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Commissioning Documents For Instrumentation Engineers

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Commissioning Documents for Instrumentation Engineers

Commissioning is the formal process of verifying and documenting that the installed field
instruments and control systems comply with and perform in accordance with the design intent.
Commissioning should be identified as a specific activity requiring its own planning, scheduling,
management, and monitoring during the design and construction process. A commissioning team
should be assembled including representatives of all involved parties. Those represented should
include as a minimum:

1. Project management
2. Facility operations
3. Design engineer
4. General contractor
5. Mechanical subcontractor
6. Electrical subcontractor
7. System integrator
8. Installation subcontractor
9. Major equipment vendors
10. Reliability engineer
11. Maintainance Engineers
12. Field and Control room operators
13. Technicians
14. Supervisors and so on.

The roles and responsibilities of the various parties within the commissioning process may vary with
the agency and the type of project. In some cases, an independent engineer may be brought in to
coordinate and oversee the commissioning process. If an independent engineer is not used, the
design engineer should be retained to oversee the commissioning process. In either case, certain
key components of the program that must be included for a successful outcome:

1. A clear definition of the process and the parties’ roles and responsibilities (Commissioning
2. Integration of commissioning activities into the overall project schedule.
3. An organized system of commissioning documentation.
4. Development of written testing and verification procedures for every critical aspect of system
5. Review of these procedures by all affected parties prior to testing.
6. Clear definition prior to testing of the criteria for acceptance.
7. Procedures for correction and retesting in the case of failure.
Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)

A factory acceptance test and demonstration should be required in which the controller(s), I/O,
and HMI hardware and software are verified to the extent possible without the actual field devices.
FAT test should demonstrate the following:

1. Simulation of all inputs

2. Operation of all outputs with dummy load
3. Loop operation
4. Control sequences
5. Network communications
6. HMI screens, displays, and alarms
7. Operator control functions
8. Physical and information security measures
For example, PLC systems providing control of standby generators and paralleling switchgear
should be factory tested with the switchgear to demonstrate the actual operation of the breakers
and other controls with simulated utility and generator voltage and frequency sources.

Integrity Testing

Pneumatic lines should be pressure tested per ISA RP 7.1 and checked for obstructions. Electrical
conductors should be tested for continuity and insulation resistance according to industry standards
for their voltage ratings.


Instrument and actuator calibration should be completed prior to the loop checkout or startup of

The calibration program should include the following:

• All sensors, elements, indicators, transmitters, and actuators should be calibrated from
NIST- traceable standards according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
• All calibration equipment should have current independent certification of accuracy.
• Stroke actuators and verify control action, limits, and end switches.
• Each calibrated instrument should be field-marked with a waterproof calibration tag
bearing the range, setpoint, date and calibrator’s initials.
• An Instrument Certification sheet should be completed for each instrument and
included in the system documentation.
• A Final Control Element Certification sheet should be completed for each control valve
and included in the system documentation.

Instrumentation Documents

We need different types of documents that are used during instrumentation projects. The below list
shows some of the documents.

Instrument Hook-up Drawings

Logic Checks Drawings
Loop Checks Drawings
Instrument Functional Diagrams
Piping & Instrumentation (P&ID)
Process Flow Diagrams (PFD)

Loop Verification

The wiring of each control loop should be physically verified from the field device terminals to the
controller. Cable, conductor, terminal board and terminal designations should be verified and
marked off as such on a copy of the loop diagram or equivalent schematic or wiring diagram.
Verification should be by signal tracing, continuity verification, or “ringing out”. Tags and labels
placed during construction should not be considered adequate verification. Each control loop should
be verified by the injection of appropriate pressure, voltage, or current signal. Use actual signals
where available.

• Closely observe controllers, recorders, alarm and trip units, remote setpoints, ratio
systems, and other control components. Make corrections as required. Following any
corrections, retest the loop as before.
• Stroke all control valves, cylinders, drives and connecting linkages from the local
control station and from the control room operator interface.
• Check all interlocks to the maximum extent possible. In addition to any other as-
recorded documents, record all setpoint and calibration changes on all system
All analog loops should be tuned for an optimum response using a closed-loop tuning method and
the resulting gain, reset and rate recorded in the loop checkout sheet. A Control Loop Checkout
sheet should be completed for each loop.

Functional Performance Testing

Performance testing of all systems should be performed to verify compliance with the specified
sequences of operations and control diagrams. Functional performance testing consists of executing
written step-by-step procedures in which a condition is initiated or simulated and the response of
the system is noted and compared to the specified response.

Functional performance tests must verify the following:

1. Manual and automatic control modes.

2. Normal system conditions and modes of operation.
3. Contingency conditions and modes of operation.
4. Effect of all operator controls.
5. Operation of all interlocks and permissives.
6. Confirmation of failure state of all outputs.
7. Physical and information security measures.

Software Integrity

It is common for PLC programming errors to be identified during functional performance testing of
SCADA systems. Typically these are easily corrected by revising the program logic via a laptop or
computer and testing is then continued. It is also common for unforeseen circumstances to dictate
that a change be made to the specified sequence of operation in the field, again easily implemented
by changing the PLC logic. These common startup processes contain the serious risk that a change
made to correct misoperation at one point in the PLC control sequence may inadvertently affect the
performance of other control sequences that have already been tested and accepted.


Whenever all or part of a SCADA system is modified, repaired or replaced, re-commissioning is

required to verify that the portions of the system affected function correctly and that the work has
not affected other portions of the system. The extent of re-commissioning required should be
determined from the extent of the modifications. For work that affects only devices and wiring
external to the controller, the affected loops should be verified and functionally tested. For changes
to controller program logic or settings, the entire process or subsystem supported by that controller
should be functionally tested, and the interface to the supervisory level HMI verified. More extensive
modifications may require re-commissioning of the complete SCADA system.

Functional performance testing for system certification must take place without operator intervention
in the processor from beginning to end of the test. For this reason, it is highly recommended that a
complete pre-test be conducted, using the full functional performance test procedure, prior to
undertaking the certification test.
Instrument Certification Sheet

Prior to functional performance testing, all sensors and instruments should be calibrated and
documented using an Instrument Certification Sheet or instrument checklist.

Each Instrument Certification Sheet should include four sections:

1. Description of the Instrument such as Tag Number and Description;

2. A table to record the calibration of Transmitters and Indicators;
3. A table to record the calibration of Process Switches;
4. A list of the Calibration equipment used.
Check the following instrumentation checklists:

• Transmitter Loop Checklist

• Process Switches Checklist
• PID Controller Checklist
• PLC Digital Input Checklist
• Instrument Installation Checklist

Instrument Description

The Instrument Description section should include the following information:

• Project name
• Project location
• Project number
• Certifier’s name
• Certification date
• Control loop number
• Drawing references (such as P&ID, wiring diagram, etc.)
• Instrument tag number
• Instrument Description
• Instrument location
• Instrument manufacturer
• Instrument model number
• Instrument serial number, if applicable
• Instrument range
• Instrument setpoint and deadband (for switches)

Transmitters Calibration

A record of the transmitters and indicators calibration should contain the following data for both
increasing and decreasing input signals at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 percent of span.

• Input value
• Output value
• Error

Switches Calibration

A record of the process switches calibration should contain the following data for both increasing
and decreasing inputs at all setpoints:
• Setpoint value
• Operate value
• Error

Calibration Equipment

The certification sheet should include the following information on the calibration equipment used.

• Type of Device
• Manufacturer and Model Number
• Accuracy
• NIST Traceability (Yes/No)

(1) Input: the process value
(2) Output: the measured value of the switch actuation point
(3) Span: the difference between the Maximum and Minimum value of the instrument
(4) Error: [(Output – Input) / Span] x 100%

Final Control Element Certification Sheet

Valve actuators and other final control elements should also be calibrated and documented.

A final control element certification sheet should include four sections:

1. Description of the final control element such as tag number and description
2. A table to record the calibration of the I/P (current to pneumatic) converter, if applicable
3. A table to record the calibration of the final control element
4. A list of the calibration equipment used

Final Control Element Description

The final control element description section should include the following information.

• Project Name
• Project Location
• Project Number
• Certifier’s Name
• Certification Date
• Control Loop Number
• Drawing References (such as P&ID, Wiring Diagram, etc.)
• Control Valve Tag Number
• Control Valve Description
• Control Valve Location
• Control Valve Manufacturer
• Control Valve Model Number
• Control Valve Serial Number, if applicable
• Control Valve Actuator (Pneumatic or Electric)
• Control Valve Positioner (Direct or Reverse), if applicable
• Control Valve Positioner Input and Output Signal, if applicable
• Control Valve I/P Converter Input and Output Signal, if applicable
• Control Valve Failure Mode (open or close) on air failure, if applicable
• Control Valve Failure Mode (open or close) on power failure, if applicable
Calibration of I/P Converter

A record of the I/P (current to pneumatic) converter calibration should contain the following data for
both increasing and decreasing inputs at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 percent of span:

• Input value
• Output value
• Error

Calibration of Control Valve

A record of the final control element calibration should contain the following data for both increasing
and decreasing signals at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 percent span:

• Input value
• Output travel (position)
• Error

Certification of Calibration Equipment

The certification sheet should include the following information on the calibration equipment used.

• Type of Device
• Manufacturer and Model Number
• Accuracy
• NIST Traceability (Yes/No)

(1) Input: the control signal from the controller (PLC)

(2) Output: the measured value of the valve controller to the valve
(3) Travel: the valve percent open (not all valves are linear)
(4) Error: [(Output – Input) / Span] x 100%

Control Loop Checkout Sheet

The control system integrator should perform loop checkouts for each control loop in the system
and provide suitable documentation certifying that the loop is tuned and operating properly. The
control loop checkout sheet should have a section verifying each of the six steps described below.
When this has been verified and signed off, the functional performance testing (FPT) can be started.

Verify Mechanical Field Installation; that are no leaks;

• Motors and Pumps

• Valves and Dampers
Verify that all instruments are calibrated correctly for the specified ranges and setpoints;

• Pressure instruments
• Flow instruments
• Level instruments
• Temperature instruments
• Analysis instruments
Verify Electrical power wiring;

• Incoming power sources for proper voltage

• Field cables properly installed and identified
• Circuit breakers sized and operating correctly
• Fuses sized correctly inside control panels
Verify control system Input and Output wiring;

• Digital (switch) inputs

• Digital (on/off) outputs
• Analog (transmitters) inputs
• Analog (VFD’s, valves, and meters) outputs
Verify software logic is complete;

• Correct programs are loaded

• Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) thoroughly completed
• Software Management Practices in place
Verify HMI (or OIT) points and displays are complete;

• Graphic screens and screen navigation

• Alarm screens and operator actions
• Trend Displays and Data Archiving configured properly
The software logic and HMI/OIT should have been verified during the factory acceptance test.

The Control Loop Checkout Sheet should have a section verifying each of the steps described
above. When this has been verified and signed off, the Functional Performance Testing can be

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