the intimate Obviously, some of these activities can be
contacts of the designers with the practical problems carried on concurrently, but unless they are all
of production, performance, and market suitably provided for there is very apt to be some
requirements. But it is also true that very awkward stumbling and bungling along the way.
considerable foresight is required to offset the Be careful to “freeze” a new design when
natural tendency of designers to become the development has progressed far enough. Of
preoccupied with immediate problems of this nature, course it is not always easy to say how far is “far
at the expense of the long range development enough” but, in general, you have gone far
program, which is not so urgent and pressing. It is enough when you can meet the design
therefore the function of management to exercise specifications and costs, with just enough time
sufficient “vision” to anticipate trends and initiate left to complete the remainder of the program on
research and development projects before the schedule. The besetting temptation of the
demand becomes uncomfortably urgent. This means designing engineer is to allow himself to be led
starting such projects soon enough, i.e., six months, on by one glittering improvement after another,
a year, or even two years in advance, to allow pursuing an elusive perfection that leads him far
sufficient time to carry out all of the necessary steps past the hope of ever keeping his promises and
in a well ordered program. commitments. Bear in mind that there will
Even when the development of new designs simply always be new design improvements coming
means a rehash of old fundamentals in new dress, it along, but it is usually better to get started with
is important to plan the program early enough and to what you have on time, provided only that it is
provide for all stages in the process of getting the up to specifications as regards features, quality,
product on the market. For example, the following and cost.
steps may be required to carry through the
development of a typical peacetime product: Constantly review developments and other
(a) Market survey. activities to make certain that actual benefits are

commensurate with costs in money, time, and feeling. Do not keep tentative organization
manpower. Not infrequently developments are changes hanging over people. It is better to
carried along by virtue of Newton’s first law of dispose of a situation promptly, and change it
motion long after they have ceased to yield a later, than to hold up a decision simply because
satisfactory return on the investment. The occasion you might want to change it. It is again a matter
for vigilance in this respect is obvious enough; it is of facing issues squarely; it is easier to “just wait
cited here simply as a reminder. and see how things work out” but, beyond the
minimum time required to size up personnel, it’s
Make it a rule to require, and submit, regular not good management.
periodic progress reports, as well as final reports on In so far as possible, avoid divided
completed projects. However irksome such chores responsibility for specific functions. Ideally each
may seem, your business simply isn’t fully organized man should have full authority and control over
and controlled until you have established this all of the factors essential to the performance of
practice, as regards reports to your superiors as well his particular function. This is commonly
as from your subordinates. There appears to be no expressed in the aphorism that authority must be
other regimen quite so compelling and effective in commensurate with responsibility. In practice
requiring a man to keep his facts properly assembled this is seldom possible of fulfillment; we must all
and appraised. depend upon the contributions of others at some
It is further true that, generally speaking, an point in the process. Still the amount of
engineering project is not really finished until it is dependency should be kept to the practical
properly summarized, recorded, and filed in such a minimum, for it is extremely difficult for a man
manner that the information can readily be located to get anything done if he must eternally solicit
and utilized by all interested parties. An enormous the voluntary co-operation or approval of too
amount of effort can be wasted or duplicated in any many other parties. This is what is known as
engineering department when this sort of being “organized to prevent things from getting
information is simply entrusted to the memory of done.”
individual engineers.
The logical answer to the problem of divided
NOTES RESPECTING ORGANIZATION 5 responsibility (or “division of labor”) is
Do not have too many men reporting directly to one coordination. If any activity, such as the design
man. As a rule, not more than six or seven men of a product, must be divided into development,
should report to one executive in an engineering design, drafting, and production engineering,
organization. Occasionally a strong energetic leader these functions should obviously be coordinated
will deal directly with fifteen or twenty engineers, in by a single responsible engineer.
which case he is usurping the positions and functions
of several group leaders, burdening himself with too If you haven’t enough legal authority assume
much detail, and depriving the men of adequate as much as you need. During the Civil War a
Confederate officer one evening found that his
supply train was held up by a single Union
Assign definite responsibilities. It is extremely
battery which was dropping shells accurately
detrimental to morale and efficiency when no one
into a narrow mountain pass. Without even
knows just what his job is or what he is responsible
changing his uniform, he rode around to the rear
for. If assignments are not made clear there is apt to
of the battery, and coming upon them suddenly,
be interminable bickering, confusion, and bad
sharply ordered them to swing their guns around
to another point. He was obeyed with alacrity
5 because he acted as if he expected to be obeyed.
For a more authoritative discussion of this subject,
He rode off to rejoin his command, and led them
see the excellent series of papers on “Organization
through the pass before anyone discovered that
and Management of Engineering,” Electrical
he had exceeded his authority.
Engineering, vol. 61, Aug. 1942, pp. 422—429.
pertinent material on each subject be referred to
Of course such tactics are not recommended for
the proper specialist, who will act as consultant
general use, but the story illustrates the fact that
and as contact man with laboratories, etc., for
quite a lot can be accomplished, on occasions,
the entire section. It may, of course, be desirable
without full administrative sanction. The important
to assign full-time specialists to important sub-
thing is to exercise sufficient care to avoid running
jects when the business can afford it; the main
afoul of the interests and authority of others.
point is to establish pools of specialized
This injunction is based upon three elementary
knowledge rather than to expect each designer
facts of experience:
to know all that he needs to know about the
principal arts and sciences which are common to
1 A man will frequently be held responsible for a
the various products of the department.
good deal more than he can control by directly
delegated authority.
2 A very considerable amount of authority can be
assumed with complete impunity if it is assumed Promote the personal and professional interests
discreetly, and with effective results. People in of your men on all occasions. This is not only an
general tend to obey a man who appears to be in obligation, it is the opportunity and the privilege
charge of any situation, provided that he appears to of every executive.
know what he is doing and obtains the desired As a general principle, the interests of
results. individual engineers coincide with the company’s
3 Most executives will be very pleased to confirm interest, i.e., there is, or should be, no basic
such authority in their subordinates when they see it conflict. The question of which should be placed
being exercised effectively. Executives in general first is, therefore, rarely encountered in practice,
have much more trouble pushing their men ahead although it is clear that, in general, the company
than in holding them back. s interests, like those of the state or society,
must take precedence. It is one of the functions
Do not create “bottlenecks.” Co-ordination of of management to reconcile and merge the two
minor routine affairs is sometimes carried too far, sets of interests to their mutual advantage, since
when a single individual must pass upon each they are so obviously interdependent.
transaction before it can be carried out. Such rigid It should be obvious that it is to the
control can easily cause more trouble than the company’s advantage to preserve the morale and
original liability. Fortunately, bottlenecks are usually loyalty of individual engineers, just as it is
recognized early in the game, and it is easy to avoid common policy to maintain proper relations with
them by designating alternates, or by allowing the labor unions. The fact is that attempts to
freedom of action in emergencies, with the proviso organize engineers into unions have failed simply
that the proper party be notified at the first because the engineers have been confident that
opportunity. their interests have been looked after very
conscientiously and very adequately by
Assign responsibilities for technical subjects, as responsible executives.
well as for specific products, in setting up your Morale is a tremendously important factor in
engineering organization. This is a practice which any organization. It is founded primarily upon
could be used to advantage in design sections more confidence, and it reaches a healthy development
frequently than it is. The idea is to assign dual when the men feel that they will always get a
responsibilities to each engineer; (a) for a particular square deal plus a little extra consideration on
product or line of apparatus, and (b), for a technical occasions.
specialty, such as lubrication, heat transfer, surface Specific injunctions under this principle are
finishes, magnetic materials, welding, fluid flow, etc. cited in succeeding items.
These assignments should be made known to all
members of the group, with the request that all Do not hang onto a man too selfishly when he
is offered a better opportunity elsewhere. It’s a raw Do not criticize one of your men in front of
deal to stand in the way of a man’s promotion just others, especially his own subordinates. This
because it will inconvenience you to lose him. You obviously damages prestige and morale.
are justified in shielding him from outside offers only Also, be very careful not to criticize a man
when you are sincerely convinced that he has an when it’s really your own fault. Not infrequently,
equal or better opportunity where he is. Moreover, the real offense can be traced back to you, as
you should not let yourself get caught in a position when you fail to advise, or warn, or train the
where the loss of any man would embarrass you man properly. Be fair about it.
unduly. Select and train runners-up for all key men,
including yourself. Show an interest in what your men are doing. It
is definitely discouraging to a man when his boss
Do not short-circuit or override your men if you can manifests no interest in his work, as by failing to
possibly avoid
inquire, comment, or otherwise take notice of it.
it. It is very natural, on occasions, for an .executive
to want to exercise his authority directly in order to Never miss a chance to commend or reward a
dispose of a matter promptly without regard for the man for a job well done. Remember that your job
man assigned to the job. To be sure, it’s your is not just to criticize and browbeat your men
prerogative, but it can be very demoralizing to the into getting their work done. A first-rate
subordinate involved and should be resorted to only executive is a leader as well as a critic. The
in real emergencies. Once you give a man a job, let better part of your job is, therefore, to help,
him do it, even at the cost of some inconvenience to advise, encourage, and stimulate your men.
yourself. Never miss a chance to build up the On the other hand, this does not mean
prestige of your men. And more than a little mischief mollycoddling. By all means get tough when the
can be done by exercising authority without occasion justifies it. An occasional sharp
sufficient knowledge of the details of the matter. censure, when it is well deserved, will usually
help to keep a man on his toes. But if that’s all
You owe it to your men to keep them properly
he gets, he is apt to go a bit sour on the job.
informed. Next to responsibility without authority
comes responsibility without information, in the Always accept full responsibility for your group
catalogue of raw deals. It is very unfair to expect a and the individuals in it. Never “pass the buck,”
man to acquit himself creditably when he is held or blame one of your men, even when he has “let
responsible for a project without adequate you down” badly, in dealings with outsiders.
knowledge of its past history, present status, or You are supposed to have full control and you
future plans. An excellent practice, followed by are credited with the success as well as the
many top-flight executives, is to hold occasional failure of your group.
meetings of section heads to acquaint them with
major policies and developments in the business of Do all that you can to see that each of your men
the department and the company, so that all will gets all of the salary that he’s entitled to. This is
know what’s going the most appropriate reward or compensation
on. for outstanding work, greater responsibility, or
An important part of the job of developing a man increased value to the company. (Any
is to furnish him with an ample background of recommendation for an increase in salary must
information in his particular field, and as a rule this be justified on one of these three bases.)
involves a certain amount of travel. There are
occasions when it is worth while to send a young Include interested individuals in introductions,
man along on a trip for what he can get out of it, luncheons, etc., when entertaining visitors.
rather than what he can contribute to the job. Obviously, this can be overdone, but if you’re
entertaining a visiting specialist, it is good busi-

ness, as well as good manners, to invite the
corresponding specialist in your own department to
go along.

Do all that you can to protect the personal interests

of your men and their families, especially when they’re
in trouble. Do not con fine your interest in your men
rigidly within the boundaries of “company business.”
Try to get in little extra accommodations when
justifiable. For example, if you’re sending a man to
his home town on a business trip, schedule it for
Monday, so that he can spend Sunday with his
family, if it makes no difference otherwise.
Considerations of this sort make a “whale” of a
difference in the matter of morale and in the
satisfaction an executive gets out of his job. The old-
fashioned “slave driver” is currently regarded in
about the same light as Heinrich Himmler. Treat
your men as human beings making up a team rather
than as cogs in a machine.
In this connection, it is sometimes advisable to
talk things over with a man when you become
definitely dissatisfied with his work, or recognize a
deficiency which is militating against him. To be
sure, it is not always easy, and may require much
tact to avoid discouraging or offending the man, but
it may well be that you owe it to him. Bear this in
mind; if you ultimately have to fire him, you may
have to answer two pointed questions: “Why has it
taken you five years to discover my incompetence?”
and, “Why haven’t you given me a fair chance to
correct these shortcomings?” Remember that when
you fire a man for incompetence, it means not only
that he has failed, but also that you have failed.

violated, with unfortunate results, however

3 obvious or bromidic they may appear.


Purely Personal Considerations for One of the most important personal traits is
Engineers the ability to get along with all kinds of people.
This is rather a comprehensive quality but it
defines the prime requisite of personality in any
The importance of the personal and type of industrial organization. No doubt this
sociological aspects of our behavior as engineers is ability can be achieved by various formulas,
brought out in the following quotation (1) :6 although it is probably based mostly upon
“In a recent analysis of over 4000 cases, it was general, good-natured friendliness, together with
found that 62 per cent of the employees discharged fairly consistent observance of the “Golden
were unsatisfactory because of social un- Rule.” The following “do’s and don’ts” are more
adaptability, only 38 per cent for technical specific elements of such a formula:
And yet about 99 per cent of the emphasis in the 1 Cultivate the tendency to appreciate the
training of engineers is placed upon purely technical good qualities, rather than the shortcomings of
or formal education. In recent years, however, there each individual.
has been a rapidly growing appreciation of the 2 Do not give vent to impatience and
importance of “human engineering,” not only in annoyance on slight provocation. Some offensive
respect to relations between management and individuals seem to develop a striking capacity
employees but also as regards the personal for becoming annoyed, which they indulge with
effectiveness of the individual worker, technical or little or no restraint.
otherwise. It should be obvious enough that a highly 3 Do not harbor grudges after disagreements
trained technological expert with a good character involving honest differences of opinion. Keep
and personality is necessarily a better engineer and a your arguments on an objective basis and leave
great deal more valuable to his company than a personalities out as much as possible.
sociological freak or misfit with the same technical 4 Form the habit of considering the feelings
training. This is largely a consequence of the and interests of others.
elementary fact that in a normal organization no 5 Do not become unduly preoccupied with
individual can get very far in accomplishing any your own selfish interests. It may be natural
worth-while objectives without the voluntary enough to “look out for Number One first,” but
cooperation of his associates; and the quantity and when you do your associates will leave the
quality of such cooperation is determined by the matter entirely in your hands, whereas they will
“personality factor” more than anything else. be much readier to defend your interests for you
This subject of personality and character is, of if you characteristically neglect them for
course, very broad and much has been written and unselfish reasons.
preached about it from the social, ethical, and This applies particularly to the matter of credit
religious points of view. The following “laws” are for accomplishments. It is much wiser to give
drawn up from the purely practical point of view your principal attention to the matter of getting
based upon well-established principles of “good the job done, or to building up your men, than to
engineering practice,” or upon consistently repeated spend too much time pushing your personal
experience. As in the preceding sections, the interests ahead of everything else. You need
selections are limited to rules which are frequently have no fear of being overlooked; about the only
way to lose credit for a creditable job is to grab
for it too avidly.
Numbers in parentheses refer to the Bibliography at 6 Make it a rule to help the other fellow
the end of the paper
whenever an opportunity arises. Even if you’re preoccupation we cannot help feeling that such
mean-spirited enough to derive no personal unsociable chumps would not be missed much if
satisfaction from accommodating others it’s a good we never saw them again. On the other hand, it
investment. The business world demands and is difficult to think of anyone who is too cordial,
expects co-operation and teamwork among the although it can doubtless be overdone like
members of an organization. It’s smarter and anything else. It appears that most people tend
pleasanter to give it freely and ungrudgingly, up to naturally to be sufficiently reserved or else over
the point of unduly neglecting your own reserved in this respect.
responsibilities. 10 Give the other fellow the benefit of the
7 Be particularly careful to be fair on all doubt if you are inclined to suspect his motives,
occasions. This means a good deal more than just especially when you can afford to do so. Mutual
being fair, upon demand. All of us are frequently distrust and suspicion breed a great deal of
unfair, unintentionally, simply because we do not absolutely unnecessary friction and trouble,
habitually view the matter from the other fellow’s frequently of a very serious nature. This is a very
point of view, to be sure that his interests are fairly common phenomenon, which can be observed
protected. For example, when a man fails to carry among all classes and types of people, in
out an assignment, he is sometimes unjustly international as well as local affairs. It is derived
criticized when the real fault lies with the executive chiefly from misunderstandings, pure ignorance,
who failed to give him the tools to do the job. or from an ungenerous tendency to assume that
Whenever you enjoy some natural advantage, or a man is guilty until he is proved innocent. No
whenever you are in a position to injure someone doubt the latter assumption is the “safer” bet, but
seriously, it is especially incumbent upon you to it is also true that if you treat the other fellow as
“lean over backwards” to be fair and square. a depraved scoundrel, he will usually treat you
8 Do not take yourself or your work too likewise, and he will probably try to live down to
seriously. A normal healthy sense of humor, under what is expected of him. On the other hand you
reasonable control, is much more becoming, even to will get much better co-operation from your
an executive, than a chronically soured dead-pan, a associates and others if you assume that they are
perpetually unrelieved air of deadly seriousness, or just as intelligent, reasonable, and decent as you
the pompous solemn dignity of a stuffed owl. are, even when you know they’re not (although
The Chief Executive of the United States smiles the odds are 50:50 that they are). It isn’t a
easily or laughs heartily, on appropriate occasions, question of being naive or a perpetual sucker;
and even his worst enemies do not attempt to you’ll gain more than you lose by this practice,
criticize him for it. It is much better for your blood with anything more than half-witted attention to
pressure, and for the morale of the office, to laugh the actual odds in each case.
off an awkward situation now and then than to
maintain a tense tragic atmosphere of stark disaster Do not be too affable. It’s a mistake, of course,
whenever matters take an embarrassing turn. To be to try too hard to get along with everybody
sure, a serious matter should be taken seriously, and merely by being agreeable and friendly on all
a man should maintain a quiet dignity as a rule, but it occasions. Somebody will take advantage of you
does more harm than good to preserve an sooner or later, and you cannot avoid trouble
oppressively heavy and funereal atmosphere around simply by running away from it (“appeasement”).
you. You must earn the respect of your associates by
9 Put yourself out just a little to be genuinely demonstrating your readiness to give any man a
cordial in greeting people. True cordiality is, of hell of a good fight if he asks for it. Shakespeare
course, spontaneous and should never be affected, put it succinctly in Polonius’ advice to his son (in
but neither should it be inhibited. We all know “Hamlet”): “Beware of entrance to a quarrel; but
people who invariably pass us in the hall or being in, bear it that the opposed may beware of
encounter us elsewhere without a shadow of thee.”
recognition. Whether this be due to inhibition or On the other hand, do not give ground too
quickly just to avoid a fight, when you know you’re realizes. This is true to such a degree that it
in the right. If you can be pushed around easily the makes a man appear downright ludicrous when
chances are that you will be pushed around. There he assumes a pose or otherwise tries to convince
will be times when you would do well to start a fight us that he is something better than he is. As
yourself, when your objectives are worth fighting Emerson puts it: “What you are speaks so loud I
for. cannot hear what you say.” In fact it frequently
As a matter of fact, as long as you’re in a happens that a man is much better known and
competitive business you’re in a fight all the time. understood by his associates, collectively, than
Sometimes it’s a fight between departments of the he knows and understands himself.
same company. As long as it’s a good clean fight, Therefore, it behooves you as an engineer to
with no hitting below the belt, it’s perfectly healthy. let your personal conduct, overtly and covertly,
But keep it on the plane of “friendly competition” as represent your conception of the very best
long as you can. (In the case of arguments with your practical standard of professional ethics, by
colleagues, it is usually better policy to settle your which you are willing to let the world judge and
differences out of court, rather than to take them to rate you.
the boss for arbitration.) Moreover, it is morally healthy and tends to
Likewise, in your relations with subordinates it is create a better atmosphere, if you will credit the
unwise to carry friendliness to the extent of other fellow with similar ethical standards, even
impairing discipline. There are times when the best though you may be imposed upon occasionally.
thing that you can do for a man (and the company) The obsessing and overpowering fear of being
is to fire him, or transfer him. Every one of your cheated is the common characteristic of second-
men should know that whenever he deserves a good and third-rate personalities. This sort of
“bawling out” he’ll get it, every time. The most rigid psychology sometimes leads a man to assume an
discipline is not resented so long as it is reasonable, extremely “cagey” sophisticated attitude,
impartial, and fair, especially when it is balanced by crediting himself with being impressively clever
appropriate rewards, appreciation, and other when he is simply taking advantage of his more
compensations as mentioned in Part 2. Too much considerate and fair minded associates. On the
laxity or squeamishness in handling men is about as other hand a substantial majority of topflight
futile as cutting off a dog’s tail an inch at a time to executives are scrupulously fair, square, and
keep it from hurting so much. If you do not face straightforward in their dealings with all parties.
your issues squarely, someone else will be put in In fact most of them are where they are largely
your place who will. because of this characteristic, which is one of the
Regard your personal integrity at one of your most prime requisites of first-rate leadership.
important assets. In the long pull there is hardly The priceless and inevitable reward for
anything more important to you than your own self- uncompromising integrity is confidence, the
respect and this alone should provide ample confidence of associates, subordinates, and
incentive to maintain the highest standard of ethics “outsiders.” All transactions are enormously
of which you are capable. But, apart from all simplified and facilitated when a man’s word is
considerations of ethics and morals, there are as good as his bond and his motives are above
perfectly sound hardheaded business reasons for suspicion. Confidence is such an invaluable
conscientiously guarding the integrity of y our business asset that even a moderate amount of it
character. will easily outweigh any temporary advantage
One of the most striking phenomena of an that might be gained by sharp practices.
engineering office is the transparency of character Integrity of character is closely associated
among the members of any group who have been with sincerity, which is another extremely
associated for any length of time. In a surprisingly important quality. Obvious and marked sincerity
short period each individual is recognized, is frequently a source of exceptional strength and
appraised, and catalogued for exactly what he is, influence in certain individuals, particularly in the
with far greater accuracy than that individual usually case of speakers. Abraham Lincoln is a classic
example. In any individual, sincerity is always which takes an awful beating. Others wear
appreciated, and insincerity is quickly detected and colors contrasting violently with suit or shirt, but
discounted. this is sometimes a matter of artistic license (if it
In order to avoid any misunderstanding, it should isn’t color blindness).
be granted here that the average man, and certainly 4 Shirt, frayed at collar or cuffs, or just plain
the average engineer, is by no means a low dishonest dirty.
scoundrel. In fact the average man would violently 5 Hands, dirty.
protest any questioning of his essential honesty and 6 Nails, in deep mourning, chewed off, .or else
decency, perhaps fairly enough. But there is no absurdly long. A man doesn’t need to be
premium upon this kind of common garden variety fastidious, but dirty neglected nails immediately
of honesty, which is always ready to compromise in and conspicuously identify a careless sloppy
a pinch. The average man will go off the gold individual. (This is especially true in the case of
standard or compromise with any sort of expediency an interview, where first impressions are so
whenever it becomes moderately uncomfortable to important.)
live up to his obligations. This is hardly what is Of course we all know some very good men
meant by “integrity,” and it is certainly difficult to who are oblivious to such details, so that it
base even a moderate degree of confidence upon the cannot be said that all who ignore them are
guarantee that you will not be cheated unless the necessarily crude, third-rate, slovenly lowbrows,
going gets tough. but it is probably a safe bet that all crude, third-
rate, slovenly low-brows are offensive in most of
A little profanity goes a long way. Engineering is these respects.
essentially a gentleman’s profession, and it ill Do not argue that you cannot afford to look
becomes a man to carry profanity to the point of your best; you cannot afford not to. Your
becoming obnoxiously profane. Unfortunately, associates and superiors notice these details,
profanity is sometimes taken as a mark of rugged perhaps more than you realize, and they rate you
he-man virility, but any engineer with such an idea accordingly.
should realize that many a pimply, half-witted, In this connection, note the following
adolescent street urchin will hopelessly outclass him quotation from a recent pamphlet on “employee
in this respect. rating” (2):
On the other hand, there is no reason why a man “The ‘halo effect’ simply means that rating of
should be afraid to say “damn.” On appropriate one trait is often influenced by that given to
occasions a good hearty burst of colorful profanity some other trait. Thus an employee who makes a
may be just a healthy expression of strong feelings. nice appearance and has a pleasant manner is apt
But there is never any occasion for the filthy variety to obtain a higher rating on all other traits than
of obscenity, and a really foul mouth will generally he deserves.”
inspire nothing but contempt.
Analyze yourself and your men. In the
Be careful of your personal appearance. Roughly foregoing, it has been assumed that any normal
eight out of every ten engineers pay adequate individual will be interested in either:
attention to their personal appearance and neatness.
The other two offend in respect to one or more of (a) Advancement to a position of greater
the following items: responsibility, or (b) improvement in personal
I Suit rumpled or soiled, or else trousers, coat, effectiveness as regards quantity and/or quality
and vest have nothing in common but their means of of accomplishment.
support. Either of these should result in increased
2 Shoes, unpolished or dilapidated. financial compensation and satisfaction derived
3 Tie, at half-mast or looking like it was tied with from the job.
one With reference to item (a), it is all too often
hand. Some individuals seem to own but one tie, taken for granted that increased executive and
administrative responsibility is a desirable and ideas
appropriate form of reward for outstanding Interested in: Interested in:
Business Sciences
proficiency in any type of work. This may be a
Costs Mathematics
mistake from either of two points of view: Profit and loss Literature
1 The individual may be very much surprised to Practices Principles
find that he is much less happy in his new job than he Ability to get many things done Ability to get intricate
thought he was going to be. In many instances things done
young engineers are prone to assume that increased Practical Idealistic
responsibility means mostly increased authority and Extensive (broad perspectives) Intensive
compensation. Actually, the term “compensation” is Synthesist Analyst
well applied, for the extra salary is paid primarily to Fast, intuitive Slow, methodical
compensate for the extra burden of responsibility. Of Talent for leadership Independent, self-
course most people relish the added load, because of sufficient
the larger opportunities that go with it, but many Uses inductive logic Uses deductive logic
perfectly normal individuals find it more of a load Has competitive spirit Prefers to “live and
let live”
than anything else. It is not uncommon for an Bold Modest
engineer or a scientist to discover, to his dismay, Courageous Retiring
that as soon as he becomes an executive he no Noisy Quiet
longer has time to be an engineer or a scientist. In Aggressive Restrained
fact, some executives have time for absolutely Tough, rugged Vulnerable, sensitive
nothing else. Confident Deferential
Impulsive Intellectual
2 From the business standpoint, it by no means Vigorous, energetic Mediative,
follows that because a man is a good scientist, he philosophical
will make a good executive. Many a top-notch Opinionated, intolerant Broad-minded,
technician has been promoted to an administrative tolerant
position very much to his own and the job’s Determined Adaptable
detriment. Impatient Patient
Enterprising Conservative
These facts should therefore be considered
carefully by the man threatened with promotion and
by the man about to do the promoting. There are Of course many people represent
other ways of rewarding a man for outstanding intermediate types, or mixtures; the attributes
accomplishment. given in Table 1 delineate the
It is not always easy, however, to decide in pronounced types. Nevertheless, if most of
advance whether you, or the man in question, would your attributes lie in the right-hand column the
be happier and more effective as an executive or as chances are very much against your becoming a
an individual worker. There is no infallible criterion successful executive. On the other hand, if you
for this purpose but it will be are interested primarily in increasing your
found that, in general, the two types are effectiveness as an individual worker you would
distinguished by the characteristics and qualities do well to develop some of the strong qualities
listed in Table 1. listed in the left column, to reinforce the virtues
on the right.
Two facts stand out sharply in this connection:
Executive Individual worker
1 Whatever your position, and however
Extrovert Introvert complacent you may be about it, there is always
Cordial, affable Reserved room for improving your effectiveness; usually
Gregarious, sociable Prefers own company plenty of room.
Likes people Likes technical work
2 Whatever your natural handicaps may be, it
Interested in people Interested in mechanisms,
is always possible to accomplish such
improvement by study and practice, provided only pamphlet on “employee rating” (2). It is very
that you have the will, the determination, and the noticeable that most of these forms are
interest to sustain the effort. concerned chiefly with acquired rather than
It is very much like the design of a piece of inherited traits. The point is that most of the
apparatus. Any experienced engineer knows that it is features upon which individuals are rated
always possible to secure substantial improvements represent bad habits or plain ignorance, i.e.,
by a redesign. When you get into it you will find that features that may be controlled and corrected by
there are few subjects more absorbing or more conscious effort.
profitable than the design and development of a
good engineer! As Alexander Pope wrote many CONCLUSION

years ago: The foregoing “laws” represent only one basic

“The proper study of mankind is man.” element in the general formula for a successful
As previously suggested, this applies to the engineering career. The complete list of essential
development of your men as well as yourself. It components is as follows:
likewise applies to the appraisal and selection of (a) The written laws (the arts and sciences).
men. After your own character, the next most (b) The unwritten laws, of which the
important factor in your ultimate success is the foregoing is
caliber of your assistants. In fact, there are, admittedly no more than a preliminary and
doubtless, cases where the character of the executive very inadequate summary.
is not particularly important, provided only that he is (c) Native endowments (intelligence,
smart enough to surround himself with top-notch imagination, health, energy, etc.).
men to carry the load. In many instances the success (d) Luck, chance, opportunities (“the
or failure of your business will depend upon whether breaks”).
your engineers are slightly above or below the The last item is included because good or bad
marginal level of competence for the industry. fortune undoubtedly enters into the picture
It is a significant fact that, in the overwhelming occasionally. Broadly speaking, however, luck
majority of cases, the decisive differences in the tends to average out at a common level over a
abilities of engineers are relatively small. In spite of period of years, and there are more opportunities
the occasional incidence of a genius or a nit-wit, the looking for men than there are men looking for
great majority of personnel in any industry and the opportunities.
backbone of the large organizations are individuals About all that we can do about our native
who vary only slightly from the norm. In general, endowments is to conserve, develop, and utilize
when executives look over an organization to select them to best advantage.
a man for a better job, those who are passed up have The “unwritten laws,” including those that are
very few actual shortcomings, but the man who is still unwritten, are needed to give direction to
chosen has the least. Likewise, many top executives our efforts in this latter respect.
are distinguished not so much by marked genius as The “written laws” receive plenty of attention
by relative freedom from defects of character. There during our formal schooling, but our studies are
is nowhere near enough genius to go around. not always extended as effectively as they might
This should be particularly heartening to the be after graduation. In many cases, superior
younger men who view the leaders of industry with technical knowledge and training represent the
awe and wonder upon what meat they feed. Nine marginal consideration in the selection of men
out of ten of you have “what it takes” as regards for key positions.
native endowments. The problem is to make the To anyone interested in improving his
most of what you have. professional effectiveness, further study of both
To this end it will be helpful to study some of the types of laws will yield an excellent return on the
employee rating sheets and charts that have been investment. Under present conditions, however,
evolved by various industries. Sample forms and a most engineering graduates are much closer to
general discussion of the subject will be found in the
the saturation point in respect to the written than to 1939.
the unwritten variety. A few references are listed in 9 “Organization and Management of Engineering
Described at Unusual General Session,” reviewing by M.
the Bibliography for the benefit of those who may be
R. Sullivan, R. C. Muir, and H. B. Gear, Electrical
interested in further excursions into these subjects. Engineering, vol. 61, August, 1942, pp. 422—429.
Finally it should be observed that the various 10 “Administrative Organization for a Small
principles which have been expounded, like those of Manufacturing Firm,” by Willis Rabbe, MECHANIcAL
the arts and sciences, must be assiduously applied ENGINEERING, vol. 63, 1941, pp. 517—520.
and developed in practice if they are to become 11 “Task of the Executive in Modern Industry,” by
really effective assets. It is much easier to recognize John Airey, Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 32,
Jan., 1942, pp. 472—479.
the validity of these “laws” than it is to apply them 12 “Middle Management,” by Mary Cushing Howard
consistently, just as it is easier to accept the Niles, Harper & Bro., New York, N.Y., 1941.
doctrines of Christianity than to practice them. The 13 “Management’s Handbook,” by L. P. Alford, The
important thing here is to select, in so far as Ronald Press Company, New York, N. Y., 1924.
possible, a favorable atmosphere for the 14 “Shop Management,” by F. W. Taylor, Harper &
development of these professional skills. This is Bro., New York, N. Y., 1911. (This is a classic work in
which Taylor is credited with laying the foundations of
undoubtedly one of the major advantages of modern “scientific management. )
employment in a large engineering organization, just 15 “Onward Industry,” by J. D. Mooney and A. C.
as it is advantageous to a young doctor to spend his Riley, Harper & Bro., New York, N. Y., 1931.
internship in the Mayo Clinic. Perhaps even more 16 “Personnel Management and Industrial Relations,”
important, as previously mentioned, is the selection by Dale Yodcr, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New York, N. Y.,
of your boss, particularly during those first few years 1942.
that constitute your engineering apprenticeship. No 17 “Industrial Psychology,” by Joseph Tiffin,
amount of precept is as effective as the proper kind Prentice-Hall, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1942.
18 “Industrial Psychology, Industrial Relations,” by
of example. Unfortunately, there is not nearly Irving Knickerbocker, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, vol.
enough of this kind of example to go around, and in 65, 1943, pp. 137—138.
any event it will behoove you to study the “rules of 19 - “What Men Live By,” by R.. C. Cabot, Houghton-
the game to develop your own set of principles to Mifflin Company, New York, N. Y., 1914.
guide you in your professional practice. 20 “Psychology for Business and Industry,” by Herbert
Moore, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York,
21 “Pidustrial Management,” by G. G. Anderson, M.
1 “Elements of Human Engineering,” by C. R. Gow, J. Mandeville, and J. M. Anderson, The Ronald Press
Macmillan Company, New York, N. Y., 1932. Company, New York, N. Y., 1943.
2 “Employee Rating,” National Industrial Conference 22 “Psychology for Executives,” by E. D. Smith,
Board, Report 39, New York, N. Y., 1942. Harper & Bro., New York, N. Y., 1935.
3 “Papers on the Science of Administration,” by Luther 23 “Industrial Relations Handbook,” by J. C. Aspley
Gulick and L. Urwick, Institute of Public Administration, and E. Whit-more, The Dartnell Corporation, Chicago,
Columbia University, New York, N. Y., 1937 (New York Ill., 1943.
State Library, Albany, reference 350.1, qG97). 24 “The Technique of Executive Control,” by Erwin
4 “Principles of Industrial Organization,” by D. S. Haskell Schell, fifth edition, McGraw-Hill Book
Kimball, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, N. Company, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1942.
Y., 1933. 25 “Management of Manpower,” by A. S. Knowles
5 “Organization and Management in Industry and and R. D. Thomson, Macmillan Company, New York, N.
Business,” by W. B. Cornell, The Ronald Press Company, Y., 1943.
New York, N. Y., 1936.
6 “Industrial Management,” by R. H. Lansburgh and W.
R. Spriegel, third edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New
York, N. Y., 1940.
7 “The Functions of the Executive,” by Chester I. Barnard,
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1938.
8 “Human Relations Manual for Executives,” by Carl
Heyel, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, N. Y.,

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