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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: E1781/E1781M − 20

Standard Practice for

Secondary Calibration of Acoustic Emission Sensors1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E1781/E1781M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope* 2. Referenced Documents

1.1 This practice covers requirements for the secondary 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
calibration of acoustic emission (AE) sensors. The secondary E114 Practice for Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Straight-Beam
calibration yields the frequency response of a sensor to waves Contact Testing
of the type normally encountered in acoustic emission work. E494 Practice for Measuring Ultrasonic Velocity in Materi-
The source producing the signal used for the calibration is als
mounted on the same surface of the test block as the sensor E1106 Test Method for Primary Calibration of Acoustic
under testing (SUT). Rayleigh waves are dominant under these Emission Sensors
conditions; the calibration results represent primarily the sen- E1316 Terminology for Nondestructive Examinations
sor’s sensitivity to Rayleigh waves. The sensitivity of the
3. Terminology
sensor is determined for excitation within the range of 100 kHz
to 1 MHz. Sensitivity values are usually determined at frequen- 3.1 Definitions—Refer to Terminology E1316, Section B,
cies approximately 10 kHz apart. The units of the calibration for terms used in this practice.
are volts per unit of mechanical input (displacement, velocity, 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
or acceleration). 3.2.1 reference sensor (RS), n—a sensor that has had its
response established by primary calibration or by laser inter-
1.2 Units—The values stated in either SI units or inch- ferometer (also called secondary standard transducer) (see Test
pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. The Method E1106).
values stated in each system are not necessarily exact equiva-
lents; therefore, to ensure conformance with the standard, each Discussion—Alternatively, a laser interferometer or
system shall be used independently of the other, and values similar device may be used as a reference sensor.
from the two systems shall not be combined. 3.2.2 secondary calibration, n—a procedure for measuring
the frequency or transient response of an AE sensor by
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the comparison with an RS.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 3.2.3 test block, n—a block of homogeneous, isotropic,
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter- elastic material on which a source, an RS, and a SUT are
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. placed for conducting secondary calibration.
1.4 This international standard was developed in accor- 4. Significance and Use
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
4.1 The purpose of this practice is to enable the transfer of
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
calibration from sensors that have been calibrated by primary
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
calibration to other sensors.
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. 5. General Requirements
5.1 Units for Calibration—Secondary calibration produces
the same type of information regarding a sensor as does
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E07 on Nonde-
structive Testing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E07.04 on
Acoustic Emission Method. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
Current edition approved April 1, 2020. Published May 2020. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1996. Last previous edition approved in 2019 as E1781/E1781M – 19. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
DOI: 10.1520/E1781_E1781M-20. the ASTM website.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

E1781/E1781M − 20
primary calibration (Test Method E1106). An AE sensor
responds to motion at its front face. The actual stress and strain
at the front face of a mounted sensor depends on the interaction
between the mechanical impedance of the sensor (load) and
that of the mounting block (driver); neither the stress nor the
strain is amenable to direct measurement at this location.
However, the free displacement that would occur at the surface
of the block in the absence of the sensor can be inferred from
measurements made elsewhere on the surface. Since AE
sensors are used to monitor motion at a free surface of a
structure and interactive effects between the sensor and the
structure are generally of no interest, the free motion is the FIG. 1 Schematic of the Prototype Secondary Calibration Appa-
appropriate input variable. It is therefore required that the units ratus: A = a Capillary-Break Source, B = a 41 by 41 by 19 cm [16
of calibration shall be volts per unit of free displacement or free by 16 by 7.5 in.] Steel Block, C = the RS, D = the SUT, and E = the
velocity, that is, volts per unit or volt seconds per unit. Two-Channel Waveform Recorder System

5.2 The calibration results may be expressed, in the fre-

quency domain, as the steady-state magnitude and phase the RS and SUT are the same. Voltage transients from the two
response of the sensor to steady-state sinusoidal excitation or, sensors are recorded simultaneously by digital waveform
in the time domain, as the transient response of the sensor to a recorders (E) and processed by a computer.
delta function of displacement. 6.1.1 Actual dynamic displacements of the surface of the
5.3 Importance of the Test Block Material—The specific test block at the locations of the RS and SUT may be different
acoustical impedance (ρc) of the test block is an important because the RS and SUT may present different load imped-
parameter that affects calibration results. Calibrations per- ances to the test block. However, consistent with the definitions
formed on blocks of different materials yield sensor sensitivi- used for primary and secondary calibration, the loading effects
ties that are very different. For example, a sensor that has been of both sensors are considered to be characteristics of the
calibrated on a steel block, if calibrated on a glass or aluminum sensors themselves, and calibration results are stated in terms
block, may have an average sensitivity that is 50 % of the value of the free displacement of the block surface.
obtained on steel and, if calibrated on a polymethyl methacry- 6.2 Qualification of The Test Block—The prototype second-
late block, may have an average sensitivity that is 3 % of the ary calibration apparatus was designed for sensors intended for
value obtained on steel.3 use on steel. The test block is therefore made of steel (hot
5.3.1 For a sensor having a circular aperture (mounting rolled steel A36 material). For a steel block, it is recommended
face) with uniform sensitivity over the face, there are frequen- that specification to the metal supplier require that the block be
cies at which nulls in the frequency response occur. These nulls stress relieved at 566 °C [1050 °F] or greater and that the stress
occur at the zeroes of the first order Bessel function, J1 (ka), relief be conducted subsequent to any flame cutting.
where k = 2πf/c, f = frequency, c = the Rayleigh speed in the 6.2.1 For a steel test block, there must be two parallel faces
test block, and a = the radius of the sensor face.3 Therefore, with a thickness, measured between the faces, of at least 18 cm
calibration results depend on the Rayleigh wave speed in the [7 in.]. The volume of the block must contain a cylinder that is
material of the test block. 40 cm [16 in.] in diameter by 18 cm [7 in.] long, and the two
5.3.2 For the reasons outlined in 5.3 and 5.3.1, all secondary faces must be flat and parallel to within 0.12 mm [0.005 in.]
calibration results are specific to a particular material; a overall (60.06 mm [0.0025 in.]).
secondary calibration procedure must specify the material of 6.2.2 For a steel test block, the top surface of the block (the
the block.4 working face) must have a RMS roughness value no greater
than 1 µm [40 µin.], as determined by at least three profilometer
6. Requirements of the Secondary Calibration Apparatus
traces taken in the central region of the block. The bottom
6.1 Basic Scheme—A prototype apparatus for secondary surface of the block must have a RMS roughness value no
calibration is shown in Fig. 1. A glass-capillary-break device or greater than 4 µm [160 µin.]. The reason for having a
other suitable source device (A) is deployed on the upper face specification on the bottom surface is to ensure reasonable
of the steel test block (B). The RS (C) and the SUT (D) are ability to perform time-of-flight measurements of the speed of
placed at equal distances from the source and in opposite sound in the block.
directions from it. Because of the symmetry of the sensor 6.2.3 For blocks of materials other than steel, minimum
placement, the free surface displacements at the locations of dimensional requirements, dimensional accuracies, and the
roughness limitation must be scaled in proportion to the
Breckenridge, F. R., Proctor, T. M., Hsu, N. N., and Eitzen, D. G., “Some longitudinal sound speed in the block material relative to that
Notions Concerning the Behavior of Transducers,” Progress in Acoustic Emission in steel.
III, Japanese Society of Nondestructive Inspection, 1986, pp. 675–684.
6.2.4 The top face of the block shall be the working face on
Although this practice addresses secondary calibrations on test blocks of
which the source, RS, and SUT are located. These locations
different materials, the only existing primary calibrations are performed on steel test
blocks. To establish a secondary calibration on another material would also require shall be chosen near the center so as to maximize the distances
the establishment of a primary calibration for the same material. of source and receivers to the nearest edge of the face. For a

E1781/E1781M − 20
test block of any material, the distance from the source to the
RS and the distance from the source to the SUT must each be
100 6 2 mm [4 6 0.1 in.] (the same as that specified for
primary calibration).
6.2.5 The block must undergo longitudinal ultrasonic ex-
amination for indications at some frequency between 2 and
5 MHz. The guidelines of Practice E114 should be followed.
The block must contain no indications that give a reflection
greater than 12 % of the first back wall reflection.
6.2.6 The material of the block must be highly uniform, as
determined by pulse-echo, time-of-flight measurements of both
longitudinal and shear waves. These measurements must be
made through the block at a minimum of seven locations
spaced regularly over the surface. The recommended method
of measurement is pulse-echo overlap using precisely con-
trolled delays between sweeps. See Practice E494. It is
recommended that the pulse-echo sensors have their main
resonances in the range between 2 and 5 MHz. For the seven NOTE 1—The nulls in the response curves are predicted by the aperture
(or more) longitudinal measurements, the maximum difference effect described in 5.3.1. The worst case error is approximately 3.6 dB and
between the individual values of the measurements must be no occurs at the first aperture null (0.3 MHz). Most of the data agree within
1 dB.
more than 0.3 % of the average value. The shear measurements
FIG. 2 Comparison of Primary and Secondary Calibration Results
must satisfy the same criterion. for a SUT Having a Nominal Diameter of 12.7 mm [0.5 in.]
6.3 Source—The source used in the prototype secondary
calibration system is a breaking glass capillary. Capillaries are that has a small aperture and that its frequency response be as
prepared by drawing down 6 mm Pyrex tubing to a diameter of smooth as possible. See 5.3.1 and Figs. 2 and 3 concerning the
0.1 to 0.25 mm. Source events are generated by squeezing the aperture effect.
capillary tubing against the test block using pressure from the 6.5 Sensor Under Testing—The SUT must be tested under
side of a 4 mm diameter glass rod held in the hand. Since the conditions that are the same as those intended for the SUT
capillary is a line source, its length must be oriented at 90 when in use. The couplant, the electrical load applied to the
degrees to the direction of propagation to the sensosrs.5 SUT terminals, and the hold-down force must all be the same
6.3.1 In general, a secondary calibration source may be any as those that will be applied to the SUT when in use. The
small aperture (less than 3 mm [0.12 in.]) device that can preferred couplant is low-viscosity machine oil, and the pre-
provide sufficient energy to make the calibration measurements ferred hold-down force is 9.8 N [2.2 lbf]. These conditions are
conveniently at all frequencies within the range of 100 kHz to all the same as for primary calibration.
1 MHz. Depending on the technique of the calibration, the
source could be a transient device such as a glass-capillary- 6.6 Data Recording and Processing Equipment—For meth-
break apparatus, a spark apparatus, a pulse-driven transducer ods using transient sources, the instrumentation would include
(with pulse rise time less than one (1) micro-second), or a a computer and two synchronized transient recorders, one for
continuous wave device such as a National Institute for the RS channel and one for the SUT channel. The transient
Standards and Technology (NIST) Conical Transducer driven recorders must be capable of at least ten-bit accuracy and a
by a tone burst generator. If the RS and SUT are to be tested on sampling rate of 20 MHz, or at least twelve-bit accuracy and a
the block sequentially instead of simultaneously, then it must sampling rate of 10 MHz. They must each be capable of storing
be established that the source is repeatable within 2 %. data for a time record of at least 55 µs. The data are transferred
to the computer for processing and also stored on a permanent
6.4 Reference Sensor—The RS in the prototype secondary device, for example, compact disc, as a permanent record.
calibration system is an NIST Conical Transducer.
6.4.1 In general, the RS must have a frequency response, as 7. Calibration Data Processing
determined by primary calibration, that is flat over the fre- 7.1 Raw Data—In the prototype secondary calibration
quency range of 100 kHz to 1 MHz within a total overall system, the triggering event is the Rayleigh spike of the
variation of 20 dB either as a velocity transducer or a reference channel. By means of pre-triggering, the data se-
displacement transducer. For a valid calibration, the RS must quence in both channels is made to begin 25 µs before the
have been calibrated on the same material as the material that trigger event. The raw captured waveform record of one of the
the SUT is to be used on. It is preferred that the RS be of a type two channels comprises 2048 ten-bit data with a sampling
interval t = 0.05 µs. Therefore, the total record has a length of
T = 102.4 µs. Reflections from the bottom of the block appear
approximately 60 µs after the beginning of the record in both
Burks, B.,“Re-examination of NIST Acoustic Emission Sensor Calibration:
Part I – Modeling the Loading from Glass Capillary Fracture,” Journal of Acoustic channels. These reflections are shown in the signals in Figs. 4
Emission, Vol 29, pp. 167–174. and 5 for a calibration by use of a prototype secondary

E1781/E1781M − 20

FIG. 5 Waveform of the SUT from Calibration of Fig. 2

FIG. 3 Comparison of Primary and Secondary Calibration Re-
sults for Another SUT Having a Nominal Diameter of 12.7 mm
[0.5 in.]; Worst Case Errors are 3 dB, While Most of the Data
Agree Within 1 dB
n = 2048,
j = 0, 1, 2, ..., n − 1,
sj = jth sample value in the RS channel,
uj = jth sample value in the SUT channel,
m = 0, 1, 2, ..., n/2 − 1, and
fm = m/T, the mth frequency in MHz.
The frequency separation is 1/T = 9.76 kHz. It is assumed
that sj and uj have been converted to volts by taking account of
the gains of the waveform recorders and any preamplifiers used
in the calibration. The (complex valued) response of the SUT
U ~ f m! S o~ f m!
D ~ f m! 5 (3)
S ~ f m!

where So(fm) represents the (complex valued) response of the

RS in volts per metre at the frequency fm. The values of So(fm)
are derived from primary calibration of the RS.

FIG. 4 Waveform of the RS from a Calibration Performed on the

7.3 Magnitude and Phase—The magnitude, rm, and phase,
Prototype Secondary Calibration System θm, of D(fm) are calculated from D(fm) in the usual way:
r m 5 D ~ f m ! ?, (4)
I @ D ~ f m! #
θ m 5 Arctan (5)
R @ D ~ f m! #
calibration system. It is undesirable to have the reflections
present in the captured waveforms because the reflected rays where I[z] and R[z], respectively, denote the imaginary and
arrive at the sensors from directions that are different from real parts of a complex argument, z. Calibration magnitude
those intended for the calibration. The record is truncated and data, wm, are usually expressed in decibels as follows:
padded as follows: data corresponding to times greater than w m 5 20 3 log10 ~ r m ! (6)
55 µs are replaced by values, all equal to the average of the last
ten values in the record prior to the 55 µs cutoff. The values of wm and θm are plotted versus frequency as
shown in Figs. 6 and 7 for the data in Figs. 4 and 5.
7.2 Complex Valued Spectra—Using a fast Fourier trans-
form (FFT), complex valued spectra S (fm) and U(fm) derived 7.4 Special Considerations—The FFT treats the function as
from the RS and SUT, respectively, are calculated: though it were periodic, with the period equal to the length of
n21 the time recorded. If initial and final values are unequal, a step
S ~ f m! 5 ( s exp~ i2πmj/n ! ,
j (1) exists between the last and first data point. The FFT produces
data that are contaminated by the spectrum of this step.
7.4.1 The fix that is applied in the prototype system is to add
U ~ f m! 5 ( u exp~ i2πmj/n !
j (2)
a linear function to the data as follows:

E1781/E1781M − 20
calculation in sequence of increasing frequency adds some
multiple of 2π to θm so that each value of θm is the nearest to
the preceding one. For most sensors, this routine produces
smooth phase versus frequency curves except when D(fm) goes
near zero. In this event, phase sometimes jumps by a multiple
of 2π. For a sensor with a relatively flat frequency response, the
routine works well, but if the sensor phase response oscillates
wildly, or if the sensor magnitude response goes near zero,
there exists a phase ambiguity that is a multiple of 2π.

8. Expected Uncertainty
8.1 Sources of Uncertainty—There are several sources of
uncertainty that affect the accuracy and repeatability of the
prototype secondary calibration method. Uncertainties in-
volved in the (primary) calibration of the RS and variability in
the mounting of the SUT as well as uncertainties introduced in
the waveform recording and digital processing all contribute to
FIG. 6 Magnitude of the Frequency Response of the SUT Derived
uncertainty of the secondary calibration result.
from the Data of Figs. 4 and 5
8.1.1 The repeatability between calibrations of a sensor with
remounting is poorer than without remounting. Making a
repeatable mechanical coupling of a sensor to a surface is
known to be a problem. In a secondary calibration procedure,
special care must be taken to minimize variability due to the
following: lack of flatness of the mounting face of the
transducer, the presence of small burrs on the surface of the test
block, dirt in the couplant layer, excessive viscosity of the
couplant, and variability in the amount or point of application
of the hold-down force.
8.1.2 There is a truncation error arising from the fact that the
captured waveform is limited to 55 µs. The SUT is shock-
excited primarily by the Rayleigh pulse; the waveform termi-
nation is approximately 30 µs later. Electrical output from the
sensor is lost if it occurs after this interval. For a sensor that has
a ringdown time of less than 30 µs, negligible error will occur;
however, to the extent to which there is ringing in progress at
the end of the interval, the captured waveform will be an
erroneous representation of the true response of the sensor. The
FIG. 7 Phase of the Frequency Response of the SUT Derived
from the Data of Figs. 4 and 5 assessment of truncation error is difficult. A larger test block
would allow longer waveform captures but is not considered
practical. For the accuracy statements of this standard to apply,
s' j 5 s j 1 ~ j/n !~ s o 2 s n21 ! , (7)
the transducer under test and the reference transducer must
u' j 5 u j 1 ~ j/n !~ u o 2 u n21 ! , (8) both be well enough damped that, for each, the ringing
The modified functions, s'j and u'j, have no steps between the amplitude at the termination of the capture window is no more
last and first data points. It has been shown analytically6 that than 2 % of the maximum peak signal amplitude. Other
this procedure and two other commonly used techniques for transducers may be tested by the system, but the results may be
dealing with step-like functions are all equivalent except at expected to have reduced accuracy.
zero frequency. This linear “ramp” function is applied to the 8.1.3 The Fourier transform yields discrete frequency com-
data after the padding operation. ponents separated by approximately 10 kHz. At frequencies
7.4.2 The phase associated with a complex valued quantity below 100 kHz, this scale becomes rather coarse. For sensors
is not uniquely determined. In the prototype system, first a that have smooth frequency responses, there is meaningful
four-quadrant arctangent routine chooses that value of θm information in the 10 to 100 kHz range, but it is difficult to
which lies in the interval between −π and +π. Using this establish an expected uncertainty in this range.
routine, jumps in θm occur whenever the value of θm crosses 8.1.4 Electronic noise and quantization noise become pro-
one of its limits, −π or +π. To avoid these jumps, a routine of gressively worse at high frequencies. At frequencies above
1.0 MHz, these effects result in variability of several dB in
Waldmeyer, J., “Fast Fourier Transform for Step-Like Functions: The Synthesis
successive calibrations of the same sensor. Therefore, the
of Three Apparently Different Methods,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and frequency band within which it is reasonable to establish error
Measurement, Vol IM-29, No. 1, pp. 36–39. limits is from 100 kHz to 1 MHz.

E1781/E1781M − 20
8.2 Quantitative Assessment of Uncertainty—For the pur-
poses of this discussion, uncertainty is considered to be the
limits of the error band that has a 95 % confidence level.
8.2.1 Uncertainties of the frequency response magnitude
data may be classified as follows: (1) those that are propor-
tional to signal amplitude from the SUT and (2) those that are
related to a certain fraction of the dynamic range of the
transient capturing equipment.
8.2.2 Uncertainties of the first type are attributed to such
variables as variations in sensor coupling, variations of ampli-
fier gain, temperature and aging effects on the sensor, etc.
These uncertainties define an error band that is proportional to
linear (not dB) signal magnitude and, therefore, may be
expressed as a percentage uncertainty applicable to all magni-
tude data. For the prototype secondary calibration system, the
total uncertainty of the first type is estimated to be approxi-
mately 616 %.
8.2.3 Uncertainties of the second type are associated with
electrical noise, digital roundoff, aliasing errors, and any other
errors associated with the transient capture process. The FIG. 8 Estimated Uncertainty, U , of the Calibration Frequency
magnitudes of these errors are fixed in relation to the maximum Response Data—Let M be the Largest Value of wm over the
Range 100 kHz to 1 MHz; Then, for any wm, B = M − wm, and the
signal level accepted by the transient recorder. Assuming that Uncertainty of wm is 6 U
amplification and gain settings are chosen for optimal use of
the dynamic range of the recorder, then these errors are related
to the maximum signal swing from the sensor and related fairly
closely to the amplitude of the sensor at the frequency of
maximum output. Based on the repeatability of calibration 8.3.2 Treating the uncertainties of the first and second types
results from tests of a sensor without remounting the sensor as statistically independent, the resulting total uncertainty is the
between tests, a reasonable allowance for the total uncertainty root sum of squares of the two component uncertainties. The
of the second type is approximately 62 % of the magnitude of total uncertainty is
the calibration result at the frequency of maximum output. U 5 20 3 log10 $ 16 @ ~ 0.16! 2 1 ~ 0.02 3 A ! 2 # 1/2 % (10)

8.3 Expression of Uncertainty in Decibels—A 16 % uncer- In the calculation of U, the negative sign has been chosen
tainty of the first type, if positive, would be 20 × log10 because it represents the worse of the two possible cases. For
(1 + 0.16) = + 1.3 dB and, if negative, would be 20 × log10 values of B greater than 30 dB, U is more than 9 dB, and the
(1 − 0.16) = −1.5 dB. For simplicity, the error band for the data are not reliable. Therefore, no accuracy claim is made for
uncertainty of the first type may be specified as 61.5 dB. data that are more than 30 dB down from the peak amplitude.
8.3.1 The total uncertainty of the second type varies from Fig. 8 shows total uncertainty, U, as a function of B.
frequency to frequency. This uncertainty is of constant magni-
tude and is, therefore, a greater fraction of the (linear) response 9. Proof Testing of a Secondary Calibration System
magnitude at frequencies at which the SUT has low output. An 9.1 It must be demonstrated by the calibration of at least
expression for this uncertainty in decibels is three sensors that the secondary calibration system produces
U m 5 20 3 log10 ~ 160.02 3 A m ! (9) repeatable results. For each of the three sensors, 95 % of the
calibration frequency response data must fall within an error
where: band defined by 6 U.
Am = exp[(Bm/20) × ln(10)], and
Bm = M − wm. 9.2 It must be demonstrated that, for at least one sensor, the
results of the secondary calibration are in agreement with those
and where: of a primary calibration. For this sensor, 95 % of the calibration
M = maximum value of wm over the frequency response data must agree with the primary calibra-
range 100 kHz to 1 MHz, tion data within an error band defined by 6(U + 1.5).
Am = ratio of the maximum (linear)
response magnitude to the (lin- 10. Typical Calibration Results
ear) response magnitude rm at the 10.1 As already introduced, Figs. 4 and 5 show typical
mth frequency, and waveform captures from the RS and SUT, respectively, as
Bm (a positive number) = decibel representation of Am. obtained on the prototype secondary calibration system, and
For the purpose of expressing the uncertainty band as a Figs. 6 and 7 show calibration frequency domain results
function of B, the “m” subscripts are dropped from U, A, and obtained from this data. Fig. 2, Fig. 3, and Fig. 9 show a
B. comparison of the results from primary calibration and from

E1781/E1781M − 20

NOTE 1—There is an absence of aperture nulls below 1 MHz, as

predicted. The worst case error is approximately 2.7 dB, while most of the
data agree within 1 dB.
FIG. 9 Comparison of Primary and Secondary Calibration Results
for a NIST Conical Transducer, Having an Aperture Diameter of
1.4 mm [0.055 in.]

prototype secondary calibration conducted on three sensors.

Each of the two curves in each figure displays the results of a
single calibration.
11. Keywords
11.1 acoustic emission; acoustic emission sensor calibra-
tion; acoustic emission sensor secondary calibration; sensor


Committee E07 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(E1781/E1781M – 19) that may impact the use of this standard. (April 1, 2020)

(1) Updated 3.2.1.

Committee E07 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(E1781/E1781M – 13) that may impact the use of this standard. (July 1, 2019)

(1) Added to 3.2.1 an alternative for the reference sensor.

(2) Miscellaneous edit—replaced “floppy disc” with “compact
disc” in 6.6.

E1781/E1781M − 20
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
(www.astm.org). Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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